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1、深圳實(shí)驗(yàn)學(xué)校高中部2019-2020學(xué)年度第一學(xué)期期末考試高一英語時(shí)間:120分鐘滿分;150分A?L聽力部分(共兩節(jié),滿分30分)第一節(jié)(共5黑每小題1.5分,常分7.5分)聽下面5段對(duì)話,每段對(duì)話后有一個(gè)小題,從題中所給的A,B,C三個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出最佳選項(xiàng).每段時(shí)話僅謨一遍.L When can the woman lake a vacationVA. This week.B. At the end of June.2. What is ihe woman trying to do?A. Comfort the man, B. Apologize io the man.3. Whit arc

2、 the speakers mainly talking about?A. The man's hobby. B. Their childhood,4. What is the man*s opinion on British food?A. Unhealtliy.B, Excellent5. Whs does the wnvemtiQn take place?A, In the morningBn the afternoon.第二節(jié)(共15小題工每小181.5分,清分22S分)C. At the end of August.C. invite the man to a party.C

3、. A holiday plan.C. Tasteless.C, In the evening.聽下面5段對(duì)話或獨(dú)孔每段時(shí)話或獨(dú)白后有幾個(gè)小題從題中所給的A、B、C三個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選配佳選項(xiàng).年段對(duì)話我獨(dú)自讀兩埴聽第聯(lián)對(duì)話,回答第6、7題.6, For whal did Jackie call ihe man up?A. Party.B. A meeting.7, Who will call the man back at around 51 DO?A. Simon.B. Melissa.聽第7段對(duì)話,回答第肌9題.8. What is the woman doing?A. Working on a

4、 report. B. Repairing a computer.C. An apartment.fl'C. Angelica.C Preparing fora meeting.高一英語試卷第1頁(共11頁)39, What does the woman advise the man to do? kA. Check his computer aain.B* Ask someone else for help.C. Use a new software program,聽第8段對(duì)話回答第10至12題10, For what dees the woman prefer to buy on

5、 etctric car?An Its low price,B. Its powerful engine. C. Enviranmeirtal protection.|!l"%"I】,What ts the man's attitude towards the wide use of electric cars?A. Supportive.B. Worried.C. Unconcerned.12. What docs ihe man think this town needs to do?A. Broaden the roads. B. Limit the numb

6、er of cars. C. Improve public transpoct. 聽第9段對(duì)話,回答第13至【6題.13. How does the man feel about his work?C. Stressed.C. To France,C. A holiday.C. In a guesthouse.A. ntnested.B. Bored.14. Where did the man go in his last trip?A. To Sudan.B. To Egypt15* For Miat did the man go to the Seychelles?A. Work.B. S

7、hopping.J 6. Where does the man usually sleep during a trip?A. Ina hotel.D. tn a sleeping bag.聽第10段對(duì)話,回答第17至2。題.17. How often do team meetings take place?A. Once a. term.B. Once a wcelcC. Twice a year»13. What arc members of staff expected to do in training sessions?A, Ch。陣 the events they'

8、d like to attend.B, Complete a form about their experiences.C, Inform other colleagues of training requirements.19. How does the speaker describe a I-co lege training days?A- Relaxing.B, Entertaining,C. Informalivc,20. Where will the “away day" most probably take place this year?A. Ina hotelB.

9、In the Forest Pork.Ct Ina holiday center.II、閱讀理解(共兩節(jié),滿分45分)第一節(jié)(共14小題上每小屆2,5分,淵分3$分)閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的四個(gè)選項(xiàng)(A. B、C和D>中,選出最佳選嘰井在答題卡 上將讀項(xiàng)涂思口*AI or much of my childhood, my mather filled in the evening hours doing something far sonienc else. Sometimes she knitted (編織)hats for babies, and at other tirne$, s

10、he cooked chicken soup for sick neighbors. Therefore, I wasn't surprised when one evening my mother announced she had undertaken a new project,"*“I am going to telephone seniors/' said my mother. "Every night? But you don't even know these people“ ult doesn't matter*11 she

11、said. wWhat*5 important is that I listen/' I was sixteen years old and couldn't understand why my mother was willing to spend her evenings talking to strangers. She had friends and my two older sisters to call if she felt lonely.b人丫 will lalkyour car otf. Seme people didn't even stop to

12、catch breath/ said.My attitude didn't decrease my motlief*s cnthusiasni for the project That evening, she senled on ihe sofa and dialed. For a while, I listened as she asked the woman on the other line about her day and uhat she had eaten for dinner. When she finished Ibe call, I said, "Why

13、 do you care whether she had cookies or ric« pudding tor dessert?" My mother grasped one of my hands and gave it a slight squeeze. "I'm the only person she lalked to today."t took me more than thirty >cars to fully understand the meaning of that statement Now, as my mother

14、 is nearing eighty* 1 find myself thinking about those nightly calls she used to make. I am often Ihc only person who telephones my jnothcr, and sometimes I'm the only person she speaks to ell day. I ask her what she cooked for dinner, but mostly I just listen as she describes a walk she took, o

15、r how her dog Lucky stole foods from the refrigerator, I realize that my mother為 calls were lifelines that ensured housebound seniors remained connected to the world. Without her their world would have been empty.2L Why did the aulhor's mother call the seniors?A、To introduce friends to ihem,B. T

16、o make them feel less lonely.C. To know what they cook for dinner.D. To teach them how to make desserts.高一英語試卷第3頁(共11頁)22. Wha( docs tbc underlined sentence “Th叫 will talk your earoff.'* in Paragraph 2 mean,A, They will blame others1 wrongdoings.B, They will be tired of listening to others.C, Th

17、ey will talk all the time on the phone.D, They will make you fee! really satisfied23. What can be mfcrrt4 from the hst paragraph?A. The author is going to be eighl> years old.B. The author thinks highly of her mo!hcirs caU區(qū)C. The author's mother prefers to live alcre at an old age*D. The auth

18、or s dog likes stealing foods from the refrigerator.While the start of a new school year is always exciting, this year was even niore so for some elementary school students in Auckland, New Zealand. They became the world $ first kids us be 做他by a digital teacher, Will, Will is just an 的alar (用戶頭像)th

19、at appears on the students desktop, tablet, or smartphone screen, not a hwman-like robot walking around the classroojn.Auckland energy company Vector and Al company Soul Machines worked tageiher to develop Will, which has been modeled after the human brain and nervous system, allowing it to perfonnH

20、hutnatvlike behavior The digiul teacher is cunenLly assigned to leach Vtedor's “Be sustainable with entity," a free program for Auckland elementary schools.Just like the humans it replaced, Will is able to insUnily react to (he students' responses to the topic. Thanks to a webcam (網(wǎng)絡(luò)攝像頭

21、)and microphone, the avatar not only responds to questions the kids may fiavet but also picks up noo*verbal cues (非 口頭提?。?For instance, if a student smiles at Will, he respond5 by smiling back. This tw-way interaction not only helps capture the students' attention, but also allows the program

22、9; developers to monitor their panicipalion, and make changes if needed.Vector's Chief Digital Oflicer, Nikhil Rfivishankar say% "Whal was fascinating to me was the reaction of the children to Wilt The way they look al the world is so creative and different, and Will really captured their a

23、ttention ”Wil), in place since August 2018, has been a great success so far. However, regardless of how popular it becomes, Will 依 unlikely to replace human educators any lime soon. Far one, the avatar、 knowledge base is severely restricted. But more importantly, even the smartest digital avatars co

24、uld never predict and react to all the unexpected situations that educators have to deal with on a daily basis. However, it could come in handy as a "personal tutof1, providing kids with onen-one help on specific subjects or even topics.24. What H Will able to do in class?A, Think like humans,B

25、, Satisfy all kids* needs. .C, Interact with the students.D, Monitor students' participatiorL25. Whafs Nikhil Ravishanlmr*$ attitude towards Will?A, Positive.B, Negative*C, DoubtfulD, Unconcerned.26. What is mainly discu*ed about Will in the list paragraph? A. Its popularity.B. Its limitations.C

26、 Its applications.”D. Its convenience.CAl the age of seven, while his friends were spending their pocket money on candy and toys, Jose Adolfo Quisocola, from Peru, came up with the creative idea of an eco-bank, which allows kids of all a&es to become economically independent and financially wise

27、 while also helping the environment.Set up in 2012, The Bartsclana Student Bank is ihc world's first cooperative bank for kids Whoever wants to join has to bring in at least § kilograms (H pounds) of solid waste (paper or plastic) and set a saving god. Once acceptedi all bank "p>art

28、ners" are required to deposit (存入)趾 least one additional kilogram (2.2 pounds) of recyclables <m a monthly basis and obey other requirenients, such as attending financial education and cnvkonmcnlal management workshops. The waste collected 過 sold io local recycling companies, who, thanks to

29、some clever negotiation (怖商)by Jose, p. a higher-chan market price for everything brought in by Bartselana Student Bank members. The money received is placed in the individuals account where it adds up until his/her savings goal is reached The account holder can then withdraw his/her money, or choos

30、e to Icaw it and continue to grow for 篇 bigger target.“At the beginning, my teachers thought I was crazy or that a child could not undertake this type of project;* Jose recalls. l,They did not understand that we arc not the future of the country but 曲supponall across Peru. On November 20, 2018, the

31、young boy was awarded the famous Children cij高一英語試卷第5頁(共U頁)present. Luckily, I had the support of the school principal and an assistant in my classroom 勤 The youngster's persistence(堅(jiān)持不懈)paid off. Today, the eco-bank, which now has the of several local organizations, has ten educational cemcrs a

32、nd begins accepting applications 而Prize (CCP)+ “Jose's eco-bank is a brilliant way of linking economy and climate impact, both in thought and practice. The potential impact is ariiazing," a judge d.Hopefully, Jose's success will inspire more kids and adults to come up with new ideas tha

33、t create value while helping the environmcnL As the boy says, HTogcther wc can change the world.we just need an opportunity.27. For what miin purpose was the eco-bank cre>ted?A. Tb educate children how lo sperxi their pocket money.B. Tb help children become independent from their parents.C. Tb ra

34、ise children's awareness of environmental protection.D. To encourage children to donate their money in a wise way.28. What does Paragraph 1 mainly t*lk about?A. Hie history of the eco*bank,B. The wise way to deal with waste.C. The requirements of membership.D. The process of running the eco-bank

35、.29. What is the biggest challenge Jose met at the start of opening the eco-bank?A* Lack of enough support0. Lack of enough moneyC* Lack of iclevant experience.D, Lack of relevant knowledge,30t What can tie a suitable title for the passage?A. An Amping Bo% JoseB. Recycling does Count MuchC. An Oppor

36、tunity to Change the World D An Eco-bank, Economical and EcologicalDCi加& are likely to be affteted by overheating, ihanks to something called the urban heat island efifect Cities tend to be short of trees, which provide shade, and they are covered with black pavement, which absorts heat from ihe

37、 sum Think of how it feels fo wear a dark shin versus a white shirt on a 叫崎 dq A black shirt absorbs light, heating you up, But a 胃hi帕 shirt reflects light, keeping you cooL丁班 average temperalure in a city of a million or more people can be more than 5 degrees F . qurrounding areas. That Mira 5 degr

38、ees can turn a hot day from uncomfortable (o deadly, honcr tnan高一英語試卷第6頁(共11頁)As temperatures rise, cities will be an especially dangerous place to be durmg a heat wave. To protect public healih, city officials arc going to make the city cooler.As P11rt 0f 由at effort, Los Angeles is coating its road

39、s in CoolSeal, a gray paint thai keeps streets and parking lots 】0 degrees cookr than black asphalt C 瀝青).It will help Angelines save money during the summer, when air conditioning sends-power bills soaring. And it will save lives by lowering temperatures and improving air quality. Hot weather worse

40、ns air pollution by turning car exliaust into smog, which can make life miserable fbr people with asthma (噂唏)and other breathing problems.Of course, LA will have to do more than paint over a few streets to coo! off the city Angeli nos will also need to plant more trees and apply white paint to rooft

41、ops-at least those not already covered in solar panels. While LA is a pioneer of reflective streets, other cities, like New York, are already experimenting with reflcclive roofs or, like Melbourne, lowering the temperanire by planting trees. LA is hardly alone in its effort to stay cool.“This is an

42、urgent challenge, and it's much bigger than one person/1 said Mayor Garcetti in a recent statement. "Climate change is a fact of life that people in Los Angeles and cities around (ht world live with every day.”31. What may contribute to the urban heftt bland effect?,A. Planting more trees i

43、n the streets.B. Applying reflective paint to rooftops.C. Covering the streets with white paint-D. Equipping houses with airconditioners.32. Which of tbc following may concern city officiab during hqt summer?A. How to make the city cooler.B. Where to wear a white shirt.C. When to cui off rhe electri

44、city supply.D. Why to coat the roads with black paint33. What benefit can people gain from the use of CoolSeal?A. Increasing the indoor activities,B. Reducing the number of cold days.C. Promoting the sale of air conditioners.D. Making life easier and more comfortable.而一英沿試卷第7頁(共11頁)734. What、the min

45、 Idea oftbe pauage?A. L.A. calls on people to fight against global warmijig.B. L A. realizes the necessity to plant trees in the streets.C LA. is painting its streets white to keep the city cool.D. L.A. has adopted many approaches to fight against beat.第二節(jié)(共5小題.每小題2分,滿分1Q分)閱讀下面短文,從短文后的選項(xiàng)中選出可以填入空白處的最

46、佳選項(xiàng)選項(xiàng)中有兩項(xiàng) 為多余選項(xiàng).The Hotel Wake-up Call Gets PersonalHere's a wake-up call: The hotel front desk will do one better than ringing your phone in the naoming. They*U send an actual human bdng to your room. Doni worry. They won't come in and kiss you good morning. 35Never mind that most travelers

47、 nowadays have smart phones with built-in alarm clocks, _ Here are same examples. At the Wclwtt Hotel, tf a wake-up call is unanswered, they will 5end aa employee to your door. A( Las Vfentanas al Parai肛 an employee shows up al your room to wake you up with tea, coflee and breakfast bread. Al the Ma

48、ndarin Oriental, a person rather than an automated system will call to wake you up. 37Hotels have always taken the wake-up cdl seriously. 38一 匹 you don't get your call within five minutes of the requested timt, you won't have to pay for your room. Travelers, too, still want to have an option

49、 of a wak。叩 calL A study of 285 guests at Crown Plaza found that 53% considered a wake-up call very important.39 In (he hte 980st hotels turned io automated systems. Then all you'd get was a ring and 疝Itny tn the evcpcompetitive race for loyal customers, however, many hotels are now getting crea

50、tjve with the wake-up call. Some hotels even have recordings of celebrity voicesi And more hotels will go back to the old in-person system of wake up calls.A. But they might bring you cotEee,B. Tfyou donl answer, you'll get a wake-up knockC. Crown Plaza, for instance, has a wake-up call guarante

51、e.D. But the wake-up call became less pcrsonid over the years.E The hotel gets 15 to 30 requests for wakc-up calls each day.F. The human wake-up call is a way to persomdize a gueK* stay.G Some guests Heep through the call, while others turn thtir phone ringers off高一英語讀卷第8頁(共“頁)第三部分.英語知識(shí)運(yùn)用(共兩節(jié).灣分45分)

52、UI.完形填空(共2Q小網(wǎng).每小題1.5分,判分30分)閱讀下面短文,從短文后各JS所繪的四個(gè)選項(xiàng)(A、B. C和D)中,選出可以填入空白處 的最佳選項(xiàng),并在答題卡上將該項(xiàng)涂監(jiān).1 never thought of ii-I would move back home after my 40 Actually, all through my senior year, I told myself that moving from the 41 big city of Los Angeles back into my childhood bedroom in the sleepy small tow

53、n was out of the question*Th隅 1 42 for scholarship to travel abroad. I 43 hours into ray revisingessays, collecting letters of recommendations and pracUcing 44 . . 1 made it to the final rounds for two famous companies but eventually was not 45 by either. Weeks after gnutuatioik I 46 my belongings i

54、nto my parents" small car and moved back home, feeling like e 47 failure.One day, I suddenly 48 a popular quote (弓I 言):"Makt each day your masterpiece I realized that didn't have to live 49 on my own in an exciting new city to mate each day a masterpiae.50 .1 clungcd my mind and began

55、to sw my 1imc at home as a 5】-because I was able to spend a lot of time with my parent. 1 began to write for two hours every day* Developing a writing 52 helped me more easily change into the writing groove (最佳狀態(tài))。Some days, the words flowed 53 - But other da”.【spent the belter part of my two writin

56、g hours _ 科_ out of Ihc window and taking down my ideas. Eventually my pages of writing began to 55. . up- 1 wrote articles and short stories* J even : 56_ a novel!think. My lift is a success591 am making each day my own masterpiece.40, A. admission0P applicationC. graduationD. interview41. A. amusi

57、ngB. excitingC. relaxingD. satisfying42. A+ searchedB. calledC. foughtD. applied43. A. wastedB. pouredC. increasedD. spent44. A. pronunciationBr instructionC. itilervicwsD, perfbnnances45. A, replacedB. permittedC* chosenDb praised46. A* packedB. adjustedC. arrangedD. classified47. A. constantB. com

58、pleteC. complexD. competitive4B. A. took upB, tried outC* pul forwardD. cartie across49. A. bcliindB. outC. overD. around50. A. StillB. HoweverC. InsteadD. Therefore51. A. surpriseB. trickC. burdenD.gift52. A. routineB, processC, contentD. talent53. A. hardlyB, equallyC. smoothly高一英語試卷第9頁(共11頁)D. regularlynever had been. My "success” doesn't 58 on what other peopleI was not a _S254. A, s


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