



1、BIK Shanghai International Ltd.Tel: +86 21 68918200 Fax: +86 21 68918205File No.: BIK.QC-FI-05Quality Con trol Checklist-Wood Furniture1. Rough Mill:1.1 Check moisture content on lumber in kil n. Check moisture on plywood parts.1.2 Check to in sure rough cut parts are the correct len gth, width, hei

2、ght or thick ness to allow for mach ining.1.3 Check to in sure there are no dead knots in the parts and thatthe live knots conform to product quality requireme nts.1.4 In spect for wind shake, splits, hon eycombs, crack ing, etc.2. Lam in ati on Departme nt:2.1 In sure that parts to be lam in ated a

3、re lam in ated on both sides before clampi ng.2.2 In sure that grain directi onis reversed on all parts beinglam in ated.2.3 In spect for moisture content after the lam in ati on process.2.4 In spect for rough cut sizes to in sure allowa nces are made for machi nin g, le ngth, width, height or thick

4、 ness.3. Machi ne Departme nt:3.1 All parts need to be checked for proper size and machining accord ing to the detail.3.2 Inspect moisture content. (If moisture content is above 8%re-dry parts.)3.3 All parts mach ined to spec sheets and FC sta ndard spec Bk.3.4 There are no parts splitt ing or crack

5、 ing.3.5 There are no ope n grains.3.6 Check for parts being square whe n applicable.3.7 Dry fit parts to check for proper fit.3.8 Check all right an gles.3.9 In spect tops with straight edge for warp ing.3.10 Check Rab Parts for proper depth and con siste nt mach ining.3.11 Check that all revealsar

6、e clean at 90% and uniform in size andlen gth.3.12 In spect door style, door, side pan els, part ing rails, etc. For proper con struct ion and warp ing (Use straight edge).3.13 Check all board and mortised parts for proper size bori ng and tennon.3.14 Check all miters and compo und miters for con si

7、ste ncy and fit.3.15 Check bori ng for hardware, shelves and adjustable shelf hole第4頁共4頁spac ing.3.16 All reveal and tops are uniform in size.3.17 In sure that bunn feet that cannot be tur ned into the carcuss post have the correct dowel le ngth.4. Carvi ng Departme nt:4.1 Checkthat all carvings are

8、 consistent and complete. ( Used mirror image con cept)5. Pre Assembly:5.1 Check to in sure that parts fit properly.6. Pre Sanding - Parts Sanding:6.1 In sure all parts are san ded properly.6.2 In sure that the edges are broke on all parts.6.3 Pre-fill all tops that have ope n grain.7. Assembly:7.1

9、Check carcuss to in sue proper fit at all joints and that theyare properly glued and screwed.7.2 In sure the carcus is leveled. (Sits Level)7.3 Check outter carcus for square.7.4 Check all door and drawer compartme nts for square and proper dime nsion. Check carcus top for level, front, back, and si

10、des (Use straight edge)7.5 In sure that all items are strong and stable. (Use-weight testby appl ying mini mal pressure)7.6 Check corner blocks * in sure they have been glued and screwedl7.7 Check parting rails to include dust bottom for proper fit and that they are not warp| ng.7.8 Check all under

11、arts for uniformity. (Table Apron)7.9 Check to in sure proper bridg ing is in stalled on all tables.7.10 Check for proper Drawer Costruct ion and pitch.7.11 Check for proper shelf fitt ingand clear nee for no stick ing andproper cleara nee. ( By F.C Specs Book)7.12 Check to in sure that all in side

12、and out side dime nsions are correct accord ing to the overall size.7.13 Check chair seat depths.7.14 In sure that all pitchs conform to specificati ons.7.15 In sure no gauges, scratches, den ts, n ails or spli ntered areas are on the item.7.16 All drawer and door deges need to be rounded. (Hand San

13、d Edges)7.17 In sure that all overlays | have bee n properly allig ned, glued and pinned n ailed.7.18 All doors and side pan els being a solid or ven eered panl musthave a floati ng panel con struct ion.(Check Spec. Book forCon struscti on)7.19 Check all legs for champer and rounding.7.20 In sure al

14、l bunn feet have bee n glued and screwed.7.21 In sure back pan els are square and screwed on not glued.7.22 Check tops for proper instillation, fit and screwing.7.23 In sure brass is perma nen tly fixed with epoxy and n ailed, and taped for finishing purposes.Unit Sandin g:光澤In sure that proper sand

15、ing is done throughout the en tire case.In sure all carv ings are flutter san ded and hand san ded.In sure all gauges, den ts, scratches, cracks it are filled and san ded.Cracks and splits 1/8” or larger need to be slivered.No ven eer used for patch ing on solid pieces.Patch follows grain in existin

16、g item as much as possible and patch does not have definite shape. EX. Square, round, oval, ect.All patches should be 1/4” in thickness for solid pieces.Check for glue runs.Polish SandingCheck surfaces in side and out for con siste nt sanding.Check carv ings for proper final sanding.Fi nish ing:In s

17、ure proper materials are being used accordi ng to the step pan el.In sure the in side finish is con siste nt and matches the outside.Overall finish is eve n and con siste nt.Tops, bottoms and back pan els of items are to be fini shed.All surfaces are smooth and free of overspray.Check for the finnis

18、h crack ing and peeli ng.Check for runs and fingefrprints in the finish.In sure drawer in teriors are fini shed correctly.Check to in sure all hand paintings are correct and con siste nt.Check final color against sample for variation.Pack ing:Before pack ing check to in sure all hardware and hin ges

19、 are in stalled correctly.Check joi nts for crack ing.Allitems n eed to be blow n off with air hose and in spected.Check to in sure all in teriors are clea n.Check glass insert for proper fit.Check mirror in sert fo proper fit.Check moisture content.In sure all items are wrapped in 4mm plastic proir

20、 to shipme nt.Stone Casti ng:Check for any imperfection in the stone.In spect molds on a regular basis.All cast should be free of flat seams.Check for hair line cracks.Check for adjustable glides on all dining tables. Whe n applicable.Check for level surfaces for all items that require lay on glass.

21、Whe n applicable check items for square and level.Whenstone and metal are casted together issure there are no gaps or holes whe n they are join ed.In sure items without adjustable glides sit level.Check dime nsions accord ing to the detail.Metal:In sure all items are level.In sure items that require lay on glass the surface is level.In sure dime nsions are correct accordi ng to the detail.Whe n possible adjustable glides n eed to be added to dining tables.Check for grinding o


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