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1、Good eve ning. Thank you. One year ago, I in troduced my father whe n he declared his can didacy .In his own way, and through his own sheer force of will, he sacrificed greatly to en ter the political arena as an outsider.晚上好。謝謝。一年前,當我父親宣布參選時,我為他進行了介紹演講。 作為一個門外漢,我的父親用自己的方式,憑借一腔熱血,犧牲付出, 進入了政壇。And he

2、prevailed against afield of 16 very talented competitors. For more than a year, Donald Trump has been the people s champion,and tonight he s the people s nominee.他從16位優(yōu)秀的候選人中脫穎而出。這一年多以來,唐納德特朗普一 直被大家擁護,而今夜,他成為了人民的候選人。Like many of my fellow mille ni als, I do not con sider myself categorically Republi

3、ca n or Democrat. More tha n party affiliati on, I vote on based on what I believe is right, for my family and for my country. Sometimes it s a tough choice. That is not the ca this time.As the proud daughter of your nomin ee, I am here to tell you that thisis the mome nt and Don ald Trump is the pe

4、rs on to make America great aga in.跟很多千禧年的人一樣,我并不認為自己有共和黨或民主黨的黨派之 分。拋開黨派關系,我投票完全因為我相信它是對的,這是為家庭,更 是為國家。很多時候,選擇都是艱難的。而這一次并不是。作為候選人 的女兒,我十分自豪,此時此刻我在這里就是想告訴大家唐納德特朗 普就是那個能讓美國再次偉大的人。Real cha nge, the kind we have not see n in decades is only going to come from outside the system. And it s only going to c

5、ome from aman who s spe nt his en tire life doing whatothers said could not be done. My father is a fighter. When the primaries got tough and they were tough, he did what any great leader does. He dug deeper,worked harder, got better and became stro nger.真正的改變,那種幾十年都沒為人所見的改變,只會來自于體系外。而 它只會來自一個花了一生去做

6、別人認為不可能的事情的人。我的父親是一個戰(zhàn)士。初選的時候很艱難,競選對手也很強勢,他做了一個偉大的 領導人該做的事情。他越發(fā)努力工作,提升自己,變得更強大。I have see n him fight for his family. I have see n him fight for his employees. I have see n him fight for his compa ny. And no w, I am seeing him fight for our country. It s been the story of his life and morerecently th

7、e spirit o f his campaign. It s also a prelude to reaching the goal that un ites us all. Whe n this party and better still this country knows what it is like to win aga in.我見過他為了我們的家庭奮斗,為自己的員工奮斗,為了自己的公司拼 搏?,F(xiàn)在,我見證著他為了我們的國家而奮斗。奮斗是他一生的故事, 也是他競選的精神所在。這也是讓我們團結(jié)在一起的前奏。 我們共和黨, 還有我們國家即將再次嘗到勝利的滋味。If it s poss

8、ible to be famous and yet not really well done, that describes the father who raised me. In the same office in Trump Tower, where we now work together, I remember playing on the floor by my father s desk, con struct ing mini aturebuildi ngs with Legos and Erector sets, while he did the same with con

9、 crete steel and glass.如果可以的話,我想跟你們說說這個把我養(yǎng)大的父親。也是在特朗普塔里面,我們曾一起共事,我還記得我在父親的辦工作旁玩樂高,搭小房 子,而我父親在做一樣的事情,只不過他玩的是真的鋼筋水泥One of my father s greatest talents is the ability to see potential in people, before they see it in themselves. It was like that for us to grow ing up. He taught us that pote ntial vani

10、shes into no thi ng without effort.我父親最大的天賦在于他能看到不同人的才華,甚至有些時候這些人都不知道自己有這樣的才華。就像他對我們的教育一樣。他告訴我們再好的天賦如果不加上適當?shù)挠柧氁矔兊靡晃牟恢?。And like him, we each had a resp on sibility to work, no t just for ourselves but for the betterme nt of the world around us.Over the years, on too many occasi ons to coun t, I saw

11、my father tear stories out of the n ewspaper about people whom he had n ever met, who were facing some injustice or hardship.就像他一樣,我們每個人都有責任區(qū)工作,這樣做不僅僅是為了我們自己,而是為了讓我們身邊的世界變得更好。多年來,在多到數(shù)不清的場 合里,我看到我父親從報紙上撕下關于那些他從未見過的正在面臨不公 和苦難的人的報道。He d write a note to his assista nt, in a sig nature black felt-tip pen

12、, and request that the pers on be found and in vited to Trump Tower to meet with him. He would talk to them and then draw upon his extensive n etwork to find them a job or get them a break. And they would leave his office, as people so ofte n do after hav ing bee n with Don ald Trump, feeli ng that

13、life could be great aga in.他還寫了一個便簽給他的助理,告訴這個助理把那些他看到的有困難的人邀請到Trump Tower來見他。我父親會跟這些人聊天然后通過自己 卓越的商業(yè)人脈幫助這些人找一份工作或者幫他們度過難關。在他們離開我父親的辦公室時,他們感覺人生又燃起了希望。Throughout my en tire life, I have wit nessed his empathy andgenerosity towards others, especially those who are suffering. It is just his way of being

14、in yo ur corner when you re down. My father not onlyhas the stre ngth and ability n ecessary to be our next Preside nt, but also the kindn ess and compassi on that will en able him to be the leader that this country n eeds.在我們的一生中,我已經(jīng)無數(shù)次目睹了他對別人的善良和同情,特別是 那些正在遭受困難的人。當你遇到困難時,他就會在你轉(zhuǎn)身后的某一個角落里等著你。我父親不僅有能

15、力成為我們的下一個總統(tǒng),而且他的善良和同情心能確保他成為這個國家的領導者。I ve learned a lot about the world from walking construction jobs by his side. When run properly, construction sites are true meritocracies.Compete nee in the buildi ng trades is easy to spot and in compete nee is impossible to hide.在他身邊工作我受益良多,尤其是在建筑工程方面。管理得當,建筑

16、工 地是真正的唯才是舉,建筑行業(yè)競爭激烈,無能之輩無處躲藏。These sites are also in credible melt ing pots, gatheri ng people from all walks of life and un it ing them to work towards a sin gle missi on. There have always bee n men of all backgro unds and eth ni cities on my father s job sites. And long before it was com mon pla

17、ce, you also saw wome n.工地也是這樣的地方,各行各業(yè)各階層的人們聚集在一起為了一個目標 而努力??傆懈鞣N不同身份背景的人們來到我父親的工地,長此以往, 工地就變成了一個在普通不過的地方,所以有女性出入也就見怪不怪 了。My father values tale nt. He recog ni zes real kno wledge and skill whe n he finds it. He is colorblind and gender neutral. He hires the best pers on for the job, period.我父親十分珍視人才

18、。他重視知識和技能;他不在乎膚色和性別;他只 啟用最適合這個崗位的人才,不管你是誰。Words and promises, no matter visi onary they sound will only get youso far. I n our bus in ess, youre not a builder, unl ess youve got as case, city skyli nes. Mostbuildi ng to show for it, or in my father people strive their en tire lives to achieve greats

19、uccess in a single in dustry.心有多大,舞臺就有多大。在我們這個行業(yè),只有建造出一棟大樓才敢說你是一個建筑商,而在我父親這里,建造出擎天大廈才是一個合格的建筑商。大多數(shù)人花了一生的時間才能在一個行業(yè)取得成功。My father has succeeded in many on the highest level and on a globalscale. One of the reas ons he has thrived as an en trepre neur ist usuallybecause he liste ns to every one. Billi

20、on aire executives don ask the people doing the work for their opinion of the work. My father is an excepti on.而我父親在全球范圍內(nèi)的各個行業(yè)都取得了高水準的建樹。其中一個原因就是他能聽取他人意見。富豪們很少聽取他人對于他工作的意見,而 我父親則是個例外。On every one of hisprojects, youll see him talki ng to the super, thepain ter, the engin eers, the electr icia ns, he

21、 ll ask them for their feedback, if they think someth ing should be done differe ntly, or could be done better. Whe n Don ald Trump is in charge, all that counts is ability, effort and excelle nee.在每一個工程中,你就會看到他跟油漆工,跟工程師,跟電工交流,如果他們認為有更好的方法我父親就會聽取他們的意見。每當我父親負責一件事的時候,他只看重你辦事的能力、付出的努力和取得的成績。This has lo

22、ng bee n the philosophy at the Trump Orga ni zati on. At my father s company, there are more female than male executives. Wome n are paid equally for the work that we do and whe n a woma n becomes a mother, she is supported, not shut out.這就是我們川普集團的商業(yè)哲學。在我父親的公司,女性主管占大多數(shù)。 男女員工同工同酬,當我們的女性員工成為母親的時候,她只會獲

23、得公 司的支持而不是被無情地辭退。Wome n represe nt 46 perce nt of the total U.S. labor force, and 40 perce nt of America n households have female primary breadw inn ers.In 2014, wome n made 83 cents for every dollar madeby a man. Sin gle wome n without childre n earn 94 cents for each dollar earned by a man, wherea

24、s married mothers made only 77 cen ts. As researchers have no ted, gen der is no lon ger the factor creat ing the greatest wage discrepa ncy in this coun try, motherhood is.美國主要勞動力中有46%是女性,同時美國40%的家庭中女性是頂梁 柱。2014年,男性每掙一美元女性就掙 83美分。一個無子的單身女性 可以達到94美分,而成婚后的女性只能掙77美分。研究人員已經(jīng)意識 到,性別不再是影響薪酬的主要因素,“母親”這個身份才

25、是。As Preside nt, my father will cha nge the labor laws that were put into place at a time whe n wome n were not a sig nifica nt porti on of the workforce. And he will focus on maki ng quality childcare affordable and accessible for all. 一旦競選成功,我父親會修改勞動法, 讓女性作為主要勞動力的重要組 成部分不再遭受不公正待遇。 同時他也會在生育保險方面有所行動

26、,讓 每一個人都能從中獲益。As a mother myself, of three young childre n, I know how hard it is towork while raising a family. And I also know that I m far more fortunatethan most. American families need relief. Policies that allow womenwith children to thrive should not be novelties, they should be thenorm. Poli

27、ticia ns talk about wage equality, but my father has made it apractice at his company throughout his entire career.我個人作為三個孩子的母親,我深知照顧家庭的同時要兼顧工作是多么的艱辛。但同時我也知道我已經(jīng)比大多數(shù)母親都幸運很多了。美國家庭負重太累了,需要一些政策來緩解一下。鼓勵生育的政策應該如常進行下去。政客們總是討論同薪同酬,但是只有我父親在他的公司里從頭到尾踐行著這個諾言。He will fight for equal pay for equal work, and I will fight for this too,right along side of him.他會一直為這一目標努力奮斗,而我也會與他一起并肩作戰(zhàn)。


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