1、2008 年英語理工類C 級試題及第 1 部分:詞匯選項(第 115 題,每題 1 分,共 15 分)下面每個句子中均有 1 個詞或短語劃有底橫線,請為每處劃線部分確定 1 個意義最為接近的選項。1 .Wellgive every teacher room for developmentA.placeB. employmentC. spaceD. house2.Theman asked him to identifythe thiefA.nameB. describeC. captureD. call3.We wereall there when the accidentoccurred.A.
2、happenedB. brokeC.spreadD.appeared4.It took meexactly ak to complete the workA.startB. achieveC. improveD.finish5.The herbmedicine eventually curedher diseaseA.nicelyB. apparentlyC. finallyD.naturally6.This newpolicy has led to a dramaticincreaseinproductionA.minorB. strikingC. fixedD.modest中間幾題暫缺14
3、. Jackconsumesa pound of cheesea day.A. eatsB. drinksC. buysD. produ15. Maryjust told us a very fascinatingstory.A. strangeB. frighteningC. difficultD.eresting第 2 部分:閱讀判斷(第 1622 題,每題 1 分,共 7 分)下面的短文后列出了 7 個句子,請根據(jù)短文的內(nèi)容對每個句子做出判斷:如果該句提:供的是正確信息,請選擇 A;如果該句提供的是錯誤信息,請選擇 B;如果該旬的信息文中沒有提及,請選擇 C。The Need to Re
4、memberSome people say they have no memory at all:“I just cant remember a thing!”But of course we all have a memoryOur memoryls US who we areOur memory helps US to make usehe present of what we havelearnthe pastIn fact we have different types of memoryFor exle,our visual memory helps USrecall facts a
5、nd plaSome people haveompletsuch a strong visual memorycturet they can remember exactly what they have seen,forexle,pages of a book,as a cOur verbal(言語的)memory helps USlist,a chemical formula,dates,orremember words and figures we may have heard buta recipenot seen or written:items of ashopWith our e
6、motional(情感的)memory,s or unhappinessWe also have spelwe recall situations or plawhere we had;strong feelings,perhaps of happinesmemories for smell,taste,touch and sound,and for performing physical movementsWe have two ways of storing any of thesememoriesOur short-term memory stores items for up to t
7、hirty seconds-enoughlong-term memory,on the other hand,may store items for a lifetimeOldto remember aeople in facephone number while we dial. Ourve a much biter long-term memoryn short-termThey may fwere very younget what they have done only a few hours ago,buve the clearest remembrance()of when the
8、yPsychologistsl USt we only remember a few facts about our past,andt we invent the restIt is as though weremember only the outline of a storyWe then make up the detailsWe 0ften do thishe waywewanttorememberthem,usuallySOtwe appear asthe heroes of our own past,ormaybevictimsneeding sympathy(同情)16. Vi
9、sualmemoryhelpsUS recall a place we have beento.A.RightB. WrongC.Notmentioned17. Visualmemorymay be used when weread a storyA.RightB. WrongC.Notmentioned18. VerbalmemoryhelpsUS read wordswe have neverheardA.RightB. WrongC.Notmentioned19. Emotionalmemoryisused whenerform physicalmovementsA.RightB. Wr
10、ongC.Notmentioned20. Animalsdonovea long-termmemoryA.RightB. WrongC.Notmentioned21. Longtermmemory is more importantn short-termmemoryA.RightB. WrongC.Notmentioned22. Generallywe remember only a few facts about thepastA.RightB. WrongC.Notmentioned第 3 部分:概括大意與完成句子(第 2330 題,每題 1 分,共 8 分)下面的短文后有 2 項測試任
11、務(wù):(1)第 2326 題要求從所給的 6 個選項中為第 14 段每段選擇 1 個最佳標(biāo)題;(2)第 27-30 題要求從所給的 6個選項中為每個句子確定 1 個最佳選項。What Do Dreamsl Us?1Why do weiving bookdream?on theDo dreams have meanings? These are questions which have troubled man for thousands of yearsThe oldest survreion of dreams is Egyptian and is nearly 4,000 years old
12、In ancient Greece,it was thoughttl the dreamepeople m whatd of awhowere ill could be cured byling their dreamsThey would relate their dreams to their doctors who wouldthey meantand then give them medicine to make them wellThe ancient Chibevedt if a pregnant womanbear,d have a son,and if she dreamed
13、of a snake,)the futured have a daughterThere are many stories about dreams foreling(2We certainlydo not now bevet dreams forel the futureMost scientists bevet dreams arebased on events in our own life and on our feelingsThe events are usually very recent,mostly withhe last two daysOuremotions,ontheo
14、ther hand,our wishes,hopes and fears. may go back many years,even to early childhood3In a dream,events are alteredA dream J11ay contain parts of many reallife eventsMost importantly,somethingt catnnot be shown directly may be shown indirectlyFor exle,you might dream ofdriving a large carThis could m
15、eancontrol otheopleAgain,you may y foes your linesThis dream maynotyou want to have a larger car,butt you desireer,and maybe you want todreamseem strat you are an actor in a playThe play is about to start,but you have complenge because you are noterested in acting,and you never want to be in a playB
16、ut the dream may meant you have some othroblemt you feel is too difficult for you to solve4Psychologists bevet dreams may be helpful to us,people who have been allowedtoasslemuchn experiments,but not allowed to dream,havee anxious and restlessAnd when they are later allowed tous for the Lost“dream t
17、ime”sleepastheylike,theydream moren ever to make23Paragraph124Paragraph225Paragraph326Paragraph4A B C D EFStructure andreionof a dreamAncient views on dreamsBabies dream lessDreaming may be good Dreams cannot foren olderfor ourchildrenhealthl the futureHealthy people do not dream27282930The ancient
18、Greeks bevedt their couldbe cured byling their dreams.Most scientists If you dream ofWhen people arebevet dreams have somethinga large car, it could meantodo withdaily life.t you wantdrivingnot allowed to dream during sleep,theyeA B C D EFerquiet and happy events experiments diseasesworried and nerv
19、ous第 4 部分:閱讀理解(第 3145 題,每題 3 分,共 45 分)下面有 3 篇短文,每篇短文后有 5 道題。請根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,為每題確定 1 個最佳選項。第一篇暫缺第二篇 Stop Eating Too Much“Clean your plate! ”and“ Be amember of the cleanplate club!” Just about every kidhe US hasheard this froma parentrandparentOftenitspanied by an appeal:“Just think about those starving orpha
20、ns(孤兒)in Africa!”Sure,we should be grateful for every bite ofean the plate”,perhaps we should savefoodUnfortunay, many peoplehe US take too many bitesInstead of staying“clsome food for tomorrowAccording ts reports,USrestaurants are partly to blame for the growingbels (肚子)A waituts a plate offood in
21、front of each customer,withyAmericans traditionally assotetwoto four times the amountmended by theernment,according to a USA Today storgive themtThey prefer to have custoty with value and most restaurants try ton too littlemers complain about too much food ratherBarbara Rolls,a nutrition(營養(yǎng))professo
22、r at Pennsylvania Se University,told USA Todayt restaurant portion sizes began to growhe 1970s,the same timet the American waistline(腰圍)began to expandHealth experts have tried to get many restaurants to serve smallortionsNow, apparently,some customers are calling for this tooThe restaurant industry
23、 trade magazine QSR reported last montht 57 percent of moren 4,000 people surveyed beved restaurants served portionst were too large;23 percend no opinion;20 percent disagreedBut a closerlook at the survey indicatest many Americans who cant afford fine dining still prefer large portionsSeventy perce
24、nt ofthose earningt smallereast $150,000 per year prefer smallortions;but only 45 percent of those earning lessn $25,000 wanIts nott working class Americans dont want to eat healthyIts justt,after long hoursoying jobs,getting less on their plate hardly seems like a good dealThey live from paycheck(薪
25、金支票)to paycheck,happy to save a little money for next yearS Christmas presents題目暫缺第三篇 SunspotsIts not surprisingsun can be seen without sunspots(黑子)were observed by ancient astronomers(天文學(xué)家)The largest sunspots on theelescope. It was notuntil theinvention of theescope(望遠鏡)he early 17th century, howe
26、ver,t systematic studies of sunspots could beundertakenThe great astronomer Galileo was among theto makeescopic observations of sunspotsSunspots are regions of extremely strongcore known as the umbraThe umbra irroundedmagnetic fields(磁場)found on the sunrfaceA sunspoby a dark ring called the penumbra
27、,where the magnetic fields a dark central spreads outwardSSurfaceunspots appear dark because they are giving off less radiationThey are coolern the rest of the sunsSunspots are frequently observed in pairs or in paired groupsThe membersof a spot pair are identified as the leadingerms of the directio
28、n in which the sun rotaspot and the following spotThey are identified by theirtes(旋轉(zhuǎn))itionhe pairThe number of sunspots at any one time varies。A large spot group may consist of as many as 10 groups and 300 Spots acr oss the SunThe number of spots changes in a fairly regular pattern called the sunspo
29、t cycleThe largest number occurs aboutevery 11yearsAt sunspot minimum,there are at most just a few small spotsThe average lifetime of an individual spot group is roughlytent large spots,however,can survive for two to three monthsonesolarroion,whichisabout25daysThemostpersis41.Carefulobservations and
30、 systematic studies of sunspotsA.B.C.D.were made startedwere madeby ancient he earlyby Galileoastronomers. 17th century. only.elescope.could be made withou42.Sunspots arecoolern therest of the sunrface becauseA.B.C.D.they they theytheyproduce lessenergy. he sun.from magnetic fields.magnetic fields.a
31、re areareburied far awayclose to43.The leading spotand the following spot are the names ofA.B.C.D.two large sunspots.a large spot and the two spots inthe central corea small spot. a spot pair.and the ring around it.44.If anense sunspotactivity-had occurredin 1857,the nextouldhavebeeninA.1858.B. 1862
32、.C. 1865.D. 1868.45.he last paragraphthe word persistentmeansA. importantB. effective.C. enduring.D.visible.第 5 部分:補全短文(第 4650 題,每題 2 分,共 10 分)下面的短文有 5 處空白,短文后有 6 個句子,其中 5 個取自短文,請根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容將其分別放回原有位置,以恢復(fù)文章原貌。Canada Ikea:What a Great Place for You to ShopThere are many different storest people go to in o
33、rder to buy various household goods(46)The Canada Ikea(宜家)is notconfined to one city alonerent Localitieshat countryInstead,you will find there are many different branches spread outany diffeAs will of the Ikea stores面)of the Canada Ikeat itsthe Canada Ikea deals mainly with selling topcustomers wil
34、l like ist the store has thequalityabilitySwedish furniture(47)One facet(方of catering(迎合)totheir English speaking customers as well as their French customersTo make_(48)Asshopfor furniture and othergoods easy the Ikea stores in everycountryare all set outenjoy visitinghe same manner_a result of this
35、 the Canada Ikeais onetits local and foreign customersTo helpmake it easy for you to shop forthe itemst you want thereare large blue and yellow bags orshopcarts available(49)As you wander through the store you willproducts you will have a beautiful house e forfind manyeresting itemslive comfortablyt
36、 you can use for your home or even officeWith thesein you to shop(50)The Canada Ikea is a great plact youcanA. This furniture is designed to provideeveryday usethe homeowner with stylish(時髦的) furnituret is also affordable and perfect forB. With s0 many items to befound you are sure towant to buy eve
37、rythingt catches your fancyC. These bagsdium to smalland carts aresized objectsperfect for the many different lshadescushions (墊子),bed linens(亞麻布),toys and other met you wantD. This makesit very easy forvisitors from other countries to buy the items they need without wandering around the store tryin
38、g to find their goodsE. One such storet you canfindany different countries includingt of Canada ist of theIkea chain of storesF . The larger sized objects are displayedhe showrooms of the Canada Ikea Stores.第 6 部分:完型填空(第 5165 題,每題 1 分,共 15 分)下面的短文有 15 處空白,請根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容為每處空白確定 1 個最佳選項。Biological Identifica
39、tion Technologies Whenrson walks,the movement of his head,trunk,andlimbs(肢體)are a refley to these changesThcted in changes in his bodyA computer stores these database(數(shù)據(jù)庫)Later,the computer can accurais is a new biological identification quickly identify an examinee without disturbing himEve bodyS v
40、oice is(51)o a(52)him according(53)and itcan(54)WhenrsonS voice is recorded by an instrument,his voice frequency spectrum(頻譜)is called sound prfingr,eyebodyS sound pr,his voice is recorded(55)ais differentHow can a computer his sound?fingr, everybodys sound pris different. amiliar withon which theHo
41、w can a computer(56)his sound?, his voice is recorded,(57)allows the computer toe fhis voiceIt will then turn his sound characteristicso a series of digits(數(shù)字)These are the (58)computercan distinguish his voice from anothers.We often bringotten or lost,howID cards,work cards,or driving licenses with
42、US to (59)our identityIf all these cards are fnot difficult to prove whom you are(61)your bodycanrove whom we are? in(60),itsitself has identifying markersSome are physiological(生理的)featurech as fingrs,一 sounds,fal(面部的)types anhe databaseTd oseye colorThe computer can(62)to identify youSupe your features have already been(63)identify youwe have to take your picture wicamera and ition of yourthe whites ofsend it to a
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