1、Wavewatch3.v4.18在服務器上安裝使用教程浙江海洋學院盛葉新鑒于wavewatch3.v4.18 的安裝僅限于一本全英文的 mannul 手冊,網絡上沒有任何有幫助的安裝教程以及使用教程。因此,我于 2015年10月在浙江海洋大學學習 wavewatch3.v4.18 時,在中國 海大的兩位師兄的幫助下成功安裝了模式,僅針對我們學校的某個服務器安裝的一些問題和步驟進行下列總結。一、環(huán)境變量設置安裝ww3之前需要加載編譯器并設置環(huán)境變量,不同的服務器 有不同的加載方式,一般情況下使用module list查看當前已加載編 譯器,module avail 查看可加載編譯器,module
2、 load name 加載 name編譯器。安裝ww3需要加載ifort、icc和openmpi-Intel(注意:使用openmpi-Intel 是因為我們的集群上安裝的是這個,其他 mpi有關 的編譯器沒有使用過,所以不太清楚)三個編譯器。但我使用的服務 器上不可使用module命令(具體原因和服務器配置有關,我沒有權 限深究,此處不做詳解),因此我們設置環(huán)境變量文件.bashrc文件。 在修改之前,使用 which ifort 、which icc 和 which mpirun 查看 三個編譯的安裝目錄。根目錄下輸入vi .bashrc 添加如下代碼:export PATH=$PATH:
3、/( 使用查找出來的ifort和icc安裝目錄)/bin/(可能發(fā)生ifort和icc是同一個目錄,此處填寫該目錄)export PATH=$PATH:/( 使用查找出來的 mpi安裝目錄)/binexport LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/(使用查找出來的mpi安裝目錄)/lib/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH此時環(huán)境變量則修改完畢,記得使用source .bashrc加載設置好的環(huán)境變量,然后繼續(xù)完成安裝。二、ww3安裝和編譯1 .安裝個人建議直接上傳ww3的壓縮文件,這樣可以節(jié)約時間,也可 先在windows下解壓后在上傳,最好是建立一個新的文件夾,這樣 不會發(fā)生文件找不到的情況
4、。我提供的是 4.18版本,文件夾示例: /public/home/shao002113/wwatch3.v4.18上傳完畢后,按如下步驟進行:(注意空格)tar xvf wwatch3.v4.18 -C/public/home/shao002113/wwatch3.v4.18cd wwatch3.v4.18chmod +x install_ww3_tar./install_ww3_tar接下來進入安裝了,他會問你一些問題,讓你選擇(y/n )的時 候基本都是y。有一個是選擇安裝模式,一個是 L 一個是G,安裝選 擇G,然后有些設置需要修改,如下:Printer for listingspri
5、nter:printerCompiler for aux. f77: ifortCompiler for aux. cc: iccScratch space /tmp:這是一個關于tmp文件夾的設置,第一次安裝不 用修改Save source code files: yesSave listing files: yes之后出現的一律選擇yes,會顯示安裝結束end。2 .添加環(huán)境變量在根目錄下輸入命令:vi .bashrc在文本中添加:export PATH=$PATH:/(ww3完整安裝目錄)/binexport PATH=$PATH:/(ww3完整安裝目錄)/exe保存并退出。根目錄下輸入
6、命令:source .bashrc (這是修改.bashrc后的必 要步驟)。驗證路徑是否添加成功,根目錄下輸入 which w3_make.若成 功修改,則會出現ww3完整目錄。3 .修改 comp、link、switch進入bin文件夾,將comp.Intel和link.Intel復制成comp和 link 即:cp comp.Intel compcp link.Intel link使用vi編輯器修改comp和link。修改如下:comp中(大約96行處)修改成如下if "$mpi_mod" = 'yes'thencomp=mpiifortwhich m
7、piifort 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null OK=$?if $OK != 0 thencomp=mpif90fielsecomp=ifortfilink中(大約104行)修改成如下if "$mpi_mod" = 'yes'thencomp=mpiifortwhich mpiifort 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null OK=$?if $OK != 0 thencomp='mpif90'fiopt="-O3 -o $prog" elsecomp=ifort f
8、iswitch中把SHRD改為MPIDIST(注意此處空格,否則會出錯)。三個文件修改完畢后給予執(zhí)行權限。chmod +u comp link switch4 .運行 make_MPI直接輸入命令make_MPI即可。如果沒有錯誤顯示則編譯成功, 一般會出現兩個錯誤,但不影響模式的運行計算,到此 ww3安裝編 譯成功。三、數據提取WW3對于輸入數據文件的類型沒有固定要求, 本人常用的是風 場為dat文件,地形為ASCII文件。那么輸入數據的格式有著一定的 要求。對于風場來說,數據排列方式如下:1 L LQ 111 1 1 1 1i i i 1 I I I一如一11 - 4口1 1 1 1 II
9、 1 二,口 III t'|Q B1 D 11 1,12«15060L2-1.96-2.65-Z. 1.4-2,21-2,27-2,18-Z.39234-2.30口-2,05-2»19-2.29-2,35245-2.47-2.462454-Z.34 -22-2.462 50254255-2457E-1.99-2.14-2.29 -2.42-2,55-2.61-2.64-2.67G-1.BS-2,24 -2.42-2.5126電-2.69-2.73-2.7772.62 2,54 2.49 2.452.652.422.552.S4G2.532.47 2.41 2,36
10、2.532.302.322.4192.352,30 225 2,21 2.212.202,222.3。2.3S102 + 152.12 2.07 2*e4 252.052+®S2.182.2S111.971.93 1.96 146 1.391.911,932.62.1B122-0150&0L 06G00013-1.34-1.30*1.16-1.25-1.25-1.44-1.32-1.44-1-5214-1.2S-1.J3-1.15 -1.17-1.15-LM-1.24-1-3815-1.10-l.«5-l.W -0.99-1,69-1血一10-1.15-0.82-S
11、.77-0,73 -0.79-0 . 67-0.74-6.8317'54配49-0.45 0.41-«.37-fl.33-0.2B-0,4.0-0.521E1.92L83 1_74 l.7 L”1.881,451.591.69191.721.63 1,54 1.46 1,391.321.30L371-43201.611.51 1.42 1.34 Ji.27工.如0211,561.47 1.37 1.29 1.191廊9.990,9&6.9722121.43 11 + 24 1.19。的。血,7&第一行是時間,如2015年6月1日0點0時0
12、分,則寫為:20150601 000000 (注意年月日和時分秒之間存在空格)。接下來是兩個矩陣,第一個是風場 u,第二個是風場V。接下來是地形,說是地形,其實就是水深,大于等于0的設為無 效值就好。當地行存為ASCII文件時,務必知道其繪出的地形圖是什 么形式的,在后面的修改腳本出需要用到。四、腳本修改1.ww3_grid.inp$ WAVEWATCH III Grid preprocessor input file$ Grid name (C*30, in quotes)$'TEST GRID (GULF OF NOWHERE)'(此處是使用的網格名稱)$ Frequenc
13、y increment factor and first frequency (Hz)$ number of frequencies (wavenumbers) and directions, relative offset$ of first direction in terms of the directional increment -0.5,0.5.$ In versions 1.18 and 2.22 of the model this value was by definiton 0,$ it is added to mitigate the GSE for a first ord
14、er scheme. Note that$ this factor is IGNORED in the print plots in ww3_outp.$1.1 0.04118 25 24 0.(頻率間隔初始頻率 波速 波向)$ Set model flags$ - FLDRYDry run (input/output only, no calculation).$ - FLCX, FLCY Activate X and Y component of propagation.$ - FLCTH, FLCK Activate direction and wavenumber shifts.$ -
15、 FLSOUActivate source terms.$F T T T F T (上方六項的開關)$ Set time steps$ - Time step information (this information is always read)$ maximum global time step, maximum CFL time step for x-y and$ k-theta, minimum source term time step (all in seconds).$900. 950. 900. 300.(第一個數和第三個數一般是第二個數的兩倍,第二個數使用程序計算,最后一個
16、一般為30)$ Start of namelist input section$ Starting with WAVEWATCH III version 2.00, the tunable parameters$ for source terms, propagation schemes, and numerics are read using$ namelists. Any namelist found in the folowing sections up to the$ end-of-section identifier string (see below) is temporarily
17、 written$ to ww3_grid.scratch, and read from there if necessary. Namelists$ not needed for the given switch settings will be skipped$ automatically, and the order of the namelists is immaterial.$ As an example, namelist input to change SWELLF and ZWND in the$ Tolman and Chalikov input would be$ &
18、;SIN2 SWELLF = 0.1, ZWND = 15. /(此處均屬于對源函數的調整,手冊有相關介紹)$ Define constants in source terms$ Stresses$ TC 1996 with cap:Namelist FLX3CDMAX : Maximum allowed CD (cap)$CTYPE : Cap type :$0: Discontinuous (default).$1: Hyperbolic tangent.$ Hwang 2011:Namelist FLX4$CDFAC : re-scaling of drag$ Linear input$
19、 Cavaleri and M-R : Namelist SLN1CLIN : Proportionality constant.RFPM : Factor for fPM in filter.RFHF : Factor for fh in filter.$ Exponential input $ WAM-3: Namelist SIN1$CINP : Proportionality constant.$ Tolman and Chalikov : Namelist SIN2$ZWND : Height of wind (m).$SWELLF : swell factor in (n.nn).
20、$STABSH, STABOF, CNEG, CPOS, FNEG :$c0, ST0, c1, c2 and f1 in .(n.nn)$through (2.65) for definitionof$effective wind speed (!/STAB2).$ WAM4 and variants:Namelist SIN3$Charnock coefficientZWND : Height of wind (m).ALPHA0 : minimum value ofZ0MAX : maximum value of air-sideroughness z0$BETAMAX : maximu
21、m value ofwind-wave coupling$SINTHP : power of cosine in windinput$ZALP : wave age shift to accountfor gustiness$TAUWSHELTER : sheltering of short wavesto reduce u_starSWELLFPAR : choice of swell attenuationformulation(1: TC 1996, 3: ACC 2008)SWELLF : swell attenuation factor$ Extra parameters for S
22、WELLFPAR=3 onlySWELLF2, SWELLF3 : swell attenuation factorsSWELLF4 : Threshold Reynolds numberfor ACC2008$below threshold$mean flow$ BYDRZ input$SWELLF5 : Relative viscous decayZ0RAT : roughness for oscil. flow /:Namelist SIN6SINA0 : factor for negative inputSINU10 : wind speed scaling option$ Nonli
23、near interactions$ Discrete I.A.: Namelist SNL1$LAMBDA : Lambda in source term.$NLPROP : C in sourc term. NOTE :default$value depends on othersource$terms selected.$KDCONV : Factor before kd in Eq.(n.nn).$KDMIN, SNLCS1, SNLCS2, SNLCS3 :$Minimum kd, and constantsc1-3$in depth scaling function.$ Exact
24、 interactions:Namelist SNL2$IQTYPE : Type of depth treatment$1 : Deep water$2 : Deep water / WAMscaling$3 : Shallow water$TAILNL : Parametric tail power.$NDEPTH : Number of depths in forwhich$integration space isestablished.$Used for IQTYPE = 3 only$Namelist ANL2$DEPTHS : Array with depths forNDEPTH
25、 = 3$Gen. Multiple DIA:Namelist SNL3$NQDEF:Number of quadruplets.$MSC:Scaling constant 'm'.$NSC:Scaling constant 'N'.$KDFD:Deep water relative filterdepth,$KDFS:Shallow water relative filterdepth,$Namelist ANL3$QPARMS : 5 x NQDEF paramatersdescribing the$quadruplets, repeatingLAMBDA,
26、 MU, DT12.$Cdeep and Cshal. Seeexamples below.$ Traditional DIA setup (default):$ &SNL3 NQDEF =1, MSC =$ &ANL3 QPARMS = 0.250, 0.000,$ GMD3 from 2010 report (G13d in$ &SNL3 NQDEF =3, MSC =$ &ANL3 QPARMS = 0.126, 0.000,$0.237, 0.000,$0.319, 0.000,$0.00, NSC = -3.50 /-1.0, 0.1000E+08,
27、0.0000E+00 /later paper):0.00, NSC = -3.50 /-1.0, 0.4790E+08, 0.0000E+00 ,-1.0, 0.2200E+08, 0.0000E+00 ,-1.0, 0.1110E+08, 0.0000E+00 /$ G35d from 2010 report:$ &SNL3 NQDEF =5, MSC =$ &ANL3 QPARMS = 0.066, 0.018,$0.127,0.069,$0.228,0.065,$0.295,0.196,$0.369,0.226,$ Nonlinear filter based on D
28、IA0.00, NSC = -3.50 /21.4, 0.170E+09, 0.000E+0019.6, 0.127E+09, 0.000E+00 ,2.0, 0.443E+08, 0.000E+00 ,40.5, 0.210E+08, 0.000E+00 ,11.5, 0.118E+08, 0.000E+00 /Namelist SNLS$A34: Relative offset in quadrupletFHFC : Proportionality constants.DMN : Maximum relative change.FC1-3: Constants in frequency f
29、ilter.$ WAM-3$ Dissipation :Namelist SDS1CDIS, APM : As in source term.$SDSA0, SDSA1, SDSA2, SDSB0, SDSB1,$ Tolman and Chalikov : Namelist SDS2$PHIMIN :$Constants a0, a1, a2, b0, bland$PHImin.$ WAM4 and variants : Namelist SDS3$SDSC1: WAM4 Cds coeffient$MNMEANP , WNMEANPTAIL : power ofwavenumber$for
30、 mean definitions in Sdsand tail$SDSDELTA1, SDSDELTA2 : relativeweights$of k and kA2 parts of WAM4dissipation$SDSLF, SDSHF : coefficient foractivation of$WAM4 dissipation for unsaturated(SDSLF) and$saturated (SDSHF) parts of thespectrum$SDSC2 : Saturation dissipation coefficient$Sds is zero$ separat
31、ion of$ non-saturated$ dissipation$ SdsSAT$integration of B$ BYDRZ$normalization spectra$T1 and T2SDSC4 : Value of B0=B/Br for wichSDSBR : Threshold Br for saturation SDSP : power of (B/Br-B0) in Sds SDSBR2 : Threshold Br2 for theWAM4 dissipation in saturated andSDSC5 : coefficient for turbulenceSDS
32、C6 : Weight for the istropic part ofSDSDTH: Angular half-width for:Namelist SDS6 SDSET : Select thresholdSDSA1, SDSA2, SDSP1, SDSP2 : Coefficients for dissipation terms$:Namelist SWL6SWLB1 : Coefficient for swelldissipation$ Bottom friction$ JONSWAP: Namelist SBT1$GAMMA : As it says.$ Surf breaking
33、$ Battjes and Janssen : Namelist SDB1$=1)$=0.73)$only (default)$BJALFA : Dissipation constant (defaultBJGAM : Breaking threshold (defaultBJFLAG : TRUE - Use Hmax/d ratioFALSE - Use Hmax/d inMiche formulation$ Triad nonlinear interactions$ Lumped Triad Interaction (LTA) : Namelist STR1 (To beimplemen
34、ted)$PTRIAD1 : Proportionality coefficient(default 0.05)$PTRIAD2 : Multiple of Tm01 up towhich interaction$is computed (2.5)$PTRIAD3 : Ursell upper limit forcomputing$interactions (not used,default 10.)$PTRIAD4 : Shape parameter forbiphase$computation (0.2)$PTRIAD5 : Ursell number treshold forcomput
35、ing$interactions (0.01)$ Shoreline reflections$ ref. parameters: Namelist REF1$REFCOAST : Reflection coefficient atshoreline$REFFREQ : Activation offreq-dependent ref.$REFMAP : Scale factor for bottomslope map$REFRMAX : maximum ref. coeffient(default 0.8)$REFFREQPOW: power of frequency$REFICEBERG: R
36、eflection coefficient foricebergs$REFSUBGRID: Reflection coefficient forislands$REFCOSP_STRAIGHT: power of cosineused for$straight shoreline$ Bound 2nd order spectrum and free IG$ IG1 parameters:Namelist IG1IGMETHOD : 1: Hasselmann, 2:Krasitskii-JanssenIGADDOUTP : activation of boundwave correctioni
37、n ww3_outp / ww3_ounpIGSOURCE : 1: uses bound waves, 2:empirical$IGSTERMS : > 0 : no source term inIG band$IGMAXFREQ : maximum frequency ofIG band$IGEMPIRICAL: constant in empiricalfree IG source$IGSWELLMAX: activates free IG sourcesfor all freq.$ Propagation schemes$ SMC grid propagation : Namel
38、ist PSMC$CFLTM : Maximum CFL number forpropagation.$DTIME : Swell age (s) for diffusionterm.$LATMIN : Maximum latitude (deg) forGCT.$RFMAXD : Maximum refraction turning(deg).$ &PSMC DTIME = 39600.0, LATMIN=85.0, RFMAXD = 36.0$ Propagation schemes$ First order: Namelist PRO1$CFLTM : Maximum CFL n
39、umber forrefraction.$ UQ/UNO with diffusion : Namelist PRO2$CFLTM : Maximum CFL number forrefraction.$DTIME : Swell age (s) in gardensprinkler$correction. If 0., all diffusion$switched off. If smallnon-zero$(DEFAULT !) only wavegrowth$diffusion.$LATMIN : Maximum latitude used incalc. of$strength of
40、diffusion for prop.$ UQ/UNO with averaging : Namelist PRO3$CFLTM : Maximum CFL number forrefraction.$WDTHCG : Tuning factor propag.direction.$WDTHTH : Tuning factor normaldirection.$ Note that UQ and UNO schemes have no tunable parameters.$ All tuneable parameters are associated with the refraction$
41、 limitation and the GSE alleviation.$ Unstructured grids$ UNST parameters: Namelist UNST$UGOBCAUTO : Automatic detection ofOBC points$UGOBCDEPTH: Threshold ( < 0) depthfor OBC points$EXPFSN : Activation of N scheme$EXPFSPSI : Activation of PSI scheme$EXPFSFCT : Activation of FCT scheme$scheme$ SM
42、C grid propagation$propagation.$term.$GCT.$(deg).$ &PSMC DTIME = 39600.0,$ Miscellaneous$ Misc. parameters$for$IMPFSNIMP : Activation of N implicit:Namelist PSMCCFLTM : Maximum CFL number forDTIME : Swell age (s) for diffusionLATMIN : Maximum latitude (deg) forRFMAXD : Maximum refraction turning
43、LATMIN=85.0, RFMAXD = 36.0/$:Namelist MISCCICE0 : Ice concentration cut-off.CICEN : Ice concentration cut-off.PMOVE : Power p in GSE aleviationmoving grids in Eq. (D.4).XSEED : Xseed in seeding alg.(!/SEED).$of$boun-$ points.$part.$part.$FLAGTR : Indicating presence and typesubgrid information :0 :
44、No subgrid information.1 : Transparancies at celldaries between grid2 : Transp. at cell centers.3 : Like 1 with cont. ice.4 : Like 2 with cont. ice.XP, XR, XFILTXp, Xr and Xf for the dynamic integration scheme.IHMAX : Number of discrete levels inHSPMIN : Minimum Hs in partitioning.WSM : Wind speed m
45、ultiplier inWSC : Cut of wind sea fraction for identifying wind sea in part.$FLC : Flag for combining wind seasin$partitioning.$NOSW : Number of partitionedswell fields$in field output.$FMICHE : Constant in Miche limiter.$P2SF :$ In the 'Out of the box' test setup we run with sub-grid obstac
46、les$ and with continuous ice treatment.$&MISC CICE0 = 0.25, CICEN = 0.75, FLAGTR = 4 /(4 改為 0)&FLX3 CDMAX = 3.5E-3 , CTYPE = 0 /$ &SDB1 BJGAM = 1.26, BJFLAG = .FALSE. /$ Mandatory string to identify end of namelist input section.$END OF NAMELISTS$ Define grid$ Five records containing :$
47、1 Type of grid, coordinate system and type of closure: GSTRG, FLAGLL,$ CSTRG. Grid closure can only be applied in spherical coordinates.$ GSTRG : String indicating type of grid :$'RECT' : rectilinear$'CURV' : curvilinear$ FLAGLL : Flag to indicate coordinate system :$T : Spherical (l
48、on/lat in degrees)$F : Cartesian (meters)$ CSTRG : String indicating the type of grid index space closure :$'NONE': No closure is applied$'SMPL': Simple grid closure : Grid is periodic inthe$: i-index and wraps at i=NX+1. In otherwords,$: (NX+1,J) => (1,J). A grid with simpleclosu
49、re:may be rectilinear or curvilinear.'TRPL' : Tripole grid closure : Grid is periodic in the$: i-index and wraps at i=NX+1 and hasclosure at$: j=NY+1. In other words, (NX+1,J<=NY)=>(1,J)$: and (I,NY+1)=>(MOD(NX-I+1,NX)+1,NY). Tripole$: grid closure requires that NX be even. Agrid$:
50、with tripole closure must be curvilinear.$ 2 NX, NY. As the outer grid lines are always defined as land$ points, the minimum size is 3x3.$ Branch here based on grid type$ IF ( RECTILINEAR GRID ) THEN$ 3 Grid increments SX, SY (degr.or m) and scaling (division) factor.$ If CSTRG='SMPL', then
51、SX is set to 360/NX.$ 4 Coordinates of (1,1) (degr.) and scaling (division) factor.$ ELSE IF ( CURVILINEAR GRID ) THEN$ 3 Unit number of file with x-coordinate.$ Scale factor and add offset: x <= scale_fac * x_read + add_offset.$ IDLA, IDFM, format for formatted read, FROM and filename.$ IDLA : L
52、ayout indicator :1 : Read line-by-line bottom to top.2 : Like 1, single read statement.3 : Read line-by-line top to bottom.4 : Like 3, single read statement.$ IDFM : format indicator :1 : Free format.2 : Fixed format with above format descriptor.3 : Unformatted.$ FROM : file type parameter'UNIT&
53、#39; : open file by unit number only.$'NAME' : open file by name and assign to unit.$ If the above unit number equals 10, then the x-coord is read from this$ file. The x-coord must follow the above record.No comment lines are$ allowed within the x-coord input.$ 4 Unit number of file with y-c
54、oordinate.$ Scale factor and add offset: y <= scale_fac * y_read + add_offset.$ IDLA, IDFM, format for formatted read, FROM and filename.$ IDLA : Layout indicator :1: Read line-by-line bottom to top.2: Like 1, single read statement.$3: Read line-by-line top to bottom.4 : Like 3, single read statement.$ IDFM : format indicator :$1:Free format.$2:Fixed format with aboveformat
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