1、如皋初中八(下)Unit 5設(shè)計(jì):章霞 審核:黃曉燕2014-5-4Test for 8B Unit FiveClassNo. _一、選擇題。(每題1分,共10分。) (NameMarks)1. - Would you pl ease not sp eak so loudly inp ublic?-Sorry. I will remember to sp eak inlower voice.A. the; aB. /; aC. the; theD. /; /)2. You should avoidkites in the street. It ' very dangerous.A. f
2、lyB. flyi ngC. to flyD. to flyi ng)3. I have spenton this job. I think I can finish itthis afternoon.A. sometime; sometimeB. sometimes; some timeC. some time; sometimeD. some times; some time)4. If we see the sign “"in public, we can 'tpark our cars there.A.B.C.D.)5. - Excuse me, sir. But y
3、ou re_ my way.-Sorry. I didn t know you were passing by.A. onB. byC. with)6. - How do you like this new compu ter game?-I find itfor you _A. eno ugh easy, for p layC. eno ugh easily, for p lay ing )7. This p hysics p roblem isA. to, too work outC. too, to work out)8. - Sir, please put out your cigar
4、ette (香煙).A. don t noticeC. haven ' t noticedB. easy eno ugh, to p layD. easily eno ugh, to p lay difficult for us.B. too, to work it outD. to, too work it out-Sorry. IB. didn ' t noticeD. inthe sig n.)9. Which of the follow ing say ings means tha n your own.”?A. Better safe tha n sorry.B. M
5、any hands make light work.C. The grass is always gree ner on the other side.D. Pull your eggs in one basket.)10. - Hurry up! We must be the first to in terview the pop star. -Sure.D. wont no tice“ What other people have always seems betterA. East or west, home is the best.C. Every dog has its day.B.
6、 The early bird catches the worm.D. Too many cooks sp oil the broth.2八(下)Unit 5設(shè)計(jì):章霞 審核:黃曉燕2014-5-4如皋初中二、完形填空。(每題1分,共15分。)Years ago, whe n Dad moved to the US, I had to go to school in New York. I was worried.How could I, an eight -year-old girl from _11, make friends in America?On my first day at A
7、nna Silver School, I met Miss Alice Gree n, my class _12- Shespoke to me slowly and13 to get me used to her American accent( 口音).When shediscovered that I 14draw ing, she took me as the teacher. Miss Green made sure that Ifit(適應(yīng))into her class easily, and before I knew it, I was already hav ing15 fu
8、n, just asother schoolgirls could.When Dad was sent back to In dia, I had to 16 Anna Silver School. I was 17aga in.Miss Green had planned to take us stude nts for a 18 trip, but I had to say goodbye to them now. So, with a19heart, I left my school and the US. Back in In dia, I received a p ackageone
9、 day. It was20Miss Gree n and my 24 classmates. They bad writte n to me a letter each,21 me about the fish ing trip. Miss Gree n said she 22 me very much. With her good wishes, she added,“ Keep up with your drawm, you love it so much.”rm very24 to Miss Green. She not only made a shy little _25 feel
10、at home in afaraway coun try, but also taught me and my classmates to un dersta nd the importance of being kind to others at an early age.()11. A. I ndiaB. Ch inaC. FranceD. Thaila nd()12. A. nurseB. doctorC. stude ntD. teacher()13. A. weaklyB. no silyC. clearlyD. an grily()14. A. hatedB. enjoyedC.
11、droppedD. min ded()15. A. muchB. littleC. noD. any()16. A. reachB. chooseC. supportD. leave()17. A. tiredB. surp risedC. worriedD. satisfied()18. A. ridi ngB. fishi ngC. skii ngD. camping()19. A. coldB. hotC. lightD. heavy()20. A. fromB. betwee nC. throughD. among()21. A. teach ingB. trai ningC. tel
12、li ngD. treat ing()22. A. tha nkedB. missedC. hurtD. un derstood()23. A. soB. butC. uni essD. since()24. A. kindB. p atie ntC. tha nkfulD. frie ndly()25. A. girlB. boyC. daughterD. son三、閱讀理解。(每題1分,共15分)ALast week Lu visited En gla nd. He stayed with my gra ndmother. He said it was a stra nge visit.
13、"I don ' t understbodl frightened your grandmother a lot. When I arrived, I gave her a pursefrom Suzhou, she looked in it and asked me to take it back. Then I saw a red sp ider on the table so I killed it for her and she seemed very unhappy. Do E nglish people like spiders?3如皋初中八(下)Unit 5設(shè)計(jì)
14、:章霞 審核:黃曉燕2014-5-4"Latewe went shopping. Some one was pain ti ng a shop front, so there was a ladder.Gran dmother stopped me from walk ing un der it and said I must walk around it. I liked the shopsand bought some lovely rose soa p for my mother, a smart umbrella for my father and some newshoes
15、 for myself. When we got back, I put the shoes on the table and opened the umbrella tocheck if it was all right. Your gran dmother came in and screamed.“ Then I broke a small mirror in the bathroom. Your grandmother' s face went whifelt verysorry. When I left I gave your gra ndmother some flower
16、s. She coun ted and there were l 3. She did n ' t like, it th ink she was happy I was going. ”I explained to Lu, “ My grandmother follows the old customs(習(xí)俗).You must not givesome one an empty purse or they will have no mon ey. You must not kill amoney spi deror thesame will happen. Also it is v
17、ery uni ucky to walk un der a ladder and to put new shoes on thetable. An open umbrella in a house means some one will die. Break ing a mirror brings seve n years ' bad lucknd l 3 is also a very uniucky number. You were really making my grandmothervery afraid.'')26.Why did Lu fri ghten t
18、he writer's grandmother?A. Because he could not sp eak En glish.B. Because he did many uni ucky things.C. Because he un derstood British customs. D. Because he went shopping in En gla nd.)27.What do many British people think of spi ders?A. They are afraid of them.B. They kee p sp iders as p ets.
19、C. They think some kinds of spi ders are lucky.D. They hope to see every kind of spi ders in their houses.'s grandmothereeelhe saw the umbrella?B. An gry.C. Ha ppy.)28. What did the writerA. Excited.D. Afraid)29. Which of the follow ing is NOT true accord ing to the p assage?A. Thirtee n is an u
20、ni ucky nu mber in En gla nd.B. People n ever give pu rses as p rese nts in En gla nd.C. For most British people , breaking a mirror means bad luck.D. It is very uni ucky to walk un der a ladder or put new shoes on the table in En gla nd.)30. How many wrong things did Lu do altogether?A. 5B. 7C. 8D.
21、 10“ WCiehour public toilets. But doPerhaps you ' ve seen the English lettersyouknow it is far from elegant (優(yōu)雅的)English? In fact, foreigners from English-speaking10coun tries rarely use the letters.Workers in our city are cha nging“ WCvesigiescity. The gover nment is spendingmuch money cha ngin
22、g all the bad En glish on sig ns and restaura nt menus. Many other p laces inChina are follow ing our ste ps.“ WC, or water closet, is old-fashi oned En glish. It sounds dirty to me,” says Charlie Shiffle"Gents/Men ” and“ Ladies/Womena young man from the US. The old sig n will become“I see lots
23、 of poor En glish in everyday life, and not only on sig ns.” he says.they mean. But they are Chin glish, not real En glish. For exa mple, whe n some one says to me My hometown isHenan Provinee' , I know heshould say: Hometown is a smaller place in a province.”Entry ” which should be “ NoEn try ”
24、,“ Directi on of Air port My hometown is in Henan ProvinceAir port ” . And it is“ room rate ” , not “ room pricetha n“Care of the gree n”The com mon mistakes he p icked up in clude 'should be cha nged to “ Tothe".And remember to“ Keep off the)31. What does the writer thi nk of the use of“WC
25、 ?A. He does n t think it mea ns water closet.B. He doesn' t think it dathioned English.C. He doesn t think it proper for a sign.D. He thinks it elega nt En glish.rarely means)32. The un derl ined wordA. sometimes B. seldomC. oftenD. always)33. Charlie ShiffletA. is a Chin ese livi ng in America
26、B. thinks Chin ese people are sometimes using in correct En glishC. likes to hear or see Chin glishD. sometimes uses Chin glish)34. Which of the followi ng sig ns does NOT use Chin glish?A.0_.廠 pB.A小心海sJC.)35. The last p aragra ph is aboutA. why there are so many Chin glish sig nsB. exa mples of Chi
27、n glishC. where Chin glish sig ns areD. who uses Chin glish sig nsPeople use their mouths for many things. In the English Ianguage, there are many expressions using the word“ mouth ” . But some of them are not so nice.Sometimes, people say something to a friend or a family member. Later they sorrow
28、because it hurts that person' s feelings. Or they tell the person something they didnThe sp eaker might say:“I really put my foot in my mouth this time.”Sometimes whe n one person is sp eak ing, he says the same thing that his friend is going to say. When this happens, the friend might say: “ Yo
29、utook the words right out of my mouth! ”Sometimes a person has a bad or sad experienee with another person. He might say that experienee“l(fā)eft a bad taste in my mouth.” Or the person posfeigbyeiangaWe可怕的)"I had my heart in rexp erie nee, like hav ing an angry dog running after him. He might say:
30、 mouth. ”Some people have lots of money because they were born into a very rich family. You might say the person “ was born withea spoon in his mouth ” isHhe opposite of a person living from “ handto mouth ” This person is very poor and only has eno ugh money for the most important things in life, l
31、ike food.sorrow may mean)36. The un derli ned wordA. feel sorryB. feel excitedD. feel surp rised)37. When a man saysC. feel proud"I had my heart in my mouth” , usually he mea ns he wasA. excitedB. afraidC. surp risedD.happy)38. Your best friend Tony has said what you are going to say, you might
32、 say:aI ”A. You were born with a silver spoon in your mouthB. You really p ut my foot in my mouthC. You really left a bad taste in my mouthD. You took the words right out of my mouth)39. Tom says that he is liv ing from hand to mouth. He mea ns he is liv ing a(n)life.A. busyB. hardC. easyD. rich)40.
33、 Which of the follow ing might be the best title for this p assage?A. Differe nt Uses of MouthB. Peo pie and Their MouthsD. The Imp orta nee of MouthC. Exp ressi ons about Mouth四、詞匯。(每題1分,共15分。)A.根據(jù)所給中文提示、英文釋義及語境完成句子。1. If nobody drops(垃圾),the park will be a clean and comfortable place.2. The(主題)we
34、are going to talk about today is“ Online Manners ”3. Remember not to start a(a small talk) with others ' age, weight ot money.4. If you don' look after your pet in(right or correct) ways, it will get illeasily.5. Never give up Jack remember the say ing,B.從方框內(nèi)選擇合適的單詞并用其適當(dāng)形式填空。makes p erfect.p
35、arklouddiscuss p olite success6. After hours of,they agreed with each other in the end.7. People in our country ofte n queuewhile waiti ng in p ublic p laces.8. The party was verythat ni ght. Every one had a good time.9. He ' a boy with good mann ers. He n ever laughs or shouts10. Hey, you can &
36、#39;park your car here. Look at the sign. It says, NoC.從方框內(nèi)選擇合適的動(dòng)詞并用其正確時(shí)態(tài)填空。in P ublic.push shakep ickbe arrive11. Shethe tomatoes in the garde n whe n I went to see her yesterday.12.-the plane?- Yes, it arrived ten minu tes ago.13. Mr Green14. There_ his head and went out of the meeti ng room.two n
37、ew films in the cin ema this Sun day, aren 'there?15. - Where is Jack? - He五、句型轉(zhuǎn)換。(每空1分,共10分。)in before his classmates.1. The girl is too short to get on the elephant.(改為同義句)The girl isn 'get on the elephant.2. He was so careless that he didn'tnotice the small changes around him.(改為同義句 )
38、He wasno tice the small cha nges around him.He was n 'to no tice the small cha nges around him.3. They usually greet others with a kiss.(對劃線部分提問)they usually greet others?六、句子翻譯。(每題2分,共10分。)1.那個(gè)公共標(biāo)記警告我們別在這里穿馬路。2. 仙蒂太害羞了以致不能清楚的表達(dá)她自己。3. 格林小姐足夠的耐心花許多時(shí)間對我們解釋事情。4. 就像那句諺語一樣“一份耕耘,一份收獲”。5.演講的目的是為了教學(xué)生們吃飯
39、的規(guī)則。七、短文填空。(每題1分,共10分。)Are you going to have dinner at your Wester n friendhome? Then be(1) cwith your table mann ers. Good manners will make you a nice (2) g.You may find Wester n table manners are (3) dfrom Chin ese mann ers. Here is somegood (4) ato kee p you cool.When you are (5) r to eat, sit u
40、p straight on the chair. Usually, donelbows ' t put your(胳膊肘)on the table. First (6) pyour napkin (餐巾)up and put it on your lap. You canuse it to clean your hands or mouth, but not your face. When you finish eating, put it (7)on the table.Don t make any no ise whe n you eat or drink the soup .It
41、p eak whieotyouKhtoulhis (8) f. If you do that, people will see the food in your mouth. If you want to get somefood but you can ' t (9) _ it, ask others to pass the dish to you. Put bones on the end of thep late. And remember, take bread with your (10) h,not with a fork... 7.8. _八
42、、任務(wù)型閱讀(每小題1分,共5分)In most cultures, whe n you meet people you know for the first time duri ng a day, it is usual to greet them. Once a young woma n from En gla nd went to Hong Kong to work. Whe n she first arrived, she knew little about the Chin ese culture of Ian guage. On her way to school one day, she went to a bank to get some mon ey. To her sur prise, the bank clerk asked her if she had had her lunch. She was surprised at such a question because in the British culture it would mean an in
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