1、新編英語教程練習冊4答案Unit 11 .每當他午夜下班回家,他總是躡手躡腳地上樓,以免吵醒鄰居。Every time he rerurned home from work at midnight,he would tiptoe upstairs ,trying not to disturb his neighbours.2 .為了與新來的鄰居建立一種和睦的關系,格林先生不失時機地主動幫她把行李搬進屋子。To establish some kind of rapport with his new neighbour,Mr. Green lost no chance in offering to
2、 carry her luggage to the house.3 .米勒博士向我們推薦的文章集中論述了空氣污染問題,同時也提到了諸如水污染,噪音污染和視覺污染等問題。The article recommended by Dr. Miller centres on the problem of air pollution,meanwhile,it touches upon the water pollution,noise pollution and visual pollution.4 .要不是她的朋友時常鼓勵她,幫助她,她將一事無成。If it had not been for the c
3、onstant encouragement and help from her friend ,she couldn t have accomplished anything.5 .幾天前他還對這項計劃嗤之以鼻,可是他現(xiàn)在卻以高漲的熱情去努力落實這項 計劃,這真是令人難以理解的轉變。It was only a few days ago that he was full of contempt for the new project ,but now he is working hard with zest for its realization.what a battling change!6
4、 .從她的自傳可以斷定,她對那名鋼琴師始終懷有一種復雜的感情。Judging from her autobiography,she always had mixed feelings for that pianist.7 .她在大廳里候機時與兩名美國旅行者攀談起來,談到了很多有趣的跨文化方面的問題。Whiling wating in the lounge for the flight ,he struck up a conversation with two American travellers and touched on many interesting corss-cultural i
5、ssues.8 .這些女孩子都害怕晚上單身一人值夜班。These girls all dread working alone on night duty.9 .我不在乎加班工作,我在乎的是在周末盡是做一些無意義的瑣碎雜務。I don mind working overtime.what I do mind is working on those insignificant trivial things during the weekend.10 .事實上沒有人要求他們在開學的第一天去干什么。當他們看到教室里亂七八 糟時,便自發(fā)地打掃了起來。Actually nobody asked them
6、to do anything on the first day of school.When they saw the classroom in such a mess,however ,they cleaned it spontaneously.7Unit21 .一種莫名的疾病嚴重影響了他的大腦,使他喪失了全部記憶。An unknown disease affected his brain so badly that he lost his memory completely.2 .聚集在法院外進行抗議的人群并沒有對這個太平洋島國的法官和陪審團產(chǎn)生 任何影響。The protesting c
7、rowds outside the courthouse had no effect at all on the judges and the jury of this Pacific island country.3 .一個做了虧心事的人聽的哦啊每一響聲都如同驚弓之鳥。A guilty man apprehends danger in every sound .4 .她溫柔的聲音和慈祥的笑容使屋子里的每個人都感到輕松自在。Her soft voice and gracious smile put everyone in the room at ease.5 .只有當你很好地掌握了各種語體之后
8、才能在各種場合恰如其分地用英語進行 表達。Not until you have a good command of a scale of styles can you speak English appropriately in different situations .6 .對現(xiàn)代經(jīng)濟學的一知半解是導致他經(jīng)營失敗的原因之一。His haphazard knowledge of modern economics was one of the reasons why he failed in his business.7 .信賴的總經(jīng)理很不習慣公司里同事們稱呼他的方式。The new gene
9、ral manager did not feel very comfortable with the way he was addressed by his colleagues in the company.8 .無論他作何種努力來改變其在公眾心目中的形象,都無濟于事。No matter how hard he had tried ,his efforts to improve his image in the mind of the public proved to be ineffective.9 .指揮官從沒有想到他的士兵會無視他的命令。It was the last thing th
10、at occurred to the commander that his souldiers would defy his orders.10 .作文課的老師認為這些話是陳詞濫調,可是它們對學生卻又很大的吸引力。 Although the composition teacher considers these expressions nothing but cliches,they appeal very much to the students .Unit 31 .這個看上去飽經(jīng)風霜的漁翁伸出他那由于辛勞而布滿老繭的雙手,開始講述了他海上生活的艱難歷程。Holding out his wo
11、rk-gnarled hands,the old fishman with a weather-beaten face started to tell us about the hardship of his life on the sea.2 .小女孩顯然受傷不輕。她哭了好幾個小時,現(xiàn)在仍在呻吟。The little girl is apparently badly injured.She s been crying for hours and she s still moa3 .當諾貝爾獎得主由主席陪同走上講臺時,整個大廳頓時爆發(fā)出一陣歡呼聲和鼓掌聲。As the Nopel Prize
12、winner went onto the platform escorted by the chairman ,the whole hall rocked with cheers and clapping .4 .舞會進行到高潮時,舞廳里一片樂曲和歌聲。When the dance party was in full swing ,music and songs swriled all aroud the ballroom .5 .不知是何原因,許多大學生又表現(xiàn)出對中國傳統(tǒng)戲劇如京劇和越劇的濃厚興趣。For reasons that are not quite undersood ,there
13、 has been a revival of strong interest in traditional Chinese drama,such as Beijing Opera and Shaoxing Opera,among the college students.6 .由于人們成群結隊地涌向街頭去觀看一年一度的節(jié)日慶典游行,市中心的交通一度被中斷了。The traffic downtown was held up for a while because croeds of people swarmed into the streets to watch the annual holid
14、ay parade.7 .當這個小伙子看到心碎了的父母親時,他為自己給家庭帶來這么多麻煩而深感愧疚,他跪 在 8.她們的面前祈求寬恕。When he say his heart-broken parents,the young man felt so ashamedof himself for causing so much trouble to the family that he went on his knees and begged their forgiveness.8 .看到了久別了的兒子下了船,老人激動不已,可出乎意料的是,小伙子卻視而不見轉身就 走。He was very ex
15、cited at the sight of his son ,whom he had not met for a long time ,getting off the ship .But it was quite out of expectation that his son pretended not to see him ,and turning his back to his father ,the young man walked off right away.9 .這兩個鄰國結束了長達十年的戰(zhàn)爭,簽署了合約。自那時起,兩國的經(jīng)濟交往和雙邊貿易 得到迅猛發(fā)展。The two neigh
16、bouring countries stopped the decade-long war and signed a peace agreement .From them on ,their economic exchange and bilateral trade developed by leaps and bounds .10 .當這位諾貝爾物理獎獲得者出現(xiàn)在師生面前,全場一片歡騰。她的演講不時被震耳欲聾 的掌聲所打斷。As soon as the winner of Nobel Prize of physics appeared before the faculty and stude
17、nts ,the hall broke into a sea of cheers .And his speech was punctuated by deafening clapping .Unit 41 .除非你在閱讀過程中積極思考,否則是不大可能理解邏輯學的文章的。You are not likely to grasp an article on logic unless you think actively in the course while writing .2 .依作者所見,閱讀一本好書的最有效的方法之一是在閱讀時動手評注。According to the author ,one
18、 of the most effective ways to read a good book is by writing between the lines while reading .3 .他全神貫注地投入在一項克隆實驗工作上,根本沒有察覺到我進入實驗室。He was so absorbed in one of his cloning experimets that he wasn aware of my entering the laboratory at all .4 .我不認為幸福在于獲取自己所需,我認為性欲在于為社會盡責任。I don t think happiness cons
19、ists in obtaining what you need ,I believe happiness consists in doing what you can for socity.5 .氣壓,氧氣和溫度是宇航員在月球上賴以生存的基本條件。Air pressure ,oxygen and temperature are among the conditions indispensable to the survival of the astronauts on the moon.6 .從某種意義上說,研究生也屬于科研人員。In a certain sense ,postgraduate
20、 students are also researchers.7 .他寧愿把所觀察到的東西,無論大事小事,都用筆記下來,也不愿用腦記,因為他相信這 么一句話,“好記性不如爛筆頭。He would rather set down what he has obseved,important or trival ,in his notebook than commit itto his memory ,because he believes in the remark that “Theworst pen is better than the best ” memory .8 .學生原本指望他會解釋
21、銳利觀察和邏輯思維為何是科學研究必不可少的品質,但是他的一番講話不僅沒有使人明白,倒反而使人更糊涂了。He was suppose to explain to the students why sharp observation and logical thinking were indispensable qualities to research work ,but his talk was more confusing than clarifying .9 .根據(jù)他所提出來的外語學習的理論,一個人在精神松弛的狀態(tài)下學習英語要比在精神集中的狀態(tài)下學習英語更有效。According to h
22、is theory of foreign language learning ,one can better learn English in a state of relaxation than in a state of concentration .10 .計劃和列提綱只是寫作的前奏曲,一篇論文的撰寫還需要經(jīng)過初稿,修改,編審等環(huán)節(jié)。Planning and outlining are only a prelude to writing .Drafting ,revising and editing are necessary steps required of thsis wrting
23、 .Unit 61 .他作為一名著名演員其實并不輕松。他必須不斷提高演技以迎接新的挑戰(zhàn)。Being a famous actor ,he actually does not have an easy time of it .He must constantly improve his acting to meet new challenges .2 .校報上宣布,國際勞動節(jié)的夜晚將舉行盛大校友晚會。As was announced in the universary newspaper ,a grand alumni party will be held on the evening of t
24、he International Labour Day .3 .激動地孩子們度過了一個未眠之夜,于次日前便拂曉前便起身去海邊,滿懷希 望能見到日出。After a sleeplessnight ,the excited children got up before dawn the next day and headed for the sea in the hope that they could see the sunrise.4 .這名心理學教授退休后不甘閑逸,開始從事兒童教育游戲的開發(fā)工作。Agter retirement ,the psychology professor,unwil
25、ling to live an inactive life ,took to developing educational games for children .5 .越來越多的國家通過了嚴禁任何人在國境線內任意獵取野生動物的法律。An increasing number of countries have passed the law which forbids anyone to hunt wildlife at will on the territory of their countries .6 .看到這些孩子熟練地在因特網(wǎng)上搜去信息,我便想起了我的孩提時代。那是我 不知道電腦除了文
26、字處理之外還能做什么。The sight of the children s skiilful serch for information on the Internet broyght o m mind my own childhood.At that time I had no idea of what else a computer could do besides word processing .7 .我不知道在動物世界里是否總是弱肉強食。I don t know if it is always the case in the animal world that stronger a
27、nimals prey upon the weaker ones .8 .許多人對他們所居住的城市里雨后春筍地冒出摩天大樓而深感自豪,他們還誤以為摩天大樓是現(xiàn)代化的同義詞呢。Many people are very proud of the skyscrapers that have mushroomed in their cities ,with the mistake idea that skyscrapers are the synonym of modernization .9 .我不認為這是一起偶然時間。從車子被撞的樣子來看,這肯定是蓄意謀殺。I don think it was a
28、n accident ,Judging from the way the car was hit ,it was definitely a deliberate murder .10 .掌握好體操技巧需要多年的訓練,掌握好英語技能也是如此。The mastery of gymnastic skills requires years of training .The same is true with the mastery of English skills.Unit 71 .他們一直在痛苦中等待,直至警察救出了他們被綁架女兒的消息傳來。They had been waiting in ang
29、uish until the news came that the police had rescued their kidnapped daughter .2 .情緒激動的老人打開兒子從海外寄來的信,他越想控制住發(fā)抖的雙手,他們發(fā)抖的越厲害。The emotional old man opened the letter his son sent him from overseas.The harder he tried to control his trembling hands ,the more trembling they became .3 .雖然他們從狼的口中救出了那頭羊,但看到羊
30、全身痛苦地抽搐著,他們感到很難受。They saved the sheep form the grip of the wolf ,but it hurt them very badly to see the wounded sheep writing in pain.4 .他一步不停地跑向火車站,到那里時已經(jīng)氣喘吁吁,滿頭大汗。He ran all the way to the railway station without stopping and when he arrived there,he was out of breath with sweat trickling down his
31、 cheeks .5 .一場突如其來的瓢潑大雨使路人倉皇逃向路邊的商店避雨。A studden dowmpour sent the pedestrians scurrying for shelter in the stores along the streets .6 .看到受傷的水牛在獅子的圍攻中痛苦地掙扎,獵人出于憐憫開槍將它打死。Seeing the wounded buffalo struggling in pain under the attack of the lions ,the hunter shot it dead out of pity .7 .盡管實驗一次次的失敗,他們的
32、熱情非但沒有消失,反而更加高漲。Althouth their experiments failed again and again ,their enthusiasm ,instead of ebbing away ,was rising .8 .他們從未料到新的合作者竟然是個無恥之徒。當再次相見時,他們的怨氣和他的鄙視油然 而生。It never occurred to them that their new parner was such a mean person .A swelling feeling of rage and contempt rose in them when the
33、y met again.9 .盡管他做了最好的準備,但一想到將在拳擊場上面對那個世界冠軍,便不寒而栗。Although he was well prepared ,he felt an involuntary chill on his back at the thought of fighting in the boxing ring with the world champion .10當大夫告訴他這只是一次小手術,時間不會超過一個小時時,他臉上露出了將信將疑的 神色。When the doctor told him that it was only a minor operation th
34、at would take no more than an hour ,there was an incredulous look on his face .Unit 81 .我連汽車都不會開,更不用說飛機了。I can t drive a car ,let alone fly an airplane .2 .北極居住著各族人民。與北極顯然不同的是,南極卻沒有永久性的居民,因為那里的氣候 不利于人類生存。The Artic is populated with people of different nationalities ,The Antarctic ,in contrast ,has n
35、o premanent residents because the climate there is unfavourable to human survival .3 .雖然她在接受心臟手術后自我感覺正常,但是醫(yī)生卻堅持認為她應該隔天去醫(yī)院檢查一 次。Although she felt like a normal person after the heart surgery ,the doctor insisted that she should go to the hospital for examination every other day .4 .掛不得他們一場一場地輸球,他們已好久
36、沒有訓練了。Small wonder they lost the games time and again ,they had been out of training for quite some time .5 .我總覺得相當數(shù)量的董事會成員會強烈反對我們的改革計劃。I am inclined to think that there will be strong opposition to our reform plan among quite a few board members .6 .公司上上下下都認為新來的總經(jīng)理目光遠大,足智多謀,富有競爭意識。The employees of
37、the company at all levels think of their new manger as farsighted ,resourceful and highly competitive .7 .我們不能姑息任何人的有害社會秩序的行為,不管他是誰,不管他來自何處。No matter who he is or where he is from ,we cannot tolerate anyone s behaviour that is jnjuriousto social order .8 .所有那些聲稱見過神秘野人的人都肯定地認為,野人最顯著的特征是巨大的身材。Those wh
38、o claimed to have set eyes on the musterious savage in the forst all affirmed that the most distinctive feature of the savage was its huge size .9 .關于小島上飲用水的質量問題,據(jù)登島探險家的報道,島上的水有一種甘甜清新的味道。As regards the quality of the drinking water on that small island ,the explorers who set foot on the island repor
39、ted that it was sweet ,pleasant and refreshing .10 .從經(jīng)濟收益方面來考慮,出版學術專著的主要問題在于這類書記的銷量較少,平均每次 印刷的數(shù)量只有數(shù)百本而已。As far as the business porfits are concerned ,the main drawback of the publicationof academic treatises is that they usually do not smell well ,with ad average number of only several hundred copie
40、d for each printing .Unit 91 .我真的懷疑經(jīng)過處理的飲用水能夠提供人類健康所必需的礦物質。I really doubt if the treated drinking water will truly provide sufficient minerals that are essential to human health .2 .燦爛雅文化是如何從地球上突然消失的?這始終是一個難解之謎。As to how the splendid Maya Culture disapprared all of a sudden from the earth ,it remain
41、s a mustery hard to solve .3 .當弄清楚是一只大老鼠導致傳動系統(tǒng)中斷運動時,我們都松了一口氣。不久傳送系統(tǒng)便恢 復了正常運轉。When it was made plain that it was a big rat that had caused the breakdown of the transmission system ,we all felt relieved .soon the system was brought to its norml operation.4 .當他得知他因年事已高而不能參加這次航天旅行時,他幾乎陷入絕望。為了參加這次夢寐 以求的旅行,他足足準備了三年。He was almost driven to despair when he learned that he was considered too old to take part in the space voyage .He h
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