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1、救援探測機器人發(fā)展現(xiàn)狀目前,礦井救災方式只是根據(jù)事故的類型確定救災的方案,一般救護人員無 法進入危險區(qū)域,只能通過提升絞車移動式風車等設備清除垃圾,向井下通風, 然后再搜救遇險礦工這種方式危險性大,傷亡人數(shù)多,救災周期長,往往效率低 隨著科技的發(fā)展,機器人將被應用到煤礦救災領域。采用虛擬現(xiàn)實技術,遙控機 器人進行工作,救災機器人利用自身的優(yōu)點,可實現(xiàn)大范圍移動,能迅速找到井 下遇險礦工的位置,能大大減少救生隊員的傷亡和并有效加快搜救速度,對提高 救災效率具有重大意義。在當今社會,研究有自己特色的救災機器人,無疑具有 巨大的社會效益和經(jīng)濟效益。就目前存在的井下機器人來看,救災機器人在用途上可分為

2、兩類:環(huán)境探測 機器人和營救機器人。環(huán)境探測機器人探測、采集、發(fā)送礦井災害環(huán)境參數(shù)和信 息,包括瓦斯、CO、02、溫度和其他災害特征氣體等,以及生命、圖像等信息, 為地面決策者提供相關信息,這類機器人體需要積較小,靈活。營救機器人是要 將受傷礦工轉(zhuǎn)移到安全的地方,需要很大的力量,體積需要較大。目前礦井營救 機器人還沒有開始研發(fā),主要是研發(fā)礦井探測機器人。而所謂救援探測機器人, 就是對災害環(huán)境進行探測并對探測到的生命進行一定救援幫助的機器人。在國外,救災機器人發(fā)展迅速,技術日益成熟,并進入實用化階段。探測機器人方面,日本美國英國等已開始裝備使用在災難現(xiàn)場中,救災機器 人應能迅速找到幸存者的位置。

3、日本大阪大學研制出蛇形機器人,能在高低不平 的模擬廢墟上前進,其頂端帶有一部小型監(jiān)視器,身體部位安裝傳感器,可以 在地震后的廢墟里尋找幸存者。美國i Robot公司研制了 Pack-Bot系列機器人, 能適應崎嶇不平的地形環(huán)境和爬樓梯,主要執(zhí)行偵察任務尋找幸存者勘探化學品 泄漏等任務InuKtun公司研制了機器人MicroVGTV,機身可變位,采用電纜控制, 含有直視的彩色攝像頭,并帶有微型話筒和揚聲器,可用于與壓在廢墟中的幸存 者通話,適用于在小的孔洞和空間中執(zhí)行任務除了前面的中小型救災機器人,微 型救災機器人也正在研究中,美國加州大學伯克利分校研制出世界第一個蒼蠅機 器人,通過裝在它腦袋上

4、的微型傳感器與微型攝像機,可以到倒塌的建筑物廢墟 底下或其他災難場所尋找幸存者。2001年“911事件”后,美國主要機器人生產(chǎn)公司和研究機構(gòu)都組織參加了 紐約世貿(mào)大廈現(xiàn)場搜救工作。包括南佛羅里達大學機器人輔助搜尋與救援研究中 心、MIT的i Robot公司、美國海軍的SPAWAR研究中心以及具有50多年歷史的 Foster-Miller公司等。據(jù)時代周刊報道,在最初的十天里,搜救機器人在救援 人員與警犬無法到達的狹小,危險空間里搜到10余具遇難者遺體,與現(xiàn)場搜救 工作人員搜到的數(shù)量基本相同,但所花時間卻不到現(xiàn)場搜救人員所用時間的一 半。救護機器人方面,日本已研究了一臺救護機器人并于1994年第

5、一次投入使 用,它采用橡膠履帶,帶有電視攝像機易燃氣體檢測儀超聲波探測器等信息收集 裝置,還有兩只最大抓力為90KG重的機械手,可將幸存者舉起并送到救護平臺 上。此外,為了提高救災效率,機器人還可以清理現(xiàn)場的障礙物,美國陸軍工兵 學校和無人地面車輛聯(lián)合計劃辦公室聯(lián)合研制了遙控清理機器人Panther。在國內(nèi),救災機器人的研究剛剛起步,但進展很快。國內(nèi)的礦用機器人發(fā)展 主要是在探測機器人方面。中科院沈陽自動化所在2002年研制了一種蛇形機器 人,由16個單自由度關節(jié)模塊和蛇頭蛇尾組成,在監(jiān)控系統(tǒng)的無線控制下可實 現(xiàn)蜿蜒前進后退側(cè)移翻滾等多種動作,并能通過安裝在蛇頭上的微型攝像頭將現(xiàn) 場圖像傳回監(jiān)

6、控系統(tǒng)。2003年3月在東南大學召開了危險惡劣環(huán)境作業(yè)機器人 技術研討會,會議圍繞 危險作業(yè)機器人的今后重點發(fā)展方向如何組織全國力量 培育重點課題和加快發(fā)展我國的危險作業(yè)機器人技術展開了熱烈的討論,并取得 了共識。2006年6月,中國礦業(yè)大學的機器人研究所成功研制了 “CUMT-1” 礦井救災機器人,并對救災機器人的機構(gòu)設計做了一些有益的嘗試,這是我國第 一臺用于煤礦救援的礦井搜救機器人。該機器能夠探測災害環(huán)境,實時傳回災區(qū) 的瓦斯、CO、粉塵濃度和溫度以及高分辨率的現(xiàn)場圖像等信息;具有雙向語音對 講功能,能夠使受傷人員與受害者進行快速聯(lián)絡,指揮受傷人員選擇最佳逃生路 徑;具有無線網(wǎng)絡通訊功能

7、;同時還攜帶有食品、水、藥物、救護工具等救助物 資,使受害者能夠開展積極自救。下面是目前使用的幾類礦井以及災害救援機器人:幻SOUI瓦#勾EiniHM JflB urtnri 機,lt A圉1炭帶式搜就和器人UK應(b) g.g囹# 是舛iRobos PackBor 點授就相囂入間*村跋金if血也禁辦 TfW*閨3 加拿大Inukiuti 4 M MkmVGTV步密 址就帆若兀fxhCMUtf M7JU I #K.鏟臺鴕蛀陷機H人炸p加州大學稍七“樣位 屹期到施幌帆右大114-ASrXMffr蛇息FUI人國4 位生拽Jt批罰人綜合機器人研究與發(fā)展現(xiàn)狀,救援探測機器人的研究與發(fā)展過程中存在的主

8、要問題包括以下幾個方面:礦井下活動的首要條件是安全。所以礦用設備必須滿足的條件就是符合本安 防爆的標準,設計保證小功率工作。為了工作人員攜帶方便,也為了搜救機械人 能夠更靈活的井下作業(yè),搜救機器人要求體積、重量要盡量更小、更輕。移動/機械結(jié)構(gòu)。災難事故中,現(xiàn)場地理環(huán)境比較惡劣,要求救援機器人具 有多種靈活的移動結(jié)構(gòu),以適應不同環(huán)境。一方面,在每層坍塌地方需要靈活越 障能力較強的移動結(jié)構(gòu),能夠順利行走;在平坦的地方,救援工作的時間緊迫, 就需要機器人能夠有更快的移動速度,輪式,或者在井下利用軌道移動式等。現(xiàn) 有移動結(jié)構(gòu)從軍用輪履式結(jié)構(gòu)向仿生結(jié)構(gòu)比如蛇形和蒼蠅結(jié)構(gòu)等方向發(fā)展,更靈 活小巧。導航與定

9、位。越障、避障是救災任務完成的前提,自然路標導航與定位技 術、視覺導航中的路標識別、圖像處理的快速算法以及專用數(shù)字信號處理器(DSP) 的開發(fā)與研制等方面的研究,也可使救災機器人的導航與定位取得突破性進展。 根據(jù)井下巷道的分布圖進行導航在控制終端繪制行進路線圖,隨時對比修正救災 機器人的位置,實現(xiàn)機器人定位的可視化,向救災中心提供幸存者的位置,完成 任務后回到救災中心。人機通訊方式。救災機器人通訊系統(tǒng)負責完成前方與后方之間的雙向信息交 流,包括數(shù)據(jù)通訊視頻信號音頻信號的通訊,其控制方式分為線控式無線遙控式 自適應式目前,大多數(shù)使用線控式和無線遙控式。傳感檢測裝置與多傳感器融合。井下環(huán)境復雜,瓦

10、斯、CO、02、溫度和其他 災害特征氣體等,以及生命、圖像等信息,尤其是探測幸存者是一項非常困難的 任務,幸存者的征兆只有呻吟聲體溫身體的氣味以及其他體征等信息,這些都要 借助于傳感器來識別。目前,根據(jù)需要探測要求,常用的傳感器有熱紅外傳感器、 嗅覺傳感器、聲波振動傳感器、視頻傳感器以及生命探測儀等。同時用多種傳感 器,個傳感器之間的信號干擾,數(shù)據(jù)采集等都是需要考慮的因素。Research and Rescue robotWith the continuous development of science and technology,with the more and more resear

11、ch of robot technology ,robots are slowly finding their way into the hands of search and rescue groups.Robots engineered specifically for the search and rescue in mine detection domain have been paid great attention especially.The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has created a s

12、et of reference test arenas for evaluating the performance of mobile autonomous robots performing search and rescue tasks.Now lets have a brief introduce about the development and the present situation of the search and rescue robot both at home and abroad.A long standing goal of mobile robotics has

13、 been to allow robots to work in environments unreachable or too hazardous to risk human lives. Urban search and rescue is one of the most hazardous environments imaginable with victims often buried in unreachable locations. Rescue robotics is the application of robotics to the search and rescue dom

14、ain. The goal of rescue robotics is to extend the capabilities of human rescuers while also increasing their safety. In particular,the inside of severe earthquake stricken buildings or underground area should be investigated in advance of manned rescue operation in order to avoid risk of suffering f

15、rom secondary disaster. During the rescue mission the mobile robot is deployed on the rescue site, while the human tele- operator is monitoring the robots activities and giving the orders from a safe place outside of the site.Rescue robot are widely used mainly in the following sections:Urban search

16、 and rescue(USAR) robots have a relatively short history and their use is relatively new. In-uktun Services Ltd. conducted the first documented investigation of using robots for search and rescue in 1993. Although academic interest in this application of robots dates back to the 1995 Oklahoma City B

17、ombing and Kobe Japan Earthquakes, the first documented use of robots at a search and rescue site was shortly after September 11, 2001 in the aftermath of the World Trade Center(WTC)disaster. Retired Lt.Col. John Blitch led military, commercial, andaca-demic robotic groups from around the nation to

18、assist in the response effort. Although the robots used in the search were not originally designed for USAR, their successful performance during the response proved the robots value as tools in USAR incidents. As with any first time event, difficulties and relationships within the environment were i

19、dentified. This provided a baseline for future development of search and rescue robots.The World Trade Center (WTC) rescue response provided an unfortunate opportunity to study the human-robot interactions (HRI) during a real un-staged rescue for the first time. A post-hoc analysis was performed on

20、the data collected during the response, which resulted in 17 findings on the impact of the environment and conditions on the HRI: the skills displayed and needed by robots and humans, the details of the Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) task, the social informatics in the USAR domain, and what informat

21、ion is communicated at what time. The results of this work impact the field of robotics by providing a case study for HRI in USAR drawn from an un-staged USAR effort. Eleven recommendations are made based on the findings that impact the robotics, computer science, engineering, psychology, and rescue

22、 fields. These recommendations call for group organization and user confidence studies, more research into perceptual and assistive interfaces, and formal models of the state of the robot, state of the world, and information as to what has been observed.Robots in mine rescue . After a coal mine disa

23、ster, especially a gas and coal dust explosion, the space-restricted and unstructured underground terrain and explosive gas require coal mine rescue robots with good obstacle-surmounting performance and explosion-proof capability. To deal with this complicated problem, we must first solve a number o

24、f more simple tasks.An overall configuration of robot that can cross obstacles flexibly in the complicated unstructured environment , high mobility of walking mechanism and joint module are essential factors to be designed .A new scene recognition system was presented based on fuzzy logic and hidden

25、 Markov model(HMM) that can be applied in mine rescue robot localization during emergencies. The system uses monocular camera to acquire omni-directional images of the mine environment where the robot locates. By adopting center-surround difference method, the salient local image regions are extract

26、ed from the images as natural landmarks. These landmarks are organized by using HMM to represent the scene where the robot is, and fuzzy logic strategy is used to match the scene and landmark. By this way, the localization problem, which is the scene recognition problem in the system, can be convert

27、ed into the evaluation problem of HMM. The contributions of these skills make the system have the ability to deal with changes in scale, 2D rotation and viewpoint. The results of experiments also prove that the system has higher ratio of recognition and localization in both static and dynamic mine e

28、nvironments.To have more progress in the research of search and rescue robot development ,there are still more arduous tasks to do.參考文獻:王勇,朱華,王永勝,程剛,李允旺;煤礦救災機器人研究現(xiàn)狀及需要重點解決的技術問題 J;煤礦機械;2007年04期王忠民,劉軍,竇智,杜占靈;礦難救援機器人的研究應用現(xiàn)狀與開發(fā)J;煤礦機械;2007 年11期楊朝虹,張海珠;機器人技術的應用與發(fā)展A;先進制造技術論壇暨第五屆制造業(yè)自動化 與信息化技術交流會論文集C;2006年4.

29、宋國棟;移動機器人組合導航系統(tǒng)設計與應用的研究D;南京理工大學;2006年呂漫麗;基于多傳感器信息融合的移動機器人避障研究D;東北電力大學;2008年咸寶金;基于專家系統(tǒng)的數(shù)據(jù)融合技術及在機器人避障中的應用D;北方工業(yè)大學;2008 年7.S.Tadokoro, T. Takamori, et al., On robotic rescue facilities for disastrous earthquakes -from the Great Hanshin Awaji (Kobe) Earthquake-, Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, 9(1

30、), pp.46-56, 1997.8.J. Casper, Human-Robot Interactions during the Robot-Assisted Urban Search and Rescue Response at the World Trade Center, MS Thesis, Computer Science and Engineering, USF, April 2002.9.S.Tadokoro, H. Kitano, et al., The RoboCup-Rescue Project: A Robotic Approach to the Disaster M

31、itigation Problem, Proceedings of the 2000 IEEE International conference on Robotics & Automation, pp.4090-4095, 2000.A. Jacoff, E. Messina and J. Evans, A standard test course for urban search and rescue robots, Proceedings of Performance Metrics for Intelligent Systems Workshop, 2000.K. Osuka, R. Murp


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