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1、 畢業(yè)論文(設計)論文(設計)題目:禮貌策略在商務信函中的運用 (英文) The Application of Politeness Strategies in Business Correspondence姓 名: 學 號: 院 (系): 專 業(yè): 指導老師: AbstractPoliteness, as one of me basic needs that ensure successful human interaction, has been enjoying great popularity with some famous scholars. English business co

2、rrespondence is one of the basic ways of business communication, which functions as not only a useful means to exchange information but also an important tool to build and enhance business relations, thus requires a high degree of po1iteness. This paper analyzes the realization and application of po

3、liteness strategies in English business correspondences. Based upon the theoretical framework of Brown and Levinson, this paper studies how politeness strategies are applied in different types of letters. The study presents an analysis of lexicon, tense, voice, and syntax, etc. in English business l

4、etters and emphasis on the most frequently used positive and negative strategies. This paper is helpful for people to better use politeness strategies in business communication and improve their writing ability. Key words: business correspondence positive strategy negative strategy摘要禮貌現象作為確保人類成功交際的基

5、本手段之一,引起了各大學者的廣泛關注。英文商務信函是商務交流的一種重要方式,不僅具有傳遞信息的功能,還擔負著建立、加強業(yè)務聯系重任,因此,對禮貌具有較高要求。本文旨在分析英語商務信函中禮貌及其策略的實現和使用,在布朗和列文森的禮貌策略理論的框架下本文就英語商務信函的禮貌策略進行了研究,從詞、時態(tài)、語態(tài)和句法等語言角度,分析了使用最為頻繁的積極禮貌策略和消極禮貌策略。并希望該研究對于禮貌理論應用于書面文體的語用研究有所幫助。本文有助于人們在商務溝通中更好的理解和運用禮貌策略來實現自己的意圖,指導人們提高商務信函的寫作能力。關鍵詞:商業(yè)信函 積極策略 消極策略ContentsI. Introduc

6、tion 1 II. An Overview of Politeness and English Business Correspondence22.1 An overview of politeness 22.1.1 Lakoffs view on politeness 22.1.2 Leechs politeness principle 22.1.3 Brown and Levinsons view on politeness32.2 Brief introduction to English business correspondence32.2.1 Definition of busi

7、ness correspondence32.2.2 Classification of English business correspondence4 2.3 The relationship between politeness strategies and business correspondence4. III. The Application of Politeness Strategies in Business Correspondence53.1 Positive politeness strategies 53.1.1 The application of positive

8、 politeness strategies in business letters 63.2 Negative politeness strategies93.2.1 The application of negative politeness strategies in business letters 10. Conclusion12References13Acknowledgements14I. IntroductionEven though politeness is prevalent in our daily life, it is still hard to define in

9、 the linguistic field. In fact, politeness is not only a way to convey information, but also an important means to build and maintain social relationships in communication. Lakoff thinks that politeness is used for “reaffirming and strengthening relationships”. According to Lakoff, “Politeness is a

10、system of interpersonal relations designed to facilitate interaction by minimizing the potential for politeness and confrontation inherent in all human interchange”(Lakoff: The logic of Politeness 1973, P39). Leech defines politeness from the perspective sides and proposes that it is used to create

11、and maintain harmonious interactions. Brown and Levinson consider politeness as the form of behavior that allows communication to take place among potentially aggressive partners. All the above definitions contribute to explain the essence of politeness. Simply speaking, politeness is a set of patte

12、rns to show the consideration for others and to achieve harmony in communication. Business correspondence, as a basic means of business communication, plays a vital role in economic activities. It is an effective way to exchange information so as to build up and maintain harmonious business relation

13、ships. Without business correspondence, business activities cannot go on smoothly. With the globalization of world economy, and the popularity of the Internet, English business correspondences include not only traditional letters but also emails and facsimiles which is widely used. The application o

14、f politeness strategies is going to be analyzed, mainly based on the Politeness Principle of Leech and the Face of Theory of Brown & Levinson in English business correspondence.II. An overview of politeness and English business correspondence2.1 An overview of politeness2.1.1 Lakoffs view on pol

15、itenessLakoff is considered by Fraser as the first to apply Grice's Cooperative Principle to the explanation of politeness from conversational-maxim point of view. Lakoff viewed politeness as a device which was used to reduce or avoid friction impersonal interaction, and later reformulates the r

16、ules of politeness as follows:Formality:keep aloofDeference:give optionsCamaraderie:show sympathy According to Lakoff, the degree of politeness depends on the speaker's assessment of certain situations. On formal occasions,the speaker should avoid putting any imposition on the reader and should

17、be in accordance with social norm in his behavior to maintain the formal atmosphere. Lakoff views politeness as avoidance of offense and a lubricator in communication to keep harmonious relations between the writer and the reader. Her rules of politeness are a great leap in politeness research.2.1.2

18、 Leechs politeness principleLeech makes great contributions to the research on politeness. Based on the speech-act theory of Austin and Scarle and the theory of conversational implicature of Grice,Leech proposed a series of maxims under Politeness Principle:(1)Tact Maxim:Minimize cost to other and m

19、aximize benefit to other(2)Generosity Maxim:Minimize benefit to self(3)Modesty Maxim:Minimize praise of self and maximize dispraise of self(4)Approbation Maxim:Minimize dispraise of other and maximize praise of other(5)Agreement Maxim:minimize disagreement between self and other and maximize disprai

20、se of self(6)sympathy Maxim:Minimize antipathy between self and other and maximize sympathy between self and other. 2.1.3 Brown and Levinsons view on politenessBrown and Levinson (1987) are showing that individual's self-esteem (face) motivates strategies of politeness. They believe the concept

21、of universal significance as the face of social self-image. The face is in order to meet the social interaction of ideas and hope. Faces of different requirements of both sides of communication are divided into positive face and negative face. The positive face is the want to make ones public self-i

22、mage accepted, appreciated, understood, and ratified by others, being thought of as a normal, contributing member of society. As to a negative face, each ones self-image is expected to be free from imposition and distraction, unimpeded by others and the want of independence and freedom of action is

23、to be guaranteed within ones own territory. The face is extremely fragile, and is often subject to certain acts of infringement. Essentially against the face of the speech act, Brown and Levinson called the threat to face behavior (face-threatening acts, referred to as FTAs). Therefore, it is in com

24、munication in order to preserve their face which will strive, to show consideration for others face-saving means of politeness strategies by Brown and Levinson, Politeness Strategies for the correction of acts of threats face is divided into five: (1) bald on record (2) positive politeness strategy

25、(3) negative polite strategies (4)off-record (5)(not doing the FTAs), both sides want to achieve the goal of communication with each other constantly valuation of the risk of losing face according to the size of the potential risk of against each others face to select the appropriate politeness stra

26、tegies.2.2 Brief introduction to English business correspondence2.2.1 Definition of business correspondence Business correspondence is the act of exchanging letters. Generally speaking, business correspondence can be defined as the correspondence used in business transaction. As one of the most popu

27、lar means of communication in business activities, business correspondence plays an irreplaceable role in the fulfillment of business transaction. 2.2.2 Classification of English business correspondenceThere are many classifications of business correspondence, which may cater to different purpose an

28、d aims. Here, some common ways of classification are presented as follows:1. Classification according to the content of the letter: request letters, letters replying to requests, letters for claim and complaint, credit enquiry letters, sales letters, application letters, employment letters and socia

29、l business letters, etc.2. Classification according to different functions in the process of a business transaction: letters for establishment of business relations, letters for the enquiry, letters for counter-offer, ordering letters, letters for payment and LC, shipment and insurance letters, lett

30、ers for conclusion of a deal, acknowledging goods receipt letters, claim letters, etc.3. Leechs statements on illocutionary acts are used as the basis for the classification of business letters. As Leech suggested that illocutionary acts are divided into four categories: competitive, convivial, coll

31、aborative, and conflictive. 2.3 The relationship between politeness strategies and business correspondence In writing business letters, politeness strategies and courteous language count a lot for effective business transactions. It proves to be useful to ensure effective exchange of information and

32、 successful establishment or maintenance of social relationship in the business circle. A writer of business correspondence usually writes on definite purpose and to the specific reader. To reach an intended goal, the writer should bear the reader's needs and expectations in mind and write in a

33、polite way. Actually, a reader who needs expectations may be ignored to cooperate, or to think favorably of the writer as well as the company or organization he or she represents. As a result, the writing of the business letter will definitely turn out to be a failure. The strategies which used to a

34、void impoliteness should be a highly priority in business correspondences.Even though there is no reason to assume that business communication is more polite than any other communications, the goal-oriented nature of this communication suggests that the avoidance of impoliteness should be a high pri

35、ority to business correspondence. The purpose of applying politeness strategies is to establish, maintain, or consolidate social solidarity, which is of significance for business letter writings since they represent the company's general image in the business worldIII. The Application of Politen

36、ess Strategies in Business CorrespondenceBased on Brown and Levinsons model of politeness strategies, this part illustrates how each sub-strategy is applied in business letters. The examples are cited from the collected specimen letters for the research. The importance of part lies in: Firstly, it r

37、ecognizes and categorizes the four kinds of politeness strategies in the samples. Secondly, it provides foundation for the quantitative data analysis of the four kinds of strategies at a macro level in the following part. 3.1 Positive politeness strategies Positive Politeness is oriented to the posi

38、tive face concerns. They are not necessarily redressive of face wants that are directly linked to the face-threatening speech acts and they serve the wider purpose of building and maintaining a friendly and cooperative business atmosphere.The most frequent linguistic devices for positive politeness

39、involve three broad categories: “claim common ground”, “focus on cooperation”, and “fulfill Hs wants” (Brown and Levinson, 1987). They may be further subdivided into specific groups of strategies as shown below. Claim Common Groundl. Notice, attend to H(hisher interests, wants, needs, goods)2. Exagg

40、erate( interest, approval, sympathy with receiver)3. Intensify interest to H4. Use in-group identify makers5. Seek agreement6. Avoid disagreement7.Presupposeraiseassert common groundFocus on cooperation8. Joke9. Assert S's knowledge of and concern for H's wants10. Offer, promise11. Be optimi

41、stic12. Include both S and H in the activities13. Give(or ask for)reasons14. Assume or assert reciprocityFuIfill Hs wants15. Give gifts to H(Brown and Levinson, 1987)3.1.1 The application of positive politeness strategies in business lettersPositive Politeness Strategies are often used in business l

42、etters, but not each illustrated above is frequently-used, some are adapted to oral English or informal occasions. So let me give some popular used strategies and specific examples.The first device for the realization of positive strategies is to claim common ground. It tries to minimize the distanc

43、e between the writer and receiver by emphasizing the solid interest in the other partys need.Strategy1. Notice, attend to H(hisher interests, wants, needs, goods)By this strategy, writers should notice and give full consideration to the interests, needs, wants of the recipients to maintain a friendl

44、y relationship. Appreciative or affirmative sentences are adapted to convey appreciation. Here are the examples:Thank you for your cooperation in the past. We will appreciate it if you will send us detailed information on your products.In business correspondences, people usually use you-attitude lan

45、guage when conveying messages. Lets make a comparison between the following two examples:1.We are allowed to give you a 10% discount on this product. 2.You can get a 10% discount on this productCompared with the first sentence, the second sentence shows that the writer really care about what the rea

46、der interests and wants. By using “you” and “your”, the writer enhances the happiness he brings to the reader, thus always satisfying the readers positive face wants. Starting with “we”, the first sentence presents a writer-oriented picture to the reader, so it is not so polite as example.Strategy2.

47、 Exaggerate(interest, approval, sympathy with receiver)A writer of good writing business letter should know how to enhance the reader's interest, approval and empathy by using appropriate exaggeration with the result that the psychological distance is minimized and a closer relationship is maint

48、ained between the writer and the reader. For example:We would highly appreciate it if you can send us the samples of this productUsing the expressions of “highly”, “best”, “at all times”, the writer intensifies his intention to satisfy the readers needs,thus enhancing the relation between the writer

49、 and the reader, as well as the readers positive face.Strategy3. Intensify interest to HUsing this strategy, the writer draws the reader as a participant into the current conversation. According to Brown and Levinson (1987), there are two ways to achieve this. One is by “making a good story”, the ot

50、her is by the use tag questions.I think it is a very reasonable price ,isnt it?The tag question “isnt it” used here is to draw the readers attention and to ask for the agreement of the reader. Because of this, the writer successfully conveys his respect for the readers opinion and his desire to caus

51、e the readers attention.Strategy4. Use in-group identify makersIn business letters, markers of in-group identity refer to in-group language or dialect, and jargon or slang, which are usually used to abridge the distance between the writer and reader. Some trade terms, such as “FOB” “CIF” “CFR” etc,

52、are used in the following example:we should be pleased if you would quote us the lowest price CIFC15% Singapore Strategy 5. Presupposeraiseassert common groundThis kind of strategy is realized by presupposing that the writer and the reader share some common ground such as the same value, wants and a

53、ttitudes, etc. For instance:If you give us a favorable price , we may order in large quantities. Strategy6. Assert S's knowledge of and concern for H's wantsIn business letters, in order to presuppose or assert knowledge of and concern for readers, writers may use rhetorical questions to add

54、ress the other parties positive face. For instance: Dont you think our products are of good quality and reasonable prices?Strategy7. Be optimisticBy presenting optimism in the letter, the writer displays his trust and confidence in their cooperation. Such words as “sure”, “hope”, “anticipate”, “l(fā)ook

55、 forward to”, etc. are usually used which can be illustrated in the following example:We look forward to hearing from you, and hope it may be possible to do business.Strategy8. Include both S and H in the activitiesBoth writer and reader may share the common ground by combining the two into the same

56、 activities. As indicated by Brown and Levinson, the inclusive “We” is most appropriate form for the realization of this strategy. For examples:We all agree that it would be a good idea to get together.In the above sentences, the use of “we” clearly shows that the two parties are on the same side in

57、 the trade. In this way, the psychological distance is also narrowed which paves the way for the prospective cooperationStrategy9. Give(or ask for)reasonsAccording to Brown and Levinson(1987),indirect suggestions, which demand rather than offering, are the conventionalized positive politeness strate

58、gies. By this way, politely, the writer may indicate that he needs the readers help or he can help the reader thus leading to their future cooperation. This strategy can be realized by the question of the why plus interrogative negative type. Example is listed as follow:Why dont we make efforts to enter the European market?Strategy10.


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