



1、【最新整理,下載后即可編借】上海(牛津版)初中英語(yǔ)語(yǔ)言點(diǎn)及語(yǔ)法總結(jié)6A COntentS AbStraCtMoClUlCI IIilRCadingLangUagC POintSRCmarkS1 Family and friendsIFamiIy and rclatives(P2)A familytreeHOW questions Wh-questions AdVCrbS Of frequency重 點(diǎn)是 H OW-questions 和 Wh-CjUeStiOnS 的運(yùn) 用2 I have a good friend (P9)GOOd& icnds FriCndS Of the Car

2、thAdVCrbS Of &CqUenCy and timePrCSCnt PerfCCt tense重點(diǎn)是現(xiàn)在完成時(shí) 態(tài)的概念理解和簡(jiǎn) 單運(yùn)用3 SPCnel a ClayOUt togcthcr(P16)GrCCn islandWh-questionsPrCSCnt PerfCCt tenseHOW-questions SimPlC future tense a”going to重點(diǎn)是現(xiàn)在完成時(shí) 的運(yùn)用以及一般將 來時(shí)的特殊形式 “going to”的運(yùn)用2 PlaCCS and activities4. What WOUlCl you Iike to be?(P26)Intenn

3、CWing a doctorMOdal verb:WOUld/would not Wh-questions Connective: because重點(diǎn)是情態(tài)動(dòng)詞 WOUlcI的用法5 OPCn Day(P32)OPCn Day PrOgrammeOn OPCnDaySimPIC future tense “will”AdVCrbS Of SCqUenCe SimPIC PaSt tensePrePOSitionsat,on, in重點(diǎn)是一般將來時(shí) 和一般過去時(shí)的用 法;難點(diǎn)在于幾個(gè) 介詞的用法比較: a on,in6 GOing toSChOOl(P39)TraVClling time to

4、SChOOISimOn; S WaV toHOW questionsConnective: WhCnA few, some, a IOt Of重點(diǎn)是0 few, SOmC a IOt Of等修飾數(shù) 量的限定詞的用用 法SChOOl7 RUICS around us(P45)RUleS andSignSMOdal verb: must/must not imperatives重點(diǎn)是祈使句的用 法及情態(tài)動(dòng)詞must 的用法3 The naturalWOrlel8 The food WCCat(P55)DinnCrmenuWh-questions PrCSCnt PerfCCt tense PrCP

5、OSitions: in, at重點(diǎn)是現(xiàn)在完成時(shí) 的基本用法和運(yùn)用9 PiCniCS are fun (P62)PIanning aPiCniCMOclal verbs: shall, would,mayConnective: because重點(diǎn)是情態(tài)動(dòng)詞: shall, WOUIcl may 的 用法1() HCalthVCating(P69)GOOd diets and bad dietsA Iitdc, some, plenty of, a IOt Of AdjCCtiVeS to make COmPariSOnS MOdal verb: should/ShOUld not重點(diǎn)是情態(tài)動(dòng)詞

6、 ShOUld的用法II LCt; S make a pizza(P77)HOW to make aPiZZaNOUn PhraSeS AdVCrbS Of SCqUCnCe PrCPOSitions: on, in, above, below重點(diǎn)是名詞短語(yǔ)和 幾個(gè)介詞on, in, above,below6B COntCntS AbStraCtMOdUleL n:IRCaClingLangIIagC POintSRCmarkS1 City Iife1 GrCat CitiCS inASia(P2)GrCat CitiCS inASia(P4)HOW questions Preposition

7、: by Gerund: like/CnjOy/love ClOing AdVerbS to ShOW POSitiOn重點(diǎn)是幾個(gè) 接動(dòng)名詞做賓語(yǔ) 的動(dòng)詞:like, enjoy, IOVe2 At the airport(P8)A trip to LOSAngClCS(P8)PrePOSitions: in, for PrCSent PCrfCCt tense重點(diǎn)是現(xiàn)在完成 時(shí)的用法3 DragOnBOatFeStiVal(P 14)QU YUan and the DragOn BOatFeStiVal(P 14)MOdal verb: WOUlCl Prepositions: with,W

8、ithOUtConnective: but重點(diǎn)是情態(tài)動(dòng)詞WOUId的用法4 Staying healthy(P21)InelOOr andOUtdOOr activities(P21)Wh-questionsHOW CJUCStiOnS Connective: becauseAdwbS Of degree and &CqUCnCy重點(diǎn)是幾個(gè)程度 副詞(toomuch ,more, less, fewer)和頻度副詞 (OnCe,twicetimcs)的運(yùn)用2 ChangCS5 What Will I be like?(P33)My POSSiblC future (P33) What

9、WilI you be like?(P37)ACljeCtiVeS toClCSCribC PCOPIC SimPle future tense MOdal verb: have to AdVerbS Of SeqUCnCC重點(diǎn)是情態(tài)動(dòng)詞 have to的用法6 SeaSOnalChangeS(P40)UnifOrmS for differentSeaSOnS(P40)MOClal verb: must Many, not many Connective: because重點(diǎn)是情態(tài)動(dòng)詞 must的用法7 TraVClling inGardCn CitV (P46)TraVClIing by b

10、us(P46)PrOnOUnS to ShOW quantitiesAdjeCtheS to make COmPariSOnSSimPIe future tense重點(diǎn)是一些數(shù)量 代詞的用法an of,most of, SOme of, none Of)3 The natural WOrld8 WinCly WeathCr(P57)TheWPhOOn(P757)COnneCtivc: WhCn MOClal verbs: can, mav. ShOUIcl AClVCrbS Of manner重點(diǎn)是情態(tài)動(dòng)詞 can, may, ShOUICl 的 用法9 Sea Water and rain

11、Water(P62)ThC OCCans, rain andWatCr(P62)Connective: ifPreposition: by重點(diǎn)是連詞iF的 用法1() FOrCStS andIand(P70)FOreStS(P70)Preposition: from AdjeCtiVeS to describe ObjCCtS重點(diǎn)是掌握描述 物體的一些形容詞II COntrOlling fire(P77)Taking aboutfire(P77)MOdal verbs: may, mustThere be PrCPOSitiOnS : outside, near, On重點(diǎn)是情態(tài)動(dòng)詞 may,

12、 must的用法; 還有介詞outside, near ,on的用法7A COntentS AbStraCtMOdUICL miRCadingLangUagC POintSRCmarkS1.RClatiOnShiPS1 RCIatiVCS inBeijing (P2)WCICOme toBCijingAeljCCtiVeS to make COmPariSonS NOUnS and adverbs to ShOW POSitiOn HOW questionsPrCSentPCrfCCt tenseWh-questionSSimPlC future tense “bu going to”2.()

13、Ur animal fricnds(Pl O)AnimaIs, OUr friendsWh-questions HOW questionsImPeratiVCSSimPIC PrCSCnt tenseConnective: if3.Fricnds fromOthCr COUntrieS(P27)FOreignerS in GarClCn CityPrCPOSitions: near, far away from Wh-questions PrCSent PCrfCCt tenseThere beMOdal verb:WOUld IikC2. MV neighbourhood4. Jobs Pe

14、OPlC do (P.27)PCOPIe' S jobs DifferCntPCOPIe and CliffCrCnt jobsWh-questions Ycs/No questions SimPle PrCSCnt tense SimPIe PaSt tensePaSt ContinUOUStense5. ChOOSing a new flat (P35)Thinking about aImPeratiVeS PrePOSitiOnS OfMOclaI verbs: needremovalPOSitiOn6. DiffCrCntPIaCCS (p42)Kitty' S new

15、flatThCre beWh-questions PrCSCnt COntinUOUS tenseConnectives: when, becausePronoun: itSimPIe PrCSCnttense7 SignS around US (P48)SignS and rulesMOdaI verbs: can, must(not) Wh-questionsThere be.PrCPOSition: in Onat3 DiCt and health8. GrOWing healthy, growing StrOng (P59)TO be a healthy ChildSo-NCither

16、 COnneCtivc: if MOdal verb: USCel to QUantifiCrS to ClCSCribe amountsMOClaI verb: shall,ShOUld Connective: if SimPIe PaSt tense9 InwrnQtionalFOOCl FCStiVal(P67)DiffCrCnt foods Of for the festivalWh-questionsHOW questions SimPle PaSt tenseImPeratiVCSSimPle future tense (be going to)1(). A birth<da

17、yParty (P75)PrCParing for BCn' S birthday PartySimPlC future tense“ ” going toAdVCrbS OfSCqUCnCCMOdal verbs: WOUlClIikCWh-questionsMOdal verb: ShaIlII. My food PrOjCCt (P83)An intcdcw at the frozen food factory- Wh-questions HOW questionsMOdCl verb:WOUld IikCVB ContCntS AbStraCtMOelUICUnitRCaCli

18、ngLangUagC POintSRCmarkS1 GardCn City and its neighbours1 .Writing a travel guideShanghai-an interesting CitVWh-questionsMOdal verb: CanConnective: ifThCrC be2. GOing to SCe a filmChOOSing a filmPrCPOSitions: into alongSo-neither-ImPeratiVeS3. A ViSit toGardCn CityReIatiVeS and their jobsPrCPOSition

19、s: for,SinCePreSCnt PerfCCt tenseV7h-questionsSimPlC PrCSenttense4. LCt; S go ShoPPingGOing ShOPPingPrCPOSitiOnaI PhraSCS and adjectives to describe ObjCCtS SimPle PrCSent tenseSimPle future tense (be going to ,will)2. BCttCrfuture5. What Can WeIearnOthers?ThC happy farmer and his WifeConnective: al

20、thoughSimPlC PaSt tense6 Harcl WOrk for a better IifeA POCmThe grasshopper and the antAdjCCtiVCS toClCSCribC CVCntSStart doingPreSCntCOntinUOUS tense7. In the futureOur hopesSimPIC future tense “will”AgrCCmCnt and CliSagrCCmCntThCrC will(not) bu8. A moreCnjOyabIe SChOOI IifCMV idealSChOOlMOdal verb:

21、 WOUld RefleXiVe PrOnOUnS to identify PeOPICMOclaI verb: Can3. The natural CIemCntS9. The Wind is blowingMr Winel andMr SUrlAdjCCtiVCS to make COmPariSOnS and CleSCribe PCOPIe AdVCrbS Of SeqUCnCe PrOnOUnS to identify7POSSCSSiOnWh-questions SimPlC PaSt tense1(). WaterFeStiValPrCParing for the WatCr F

22、CStiValConnective: WhenImPCratiVCS PrePOSitions: near, atPreSCnt PCrfeCttenseIL EIeCtriCityEICCtriCiU7 around US ThC AirPOrtEXPreSSWh- questions HOW- questionsConnective: when,but8A COntCntS AbStraCtMOdUICI miRCadingGrammar POintSRCmarkS1. My IifC1. PCnfriCndSA ICttCra PenfrienClASkingWh-questions a

23、nd HOW questions USing a and anSimPICPreSent tense SimPIC future tense (will)2. WOrk andPlayA day in theIife ofWrhiZZ-kidWendyThC SimPle PrCSCnt tense AdVerbS and adverbial PhraSCS Of frequencyImPCratiVCS3. Trouble!DCaIingWith troubleThC SimPIe PaSt tense AdVCrbial PhraSeS for the PaStPaSt COntinUOU

24、Stense2. AmaZing4. NUmberSNumbers:CQrelirIal and OrdinalMOdal verb:thingsCVeiTOne' SJIangUagenumbersDCCimalS and fractions InStruCtiOnS and StatCmCntS about numbers imperativesShOUld5.EnCyCIOPaCdiaSLOOk it up!COUntable and UnCOUntabIC nouns USing another and OthCrSimPIC PaSt tense3.Scicnccfictio

25、n6. NObOdVJWinS(I)CaUght by GOrkThe SimPIe future tcnse(will)The SimPlC future tensc(be going to ) AdVerbS and adverbial PhraSeS for the futureASking questions USing question tagsSimPlC PaSt tenseThere be7. NObOdVJWinS(II)ESCaPing from GOrkPrePOSitiOn Of IOCatiOn USing SOme and any USing somebody, S

26、OmCOnc, something, UtC EXClamatiOnSPrePOSitions: on, in, beside, under, above, next to ,in front Of, behind, between8B COntCntS AbStraCtMOClUleUnitRCadingGrammar POintSRemarkS1. NatUrC andCnVirOnmCnt1. TreSSPOllUtiOn fightersThe PreSCntCOntinUOUS tenseGCrUnCl>ing2. WaterWatCr talkTaIking aboutamo

27、untsPaSt COntinUOUStense3. ElCCtriCityA dangerousSCnantMOclal verbs: can, must, mayObjeCt CIaUSCS(I)PaSSiVe VOiCe2. MaSS media4. NCWSPaPerSA new newspaperMOdal verbs: should, OUght to ObjCCt CIaUSeS(Il)It' S great that- 5. MagaZinC articlesBlind man and CVeS inJfire ClramaUSing PrOnOUnS AdVCrbiaI C


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