1、模聯(lián)發(fā)言稿格式【篇一:模擬聯(lián)合國演講稿范文】模擬聯(lián)合國演講稿能源歷來是人類文明的先決條件,人類社會的一切活動都離不開能 源。對一個國家來講,能源是經(jīng)濟增長和社會發(fā)展的重要物質(zhì)基礎。 隨著科學技術進步和社會工業(yè)化程度的不斷提高,能源消耗和優(yōu)質(zhì) 能源的開發(fā)增長迅速,而一些新能源和可再生能源發(fā)展落后于經(jīng)濟 的發(fā)展,再加上最近幾年油價的不斷上漲,能源的保障程度引起了 人們的關注。因此德國政府本著提倡節(jié)約型資源消耗、重視資源的開發(fā)效率、強 調(diào)資源的持續(xù)利用的原則提出如下建議:1制定國家能源開發(fā)長期規(guī)劃?從能源資源和人類技術發(fā)展情況來看,21世紀特別是前半葉人類利 用的一次能源組成仍將以化石能源為主,但核
2、能、可再生能源的重 要性逐漸增加。結合我國資源蘊藏的實際情況,應根據(jù)國家中長期 發(fā)展規(guī)劃及國民經(jīng)濟和社會發(fā)展預測,分析世界經(jīng)濟和能源發(fā)展態(tài) 勢,制定國家能源長期開發(fā)計劃,保障國家能源的長期安全。? 2制定化石能源可持續(xù)開采規(guī)劃?化石能源具有不可再生性,屬于一次性能源,所以化石能源的持續(xù) 開采顯得尤為重要,研究和發(fā)展開采技術,提高資源的回收率,制定 長期開采規(guī)劃,避免超強度開采和布局上的不合理性,確保能源資 源的遠景接替,要充分考慮經(jīng)濟、環(huán)境和資源的合理配置,避免盲 目低效開采、資源結構和布局上的不合理性。?3著力能源資源新技術的研究?大量研究和歷史經(jīng)驗表明,解決上述能源問題的根本途徑是依靠科
3、學技術進步。4研究開發(fā)新能源和替代能源資源?預計到2020年,世界石油產(chǎn)量將逐步下降而消費仍將不斷增加, 可能開始出現(xiàn)供不應求的局面,世界油氣資源的爭奪將加劇。應通 過國家能源安全模式研究,建立安全預警機制,加大研究和開發(fā)新 能源和替代能源力度,如核能、太陽能、海洋能、氫能等,確保國 家能源安全的戰(zhàn)略儲備。德國必須擴大可再生能源的利用,取代對石 油和煤炭的進口依賴。德國2000年制定的可再生能源促進法從法律上保證經(jīng)營者可獲利,激發(fā)人們開發(fā)可再生能源的熱情。德國幾 大企業(yè)宣布,將投入330至400億歐元用于發(fā)展可再生能源。凹1=1近10年來,德國大力投資風力發(fā)電,近2年來德國風力發(fā)電增長44%,
4、現(xiàn)已有1.5萬個風力發(fā)電機,風力發(fā)電能力高達1.28萬兆瓦,年發(fā)電量 達230億度,可滿足上百萬個家庭的電力需求,目前風力發(fā)電占德國電 力總量的6%。德國已開始在海邊建巨型風力發(fā)電設施,在北部海岸 線已安裝5千臺風力發(fā)電機。此外德國政府還資助老建筑的節(jié)能改造,派專家提供上門咨詢并提 出改造方案,負擔相當比例的咨詢費用。能耗較大的汽車行業(yè)也不 斷試驗新的節(jié)能措施及清潔能源。由于使用節(jié)能技術,2002年,新 車的油料消耗量比1990年平均減少20%以上。德國政府十分重視 提高民眾的節(jié)能意識,全國大約有300個提供節(jié)能知識的咨詢點。 德國能源機構負責組織全國的節(jié)能知識宣傳,目前該機構正在發(fā)動 一個全
5、國性的家庭節(jié)能知識宣傳活動。德國1998年開始實施“10萬屋頂計劃”,提出從居民屋頂獲取300 兆瓦太陽能電力的目標。目前德國已有約0.9%的家庭使用太陽能發(fā) 電裝置,居民白天把屋頂太陽能電能高價賣給電網(wǎng),晚上平價買電使用, 居民成為電能的生產(chǎn)者和消費者。德國許多城市還建立了大功率太 陽能發(fā)電站。德國可再生能源在電力消費中的比重從2003年的7.9% 上升至2005年的9.3%。政府計劃至2020年提高到20%。德國希望通過國際合作保證能源供應安全。德國還極力敦促歐盟內(nèi) 部能源市場的完全開放,促進中東歐國家以及獨聯(lián)體國家進入西方 能源供應系統(tǒng),并極力促進歐盟與地中海沿岸國家的能源合作。我們有
6、理由相信在全人類的共同努力下,能源安全問題必將得到很好的解 決?!酒耗M聯(lián)合國大會朝核問題發(fā)言稿】模擬聯(lián)合國大會之朝核問題朝鮮代表發(fā)言稿發(fā)言代表人:郭力菁謝謝主席,各位評委、代表:大家下午好。眾所周知,朝鮮核問題由來已久是冷戰(zhàn)對抗的產(chǎn)物。 從上世紀九十年代初,美國以其衛(wèi)星照片為依據(jù),懷疑朝鮮有用于 研制核武器的設施,揚言要對朝鮮的核設施實行檢查。而事實上從1992年5月到1993年2月,朝鮮接受了國際原子能機構6次不定 期核檢查,朝美雙方始終無法就檢查結果達成共識。如今朝核危機 一波未平一波又起,根源何在?我方認為,朝鮮核問題,很大程度 上是美國全球戰(zhàn)略背景下對朝政策直接或間接的產(chǎn)物,是由
7、美國敵 視朝鮮、對朝經(jīng)行經(jīng)濟、政治封鎖等一系列政策造成的?;仡櫼酝牧綍?,第三輪六方會談結束后,美國口頭上聲稱“并不敵視朝鮮”、“無意侵略朝鮮”,但實際上卻以“顛覆朝鮮制度”為目的,頑固要求朝鮮“先行棄核”和“解除武裝”。美國的種種行為說明其無意和 平解決朝核問題,而只是在拖延時間,以構筑向朝鮮施壓的環(huán)境。 美國如真心希望通過對話解決核問題,就應重建會談基礎,放棄敵 視政策,與朝鮮和平共存,“這才是解決問題的關鍵”。在2012年6月美國高官以國務卿希拉里為代表對朝鮮的人權、民生問題喋喋不凹1=1休,正是由于美國的軍事威脅促使朝鮮不得不增強國防實力,但美 國反過來要求朝鮮把民生放在首位,這是
8、典型的矯情偽善。因此如 果美國只是口頭上說對朝鮮沒有敵意但行動上卻另搞一套,那么朝 鮮只能強化自己的核遏制力。朝鮮作為一個同樣向往和平、穩(wěn)定發(fā)展的社會主義國家對美國為首 的資本主義國家的多重標準的做法可謂是深惡痛絕!試問哪個國家 不想有一個和平、安全、穩(wěn)定的發(fā)展環(huán)境?哪個國家不重視自己的 民生問題、人權問題?哪個國家愿意被他國干涉內(nèi)政、侵略主權和領 土完整?朝鮮之前之所以退出不擴散核武器條約,是因為朝鮮 相信如果自己擁有核武器,美國等霸權主義國家便不可能毫無顧慮 地對自己“指手畫腳”,并且核武器的存在可以很好地回應美國對自 己造成的各種軍事安全威脅,維護地區(qū)安全。今天,我們帶著誠意而來,我們愿
9、無條件重返六方會談,堅定的秉 承聯(lián)合國的憲章及精神,響應時代和平與發(fā)展的主題。為此,朝鮮 愿意延緩、暫停乃至放棄研發(fā)核武器,希望和其他國家平等的擁有 使用核能資源的權利,愿與所有熱愛和平的國家一道為世界和平、 東北亞地區(qū)安全、穩(wěn)定貢獻一己之力。預祝本次的模擬聯(lián)合國大會 提出讓大部分與會代表同意,符合大部分與會國家利益的提案,為 盡快解決好朝核問題提供好的方案。謝謝大家!【篇三:模聯(lián)發(fā)言模板】會議發(fā)言模板第一天上午:正式辯論發(fā)言模板 secretary-general: good morning, distinguished delegates. welcome to the forth com
10、mittee. my name is the secretary-general for todays session .the chair s name is -and he will be chairing in todays session.chair: good morning, distinguished delegates. the topic of the conference is “the background of the impact of global financial crisis on the universal realization and effective
11、 enjoyment of human rights ” hopefully, this conference will be fruitful.secretary-general: now the chair suggests we do the roll call. 偵口下:點名的程序及發(fā)言模板) secretary-general: australia.delegate of australia: present.secretary-general: australia is present. bangladesh.delegate of bangladesh: present.secr
12、etary-general: bangladesh is present. brazil.delegate of brazil: present.secretary-general: brazil is present. cyprus. delegate of cyprus: present.secretary-general: the total number of delegates is 17. the simple majority will be 9; the absolute majority will be 12.(如下:動議開啟發(fā)言名單的程序及發(fā)言模板)chair: now t
13、he chair suggests delegate motion to open the speakers list. are there any motions?(raising placards) chair: uk.delegate of uk: the delegate of uk motions to open the speakers list with 2 minutes speaking time.chair: now we have a motion on the floor. those who are in favor of this motion, please ra
14、ise your placard.(raising placards)chair: with* in favor, this motion passes. all those who want to be added to the speakers9 list, please raise your placard. chair: marshall islands, usa, china, uk, cyprus, fiji, france, australia, russia, tuvalu, germany, japan, canada, india, netherland, banglade
15、sh, brazil, south africa. chair: now, delegate of marshall islands, you have 2 minutes to address the body.delegate of marshall islands: honorable chair and distinguished delegates, marshall islands(如下:讓渡時間給主席的程序及發(fā)言模板)chair: delegate of marshall islands, you still have .seconds. how would like to be
16、 yielding your time?delegate of marshall islands: yield the time to chair.(如下:動議更改發(fā)言時間的程序及發(fā)言模板)chair: thank you, marshall islands. now the floor is open, any motions or points?(raising placards)chair: china.delegate of china: china motions to change the speaking time from 120 seconds to 150 seconds.
17、chair: those who are in favor of this motion, please raise your placard.chair: with* in favor, this motion fails. the speaking time is still 2minutes. ok, now delegate of usa, you have 2 minutes to address the committee.delegate of usa: honorable chair and distinguished delegates, usa(如下:讓渡時間給另一代表國的
18、程序及發(fā)言模板)chair: thank you, usa, you still have .seconds. how would like to be yielding your time?delegate of usa: yield the time to japan.chair: ok, delegate of japan, you have seconds.delegate of japan: thank you, usa. honorable chair and distinguished delegates (如下:動議進行有組織的核心磋商的程序及發(fā)言模板)chair: ok. t
19、he floor is open. are there any points or motions? fiji. delegate of fiji: fiji motions for a 3 minutes moderated caucas on delegate of usas speech, with speaking time 60 seconds. chair: those who are in favor of this motion, please raise your placard.chair: with* in favor, this motion passes. those
20、 who want to speak, please raise your placard. fiji, you have 60 minutes. delegate of fiji: honorable chair and distinguished delegates,chair: those who also want to speak, pleaseraise your placard. canada, you have the stage.delegate of canada: honorable chair and distinguished delegates chair: tho
21、se who also want to speak, please raise your placard.tuvalu, you have 1 minutes.delegate of tuvalu: honorable chair and distinguished delegates chair: ok, this motion is over. now, china, please come to the stage to deliver your speech.delegate of china: honorable chair and distinguished delegates,
22、china(如下:讓渡時間給評論的程序及發(fā)言模板)chair: thank you, china. you still have .seconds. how would like to be yielding your time?delegate of china: yield time to comments.chair: those who want to make comments on chinas delegates speech, please raise your placard. netherland. delegate of netherland: honorable cha
23、ir and distinguished delegates,netherland(如下:動議進行無組織的自由協(xié)商的程序及發(fā)言模板)chair: now the floor is open. are there any motions or points? india. delegate of india : india motions for a 5-minute unmoderated caucas on chinas delegates speech.chair: those who are in favor of this motion, please raise your placa
24、rd.chair: with* in favor, this motion passes. delegates, make full use of the following 5 minutes.(after 5 minutes)chair: time is up. please be seated. now, we will continue with our speakers9 list. delegate of uk, you have 2 minutes to address the committee.delegate of uk: honorable chair and disti
25、nguished delegates, uk(如下:讓渡時間給問題的程序及發(fā)言模板)chair: thank you, uk. you still have .seconds. how would like to be yielding your time?delegate of uk: yield time to questions.chair: those who want to ask uk delegate questions, please raise your placard. bangladesh.delegate of bangladesh: thank you, honora
26、ble chair.bangladesh iswondering how uk government can guarantee efficient fund on slowing down sea level rise.delegate of uk: delegate of bangladesh, thanks for your questions. uk government willchair: ok. the floor is open now. any motions or points?追加發(fā)言部分chair: now that each country has delivered
27、 speech to the committee, we will move on to additional speaking time. based on the order the country submitted its page, the following 3 countries will have an addition speaking time of 2 minutes: usa, australia, and tuvalu. the procedure is the same as before. there will be yielding time and motio
28、ns after each speech. now, delegate of usa, you have 2 minutes.delegate of usa: honorable chair and distinguisheddelegates主席結束語部分chair: ladies and gentlemen, todays session is over by now.alldelegates need to negotiate with others to write draft resolutions and submit them to the secretariat on time
29、. tomorrow morning we will discuss these draft resolutions, make amendments and vote on the draft resolutions. all delegates, see you tomorrow morning.第二天上午:決議草案的討論階段(如下:決議草案的討論程序及發(fā)言模板)chair: now we will continue our conference. the committee has*draft resolutions, which are, according to the time t
30、hey are submitted to the secretariat, no.1 draft resolution sponsored by *, *, *, no.2 draft resolution sponsored by *, *, *, no.3 draft(after the introduction)chair: now the floor is open. are there any points or motions? chair: usa.delegate of usa: usa motions for 3 minutes moderated consultationt
31、o discuss no.1 draft resolution. the speaking time will be 60 seconds.chair: thank you. those who are in favor of this motion please raise your placard.chair: this motion passes with* in favor. those who want to speak, please raise your placard. usa, you have 60 seconds. delegate of usa: thank you,
32、chair. dear allchair: thank you, usa. those who also want to speak, please raise your placard. china, you now have 60 seconds. delegate of china: honorable chair and distinguished delegateschair: thank you, china. those who also want tospeak, please raise your placard. now uk, please deliver your sp
33、eech.delegate of uk: thank you chair. dear delegateschair: now the motion is over by now. and discussion on no.1 draft resolution is over. it is waited to be amended. then we will invite the main sponsor of no.2 draft resolution to introduce this draft resolution.(after the introduction)chair: now t
34、he floor is open. are there any points or motions? chair: netherland.delegate of netherland: netherland motions for a 5-minute unmoderated consultation.chair: thank you netherland. all those who are in favor of this motion please raise your placard.chair: with* in favor, this motion passes. now delegates, make full use of your 5 minutes.(after 5 minutes)chair: delegates, time is up, please be seated. discussion on no.2 draft resolution is over. it is waited to be amended. now, the main sponsor of no.3 draft resolution, please come to the stage to introduce your draft resolution(如下:40分鐘的休
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