1、精品對外貿(mào)易依存度:反映一國對外貿(mào)易與該國國民經(jīng)濟之間關(guān)系的重要指標,它一般表現(xiàn) 為一國的對外貿(mào)易額與該國的國民生產(chǎn)總值或國內(nèi)生產(chǎn)總值之比Degree of Dependence upon Foreign Trade: It is the ratio between Trade Valueand GDP . It shows the importance of foreign trade to the domestic economy in an ati on.貿(mào)易結(jié)構(gòu):某一時期貿(mào)易的構(gòu)成情況。貨物貿(mào)易和服務貿(mào)易的構(gòu)成情況(廣義)。各種商品的構(gòu)成情況(狹義)Composition of Tra
2、de: It provides information on the percentage of goods andservices in the trade.貿(mào)易額:以金額表示的貿(mào)易總值Value of Trade : It provides the total value on export and import to a nation or the total value on export to the world. It is acco un ted on the basic of in sta nt price.貿(mào)易量:用于貨物貿(mào)易規(guī)模的統(tǒng)計。以數(shù)量、重量、長度、面積、體積來表示進
3、出口商 品的多少。Quantum of Trade: It provides the total value on export and import to a nation orthe total value on export to the world. But It is acco un ted on the basic of pricein dex.貿(mào)易所得:一國的行業(yè)間相對勞動生產(chǎn)率不同會在不同的產(chǎn)品生產(chǎn)中進行專業(yè)化分工, 并且把產(chǎn)品與其他國家進行貿(mào)易而獲得利益,這就是一國的貿(mào)易所得。Gai ns from trade : differe nt in dustries may car
4、ry through professi onal specializati on in produc ing differe nt commodities based on relative productivity,and trade them with other countries to gain profits.絕對優(yōu)勢:生產(chǎn)某種商品的機會成本低,或者反過來說,生產(chǎn)某種商品的勞動生產(chǎn)率最Absolute advantage: The greater efficiency that one nation may have over ano ther in the product ion
5、of a commodity.比較優(yōu)勢:一個國家在本國生產(chǎn)一種產(chǎn)品的機會成本(用其他產(chǎn)品來衡量)低于在其他 國家生產(chǎn)該產(chǎn)品的機會成本Comparative adva ntage:Even if one nation is less efficient than the other nationin the productionof both commodities, there is still a basis for mutually ben eficial trade.One country producing a commodity in a lower opportunity cost
6、 than the other country is called it has a comparative advantage in this commodity.要素密集度:產(chǎn)品中生產(chǎn)要素的投入比例Factor intensity:It refers to the productionof one unit of a product used a comb in ati on of factors of producti on ratio.要素豐裕度:一個國家所擁有的經(jīng)濟資源的相對豐富性/相對供給量。Factor abundan ce: It is a measure of a count
7、ry owned by the relative abundanceof econo mic resources, or resources of a country relative supply貿(mào)易條件:一國出口商品的國際市場價格Px與該國進口商品的國際市場價格Pm的比率Terms of Trade: In economics, the ratio of export price (PX) in internationalmarket and price of imported goods (PM) in international market is called the coun tr
8、y's terms of trade斯托爾珀-薩繆爾森定理:某一商品相對價格的上升,將導致該商品密集使用的生產(chǎn)要素 的實際價格或報酬提高,而另一種生產(chǎn)要素的實際價格或報酬下降。willStolper-Samuels onTheorem: : the relative price of a commodity in crease, accordi ngly let the return of factors of producti on inten sively used in crease , but other decli ne.產(chǎn)業(yè)內(nèi)貿(mào)易:各國之間及進口有出口同一類產(chǎn)品In tra
9、-i ndustrytrade:Internationaltrade in the differentiated products ofthewelcomesame in dustry or broad product group.產(chǎn)業(yè)間貿(mào)易:各國之間的貿(mào)易主要是不同產(chǎn)品之間的貿(mào)易。theInter-industrytrade: Internationaltrade in the differentiatedproducts ofdiffere nee in dustry or broad product group.羅伯津斯基定理:一個國家只生產(chǎn)兩種產(chǎn)品,在商品相對價格固定不變的前提下,某一
10、生 產(chǎn)要素的增長將導致密集使用該要素部門的生產(chǎn)增加,使密集使用其他要素的部門的生 產(chǎn)下降。Rybczyski Theorem: Postulates that at con sta nt commodity prices, an in crease in the en dowme nt of one factor will in crease the output of the commodity in that factor and will reduce the output of the other commodity.荷蘭?。阂粋€行業(yè)的增長擴張導致其他行業(yè)的萎縮Dutch diseas
11、e : In economics, the Dutch disease is a concept that explains the appare nt relati on ship betwee n the in crease in exploitatio n of n atural resources and a decli ne in the manu facturi ng sector.福利惡化型增長:出口商品生產(chǎn)能力的提高對貿(mào)易條件和國內(nèi)經(jīng)濟可能產(chǎn)生不利影響Immiserizing growth : It is the situationwhere a nation' ter
12、ms of deteriorate so much as a result of growth that the nation is worse off growth tha n before, eve n if growth without trade tends to improve the n atio n welfare.自由貿(mào)易政策:國家取消對進出口貿(mào)易和服務貿(mào)易的限制和障礙,取消對本國進出口貿(mào) 易和服務貿(mào)易的各種特權(quán)和優(yōu)待,使商品自由進出口,服務貿(mào)易自由經(jīng)營Free Trade Policy: Un der free trade policy, the gover nment wo
13、uld not in terve ne in foreign trade. The country will trade freely with other countries according to their comparative adva ntages保護貿(mào)易政策:國家廣泛利用各種措施對進口和經(jīng)營領(lǐng)域與范圍進行限制,保護本國的 產(chǎn)品和服務在本國市場上免受外國產(chǎn)品和服務的競爭,并對本國出口的產(chǎn)品和服務給予 優(yōu)待與補貼。Restrict Trade Policy: Under restrictive trade policy, governmentwouldtradeaftertaken
14、u mber of differe nt actions , i ncludi ng taxes on some intern ati onal tran sacti ons, subsidies for other transactions, legal limits on the value or volume of particular imports, and many other measures to protect the trade.反補貼稅:對直接或間接的接受任何補貼的外國進口商品所征收的一種進口附加稅。Counter-vailling duties ( CVD) : is
15、a kind of additional tax imposed on foreign imports that directly or in directly accept any subsidy反傾銷稅:對實行傾銷的進口商品所征收的一種進口附加稅。Anti-dumpingduties : is a kind of additional tax imposed on dumpingcommodities.最佳關(guān)稅:大國征收關(guān)稅能影響國際價格,從而使出口國承擔部分關(guān)稅,并改善本國的 貿(mào)易條件Optimal tariff:is the tariff rate that maximizes the
16、 net ben efit result ing from theimproveme ntin the nation' terms of trade against the negative effectresult ing from reduct ion in the volume of trade.有效保護率:征收關(guān)稅后受保護行業(yè)的每單位最終產(chǎn)品附加價值增加的百分比。Effective rate of Protectio n: is calculated on the in crease in domestic value added,or processing, offered
17、by tariff protection. It is important to the producers because it in dicates how much protect ion is actually provided to the domestic process ing and import-competi ng commodity.關(guān)稅結(jié)構(gòu):對原料進口幾乎完全免稅,對半制成品征收適度關(guān)稅,但對制成品,特別是 勞動密集型的制成品征收較高關(guān)稅。Tariff structure: It is to point to one country tariff of all kind
18、s of goods tariff rate the relati on ship betwee n high and low.非關(guān)稅壁壘:除關(guān)稅以外一切限制進口的措施Non-tariff barriers : all measures to restrict imports except tariff.技術(shù)性貿(mào)易壁壘:進口國通過頒布法律、技術(shù)法規(guī)和認證制度等方式,對外國進口商品 實施技術(shù)、衛(wèi)生檢疫、商品包裝和標簽等標準,從而提高產(chǎn)品技術(shù)要求,增加進口難度, 最終達到限制外國商品進入、保護國內(nèi)市場的目的。Technical Barriers to Trade: Having many diff
19、erent technical regulations and product sta ndards to make life difficult for producers and exporters. If regulations are set arbitrarily, they could be used as an excuse for protectionism.出口補貼:一國政府為了降低出口商品的價格,增強其在國外市場的競爭力,在出口某 商品是給予出口廠商的現(xiàn)金補貼或財政上的優(yōu)惠待遇。Export Subsidy : direct payment (or the granting
20、 of tax relief and subsidized loans)to the nation ' s exporters or potential exporters and foreign buyers to stimulate the nation ' s exports.出口信貸:出口國為了鼓勵商品出口,加強商品的競爭能力,通過銀行對本國出口廠商或外國進口廠商提供的貸款。Export Credit : low-interestloans to the nation ' s exporters or foreign buyersthrough the bank
21、 to stimulate the nation' s exports.貿(mào)易創(chuàng)造:由于關(guān)稅同盟的建立而使一個成員方的部分國內(nèi)高成本產(chǎn)出被來自其他成員 方低成本產(chǎn)出的進口所取代而增加的收益。Trade creatio n: the ben efits in creased because the high-costs outputs decreased精品in one nation replaced by its low-costs members for the establishmentof custom union.貿(mào)易轉(zhuǎn)移:由于關(guān)稅同盟的建立使原來由同盟外的低成本國家提供的產(chǎn)品轉(zhuǎn)
22、由同盟內(nèi)的 咼成本成員提供而造成的損失。Trade diversion: the loss caused by the change that products imported from low-costs non-members to high-costs members because of custom union.關(guān)稅同盟:成員方之間互相取消了關(guān)稅和非關(guān)稅壁壘,實現(xiàn)了商品的自由流通,對非成 員方則建立共同對外的關(guān)稅和非關(guān)稅壁壘。Custom union : Removes all barriers to trade among members to achieve the freef
23、low of commodities, and all nations retain the same barriers on trade with non-members.自由貿(mào)易區(qū):成員方之間互相取消了關(guān)稅和非關(guān)稅壁壘,實現(xiàn)了商品的自由流通,但對 非成員方保留各自對外的關(guān)稅和非關(guān)稅壁壘。Free trade areaRemoves all barriers to trade among members to achieve the free flow of commodities, but each n ati on retai ns its own barriers on trade with non-members.1.Draw a map and then explain immiserizing growth精品welcomeCoffeeInitial price ratioThe followi ng con diti ons are n ecessary in order for immiserizi ng gr
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