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1、PAGE 七年級英語 第 頁 共 6 頁P(yáng)AGE 19Evaluation Warning: The document was created with Spire.Doc for .NET.監(jiān)利縣廖池中學(xué)20102011年度(上)七年級英語期中試卷滿分120分。時(shí)間120分鐘。請將答案填寫到第二卷上,考生只交第二卷。 班級 姓名 考場 班級 姓名 考場 考號 裝訂線線I. 聽句句子選擇擇你所聽聽到的單單詞。句句子讀兩兩遍。(5分) ( )1.A. eears BB. noose CC. mmoutth( )2.A. hheadds BB. hhandds C. smaall( )3.A. h

2、avve BB. ffamiily C. Tiim( )4.AA. ttheyy B. booys C. grradee( )55.A. I B. haand CC. hheaddII. 聽聽句子,選選擇正確確的應(yīng)答答語,句句子讀兩兩遍。(55分) ( )6、AA. IIm aa sttudeent. B. Im iin CClasss OOne, Grradee Onne. C. Yess, II am.( )7、AA. IIm ggoodd. BB. IIm 111. C. Im ffinee.( )8、AA. YYes, I cann. BB. NNo, Im nnot. C. Yess

3、, II amm.( )9、AA. TTheyy arre ccatss. BB. TTheyy arre yyelllow. C. Theey aare blaack doggs.( )10. A. Itts 1119. B. Its 338300061170. C. Its (05998)7723445788.III. 聽對話,選選擇正確確的答語語。對話聽聽兩遍。(5分)( )11. Whaat ddoess Kaangkkanggs (康康康的)mother do? AA. Shee iss a teaacheer. B. Shee iss a nurrse. C. Shee iss a

4、 docctorr.( )12.Wheere doees TTom worrk? AA. In a hhosppitaal. B. In a sschoool. C. In an offficee.( )13.Whoo iss thhe wwomaan iin ggreeen? AA. My mottherr. B. My aunnt. C. My sissterr.( )14.Whaat s tthe boyys nnamee? AA. Bobb. B. Micchaeel. C. Nicck.( )15.Wheere doees BBilll liive noww? AA. Chiina.

5、 BB. Engglannd. C. Thee U.S.AA. 聽短短文,選選擇正確確的答案案,短文文讀兩遍遍。對話話聽兩遍遍。(55分)( )16.Marrk iis ffromm . AA. Jappan. B. thee U.S.AA. C. Engglannd.( )17.Marrk iis . AA.122 BB. 113 C. 14( )18.Marrks hhairr iss . AA. redd B. blaack C. broown( )19.Marrks mmothher is a . AA. teaccherr B. nurrse CC. Docctorr( )20.Li

6、nngHaai iis iin .、單項(xiàng)填填空(110分)( )21.Thiis iis MMr. Wu. _ iis mmy ffrieend.A. Hiis BB. He C. Shee ( )22.Whhat claass aree yoou iin ? Im iin _.A. Cllasss Twwo GGradde SSeveen B. Cllasss twwo GGradde sseveen C. Claass twoo Grradee Seevenn ( )23.- doo yoou sspelll oorannge? -OO-R-A-NN-G-E, oraangee.A. Wh

7、hatB. HowwC. Cann ( )24.Whhats tthiss? _.A. Yees, its aa peear B. Its oorannge C. Its aan EEngllishh caar ( )25.Is thiis yyourr boook? _.A. Yees, thiis iis B. Yees, it is C. Yess, shee iss ( )26.-WWelccomee too Chhinaa! _.A. Thhankk yoou B. Goood morrninng CC. Seee yoou ( )27.Thaatss _carr. IItss _

8、Enngliish carr.A. a, ann B. a, a C. an, a ( )28. aare hiss .A. Thhesee, ffrieendssB. Theey, friiendd C. Theese, frriennd ( )29. Liindaa.A. Miine namme B. I iis CC. My nammess( )30.找出下下組字母母中讀音音不同的的。A. A B. C C. J .完形填填空(110分)My 331 iss Maary. I 32 eelevven. Teed iis mmy ffrieend. 33 iss thhirtteenn.

9、WWe 34 inn thhe ssamee scchoool. My 355 is a tteaccherr. SShe is a tteaccherr inn 36 schhooll. MMy ddad is a tteaccherr, 37 .HHe iis aan 38 teaacheer iin aa coolleege(大學(xué)). II haave a ccat. 39 naame is Mimmi. It is whiite andd bllackk. IIts aa niice catt. We aree goood 40 .( )31. AA. sissterr B. frii

10、endd C. namme( )32. A. is BB. aree C. am( )33. AA.I B. He C. Shee( )34. AA. is BB. aree C. am( )35. A. dadd BB. momm C. teaacheer( )36. A. my B. hiss C. herrs( )37. A. to BB. tooo C. butt( )38. A. talll B. strrongg C. Engglissh( )39. A. Its B. Itss C. Herrs( )40. AA. friiendd B. friiendds C. friiend

11、ds.閱讀理理解。(330分)A Thiis iis mmy mmothher. Shhes aa teeachher in a hhighh scchoool iin BBeijjingg. SShes ffromm Geermaany. Shes tthirrty-fivve yyearrs oold. She hass a lonng nnosee, aa smmalll moouthh annd ttwo smaall eyees. Her haiir iis bblonnd. Thiss iss myy siisteer. She is sixx yeearss olld. She

12、is a sstuddentt. SShe is Chiinesse. Shes sshorrt. She hass a rouund facce aand bloond haiir. Her eyees aand mouuth aree smmalll, bbut shee haas aa biig llongg noose. Im CChinnesee, ttoo. Im ttwellve. Im aa miiddlle sschoool stuudennt iin BBeijjingg. My mmothher andd I arre iin tthe samme sschoool. I

13、m iin CClasss TThreee, Graade Sevven. I haave bluue eeyess annd bblacck hhairr. II haave a llongg faace andd a lonng nnosee. II haave manny (許多) goood ffrieendss inn thhe sschoool. Theyy alll hhavee bllackk eyyes andd bllackk haair.根據(jù)短文內(nèi)內(nèi)容選擇擇正確答答案。( )441. _ aan EEngllishh teeachher.A. MMy ssistterB.

14、 my mottherrC. My momm( )442. My sissterr haas _.A. aa rooundd faace andd a smaall mouuth B. twoo smmalll eyyesC. A aand B( )443. _ haave thee saame nosse.A. MMy mmom andd myy siisteerB. My sissterr annd II CC. MMy mmom, myy siisteer aand I ( )444. Do my mottherr annd II woork in thee saame schhooll

15、?A. YYes, shhe ddoessB. Yess, wwe ddoC. No, wee arre( )445. _ nott Chhineese.A. MMy mmothher andd I arreB. My sissterr annd II arreC. My mmothher isBLookk att thhe pphotto. Thee twwo ggirlls hhavee biig bbluee eyyes andd loong broown haiir. Theyy arre tten. Theyy arre iin tthe samme cclasss. The one

16、e inn a yellloww skkirtt iss Liily. The othher onee inn ann orrangge sskirrt iis LLucyy. TTheiir ddad is Mr. Whhitee. HHe iis iin aa brrownn cooat. Theiir mmum is Mrss. WWhitte. She is in blaack shooes. Bob is theeir brootheer. He iis iin aa bllue capp. HHe iis aa hiigh schhooll sttudeent. Lookk! LL

17、ucyy annd LLilyy arre iin tthe greeen carr.( )446. Whaat ddoess Luucy loook llikee?A. SShe hass biig eeyess. HHer haiir iis llongg B. Heer eeyess arre bbluee. SShe hass brrownn haairC. AA annd BB( )447. Mr. annd MMrs. Whhitee haave_.A. tthreee cchilldreen(孩孩子)B. onee soonC. A aand B( )448. _ iin tth

18、e broown coaat.A. MMr. Whiite B. Mrss. WWhitte iisC. Lilly iisnt( )449. Bobb issnt _.A. iin aa brrownn caapB. in a bbluee caapC. in a hhighh scchoool( )550. Whaat ccoloor iis tthe Lillys sskirrt?A. yyelllowB. bluueC. oraangeeCA: Myy naame is Dannny. Im ffromm Ennglaand. I am eleevenn. IIm in Graade

19、Sevven. Im ttalll wiith blaack haiir. I havve ttwo bigg eyyes. Myy phhonee nuumbeer iis 0010-7488626635. B: Heelloo! II amm Jaane. Im ffromm thhe UUSA. I havve aa rooundd faace andd twwo bbig eyees. Imm shhortt annd tthinn. IIm tweelvee. IIm in Graade Sevven in Beiijinng Yuccai Higgh SSchoool. Myy p

20、aarennts worrk iin BBeijjingg. C: Loook at thee phhotoo. WWhos tthe girrl iin iit? Its mme, an Engglissh ggirll. MMy nnamee iss Ammy. Imm inn Grradee Seevenn. IIm tweelvee. MMy hhomee phhonee nuumbeer iis 0022-4377659986. I havve aa rooundd faace andd loong, bllackk haair. I likke CChinnesee veery m

21、ucch, andd Im vveryy goood at it. D: Doo yoou kknoww mee? IIm froom JJapaan. My namme iis YYukiio. Imm thhirtteenn. NNow Imm inn Beeijiing. Im sshorrt, andd Im vveryy heeavyy wiith brooad shoouldderss. II haave twoo shhortt leegs. ( )551._ arre ffromm Ennglaand . A. DDannny aand Amyy B. Janne aand A

22、myy C. Yukkio andd Daannyy ()52. DDannny aand Amyy haave _ haiir. A. llongg B. blaack C. A aand B . ( )53. _ aare shoort. A. AAmy andd Daannyy B. Janne aand Yukkio C. Amyy annd JJanee ( )54. DDannny hhas _. A. aa teelepphonne B. twoo smmalll eyyes C. twoo shhortt leegs ( )555. YYukiio iis _. A. ttal

23、ll annd tthinn B. nott taall or shoort C. shoort andd faat 監(jiān)利縣廖池池中學(xué)22010020011年度(上上)七年級英英語期中試卷 班級 姓名 考場 考號 班級 姓名 考場 考號 裝訂線線說明:同學(xué)學(xué)們只交交第二卷卷,務(wù)必必將答案案填寫在在第二卷卷上。否否則,沒沒有成績績。答題卡(共共70分)、完成句句子。(10分)56. MMy nnamee iss Jiim GGreeen. (對劃劃線部分分提問) _ namme?557. TThiss iss a boxx.(改改為復(fù)數(shù)數(shù)形式) _ _ _.58.I havve a biig n

24、nosee.(改改為否定定句) I _ _ a bbig nosse.59. SShe hass a bagg (變變?yōu)橐话惆阋蓡柧渚? _ shee _ aa baag?60. I hhavee a whiite penn. (改為同同義句) _ ppen iss _.、短文填填空,首首字母或或音標(biāo)已已給出。(10分) Myy naame is Kanngkaang, I c_ froom CChinna. I aam aa s_. Imm inn Cllasss 1,Graade 7. I aam tt_. II haave shoort _/blk/ hhairr. MMy pp_ aa

25、re bluue aand my shooes aree whhitee. Do youu liike me?61._ 622._ 663. _ 644._ 65._ 、閱讀答答題(115分)Look at thiis wwomaan. Shes aa Chhineese tabble tennniss(乒乓乓球)pplayyer. She plaays verry wwelll. SShe isnnt ttalll buut vveryy sttronng. She hass loong blaack haiir, smaall eyees aand a bbig nosse. We lli

26、kee heer vveryy muuch. Who is shee? CCan youu guuesss?66. DDoess thhe wwomaan aa taablee teenniis pplayyer? _67. WWherre iis sshe froom? _68. WWhatt dooes shee loook likke? _69. DDo yyou likke hher? _70. DDo yyou knoow hher? _. 書面面表達(dá)(115分) 假如你叫叫Zhaang Junn,請根根據(jù)所給給內(nèi)容,作作適當(dāng)發(fā)發(fā)揮后,寫寫一篇660字左左右的自自我介紹紹短文。Nam

27、e:Zhangg JuunFavorritee coolorr:greenn, bluueBirthhplaace:JianlliFavorritee obbjecct:Engliish, ChiinesseSchoool:Jianlli NNo.11 Hiigh SchhoollParennts joob:teachherLookss:tall, biig eeyessTelepphonne nnumbber:(07166)72223-78338_ 認(rèn)真檢查,考出水水平,考考出自信信!2010-20111學(xué)年年度上學(xué)期七七年級英英語期中中試卷答答案聽 力 材材 料 及 答 案.A)1.HHi

28、s eyees aare bigg annd hhis mouuth is smaall. 22.Hiis hhandds aare verry bbig. 33.Toom hhas a nnicee biig aand happpy fammilyy. 4.Thee booys aree inn diiffeerennt ggraddes. 5.My earrs aare on my heaad。B)6.WWhatt cllasss arre yyou in? 77. HHow aree yoou? 8. caan yyou seee thhe bbirdd? 9. Whhat collou

29、rr arre ttheyy?10. WWhatts yyourr teelepphonne nnumbber? C)11.M:WWherre ddoess Kaangkkanggs mmothher worrk?W:Shee woorkss inn a schhooll. 12.W:WWhatt doo yoou ddo, Tomm? M:IIm aan ooffiice worrkerr. 13.M:WWhos tthatt woomann inn reed?W:Shees mmy mmothher. Thhe yyounng wwomaan iin ggreeen iis mmy aau

30、ntt. 14.W:EExcuuse me, coouldd yoou ttelll mee yoour namme? M:SSnree. MMy nnamee iss Maachaael. 15.M:JJanee, wwherre iis BBilll frrom? WW:Ennglaand, buut nnow he livves in Chiina. D)Helllo. Myy naame is Linng HHai. I havve aa goood friiendd. HHis namme iis MMarkk. HHe iis ffromm Ennglaand. Hee iss thhirtteenn. HHe hhas bigg eyyes andd brrownn haair. Hee iss inn Cllasss 6. Wee arre iin tthe samme cclasss. Marrks mmothher is ourr Ennglaand teaacheer. We likke h


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