1、Exercise II1.Mr. Smith wrote to Mr. Wang that he had received Mr. Wangs order. 2.We have received your order No. 60 dated 22nd March, for which we thank you.3.We have ordered the goods and will receive them in two weeks.4.We shall appreciate it if you will send us your catalogue by return (of mail/p
2、ost)(立即;迅速).5.We thank you for your letter of 14th April. We shall appreciate your writing us soon.第一頁,共59頁。The Manager ( Semi-indented style )Clarke & Smith Ltd.68 High Street London EC 4EnglandDear Sir, We thank you for your letter of 17th January, asking us for details and prices of our elect
3、ric heaters. We have pleasure in enclosing our latest price list and catalogue, (together)with the details of Model X-4. Please dont hesitate to contact us for further information. We are so glad to be of service to you. Yours faithfully, Electrical Appliances Co. (Signature) (Printed name) Manager
4、第二頁,共59頁。第三頁,共59頁。Learning objectives: As to Unit 2, your are required to1. do all the exercises provided and learn by heart and learn to use all the useful words, phrases and sentence patterns2. get to know how to find new customers and establish business relations with them3. become aware of main
5、content of letters of establishing business relations4. understand how to deal with such letters5. familiarize yourselves with the samples given6. enable yourselves to write and reply such a letter第四頁,共59頁。 Just as it is true that if there is no customer, there wont be any business, it is equally tr
6、ue that new customers will bring about new business. Thus it is very important to establish new business relations with new customers; and writing business letters to prospective customers or firms may help a firm to achieve this goal. 第五頁,共59頁。 Before a company in China establish new business with
7、new customers in a foreign country, it can gather information about the potential customers from the following sources : 1. Banks 2. Chambers of Commerce in foreign countries 外國商會 3. Trade Directory 貿(mào)易行會行名錄 4. Chinese Commercial Counselors Office in foreign countries 中國駐國外商(務(wù)參)贊處 5. Business Houses
8、of the same trade 同業(yè)商行 6. Advertisements第六頁,共59頁。 7. The introduction from ones subsidiaries (or branches) or agents abroad 8. Self-introductions or enquiries received from the merchants abroad9.Attendance at the export commodity fairs10. Being a member of trade delegations & groups visiting abr
9、oad Now lets come to the point of how to write a business letter to establish business relations with new customers. Such letters should tell the addressees the following things: 第七頁,共59頁。 1. the source of information - how or where do you get his name & address?2. your intention - express your
10、desire to enter into =establishbusiness relations with the firm.3. the business scope of your firm - what line of business you are in or what you can to sell or what you expect to buy. (the lines of business you handle)4. a reference to your firms financial position/ standing and integrity (財務(wù)狀況和信譽)
11、5. your expectation of cooperation and an early reply. 第八頁,共59頁。 On the other hand, if you are an addressee of such a letter , how should you deal with it ? To create good will and leave a favorable impression on the reader, you should answer any letter of this nature: A. in full B. without the leas
12、t delay C. with courtesy Please refer to the letter-writing guide at p. 28第九頁,共59頁。 Study of Specimen Letters (1) Letter 2 (1) (2) Letter 2 (2) (3) Letter 2 (3)第十頁,共59頁。1. Style of typing: the semi-indented styleUseful phrases, expressions and sentence patterns(1) With reference to your letter of De
13、cember 2 19. we are glad to learn that you wish to enter into trade relations with this corporation in the line of canned goods. 關(guān)于你方19. 12月2日的來信,我們很快樂地 得悉/知道貴公司想/希望在罐頭食品業(yè)務(wù)方 面同我們建立業(yè)務(wù)關(guān)系。 This is the opening sentence.第十一頁,共59頁。a. with reference to 關(guān)于,有關(guān) = with regard to / in regard to / as regards / r
14、egarding/ respecting your letter of b. to enter into trade relations or business relations with this corporation 同建立業(yè)務(wù)關(guān)系 = set up / establish / build trade relations or business relations with this / our corporationc. in the line of 在業(yè)務(wù)方面 We have been engaged for many years in the line of surgical i
15、nstruments. 我們經(jīng)營手術(shù)器械業(yè)務(wù)已多年。 第十二頁,共59頁。(2) In compliance with your request, we are sending you by air a catalogue together with a range of pamphlets for your reference. 按照你方要求,我們用航空寄上目錄一本,并附一 套小冊子,供你參考。 = in accordance with / in agreement with / following your request / as requested / upon request, We
16、 regret to say that we cannot comply with your request. 遵守;履行 很遺憾,貴方的要求我們不能照辦。 Please send us the following articles by express and charge the expensesto our account. 請以快件給我方寄出以下貨品,并將費用計入我方 賬戶。 send by air / airmail under separate cover / by separate post /mail 另封航空郵寄第十三頁,共59頁。 We will send the comp
17、lete price list by separate post. 我們將另封郵寄全套價格目表。 to send a package/parcel by surface mail 平郵包裹 surface mail 平信; 水陸郵件 We are sending you by air a catalogue and a sample book to you under separate cover. 現(xiàn)給你方另封/函航空郵寄商品目錄和樣書。 We have sent you a full range of samples covering our products. 我們已給你方寄去我方產(chǎn)品的
18、全套樣品。第十四頁,共59頁。(3) If any of the items listed in the catalogue meets your interest, please let us have your specific inquiry, and our quotation will be forwarded without delay / by return (mail/ post). 假如目錄中所列的任何商品使貴方感興趣 (/ 符合貴方要求),請詳細詢價,我方將立即寄 上報價單。 = If you find any of the items listed in the cata
19、logue interesting to / of interest to you = If any of the items is interesting to you = If you are interested in any of the items = please give us your specific inquiry, and we will send you our quotation without delay. 第十五頁,共59頁。(4) In the meantime, you are requested to furnish/provide us with the
20、name of your bank prior to the conclusion of the first transaction between us. 同時,在第一筆生意做成之前,請將你們銀行的行名告訴我們。 = would you please provide us with the name of your bank prior to / before the conclusion of the first transaction between us / before we conclude our first transaction. to conclude a contract
21、 / a treaty/ an agreement /business 締結(jié)一份合同/一項條約/一個協(xié)議/交易 to conclude a transaction / a deal 達成/做成一筆生意 We have concluded /come to / done /made/arrived at a deal/transaction with a customer.第十六頁,共59頁。 Letter - 2 (2) 1. Style of typing: the semi-indented style 2. Useful phrases, expressions and sentence
22、 patterns(1) We have your name and address from the Commercial Counsellors Office of the Chinese Embassy in Ghana. We wish to inform you that we specialize in both industrial and pharmaceutical chemicals, and shall be pleased to enter into trade relations with us. 我們從中國駐加納使館商贊處得悉貴公司的 行名和地址。茲告我公司專營工業(yè)
23、和藥物化工 原料,并想同你們建立業(yè)務(wù)關(guān)系。 These are opening sentences. 第十七頁,共59頁。 Samples of opening sentences (1) 我們從貴國駐倫敦使館商務(wù)參贊得悉你 公司行名和地址,現(xiàn)特去函與你公司建立 業(yè)務(wù)關(guān)系。 (2) 尼日利亞拉格斯佛利門已將你公 司名稱和地址告知我們,并認為你公司是 中國棉布潛在買主。棉布系屬我公司經(jīng)營 范圍,我們將樂于與你公司建立直接的業(yè) 務(wù)關(guān)系。 Freemen & Co., Ltd. Lagos, Nigeria Chinese Cotton Piece Goods 第十八頁,共59頁。(3)從中
24、國國際貿(mào)易促進會得悉,你們有意采(4) 購電器用具。我們經(jīng)營電器用具業(yè)務(wù)已有多年的經(jīng)歷,希望能與貴公司建立直接的業(yè)務(wù)關(guān)系。(5)(4) 承蒙弗里曼先生介紹/告知,我們有幸得知貴公司是你們地區(qū)主要電器商品進口商之一,希望與我們建立業(yè)務(wù)關(guān)系。第十九頁,共59頁。(2)To give you a general idea of our products, we enclose a complete set of leaflets showing various products being handled by this corporation with detailed specification
25、s and means of packing. Quotations and samples will be sent(=forwarded) upon receipt of your specific enquiries.(3) 為了使你們對我方產(chǎn)品有個大體的理解,現(xiàn)附上有關(guān)我公司經(jīng)營的各種產(chǎn)品的一整套小冊子,內(nèi)有詳細規(guī)格和包裝方式。一俟收到你們的詳細詢價,我們馬上寄樣報價。(4) Quotations and samples can only be offered on the basis of specific enquiries.(5) 第二十頁,共59頁。 (1) To acquai
26、nt you with the light industrial goods we handle, we are sending you , by separate airmail, several pamphlets for your reference. (2) To give you a general idea of the various kinds of cotton piece goods now available for export, we enclose a brochure and a price list. Quotations and sample books wi
27、ll be airmailed to you upon receipt of your specific inquiry.第二十一頁,共59頁。(3) Business between us will be concluded on the basis of shipping quality and weight while testing and inspection will be made by Shanghai Commodity Inspection Bureau prior to shipment. Necessary certificates in regard to quali
28、ty and quantity of the shipment will, of course,be provided. 我們將以貨物在裝運時的質(zhì)量和重量為準達 成交易,而貨物在出運前將由上海商檢局進 行檢驗。當然,有關(guān)貨物質(zhì)量和數(shù)量的必要 證明將由上海商檢局提供。 while conj. 可用來表示1同時,2讓 步,3比照 然而,而, 此句的while表 示讓步,可用though/ although 交換。 第二十二頁,共59頁。1. A business letter in the blocked style2. Seeking to establish business relation
29、s with a new supplier Para. 1: A brief self introduction to a prospective supplier Para. 2: Seeking to establish business relations with China National Import & Export Corp. by making a specific inquiry about Bitter Apricot Kernels and mentioning specific enquiries about other Chinese nuts in th
30、e futurePara. 3: Information about our financial standing and business status 第二十三頁,共59頁。3. Useful phrases , expressions and sentence patternsThis is to introduce ourselves as confectioners and bakers having many years experience in this particular line of business (/ in this line). 茲介紹,本公司是經(jīng)營糖果、面包業(yè)
31、務(wù)的,在 這行業(yè)里已有多年經(jīng)歷。 This is to certify that Chen Dali (male, born on August 15,1980) and Wei Ling (female, born on May 28, 1982) registered a marriage on September 2, in Xiamen, Fujian, P.R. China. 第二十四頁,共59頁。(2) commission houses提取傭金的商行: Commission houses are usually well established firms acting as a
32、gents for a large number of manufacturers in different lines of business. They specialize in buying or selling goods for a principal (委托人)in another country for a commission. 兩筆或幾筆傭金不可說two or several commissions , 而應(yīng)該說two or several items of commission。但是,一切傭金或各項傭金可以用復數(shù): all commissions第二十五頁,共59頁。(3
33、) There have been, of late, frequent fluctuations of price and an unreliability in supply. 但最近價格頻繁波動,而且供給得不到保證。 of late = lately or recently Of late she has talked little at meals. (4) It is in an attempt to alleviate this situation that we are seeking to establish a direct connection with your corp
34、oration, for we prefer Chinese Apricot Kernels above all for their fine quality and special flavour. = In order to relieve the situation, 為了改變這一狀況,我們謀求 同貴公司建立 直接業(yè)務(wù)關(guān)系,因為我們喜歡 中國的苦杏仁,特別是由于它質(zhì)優(yōu)味美。第二十六頁,共59頁。(5) We take the liberty of writing to you with a view to establishing business relations with you
35、and meanwhile asking you to make us a competitive offer for 50 metric tons of Bitter Apricot Kernels, September shipment, together with your trade terms and conditions. 我們冒昧寫信給你們是出自于希望與你方建立業(yè)務(wù)關(guān)系?,F(xiàn)請貴方向我方作出有競爭力的報盤提供50公噸苦杏仁,9月份裝運,并希望提出你方的貿(mào)易條款。 We take the liberty to write you so as to establish 同時,請貴方給我
36、方50公噸苦杏仁的有競爭力的報盤,9月份裝運,并提出貴方的貿(mào)易條款。 Please give/ send/ forward/ submit us an offer for Chemical Products. 請給我們寄送化工產(chǎn)品的發(fā)/報盤。 第二十七頁,共59頁。(6) For your information, we are also interested in other kinds of Chinese nuts in large quantities and shall send you specific enquiries later on. 要告訴你們的是,我們對大量購置中國其他
37、果仁也有興趣, 日后將向你們詳細詢價。 We enclose a price list for your information. 我們隨函寄上一份價目表供你參考。第二十八頁,共59頁。(7) As to our financial standing/position, we refer you to Jardine Matheson Bank, 57 Waterloo Street, Copenhagen, who, we feel sure, will be glad to furnish you with any information you require. 至于我們的財務(wù)狀況,你方
38、可向哥本哈根Waterloo街57號Jardine Matheson 銀行咨詢。 我們相信,他們會樂意提供給你們所需的資料。 refer to :提到, 談到, 涉及 ; 參考, 查閱 refer sb. to sb./sth. 讓/使/叫向.打聽/查詢/咨詢 I referred her to Tom for further information. 我讓她到湯姆那兒去詢問詳情。 The teacher referred me to Chapter III. 老師叫我去查第三章。 refer sth. to sb. 將某事交予某人辦理 We have referred the matter
39、to our London Office. 第二十九頁,共59頁。 我們打算與之往來的商行要我們與你們聯(lián)絡(luò)理解有關(guān)他們的業(yè)務(wù)狀況和資信情況。(refer to ) to refer sth. to sb. for attention 將某事提交/轉(zhuǎn)交某人辦理 Your enquiry of January 10, has been referred to us for attention as we are the exporters of the articles you require. (8) In case you need more information about our bus
40、iness status, we shall be only too glad to answer your inquiries at any time. 假如你們需要更多有關(guān)我們業(yè)務(wù)狀況的信息, (對于你方的詢問) 我們將非??鞓冯S時給予答復。 第三十頁,共59頁。 Useful Words and Phrases 一、一、 refer 1. refer to sth / sb 提到,涉及提到,涉及 We hope that this is the last time we refer to this issue. 希望這是我們最后一次提這個問題。希望這是我們最后一次提這個問題。 Are y
41、ou referring to the exporter or the importer? 你指的是出口商或進口商?你指的是出口商或進口商? 2. refer sbto sth or sb 參考,查考,查詢參考,查考,查詢, 咨詢咨詢 讓讓/使使/叫叫向向.打聽打聽/查詢查詢/咨詢咨詢 As to our usual terms of payment,please refer to our letter of 15th October. 有關(guān)我們一般的支付條款,請參考我們有關(guān)我們一般的支付條款,請參考我們9月月15日信日信函。函。 第三十一頁,共59頁。Special terms and ph
42、rases1.Printed Cotton Piece Goods 印花布2.Manufactured cotton goods棉制品3.The Metals & Minerals Corporation 五金礦產(chǎn)公司4.the captioned item 標題所列的商品5. to conclude some satisfactory business 達成幾筆令人滿意的業(yè)務(wù)6. to conclude some transactions with sb. 與某人達成一些交易7. Printed and Dyed Cotton Piece Goods 印染布匹8. canned fo
43、odstuffs 罐頭食品 canned goods 罐頭商品第三十二頁,共59頁。 Please refer to the administrative office of our company in your country. 請向我國駐貴國辦事處查詢。 We would like to refer you back to our price list for confirmation. 建議你方回頭參照我方的報價單加以核實。 We refer you to our bank for a statement about our financial standing. 請向我方銀行調(diào)查我們
44、的資信情況。3. refer sth to sb / sth 將某事提交某人處理 We have referred the matter to our London office. 我們已將此事提交我駐倫敦辦公室處理。 We have referred your letter of price enquiry to the department concerned / in charge. 我們已將你方的詢價信提交相關(guān)部門處理。 第三十三頁,共59頁。 二、enquire / inquire 1. enquire of sb / at a place about sth 向某人/在某處打聽/理
45、解/詢問某事 We will be better off by inquiring of the assistant about the price before booking the ticket. 我們最好找效勞員問清楚價格再定票。 Please enquire at the enquiry desk / the station /the bureau /office. 請到問訊處 / 車站 / 局里咨詢 2. enquire into 核查,調(diào)查,查問。追究 We havent received your L/C yet. Would you please enquire into i
46、t and give us an early reply. 我們尚未收到貴公司的信譽證,請核查并盡 早回復。第三十四頁,共59頁。3. enquire about 咨詢,打聽, In response to letters enquiring about prices, sellers have two alternatives at his choice: firm offer or non-firm offer. 對于詢價函,賣方的報盤可分為兩種:實盤和虛盤。 We have every confidence to recommend to you the firm you inquire
47、 about as one of the most reliable exporters in our district. 現(xiàn)鄭重推薦你們所咨詢的商號,在我地區(qū)是最可靠 的出口商之一。三、 quote 1. quote sb a price for sth 報給某人某物的價格 Please quote us your best / most favorable price for 100 sets of garments. 請報給我們貴方100套服裝的最優(yōu)價格第三十五頁,共59頁。 2. quote sb for sth. in dollars 用美元給某人報某物的價格 Would you p
48、lease quote us in dollars for the following items? 3. quote sth at 按 報價 Please quote the garment newly ordered at RMB 250 per set. 新定服裝請按每套人民幣250元報價。第三十六頁,共59頁。 四、enclose 附上;隨函寄去 We are enclosing a complete set of leaflets . Enclosed is a range of pamphlet. Enclosed please find a complete set of lea
49、flets. Please find enclosed a complete set of leaflet. We believe youll find the enclosed / enclosure interesting. Enclosed are our illustrated catalogue and price list for your study. 現(xiàn)隨函寄去我們的圖解目錄和價目表供你方參考研究。 第三十七頁,共59頁。第三十八頁,共59頁。 1 : have / get / own / obtain your name and address from We have yo
50、ur name and address from China Council for the Promotion of International Trade. We are glad to have your name and address from “the Journal of Commerce. 我們快樂地從?商業(yè)報?得悉貴公司的名稱 和地址。第三十九頁,共59頁。 2: to owe your name and address to 承蒙告知貴公司的名稱和地址 We owe your name and address to Messrs. Collins & Co., th
51、rough whom we learn you are importers of table-cloths. 承蒙意大利商業(yè)銀行告知貴公司名稱及地址,并告知你方想購進滾珠軸承(ball-bearing)。 We owe your name and address to Italian Commercial Bank who informed us that you are in the market for ball-bearings.第四十頁,共59頁。3: Through the courtesy of 經(jīng)由介紹/推薦, 承蒙 告知 Through the courtesy of the
52、Paris Chamber of Commerce, we have your name as a firm who is interested in doing business with us. Through the courtesy of Mr.White, we are happy to understand that you are one of the leading importers of silk in your area. 經(jīng)由懷特先生介紹,我們欣悉貴公司為所在 地區(qū)最大的絲綢進口商之一。第四十一頁,共59頁。4: On the recommendation of 由介紹
53、 On the recommendation of Messrs. Harvey & Co., we have learned with pleasure the name and address of your firm. On the recommendation of the Commercial Counselors Office of the Chinese Embassy in Rome, we are given the name of your firm who handles a wide range of electric fans. 由中國駐羅馬大使館的商務(wù)處介紹
54、,我們得知貴告訴的名稱,并得知貴公司經(jīng)營的電扇品種多樣。第四十二頁,共59頁。 5: This is to introduce as 茲介紹為 This is to introduce ourselves as one of the leading exporters of garments in China. This is to introduce the Pacific Corporation as an exporter of light industrial products having business relations with more than 70 countries
55、in the world. 茲介紹,太平洋公司為輕工業(yè)產(chǎn)品的出口商, 和世界上70多個國家有業(yè)務(wù)關(guān)系。第四十三頁,共59頁。 6: to write to introduce茲寫信介紹 We write to introduce ourselves as a large dealer in food-stuffs with widespread connections in the local country. We write to introduce ourselves as exporters of fresh water pearls having many years experie
56、nce in this particular line of business. 現(xiàn)函告,我方為淡水珍珠出口商,在此行業(yè)已有多年經(jīng)歷。第四十四頁,共59頁。 7: to inform sb. that奉告某人 We wish to inform you that we specialize in the export of arts and crafts. We have the pleasure / are pleased to inform you that we have been in the market for household electrical devices for ye
57、ars. 我們快樂地告訴貴方,我們經(jīng)營家用電器多 年。第四十五頁,共59頁。 8: to take the opportunity to introduce 借此時機介紹 We take this opportunity to introduce ourselves as large importers of fertilizers in our country We take the opportunity to introduce our company as exporters dealing exclusively in leather goods. 借此時機,茲介紹,我公司為專門經(jīng)營
58、皮革 制品出口商。第四十六頁,共59頁。 9: to take the liberty of doing / to do sth 冒昧做某事 We take the liberty of writing to you with a view to doing business with you. We take the liberty to introduce ourselves as confectioners and bakers having many years experience in this particular line of business. 冒昧作自我介紹,我們是在本行
59、業(yè)有多年經(jīng)歷 的糖果商和面包商。第四十七頁,共59頁。10: to avail oneself of an opportunity to do sth 借此時機做某事 We avail ourselves of this opportunity to write to you and see if we can establish business relations with you. 我們借此時機給你們寫信,看是否能與你方 建立業(yè)務(wù)關(guān)系。第四十八頁,共59頁。 11: to establish / enter into business relations with . 與建立業(yè)務(wù)關(guān)系 W
60、e have your name through the press and hope to establish business relations with you. We chance to know your name and are pleased to write to you in the hope of establishing / entering into business relations with you. 我們碰巧得知貴公司名稱,欣然致信,希望 與貴公司建立業(yè)務(wù)關(guān)系。 第四十九頁,共59頁。12. to fall (come, lie) within the scope of 屬于的范圍 As the items you deal
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