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1、熬Suggest昂ions on阿 Andrew昂s inve拔stment八Introdu巴ction斑To have伴 comfor瓣table l熬ife, it鞍 is imp佰ortant 笆for one拔 to ear案n more,哀 but no扮 less i擺s the r鞍ight ma礙nagemen胺t of mo凹ney愛, as ac八claimed稗 by Car般los (20礙09)扳. Andre俺w is fa絆cing th拔e probl癌em of m暗anaging扮 h凹is mone懊y effec阿tively,跋 so thi案s 爸r

2、eport百 is wri傲tten翱 to giv絆e him s暗ome sug罷gestion拜s. Befo艾re writ壩ing, 襖the wor襖k of re拜ferring笆 to the岸 introd敗uct敖ion of 熬his sit埃uation 跋and the捌 checki頒ng叭 盎of 骯the int盎ernet f芭or info傲rmation案 of pro擺per 瓣financi捌al prod案ucts an叭d servi百ces has懊 been d挨one car柏efully.稗As was 矮written傲 to ill盎u

3、strate安 the fa八ct that稗 霸how to 背schedul挨e your 骯finance埃 and ho氨w to in伴vest ef笆ficient敖ly稗, this 矮report 瓣is not 柏only fi巴t Andre扒w very 疤well bu矮t will 挨also be斑 helpfu擺l for s扮omeone 瓣who is 背unfamil班iar wit礙h finan懊cial se鞍rvices 傲and pro阿ducts b板ut want啊 to man半age the啊ir weal背th more隘 effici愛

4、ency.背The rep岸ort佰 盎firstly拔 佰analyze哀d the f哎inancia笆l struc胺ture of壩 Andrew拌; in ad癌dition,傲 I芭t捌 worked埃 out th案e 搬future 笆financi艾al need耙s of An澳drew; t罷hen, I敗t鞍 checke耙d to fi啊nd prop按er fina挨ncial p柏roducts奧 or ser百vices m柏ainly b拔y inter鞍net; an癌d final岸ly, I啊t敗 come u般p with 傲a concl背usion

5、 w叭hich in叭cludes 吧a serie安s of fi搬nancial唉 produc案ts and 把service白s that 俺fits An斑drew we扮ll, als拔o I芭t頒 helped靶 him on拔 how to叭 deal w瓣ith it 芭effecti笆vely.拔Analysi邦s of fi搬nancial唉 servic隘es扳Current敗 financ阿ial str隘uct唉ure of 哎AndrewSavingsAccount5,000Current account1,800Royal Bank of Scotland60,

6、000Prudential6,000Aberdeen asset Management30,000InterestIncomeDividends$500/monthInvestment? PortfolioPensions柏Table 1半. Andre昂ws fin暗ancial 敖structu哎re皚Form ta安ble 1 w襖e can c奧learly 芭know 骯what啊 Andrew芭 has 辦and how耙 much a愛re they瓣 to inv奧estment耙. T版he calc瓣ulation鞍 吧of his 奧assets 稗and net搬 in

7、come跋 礙in deta擺il is a耙s follo俺wing:擺As he h版as buy 扮a perso昂nal pen襖sion fo骯r five 矮years,板 and 唉he does巴 curren埃tly pay暗 6% of 靶his gro扳ss sala八ry into癌 it, so皚 in tot版al he h班as put 拜$14400 斑into th愛e perso俺nal pen搬sion sc礙hedule.哀Accordi愛ng to t襖he Tax 凹relief 鞍on pers絆onal pe罷nsions,叭 he end半s

8、up to盎 have $氨 拜18000 i翱n瓣 his pe頒nsion p骯ot.白His 伴assets 暗include疤 some o襖rdinary敗 shares絆 of thr氨ee comp敖anies, 斑money i壩n bank 扳account昂s and a佰 flat. 扒The板 拌number 扒of ordi懊nary sh敖ares is伴 as fol扳lowing:辦Aberdee扮n Asset哎 Manage襖ment扒30,000笆Prudent瓣ial芭6,000阿Royal B拔ank of 靶Scotlan搬d扮60,000唉Mone

9、y霸 in his熬 curren耙t accou辦nt 霸is 1,8半00 半and 俺in his 唉easy-ac背cess sa霸vings a安ccount 絆is 芭5,000百. The f熬lat is 哎a 2-bed跋room fl皚at near扮 the ce氨ntre of扮 Edinbu盎rgh.氨His deb暗t is th伴e mortg伴age of 扳his fla哎t to pa扳y in fi班ve year埃s.爸He may 熬pay tax伴 includ把e incom暗e tax a拌nd tax 懊on save瓣s and i背nves

10、tme暗nts.翱Accordi扳ng to t班he rule拜 from t吧he webs笆ite of 凹UK (201爸1), t暗o calcu靶l(wèi)ate hi板s tax o氨n incom頒e, we s芭hould f昂irstly 柏calcula扳te out 壩the tax罷able in拔come wh疤ich is 板gross i般ncome o拌f salar頒ies and絆 invest埃ment; t骯hen les白s debt 挨and pen襖sion co案ntribut啊ions, a翱nd last傲ly to f百ind the氨 righ

11、t 背basic r拜ate to 盎do the 稗final c巴alculat柏ion. Th暗e proce挨ss of c挨alculat白ion is 埃illustr班ated as矮 follow啊ing, An襖drew an阿d calcu百lates i疤t out b班y himse八lf with啊 furthe拜r infor胺mation 板on his 矮financi按al cond辦ition. 頒He can 伴also se暗arch fo八r onlin叭e help 藹by visi般ting th扳e websi埃te of 白HMRC On案li

12、ne Se皚rvices.叭Taxable澳 Income絆啊擺柏礙48,000罷鞍Less Pe阿rsonal 扳Allowan傲ce艾鞍百 ? ? ? 背 斑Less Pe八nsion C辦ontribu襖tions叭愛矮3,600哀澳Income 叭tax cha辦rgeable啊 on稗斑奧? ? ?搬Basic R暗ate at 板the fit耙test le半vel版翱捌 啊 癌? ? ?板艾Tax pay罷able =奧鞍擺阿矮 芭? ? ?隘 頒Tax rat擺e on ea皚rnings 扳by diff耙erent w靶ay or o艾n diffe安rent半 fina

13、nc板ial pro挨ducts a案re usua版lly 矮differe搬nt from埃 each o唉ther. A斑ny inte白rest ea伴rned (o版n savin絆gs acco岸unts, c搬ertain 白types o傲f OEIC 壩etc.) i辦s usual敗ly taxe挨d at 20拔%, whil搬e inves扒tment i唉ncome i壩n the f班orm of 凹dividen凹ds from靶 compan柏y share拜s, for 襖example叭, is on拔ly taxe按d at 10案%叭 (Arthu擺r,

14、 2009昂)壩. When 敖he sell襖 his as埃sets, s癌uch as 暗his fla扒t or hi八s ordin澳ary sha隘res he 安has to 案pay for伴 a Capi耙tal Gai懊n Tax a懊t the t案ax rate靶 of 18%翱.拌His inc把ome inc版ludes h氨is afte靶r-tax s啊alary, 辦dividen阿ds佰 and in版terests啊 from h搬is bank版ing acc伴ount叭. But m背ore版 attent班ion sho笆uld be 般pay on

15、啊 about 板his net白 income稗 or to 班say the半 cash f骯low he 邦can moi芭ster to吧 invest搬. He ha白s $500 艾per mon礙th left吧 over f翱rom his芭 salary八 that h愛e can s八ave or 頒invest 疤elsewhe巴re, so扳 it add襖 up to 敗$6000 e擺very ye拜ar he c案an coll挨ect to 巴save or凹 invest安 elsewh藹ere, th芭is is h奧is net 啊income 凹via

16、his佰 salary稗. He ca八n also 搬receive拔 some d案ividend百s by hi傲s ordi巴nary sh把a(bǔ)re tho爸ugh sto斑cks he 挨own and澳 intere艾sts tho敗ugh his辦 curren芭t accou案nt and 白easy-ac藹cess sa疤vings a百ccount.頒 斑Interes挨ts of 班his cur笆rent ac皚count a百nd his 拜e鞍asy-acc隘ess sav吧ings ac背count a昂re vari胺ous fro班m diffe阿rent b

17、a頒nks and吧 time t笆o time,案 but An懊drew an把d easil哀y find 皚them fr熬om the 版website昂 of the扳 govern安ment of把 UK.骯2.2 跋future 哎financi笆al ambi八tions絆 of And骯rew岸He wish背es to u板se the 柏funds h絆e has a哀vailabl拌e to tr靶avel th盎e world骯 for at阿 least 懊two yea稗r(nóng)s when半 he ret爸ires, s昂o the i岸nvestme靶nt ter

18、m扮s suppo芭sed to 霸be tota熬lly 10-啊12 year啊s and o疤f cours白e he su矮ppose t耙he much半 reward斑 the be澳tter.隘He has 阿to pay 敖for mor擺tgage f藹or his 邦flat in搬 the ne耙xt five昂 years,白 so he 罷should 笆be clar霸ify in 盎the fir扮st 5 ye岸ars whi巴le in t爸he last矮 5 to 7安 years.罷 In the霸 last 5敖 to 7 y扒ears he哎 can

19、 in癌vest in昂to some唉 financ絆ial pro擺ducts w鞍hich is胺 more r芭isky be愛sides r矮emains 柏some mo哎ney for扳 his li癌ving. 阿After b艾acking 頒from hi擺s trave哎l aroun擺d the w凹o(jì)rld, A澳ndrew h矮as to p案lan for艾 his re岸st life跋, as he板 has to壩 have a埃 flat t骯o live 擺in, but傲 do not疤 need o安ne afte背r his d辦eath, I捌

20、sugges挨t him u佰sing Re翱verse A板nnuity 皚of Real捌 Estate隘 and li傲fe insu扳rance. 班So 捌this re盎port矮 sugges盎t背s凹 him to暗 div盎ide his傲 invest叭ment te耙rm into半 three笆. The f斑irst 班one is 斑h(yuǎn)is fir暗st five奧 years,扮 伴the sec隘ond one唉 is his柏 other 俺5 to 7 案years, 凹and the搬 third 俺one is 隘from hi八s back 襖of t

21、rav拔el to h隘is deat板h.笆2.3 R罷ange of皚 produc阿ts avai胺lable t疤o Andre挨w 斑The fin芭ancial 皚sector 藹include疤s banks版, insur骯ance co暗mpanies敖, finan拌ce hous礙es, inv吧estment鞍 trusts百, fund 安manager暗s, the 艾stock e白xchange按 and so艾 on. Th盎ey prov版ide man翱y finan跋cing to敖ols inc癌lude in絆vestor 凹shares,芭 bon

22、ds,絆 and wa般rrants 矮and so 扮on. As 辦he has 按no obvi盎ous inc翱lines t氨hat all拔 these 芭financi白al prod皚ucts an扮d their懊 portfo按lios ca背n be av奧ailable安 to And骯rew.敗Informa阿tion in挨 detail罷s of fi耙nancial骯 produc暗ts whic辦h 唉may 白fit And按rew 版is翱 as fol靶l(wèi)owing,版Pension氨s八: 懊Pension扒s are d邦esigned隘 to pr

23、o扒vide re埃gular i懊ncome f按or peop扳le when背 they r扒etired.襖 佰Blackbu昂rn扒 (2007)矮 had di胺scussed凹 a glob盎al pens熬ion pla矮n which澳 includ拜es a va扮rious k扳inds of跋 pensio八ns whic隘h sugge板sted th奧at 岸There a柏re岸 really哀 many d捌ifferen吧t types板 of pen哀sions, 頒and the瓣y are t把raditio懊nally b般een man拜aged b

24、y阿 pensio瓣n funds藹 and in愛surance襖. 敗Now, le愛t us pr伴actice 頒to find唉 how th昂e tax r伴elief o背n perso般nal pen暗sions w盎orks: i絆f Andre哎w put 8爸0 pound罷 in to 拜his per叭sonal p盎ension 頒schedul扒e, he c版an ends扮 up wit澳h the r暗ight to鞍 claim 澳that he澳 can ge敖t 100 p拜ound in佰 his pe哀nsion p瓣ot. Tha叭t is to

25、俺 say th疤e inves皚tor of 挨the pen氨sion ca把n claim瓣 tax ba絆ck from翱 the go敗vernmen八t at th藹e basic矮 rate o唉f 20%.凹To chec胺k wheth氨er you 白can get岸 a stat按e pensi疤on, you百 can fi隘nd more拔 inform版ation i阿n detai岸ls by t拌he webs壩ite of 癌UK gove叭rnment.佰 You ca耙n also 靶find in岸formati安on on p板e(cuò)rsonal盎 pen

26、sio礙n inves阿tment t擺here. Y斑ou can 叭buy pen靶sions t俺hough t骯wo ways翱:啊 gettin矮g one t癌hrough 笆your jo壩b, or s安etting 版up your佰 own. A壩lso, yo礙u can c班hoose b按oth.懊Reverse氨 Annuit半y of Re懊al Esta背te: 霸It is a邦 financ佰ial pro班duct ma壩inly de按signed 藹for ret唉ire per笆sons. I爸t works愛 in the胺 follow版ing

27、way跋: when 藹a perso捌n retir敗es, he 扒can get按 a paym斑ent fro傲m the b霸ank for奧 a cert熬ain yea擺r, or u俺ntil hi捌s death奧. Then 矮in the 捌final o暗f the t艾erm, or敖 when t瓣he inve瓣stor di拌es, the岸 bank w芭ill get暗 the re襖al esta邦te.礙L癌ife ins埃urance 敗is the 拜most im盎portant伴 way to絆 deal w叭ith unc扳ertain 懊si

28、tuati礙ons, es背peciall懊y for o耙ld peop瓣le who 跋are俺 really骯 easy t哎o be il半l. 拔Also it絆 fits A哀ndrew w哎ell whe凹n he ha稗ving th班e trave百l all o拜ver the礙 world.鞍 He can阿 get in疤formati笆on easi哎ly from暗 the in藹surance搬 compan斑ies or 疤online 斑service邦s of in傲surance凹 instit暗utions.辦Suitabl白e俺 tax-fr白ee p

29、rod扳ucts百 includ矮e:襖 fixed 啊rates f絆und and奧 premiu板m bands挨 of ban案ks拔 and 澳ISAs an版d Natio佰nal Sav岸ings &昂 other 敗Investm板e(cuò)nts. T疤hey are哀 always懊 serve 昂by the 笆bank, o跋r 捌have扒 close 般relatio傲nship w懊ith the岸 govern鞍ment. T骯hey are鞍 always半 financ皚ial pro板ducts w皚ith low伴 risk a哎nd low 邦reward.隘

30、A伴s the v跋ery fas拌t devel板opment 頒of fina佰ncial p叭roducts班, now d澳ays jus哀t like 扒Baddepu版di 邦(2巴007) co安mes up 拌with, o擺ther im敗portant哎 financ敖ial pro靶ducts拜 礙such as鞍 ITs, U奧Ts and 唉OEICs爸 are pl柏aying a俺 more a愛nd more板 import奧ant rol藹e in th皚e portf襖olio愛.伴IT here扒 is sho澳rt for 哀investm氨ent Tr

31、u耙st whic昂h is 埃a publi擺c limit柏ed comp吧any to 罷sell it八s asset邦s by sh矮ares in暗 the se艾condary霸 market爸, it 班mostly吧 used敖 in the唉 UK.皚 ITs ar壩e close板-ended 拌fund. 敖In fact癌 IT is 阿not in 白fact a 哀“trust”般 but a 爸separat盎e legal耙 person熬 or a c板ompany 般in the 盎sense o愛f law. 靶It oper佰ates an奧d tra

32、de頒s like 拔any oth胺er quot巴ed comp安any. Pe瓣ople ho氨ld it b奧y share擺s which稗 are tr半aded in按 the se癌condary扳 market辦 and th挨e share辦 price 扒is dete壩rmined 捌by supp藹ly and 敖demand 俺monthly搬. It ha八s low r敖isk but隘 high r凹eward w唉hen com襖pared w跋ith UTs澳 and OE把ICs.拜UT is t扮he abbr佰eviatio哎n of Un敗it T

33、rus藹t which巴 is equ背al to U昂nit Inv敖estment阿 Trust.絆 In fac辦t, UT i半s a Tru敖st whic凹h broke敗n down 擺a portf癌olio wh盎ich inc岸ludes l奧ots of 絆money i伴nto uni挨t板, this 按is wher澳e the d跋ifferen壩ces lie疤s betwe霸en UT a胺nd mutu挨al fund唉, accor胺ding to背 Sharpe拔 (1996)隘. 艾It is s凹o(jì)ld by 叭unit an藹d it is擺 ea

34、sy a鞍nd chea霸p to tr敖ade. Fo哀r its a熬verage 凹risk is拜 equal 瓣to the 奧portfol霸io it c頒omes fr扳om whic隘h is lo擺w, its 壩reward 瓣is also暗 low.頒The班 manage藹ment co爸mpany安 plays 俺a very 八importa把nt role藹 for a 爸unit tr襖ust to 伴be succ捌essful.藹 The ma背nagemen埃t compa拔ny gets背 shares版 form c疤ompanie爸s and t

35、白hey put凹 them t藹ogether跋 to for暗m a cap唉ital po哀ol, the耙n they 澳create 啊UTs by 埃divided氨 the ca傲pital p扒ool int阿o unit.拔 The ma伴nagemen霸t compa擺ny burd皚ens the襖 respon翱sibilit襖y to ad班vertisi愛ng and 氨selling瓣 the UT敗s, and 阿they ma癌ke mone皚y by se佰lling U搬Ts. The埃re are 凹lots ty扳pes of 白UTs, am靶ong

36、 whi版ch the 絆most co耙mmon ar啊e cash 吧equival唉ents氨, prope皚rty, mo白rtgages挨 and敗 securi挨ties白.皚 Expens耙es for 熬investi百ng UTs 挨include愛 operat搬ing exp隘enses a矮nd sale挨s charg百es and 壩entranc辦e or ex哀it fees俺. The o案peratin皚g expen八ses of 稗UTs are耙 low be靶cause t敗hey are敖 not bu芭ying or癌 sellin奧g by s

37、h拔ares. B耙ut diff敖erent f凹rom man絆y other芭 financ罷ial pro唉ducts n隘amely I邦Ts or O藹EICs, U藹Ts alwa扮ys has 靶a sale 骯charges鞍 and en耙trance 昂or exit皚 fees.藹 瓣It is a霸lso cal扳led par澳ticipat埃e Trust阿s安 for bo柏th the 敗investo岸r and t把he owne扒r of th般e capit瓣al of u拜nit tru藹sts sha熬res the拜 reward敖s and r

38、搬isks. 頒OEIC is吧 equal 爸to its 白full na伴me-阿Open-En癌ded Inv熬estment盎 Compan佰y. It o哀perates昂 and tr白ades by扒 shares稗 like I巴T, but 盎it is a巴n open 襖company背. It is扮 also t懊rades l把ike a s柏tock. T盎he shar笆es of O暗EIC of 盎a certa壩in comp拌any are伴 listed愛 and tr半aded by哎 the Lo扳ndon St疤ock Exc啊hange, 拌

39、and how埃 the pr扳ice of 疤the Ope阿n-Ended昂 Invest盎ment Co壩mpany i胺s same 瓣when co熬mpared 埃with a 疤stocki盎ts pric霸e forme般d by bi八de of s百ellers 白and buy哎ers, an白d its p跋rice ch半anges f頒rom day罷 to day翱 mainly罷 decide哀d by th百e suppl把y and d耙emand.百To comp瓣are ITs辦, UTs a襖nd OEIC癌s in de白tail, t拌he fol

40、l懊owing t佰able ca罷n best 靶illustr霸ate it.皚ITs皚UTs把OEICs斑Types 皚Company吧 俺Trust 疤Company岸 凹Degree 扳of open奧ness扮Closed骯Closed鞍Open 俺Share h斑old捌Shares 癌Units骯Shares 隘Seconda傲ry mark板e(cuò)t搬Yes 凹No 柏No 藹Valuati敖on freq傲uency頒Monthly扒Daily礙Daily安Legal p叭osition耙Low礙High般Low頒Risk俺Low隘Low 熬High 埃Reward般High

41、耙Low唉High 耙Table2.熬 凹 稗The fea懊tures a巴nd diff芭erences懊 among 疤ITs . U藹Ts and 扮OEICs.癌2.3 To埃 analys壩is rewa把rd of d俺ifferen安t produ岸cts or 拔product愛 portfo哀lio 挨To sum 叭up, 叭T把he fina挨ncial p挨roducts按 should艾 be cla奧ssified辦 into f唉our熬 basket斑s. The 吧first o礙ne is p霸roducts罷 which 埃are in 矮low ris

42、艾k and l瓣ow rewa暗rd: fix哀ed-rate邦d fund 白and pre拜mium ba霸nds, UT壩s. The 柏second 礙one is 版product昂s which把 are in拌 high r昂isk and斑 high r版eward, 捌like IT耙s, OEIC頒s. The 拔third o拔ne is p邦ension 胺which i吧s tax-e佰fficien按t. 矮The for澳th one 跋is 疤Reverse按 Annuit澳y of Re阿al Esta礙te. And敖 also I胺 will s熬ugg

43、est 哀him to 罷buy the拌 life i扳nsuranc擺e to de襖al with按 uncert拔ain襖Suggest熬ions on矮 his in傲vestmen暗t昂Accordi扳ng to A叭bul (20百11), to敗 have a八 sustai盎nable a骯nd succ埃essful 凹investm敗ent, th岸e inves霸tor sho啊uld d擺o not p爸ut al安l the e跋ggs in 扒one bas哀ket whi擺ch靶 mean翱s that疤 he sho佰uld buy伴 both 按saving

44、 俺and inv癌estment班 produc耙ts and 俺d班o not i靶nvest i擺n one g奧o, whic霸h 百means 氨that 八he shou挨ld try 捌to avoi捌d the m搬arket r扮isk.霸3.1 澳Suggest版ions on隘 invest艾ment pr俺oducts 板and rat暗ios for班 Andrew懊.跋In term矮 oneth八e first安 5 year矮s, put 扒his int熬erests 拔and div礙idends 瓣in tax-奧free ac把count, 鞍get 4

45、0%藹 of his疤 cash i八nto pen背sion, 4百0% into安 UTs an岸d 20% i案nto ITs胺. Take 巴attenti挨on of t埃he oper愛ation o百f the c拌ompanie班s he in稗vested 岸and put捌 some o八f his c半urrent 擺bound i柏nto inv絆estment扒, the i把nvestme挨nt meth辦od can 佰follow 版the rat奧io abov盎e.暗In term擺 twoth凹e rest 佰5 to 7 背years, 邦get out

46、癌 of all佰 money 安in his 霸tax-fre白e accou藹nt, and巴 put th唉em into矮 OEICs,邦 still 伴put his絆 intere胺sts and鞍 divide八nds in 藹tax-fre懊e accou啊nt, get班 20% of白 his ca懊sh into吧 pensio班n, 20% 挨UTs, 30俺% into 八OEICs, 安and 30%把 into I凹Ts. Als哎o take 瓣attenti佰on of t靶he oper艾ation o懊f the c扒ompanie拌s he in扳ves

47、ted 白and put澳 some o靶f his c頒urrent 胺bound i耙nto inv胺estment礙, the i岸nvestme凹nt meth澳od can 靶follow 斑the rat岸io abov扒e.按In term啊 three捌time si霸nce his霸 travel凹 all ov艾er the 爸world. 挨Before 八startin哀g the t柏ravel, 板he shou柏ld sell罷 his fl哎at and 柏put the澳 money 傲reward 哎into li搬fe insu拔rance, 頒when

48、ba癌ck from哎 the wo岸rldwide瓣 travel半, he sh扳ould bu壩y a sma板ller fl俺at (an 辦one-bed斑room ap襖artment爸 is bet霸ter) an拌d inves奧t this 稗flat in扳to 按Reverse瓣 Annuit佰y of Re藹al Esta般te.阿3.2 How稗 can he邦 get th班ese fin襖ancial 伴product凹s and h藹ow can 板he oper斑ate to 懊invest.版O澳nline a爸ttentio背n of in翱vestors

49、按 are im白portant罷 and 哎efficie伴ncy版 now da扮ys, sug岸gested 矮by 凹Bowden盎 (2011)疤. 岸To get 翱a perso盎nal pen般sion sc耙hedule襖, 耙by拔 search班ing艾 the we靶bsite o昂f the U礙K gover按nment t瓣o find 柏informa阿tion on靶 detail氨s絆 is the敖 most e拜fficien奧t metho凹d版.搬To buy扒 tax-fr挨ee 阿financi挨al 翱product翱s, he c敖an us

50、e 俺online 靶banking稗 for se敗rves, h班e can a柏lso cho八ose to 叭go to t疤he bank背.半To 跋know 傲and tra扮de ITs,拌 he can罷 resear皚ch for 盎or surf哎 the pr班oducts 敗though 芭a fund 頒superma壩rket.八To inve笆st in罷 UTs, h罷e can g敖et info靶rmation笆 and bu般y the f佰inancia版l produ稗cts tho頒ugh man敗age com半pany.俺To inve隘st

51、in壩 OEICs,懊 he can傲 get in霸formati隘on of c版ertain 般company艾 by sea把rching 氨for 澳the web敗site of按 that傲 compan靶y and h埃e can t愛rade 扮on the 氨London 爸Stock E把xchange爸.笆To inve白st in安 life i挨nsuranc奧e, he c班an find笆 detail矮s in in哀surance癌 compan暗ies and癌 their 邦online 敗service礙s.哎For 懊Reverse懊 Annuit埃

52、y of Re皚al Esta癌te, he 阿can kno扒w more 捌from th敗e websi翱te of t安he gove笆rnment 懊of UK b埃y click把 into s盎erve fo凹r the r拌etireme傲nt.皚3.3 Th隘e costs傲 of fin伴ancial 把product礙s 骯recomme凹nd瓣ed鞍 to him矮.澳Costs o阿f diffe啊rent fi邦nancial安 produc襖ts main壩ly incl斑ude thr靶ee part翱s. They柏 are tr奧ade cos藹ts whi

53、c跋h mainl耙y refer叭 to ope擺ration 敗costs, 安maintai擺ning co氨sts whi巴ch main案ly refe皚r to pr叭operty 俺tax and霸 capita鞍l(fā) gain 耙tax.敗Costs t盎o diffe熬rent pr懊oducts 百are in 癌great d氨ifferen斑ce, pen藹sions h岸ave a t皚ax reli吧ef, so 阿they ar暗e tax a巴dvantag般ed, but叭 the go班vernmen柏t give 叭out a c叭ap for 拔tax r

54、el白ief of 般pension鞍s; tax-懊free pr拌oducts 昂nearly 俺need an板y costs擺; and I背Ts, UTs把, 稗OEICs, 扳Real Es胺tate an矮d Insur胺ance ne埃ed high藹er cost吧s to in奧vest.擺Her Maj班estys 藹Revenue懊 and Cu敗stoms (澳HMRC) h拌ave emb皚raced i拜nformat拔ion tec擺hnology案 in tha斑t indiv俺iduals 奧who are阿 requir伴ed to f版ill in 盎a

55、 tax r礙eturn c斑an now 稗do so o扒nline. 骯You can疤 find m佰ore inf霸ormatio百n in th班eir web盎site.拜3.4 How艾 can he背 monito白r all t礙he fina搬ncial p凹roducts芭 by com拜puter?笆He shou搬ld care捌 more a啊bout th埃e daily哀 operat懊ion of 昂the com拜panies 唉he inve背sted in柏, 阿accordi挨ng to O白lha (20隘10), he癌 should邦 also

56、 r鞍ead abo搬ut the 百regulat巴ions an愛d rules把 of th哀e opera壩tion of捌 invest白 in EU,鞍 finall板y he sh俺ould 半do more瓣 online擺 trade 按to save拜 time a暗nd trad胺e fees.愛Check h辦is inve俺stment 柏and try鞍 to fin唉d wheth唉er it i愛s ok, o稗r(nóng) wheth半er ther愛e are b邦etter c靶hoice o壩r finan佰cial pr熬oducts 藹to inve按st i

57、n. 藹update 瓣his inv拔estment吧 ratio 吧when ne絆cessary敖.巴A胺s to 跋Grundam案ann叭 頒(2008),板 financ哎e 捌service凹s and c巴ontract擺 law罷 develo盎ps quic敗kly. 襖H扳e shoul按d not o艾nly, ca暗re abou凹t laws 愛and reg懊ulation暗s of th昂e finan拌cial pr班oducts 拔he had 暗buy, bu八t also 芭take 白attenti頒on凹 on the挨 update敖 of the艾 laws a哀nd regu把lations翱 按relevan板t癌.百Citizen鞍s serv哎ices in藹 the we藹bsite o藹f the g白o(hù)vernme柏nt of U靶K 敗(按Governm敖ent of 按the Uni背ted Kin笆gdom 20半11佰) 白are ful伴l of in班formati翱o


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