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1、Horde t e iiue iormal ea lii ig or deeli ig et s heat go i, eiu.g t iat iat oi. (pr opet,s iot Is, tpeveit or miimiy teoi - le- of saey all det s fl t ie peve it rrs - e I ote r, eisuesaey ad re due IselT plili pl, a lli ig tte l I la l lidii oi* make t ie maaeme it ss. 1, tie pl iiipa ist ie esois

2、bii,of niool saey,slool se ., tide te lla iesii of Plsi ieit u w ol la dig glu. Tie held taIe tte l siiei s rrspoisilSlool s Lieis epol mjrallie it Wihi i a ihourof iL aii. sttet rua id dia pppaa ilesto e pol, re | olof the a_i det to a teieport i ti , ,a lorreli I i. - ite a pol le staii, a t oshi

3、p pe oples Govelme it sial iot liiea the alieI t Iwe、,ealies aeI i .,ss, e bls ad mplete ea -isiO-s stegghel he e dtiaii, maageme it of taliglltviesinhool s to eisue iorm. telhigoriel esois ble for niool sae,la rs, aasma itaie.-L|.|l-.-dLL-L.l . .n-I L - l- 一一. . -.l.l._ -i- LiL IL.I.I 1 -.11 ie slo

4、ol r u aid eg uliis oi tme oitme home t o preve it Hide it. I, niool t sise liois oi a eg La bbsi, fud ii Lei i time aid i s e ss, i is had topaiilpiae ii tie ie erXois l a s paZiaig ioig ll xl .g Liu ja pi g 3a,0011riott e s.l r、.I sigwtoLta1111aii f te C.ieli oi. Cetell xa1g ll japi ig l

5、,siool i. -e, t .l.,slool iI 111a. is loiie it WtoLtogazaiI i. WtoLttieapproval of ree-ait departmeits,ma,ormLe itstopartili pate ii firefigitiI g, L ae r fid sI i. : sloos sioLLoe sLdeis t ob. toi time iome t o“l(fā) e siool0ro preve it e it. I, niool tdig t te LL-.s 1f te Fl S.vesliooliispe ltioiss ”,

6、sta _yoie i.oi a eg La bbss fuL iiLdde i i tme aid is 1f t.i g Leioitol -e,e for, . .talnof the aLiaiiy . _lnl mulin s lli How. ” .out ”i SiLkbe . i te l Il ooe loit a il L”iol.“* iv ig pokesaao on siooi - ,a il lel. 5 Sre igte . tta lies mor. eL. - I Ld_-. .I. I I . L. - I _ 一 _. III . I _l. .1 一 e

7、miae immoiaprotelti ig fire loitr ol falilities, firepreveitioi,reportsof, aid reor - to te Ii. I eples Go-eimet eL_ai oi, aid ueof law selii. 9,te sUoolsioL L Hisl ii, eSy II - teiie uatoi fr st Liel s of - ses pe soul d be taget.lo laybls a de LiatL Iv e .provi ig e ii quaiy obseve ties -

8、es ps,iai、reaiiig Is ids raii igs iaais doors,i-”,i s L ig io , oi iiGeil seliei aid .lL. e ko-We 一e ”ii, lliolgcil liage s a .,tme ail t pre-etie.* ioi”. puiismeit .l i el - ”. iLii.miet. _l . ILJI .1 _ _ LI L. .L . l-l -IW do , sai Ise s ad a va - y of sorts a lis (elLiy ,do iot tse a iopefe i t i

9、e lla islom, pr ohi bi bulig so - , li la iLes mosiut l.eeitio sm okig, aid baiiig mlsm wlig. Wi hoL us ig a,”uehoL aplails s iot a llL. lie oilam lus a - l,m bes mus lb, pe, a id e dua. ies aid IideielL,tie. 11, hooseoL ute of gls ii slools to ma r prop. usge pp,atetoittele、proof, plsoiplof, Ileroo

10、l llosig I,b,opeaiiopea.i, gls .ik aid sto - sa.,dLBiieof 1,, to preeit llets 1| tie advese loiie qteiles la Lied b,giolig Le sae,egulaiis wil be puii s.d, uiti LeHggae d for、a esoisii ,Soig Li i XX aig LL ja pi ig eeta,slool Mal Hagrd. te .nr* normal ea chi ng or deell ng .t sht gi-tl, ., t. (r

11、 .|. s nl .*.,.ntor.mix te. ,acl det * .- t he、. ( . u He r, .-.due.( nciile a di ng tie l . 0 1 cjiil 0* make t he . nt . he . ist he ”. IHi of ilnl myse ., . lea . of P i nt -一 -. gi_. The hen c. tie l nip. i .as”. e .” emeiatnil te aLiaiiy . slul mulin s lli ko-e ” .out ” . ,. alobe i t he . ., .

12、 ai tlonfrstuiei s of 一. per ek Siul l be To y.n. . iss- s . - hn tl on inGe .一、“h.i 1a. . e sc- . 一. ”.” cal s( 10,1,09,!. cjmmu .,t he . .me . . a _ce e in. so.Uni s Liens epor mjraulient-ihinanhourof. st _et rua ill. |a. nlesto e p* re |o. of the a _i det to a -te neport iti , ,a lorreli I n. - n

13、t. a |ol le stain, a t owshi | |e oples Gov-me nt sh.l not unne. the I t I -ek, .a ches .e I n .,e Ils a. .|. lv. imi.1 ng eu - i on, obse - the s - es is, cholgu. chage s . .,tme a nit |r etm_ue s nouror. |Lni sment .d l e - ”. iLniJmetons.s,sLdentoutoftec soom, sloos ma,notbe,lnns, equi pment

14、 isetons found hidden i t.e for .Katon, mai ntea nle, and - uui,I do not use a open f-e in the c. isrom, pr ihi bi burigso - , ca nnjes mosiLt r.ekntn slhools,to mastersei, unti i-dggaed for、a esonsiii ang LL Ja pi ngeeta,sUoolLL J. pi ng | ie ppssurundig _| mag_ents,s- ittaUes and s - ets t he suru

15、idng ar.of te luhool ggvera nle coves pesn. a nd foodoluas or the |i*e stain i n a m manne,tpro. ct the sae,of s - e nts I, ev, . b.ore sUool eales rrmi. sLientatet on ttlu saet, I, siL d Fura u in Uage if e lui ,, la U a uv,shoL d hhae a speOl resonniii,pp,atetin to t he pe sns ae, phhsial maUh. Ro

16、u. I, lutvi.s, luain, fed uves sou be uar.hhgiee , cLtu.一nts a. it heraseusiegae.givena nce salobta n -ie ad fLl uopeainof te commuh. OnteO - nts to re sect soU. .hus and eirr.0 slool - o. a tesetme,soul d pp,ateti,I, t e esalisme nt of emegen,rscue e-scurt ,, egec,rrsponne p. n Ir auients.I,t he sa

17、fet, management of (Uhool ernme nt, sou tkethe iiiaie tof tales islool s onhgh aletand ie ploe Sng Li n-a I g Li u J. pi ng eementa, sUool Mauh sng Li n.a ng Li u J. ping slool tt.,pUnUs hiing, picnic to pp,itetntie pre. nin, iood poisnig , preenti on of al lules _, the lutvi. s nea te rives e

18、sevoirs no mesueUes ad suient s ogai zains oL of e,ma.ements,sem or|.niati on a Uiviis be-es or do lot me. theleuui,rrquirBesI I the Ogani zaina nd nit le ste nts ito t he -aen teauhersand student ruher on dut,-th the - uet ins iauhools, shouldalus be .ne. b,thpa,atetontevionme nt. ise ctons ne a th

19、e l-pus lund tctvies - eeha te.ble ss mgants lom rualae一一 . - -l.uon Core ctinal Cei er agre. to -|.s,for- -ep. ha etmet. Ogainto the -lof s_ets a nd a 1, of auie I ts,-ur dig t o dleent d td eaie,ar or alviis eonsreported suhool.i. in- 1-|L,Die Edtuatonrd. te . Inal eaUnl S u - lS . mjr._LI.-_I - -

20、 - -IHIUliae iI Ie U. Krallls aUiig or IgUll.i shi gi-tl, I“ I hat iX i ii. s lit is, Ipeve111r miimize Iei. . ” , aul det * .- I he I.veit, _e U lie r, ensue “re . ii ici pe a di ig lie 1-1 uuliii* make I he ”.me it .0. 1,I he ici pa ist he .iliaIHy if sUiil - myill se ., lil. Ie 1s if P - i scuiy

21、- or . gi_. The hen U. lie 1 ”auli. It -thi I a Ihiurif (d iaii. st-let ruaiddia ll-aIlesti . pi* re l if the a uui det ti a ite I.pirt ii tri, ,a uirrreli.i. - it. a pil le staii, a t iship pe ipl e. Givme it sh.l iit Ui, the aui.I t. I- - , teauhe* ae I I _ty , eSa II. ad .p.- the .a d.*i* stre|gh

22、et he e diuHii, m.a - meI t if Uigntisiluh111sti eisue iirm. tteuhigirrer e*ii* I. firluhiil rILL-L. I . .11 . IL - . III I . I. d - l_lI_. III. I. |._ -. I. _-l_ l_l. . _LI . 一 . . 一 . I - _ 一 L . I I I- - I . .1. -.一 - I . I - . I. .L - . - n . I. .IL - I . .11 -.一 .1.1 L . II - - I . I- .Lr i.,s

23、i a s pazaig iiig Li xi ag Liu ja pi g eemeia,.h.iitt . siB r、aU sIg ilI.ii.-iI f the Cc.reUi iia C.t. , sUiil pr iUpas, thiutLi xa1g Lujapi ig l,sU|1 i. e,1ysem. i .haiuefire safet,,iraizai I I. WihiLt thepriteuti ii ifpuiliu pr ipert,a idthe life aidappri - i if r ait de paim.ts m.pripert,

24、safet, if teauhersairgaiie suieits tiid st udeits,suhiil fire safet, iitipartiUi pate ii firefighti ig,disaster reliefa一,t|,maaemet, sid sdevelipiI I. : sUii. shiULiduate sigthe filliiig fire safet, s,stem. 1,streigtLieits i iim t he sUiil r uIs aid eg ulaiis ii tm.i timeii tihime ti preve it lue it

25、s I, luhiil ti Uiisii a eg La iiss fud hidie i i tm. aid iisil e fr,mp1 em.taiiiif the auitaiily ss. sUiil miithy s ud.t ki .l|. aiut 一 e - uaii, e - uaii.iLLie dier si- i titaie d uliie uii-t a id isriut pil staii. ivass ig piluestaii ii sUiil ,aid hep 5 .re igthe .ig tta uhes mira eit ishardtieimi

26、ae immoiae,ulised, aid repirted ti te lua iepH Gi - rmet, ediuai ii, aid u. if a Uiii. I, the sUiilshiu l mduariiWUhe、the fr stu . if - ses pe .iul d ie ta ttd. Ti uayils a de duatd Iv . impig (eu - iii quai, iise adn ii)uie ummii seie i e duatii.,t he it if mair a uUeit e pit i

27、g s,st.uhilgua uhage s a a,time aid ta. pr etiemlalues Iiurira puii .me it ad uiv_ u.i.luishmet ii s - e., .udeit iut if the ulssiim, sUii. ma,Iit ie uiits ir de | atmets uie . u - it Se. pr ippgadas ad a ,if .irts a riuularaUivis, auiiis IUU ie saety ifasruUueilitiii ti eisure thatteauhersaid s_ets

28、 r、.ari,live ve iues aidfauilitiesare saf eaGMP根據(jù)FDA的法規(guī),分為4個(gè)部分:總則;建筑物與設(shè)施;設(shè)備;生產(chǎn)和加工控 制。GMP是適用于所有食品企業(yè)的,是常識性的生產(chǎn)衛(wèi)生要求,GMP基本上涉及的是與食品衛(wèi)生質(zhì)量有關(guān)的硬件設(shè)施的維護(hù)和人員衛(wèi)生管理。符合GMP的要求是控制食品安全的第一步,其強(qiáng)調(diào)食品的生產(chǎn)和貯運(yùn)過程應(yīng)避免微生物、化學(xué)性和物理性污染。我國食品衛(wèi)生生產(chǎn)規(guī)范是在GMP的基礎(chǔ)上建立起來的,并以強(qiáng)制性國家標(biāo)準(zhǔn)規(guī)定來實(shí)行,該規(guī)范適用于食 品生產(chǎn)、加工的企業(yè)或工廠,并作為制定種類食品廠的專業(yè)衛(wèi)生依據(jù)。GMP實(shí)際上是一種包括4M管理要素的質(zhì)量保證制度

29、,即選用規(guī)定要求的原料(material),以合乎標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的廠房設(shè)備(machines),由勝任的人員(man),按照既定的方法(methods ),制造出品質(zhì)既穩(wěn)定又安全衛(wèi)生的產(chǎn)品的一種質(zhì)量保證制度。其實(shí)施的主要目的 包括三方面:降低食品制造過程中人為的錯(cuò)誤;防止食品在制造過程中遭受污染或品質(zhì)劣變;要求建立完善的質(zhì)量管理體系。GMP的重點(diǎn)是:確認(rèn)食品生產(chǎn)過程安全性;防止物理、化學(xué)、生物性危害污染食品;實(shí)施雙重檢驗(yàn)制度;針對標(biāo)簽的管理、生產(chǎn)記 錄、報(bào)告的存檔建立和實(shí)施完整的管理制度。第三節(jié)保健食品及其認(rèn)證、保健食品的概念及分類保健食品指表明具有特定保健功能的食品。即適宜于特定人群食用,具有調(diào)節(jié)機(jī)體

30、功 能,不以治療疾病為目的的食品。保健食品除具備一般食品的要求之外,最重要的是必須具有功能性,這是保健食品與一般普通食品的最大區(qū)別。一種保健食品至少應(yīng)該具有調(diào)節(jié)人體機(jī)能作用的某一種功能,如免疫調(diào)節(jié)、延緩衰老、調(diào)節(jié)血脂、調(diào)節(jié)血糖、改善記憶、促進(jìn)生 長發(fā)育、抗疲勞、減肥、抑制腫瘤等功能之一。功能不明確、不確定者不能作為保健食品。 由于保健食品具有明顯的功能性,因此其適合于特定的人群食用,一般需按照產(chǎn)品說明書規(guī)定的特殊人群食用,不是所有的人都可以食用的食品,如果不按照說明書食用, 就可能會造成營養(yǎng)素過量而中毒, 或者某種營養(yǎng)素在體內(nèi)含量過剩而導(dǎo)致體內(nèi)營養(yǎng)素的平衡,影響人體健康,起不到保健食品應(yīng)有的食

31、用效果。保健食品作為食品、 具有其特殊性,保健食品的原料、功效、安全性、產(chǎn)品形態(tài)都不同于一般食品。除了嚴(yán)格規(guī)范對保健食品的功能、毒性、 功效成分穩(wěn)定性等進(jìn)行評審?fù)猓绾渭訌?qiáng)對保健食品企業(yè)的監(jiān)督管理,保證產(chǎn)品能按照審批時(shí)的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)進(jìn)行生產(chǎn),是一項(xiàng)關(guān)系到保健食品是否真正實(shí)現(xiàn)規(guī)范化管理的關(guān)鍵因素。我國有的學(xué)者按照保健食品的應(yīng)用范圍和服務(wù)對象分類,把保健食品分成了三類比較 符合我國實(shí)際情況。 一是以增進(jìn)健康和各項(xiàng)體能為主要目的的保健食品,食用對象可以是一般健康人群或者亞健康人群;二是以特殊生理需要或特殊工種需要人群為食用對象的保健食 品;三是主要供給健康異常的人食用的保健食品,以防病抗病為目的。具體分類如

32、下:(一)營養(yǎng)保健食品.營養(yǎng)補(bǔ)充劑(氨基酸、維生素、礦物元素).廣譜性保健食品a.免疫調(diào)節(jié)作用b.抗疲勞c.美容(二)專用保健食品.嬰兒保健食品.兒童益智食品i suhiils,ti masterpriper usage, pa, atteitishe d,uitiliivestigated fir legal respiisiiilit,.,iig Lii aig Liu jia pi igelemeitar,suhiilLiujiapi igeleme itar,suhiil,piie slipessurriuidiig safet,maiagemeits,stem 1teauhers a

33、id studeits, t hesurriuidiig areaof ie luhiil ggvera iue uoves pesia a id Ild hhgiee ,uUUa 一itsaid it heraspeuts,iitegratedgiveia iue saloita I _ suport ad UI uopeaiiif the Limmuh. Oie.一 - - IiffUas ir the poie staiii I a .e,maiie, Ipro. ut the sae,if .-. its I, evy diy i.oresUiil eaUes rrmid sU its

34、 II,atei ii I iafU saei, I, .oU d l aesu - its to re seut soUa . hU. aid ai - egulai ois, maita iiig puili u ir de, aid Igt I he iad guys, aid ga. Ie ure ut as ad mlais if maitaiiFura uii Uage if - uui y I, U a uiv,shoUd h a speUIu resiisiiiy ply aiei pe sis ae, phhsial maUh. Rou. I, lutvi.s, luaii,

35、 fe lives .lu ie uare d iut ia iue. | auiviis firL he meas if ia.lrt shiUd -Ii I the luhiil i umpl , I . saeyreui eis i.Ie ie Isuhiils shiuldig aid improv ig s_ets sl ua eiefir repairs.I, eaUh aUtivit, must have seie Uooe moiiorr. sUool or a ie se ime,-I . _ ill _ I I I _ l_ILd .1.1.-shiul dpa,

36、 atteiti.,uy I, I e esalismeit if emegeuy e esrt ,, egeu,rrspiiie pa i Ir auieits.I,t he safet, maiagemeit if suhiil erimeit, sou ethe iiia Iuiitaut thedistriut piliue statiii, the vilge mmi ,CoreUiia iceei.of IaUes isUoil . oihgh aletaid - plie ,ig Li i-a I g Li u Ja pi ig eemeita, sUiil Mauh sig L

37、i i.a ig Li u ja pi ig primay sUiil ItaUes ad sU - it,pUiUs hi、 ig, piuiiu ti II,ateti Iie pre. itii, llld piisiig , preeiti ii if fal luUdes _, Ihe iutivie s iea the riv. esevoirs io mesue s ir di lit me. thei iship giver imeit, iusiiess maiagemesigai zaiis oU if saey maaemeit leuui,rnUirBes11 ie O

38、gaiiit aid ither departmeits tii a ggid ji maig i _ - i-sem or i Iii auivt iee.t hes lil s - etzaiia id il le s-eits iit he a.emeit. | ia Ue oi.y_- I- L th the - uei ois iluhool. .lu alpa,atteitiiti eivir iime italiispe Utiiisie ar the Uampus, fiuidtUtivitiesagreeha ie loile migaits frm ual ae一一 . -

39、 -l -l uoi Core uiiai ce i er agre ti imp. met. Ogai-its,for eampe, haasmet - li the fielf s_ets a id a irey if auie I Is,-urig I i dileeit st - i- . _ l l. 1d ea- aI or aU eqUr eaprva i,ie-iis repirted sUhiil.I. . Ill. 1-puy lie Ld_aiiird. te .nr* normal ea chi ng or deell ng .t sht gi-tl, ., t. (r

40、 .|. s nl .*.,.nt or .mix te. . ,acl det * .- t he、. ( . u He r, .-.due.( nciile a di ng tie l . 0 1 cjiil 0* make t he . nt . he . ist he ”.IHi of ilnl my se ., . lea . of P int -一 - . . gi_. The hen c. tie l nip. i .as”. e .” emeiatnil te aLiaiiy . slul mulin s lli ko-e” .out ” . ,. alo be i the .

41、 ., . ai tlonfrst uiei s of 一. per ek Siul l be To y.n. . iss- s . -hn tl on inGe .一、“h.i 1a. . e sc- . 一. ”.” cals( 10, 1, 09, ! . . cjmmu . .,t he . .me . . a _ce ein. so.Uni s Liens epor mjraulient -ihi n a nhour of . st _et rua ill. |a. nlesto e p* re |o. of the a _i det to a -te neport iti , ,a

42、 lorreli I n. - nt. a |ol le stain, a t owshi | |e oples Gov-me nt sh.l not unne. the I t I -ek, .a ches .e I n .,e Ils a. .|. lv. imi.1 ng eu - i on, obse - the s - es is,cholgu. chage s . .,tme anit |r et m_ue s nouror. |Lni sment .d l e - ”. iLniJmeton s . .s, s Ldent out of te c soom, sloos

43、 ma,not be ,lnns, equi pment isetons found hidden i t.e for . - ton, mai ntea nle, and - uui,I do not use a open f-e in the c. isrom, pr ihi bi burigso - , ca nnjes mosiLt r.ekntn slhools,to master be puni s.d, unti i-Uggaed for、a esonsiii ang LL Ja pi ngeeta,sUoolMaU LL J. pi ng | ie ppssurundig _|

44、 mag_ents,s- ittaUes and s - ets t he suruidng ar.of te luhool gvera nle loves pesn. a nd foodoluas or the poke stain i n a m manne,tpro. lt the sae,of S_e nts I, ev, . b.ore sUool eales rrmi. sLient“p,atet on ttalu saet, I, SoL d Fura u in Uage of e lui ,, la U a uv,shoL d hhae a speUIl resonniii,p

45、p,ateton to t he pe sns ae, phhsial maUh. Rou. I, lutvi.s, luain, fed uves Sou be uar.hhgiee , cutu.一nts . it heraseusiegae.givena nce salobta n -ie ad fLl uopeainof te commuh. Onte nts to re sect soU. . hus and aios egulai ins, maita ning publi l or de, and Igt t he bad g.s and grsp theure lt -as a

46、d mlans of maitaiid outi I aa nce. | actviisfor. he meas of tasort ShoL d n the (uhool 0 umpl ,-t veil . sae,r i ets b.Ie te lsuhoolsshouldbe u ooe mini-1 llng and .prl ng Suet s sl r e abii nefor r.a-.I euh actvh muS hhae ad mien of eaces and st .dent* suui ” it, mum” s ng tie .-” “ . , stegt”-at,

47、-me suui. a_h -. tte 一s of Ie ” ,us .sia .ones of keei “ ”i . pubci ng “ -nt oi aca. “ 一“ of ”規(guī)范對保健食品企業(yè)的技術(shù)負(fù)責(zé)人、品質(zhì)管理部門負(fù)貴人及技術(shù)人員、生產(chǎn)人員提出了不同的資格要求。應(yīng)當(dāng)注意到,由于所發(fā)揮的具體作用和在質(zhì)量控制體系中承擔(dān)的職責(zé)不同, 這些人員不應(yīng)當(dāng)是互相替代的,不同職責(zé)人員應(yīng)一當(dāng)依據(jù)相應(yīng)的授權(quán),承擔(dān)自己應(yīng)負(fù)的生產(chǎn)或品質(zhì)管理責(zé)任。崗位培訓(xùn)和正確執(zhí)行是規(guī)范執(zhí)行好壞的基礎(chǔ)。規(guī)范特別規(guī)定,從業(yè)人員上崗前必須經(jīng) 過食品法規(guī)教育及相應(yīng)技術(shù)培訓(xùn),企業(yè)應(yīng)建立培訓(xùn)及考核檔案,企業(yè)負(fù)責(zé)人及生產(chǎn)、品質(zhì)管

48、理部門負(fù)責(zé)人還應(yīng)接受省級以上食品監(jiān)督部門有關(guān)保健食品的專業(yè)培訓(xùn),并取得合格證書。(三)設(shè)計(jì)與設(shè)施.原則。保健食品良好生產(chǎn)規(guī)范中規(guī)定的設(shè)計(jì)與設(shè)施的原則是廠房和設(shè)備的設(shè)計(jì)、 空間及結(jié)構(gòu)、維護(hù)有利于按照規(guī)范要求的質(zhì)量控制要求實(shí)施控制。廠房應(yīng)避免外界和交叉污染以及其他因素對產(chǎn)品的不良影響,使產(chǎn)生差錯(cuò)的危險(xiǎn)降至最低。.重點(diǎn)要求。保健食品的生產(chǎn)條件必須達(dá)到國家食品廠通用衛(wèi)生規(guī)范的要求,在此 基礎(chǔ)上,根據(jù)保健食品生產(chǎn)的條件, 規(guī)定了不同保健食品的生產(chǎn)所必須具備的硬件設(shè)施。本部分的重點(diǎn)內(nèi)容是關(guān)于潔凈廠房和與之相應(yīng)的輔助設(shè)施,潔凈廠房的級別要求參考了我國藥品規(guī)范和國際上通用的潔凈要求,同時(shí),根據(jù)是否有終末消毒環(huán)

49、節(jié),提出了不同的潔凈級別的要求。(四)原料要求.原則。保健食品的功效成分的含量和作用是否達(dá)到應(yīng)有的要求,很大程度上取決于原料的質(zhì)量和控制。原料必須與要求的規(guī)格標(biāo)準(zhǔn)相一致;所有的原料都必須按規(guī)定的內(nèi)容進(jìn)行檢查。.重點(diǎn)要求。該部分重點(diǎn)從原料采購、儲存、投料等環(huán)節(jié)的鑒定、驗(yàn)收、發(fā)放和使用等 方面的管理制度著手,嚴(yán)格控制原料的來源、產(chǎn)地、質(zhì)量規(guī)格和衛(wèi)生要求。 要求原料從進(jìn)貨到使用前的所有處理過程必須由責(zé)任人按照規(guī)程進(jìn)行,保持其原有的品質(zhì), 免受污染。對各工序應(yīng)進(jìn)行記錄。購買的中間產(chǎn)品和待包裝的產(chǎn)品用做原料的,進(jìn)貨時(shí)視同原料進(jìn)行管理。(五)生產(chǎn)過程.原則。生產(chǎn)操作應(yīng)嚴(yán)格按規(guī)定的規(guī)程進(jìn)行,避免盲目性、隨意

50、性。各工序有專門的崗 位規(guī)程,流程應(yīng)按產(chǎn)品數(shù)量、質(zhì)量規(guī)格的要求層層驗(yàn)收合格后傳遞,確保預(yù)定的要求。.重點(diǎn)要求。生產(chǎn)過程包括原輔料的領(lǐng)取和投料,配料與加工,包裝容器的洗滌、,滅菌和保潔,產(chǎn)品殺菌,灌裝或裝填,包裝,標(biāo)識等內(nèi)容保健食品良好生產(chǎn)規(guī)范對保健食品生產(chǎn)過程的要求包括制定標(biāo)準(zhǔn)操作規(guī)程,生產(chǎn)人員、設(shè)備、物料運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn)一的合理配制、防止交叉污染,裝填和灌裝環(huán)境及成品包裝條件等內(nèi)容。另外,針對某些保健食品生產(chǎn)工藝落后,達(dá)不到機(jī)械化生產(chǎn),因而不能保證每批次生產(chǎn)的質(zhì)量和衛(wèi)生要求等問題,明確規(guī)定了在重點(diǎn)控制的環(huán)節(jié)要采用機(jī)械化操作。為保證規(guī)范的正確執(zhí)行, 還規(guī)定了對質(zhì)量和衛(wèi)生安全方面的關(guān)鍵控制環(huán)節(jié)要制定量化操作

51、標(biāo)準(zhǔn)和記錄核對制度。(六)成品儲存與運(yùn)輸.原則。按照規(guī)定的條件進(jìn)行儲存和運(yùn)輸,保證儲存時(shí)間、溫度不對產(chǎn)品構(gòu)成不良影響。應(yīng)保留能夠反映產(chǎn)品批次、銷售對象、數(shù)量的記錄,以便核對。.重點(diǎn)要求。規(guī)定了保健食品在出廠前后的質(zhì)量和衛(wèi)生保證措施。(七)品質(zhì)管理.原則。對取樣、規(guī)格標(biāo)準(zhǔn)、檢驗(yàn)以及各相關(guān)機(jī)構(gòu)的規(guī)程的制定和檢查。確定各環(huán)節(jié)執(zhí) 行規(guī)程的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)是否一致。品質(zhì)管理與生產(chǎn)過程對于保證GMP的完整實(shí)施同樣重要,品質(zhì)管理機(jī)構(gòu)與生產(chǎn)機(jī)構(gòu)相互配合和監(jiān)督,構(gòu)成GMP的完整內(nèi)容。品質(zhì)管理是GMP的核心所在。.重點(diǎn)要求。品質(zhì)管理的內(nèi)容包括:建立獨(dú)立的與生產(chǎn)能力相適應(yīng)的品質(zhì)管理機(jī)構(gòu),制定品質(zhì)管理制度,品質(zhì)管理制度必須與所有

52、與生產(chǎn)過程的內(nèi)容相對應(yīng)與執(zhí)行同一般食品廠生lu ja ii ng I ie |lss.undig me,mangentsns- ittaues and s . ets t ie suruUng araof tie luiooi ggvofuas or tie ioie stain i n a tme. mannedirote ut tie -e,of s_e nts I,. dd,beore suooi eaues r-id su-nt“ atetiFura u in uage of - uui . I, la u a uilt,siou d iae a s|eUIL resonsiii. i

53、iy atetion to t ie ie sns ae, iiisiai maui. Route I, utilieera nue u es iesna a nd fod iigiee ,uutua nts ad ot ier aseus iteggaed governa nueon to trafusaet. I,sou d idaesuients to re seut soua e iusand - e.iai ons, maitas, iuain, fed lules soud be uare d out i adda nue. | auiliis fori ie meas of ta

54、sort siousai obta n -ie suiort ad uiuoieainof tie iommui,. Ontie.一 - - lning iubii u or de, and figt t ie bad guys , and gas tie ure ut as ad mlans of maitaii d -ii n tie luiooi to umii , . leii e sae.reui ets befe tie ing and mirol ng s_et s si ua e abii ne for rea. I eui auili,mus iae -,, t e esai

55、isment of emegen,rs_e e-s_rt ,, egeu,rrsionne ia n fr ien suoos to masernts* ;of teauiers,iunusi.iroie .* ipn atetiinsuooi s onigi aietand de iioed Sng L ng,iiuniuto i. ateti ntfre iree ntin, iouontaut tiedistriu ioe sain, tie liige C.mmi ,Coreuinan-a I g Liu Ja ii ng eementa, suooi Maui sng Li n.a

56、ng Li u ja iing irm” suooi tta oisnig , ireenti on of al nudes _, tie utilies nea tie riles eseloirs no mesuei Ceeteo nsiii goler nment, business managemeues ad su nt s ogai zztins ou of -ft,manaement s or do lot mee tie-ui,rrqumesI f tie Oranintand otier deiartments too a god job mangement.I, tease

57、m organiati on a uiiis beeI teuiesind stdet-ain a nd not ie stde ntsito t ie aeuier on dut,t tie - uet ons iluioois soud aiia,attentioto eli onme nta ise uions ne a tie u-ius fund tutilitiesagreeia tie .bie mgrants from rurai ae一一 . - -I -d uon Core utinai Ce I ter agred to mie met. Ogai-tints,for e

58、amie, iaasmet - ld for、a esonsiio tie -iin Song Lii ang lu ja ii ngeeta,suooif stdes a nd a -, of auie I ts, Hur dig t o daeent siuati- . _ l l. 1Mau ons eiortd suooi.I. . Ill. 1-iu,Die iduuaionrd. te .nr* normal ea chi ng or deell ng .t sht gi-tl, ., t. (r .|. s nl .*.,.nt or .mix te. . ,acl det *

59、.- t he、. ( . uHer, .-. . due .( nciile a di ng tie l . 0 1 cjiil0* make t he .nt . he . ist he ”. IHi of ilnl myse ., . lea.of P int -一 -. . gi_. The hen c. tie l i“Unl * u n* eior mjraul-nt -ihi n a nhourof Id iain. st.let ruandd. ii-. nlesto e |o* re |o. of the a _i det toa teneiort iti, ,a corrl

60、eliI i. - nt a |ol le stain, a t oship |e ople* Gorment shal not unnell the I t I - , ea lhes ae I n .,e II* ad .|.-te eadie*、* stleighet he ed_ain, m.a - meit of tauig ntv - s iluhools to ensue normll teuhigorder e*on* be forluhoole, r._LI.-_I - -ILL-L. I . .11 . I L - . III I . I. d - l_lI_ . III.


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