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1、LEAPPresented by: Eric PelanderMay 21, 2002ContentsSubject or context Major idea or recommendation Benefits or value propositionEvidence and analysis Detailed recommendations and actionsThis Effort Is Designed to Assist the XYZ Company to identify Wireless Market OpportunitiesDefine the Wireless Mar

2、ketplace and Its EvolutionDescribe and Size Wireless MarketsIdentify XYZs - Addressable MarketsKey market players and dynamicsIBMs perspective on the key strategic issuesNear-term evolution of the wireless marketApplication markets and sizesDevices markets and sizesInfrastructure markets and sizesCu

3、rrent players in each market and relative strengths and weaknessesIdentify and describe XYZ -addressable marketsEvaluate the size of the impact that XYZ can makeIdentify critical success factorsXYZs objective is to gain insight into the evolution of the wireless market in order to identify market op

4、portunities for XYZ Identify Un-Addressed Opportunities for XYZ Market compositionKey playersCritical success factorsEvaluate opportunities against XYZ capabilities, customers, channels, and technologiesSUMMARY CONCLUSIONSSubject - ContextInternet Channels Will Provide Incremental Leads and RevenueI

5、BM believes there is a substantial opportunity in the online leasing marketXYZ Company should target the following customer segments:Professional Services and ManufacturingIT, office, and manufacturing collateral classesSmall business, small ticket marketThese customers should be targeted with a mul

6、ti-channel approach:IndirectAggregatorsDirectThe major channel to these customers will be the indirect one-through Internet intermediaries that give access to the customer at the point of transactionEach of these channels appeal to customers with unique buying behaviorsCompetitors are moving into th

7、e online leasing space; XYZ Company should move quicklyMajor Idea - RecommendationXYZ Company Should Simultaneously Pursue Three Internet Channels Through a Variety of PartnershipsTarget PartnersChannelOfferingCompetitive IntensityDirectTraffic drivers for target segmentsEducational contentOnline ap

8、plicationsAutomated credit decisioningMedium; building among start-up funding aggregators, traditional lessors, and banksIndirectOnline StorefrontsOnline exchangesOFPsAutomated credit decisioningEducational contentOnline applicationsMedium; aggregators and lessors are moving towards partnering with

9、online vendorsAggregatorAggregators that allow competitive differentiation beyond priceLease funding and fulfillmentAutomated credit scoringLow, though VC is pouring into this spaceChannels Are Ranked by Relative PriorityTarget SegmentRookieEstablishedSavvyEXECUTIVE SUMMARYMajor Idea - Recommendatio

10、nThe Indirect Channel Is the Highest PriorityOur research into customer behaviors suggests that customers are most likely to lease at the point of purchaseEquipment vendors will drive significant online transaction volumeThis channel allows XYZ Company to leverage its core competency of sourcing dea

11、l indirectly: Early indications suggest that online equipment aggregators and vendors require a smaller fee for deal referrals than offline lease brokers requireA growing number of online equipment vendors currently offer leasing:Branded and unbranded strategies are being usedEXECUTIVE SUMMARYWhile

12、the indirect channel will drive the most immediate revenue impact, XYC Company should also pursue the direct and aggregator channels in parallel.Major Idea - RecommendationBased on the Estimated Volume, Online Revenue and Gross Income Grow RapidlySource: Forrester, ELA, US Census, IDC, XYZ , IBM$ Mi

13、llions$ MillionsEXECUTIVE SUMMARYKey AssumptionsXYZ Volume ranges from $121MM to $202MM in 2004Channel Partner Fee = 3%Cost of Money = 6.5%Average rate = 16.5%High AdoptionLow AdoptionBenefits - Value PropositionThe cable triple play offering significantly overlaps with XYZ s core residential servic

14、e offerings Competitive ThreatsCableWireless Sub.PortalsDescription of ServiceDescription of ThreatThe cable triple play consists of three basic services:Broadcast TVHigh-speed dataCable telephonyAncillary services include:Video-on-demandVideoconferencingHome securityCable providers already sell ser

15、vices to a large majority of the U.S. populationThe cable footprint covers nearly the entire U.S. home populationThe take rate for service is approximately 65%Cable providers are currently digitalizing their networks and deploying high-speed data services which compete directly with XYZ s high-growt

16、h DSL serviceCable providers are beginning to deploy cable telephony which will compete directly with XYZ s core residential serviceCable telephony will become increasingly more of a threat in the next couple of years as the DOCSIS standard for VoIP becomes implementedHFC cable maintains a competiti

17、ve advantage over DSL in terms of bandwidth capacity which allows for additional service offerings including video-on-demand and videoconferencing Cable providers will offer broad and attractively priced bundles to encourage consumers to switch to cable telephonyCable Triple Play ThreatEvidence - An

18、alysisCable offerings will continue to emerge as the digital cable footprint reaches nearly 90% of passed cable homes by 2005Cable companies have already updated a large majority of their networks and are projected to sell ancillary services at a steep rate of penetrationCompetitive ThreatsCableWire

19、less Sub.PortalsSource: Deutsche Bank equity research 9/06/01.U.S. Digital Footprint1998 - 2005U.S. Digital Service Take Rate1998 - 2005As of 2Q:01, 9.3 million homes were cable telephone ready with 1.2 million subscribersEvidence - Analysis2022/7/12 10 Even though DSL and Cable Modems have similar

20、take rates, Cable modems will dominate due to it larger addressable marketHigh-speed Data Subscribers21999 - 2005Due to the fact that DSL access is limited to those customers who reside close to a DSLAM, the cable modem addressable market will exceed the DSL addressable market by 30 million homes by

21、 2005 Competitive ThreatsCableWireless Sub.Portals58%37%39%55%54%38%36%53%53%35%MSDW equity research 6/29/01 and Deutsche Bank equity research 9/06/01CIBC World Markets, Equity Research.SalomonSmithBarney equity research 8/20/0 and Deutche Bank equity research 9/06/01 (includes residential an commer

22、cial DSL subscribers) Broadband Subscribers (millions)DSL vs Cable Modem Take Rate11999 - 2005As of 2Q:01, XYZ had 360K DSL subs out of 3.7M DSL ready homes (9.8%)3Evidence - AnalysisCable providers have the opportunity to layer on new service offerings with only marginal incremental capital expense

23、Incremental CapEx per Subscriber for Additional Service Offerings1Cable providers have the opportunity to update their cable lines at $1,422 per subscriber to increase the average monthly subscriber revenue by $124 to $194 per month Competitive ThreatsCableWireless Sub.PortalsAssumes capital expendi

24、tures over a 6 year period discounted at 13% and switch-based cable telephony.Assumes no discount on bundled services, modest take rates and switch-based cable telephony.Source: Bear Stearns equity research 5/01, ABN Amro equity research 6/0, Deutsche Bank equity research 9/06/01 and IBM analysis.In

25、cremental Capex per SubscriberRevenue per Subscriber per Month for All Service Offerings2Revenue per Subscriber per Month$194$1,422Incremental RevenueEvidence - AnalysisAttractive EBITDA margins allow cable providers to quickly reach breakeven on new service offeringsIncremental EBITDA per Subscribe

26、r per Month For Additional Service Offerings1Assuming a 15% take rate, cable providers can recoup their investment in switch-based telephony in 34 months Competitive ThreatsCableWireless Sub.PortalsAssumes a 35% revenue share with ISP for HSD and switch-based cable telephony.Assumes modest take rate

27、s and switch-based cable telephony.Source: Bear Stearns equity research 5/01, ABN Amro equity research 6/0, Deutsche Bank equity research 9/06/01 and IBM analysis.Incremental EBITDA per Subscriber per MonthPayback Period for AdditionalService Offerings2Months34EBITDAMargin57%29%45%45%14265Evidence -

28、 AnalysisStrategic Implications of Our Work AreTo achieve positive EBITDA and cash flow XYZ s business needs to improve dramatically along two critical dimensions:Immediate reduction and subsequent control of operational costsSubstantial revenue growth driven by new customer acquisitionWhile a mix o

29、f actions may be implemented to improve the ongoing cost structure, new customer acquisition remains essentialIt is therefore imperative that XYZ create a new customer acquisition strategy based on a more detailed understanding of the market and customer needAssuming the revised management plan (bas

30、e case) is successfully implemented, XYZ will still require minimum additional funding of $130 million and a new capital injection by August of 2001However, given that the management plan assumes flawless execution against a demanding set of improvements in all aspects of the business, contingency p

31、lans should be considered immediately; these could include more drastic operating improvement and/or acquisitionSTRATEGIC IMPLICATIONSRecommendations - Actions2022/7/12 14 Operational Implications AreBroaden focus on SMC improvements from cycle time to also include productivity improvement over time

32、Continue effort to migrate network to a data center focus and eliminate POPsContinue focus on channel partners as a source of customersContinue to pursue customer purchase of equipmentConduct business cases including break-evens and market assessments for new product launch decisions (e.g., software

33、 provisioning, direct attach storage, development environment)Conduct business cases around any initial investments requested by channel partners; adjust terms to ensure partner delivers on their portion of obligationsOPERATIONAL IMPLICATIONSRecommendations - Actions2022/7/12 15 Operational Control

34、and Tracking Implications of Our Work AreDefine and assign product codes for all expenses and POs, assets, and GL entries so that costs can be tracked by productProvide an integrated data source for customer orders including (product) line items ordered, servers on line, bandwidth usage and discount

35、s, that can be sorted by product and customerReview expenses against budget with each operating manager, director, and AVP monthly to ensure accountability for expenses and capital at every levelCreate linkages between circuit cost information in the GL and utilization statistics in Engineering for

36、a single source of circuit economic dataIdentify and resolve recurring expenses in the general ledger which are miscoded (for department)OPERATIONAL IMPLICATIONSRecommendations - ActionsIBM Strategy & Change Practices Presentation Format Template, All Rights Reserved 2022/7/12 17 Any preliminary or

37、disclaimer text can go here. For example:This template is primarily intended for documents meant to be read or used as a “l(fā)eave behind. It may be used for either color or black and white printouts. Presentations intended for delivery to a large audience in a large room should use the template with t

38、he dark color background. IntroductionContents or agenda pageFraming the issuesComponents of loyaltyCustomer lifetime value analysisIdentifying loyalty driversMoving forwardNote that the contents/agenda items are written in sentence case.Title the page “Contents if the document is meant to be read o

39、r is a “l(fā)eave behind. Use “agenda if the document will be presented formally. This page should appear at the beginning of each section, with the highlighted section appearing in teal/bold and with an arrow in front of it.AgendaContents or agenda page with sub-topicsDesign elementsBasic elements Colo

40、r paletteCapitalizationIconic TrackersText layoutsBulleted textPlace cardsEnhanced listsQuotesGraphic layoutsGraphsTables and matricesDiagramsScreen shotsRemember to change the document title tracker (found on the Slide Master) when you create a new document. It should match the name of the file.Des

41、ign elementsDesign elements in this template are based on several factorsThe font Bodoni is used in the “IBM Strategy & Change headerIBM currently uses Bodoni in its Global Services logo as well as in its e-business logosA pixelated arrow is used as a kicker box indicator and to indicate Contents/Ag

42、enda item selectionIBM currently uses the same pixelated arrow on their Web siteThe arrow is made up of small squaresThe gray, square dotted line under the page header echoes the square dots used in the pixelated arrowThe line does not run the entire width of the pageSince the line is gray and dotte

43、d, it does not compartmentalize the page as would a solid black lineDesign elements basic elementsExample of e-business LogoSource: Elements are separated by semicolons; Elements are separated by semicolons, with no periodThis is the headline, which should typically be writtenas a complete sentenceT

44、he headline is Arial, 20 point, bold, blackIt should not be resizedIt should not have more than two linesWhen a headline is two lines long, choose a division that is grammatically logical and aesthetically pleasingIdeally, the top line should be moderately longer than the lower lineAvoid dividing ar

45、ticles from nouns, prepositions from prepositional phrases,verbs from nouns, etc.The text above the headline is called the “running header or “breadcrumbIt is Arial, 12 point, lowercase, plain, light graySub-topics are preceded by “ and sub-subtopics are preceded by “Include the header even if the d

46、ocument is short and has no sections (put the title of the document in there in such a case)Design elements basic elements sub-sub-sections if necessaryInsert a carriage return in headlines and other text as appropriate to avoid “widows an unbalanced look where only a word or two appear on the secon

47、d line.Subtitles Are 16 pt., Bold Teal, and in Title CaseThis color palette is based on the IBM Global Services Consulting Web pageThe use of blue, teal, and gray creates a somewhat monochromatic palette that is both sophisticated and soothingSelect from the palette shown below for graphsand other c

48、olor elementsColor PaletteThe fewer colors used the betterDesign elements color paletteIBM Global Services Web PageR-16G-B-218R-24G-130B-125R-113G-24B-210R-255G-0B-0R-185G-185B-185R-150G-150B-150R-0G-91B-160R-253G-B-59Additional colors if neededWhile other colors may appear in your color palette (e.

49、g., in the second row), avoid use of colors that arenot shown above.Subtitles and chart/graph titles continue to use title caseIn general, the first word and all nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs should be capitalizedShort articles and prepositions are lower case; those more than four

50、letters long are capitalizedFollow the same rules for hyphenated words (e.g., State-of-the-Art, Next-Generation, , E-Commerce, Web-Based)Short prepositions that are part of compound nouns/verbs may sometimes be capitalized (e.g., Start-Up, Heading Up, Spin-Off, Cast Out)Design elements capitalizatio

51、naanandatawaybydownforfromoverthanthetoupuponviawithAdverbs and Conjunctions:AlsoAsButIfNotSoThatThenWhenWhileYetPrepositions:AboutAcrossAfterAroundBeforeBelowBetweenExceptInside ThroughWithinPronouns: HeHimItSheThemTheyUsWeWhichYouCapitalization Rules When Using Title CaseVerbs: AreBeCutHasIsRunUse

52、Upper Case ExamplesLower Case ExamplesinintonorofoffonoroutIn the iconic tracker, the lines are light gray,and the fill is light blue Design elements iconic trackersStrength of SolutionStrength of CompanyLowHighLowHighAC NielsenKenosiaMercariInformation Resources, Inc. (IRI)Interactive EdgeDemantraR

53、W3 TechnologiesCategory Management Solution Vendors: Overall PositioningContents or agenda pageDesign elementsBasic elements Color paletteCapitalizationIconic TrackersText layoutsBulleted textPlace cardsEnhanced listsQuotesGraphic layoutsGraphsTables and matricesDiagramsScreen shotsAgendaThis is a s

54、tandard text page with bulleted text and a kicker boxMajor points have teal square bullets (as shown) and are Arial, 16 pt., normalSubpoints: medium-dash (“N-dash) bullets (as shown), Arial, 14 pt., normalSub-subpoints: colored square bullets (as shown), Arial, 12 pt., normalText should generally be

55、 no smaller than 12 pt.Maintain consistency in the structure of your bulletsAre not necessarily written in complete sentencesShould have parallel construction (e.g., all complete sentences, all nouns,all verb-object phrases)Should include at least two bullets at any given levelRather than pressing r

56、eturn at the end of every line to wrap text, adjust the right side of the text boxText layouts bulleted textThis is the “kicker box. The shorter it is, the better. Keep it to a maximum of three lines. Do not make it wider, or distort the graphic elements by resizing.Our new format for “place or “mon

57、opoly cards uses no linesTopicBulletSub-bulletSub-bulletSub-bulletBulletSub-bulletSub-bulletSub-bulletBulletTopicBulletSub-bulletSub-bulletSub-bulletBulletSub-bulletSub-bulletSub-bulletBulletTopicBulletSub-bulletSub-bulletSub-bulletBulletSub-bulletSub-bulletSub-bulletBulletText layouts place cardsIf

58、 you need more than three “cards, consider using a “table format instead.If a full sentence, column headers should not be capitalizedThis is standard layout for two text blocks (similar to “cards) that each occupy half a pageSample text on the left side of the page (usually starts at 14 point)Sub-bu

59、llets would then be 12 pointSub-bullets would then be 12 pointSample text on the left side of the page (usually starts at 14 point)Sub-bullets would then be 12 pointSub-bullets would then be 12 pointSample text on the left side of the page (usually starts at 14 point)Sub-bullets would then be 12 poi

60、ntSub-bullets would then be 12 pointSample text on the right side of the page (usually starts at 14 point)Sub-bullets would then be 12 pointSub-bullets would then be 12 pointSample text on the right side of the page (usually starts at 14 point)Sub-bullets would then be 12 pointSub-bullets would then


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