1、When you have problems with faulty goods or services, it is often a good idea to put the details of your complaint in writing. II. Practical WritingII. Practical WritingLetters of ComplaintLetters of Complaint Practical Writing Letters of complaint usually include the following stages: Background de
2、scribe the situation Problem cause and effect Solution Warning (optional) ClosingPractical Writing General Tips:General Tips: Try to make sure your letter is sent to the right person or department. Try and keep your letter short. Be polite as sarcasm or rudeness will not help your cause! Say what yo
3、u want for your complaint to be resolved. Give a reasonable timetable for action to be taken before you will consider other options. Keep a copy of letters you write.Practical Writing Now that you have learned tips of writing letters of complaint, the following are general templates and sample lette
4、rs. You may get more details of writing this kind of letters by learning them.Practical Writing Complaint Letter Templates & Sample Letters:Complaint letter Templates:Sample Letters:Sample 1Sample 1Practical Writing Dear Mr. Chang:On September 10, our order for 280 women S cotton sweaters was du
5、ly received, but we regret to say that 40 cotton sweaters in white color were seriously soiled.We had the case investigated immediately, and the result shows the damage was due to improper packing, for which the suppliers are definitely responsible.Needless to say, we have suffered a great loss from
6、 this, as we cannot sell the sweaters in this condition to our customers. We ask you to conduct investigation at your end and reply to us.(Addresses are omitted)Sincerely yours,Sunny LeeManager Sample 2Sample 2Practical Writing Dear Sir, I am writing to let you know the deplorable attitude of one of
7、 your staff member. I received my telephone bill for the previous month from you and thought there were some errors in calculation: I had been overcharged for two overseas calls. However, when I called your Complaints Department, the girl who answered my phone was very rude. For one thing she interr
8、upted me continually, for another she even said that the fault was my own. Needless to say, such a way of dealing with customers is unacceptable. I would like to suggest that the girl in question should be disciplined, and instructed on the proper way to deal with clients. And I hope she can make fo
9、rmal apology to me. An early response will be appreciated.(Addresses are omitted)Sincerely yours, DonnaYou bought a color TV from the Department Store yesterday. But when the TV set was sent to your home, you found there was no image in it. And the receptionist claimed that they wouldnt be responsib
10、le for it.Now you write a letter to the sales manager requiring to replace the TV set within 7 workdays.Your TaskYour TaskWritingPractical WritingII. Practical WritingII. Practical WritingGraduation Certificate (畢業(yè)證書畢業(yè)證書)Features: With the signature of the president of the university; Begins with “I
11、 hereby certify that”Practical Writing 2. With the words: “成績合格”, “修業(yè)期滿”, “準予畢業(yè)”“成績合格”pass all the examinationsfulfill all the requirements prescribed by the Department“修業(yè)期滿”Complete the four years courses“準予畢業(yè)”was allowed to graduategraduated from the universityPractical Writing Sample 1 畢業(yè)證書畢業(yè)證書學生
12、 趙虎君,性別 男,上海市人,一九八五年五月二日生,二零零四年九月至二零零八年七月 在本校計算機科學工程系計算機及應用專業(yè)肆年制本科就讀,修業(yè)期滿,成績合格,準予畢業(yè)。 上海交通大學 校 長 (簽名)學校印章Practical Writing GRADUATION CERTIFICATEI hereby certify that Zhao Hujun, male, born on May 2, 1985, was a student of the computer application major of the Department of Computer Science & Eng
13、ineering and, having completed the four years courses from September 2004 to July 2008 and fulfilled all the requirements prescribed by the Department, graduated from Shanghai Jiao Tong University in July 2008. (Signature) President Shanghai Jiao Tong UniversitySTAMPPractical Writing 畢業(yè)證書畢業(yè)證書學生陳松系浙江
14、省寧波市人,現年二十四歲,于二零零四年九月入本校外國語言文學系英語專業(yè),學習四年,按教學計劃完成全部學業(yè),成績合格,準予畢業(yè)。第0364號 北京師范大學 校長 (簽名) 二零零八年七月一日照片公章Practical Writing Graduation CertificateI hereby certify that Chen Song, aged 24, a student from Ningbo, Zhejiang Province, who was admitted to the English Program of the Department of Foreign Languages
15、 and Literature, 2004, has completed the four years courses and, having satisfied all the requirements set by the syllabus, graduated from Beijing NormalUniversity.NO.0364 Beijing Normal University (signature) Chancellor Date: July 1, 2008照片stampPractical Writing Write a graduation certificate for y
16、ourself in English.Practical Writing Your TaskYour TaskII. Practical Writing II. Practical Writing WritingPractical Writing Letters of ConsolationLetters of ConsolationA consolation letter should not only be a letter of consolation but should also reassure and help in coping with pain better. The fo
17、llowing are somesuggestions on how to go about it. Begin with determining the trouble that the recipient of the letter is facing and write your letter accordingly. 2.Tell them that you can understand what they are going through because you have faced similar trouble yourself (if you have) and reassu
18、re them of a human beings ability to deal with and overcome every kind of trouble in life, however big it might seem at the present time. WritingPractical WritingWriting Tips Writing Tips (To be continued)WritingPractical Writing3. Remind them again that time is a healer and their present pain would
19、 definitely heal with time. 4. Let the recipient of the letter know that you grieved for them and wished that there was something you could do to lighten their burden of sorrow. Let them know that you are always there for them in case of any need, advice or guidance. Writing Tips Writing Tips A lett
20、er to a relative who was hurt in a car accidentWritingPractical WritingSample 1Sample 1WritingPractical WritingA letter to a friend who got a low TOEFL scoreWritingPractical WritingSample 2Sample 2WritingPractical WritingWrite a letter to a foreign professor who is ill.WritingPractical WritingYour T
21、askYour TaskII. Practical WritingII. Practical Writing How to write an advertisement?How to write an advertisement?One trick to write an advertisement is brevity. The more words or lines you have, the more you pay. You certainly dont want to pay extra money for your ad, so write smartly and briefly.
22、 Use commonly accepted abbreviations. Try toinclude more information in fewer words.WritingPractical WritingFor SaleFor Sale2004 Giant Bike80% New$180 or best offerCall: 486-123456IBM ComputerGood ConditionRuns exe. $2000Call Ali, 470-4321A SampleWritingPractical WritingYour TaskYour TaskProduct: So
23、ny NW-MS11 Digital Music PlayerFeatures:Able to transfer Internet downloads and recordings from CDs; removable 128MB memory stick that stores 240 minutes ofmusic; rechargeable battery to support 10 hours listeningWrite an advertisement with the help of theWrite an advertisement with the help of thei
24、nformation given. information given. WritingPractical WritingReceiptA receipt is a written statement that proves one has received something, especially money. It is usually in a fixed format with the title of the company, the receipt number and the stamp of the company. What needs to be filled out i
25、ncludes the date, the amount of money and the receivers signature.Practical Writing II. Practical WritingII. Practical WritingSample1 (Formal)Sample1 (Formal)Practical Writing Sample 2 (Informal)Sample 2 (Informal) Practical Writing Write a receipt for Mr. Robert Lee to certify that you received $ 5
26、00 from him on March 8, 2009.Practical Writing Your TaskYour Task Example 1 : Example 1 :14:28 Beijing time (06:28 GMT), May 12, an earthquake measuring 8.0 on the Richter scale struck Wenchuan County, Sichuan Province, China. Neighboring cities such as Jiangyou, Tianpeng, Guangyuan, Mianyang and Ch
27、engdu received extensivedamage and continuous aftershocks.Practical Writing whenwhatwhereExample 2:Example 2:Practical Writing Hurricane Dolly strengthened to a Category 2 hurricane Wednesday as it whipped the Gulf Coast near the U.S.-Mexico border. whowhatwhenwhereWrite a piece of the latest news w
28、hich happened either home or abroad. Bear the 5 Ws in mind and state your news as concisely and a c c u r a t e l y a s p o s s i b l e .Your Task Your Task WritingPractical Writing II. Practical WritingII. Practical WritingPractical Writing IOU IOU (收據)(收據)IOU means “I owe you”. IOU is a receipt an
29、d a written statement that proves one has borrowed something, especially money. What needs to be filled out may include the date, the time to pay back, the amount of money, the interest, and thereceivers signature.1. Sample1 (Term Pay)1. Sample1 (Term Pay) May 25, 2005Six months after date I promise
30、 to pay to the Financial Office of Guangxi University the sumof 4,000 RMB Yuan for value received. Wei Da Practical Writing Sample 2 (No Term Pay)Sample 2 (No Term Pay) March 15, 2005To the Financial Office of Guangxi University:IOU 4,000 RMB Yuan only. Yang WeiPractical Writing March 8 2005 Borrowe
31、d from the phonetics laboratory of Foreign Languages D e p a r t m e n t t w o Sony cassette tapes. Dong HuiSample 3 (Borrowing Objects)Sample 3 (Borrowing Objects)Practical Writing Write an IOU to certify that you borrowed $ 5,000 from the Financial Department of Hui Huang Company on March 3, 2005.
32、 The interest is 3% per month. You have to return the sum withinseven months. 2. Your Task2. Your TaskPractical Writing March 3, 2005 Seven months after date I promise to pay to Financial Department of Hui Huang Company the sum of five thousand dollars ($ 5, 000) only with i n t e r e s t o f 3 % p
33、e r m o n t h . _ (signature)ReferenceReferencePractical Writing II. Practical WritingII. Practical WritingIts said that one of the two things that peopleare most afraid of is public speaking. Yet, the ability to make a wonderful speech is the onethat most of the modern people dream of.Watch a movie
34、 clip and take notes of the keypoints of making a public speech.WritingPractical WritingMaking SpeechMaking SpeechBuilding up your confidence practice in front of a mirroruse devices such as a tape recorder to improve your vocal techniquepractice in front of a small audiencePreparation Preparation W
35、ritingPractical WritingMaking a speechMaking a speechuse simple, direct words and sentencesknow exactly what you want to say cut words wherever possible; be brief use everyday English, not jargon vary the length of your sentences use active verbs dont use passive voice dont use modifiers pay attenti
36、on to the speed of your speech,speak clearlydont rush it dont mumbleDos and DontsDos and DontsWritingPractical Writing1. Introduction OpeningAgenda (topic, reasons they should trust you, how they benefit)Promise and/or Key MessageWriting a speech Writing a speech The basic structure of a speechThe b
37、asic structure of a speechWritingPractical WritingTo begin with, you may tell a story, withhumor, or use a snappy quote, or you may start by getting your readers attention by reading some startlingstatistics or by asking thought-provokingquestions.The introduction should make up about 10 to 15 perce
38、nt of the total speech. TipsTipsWritingPractical Writing2. The Body 2-5 main points. The most important points comefirst. Each point may include some/all of thefollowing elements:Statement of your messageFacts, statistics, findings that support your messageIllustration or personal story that support
39、s your messageQuick exampleVisual aid, game, quiz, poem, song, audience interactionThen repeat the point and apply it to the audienceWritingPractical Writing3. ClosingElements to include (in no particular order):Summary of main points Final summary story or special effectsThanks to everybodyRepeatin
40、g of the promise and/or key messageWritingPractical WritingThe end must be dramatic, conclusiveand must leave a lasting impression onthe listeners mind. You may use thesame strategies that you used for thebeginning.The conclusion should make up 5 to 10percent. TipsTipsWritingPractical WritingIntrodu
41、ction:Good afternoon, everyone.My name isIm here today to talk aboutSignposting: First, Im going to talk about point 1,Then Ill move on to point 2,After that Ill look at point 3,And finally Ill finish my presentation with point 4,To start with later to finish up Useful Expressions Useful Expressions
42、 WritingPractical WritingStarting the presentation:Lets begin with point 1Id like to start byFirst of all, IllTo start withMoving on to the next point: I would now like to look at point 2Now lets move on to point 2Thats all I have to say aboutWeve looked atSo much for WritingPractical WritingDevelop
43、ing a point:Furthermore? Where does that lead us?Lets consider this in more detailsWhat does this mean for?Translated into real term, Giving examples: For example/instance,A good example for this isAs an illustration,To illustrate this pointWritingPractical WritingConclusion:Id like to finish by say
44、ingTo sum up, Lets remind ourselves of the main points.Lets summarize what weve looked atFinally, let me remind you of some of the issues weve covered.Ending the presentation: And that concludes my presentation.If you have any question, please feel free to ask.WritingPractical Writinguse body langua
45、ge to make the speech more vivid and clearkeep eye contact with the audience dont panic if you forget a part, just start from the part you rememberMaking a public speechMaking a public speechWritingPractical WritingYour TaskYour TaskWritingPractical WritingII. Practical WritingII. Practical WritingP
46、ractical Writing Congratulations on a New Venture (祝賀新業(yè)開張)2. Reply to the Letter of Congratulations (復函)3. Expressions of Congratulations Letters (常用套語)CongratulationsCongratulationsPractical Writing Dear Mr. Lin, I have learned with great delight that you are opening your own traveling agency. Id l
47、ike to add my voice to the chorus of congratulations from all sides. With your brilliant background and long record of fine achievements, Im sure the new agency will be a great success. With best wishes. Sincerely yours, John Chen Congratulations on a New VentureCongratulations on a New VenturePract
48、ical Writing Dear Mr. Chen, That was a wonderful letter you wrote me. I certainly appreciate your congratulations. Its quite an exciting adventure to have ones own enterprise. And I guess Ill need all the good wishes my friends have been sending me. Thanks for your interest, and youll always have my
49、 best service. Sincerely yours, Harry Lin2. Reply to the Letter of Congratulations 2. Reply to the Letter of Congratulations Practical Writing 3. Useful Expressions3. Useful ExpressionsI congratulate you onPlease accept my heartiest congratulations onI was delighted/thrilled/pleasantly surprised to
50、hear/receive the newsMay I join in the chorus of congratulationsIt gave me a great deal of pleasure to learnPractical Writing Best wishes from all of us onWe are proud of your success.We hope you will be very always/in the future.Please accept our sincere good wishes forIt is with great pleasure that we send our congratulations and best wishes on the occasion of yourYour friend, Liu Tao, has just started his own law firm. Write a letter of congratulations to him, expressing your compliments.4. Your Task4. You
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