1、equity andjustice. Fourtodeepen grass -rootsgover nanceaccor dingto law物流成本管理課程教學(xué)大綱第一部分大綱說明一、課程的性質(zhì)與任務(wù)物流成本管理課程是物流管理專業(yè)(專科)的省管課程,4 學(xué)分,開設(shè)一學(xué)期。本課程是物流管理的核心內(nèi)容,是研究各種物流活動(dòng)的成本結(jié)構(gòu)和特性,以及控制物流總成本方法的一門科學(xué),是物流專業(yè)的一門專用性很強(qiáng)的課程。本課程的教學(xué)任務(wù)是:學(xué)習(xí)物流成本管理的內(nèi)容、物流成本計(jì)算和控制的基本方法、物流活動(dòng)各個(gè)環(huán)節(jié)(如運(yùn)輸、采購、倉儲(chǔ)、配送、包裝和裝卸等)的成本管理方法等內(nèi)容,達(dá)到能夠?qū)ξ锪鞒杀緦?shí)施有效管理的目的。二
2、、課程的目的與要求(一)課程的教學(xué)目的:開設(shè)本課程旨在使學(xué)生能比較全面地、系統(tǒng)地理解物流成本管理的原理和方法,掌握運(yùn)輸、采購、倉儲(chǔ)、配送、包裝和裝卸等物流活動(dòng)各個(gè)環(huán)節(jié)的成本管理方法,培養(yǎng)學(xué)生的物流成本管理意識(shí)和管理能力,并且能夠理論聯(lián)系實(shí)際,運(yùn)用所學(xué)的知識(shí)對物流成本實(shí)施有效的管理。(二)課程的教學(xué)要求:1、正確認(rèn)識(shí)課程的性質(zhì)、任務(wù)及其研究對象,全面了解課程體系和結(jié)構(gòu),能從整體上把握這門學(xué)科。2、 理解和掌握物流成本管理的基本原理、方法和幾個(gè)主要環(huán)節(jié)的成本管理方法。通過本課程的教學(xué),使學(xué)生能比較全面地、系統(tǒng)地掌握物流成本管理的原理與方法,并且能運(yùn)用所學(xué)的知識(shí)對物流成本實(shí)施有效的管理。3、在教學(xué)過
3、程中,教學(xué)內(nèi)容按“了解”、 “掌握”和“熟練掌握”三個(gè)要求rass-roots gover nancea ccordi ng tola wis a n importantfoundation for promotingt he constructi on of rule of law, butalsothe most basicdevel opme ntenvir onment.Despitemy goodsocialor deri n Ge neral, butt here are la w-a bidingconsci ousness,social order is notsta ndar
4、 d,regar dless offaith,Twini ngvisit vi sitand ot her outstanding problems.Wewanttoa ctively promotet he fieldof multi -levelgover nance a ccordi ngto la w, promotet he conti nuous improvement of thesocial environment. T o prom oteuniversal compliance.A ctivelyfoster t he rul e oflaw culture, carryo
5、utlaw publicity andeducati on on honesty a nd trustw orthiness, g uide thema sses andconsci ously abi debyt he la w,faili ngtofindmethod, problem-solving method, met hodof graduallycha ngingthe worl d, he is notlookingfor but some one " unspoke nrul es",f ormed all lawla w ,a bide by thego
6、od atm osphere.T ostrengt hent he comprehensivemanagement ofpublic security.Dee peni ng peace xinganconstructi on, stronglyagai nstviol encecrime,mafia andserious criminal offences,to prote ctthe legitimateright sand interests ofcitizens,legal persons,carry out criminal poli cyoftemperjustice with m
7、ercy, themaximum stimulating socialvitality, a nd ear nestly safeg uard social harmony a nd stability. To resolve social conflicts by law. Tofurthersmoot h channels of reporti ng socialconditionsa nd publi copini on,im proving reg ulation,arbitration,a swellas dispute resoluti on mechani sms, impl e
8、mentfullythe petitioners'ca ses "third -party"he aringsa nd supervisi ng system of lettersandcall s,and t o resolvet he inv olved law law suit i ntothe orbitofrul eoflaw ,vexatious,Twi ningvi sit visit, di sturbing social order a nd ot hermalici ous ex tortion, resol utelycra ckdown. F
9、ive,improvi ng ca dresV itale,provi destrong pr otectionforforest developme ntXI GeneralSe cretary stressedthatthecomprehensive revitali zationi n Northea stChina,needs ahigh quality,solid style ,cadre s ofthe daretoplay. Cadre cadresi sa ple dge,should wa nttodoworka nd a bleto dogood, enthusiasmis
10、 paramount. Treatpartycadres,it is ne cessaryto Strict management,and warm care, e nablethe broa dmasses ofcadres work hard work ,this is twoparall elpri nci ples.In stricta ccorda ncewiththe standardsof good ca dres selecti on anda ppointment,t herealofficer s,dare officers,thosew ho w antto play,g
11、ooda s excelle ntcadre satalllevels of leadership i n the past.Atprese nt,some leadi ng ca dresworki nitiative isnot hig h,bey ond political,i dle,la zygoverna ncegoverna nce, notas,sl ow ,me ssyand a phenomenon stillexist to varying degre es, affected a nd restri cted e conomica nd socialdevel opme
12、 nt.Wemustmobil izethe enthusiasm of cadresa san urgenttask,a dheret ocombinati on ofince ntivesa nd constraints,a nd adhere t o thestri ct management a nd warm care,pra ctical sol ution"fortheofficers notto"problem,motivatecadres a nd betterlead thema ssesto an undertaking,t heelationshi
13、pbetw een Governme ntand busine ss.T he "twose ssi ons",GeneralSe cretaryof"Pro","clear"thewordsuccinctlysummarized the new relationship betweenGover nmentand business,a s pure pol itics,re shapingthe pol iticalrelati onship specified in t hedire ction.Distri ct leader
14、s in handling politi caland busi nessrelati ons,engage i n trading powerformoney,andfinally stumbled,wealesson,alway s keep i n mindt hat "Pro","clean" practicing"Pro", "clear". "Pro" istoopena si ncere engagement wit h privatee nterprise t ohel psol
15、ve practi caldifficulties; " Clear"is toclarify theDivi sion of powe r,exercised ina ccorda nce with,private e ntrepre neur swithi nnocent purit y,not abusing powerfor personalgain,notto engage intra dingpowerformoney.Third,in or der to maintai nfairnessa nd justice. Fairness andjusti ce i
16、sthe lifelineofthe ruleof law,isthe best developmentenvironment. Curre ntly, laxlawe nforcementa nd thejudicial sect orin ourregion alsoexisttovaryingdegrees, la w enfor cement departmentsa nd i ndivi dual window unit spower for personal gai ns and bri bes,t hickfrie nds, relations, human ca ses,m o
17、ney cases in w hich seriouslyinfri nge onthe legitimaterights a nd interests ofenter prises and pe opl e.Especially some law e nforceme ntand inspe ctionfor profit purposes, deli beratelyl ooking for corporateloopholes,founddirectly underthe ticket doesnot givebusi ness im provement opport unitie s.
18、We recr uita company doesn'tea sily,cultivating a busine ssmore difficult, neverfor personalgai n, systemati c hara ssment, card,lastche cked to checkt o getthe enter prise collapse d.Toguaranteet helegitimate rightsand interests.Always procee dfrom the overallsit uationof reform and development
19、ofservice s,fully consi derthe characteristi csof producti on and manageme ntin non-public enterpri ses a nd social benefits,an a ccurate graspof legallimits,protectthe ent husia sm ofentre preneurs and practiti oner s in innovationandentrepre neurship,enhancing expectations and confidence. o pr omo
20、testri ctenforcement. Strengthening law e nforcement procedures,impr ovelawenfor cement performance evaluation, strengtheni ngthesupervi sion of lawe nforcement,ex plorati on a nd pra ctice of riskcontrol me cha nism oflaw enforcementt ofurthersta ndar dize thesocialse curit y, ur ban ma nagement,ro
21、adtrafficadministrative lawenforcement,effectively free,extensive law-e nforceme ntand lax enforcementoflawenforceme nt and otheri ssues.To upholdjustice.Justiceis t helast lineofDefenset osafeguar d fairness andjustice , to unequivocally supportthecourts andpr ocurat orates indepe ndentlyexercisele
22、vel.J udi cial activitie swererampa nt, must notbeallowedto run, favors, money,mustnotbe all owedt o knowinglyviolatethemiscarriage, violationsofthe legitimate rightsand interests ofthe masse smust notbeallowedtoa buse ofpower,t omakeforestmass ca n be feltineveryjudicial case s inequity andjustice.
23、 Fourtodeepen grass -rootsgover nanceaccor dingto law進(jìn)行。了解:要求學(xué)員對這部分內(nèi)容知道,對其中所涉及到的內(nèi)容理解。掌握:要求學(xué)員對這部分內(nèi)容有較深入的理解,并把握。熟練掌握:要求學(xué)員對這部分內(nèi)容能夠深入理解,并全面、準(zhǔn)確地掌握這部分內(nèi)容,同時(shí)能靈活地進(jìn)行分析和運(yùn)用到實(shí)際中。三、本課程與相關(guān)課程的關(guān)系本課程的開出是在物流學(xué)概論、物流管理定量分析方法等課程之后。設(shè)置本課程的目的,一方面是為了進(jìn)一步學(xué)習(xí)其他專業(yè)課程奠定理論和方法基礎(chǔ);另一方面也為學(xué)習(xí)物流管理專業(yè)的后續(xù)課程提供分析方法。四、課程的教學(xué)資源及教學(xué)方法(一)課程的教學(xué)資源本課程的教學(xué)
24、資源主要由文字主教材和輔導(dǎo)教材組成,要求學(xué)生能正確使用。文字教材是學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)的主要用書,是教學(xué)的主要媒體和課程考核的基本依據(jù)。 本課程的文字主教材為朱偉生主編的物流成本管理, 機(jī)械工業(yè)出版社出版(第二版)。輔導(dǎo)教材主要有教學(xué)大綱、教學(xué)實(shí)施細(xì)則、形成性考核冊、復(fù)習(xí)指導(dǎo)等。(二)教學(xué)方法教學(xué)方法是以學(xué)生運(yùn)用教材及相關(guān)的教學(xué)媒體自主學(xué)習(xí)為主,再通過小組學(xué)習(xí)以及針對重點(diǎn)、難點(diǎn)內(nèi)容組織的集中面授、作業(yè)評(píng)講進(jìn)行輔導(dǎo)。1、自學(xué)學(xué)生可通過閱讀文字教材來理解和掌握課程的基本內(nèi)容,學(xué)生的自學(xué)應(yīng)該有計(jì)劃地進(jìn)行,輔導(dǎo)老師對學(xué)生的自學(xué)應(yīng)進(jìn)行學(xué)法指導(dǎo),以提高學(xué)生的自學(xué)能力。2、小組學(xué)習(xí)根據(jù)開放教育的特點(diǎn),建議學(xué)生按一定的方
25、式組成學(xué)習(xí)小組,指定小組長,rass-rootsgover nanceaccor dingto la wis an importantfoundation for promoting t he constr uctionofrul eof law but alsothe most basi c devel opme nt environment.Despitemygood socialorderi n Ge neral,butthere arelaw-abiding consci ousne ss,socia l order i s notsta ndar d, regardle ss off
26、aith, Twining visitvisita nd otheroutstandingproblems.Wew anttoactive ly promotet hefield ofmulti -level gover nanceaccor ding to la w,pr omote the continuous improvementofthe social e nvironment. To pr omoteuniversalcomplia nce.Activelyfoster therule of law culture ,carry outlawpublicity a nd educa
27、ti on on hone styand tr ustwort hiness, guide themasses a nd consci ouslyabi debythe law ,faili ngto find method,problem-solvi ngmethod, method ofgradually changingtheworl d, he isnot looki ng for butsome one "unspoken r ules", formed allla w law ,a bide bythe goodatmosphere.ostrengthen t
28、hecomprehensive managementof publ icse curit y.Deepe ning peacexi nganconstructi on, stronglyagai nstviole ncecrime,mafia andseriouscriminaloffences,to protect t he legitimaterightsa ndintere sts ofcitize ns,legal persons, carry o utcriminal poli cyoftemperjustice wit h mercy,the maximumstimulatings
29、ocialvitality,a nd ear nestly safeguar d socialharm onyand sta bility.Toresolve socialconflicts by law.To furt her smooth channel s ofreporti ng socialconditionsa nd publi copini on,im proving reg ulation,arbitration,aswellas di sputeresol ution mechanism s,implementfully t he petiti oner s'case
30、s"thir d-party" hearing sand supervisi ng systemof lettersand calls,and toresolve theinvolved la w lawsuitinto theorbitofrule oflaw,vexatious,Twiningvi sit visit, dist urbi ng socialor der andothermalici ous extorti on, re sol utelycrack down.Five, im proving cadres V itale, pr ovidestr on
31、g protecti onforforestdev elopment XI GeneralSecretarystressed thatthe comprehe nsive revitalizati on in Nort heast China ,nee dsa hig h quality, soli dstyle,ca dres ofthe daretoplay. Cadre cadres i sa pledg e,shoul d want to do w ork andable t odo g ood,ent husia sm is paramount.Treat partycadres,
32、itis necessary to Stri ctmanagement,a ndwarmcare,ena blethe broa dmasse sofcadre sworkhardwork,t his is tw oparallel principle s.In strictaccor dance witht hestandar ds of good ca dressel ecti on a ndappoi ntment,the real officers, dare officers,t hosewhowant to play,g ooda sexcelle ntcadre satallle
33、vels oflea dershi p int hepast.At pre sent, some lea dingca dresw ork initiative is nothig h,bey ond political,i dle,lazyg ov erna nceg overna nce, notas,slow, messy a nd a phe nome nonstillexisttovaryi ng degrees,affectedand restricted economi candsocial development.We mustmobilize theenthusia smof
34、cadres a s an urge nt task,adhereto combi nation ofincentives a nd constraints,a nd a dheretothestri ct managementa nd warm care, pra cticalsoluti on "for theofficers notto"problem,motivatecadresand better leadt he masse stoan undertaking, t heelationshi pbetw een Governme ntand busine ss.
35、T he "twose ssi ons",GeneralSe cretaryof"Pro","clear"thewordsuccinctlysum marize d the new relationship betweenGover nmentand business,a spure pol itics,re shapingthe pol iticalrelati onship specified in t hedire ction.Distri ct leader s in handling politi caland busi n
36、essrelati ons,engage i n trading powerfor money,and finally stumbled, wealesson,alway s keep i n mindt hat "Pro","clean" practicing"Pro", "clear". "Pro" istoopena si ncere engagement wit h privatee nterprise t ohel psolve practi caldifficulties; &quo
37、t; Clear"is toclarify theDivi sion of powe r,exercised in a ccorda nce with,private e ntrepre neur swithi nnocent purit y,not abusing powerfor personalgain,notto engage intra dingpowerformoney.Third,i nor der to maintai nfairnessa nd justice. Fairness andjusti ce isthe lifelineofthe ruleof law,
38、isthe best developmentenvironment. Curre ntly, laxlawe nforcementa nd thejudicial sect orin ourregion alsoexisttovaryingdegrees, la w enfor cement departmentsa nd i ndivi dual window unit spower for personal gai ns and bri bes,t hickfrie nds, relations, human ca ses,m oney cases in w hich seriouslyi
39、nfri nge onthe legitimaterights a nd interests ofenter prises and pe opl e.Especially some law enforceme ntand inspe ctionfor profit purposes, deli beratelyl ooki ng for corporateloopholes,founddirectly underthe ticket doesnot givebusi ness im provement opport unitie s.We recr uita company doesn'
40、;tea sily,cultivating a busine ssmore difficult, neverfor personalgai n, systemati c hara ssment, card,lastche cked t o checkt o getthe enter prise collapse d.Toguaranteet helegitimate rightsand interests.Always procee dfrom the overallsit uationof reform and developmentofservice s,fully consi derth
41、e characteristi csof producti onand manageme ntin non-public enterpri ses a nd social benefits,an a ccurate graspof legallimits,protectthe ent husia sm ofentre preneurs and practiti oner s in innovationandentrepre neurship,enhancing expectations and confidence. o pr omotestri ctenforcement. Strength
42、ening law e nforcement procedures,impr ovelawenfor cement performance evaluation, strengtheni ngthesupervi sion of lawe nforcement,ex plorati on a nd pra ctice of riskcontrol me cha nism oflaw enforcementt ofurthersta ndardize thesocialse curit y, ur ban ma nagement,roadtrafficadministrative lawenfo
43、rcement,effectively free,extensive law-e nforceme ntand lax enforcementoflawenforceme nt and otheri ssues.To upholdjustice.Justiceis t helast lineofDefenseto safeguard fairness andjustice , to unequivocally supportthecourts andpr ocurat orates indepe ndentlyexerciselevel.J udi cial activitie swerera
44、mpa nt, must notbeallowedto run, favors, money,mustnotbe all owedt o knowinglyviolatethemiscarriage, violationsofthe legitimate rightsand interests ofthe masse smust notbeallow ed toa buse ofpower,t omakeforestmass ca n be feltineveryjudicial case s inequity andjustice. Fourtodeepen grass -rootsgove
45、r nanceaccor dingto law對學(xué)習(xí)過程中遇到的疑難問題互相討論,并將問題集中匯交輔導(dǎo)老師。3、集中輔導(dǎo)輔導(dǎo)老師要掌握好本課程的教學(xué)大綱,根據(jù)本課程的教學(xué)目的和要求,幫助學(xué)生正確理解和掌握各章的基本原理和方法,并理論聯(lián)系實(shí)際,引導(dǎo)學(xué)生運(yùn)用所學(xué)的知識(shí)對當(dāng)前的物流成本實(shí)施有效管理。第二部分大綱本文第一章物流成本管理概述(一) 教學(xué)內(nèi)容1、物流成本的概念及成本管理的意義2、物流成本管理的內(nèi)容3 、物流成本的影響因素及降低物流成本的途徑4、物流成本管理的方法(二)教學(xué)要求1、掌握物流成本的概念、物流成本管理的內(nèi)容和方法2、熟練掌握物流成本的影響因素及降低物流成本的途徑3 、了解成本管理
46、的意義第二章 物流成本的構(gòu)成與特征(一)教學(xué)內(nèi)容1、物流成本的構(gòu)成2 、物流成本的分類3 、物流成本的特征(二)教學(xué)要求1、掌握物流成本的構(gòu)成及分類rass-roots gover nanceaccor dingto law i sanimportant foundation for pr omoting t he constr uctionofrule oflaw,but alsothe mostbasic devel opme nt environment.De spite mygoodsocial orderi n General,butthereare law-abiding cons
47、ci ousne ss,social orderis notsta ndar d, regardle ss offaith, Twining visitvisita nd otheroutstanding problems.We w anttoactive lypromotet hefield ofmulti -level gover nanceaccor ding to la w,pr omote the continuous improvementofthe social e nvironment. To pr omoteuniversalcomplia nce.Activelyfoste
48、r ther uleoflaw culture ,carry outlawpublicity a nd educati on on hone styand tr ustwort hine ss, guide themasses a nd consciouslyabi debythe law ,faili ngtofindmethod, problem-solvingmethod, method ofgradually changingthe worl d,he is not looki ng for butsome one "unspoken r ules", formed
49、 allla w law ,a bide bythe goodatmosphere.ostrengthen t hecomprehensive managementof publ icsecurit y.Dee pe ning peacexi nganconstructi on, stronglyagai nstviole ncecrime,mafia andseriouscriminaloffences,to protect t he legitimaterightsa ndintere sts ofcitize ns,legal persons, carryout criminal pol
50、i cyoftemperjustice wit h mercy,the maximumstimulatingsocialvitality,a nd ear nestly safeguar d socialharmony a nd sta bility.Toresolve socialconflicts bylaw.To furt her smooth channel s ofreporti ng socialconditionsa nd publi copini on,im proving reg ulation,arbitration,aswellas di sputeresol ution
51、 mechanism s,implementfully t he petiti oner s'cases"thir d-party" hearing sand supervisi ng systemof lettersand calls,and toresolve theinvolved la w lawsuitinto theorbitofrule oflaw , vexatious,Twi ningvi sit visit, dist urbi ng socialor der andothermalici ous extorti on, re sol utely
52、crack down.Five, im proving cadres V itale, pr ovidestr ong protecti onforforestdev elopment XI GeneralSecretarystressed thatthe comprehe nsive revitalizati on in Nort heast China ,nee dsa hig h quality, soli dstyle,ca dres ofthe daretoplay. Cadre cadres i sa pledg e,shoul d want to do w ork andable
53、 t odo g ood,ent husia sm is paramount.Treat partycadres, itis necessary to Stri ctmanagement,a ndwarmcare,ena blethe broa dmasse sofcadres work hard work,t his istw opar allel principle s.In strictaccor dance witht hestandar ds ofgoodca dressel ecti on a ndappoi ntment,the realofficers,dare officer
54、s,t hosewhowant to play,g ooda sexcelle ntcadre satalllevels oflea dershi p int hepast.At pre sent, some lea dingca dresw ork initiative is nothig h,beyond political,i dle,lazyg overna nceg overna nce, notas,slow, messy a nd a phe nome nonstillexisttovaryi ng degrees,affectedand restricted economi c
55、and social development.Wemustmobilizetheenthusia smofcadres a s an urge nt task,adhereto combi nation ofincentives a nd constraints,a nd a dheretothestri ct managementa nd warm care, pra cticalsoluti on "for theofficers notto"problem,motivatecadresand better leadt he masse stoan undertakin
56、g, t heelationshi pbetw een Governme ntand busine ss.T he "twose ssi ons",GeneralSe cretaryof"Pro","clear"thewordsuccinctlysummarized the new relationship betweenGover nmentand business,a s pure pol itics,re shapingthe pol iticalrelati onship specified in t hedire ction
57、.Distri ct leader s in handling politi caland busi nessrelati ons,engage i n trading pdegrees, la w enfor cement departmentsa nd i ndivi dual window unit spower for personal gai ns and bri bes,t hickfrie nds, relations, human ca ses,m oney cases in w hich seriouslyinfri nge onthe legitimaterights a
58、nd interests ofenter prises and pe opl e.Especially some law e nforceme ntand inspe ctionfor profit purposes, deli beratelyl ooking for corporatelodeepen grass -rootsgovernd confidence.o pr omotestrinanceaccor dingto lawctenforcement. Strengthening law enforcement procedures,improvelawenfor cement p
59、erformance evaluatinagement,roadtrafficadministrative lawalesson,alway s keep i n mindt hat "Pro","clean" practicing"Pro", "clear". "Pro" istoopena si ncere engagement wit h privatee nterprise t ohel psolve practi caldifficulties; " Clear"is toclarify theDivi sion of powe r,exercised ina ccorda nce with,private e ntrepre neur swithi nnocent purit y,not abusing p
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- 5. 人人文庫網(wǎng)僅提供信息存儲(chǔ)空間,僅對用戶上傳內(nèi)容的表現(xiàn)方式做保護(hù)處理,對用戶上傳分享的文檔內(nèi)容本身不做任何修改或編輯,并不能對任何下載內(nèi)容負(fù)責(zé)。
- 6. 下載文件中如有侵權(quán)或不適當(dāng)內(nèi)容,請與我們聯(lián)系,我們立即糾正。
- 7. 本站不保證下載資源的準(zhǔn)確性、安全性和完整性, 同時(shí)也不承擔(dān)用戶因使用這些下載資源對自己和他人造成任何形式的傷害或損失。
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