



1、采購合同(Purchas ing Con tract)合同編號(Contract NO.):合同簽訂地點(Signed At):東營簽訂時間(Date):年 月 日出賣人(Seller):買受人(Buyer):鑒于:根據(jù)【中華人民共和國合同法】及相關法律法規(guī),本著平等自愿、等價有償、誠實誠 信的原則,經(jīng)雙方協(xié)商一致,訂立本合同。Accord ing to the Con tract law of the People's Republic of China and releva nt laws and regulati on s,we con clude the con tract o

2、n the basis of equality, volun tari ness,compe nsati on of equal value and sin cerity.第一條 標的、數(shù)量、價款及交(提)貨時間Item 1 (object) Quan tityPrice and Delivery time物資編碼名稱及規(guī)格型號Commodity code and type生產(chǎn)廠家Manu facture r計量單位Un it數(shù)量Qua ntity單價(元)Un it Price總金額(元)Total Amount備注Note不含稅總金額(人民幣)Total Amou nt (V AT exc

3、luded)交提貨時間、數(shù)量:年 月 日至 年 月日全部交貨。Delivery time: Fromto第二條質(zhì)量標準:標準代號、編號和標準名稱:GB150-98.Item 2 Quality sta ndard: sta ndard code, serial nu mberand sta ndard name:GB150-98.第三條出賣人對質(zhì)量負責的條件及期限Item 3Conditions and time limits that Sellers shall be held responsibility for1. 質(zhì)量負責條件和期限按正常運行12個月止執(zhí)行。1. Quality res

4、ponsible conditions and time limits shall not be valid until the product has been functioning properly for 12 mon ths2. 出賣人對標的物的質(zhì)量負責,產(chǎn)品均附質(zhì)檢報告單,質(zhì)量保證書。如果出賣人知道或 者應當知道所處賣產(chǎn)品存在質(zhì)量缺陷,所承擔的質(zhì)量保證期限不受前款質(zhì)量負責期限的約 束,應依法承擔相應責任。2. Sellers shall be responsible for the quality of the marks.The products should include t

5、he Quality In spect ion Report and Quality Guara ntee .If the sellers know or should know the products they sell with defects in quality,the quality assurance time limits should not be subject to the previous quality responsibility deadline and they should be held due responsibility for it .第四條包裝標準:

6、標準包裝,產(chǎn)品所需包裝由出賣人合理包裝,適合水運和長途內(nèi)陸運輸,防潮,防濕,防銹,防震。Item 4 Packagi ng sta ndard: Stan dard packagi ng, the sellers should package the products properly, it should be suitable for shipme nt and long dista nce inland tran sportati on. The packag ing of the products should be resista nt of damp ness, moisture,

7、 rust and shock.第五條隨機的必備品、配件、技術資料、工具數(shù)量及供應方法:隨設備交貨一起交齊。Item 5 The accompa nied n ecessary material, accessories, tech nical in formati on ,qua ntity of合同范本精選! tools and supply methods: Delivery with the equipme nt together第六條合理損耗標準及計算方法Item 6Reas on able loss sta ndard and calculati on method以雙方共同確定的

8、法定計量為準,合理損耗為無。出賣人向買受人實際所交付的產(chǎn)品數(shù) 量在本合同約定的誤差范圍內(nèi),出賣人不承擔違約責任,甲乙雙方也不互補差價。Taking the mutual agreeme nt of legal metrology as the yardstick, there is no reas on able loss standard. If the quantity of the goods delivered by the sellers are in the scope of the error ,the sellers should not bear the resp on si

9、bility for breach ing the con tract and both parties should not pay the price differe nee.第七條標的物的風險及所有權的轉(zhuǎn)移Item 7 Tran sferri ng the risk and own ership of the marks and thi ngs1. 標的物的風險及所有權自交付之時轉(zhuǎn)移至買受人,即在約定時間、約定地點交付之前 標的物的風險由出賣人承擔,交付之后標的物的風險由買受人承擔。1. The risk and own ership of the marks will be tran

10、sferred to the buyers at the deliveri ng moment, that is to say, the sellers undertake the risks of the marks before the delivery at the prescribed place and time , however, after the delivery, the risks is tran sferred to the buyers.2. 遲延交付的,由造成遲延交付的一方承擔遲延期間標的物的風險責任。2. If the delivery is postp on e

11、d, the n the side postp oning the delivery should un dertake the risks of the marks .第八條 交(提)貨方式、地點:買受人在出賣方產(chǎn)地自行提貨。Item 8 Delivery method and place: The buyers pick up the goods at the sellers' place of origi n by themselves.第九條運輸方式及費用負擔Item 9Tran sportati on method and expense burden第十條檢驗標準、方法、地

12、點及期限Item 10Testi ng sta ndard, method, place and time limit1. 檢驗標準:按本合同第二條質(zhì)量標準進行檢驗。1. Testi ng sta ndard:To do the test accord ing to con tract Item 22. 驗收方式:買受人自行提貨的,在出賣人交付產(chǎn)品時,雙方按規(guī)定提取產(chǎn)品樣品,共同封存樣品,以備檢驗。買受人如有異議,應在交付后的5個工作日內(nèi)書面提出。2. Accepta nee method: The buyers pick up the goods by themselves, at the

13、deliveri ng time, both sides pick up the product samples accord ing to the rule and preserve the samples together for test in g. If the buyers have differe nt ideas, they should put forward the problems with in 5 days inwritten form第十一條Item 11第十二條Item 12after the delivery,成套設備的安裝與調(diào)試The in stallati o

14、n and commissi oning of sets of equipme nt結(jié)算方式、時間及地點way of Settlement, time and place分期支付:預付款為合同總價的 30%,在本合同生效后的 3個工作日內(nèi)支付,產(chǎn)品經(jīng)買 受人驗收合格后買受人將合同總價款的70% (即元人民幣),支付給出賣人。買受人在收到出賣人開具的增值稅發(fā)票后,支付該款項。In stallme nt payme nt: Prepayme nt is 30% of the con tract total amoun t, it should be paid with in3 work ing d

15、ays whe n the con tract take effect. After the testi ng of the products, the buyers pay the other 70% of the con tract total amount. Payme nt will be made from the receipt of the in voice合同范本精選! from the sellers.第十三條擔保方式:無Item 13 There is no guara ntee way.第十四條不可抗力Item 14 Force majeure1. “不可抗力”是指不能預

16、見、不能避免并不能克服的客觀情況,包括但不限于:天災、水災、地震或其他災難,戰(zhàn)爭或暴亂,以及其他在受影響的一方合理控制范圍以外且經(jīng)該方 合理努力后也不能防止或避免的類似事件。1. Force majeure"means the unforeseeable , inevitable and insurmountable objective conditions,including not just natural disasters,flood,earthquake or other calamity,war or riot, but also other similar events

17、 that can't be preve nted or avoided even if the sellers make reas on able efforts.2. 由于不可抗力的原因,而不能履行合同或延遲履行合同的一方視不可抗力的實際影響免除部分或全部違約責任。但受不可抗力影響的一方應在通知可能的情況下立即通知對方, 并在不可抗力發(fā)生后15日內(nèi)特快專遞郵寄相關的主管部門簽發(fā)的證明文件,以便其他各方審查、確認。2. Because of the force majeure, the side can't carry out the con tract or postp o

18、ne carrying out the con tract is exempted from part or all the resp on sibility for breach ing the con tract. But the sideun der the force majeure should inform the other side in sta ntly and after the force majeure, they should express the mail of the releva nt docume nts by the related admi nistra

19、tive departme nts with in 15 days, so that all sides can check or en sure it.3. 發(fā)生不可抗力事件終止或消除后,受不可抗力影響的一方,應立即通知對方,發(fā)生不可抗力事件終止或消除后15日內(nèi)特快專遞郵寄相關的主管部門簽發(fā)的證明文件確認不可抗力事件的終止或消除。3. After the ending or elim in ati ng of the force majeure, the side un der the force majeure should inform the other side in sta ntl

20、y and express the mail of the releva nt docume nts by the related admi nistrative departme nts within 15 days to en sure the ending or elim in at ing of the enforce majeure.4. 如果不可抗力的影響持續(xù)超過2個月,受不可抗力影響的一方應與對方取得聯(lián)系,以便解決進一步履行合同的問題。4. If the in flue nee of force majeure lasts more than 12 mon ths, the si

21、de un der the force majeure should con tact with the other side so that they can solve the problems in carry ing on the con tract further.第十五條合同的變更和解除Item 15 The modificati on and relievi ng of the con tract1. 雙方協(xié)商一致可變更或解除本合同。合同變更或解除應采取書面形式。1. The con tract can be modified or relieved on the mutual

22、agreeme nt, and it should be done in written form 。2. 有下列情形之一者,可單方解除合同:2. If it were on one of the follow ing circumsta nces, either side can relieve the con tract:(1) 因不可抗力,不能實現(xiàn)合同目的;(1) Because of the force majeure, they can not realize the purpose of the con tract;(2) 未經(jīng)雙方書面同意,將合同部分或全部權利義務轉(zhuǎn)讓給第三方;(

23、2) Without the consent of the both sides in writte n forms, one side tran sfers part or all the合同范本精選! rights and obligati ons of the con tract to a third side;(3) 在履行期限屆滿之前,一方明確表示或者以自己的行為表明不履行主要債務;(3) Before the expiry of carry ing out the con tract, one side clearly states or in dicates by his con

24、 duct that he don't perform the major debt;(4 )一方遲延履行主要債務,經(jīng)催后在合理期限內(nèi)仍未履行;(4) One side postpones performing the major debt, and he still doesn't perform it in reas on able time limit after the urging.(5) 一方遲延履行債務或者有其他違約行為致使不能實現(xiàn)合同目的;(5) One side postponesperform ing the major debt or he has oth

25、er behavior for breach ing the con tract so that it can't realize the purpose of con tract;(6 )法律規(guī)定的其他情形。(6) Other circumstances ruled by law .3. 解除合同方在解除合同時,應履行通知對方義務。3. The side relievi ng the con tract needs to inform the other side whe n he relieves the con tract.第十六條違約責任Item 16Resp on sibil

26、ity for breach ing the con tract1. 出賣人未按期交付標的,每逾期一日,應向買受人支付延遲交付標的付款金額的5%。的違約金,如出賣人逾期交貨超過7日的,除應向買受人支付違約金外,買受人有權解除合同,并要求出賣人賠償因逾期交貨而造成的損失。1. If the sellers can't deliver the goods on time, one day overdue, the sellers should pay 5 payme nt amount as liquidated damages ,if ,the sellers overdue deliv

27、ery more tha n 7 days ,besides ask ing the sellers to pay liquidated damages , the buyers have the right to term in ate the con tract and ask the sellers to pay the compe nsati on for the loss caused by the late delivery .2. 出賣人交付的標的不符合合同數(shù)量約定的數(shù)量,出賣人應按買受人要求在合理期限內(nèi)補足標的數(shù)量,同時買受人有權要求出賣人賠償因其不完全履約而造成的損失。2.

28、If the quantity of the mark delivered by the sellers is not in conformity with the agreed amount ,the sellers should compleme nt the mark within a reas on able time accord ing to the requirements of buyers,at the same time ,the buyers have the right to ask the sellers to pay the compe nsati on for t

29、he loss caused by the in complete performa nee of the selles.3. 出賣人交付的標的不符合合同約定的質(zhì)量,買受人有權拒收和/或要求更換和/或終止合同,出賣人仍須對買受人的損失承擔賠償責任。在出賣人對質(zhì)量負責的期限內(nèi),如標的出現(xiàn)質(zhì)量問題,出賣人應在合理期限內(nèi)負責修理、更換或者退貨,因標的質(zhì)量問題給買受人造成的經(jīng)濟損失仍由出賣人承擔。3. If the quality of the mark delivered by the sellers is not in conformity with the agreed quality, the

30、 buyers have the right to refuse an d/or require replaceme nt an d/or term in ate the con tract,the sellers should bear the liability for compe nsati on of the loss.With in the time limit thatthe sellers resp on sible for the quality,if occur quality problem, the sellers should be resp on sible for

31、repairi ng ,replaceme nt or retur ning, the sellers should also bear the econo mic losses caused by the quality problem to the buyer4. 買受人未按期付款,沒逾期一日,應向出賣人支付逾期付款金額的5%。的違約金,此項違約總額以預期付款金額的10%為限。4. If the buyers fail to pay on time, one day overdue ,the buyers should pay 5 % of the payme nt amount as l

32、iquidated damages, and this total amount for breach ing the con tract is limited to 10% of the expected payme nt amount合同范本精選!5. 發(fā)生其他違約情形,違約方應賠償由此給對方造成的損失。如屬雙方過錯,應各自承 擔相應責任。5. If others cases occur ,the default side should pay the compensation for losses caused to the other side. If both sides fault,they should bear corresp onding resp on sibility accord in gly.第十七條合同爭議的解決方式Item 17The soluti on of con tract dispute1. 提交仲裁委員會仲裁。1. Submitti ng to arbitrati on commissi on to arbitrate.2. 向東營人民法院提起訴訟。2. Pos ing a lawsuit to the People's Court of Dongying City第十八條其他Item 18 Others1. 本合同自雙方法定代表人


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