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1、5 / 171999年全國醫(yī)學(xué)博士外語統(tǒng)一考試英語試卷Paper One(畸)Section APart I Listening Comprehension (30 %)Paper TwoPart ID Vocabulary (15%)Directions:In this section all the sentences are incomplete. Four wonis or phrases, marked A, B, C and D given beneath each of them. You are tn choose the one word or phrase that be城

2、 completes the sentence. Then t mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.1. New research methods arp being brought to the subject.A. bear onB. pick upC. take apartD+ bring on2. Human beings are creatures, designed to be on the move.A. distinctiveB. dynamicC, inirinsicD. myaterious3. (nerdly + the smoker

3、 feels atimuLuted first, but this stimulati即 soonpersistenttranquiJizaLion.A. goft£ beyond B. gets overC. pulls throughD. gives way to4. To the political heal on governments with the worst records f the WHO has taken iheuriprecedfinted step of publimhing country-by-ccuntry eslimates.A. turn upB

4、4 bring forward C. put downD. make up5. At the national level T the National nstitutes of Health and 巴specglly the National Institute on Aging are . many types of research programs on aging,A. HllocalingB, expandingC. sponsoringD. summing6. H1V and AIDS may Oireaten the fundamental values of society

5、, and any attempt I。deal with them presents a challenge.A+ formidableB. fatalC. favorableD, fantastic7. KULy's publicists abruptly a planned aeven-ciiy publicity tour, announcing that Lheir 44publishing objectivtss have been accomplished. 1TA. called offB. called down C. called upD. called for8.

6、 Crowding as an envimruneH向 variable is only beginning to be seriously examined and the data so far is .A. inforniative B. inconclusive C. inconspiciwus D. indisputable9. During the stenJization procpsa which follows t ths tans are to steam or boiling water with the temperature and duration varying

7、according to the type of food.A. proportionalB. subjecitdC* susceptibleD, liableIQ, In some physical illnesses eTDGtiona factors may be the major elements.A* inierActingH. composingC. relatingD. contributing11, But rearch can have no economic impact if the new scientific discoveries are notinto mark

8、etable goods and Jicrviccs-A. launchedB. translatedC. dissectedD. conveyed12, Nature never ceagefl to surprise us. Molecules withslruclures and properties tumup in the laburatury all the time.A. bioactiveR* miTiiatureC, bi zaireD. invisible13P Sirica jialientfl cannot always tell the difTerence betw

9、een psychologically induced chest pain and heart attack, ihe physician should ihe possible catiiies of the painhA* ruk outB. divide upC. bring apartD. sort out14. David L. Kinion of the University of Californiat Loa Angeles, School of Medicine says that such h tegt, if it expectadons could usher in

10、a new ama of prenatal diagnosis.A. meets up withB. comes up withC,鼻heds light onD* lives up to15. The fall in production nver the pasI year has caused 200 workers to be made redundant and a further 500 have Iwi&n temporarilytA. laid offB. laid downC. laid outD. laid awaySection BDirections :Each

11、 of Lhe following sentences has a word or phrase underlined. There are four other wards nr phraseseach NnLence. Chcwise the word or phrase which would bestkeep the manning of the original sentence if it were substituted for the underlined part. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.16. Food is often

12、imasted with religious signiGcanre,A, installedB. entertainedCt chargedD. consumed17. Care of the mentally iH has changed dramHlicWy in recent decades.At accordinglyB. markedlyC. absolutelyD. eventually18. HFhere is absolutely no point in trying to live in the abstract world af desire T turning dnwn

13、 the reality of the presentsA. rejectingB. abusingC+ despisingD. dissipating19. Up to 30 percent of all dealhs fnim comnary heart disease can be attRbuted to cigarette smuk, in和A, exposedB+ end口w早dC+ entitledD.g匕ribed20. Indeed t the crucial role of vigonojs physical activity has been poorly acknnwM

14、dged as a major factor in the causes and cure of nhesiiy, partieulurly the problem of being ovsifat.Ax recognized B. documented C. appraisedD. administered21. In the 1970s, the forof millions of Americans 號plit away from the Iradi-tional nyminds of suecesa.A. inspirationsR. applicationsC. unpInuionH

15、D. motivations22. Life in technnJogicaJLy advanced societies has additional perils.At advantagesB. prospectsC, hazardsD* adventures23. When we say a. subltince is of ihft same kind t we mean all parts of it are alike and liuw the same pmperlies.A, originalB, universaJC. geneticD. homogeneous24. Espe

16、rtB can even reach snsensue on how the material standard of living ahaiply reduces the death rate.A, agremeniH. decisionC. judgmentD, nesolutioTi25. Even though the evidence was overwhelming, he第ill not convinced.A. persuasiveB. skeplicalC, perplexedD. criiical26. Much of what we know about the subj

17、ect on a hypothcticEl level can be traeptl o Dr. John B, CalhounA. meditative E. presumptive C. thnughlfulD. deceptive27. We have available to ns many different ways io fulfil our nutritional needs.A, satisfyB. acquireC. affordD. standardize28. Obesity is a condi I ion perpetuated by & diversity

18、(if fartonj.A. causedB. u4tainedC. modulatedD. modified29. Ahandun fad diets and heed your body1 s hunger cues.A, play downB, put up withC. give attention to D. get rid of30x Health k an econoniic: andms帛et.An weaihhB. essenceC. EnterpriseD. issuePart IV Ooze Test (15% )Directions ; Fur each numbere

19、d blank in the fulkwing passage there are four choices marked A, B T C and D listed below. Choose the best answer and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.The pn)blem of caring for the w電且k and nick members of society has existed from thd very earliest times. But the idea, is a new one in the histoi

20、y of man.The GreekT for instance, had 31 public institutions for ths sick+ Some of their dochns maintained surgeries where they could carry on their *urk, but they were very small t and only one patient could be treated 32 .The RnmansT in times of wurt established infirmariest 33 were usfid to Ireal

21、 skk and injured scldicra. Later nn t infirmaries were founded in the Urger cities and wf?re 34 out of public funds.35, the Roman influence was responsible for the eslablihment of hospitals. 36 Chris*lianity grew, the care of ihe sick became the duty of the Church. During the Middle Age» monast

22、eries and convents provided most of the hospitals Monks and nun即 were the nurses.The custom of making pilgrimages I。religious shrines sdw helped advance the 37 of hospitals. These pilgnmuge號 were often long, and the travelers had to stop 3: ai atnall inns along the road. These inns were called hospi

23、taliat or guest houses, from the 1地£出 word hospest meaning ”日 guc用”.I'hc inns connected with the mnntenes 且9 themselves to caring for travelers who 玲已re ill or lame or weary In this way I he name "hompiial" became connected with 40 ftir the afllic- ted*Since living ennditinns duri

24、ng the Middle Agen were not very comfortable nr hygienic f the hospitals of th(w dwys were 41 clean or orderly. In feet, many 42 huspild would put two ormore patient? in the same bed |-During the seventeenth century there was a general 43 living conditions. People began I。 feel that it was the duty

25、of the state to care for its ailing citizens. But il wasn' l 44 the eighteenth century thul public hgpitals became general in the larger lowns of EngLnd, Soon T the idea of public hospitals began lo 45 and they appeared all over Europe,31. A.a lewB.noC.manyD.few32. A.at H limeB.at no timec.once

26、an<貸inD.once kr all33. A.theyR.山Hlc.in whichD.which34. A.suppliedB,recruitedCbuiltD.supported35. A.n the same way民In a big wayC.In a wayD,Jn the way36. A.SinceB.AlthoughC.IfD.As37. A,historyB.ideaC.conditionD.equipment38. A.overnightB.for sleepingc*unceD.in time39. A.clevoting氏that devotedCdevote

27、dD.for devoting40. A.housingB.hospitalityC.casingD.friendship41. A.far from beingB,far tn beingc.$0 far as W be).so much from being42. A.aB.otherC.of theD.such43. A.agreement onB.awareness ofC.impruvAHicnt inD.mtcreat in44. A,inB.byc.up toduntil45. A.occurB.spreadC.conceivED.strikePart V Reading Com

28、prehension (30%)Directions: In this part of the test there are seven passages. Following each pasnag已 there are four or five questions with four choices. Choose the l>e島t answer and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.Passage OneDear Board of EducaLion:On behalf of the residents of the town hous

29、es located on Franklin Street near the proposed college along River Road, want to protest the building of the college as it is presently planned. We oppose it because ;FirstT (he college will block our view of the river. This is disturbing net only for aesthetic rea- son»; il will also decrease

30、 the value of our houses if we are ever io sell them.Second t there are two high-rise apartment buildings to the south of ua bLickin庫 sunlight from that direction during a good part of the day* If the college u built to the west uf us that will decrease the amount of sunlight we get even more.TTiird

31、 f parking will become even bigger problem than it already is. From what we undemland T there are no provisions far parking for ('ollege sUJT and students. This will curly compound a problem that ia already 既 超ring one for this neighborhood f lack of space for on-street parking.Fourth T the prop

32、osed main entrance to the college is on Franklin Streel, which is a very narrow street already overloaded with street traffic. Having the college entrance thig street will cause an increase in traflio and unnecessary dangers io die residents of both the townliou$e and the high rise apartment buildin

33、gs, many uf whom are children.If we have in accept the collegti being built in this locaiionT we would like to suggest several changes to the plans. First, the college should create a. parking area for college perBonnel, perhaps in the empty on Chambers Street and West Strel, so that our parking pro

34、blems will not I淤 increased. Second f the main entrunce should be moved to either River Road or Chambers Street, thus relieving the amount af trafTic on a residential street Finallythe Board of Education ahould contribute In expanding and improving the park on River Road so that residents of the are

35、a have a pleasant and safe place to enjoy the view and the sunlight.Thank you for y<)ur attention.Sincerely, Frank Hampton46. Why does the author write this letter?A. To protect jXRple,尚產(chǎn)由ally children, against traffic injury.B. To maintain the market value of the townhouses and apartments.C. To

36、complain of the authorityT s nflwly ptqpnwed expansion of the college1D. To prevent the college from disturbing the life of the nearby residents.47. Winch of thn following is a pnihlem brought about by the college?A. deduced amount of sunlihkB. A high figure of road aeeidents.C. Ruined view of the n

37、eighborhood+D. An even 密miller number of parking lots.48. 聊hat will be lying to the east of the college?A.Apartment buildings.B.Townhouses.C.A park.D*A river49. Which of the following can best describe the tone of ibis letter?A.Sarcastic.B,Indifferent.C*SerinuSxD.Fearsome.Passage TwoAs today1 s brid

38、e walks down the aisle with her future husband, she has fivery excuse for being nervous. She is about tn exchange vows of lifhng commitment; fidelity and mutual support. Yet all amund her. she can see that many people do not and cannot live up to these vowb. Her own marriage faces a one in three cha

39、nce of divorce t if present trends continue*TraditionalLy marriage in Britain is currently in a turmoil. Not only is the divorce rate nsingT but ihe rate ut which people marry g failing. Living together is more popular than ever before. The shape of the family is now no longer one man t one woman an

40、d their children., InslEad, there are growing numbers of families which include &tp-pat世nls, half sisters and brothers 1 or merely one lone parent coping on her own.Compared with other countries T Britain is still cDns<?rvativs in its marriage patterns. In America, the divorce rate is even mo

41、re startling. Tvw out of five maniages end in divorce. In Sweden living logelher is now more popular than marriage among couples in their early twenties and a similar pattern seems to be emerging in Denmark*Although ll通 is happening on a smaller scale in Britain f it has not yet become Much a marked

42、 trend. But if we do fbllow the America and Scandinavian patterns, the future will see many more couples living together before marriage-and even more divorce*IntcrefijinEly cnnvgh, it is women rather than men who get a divorce in the court*. Seven oul of ten divorcest are granted to the wife* Divor

43、ce, of course, only reflects the legal winding up of a marriage which may have effectively broken up Long before. The partner who petitions for divorce may not be the partner who broke up the marriage. Women usually have more to 幽in from the courts in the way of alimuny rights to the home, Eind chil

44、d maintenance. But there is also a fkiK:inating disproportion in one of the grounds that the sexftA choose fur divorce1. The grounds of unreasonable or cruel behaviors are overwhelmingly chosen by ten limes more women than men. Does this mean that women will put up with leys than they used to?50. Wh

45、at g the topic uf ibis passage?A. Current trends in marriage patterns in Britain.B. High divorce rate in Europe,C. Underlying causes for the breakup of the family.D. Legal solutions to family conflicts.51. What does "this" in Paragraph 4 refer tn?A. The single-parent family (mUem,B. The st

46、ep-parent family pattern.C. Living together before marriage.D. Growing divorce rate.52. What does the author probably mean by saying lbInterestingly enough“ in Paragraph 5?A. Women can gain more protection in courts than they used to do,B. Situations are different from what people usually expecLC. W

47、omen are n。hmger to blame fur breaking up a marriage.Df Now there is more freedom for women.53* What can be inferred from thr passage?A. The ceremony of exchanging vows at the wedding is going to be replaced by other services,B. Women have leame<l to fight against maltreatment in marriage.C. The

48、preseni situation of marriage is worrying tn s«me governments,D. Hie author of the pahae is opposed to living together before marriage,Passage ThreeKnowledge about sickness t death and other misfortunes 山 coloured by perceptions of the body and how it functions, the place t»f the individua

49、l in the social order, and the cosmological forces that affect human beings. Many studies uf local knowledge systems emphaaizc the "exotic“ causes to which chronic conditions and disabilities are attributed. Wiurhes, spirits or pollution resulting from improper behaviour may be regarded as the

50、causes of mental or physical impairment. Such cultural explanations are ways of putting disability in context f of making sense of it in relation to social con-icts, niornl lapses and the influence of unseen powersr They help people to understand an individual ,s condition in terms of lh« whole

51、 life ituatiun.Identifying causes is often a first step towards treatment. In many health cosmologies h dealing with the reason for a condition holds out the hope of a permanent cure. Dealing merely with symptoms may only give lemporary relief until another disaster strikes ; ihe underlying social a

52、nd moral problems remain. Eliminating pollution T cutm配ractitiE witchcraft ar making oflerings to spilite are eilurts lu tackle the powtrs reupunaible for problem告 and thus (O solve them once und for all.Of course, it often happens that a person with a disability does not improve when measures <j

53、f these kinds have been adopted. Other causes may 【hen be sought unlil the aflwclttf) family accepts that the condition cunnol be changed. It is ihis painL that people in East Africa begin to spak of the ib wrk of God” , unalterable by the efforts of humans, The difference between misfcrtunes which

54、can be dispelled and the workings of fate which cannot be changetl only becomes evident over time.In contrast rehabilitation programmes are based on ihe cultural bdief that disability vtai 1«? di- mini甄hed ihmuh cunstarii efTnrt, training, individual adjustment &nd, to some extent t envin)n

55、men- lal adaptation. The goal is improved functiont not cure. T%e individual is the object of long term special atlention. Here technical aids and training are ihe key, rather than attempts to eliTninate the wider social and moral causes of the problem. Rehabilitation officers complain that families

56、 are insufficiently committed la such exLended efiortsi aver months and years, and that they are diKyppoint- ed when there is no immediate improvement. There is a cultural gap but the problem is not necessarily thaL people trapped by traditional beliefs about disability. Culture is a matter of exper

57、ience and musl people in developing countries have little experience of the result號 of efleclive rehabilitation prugrammes. Consequently there is little commitment and canfidence until the value of program me 薛 has been JeirKinhtnited.54. In the firsl paragraph T ihe author makes un effort to point

58、out the significance of _ A. knowledgeB. cuhural iniplicnti(mC. moral conditionsD, the <+ exouc cau&es55. According io the passage, mental or physical impairment.A. is Hilribuled to an individualT s ignoranceB. is caused by either social or moral conditionC. rfisuhs from family rdutinnshipsD. ma


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