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1、SCI 答復(fù)審稿人的回信技巧一篇稿子從醞釀到成型歷經(jīng)艱辛,投出去之后又是漫長的等待,好容易收到編輯的回信,得到的往往又是審稿人不留情面的一頓狂批。這時候,如何有策略有技巧的回復(fù)審稿人就顯得尤為重要。 好的回復(fù)是文章被接收的重要砝碼,而不恰當?shù)幕貜?fù)輕則導致再次修改從而拖延發(fā)稿時間, 重則導致文章被拒,前功盡棄。 下面把我平時總結(jié)的一些答復(fù)審稿人的策略和寫回復(fù)信的格式和技巧跟大家交流一下。首先, 絕對服從編輯的意見。 在審稿人給出各自的意見之后,編輯一般不會再提出自己的意見。但是, 編輯一旦提出某些意見,就意味著他認為這是文章里的重大缺陷,至少是不合他的口味。這時,我們唯一能夠做的只能是服從。因為

2、畢竟是人家掌握著生殺予奪的大權(quán)。第二, 永遠不要跟審稿人爭執(zhí)。跟審稿人起爭執(zhí)是非常不明智的一件事情。審稿人意見如果正確那就不用說了, 直接照辦就是。 如果不正確的話,也大可不必在回復(fù)中冷嘲熱諷,心平氣和的說明白就是了。大家都是青年人,血氣方剛,被人拍了當然不爽,被人錯拍了就更不爽了。尤其是一些名門正派里的弟子,看到一審結(jié)果是 major而不是 minor 本來就已經(jīng)很不爽了, 難得抓住審稿人的尾巴,恨不得拖出來打死。有次審稿,一個審稿人給的意見是增加兩篇參考文獻(估計也就是審稿人自己的文章啦),結(jié)果作者在回復(fù)中寫到,making areference is not charity!看到之后我當

3、時就笑噴了,可以想象審稿人得被噎成什么樣。正如大家所想的那樣,這篇稿子理所當然的被拒了,雖然后來經(jīng)編輯調(diào)解改成了majorrevision ,但畢竟耽誤的是作者自己的時間不是?第三,合理掌握修改和argue 的分寸。所謂修改就是對文章內(nèi)容進行的修改和補充,所謂argue 就是在回復(fù)信中對審稿人的答復(fù)。這其中大有文章可做, 中心思想就是容易改的照改,不容易改的或者不想改的跟審稿人argue 。對于語法、拼寫錯誤、某些詞匯的更換、對某些公式和圖表做進一步解釋等相對容易做到的修改,一定要一毫不差的根據(jù)審稿意見照做。而對于新意不足、創(chuàng)新性不夠這類根本沒法改的,還有諸如跟算法A, B, C, D做比較,

4、補充大量實驗等短時間內(nèi)根本沒法完成的任務(wù),我們則要有理有據(jù)的argue 。在 Argue 的時候首先要肯定審稿人說的很對,他提出的方法也很好,但本文的重點是blablabla,跟他說的不是一回事。然后為了表示對審稿人的尊重,象征性的在文中加上一段這方面的discussion ,這樣既照顧到了審稿人的面子,編輯那也能交待的過去。第四,聰明的掌握修改時間。拿到審稿意見,如果是minor ,意見只有寥寥數(shù)行,那當然會情不自禁的一蹴而就, 一天甚至幾小時搞定修改稿。這時候,問題在于要不要馬上投回去了?我的意見是放一放, 多看一看, 兩個星期之后再投出去。 這樣首先避免了由于大喜過望而沒能及時檢查出的小

5、毛病,還不會讓編輯覺得你是在敷衍他。如果結(jié)果是major ,建議至少放一個月再投出去,顯得比較鄭重。上面是一些一般性的答復(fù)審稿人的策略,在實際中的應(yīng)用還需要大家見仁見智。下面談?wù)劥饛?fù)信的寫法。寫答復(fù)信的唯一目的是讓編輯和審稿人一目了然的知道我們做了哪些修改。因此,所有的格式和寫法都要圍繞這一目的。一般來說可以把答復(fù)信分成三部分,即List of Actions,Responses to Editor, Responses to Reviewers。第一部分 List of Actions的作用是簡明扼要的列出所有修改的條目,讓編輯和審稿人在第一時間對修改量有個概念,同時它還充當著修改目錄的作用

6、,詳見下面的例子。剩下的兩部分是分別對編輯和審稿人所做的答復(fù),格式可以一樣,按照“意見”“ argue ”(如果有的話)“修改”這樣逐條進行。清楚醒目起見,可以用不同字體分別標出,比如“意見”用italic ,“ argue ”正常字體,“修改”用 bold 。下面舉例說明各部分的寫法和格式。編輯意見:請在修改稿中用雙倍行距。審稿人 1:意見 1:置疑文章的創(chuàng)新性,提出相似的工作已經(jīng)被A 和 B 做過。意見 2:算法表述不明確。意見 3:對圖 3 的圖例應(yīng)做出解釋。審稿人 2:意見 1:圖 2 太小。意見 2:第 3 頁有個錯別字。很顯然, 根據(jù)上面的答復(fù)策略,我們準備對除1 號審稿人意見1

7、之外的所有意見進行相應(yīng)改動,而對采取argue 為主的策略。答復(fù)如下:List of ActionsLOA1: The revised manuscript is double spaced.LOA2: A discussion on novelty of this work and a comparison with A and B have beenadded in page 3.LOA3: A paragraph has been added in page 5 to further explain the algorithm *.LOA4: Explanations of the le

8、gend of Figure 3 have been added in page 7.LOA5: Figure 2 has been enlarged.LOA6: All typos have been removed.=分頁 =Responses to Editor請在修改稿中用雙倍行距。We have double spaced the text throughout the revised manuscript, see LOA1.=分頁 =Responses to ReviewersTo Reviewer 1:意見 1:置疑文章的創(chuàng)新性,提出相似的工作已經(jīng)被A 和 B 做過。Thank

9、 you forpointingthisout.A and Bs researchgroups have done blablablabla.However, the focus of our work is on blablablabla, which is very different from Aand Bs work, and this is also the major contribution of our work. We have addedthe following discussion on this issue in our revised manuscript, see

10、 LOA2.“blablablabla(此處把A和 B 的工作做一個review ,并提出自己工作和他們的區(qū)別之處) ”意見 2:算法表述不明確。We have added the followingdiscussionto furtherexplainalgorithm*,see LOA3.“blablablabla (此處進一步解釋該算法)”意見 3:對圖 3 的圖例應(yīng)做出解釋。We have added the following explanations of the legend of Figure 3, see LOA3.“blablablabla (圖 3 圖例的解釋)”=分頁

11、=To Reviewer 2:意見 1:圖 2 太小。We have enlarged Figure 2, see LOA 4.意見 2:第 3 頁有個錯別字。We have removed all typos, see LOA5.=分頁 =總之,寫答復(fù)信的宗旨就是用最少的時間和工作量達到論文被接收的目的。這里權(quán)當是拋磚引玉,希望和大家多多交流。來源: pitlord999小木蟲如何回復(fù) SCI 投稿審稿人意見如何回復(fù)SCI 投稿審稿人意見(1)所有問題必須逐條回答。盡量滿足意見中需要補充的實驗。滿足不了的也不要回避,說明不能做的合理理由。審稿人推薦的文獻一定要引用,并討論透徹。以下是本人對審

12、稿人意見的回復(fù)一例,僅供參考。續(xù)兩點經(jīng)驗:1,最重要的是逐條回答,即使你答不了,也要老實交代;不要太狡猾,以至于耽誤事;2,絕大部分實驗是不要真追加的,除非你受到啟發(fā),而想該投另外高檔雜志因為你既然已經(jīng)寫成文章,從邏輯上肯定是一個完整的“story ” 了。以上指國際雜志修稿。國內(nèi)雜志太多,以至于稿源吃緊, 基本沒有退稿,所以你怎么修都是接受。我的文章水平都不高,主要是沒有明顯的創(chuàng)新性,也很苦惱。 但是除了開始幾篇投在國內(nèi)雜志外,其他都在國際雜志(也都是 SCI)發(fā)表。以我了解的情況,我單位其他同志給國內(nèi)雜志投稿,退稿的極少,只有一次被某某科學進展拒絕。究其原因,除了我上面說的,另外可能是我單

13、位寫稿子還是比較嚴肅,導師把關(guān)也比較嚴的緣故。自我感覺總結(jié)(不一定對):1)國內(nèi)雜志審稿極慢(少數(shù)除外),但現(xiàn)在也有加快趨勢;2)國內(nèi)雜志編輯人員認真負責的人不多,稿子寄去后,少則幾個月,多則一年多沒有任何消息;3)國內(nèi)雜志要求修改的稿子,如果你自己不修,他最后也給你發(fā);4)國外雜志要求補充實驗的,我均以解釋而過關(guān),原因見少帖) 。還因為:很少雜志編輯把你的修改稿再寄給當初審稿人的, 除非審稿人特別請求。 編輯不一定懂你的東西, 他只是看到你認真修改, 回答疑問了,也就接受了 (當然高檔雜志可能不是這樣,我的經(jīng)驗只限定一般雜志(影響因子 1-5 )。歡迎大家批評指正。我常用的回復(fù)格式,呵呵。D

14、ear reviewer:I am very grateful to your comments for the manuscript. According with your advice, we amended the relevant part in manuscript. Some of your questions were answered below.1)2)引用審稿人推薦的文獻的確是很重要的,要想辦法和自己的文章有機地結(jié)合起來。至于實驗大部分都可以不用補做,關(guān)鍵是你要讓審稿人明白你的文章的重點是什么,這個實驗對你要強調(diào)的重點內(nèi)容不是很必要,或者你現(xiàn)在所用的方法已經(jīng)可以達到目的就

15、行了。最后要注意,審稿人也會犯錯誤,不僅僅是筆誤也有專業(yè)知識上的錯誤,因為編輯找的審稿人未必是你這個領(lǐng)域的專家。 只要自己是正確的就要堅持。在回復(fù)中委婉地表達一下你的意見,不過要注意商討語氣哦!我得回復(fù)格式是這樣的:Dear Professor xx:Thank you very much for your letter dated xxx xx xxxx, and the referees reports.Based on your comment and request, we have made extensive modification on theoriginal manuscri

16、pt. Here, we attached revised manuscript. in the formats of bothPDF and MS word, for your approval. A document answering every question from therefereeswas alsosummarized and enclosed.A revisedmanuscript.withthe correctionsectionsredmarkedwas attachedasthesupplementalmaterialandforeasycheck/editing

17、purpose. Should you have any questions, please contact us withouthesitate.然后再附上Q/A,基本上囑條回答,寫的越多越好(老師語)。結(jié)果修改一次就接收了:)我的回復(fù),請老外幫忙修改了Dear Editor:Thank you for your kind letter of“” on November *, 2005. We revised themanuscript. in accordance with the reviewers comments, and carefully proof-readthe manusc

18、 minimizetypographical,grammatical,and bibliographical belowisourdescriptionon revisionaccordingtothereviewers comments.PartA(Reviewer 1). The reviewers comment: The authors Answer: The reviewer s comment: The authors Answer: Part B(Reviewer 2)The reviewer s comment: The authors Answer: The r

19、eviewer s comment: The authors Answer: Many grammatical or typographical errors have been the lines and pages indicated above are in the revised manuscript.Thank you and all the reviewers for the kind advice.Sincerely yours,* 精華 如何回復(fù)SCI 投稿審稿人意見(2)一個回復(fù)的例子( 已接收 )Major comments:1. The authors need to s

20、trengthen their results by including MMP secretion, andtran-matrigelmigrationby a positivecontrolprogenitorcellpopulation. enrichedhuman CD34 cells obtained from mobilized PBL, since this is a more clinicallyrelevant source of CD34 cells which has also been shown to secrete both MMP-9 andMMP-2 (ref.

21、11).CD34 enrichedcellsfrom steadystateperipheralblood which alsosecrete MMPs are also of interest.2. In fig1Cplease specify which cell line represents MMP-negative cells. This needs to be clarified, as well as a better explanation of the method of the protocol.3. The ELISA resultsare representedas f

22、oldincreasewe suggestthatstandardsshouldbe used and pared to control. Instead, should be presented as absolute be compared to those of the4. When discussing the results, the authors should distinguish clearly betweenspontaneous migration vs chemotactic , the high spontaneous migration obtained with

23、cord blood CD34 cells should be compared to mobilized PBL CD34 enriched cells and discussed.5. The authorsclaimthatthe clonogenicassay was performedto determinethe optimumconcentrationforinhibitionof MMPactivityby phenanthrolineand antiMMP-9mAb,however they should clarify that this assay canonly det

24、ermine the toxicity of theinhibitors and not their optimal inhibitory concentrations.Minor comments:1.Therearemany spellingand syntaxerrors,especiallyintheresultsanddiscussion, which need correction.a. Of specialimportance,isthe percentinhibitionof migration,whichisdescribedas percent of migration.

25、. pg 7:Migration of CB CD34 was reduced to %? Instead should read Migration of CB CD34 was reduced by %?b. The degree symbol needs to be added to the numbers in Materials and methods.2.Itwouldbe preferabletocombinefigure1AandB,inordertoconfirmthereliability of fig. 1B by a positive control (HT1080).

26、Answer to referee 1 comment:Mobilized peripheral blood is a more clinical source of CD34+ cells, so it is necessary to compare the MMP-9 secretion and trans-migration ability of CB CD34+ cells with that of mobilized PB CD34+ cells. However, we couldnt obtain enough mobilized PB to separate PB CD34+

27、cells and determine the MMP-9 secretion andmigration ability, so we couldnt c omplement the study on PB CD34+ cells in thispaper.Resultsobtainedby Janowska-Wieczoreket alfoundthatmobilizedCD34+cellsin peripheralbloodexpressMMP9-. Furthermore,Domenechsstudy showed thatMMP-9secretionisinvolvedinG-CSF

28、induced HPCmobilization.Theirconclusionshave beenadded inthediscussion.Inour present study,ourcentralconclusion from our datais thatfreshlyisolatedCD34+stem/progenitorcellsobtainedfrom CB produceMMP-9.2. MMP-9negativecellused in fig1Cwas Jurkat cell.In zymographic analysis,MMP-9was not detected in t

29、he medium conditioned by Jurkat cell. To exclude that thecontaminating cells may play a role in the observed MMP-9 production, we screenedthe media conditioned by different proportion of CB mononuclear cells with MMP-9negative cells by zymography. This result may be confusion. Actually, only bydetec

30、tingthe medium conditioned by 2X105 CB mononuclear cells(MNC)/ml(sincethepurities of CD34+ cell are more than 90%), it could exclude the MNC role. In therevised manuscript,we only detectedMMP-9activityand antigenlevel inthemediumconditionedby 2X105CB mononuclearcells (MNC)/ml.There is no MMP-9secret

31、ionbedetected in the medium conditioned by 2X105 CB MNC/ml. It excluded the possibility that the MMP-9 activity in CB CD34+ cells conditioned medium is due to contamination by MNC.thethisrevised paper,we have detectedthe MMP-9 antigenlevelsbyusingcommercialspecificELISA kits(R&D System,sensitivity,m

32、l).RecombinantMMP-9from R&DSystemwas used as a standard. The results are expressed in the absolute concentration.The absolute concentration result has been added in the paper. As shown in Fig2,MMP-9 levels were detectable inbothCB CD34+ cell conditioned medium and BM CD34+cellconditionedmedium. Howe

33、ver, MMP-9levelwas significantlyhigherin CB CD34+cellconditionedmedium than inBMCD34+ cellconditionedmedium ml versus ml).Althoughgelatinolyticactivitywas notdetectedin media conditionedby CD34+cellsfromBM, sensitivityof ELISA favorsthedetectionof MMP-9 antigeninthe BMCD34+.4. In our study, to estab

34、lish the direct link between MMP-9 and CB CD34+ cellsmigration,we only determinedthe roleof MMP-9inspontaneousmigrationofCB CD34+cells, but not in chemotacticmigration.Actually,regulationof hematopoieticstemcell migration, homing and anchorage of repopulation cells to the bone marrowinvolvesa comple

35、x interplaybetween adhesionmolecules, chemokines,cytokinesandproteolyticenzymes. Resultsobtainedby thegroupsof Voermans revealthatnotonlythe spontaneous migration but also the SDF-1 induced migration of CB CD34+ cells is greatly increased in comparison to CD34+ cells from BM and peripheral blood.CD3

36、4+ cells we obtained in each cord blood sample were very limited. It is not enough to screen the inhibitors concentrations to select the optimal inhibitory concentrations. In the blocking experiments, based on the concentrations used by others and the manufacturers recommendation, we then determined

37、 the inhibitors concentrations by excluding the toxicity of the inhibitors in that concentration, which was determined by clonogenic assay.Minor comments:spelling and syntax errors have been checked and corrected.theresultsinfigure1AandB wereobtainedfromtwoseparatedandparallelexperiments, it is not

38、fitness to combine two figures.這是我的一篇修稿回復(fù),雜志是JBMR-A,影響因子 , 已發(fā)表,供參考!Reply to the comments on JBMR-A-05-0172Comment:Reference#10 is missingfrom the Introductionbut used much laterin the manuscript.Should these be in order used in manuscript?Reply:The missing reference has been added into the revised m

39、anuscript.Comment (continued):What is the sample size for all tests performed?Reply:The sample size for drug release and PCL degradation tests was cm2, with athickness of a weight of about 40mg. This dada have been added into the revised manuscript.Comment (continued):Figure 7. There is no scientifi

40、c evidence presented in the TEM figure to convince this reviewer of sub-jets. This statement on Page 9 cannot be made without clear evidence during the jet formation/separation. Figure 7 is just a large fiber and small fiber fused together, no other conclusion than this can be made.Reply:Necessary c

41、hange in the statements has been made in the revised manuscript. as well as in the referred figure accordingly.Comment (continued):Table 3: Need standard deviation for all values reported not just for a select after Table 3 not necessary. Just reference method used.Reply:Done accordingly.Comment (co

42、ntinued):Page 11: faster weight loss What was the sample size? Where is the statistical analysis of this data? This reviewer does not see a significant difference in any of the data presented, thus weight loss would be considered equivalent.Reply:Althoughnot too much differencewas seen, the conclusi

43、onthat“the GS/PCL membraneexhibited a relatively faster weight loss compared with the RT/PCL membrane” wasindeedapplicablethrough“one-wayanal ysisofvariance(ANOVA)”analysis.Followingthe reviewer s comment, a new sub -sectionhas been added to the address the statistical analysis for the

44、 data.Comment (continued):Page 12: What is the sample size for release data? Looks like results based on a sample size of one? Need stand deviations on the data presented in Figure 11. Why wasnt releaseperformed and compared for all electrospun conditions investigated otherwise?Reply:Three repeatedt

45、estswere performedforeach set ofmeasurements and theresultingdata were averaged. As stated in the revised manuscript, each sample had a squarearea of33cm2 witha slightlydifferent deviationshave been added to thedata shown in Fig. present manuscript. aimed to show that medical drugs can be encapsulat

46、ed in ultrafine fibers through a co-axial electrospinning process. The drug release data intended to show that the encapsulation was successful. We didnot consider any specific application in this preliminary paper, and in fact thetwo drugs were justchosen as model illustration.As such,thereseemed n

47、ot necessaryto perform.releaseexperimentsforallof the membranes electrospunwithdifferentconditions . the core concentrations)Comment (continued):Table 3: Yangs or Youngs Modulus (page 10 says Youngs).Reply:Corrected accordingly.Comment (continued):Figure11: What is the % release,not justconcentratio

48、n.Why justthissmallsampleof release data? Where is the release data for the other conditions?Reply:Unfortunately,we didnot measure the amount oftheshellmaterialinobtainingthecompositenanofibers.Namely, theflowrateof theshell solutionduringtheelectrospinningwas notaccuratelycontrolledusingan injectin

49、gpump. Hence the %release was not applicable. Please refer to the previous reply related to Page 12and Figure11fortheremainingacknowledgethereviewer scommentsandsuggestionsverymuch, which are valuablein improvingthe qualityof our manuscript.SCI 生物醫(yī)學英文論文發(fā)表成功經(jīng)驗發(fā)表成功經(jīng)驗SCI 生物醫(yī)學英文論文發(fā)表成功經(jīng)驗共享系列一 ( Clinical

50、Chemistry)將自己近10 年的科研工作中有關(guān)論文整理總結(jié)發(fā)表方面的一些信息貢獻出來,與大家共享!如有時間, 我擬將一些已經(jīng)發(fā)表的文章,按照撰寫與發(fā)表的實際經(jīng)歷與過程,即通過案例分析每一個雜志的特色,審稿偏好,review意見及答復(fù)要點等逐一分析??赡馨碾s志系列有: nature methods,clinical chemistry, analytical chemistry,J. Clin. Immuno,Biomed. Microdev, Front. Biosci, Mol. Cell. Biochem, J. Expert, Rev. Proteomics,J biochem

51、istry等。本章先講解美國Clinical Chemistry雜志,一個臨床化學界的王牌雜志,近年其影響因子逐年攀升,現(xiàn)為分。ClinicalChemistry由美國 AACC每月出版,接受的文章包括與人體疾病相關(guān)的實驗室研究,分析與分子診斷, 儀器,資料處理, 數(shù)據(jù)分析,臨床研究等投稿。 ISSN:0009-9147 網(wǎng)絡(luò)版 ISSN: 1530-8561URL】【鏡像 URL】【出版者】 American Association for Clinical Chemistry (AACC)【收費情況】免費,全文【內(nèi)容簡介】ClinicalChemistryis an internation

52、aljournal oflaboratorymedicineandmolecularChemistry-This highly respectedand often-citedscientificjournalispublishedmonthly and containspeer-reviewedmethodology,research papers andotherarticlesrelevanttoclinicalchemistry andrelated laboratorysciences.Itscirculationismore than 15, E. Bruns, MD, Edito

53、r, (CharlottesvilleSandra Weaver, Senior EditorialDonna Brandl, EditorialShane P. Cyr, EditorialMac Fancher, Publisher,Miriam Gonzalez, Publications【目錄、摘要或全文上網(wǎng)等情況】Free TOC, 1965 -Free Abstract, 1975 -Free Fulltext, 1997 -1999Fulltext, 1997 -【雜志被索引的情況】Indexed in Chemical Abstracts.【備注】For faster acce

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