1、教師節(jié)快樂英文短信本文是關(guān)于教師節(jié)快樂英文短信,僅供參考,希望對您有所幫助,感謝閱讀。1、我們喜歡您做我們的老師,我們尊敬您、感謝您。教師節(jié)快樂!Wei ike you to be our teacher, we honor you, tha nk you. Happy teachers' day!2、您是一堆柴火,燃燒自己照亮了一堆人!謝謝您,教師節(jié)快樂!You are a pile of firewood, bur n yourself out to light up a lot of people! Thank you, happy teachers' day!3、 祝福
2、是真心意,不用千言,不用萬語,默默唱著心曲,祝教師節(jié)印快樂!Blessing is the true heart, no words, no language, silently singing, and I wish the teacher happy holidays!4、您的聲音,總在我耳畔響起;您的教誨,常駐在我心田。祝您教師節(jié)快樂!Your voice, always in my ears; Your teachi ngs, reside nt in my heart. I wish you a happy teachers' day!5、 希望今天,所有的老師都會從心里微笑
3、;為自己自豪吧,因為你是老0帀!Hope today, all the teachers will smile from the heart; Be proud of who you are,because you are a teacher!6、在這個特別的日子里,我想您說聲:節(jié)日快樂!愿您在今后的日子里更 加健康快樂!On this special day, I want to you say: happy holidays! To you in the future days more healthy and happy!7、 老師你們是辛勤的園丁,沒有你們的培育,就沒有我們的今天。我永
4、遠 不會忘記你們的栽培。The teacher you are hard gardener, without your cultivation, there would be no ustoday. I will n ever forget your cultivati on.8、親愛的老師,忙碌了一年,您的節(jié)日又到了,學(xué)生想對您說:不管何時何地,您永遠是我的老師!Dear teacher, busy a year, your holiday again, students want to say to you: no matter when and where, you'll alw
5、ays be my teacher!9、您多像那默默無聞的樹根, 使小樹茁壯成長, 又使樹枝上掛滿豐碩的果 實,卻并不要求任何報酬。You like the more obscure roots, make small trees thrive, and branches hung with rich fruit, but does not require any reward.10、像天空一樣高遠的是您的胸懷像大山一樣深重的是您的恩情請您接受我 誠摯的祝福吧,教師節(jié)快樂!As high as the sky is your mind like a mountain deep is your
6、kindness pleaseaccept my sincere blessing, happy teachers' day!11、風(fēng)送去我們深深的祝福, 讓白云和藍天永遠點綴你的餓生活, 愿你的生 活充滿快樂!Wind sent us deeply wishes, let the white clouds and blue sky ornament yourhungry life forever, may your life be filled with happiness!12、希望今天,所有的老師都會從心里微笑,為了桃李滿天下!只要老師快 樂,我們就快樂!Hope today,
7、all the teachers will smile from the heart, for the sake of plum, full ofthe world! As long as the teacher happy, we are happy!13、我愿將我的祝愿和感謝,濃縮了我對你的祝愿,愿你的每一年,每一天 都充滿了幸福和喜悅!I would like to put my wishes and grateful, enrichment my wish for you, wish you every year, every day is full of happiness and
8、joy!14、對您的感謝千言晚語也無法表達, 對您的祝福百千萬年也不會改變,老 師,祝您萬事如意!Grateful for your words later language cannot express, best wishes for you in onebillion also won't change, the teacher, I wish you all the best!15、是您用黑板擦凈化了我心靈, 是您用粉筆在我黑板一樣的腦海里增添 了 智慧,衷心祝福您幸福永遠!Is that you use an eraser to purify my soul, are you
9、 on my mind a blackboard with chalk added wisdom, sincerely wish you happiness forever!16、敬愛的老師,素白的雪,是您的象征,獻上為您編織的神圣光環(huán),祝福 您歲歲愉快,年年如意!教師節(jié)快樂!Dear teacher, white snow, is the symbol of you, offer the halo of weaving for you, wish you always happy, year after year! Happy teachers' day!17、如果沒有您思想的滋潤,
10、 怎么會綻開那么多美好的靈魂之花啊, 老師, 人類靈魂的工程師,有誰不在將您贊揚!If not you thought moist, how can zhankai so many good flower of the soul, the teacher, the engineer of the human soul, who is not your praise!18、您講的課,是那樣豐富多彩,您的每句話猶如久旱的樹苗得到滋潤, 我 們就是在您的滋潤下,長成參天大樹。Your lecture, it is so rich and colorful, your every word is li
11、ke a long drought seedling get moist, we are under your moist, towering trees.19 、當(dāng)我們采摘豐收果實的時候, 您留給自己的卻是被粉筆灰染白的兩鬢 白 發(fā)。向您致敬,敬愛的老師,節(jié)日快樂!When we pick fruit harvest, you leave your own were chalk dyed white temples of white hair. Honor you, dear teacher, happy holidays!20 、您給了我們一桿生活的尺, 讓我們自己天天去丈量; 您給了我們
12、一 面模 范行為的鏡子,讓我們處處有學(xué)習(xí)的典范。You gave us a ruler of life, let ourselves every day to measure; You gave us a model the behavior of the mirror, let us all have a learning example.21、一切過去了的都會變成親切的思念, 一切逝去了的方知其可貴我 懷 念這您帶我們走過的分分秒秒。老師:節(jié)日快樂!All the past will become kind of miss, all know the lost its precious -
13、 I miss that youtake us through every minute of it. Teacher: happy holidays!22、幾年的情感都刻在了我的記憶里,您對我的好,您的語重心長的話,一 天的時間,表達不完我對你的感謝之情,謝謝您!Years of emotion are engraved in my memory, you are my good, you feel, thetime of day, finish can not express my gratitude to you, thank you!23、祝節(jié)日快樂,如昨般開懷。祝福敬愛的老師身體健康
14、,桃李遍天下。節(jié) 日快樂!Wishing you happiness during the holidays, as long as yesterday. Bless my respected teacher healthy body, the plum all over the world. A happy holiday!24、您的教師生涯,有無數(shù)驕傲和幸福的回憶,但您把它們珍藏在心底,而 只是注視著一待開拓的園地。Your career as a teacher, there are countless proud and happy memories, but you put them
15、 in the bottom of my heart, I just watched a garden plot to develop.25、教師節(jié)快樂!您像一只蠟燭,為學(xué)生獻出了所有的光和熱!您的品格和 精神,可以用兩個字概括,那就是燃燒!Happy teachers' day! You are like a candle, for students to dedicate all the lightand heat! Your character and spirit, can use two words, that is burning!26、人生旅程上您為我點燃希望的光輝豐富我
16、的心靈, 增添我的智慧謝謝您! 老師愿您永遠健康!愉快!幸福!On the journey of life you lit the light of hope for me to enrich my mind, add my wisdom thank you! The teacher may you healthy forever! Nice day! To be happy!27、你是平凡的,你是特別的,只愿平凡與特別伴隨于你!平凡 +特別 =幸福, 快樂!你好!我真是一言難盡。+ special = happiness, happy! A: hello! I wasYou are ordi
17、nary, you are special, only willing to ordinary and special with you!Ordinary really a long story.28、老師,您啟迪我真正領(lǐng)會了大自然的恩惠, 從此我讀懂了每一瓣綠葉, 每一片彩云,每一個浪花。謝謝您,節(jié)日快樂!Teacher, you inspire me to grasp the nature of grace, from now on I read each flap green leaves, each a piece of cloud, each one spray. Thank you
18、, happy holidays!29、我歌頌粉筆。它給予我學(xué)問,勾勒我的靈魂,指點我的前程,那美麗 的 粉筆不正是您的化身嗎?謝謝您,老師!I sing of chalk. It gives me knowledge, draw the outline of my soul, show me the future, the embodiment of the beauty of the chalk is not you? Thank you, teacher!30、本想用 向您道一聲節(jié)日快樂。 但是您一筆一畫教我學(xué)會了寫字, 所 以這里我要用短信息向您道一聲:教師節(jié)快樂!Wanted to
19、use the telephone to say happy holidays to you. Holding a but you teach I learned to write, so here I want to use short message to say to you: happy teachers' day!31、祝老師能像太陽花一樣的堅強, 我沒有太陽花, 可是我相信吊蘭也 能帶 表我的心!以此還是祝老師在節(jié)日里快快樂樂地過這一天!I wish the teacher can like sunflower strong, I don't have the su
20、nflower, but I believe bracketplant can also bring table my heart! This or wish teacher happily in holiday that day!32、您是摩天大樓的粒?;?, 您是跨江越河的座座橋墩, 您是祖國建 設(shè)的 中流抵柱。老師,節(jié)日快樂!You are each cornerstone of skyscrapers, you are hallmarks of bridge pier, across the river, the river was a pillar of the constructi
21、on of the motherland shed on you. Teacher, happy holidays!33、講臺上,寒來暑往,春夏秋冬,撒下心血點點;花園里,扶殘助弱, 風(fēng) 霜雨雪,育出新蕊亭亭。老師,辛苦了!Under the platform, changing seasons, spring, summer, autumn and winter, and little effort; The garden, FuCan help the weak, weathered rain and snow, a new coreflared. The teacher, was lab
22、orious!34、點一盞心燈,照亮無數(shù)學(xué)子的前程; 灑滿腔熱情,孕育滿園桃李的芬 芳。 教師節(jié)到了,學(xué)生祝您節(jié)日快樂,并鄭重地向您道一聲:謝謝!A heart light, illuminate countless students career; With enthusiastic, garden plum fragrance. Teachers' day arrived, I wish you a happy holiday for students, and solemnly say to you: thank you!35、老師,看見您的眉頭開了,我笑了??匆娔纳眢w棒了,你
23、放心了。 看 見您正在老去,我的心痛了。想想老師的愛,我祝福您,身體越來越好,好 人好 運!Teacher, see your eyebrows, I smiled. See your body good, you rest assured. See you are old, my heartache. Think of the teacher's love, I wish you, your body is getting better and better, good luck!36、如果老師是樹,我就是一片樹蔭。如果老師是一盞燈,我就是舍不得 燃 燒的燈芯。如果老師是星光, 我就
24、是星光心中的明星。 愿您平安健康,節(jié) 日快樂!If the teacher is the tree, I am a piece of shade. If the teacher isa lamp, I'm reluctant to burning wick. If the teacher is a star, I am the star light in the heart of the star. Wish you peace health, a happy holiday!37、您是嚴(yán)冬的炭火,是酷暑里的濃蔭傘,湍流中的踏腳石,是霧海中的 航 標(biāo)燈老師啊,您言傳身教,育人有方,甘為人梯,令人難忘!You are a fire of coals in the dead of winter, is
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