2、的專業(yè)術(shù)語標準GB/T 50279-98 巖土工程基本術(shù)語標準、GB/T 14498-1993 工程地質(zhì)術(shù)語、SL26-2012 水利水電工程技術(shù)術(shù)語等。本書所收詞條按專業(yè)分類編排,后附按漢語拼音字母順序排列的索引。因漢英水電工程常用詞匯各章完成后統(tǒng)一出版尚需時日,為征求業(yè)內(nèi)同行意見,也為提供使用,現(xiàn)將“工程勘測”部分單獨印制,希望各單位在使用過程中將對本章節(jié)的分類方式、選詞范圍及用詞是否準確方面的意見和建議反饋至:國際工程公司技術(shù)與評審部陳建蘇(cjs)。本章主編:李天扶、王自高。目 錄第一章 工程勘測 Engineering Investigation1. 區(qū)域地質(zhì)與地震 Regional
3、 Geology and Seismicity 11.1地質(zhì)年代 Geological time scale / time /age1.2 區(qū)域地質(zhì) Regional geology1.3 地震 Seismicity2. 工程地質(zhì)條件 Engineering Geological Conditions 62.1 地形、地貌 Topography and landform / geomorphy2.2巖土與礦物Rock-soils and minerals2.3 巖石結(jié)構(gòu)與構(gòu)造Texture and structure of rocks2.4 地質(zhì)構(gòu)造 Geological structure2
4、.5. 巖體結(jié)構(gòu) Rock mass structure2.6水文地質(zhì) Hydrogeology2.7 物理地質(zhì)現(xiàn)象Physicogeological phenomena3巖土力學(xué) Rock / Soil Mechanics 293.1巖土物理特性 Rock / Soil physical properties3.2 巖土力學(xué)參數(shù) Rock / Soil mechanical properties3.3巖土變形特性參數(shù) Rock / Soil deformation properties3.4 巖土試驗 Geotechnical tests3.5 工程巖體分類 Classification o
5、f engineering rock mass3.6地應(yīng)力 Ground stress4. 主要工程地質(zhì)問題 Main Engineering Geological Considerations 364.1水庫區(qū) Reservoir area4.2 壩址區(qū) Dam site area4.3 工程地質(zhì)問題處理 Treatment of engineering geological problems5. 天然建筑材料 Natural Construction Materials 396. 工程地質(zhì)勘察 Engineering Geological Investigation 436.1 勘測 In
6、vestigation / Survey6.2 地下勘探Subsurface exploration6.3 物探 Geophysical prospecting6.4 觀測 / 監(jiān)測 Observation / Monitoring6. 5 工程地質(zhì)分析與計算 Engineering geological analysis and calculation7. 工程測量 Engineering Survey 518. 圖例、圖件 Legends and Maps (Drawings 538.1 圖例及圖中注釋 Legends and explanations8.2 圖名 Name of maps
7、 / drawings8.3 地質(zhì)報告名稱 Name of geological reports1. 區(qū)域地質(zhì)與地震 Regional Geology and Seismicity1.1地質(zhì)年代 Geological time scale / time /age代(界) Era (Erathem紀(系) Period (System世(統(tǒng)) Epoch (Series期(階) Stage (formation群組 Group新生代(界) Cenozoic era (erathem晚新生代地層 Late Cenozoic Stratum第四紀(系) Quaternary period (syst
8、em全新世(統(tǒng)) Holocene epoch (series更新世(統(tǒng)) Pleistocene epoch (series第三紀(系) Tertiary period (system晚第三紀(系) Neogene period (system上新世(統(tǒng)) Pliocene epoch (series中新世(統(tǒng)) Miocene epoch (series早第三紀(系) Eogene /Paleogene period (system漸新世(統(tǒng)) Oligocene epoch (series始新世(統(tǒng)) Eocene epoch (series古新世(統(tǒng)) Paleccene epoch
9、(series中生代(界) Mesozoic era (group/erathem白堊紀(系) Cretaceous period (system侏羅紀(系) Jurassic period (system三疊紀(系) Triassic period (system古生代(界) Palaeozoic era (group/erathem二疊紀(系) Permian period (system石灰紀(系) Carboniferous period (system泥盆紀(系) Devonian period (system志留紀(系) Silurian period (system奧陶紀(系)
10、Ordovician period (system寒武紀(系) Cambrian period (system元古代(界) Proterozoic era (group/erathem前寒武紀(系) Precambrian period ( system震旦紀(系) Sinian period (system太古代(界) Archaeozoic era (group/erathem前震旦紀(系) Presinian period (system冰川時期 Glacial epoch /period冰期 ice age主要大地構(gòu)造運動 / 造山運動 The main tectonic moveme
11、nt / orogeny 侵入巖分期 intrusive rock period造山旋回 orogenic cycle多旋回性 multiple cyclicities喜馬拉雅運動 Himalayan movement / orogeny喜馬拉雅運動的第幕 Second episode of Himalayan movement 燕山運動 Yanshan movement / orogeny印支運動 Indosinian movement / orogeny華力西運動 Variscian movement / orogeny加里東運動 Caledonian movement / orogeny
12、晉寧運動 Jinniing movement / orogeny呂梁運動 Luliang movement / orogeny年代測定 age dating放射性測年 radioactive dating / radioactive age determination 同位素年齡 isotopic age1.2 區(qū)域地質(zhì) Gegional geology大地構(gòu)造 geotectonics大地構(gòu)造單元 geotectonic element大地構(gòu)造體系 geotectonic system板塊 plate板塊構(gòu)造環(huán)境 plate geotectonic settings板塊縫合帶 plate s
13、uture zone拼合地帶 collage belt地縫合帶 suture belt蛇綠巖帶 ophiolite belt板塊碰撞 plate collision島弧帶 island arc belt造山帶 orogenic belt海進 marine ingression海退 marine regression地槽 geosyncline地臺 continental platform地盾 shield構(gòu)造線 tectonic line構(gòu)造格局 tectonic framework構(gòu)造體系 tectonic system山字形構(gòu)造 epsilon-type structure旋扭構(gòu)造 rot
14、ational shear structure帚狀構(gòu)造 brush structure環(huán)帶構(gòu)造, 帶狀構(gòu)造 zonal structure 雁行構(gòu)造, 斜列構(gòu)造echelon structure斜接 diagonal connection (juxtaposition 地壘 horst地塹 graben褶斷山 fault-folded mountain斷塊山地fault-block mountain 桌狀山 table mountain 斷陷盆地faulted basin 拗陷盆地depression basin 超巖石圈斷裂trans-lithospheric fault 深大斷裂 deep
15、 fault 活斷層 active fault可能活動斷層 capable fault裂谷 rift valley區(qū)域性主要斷裂 regional major fault 活動帶 active belt斷裂活動強度intensity of faulting activity 側(cè)向擠壓lateral compression 拖曳運動drag movement 迭瓦構(gòu)造 decken structure 褶皺基底fold basement 沉積建造 sedimentary formation 磨拉石建造 molasse formation復(fù)理石建造 flysch formation類復(fù)理石建造fl
16、yschoid formation 碳酸鹽巖建造carbonatite formation 地臺型建造 platform type formation 巖漿活動 magmatic activity褶皺系 fold system褶皺束 fold bundle褶皺帶 fold belt隆升uplift 解體 disintegration1.3 地震 Seismicity地震區(qū) seismic area, earthquake area 地震帶 seismic belt地震構(gòu)造區(qū) seismic structure zone 震源 seismic source, seismic focus震源深度
17、focus depth深源地震 deep-focus earthquake淺源地震 shallow-focus earthquake震中 epicenter震源機制 focal mechanism發(fā)震斷層seismogenic fault 發(fā)震構(gòu)造seismogenic structure / Seismogenic tectonics 發(fā)震機制seismogenic mechanism 潛在震源區(qū) potential seismic source zone地震活動 seismic activities 地震前兆 premonitory symptom前震 foreshock主震 main s
18、hock余震 aftershock破壞性地震 destructive earthquake活動斷層探測 surveying and prospecting of active fault地震活動斷層 seismo-active fault斷層活動段 active fault segment地震構(gòu)造 seismic structure活動構(gòu)造 active structure構(gòu)造類比 structure analog古地震 paleo-earthquake最大可信地震 maximum critical earthquake(MCE )運行基本地震 operating basis earthqua
19、ke(OBE )起算震級 lower limit earthquake震級檔 magnitude interval地震震級 earthquake magnitude里氏震級 Richter magnitude地震烈度 seismic intensity, earthquake intensity麥加利烈度 Mercalli intensity基本地震烈度 basic seismic intensity設(shè)計地震烈度 design seismic intensity地震波 seismic wave體波 body wave縱波 longitudinal wave / compression wave
20、橫波 transverse wave / shear wave面波 surface wave瑞利波 Rayleigh wave勒夫波 Love wave中國地震動參數(shù)區(qū)劃圖 The earthquake motion parameter zoning map of China / Seismic ground motion parameter zonation map of China中國地震動峰值加速度區(qū)劃圖 The ground motion peak acceleration zoning map of China / Seismic peak ground acceleration z
21、onation map of China地震動反應(yīng)譜特征周期/characteristic period of the seismic response spectrum / ground motion characteristic period of response spectrum中國地震動反應(yīng)譜特征周期區(qū)劃圖 The eigenperiod zoning map of earthquake response spectrum of China區(qū)域地震構(gòu)造綜合分析Comprehensive analysis on regional seismotectonics 地震環(huán)境綜合評價 Com
22、prehensive evaluation on seismic settings地震安全性評價 seismic safety evaluation / evaluation of seismic safety地震危險性分析 seismic hazard analysis超越概率 exceeding probability/probability of exceedance年平均發(fā)生率 annual incidence rate重現(xiàn)期 recurrence interval / return period 震級-頻度關(guān)系magnitude-frequency relation 中等強度和頻度的
23、地震活動性 seismic activity of moderate intensity and frequency 本底地震 background earthquake地震反應(yīng)譜 seismic response spectrum反應(yīng)譜特征周期 eigenperiod of response spectrum地震動參數(shù) ground motion parameter地震動峰值加速度 seismic peak ground acceleration地震加速度 seismic acceleration水平加速度 horizontal acceleration垂直加速度 vertical acce
24、leration峰值加速度 peak acceleration擬靜力法pseudo-static method 相應(yīng)烈度 equivalent intensity 強震strong earthquake 弱震weak earthquake 微震 microquake等震線 isoseismals極震區(qū) meizoseismal area地震斷層 earthquake fault地震地質(zhì)災(zāi)害 earthquake induced geological disaster地裂縫 ground crack震陷 earthquake subsidence鋸齒狀連續(xù)延伸 successively zigz
25、ag spread冒水噴沙 water spraying and sand emitting砂土液化 sand liquefaction液化指數(shù) liquefaction index地震觀測 seismological observation地震臺 seismostation子地震臺 seismo-substation地震臺網(wǎng) seismic network地震儀 seismograph / seismometer強震儀 strong-motion seismograph微震儀 micro-seismograph新構(gòu)造運動 neotectonics區(qū)域新構(gòu)造運動 regional neotec
26、tonic movement新構(gòu)造運動分區(qū) neotectonic zoning空間繼承性 succession in space新構(gòu)造形跡 traces of neotectonics斷裂槽谷 fault trough valley斷層三角面 fault triangular facet斷層崖 fault scarp坡中谷 valley in slope地形坡折 terrain slope break水系錯動dislocated water system掀斜式隆升 tilting uplift間歇性隆升 intermittent uplift差異性隆升 differential uplift
27、年平均隆升速率 average annual uplift amplitude構(gòu)造穩(wěn)定區(qū) tectonically stable zone安全島 safety island相對穩(wěn)定地塊 relatively stable block2. 工程地質(zhì)條件 Engineering Geological Conditions2.1 地形、地貌 Topography and landform / Geomorphy地形 topography地貌 geomorphy / landform地貌類型 geomorphic type大陸 continent山系 mountain system山脈 mountai
28、n range山地 mountain region /area山坡 mountain slope / hillside山麓 mountain foot埡口 saddle back山口 mountain pass山谷 valley丘陵 hill高原 plateau高地 highland平原 plain準平原 peneplain殘丘 inselberg盆地 basin洼地 depression山間盆地 intermontane basin河谷 river valley峽谷 canyon / gorge縱谷 longitudinal valley橫谷 transverse valley斜向谷 ins
29、equent valley平直河道straight channel 蜿蜒河道m(xù)eandering channel 多叉河道 braided channelU 形谷 U-shaped valleyV 形谷 V-shaped valley凸岸convex bank 凹岸concave bank 河灣river bend 開闊地 open terrain/open ground 坡度gradient 平緩坡 gentle slope 陡坡steep slope / abrupt slope 懸崖cliff/scarp 凹槽trough 凹坡concave slope 凹凸形 concavo-conv
30、ex凹陷 hollow 分水嶺 water divide / watershed河漫灘 floodplain階地 terrace侵蝕階地 erosional terrace堆積階地 constructional terrace基座階地 bedrock seated terrace埋藏階地 buried terrace新近紀湖積臺地 neogene lacustrine deposit platform牛軛湖 ox-bow lake三角洲 delta沖積平原 alluvial plain沖積扇 alluvial fan洪積扇 diluvia fan / proluvial fan坡積裙 talu
31、s fan沖溝 gully坳溝 shallow flat ravine冰川地形 g lacial landform冰斗 glacial cirque冰川谷 glacier valley懸谷 hanging valley冰磧階地 glacial drift terrace冰凍隆起 frost upheaval磨蝕 abrasion磨圓碎屑 rounded fragments風成地貌 eolian landform黃土高原 loess plateau黃土梁 loess ridge黃土峁 loess hill黃土塬 loess tableland黃土坪 loess terrace落水洞 sinkho
32、le雅丹地貌 Yardang landform風蝕殘丘 eolian monadnock風蝕壁龕 tafone蘑菇石 mushroom stone沙漠 desert戈壁 gobi / stone desert侵蝕及剝蝕地貌單元 erosional and denudational geomorphic unit 地形相對高差 relative altitude difference剝夷面 / 夷平面 planation surface剝蝕 abrasion / denudation剝蝕面 denudation plane侵蝕基準面 erosion basis / base level of e
33、rosion古地理學(xué) paleogeography古地下水 fossil groundwater / paleo-groundwater古河槽 old channel / buried channel古河道 ancient river course / paleochannel 古滑坡 ancient landslide / old landslide古巖溶 ancient karst古代冰川作用 a ncient glaciations2.2 巖土與礦物 Rock- soil and minerals2.2.1 第四系沉積物 Quaternary sediments / deposits成土
34、母巖 soil-forming rock成巖作用 diagenesis成因分類 genetic classification成因分析 genetic analysis內(nèi)因 internal cause內(nèi)營力 endogenetic agents外營力 exogenic agents成因類型 genetic types堆積 accumulation沖積 alluvium洪積 diluvium坡積 slope wash殘積 eluvium冰磧 glacial drift冰水堆積體 outwash deposits冰川沉積 /冰積層 glacial deposit風積物 eolian deposit
35、湖積物 lacustrine deposit滑坡堆積 landslide deposit碎屑沉積 clastic sediment人工堆積 artificial deposit堆積體accumulation body土石混合體 soil-rock mixture/ rock and soil aggregates 表土 regolith / top soil孤石 lonestone漂石 / 漂礫 erratic boulder塊石 rock block卵石 cobble / pebble礫石 gravel粗礫 coarse gravel中礫 medium gravel細礫 fine grave
36、l碎石 gravel / debris砂 sand粗砂 coarse sand中砂 medium sand細砂 fine sand粉砂 / 粉土 silt碎石土 debris soil礫質(zhì)土 gravelly soil粗礫貭土(卵石土) cobble soil壤土 loam砂壤土 sandy loam砂性土 sandy soil粘土 clay粘性土 cohesive soil / clayey soil無粘性土 cohesionless soil砂質(zhì)粘土 sandy clay淤泥 mud淤泥質(zhì)粘土 muddy clay冰磧土 moraine soil凍土 frozen soil黃土 loess
37、濕陷性黃土 collapsible loess自重濕陷性黃土 self weight collapsible loess 非自重濕陷性黃土 non-weight collapsible loess 非濕陷性黃土 non collapsible loess膨脹土 swelling soil / expansive soil 敏感性土 sensitive soil人工填土 backfilled soil顆粒形狀 particle shape棱角狀 angular次棱角狀 subangular次圓狀 subrounded圓狀 rounded扁平狀 flat長條狀 elongated2.2.2 沉積巖
38、 Sedimentary rock巖相 lithofacies陸相 continental facies陸相紅層 r ed bed of continental facies海相 marine facies海相碎屑巖 clastic rocks of marine facies 淺海相 neritic facies / shallow sea facies 濱海相 littoral facies湖相 lacustrine facies / lake facies 瀉湖相 lagoon facies河相 fluvial facies冰水沉積 glaciofluvial deposit煤層 coa
39、l seam蒸發(fā)巖 evaporite礫巖 conglomerate角礫巖 breccia底礫巖 basal conglomerate砂礫巖 sandy conglomerate砂巖 sandstone雜砂巖/硬砂巖 greywacke石英砂巖 quartz sandstone長石砂巖 arkose / feldspathic sandstone 鐵質(zhì)砂巖 ferruginous sandstone巖屑砂巖 lithite礫砂巖 conglomeratic sandstone 粉砂巖 siltstone粘土質(zhì)砂巖 argillaceous sandstone 粘土巖 clay stone(cl
40、ay rock) 泥巖 mudstone粉砂質(zhì)泥巖 silt mudstone頁巖 shale粘土頁巖 clay shale炭質(zhì)頁巖 carbonaceous shale 油頁巖 kerogen shale (oil shale 鋁土頁巖 bauxitic shale灰?guī)r / 石灰?guī)r limestone鮞狀灰?guī)r oolitic limestone粒狀灰?guī)r granular limestone 板狀灰?guī)r platy limestone泥質(zhì)灰?guī)r argillaceous limestone 結(jié)晶灰?guī)r crystalline limestone 致密灰?guī)r compact limestone 生物碎屑
41、灰?guī)r bioclastic limestone白云質(zhì)灰?guī)r dolomitic limestone 竹葉狀灰?guī)r wormkalk泥灰?guī)r marl斑脫土(巖)/ 膨潤土 bentonite 膠結(jié) cement硅質(zhì)膠結(jié) siliceous cement鈣質(zhì)膠結(jié) calcareous cement泥質(zhì)膠結(jié) argillaceous cement 鈣質(zhì)結(jié)核caliche nodule / calcareous concretion 扁豆體 / 透鏡體 lenticle2.2.3變質(zhì)巖 Metamorphic rock淺變質(zhì)巖 epimetamorphic rock 深變質(zhì)巖 katametamorphi
42、c rock 正變質(zhì)巖 orthometamorphite副變質(zhì)巖 parametamorphite葉理化變質(zhì)巖 foliated metamorphic rock 板巖 slate千枚巖 phyllite片巖 schist云母片巖 mica schist滑石片巖 talc schist角閃石片巖 amphibole schist綠巖(綠閃石片巖) noricite 片麻巖 gneiss流紋片麻巖 rhyolite-gneiss花崗片麻巖 granitic gneiss斜長片麻巖 plagiogneiss混合巖 migmatite混合巖化 migmatization塊狀變質(zhì)巖 massive
43、metamorphic rock 大理巖 marble鈣質(zhì)白云石大理巖 calc-dolomite marble 石英巖 quartzite變質(zhì)砂巖 metasandstone變質(zhì)礫巖 metaconglomerate 變質(zhì)泥巖 metapelite角巖 hornfels麻粒巖 granulite角閃巖 amphibolite粗面巖 trachyte粗玄巖 dolerite構(gòu)造巖 tectonite構(gòu)造角礫巖 tectonic breccia 破碎角礫巖 catalastic breccia 碎裂巖 cataclasite擠壓片狀巖 sliced rock 糜棱巖 mylonite千糜巖 ph
44、yllonite斷層泥 fault gouge/ fault clay2.2.4 火成巖/巖漿巖 Igneous rock巖漿 magma酸性巖 acid rock偉晶巖 pegmatite花崗巖 granite花崗偉晶巖 granite- pegmatite 花崗斑巖 granite-porphyry 細晶巖 aplite流紋巖 rhyolite, liparite 中性巖 intermediate rock閃長巖 diorite花崗閃長巖 granodiorite 煌斑巖 lamprophyre 正長巖 syenite, sinaite 二長巖 monzonite玢巖 porphyrite
45、安山巖 andesite英安巖 dacite, quartz andesite 基性巖 basic rock輝長巖 gabbro輝綠巖 diabase / dolerite 玄武巖 basalt響巖 phonolite超基性巖 ultra-basic rock 輝巖 pyroxenite橄欖巖 peridotite / olivinite 蛇紋巖 serpenite深成巖plutonic巖床 sill巖盤 laccolith巖株 stock巖墻 dike巖脈 vein石英脈 quartz vein偉晶巖脈 pegmatite vein細晶巖脈 aplite vein綠簾石脈 epidote v
46、ein方解石脈 calcite vein煌斑巖脈 lamprophyre vein基質(zhì) matrix母巖 host rock脈巖 vein rock / dyke rock捕虜體 xenolith斑巖 porphyry火山巖 volcanic rock噴出巖 extrusive rock / eruptive rock中酸性噴發(fā)巖 intermediate acidic eruptive rocks 火山角礫巖 volcanic breccia火山碎屑巖 pyroclastic rock凝灰?guī)r tuff2.2.5 礦物 Minerals暗色礦物 d ark mineral亮色礦物 light
47、mineral伴生礦物 a ssociated mineral次生礦物 secondary mineral軟弱礦物 soft mineral蝕變礦物 altered mineral暗褐黃色 dark brownish yellow亮灰綠色 light grayish green玻璃光澤 vitreous luster2.3珍珠光澤 pearly luster油脂光澤 greasy luster金屬光澤 metallic luster滑石 talc葉臘石 pyrophyllite蒙脫石 montmorillonite蛭石 vermiculite高嶺石 kaolinitic水云母 hydromic
48、a石墨 graphite褐鐵礦 limonite石膏 gypsum綠泥石 chlorite巖鹽 halite黑云母 biotite白云母 muscovite蛇紋石 serpentine方解石 calcite硬石膏 anhydrite重晶石 barytes白云石(巖) dolomite黃銅礦 chalcopyrite螢石 fluorite磷灰石 apatite角閃石 hornblende輝石 augite蛋白石 opal陽起石 actinolite白榴石 leucite磁鐵礦 magnetite赤鐵礦 hematite透長石 sinidine正長石 orthoclase斜長石 plagiocla
49、se黃鐵礦 pyrite綠簾石 epidote石英 quartz電氣石 tourmaline紅柱石 andalusite黃玉 topaz剛玉 corundum金剛石 diamond伊利石 illite glimmerton2.3 巖石結(jié)構(gòu)與構(gòu)造Texture and structure of rocks2.3.1 結(jié)構(gòu)與構(gòu)造 texture and structure結(jié)晶質(zhì) crystalline substance非晶質(zhì) amorphous substance硬度 hardness解理 cleavage斷口 fracture貝殼狀斷口 conchoidal fracture結(jié)構(gòu) textur
50、e斑狀結(jié)構(gòu) porphyritic texture帶狀結(jié)構(gòu) banded texture等粒結(jié)構(gòu) granulitic texture多孔結(jié)構(gòu) hiatal texture非均勻結(jié)構(gòu) heterogeneous texture角礫結(jié)構(gòu) brecciated texture碎屑結(jié)構(gòu) clastic texture砂質(zhì)結(jié)構(gòu) arenaceous texture粘土質(zhì)結(jié)構(gòu) argillaceous texture泥質(zhì)結(jié)構(gòu) pelitic texture生物結(jié)構(gòu) biogenetic texture粒狀結(jié)構(gòu) granular texture流狀結(jié)構(gòu) fluidal texture糜棱結(jié)構(gòu) myloni
51、tic texture微晶結(jié)構(gòu) microlitic texture粗晶結(jié)構(gòu)coarsely-crystalline texture 粗粒結(jié)構(gòu)coarse grained texture 斑晶結(jié)構(gòu) phenocryst texture晶孔 vugular pore顯晶質(zhì)結(jié)構(gòu) phanerocrystalline texture隱晶質(zhì)結(jié)構(gòu) cryptocrystalline texture玻璃質(zhì)結(jié)構(gòu) vitreous texture包體結(jié)構(gòu) inclusion texture變余結(jié)構(gòu) palimpsest texture變晶結(jié)構(gòu) crystalloblastic texture變質(zhì)巖的構(gòu)造類型
52、structure types of metamorphic rocks 板狀構(gòu)造 tabular structure / platy structure千枚狀構(gòu)造 phyllitic structure片狀構(gòu)造 schistose structure片麻狀構(gòu)造 gneissic structure帶狀構(gòu)造 banded structure眼球狀構(gòu)造 augen structure巖漿巖的構(gòu)造類型 structure types of igneous rocks塊狀構(gòu)造 massive structure流紋狀構(gòu)造 rhyotaxitic structure氣孔狀構(gòu)造 vesicular st
53、ructure杏仁狀構(gòu)造 amygdaloidal structure柱狀構(gòu)造columnar structure 2.3.2沉積層理構(gòu)造 Sedimentary bedding structure 相 facies相變 f acies transformation巖層 r ock formation / rock stratum巖層產(chǎn)狀 s tratum orientation / attitude of bed 巖層傾角 stratum dip巖層走向 stratum strike巖層間斷 stratum gap巖層交互 beds alternation標志層 marker bed標準層
54、index bed / key bed /guide bed 標準化石 guide fossil / index fossil層面 / 層理面 bedding plane層理 bedding / stratification交錯層理 cross bedding水平層理 horizontal bedding波狀層理 wave bedding透鏡體 lens尖滅 wedge out錯動層面faulted bedding plane 整合 conformity不整合 unconformity 角度不整合 angular unconformity假整合 disconformity夾層 interlay
55、er / interbed / intercalation 泥化夾層 argillized seam軟弱夾層 weak interlayer粘土夾層 clay seam互層 alternating layers / interbedded layers2.4 地質(zhì)構(gòu)造 Geological Structure2.4.1褶皺 folds褶皺作用 folding褶皺帶fold zone / fold belt 褶皺脊 fold hinge褶皺軸fold axis 褶皺翼 fold limb平臥褶皺 recumbent fold倒轉(zhuǎn)褶皺 overturned fold傾覆褶皺 plunging fold直立褶皺 upright fold /erect fold傾斜褶皺 inclined fold
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