1、高考英語閱讀理解B篇2004全國一卷GiVing BaCkFair WayThe WeStbOrOUgh High SChOOI golf team had taken the OffiCiaI PhOtOS With the StatePriZe The Other teams, disappointed, Were Orl the bus heading home And thenWeStbOrOUgh instructor Greg ROta noticed SOmething WrOng On One Of the SCOre cards.A 9 had been recorded a
2、s a 7 They Were not the State PriZe Winner; WObUnl High had won. No One WOUld have known, Said WobUnf S instructor, BOb DOran. FOr Rota, it WaS, t a difficuIt decision: The PriZe WaSf t OUrS to take.COin StarSCollege StUdentS are lazy, but they also Want to help, SayS UniVerSity Of PennSylVania grad
3、uate Dana HOrk SO She made it easy, PIaCing CUPS in rooms Where StUdents COUICl IeaVe their SPare coins, and handing OUt CUPS to first-year StUdentS to keep in their rooms Her Change for Change effort has COlIeCted $40,OOO for CharitieS 慈善機構(gòu)),WhiCh Were decided UPOn by StUdentsNeVer FOrgOttenA SChOO
4、I in MaSSaChUSetts received a $ InilIiOn CheCk from JaCqUeS LeBermUth BUt it took OffiCiaIS SeVeraI days Of digging to discover his COnneCtiOn to the SChO01 ReCOrdS ShOWeCl the LeBermUth Came from BeIgiUnl and StUdied in the SChOOI in the 1920s When his family fell On hard times,he WaS Offered free
5、room and board LeBermUth became a trader, OWned ShareS Of AT&T and IiVeel Off the earnings UntiI he died, at age 89.What did Greg ROta PrObabIy do in the endTOOk PhOtOS Of Doran.Had a meeting With Doran.TOOk PhOtOS Of Doran.Had a meeting With Doran.C. RetUrneel the PriZe to the OrganiZerD. APOlOgiZe
6、d to WObUnI High School.he WaSGreg Rota S decision ShOWS thathe WaSA. honestB. POIiteC. CarefUID. friendlyA. honestB. POIiteC. CarefUID. friendlyThe UnderlineCl WOrd Change Inthe SeCOnd ParagraPh meansThe UnderlineCl WOrd Change Inthe SeCOnd ParagraPh meansA. IdeaB. DeCiSiOnC.CUPSD. COinS63. What di
7、d the SChOOI OffiCiaIS do after receiving theCheCk from Mr. LeBermUthA. They tried to find OUt Why he gave them the money.B. They Went to BeIgiUmto Pay their respects to him.C. They dug OUt the records that Were buried underground.D. They decided to Offertheir StUdentS free room and board.64. JaCqUe
8、S LeBermUth gave the money to the SChOOI becauseA. the SChOOI asked for ItB. he had no need for that much moneyA. IdeaB. DeCiSiOnC.CUPSD. COinS63. What did the SChOOI OffiCiaIS do after receiving theCheCk from Mr. LeBermUthA. They tried to find OUt Why he gave them the money.B. They Went to BeIgiUmt
9、o Pay their respects to him.C. They dug OUt the records that Were buried underground.D. They decided to Offertheir StUdentS free room and board.64. JaCqUeS LeBermUth gave the money to the SChOOI becauseA. the SChOOI asked for ItB. he had no need for that much moneythe SChOOI had helped him In the Pa
10、Sthe Wanted to be remembered by thethe SChOOI had helped him In the PaSthe Wanted to be remembered by theStUdentS2005全國一卷MONTREAL (ReUterS) - CrOSSing the US-Canada border (邊 界)to go to ChUrCh On aSUnday COSt a US CitiZen $10,OOO for breaking Washington1 S StriCt new SeCUrity(全)rules.The expensive t
11、rip to ChUrCh WaS a SUrPriSe for RiChard AIbertJ WhO IiVeS rightOn the Canadian border Like the Other half-dozen PeOPIe Of TOWnShiP 15, CrOSSing the border is a daily OCCUrrenCe for Albert The nearby QUebeC VilIage Of St. PamPhile is Where they shop, eat and go to church.There are many SUCh SitUatiO
12、nS in these areas along the IargeIy UngUarded 5, 530-mile border between Canada and the US-WhiCh in SOme CaSeS actually runs down the IiIiddIe Of StreetS Or through buildingsAS a resuIt, AIbert SayS he did not expect any PrObIemS three WeekS ago When he :TetUrned home to the US after attending ChUrC
13、h in CanadaJ as USUa 1 The US CUStOmS ( 關(guān))station in this area is CIOSed On SUndaySJ SO he just drove around the IOCked gate, as he had done every Weekend SinCe the gate appeared IaSt May, following a tightening Of border SeCUrity TWO days Iater AIbert WaS told to go to the CUStoms office, Where an
14、OffiCer told him he had been CaUght On Carnera CrOSSing the border illegally( 法).OttaWa has given OUt SPeCiaI PaSSeS to SOme 300 US CitiZenS in that area SO they Can enter the COUntry Whell Canadian CUStOmS StatiOnS are closed, but the US StOPPed a SimiIar PrOgraiiI IaSt May. That forces the PeOPIe
15、to a 200-IniIe detour along hilly roads to get home through another border CheCkPOintAIbert has requested that the CUStoms OffiCe Change their decisions On the fine, but he has not attended a SUnday ChUrCh SinCe T feel Iike I m IiVing In a prison, V he SaidWe Iearn from the text that RiChard AIbert
16、isan AmeriCan IiVing in TOWnShiP 15 B. a Canadian IiVing In a QUebeC VilIageC. a CanacIian WOrking in a CUStOmS StatiOn D an AmeriCan WOrking In a Canadian ChUrChAIbert WaS fined because he failed to Obey traffic rulesbroke the AmeriCan SeCUrity rulesfailed to Obey traffic rulesbroke the AmeriCan Se
17、CUrity rulesWOrked in St. PamPhiIe Without a PaSS D. damaged the gate Of the CUStOmS OffiCe 61 The UnderlineCl WOrd detour in ParagraPh 5 meansA. a drive through the townB. a race across the fieldsC a roundabout Way Of travelingD a journey in the mountain areaWhat WOUICl be the best title for the te
18、xtA. A CrOSS-COUntry TriPB A SPeCiaI BOrder PaSSC. An UngUardeCl BOrderD An EXPenSiVe ChUrCh ViSit2006全國一卷Many years ago, When I WaS fresh OUt Of SChOOI and WOrking in DenVer I WaS ClriVing to my ParentS, home in MiSSOUri for ChriStmaS I StOPPecl at a gas StatiOn(力口油站) about 50 miles from OkIahOma C
19、ity, Where I WaS PIanning to StOP and VISit &friend WhiIe I WaS Standing in Iine at the CaSh register (收款臺),I Said hello to an OIder COUPIe WhO Were also Paying for gasI took off, but had gone OnIy a few miles When black SmOke POUred from the back Of my Car I StOPPed and WOndered What I ShOUICl do.
20、A Car PUlIed UP behind me. It WaS the COUPIe I had SPOken to at the gas Station They Said they WOUld take me to my friend, s. We Chatted On the Way into the city, and When I get OUt Of the car, the husband gave me his business CardI WrOte him and his Wife a thank-you note for helping me. SOOn afterw
21、ard I received a ChriStmaS PreSent from them Their note that Came With it Said that helping me had made their holidays meaningfu1.YearS later, I drove to a meeting in a nearby town in the morning In Iate afternoonI returned to my Car and found that I d Ieft the IightS On all day, and the battery ( 池
22、)WaS dead Therl I notiCed that the FriendIy ford dealership-a ShOP SelIing CarS-WaS right next door I WaIkeCl OVer and found two SaIeSmen in the ShOWrOOmJust how friendly is FriendIy FOrdn I asked and explained my trouble They QUiCkIy ClrOVe a PiCkUP truck to my Car and Started it. They WOUId accept
23、 no Payment; SO When I got home; I WrOte them a note to Say thanks, I received a Ietter back from One Of the salesmen, NO One had ever taken the time to Write him and Say thank you, and it meant a lot, he SaidThank you 一 two POWerfUI WOrdS They re easy to Say and mean SO muchThe author PIanneCl to S
24、tOP at OkIahOma CityViSit a friendSee his ParentSPay Or the CaSh registerhave more gas for his Car61 The WOrdS took Off UUnderlined in ParagraPh 2 mean MA. turned OffB. moved Off C. PUt UP D. Set UPWhat happened When the author found SmOke COnIing OUt Of his CarA. He had it PUlIed back to the gas St
25、atiOn. B. The COUPIeS Sent him a business card.C. The COUPIe Offered to help him.D. He CalIed his friend for helpThe battery Of the author, S Car WaS dead becauseA. SOmething Went WrOng With the IightSB. the meeting IaSted a WhOIe dayC. he forgot to turn Off the IightSD. he ClrOVe too IOng a distanc
26、eBy telling his OWn experiences, the author tries to ShOW.A. how to Write a thank-you Ietterhow to deal With Car PrObIemSA. how to Write a thank-you Ietterhow to deal With Car PrObIemSthe kindheartedness Of Older PeOPIe D the importance Of expressing thanks2007全國一卷Many animals recognize their food b
27、ecause they See it. SO do humans When you See an apple Or a PieCe Of ChOCOIate you know that these are things you Can eat. YOU Can also USe Other SenSeS Wherl you ChOOSe your food YOU may Iike it because it SmelIS good Or because it tastes good YOU may dislike SOme types Of food because they do not
28、look, SmelI Or taste Very nice Different animals USe different SenSeS to find and ChOOSe their food A few animals depend On OnIy One Of their SenSeSJ WhiIe most animals USe more than One SenSeAlthOUgh there are many different types Of food, SOme animals SPend their IiVeS eatingonlyone type. The gian
29、t Panda (大熊貓)eats OnIy One PartiCUIar tyPe Of bamboo (竹子) Othel7 animals eat OnIy One type Of food even When given the ChOiCe A kind Of White but terfly (蝴蝶)WilI Stay On the IeaVeS Of a CabbageJ even t hough there are PIenty Of Other VegetabIeS in the garden. However, most animals have a more Varied
30、 diet (多樣化飲食) The bear eats fruits and fish The fox eats SmalI animals, birds and fruits The diet Of these animals WilI be different depending On the SeaSOn.HUmanS have a Very Varied diet We Ofterl eat food because We Iike it and not because it is good for us. In COUntries SUCh as FranCe and Britain
31、, PeOPIe eat foods With too much SUgar ThiS makes them OVerWeight, WhiCh is bad for their health Eating too much red meat and animal products, SUCh as but ter, Can also be bad for the health ChOOSing the right food, therefore, has become an area Of StUCly in modern IifeWe Carl infer from the text th
32、at humans and animals A. depend On One SenSe in ChOOSing food B are not SatiSfieCl With their foodC. ChOOSe food in SinIiIar WaySeat entirely different foodC. ChOOSe food in SinIiIar WaySeat entirely different foodWhiCh Of the following eats OnIy One type Of foodA. the White butterfly.B. The SmalI b
33、irdC the bearD. The foxCertain animals Change their ChOiCe Of food When A. the SeaSOn ChangeSB. the food COIOr ChangeSC. they move to different PIaCeS D they are attracted by different SmelISWe Can Iearn from the IaSt ParagraPh that A. food is ChOSen for a good reasonB. FrenCh and BritiSh food is go
34、odC. SOme PeOPIe have few ChOiCeS Of food D SOme PeOPIe Care Iittie about heaIthy diet2008全國一卷MOre than 10 years ago, it WaS difficult to buy a tasty PineaPPIe (j茂勸) The fruits that made it to the UK Were green On the OUtSide and, more Often than not, hard With an UnPIeaSant taste Within. Then in 19
35、66, the DeI MOnte GOld PineaPPIe PrOdUCed in HaWaii first hit OUr SheIVeSThe new type Of PineaPPIe IOOked more yellowy-gold than green. It WaS SIightly SOfter On the OUtSide and had a IOt Of juice InSide BUt the most important thing about this new type Of PineaPPIe WaS that it WaS tWiCe as SWeet as
36、the hit-and-miss PineaPPIeS We had known. In IIO time, the DeI MOnte GOId took the market by storm, rapidly becoming the WOrld? S best-selIing PineaPPIe variety, and delivering natural IeVeIS Of SWee tn ess in the mouth, UP UntiI then OnIy found in tinned PineaPPIe In nutrition (營養(yǎng))it WaS all good n
37、ews too. ThiS nice tasting PineaPPIe COntained four times more Vitamin C(維生素 C) than the Old green Variety NUtritionists Said that it WaS not OnIy full Of VitanIins, but also good against SOme diseases PeOPIe Were UnderStandably eager to be able to buy this WOnderfUI fruit The new type Of PineaPPIe
38、WaS SelIing fast, and the DeI MOnte GOId PineaPPIe rapidly became a fixture in the ShOPPing basket Of the healthy eater.Seeing the growing market for its Winning PineaPpie, DeI MOnte tried to keep market to itself BUt Other fruit COmPanieS argued SUCCeSSfUlly that DeI MOnte turned to IaW for help, b
39、ut failed ThOSe COmPanieS argued SUCCeSSfUlIy that DeI MOnte, S at temp ts to keep the golden PineaPPIe for it Self Were just a Way to knock t hem OUt the marketWe Iearn from the text that the new type at PineaPPIe is Preen OUtSide and SWeet insideB. good-looking OUtSide and SOft insideC yellowy一gol
40、d OUtSide and hard InSide D. a Iittie SOft OUtSide and SWeet insideWhy WaS the new type Of PineaPPIe SelIing WelIA. It WaS rich in nutrition and tasted nice B. It WaS IeSS SWeet and good for healthC It WaS developed by DeI MOnteD It WaS USed as medicineThe Underlined WOrd fixture in ParagraPh 3 PrOb
41、abIy refers to SOmethingA that PeOPIe enjoy eatingB. that is always PreSentC. that is difficult to getD. that PeOPIe USe as a giftWe Iearn from the IaSt ParagraPh that Dei MOnte A. SIOWed Other COmPanieS to develop PineaPPIeS B. SUCCeedeCl in keeping thePineaPPIe for ItSelfC. tried hard to COntrOI t
42、he PineaPPIe market D. PIanned to help the Other COmPanieS2009全國一卷COmPUter PrOgrammer DaVid JOneS earns $ a year designing new COmPUter games yet he CannOt find a bank ready to Iet him have a Credit CarCl (信用卡)InStead he has been told to Wait another two years UntiI he IS 18 The 16-year-old WOrkS fo
43、r a SmalI firm in LiVerPOOI Where the PrObIem Of most young PeOPIe Of his age is finding a job DaVier S firm releases (推出)two new games for the fast growing COmPUter market each monthBUt David S biggest headache is What to do With his money EVen though he earns a IOt he CannOt drive a Car take OUt a
44、 mortgage (扌氐扌屮貸款),Or get Credit CardS DaVid got his job With the LiVerPOOI-based COmPany four months ago , a year after IeaVing SChOOI With SiX O-IeVeIS and WOrking for a time in a COmPUter ShOP T got the job because the PeOPIe WhO run the firm knew I had already Written SOme PrOgramSn he Said DaVi
45、Cl SPendS SOme Of his money On records and CIOtheS and gives his mother 50 POUndS a Week BUt most Of his SPare time is SPent WOrkingUUnfOrtUnately, COmPUting WaS not Part Of OUr StUdies at school, he Said But I had been StUdying it in books and magazines for four years in my SPare time I knew What I
46、 Wanted to do and never COnSiderecl Staying On at SChOOI MOSt PeOPIe in this business are fairly young, anywayn DaVid added: I WOUld Iike to earn a million and I SUPPOSe early retirement (退休)is a POSSibility YOU never know Wherl the market might disappear,In What Way is DaVid CIifferent from PeOPIe
47、Of his ageHe Often goes OUt With friends B. He IiVeS With his motherC. He has a handsome incomeD. He graduated With SiX O-IeVeISWhat is One Of the PrObIemS that DaVid is facing nowHe is too young to get a Credit Card B. He has no time to Iearrl drivingC He has Very Iittle SPare timeD He WilI SOOn IO
48、Se his jobWhy WaS DaVid able to get the job in the COmPanyA He had done WelI in all his examsB. He had Written SOme COmPUterPrOgramSC. He WaS good at Playing COmPUter games D. He had Iearnt to USe COmPUters at SChOOIWhy did DaVid decide to IeaVe SChOOI and Start WOrkingA. He received IOtS Of job Off
49、erSB. He WaS eager to help his motherC. He IOSt IntereSt in SChOOI StUdiesD. He Wanted to earn his OWn IiVing2010全國一卷EDGEWOOD-EVery morning at DiXie HeightS High School, CUStOmerS POUr into a SPeCiaI experiment: the district S first COffee ShOP run mostly by StUdentS With SPeCiaI Iearning needsWelI
50、before CIaSSeS Start, StUdents and teachers Order Lattes, CaPPUCCinOS and HOt ChOCOIates. ThenJ during the first period, teachers CalI in OrderS On their room PhOnes, and StUdents make deliveriesBy CIOSing time at 9.20 a. m. , the ShOP USUalIy SelIS 90 drinksz,Whoever made the Chi tea, Ms. SChatZman
51、 SayS it WaS good, ChriSty McKinley,a SeCOnd year StUdentJ announced recently, after hanging UP With the teacherThe ShOP is CalIed the DiXie PIT, WhiCh StandS for POWer in TranSition. AlthOUghSOme Of the StUdents are not disabled, many are, and the PIT helps them PrePare forIife after high SChOO1The
52、y Iearn not Only how to run a COffee ShOP but also how to deal With their affairs.They keep a timecard and receive paychecks, WhiCh they keep in CheCk registersSPeCiaI-educat ion teachers Kim CheVaIier and SUe CaSey introduced the DiXie PIT from a SimiIar PrOgranl at KenneSaW MOUntain High SChOOI in
53、 GeOrgiaNOt that it WaS easy Chevalier S first PrObIenI to OVerCOme WaS PrOdUCt-reIatedShOUIcl SChOOIS be Selling COffee What about SUgar COntentKentOn COUnty FOOd SerViCe DireCtOr Ginger Gray helped She made SUre all the drinks, WhiCh USe non-fat milk, fell Within nutrition (營養(yǎng)) guidelinesThe WhOIe
54、 SChOOI has joined in to helpTeaCherS agreed to give UP their IOUnge (彳木,縣室)in the mornings Art StUdentS Painted the name Of the ShOP On the WaI 1 BUSineSS StUdentS designed the PayCheCkSThe basketball team helped Pay for cups.What IS the text mainly aboutA. A best-selling coffee.SPeCiaI educational
55、 program.A. A best-selling coffee.SPeCiaI educational program.C. government SUPPOrt for schools.D. A new type Of teacher-studentC. government SUPPOrt for schools.D. A new type Of teacher-studentrelationship.60.The DiXie PIT PrOgram WaS introducedIn Order to60.The DiXie PIT PrOgram WaS introducedIn O
56、rder toSOme research On nutritionA. raise money for SChOOI affairsSOme research On nutritionC. develop students PraCtiCaI SkilIS D. SUPPIy teachers With drinksHOW did ChriSty MCKinIey know Ms. SChatZma, S OPiniOn Of the Chi teaShe met her In the ShOPB. She heard her telling OthersC. She talked to he
57、r On the PhOne D She Went to her OffiCe to deliver the teaWe know from the text that Ginger Graymanages the DiXie PIT PrOgranI in KentOn COUntySeeS that the drinks meet health StandardSteaches at DiXie HeightS High SChOOID OWnS the school S COffee ShOP2011全國一卷The WOrd advertiSing refers to any kind
58、Of PUbIiC announcement that brings PrOdUCts and SerViCeS to the attention Of PeOPIe ThrOUghOUt history, advertising has been an effective Way to PrOmOte(促jJE) the trading and SelIing Of goods In the MidelIe Ages, merchants employed town CrierS to the PUbIiC messages aloud to PrOmOte their goods When
59、 Printing WaS invented in the fifteenth CerltUry, PageS Of advertisements (ads) COUld be Printed easily and Were either hung in PUbIiC PIaCeS Or PUt in booksBy the end Of the SeVen teen th Cen tu:Ty, When newspapers Were beginning to be read by more people, Printed materials became an important Way
60、to PrOmOte PrOdUCtS and SerViCeS The LOndOll GaZette WaS the first newspaper to Set aside a PIaCe just for advertising ThiS WaS SO SUCCeSSfUI that by the end Of the Centu:Ty SeVeraI COmPanieS Started businesses for the PUrPOSe Of making newspaper ads for merchants.AdVertiSing SPread QUiCkIy througho
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