1、環(huán)藝畢設(shè)開題報告范例一、選題的目的、意義建筑仿生已成為一種新時代潮流,也是建筑文化的新課題。為了啟發(fā)建筑合理創(chuàng)新,以及使城市環(huán)境達(dá)到生態(tài)平衡和持續(xù)發(fā)展,建筑仿生學(xué)是一種重要手段。從人與自然界的關(guān)系來說,建筑可謂是人的第3層皮膚(第1層是人的自身皮膚,第 2層是衣服),它是人與自然界之間的中介,如何使建筑能適應(yīng)環(huán)境的自然規(guī)律,又能適合人 類不斷發(fā)展的需要,這的確是現(xiàn)代文明所提出的新課題。正因為如此,有效尋找和利用自然界生物的成長規(guī)律來適應(yīng)人類社會發(fā)展對建筑的需要,這就是建筑仿生學(xué)的主要任務(wù)。仿生建筑在國內(nèi)建筑類別里面是一個開發(fā)中的亮點,也是未來建筑的一個良好走勢,將人與自然更完美、和諧的統(tǒng)一,是
2、人的自然回歸性的一種表現(xiàn)。而在建筑本身的結(jié)構(gòu)方面來講,仿生建筑正是吸取了自然界優(yōu)勢來更好的改善人們的生活環(huán)境。其實,人類在建筑技術(shù)上所遇到的許多難題, 自然界中早已有了類似的解答,因為生物在千萬年進(jìn)化的過程中,為了適應(yīng)自然界的規(guī)律需要不斷完善自身的性能與組織,它需要獲得高效低耗、 自覺應(yīng)變、新陳代謝、肌體完整的保障系統(tǒng),從而生物才能得以生存與繁衍。只有這樣,自然界才能成為一個整體,才能保持生物鏈的平衡與延續(xù)。當(dāng)然,人也是大自然中的一員, 人類為了生存與發(fā)展不僅需要建筑, 而建筑也需要適應(yīng)自然界的規(guī)律,否則不僅會破壞自然環(huán)境, 而且也會毀滅人類自身。仿生的傾向在近幾十年來也在不斷發(fā)展,它的研究意
3、義既是為了建筑應(yīng)用類比的方法從自然界中吸取靈感進(jìn)行創(chuàng)新,同時也是為了與自然生態(tài)環(huán)境相協(xié)調(diào),保持生態(tài)平衡。自然界是人類最好的老師,人們無時無刻不在從自然界中獲得啟發(fā)而進(jìn)行有益的創(chuàng)造。本課題是對辦公空間的仿生性進(jìn)行研究,辦公是釀造文化、 孵化成果的過程,孵化這一自然現(xiàn)象便為設(shè)計提供了靈感來源。本課題將生物孵化器如蛋的形態(tài)進(jìn)行小型建筑設(shè)計,并結(jié)合生物孵化的原理對建筑的生態(tài)設(shè)計進(jìn)行研究。仿生并不是單純地模仿照抄, 它是吸收動物、植物的生長肌理以及一切自然生態(tài)的規(guī)律,結(jié)合建筑的自身特點而適應(yīng)新環(huán)境的一種創(chuàng)作方法,它無疑是最具有生命力的,也是可持續(xù)發(fā)展的保證。本選題從建筑仿生的綜合性角度出發(fā),圍繞生物孵化
4、的原理,嘗試創(chuàng)造出新穎和適應(yīng)環(huán)境生態(tài)的建筑形式,從中觀察吸收一切有用的因素作為創(chuàng)作靈感,同時學(xué)習(xí)生物科學(xué)的肌理并結(jié)合現(xiàn)代建筑技術(shù)來為建筑創(chuàng)新服務(wù)。希望通過本題及今后對建筑仿生的研究為人們創(chuàng)造良好的生活和工作環(huán)境,為使城市環(huán)境達(dá)到生態(tài)平衡和持續(xù)發(fā)展的提供一種新的可能性。二、本題的基本內(nèi)容緒論1概念1.1仿生建筑的定義1.2仿生建筑的表現(xiàn)形式及實現(xiàn)手法1.2.1建筑的形式仿生1.2.2建筑的功能仿生1.3仿生建筑存在的意義2.仿生建筑的調(diào)研分析2.1國內(nèi)實例分析2.2國外實例分析2.3分析結(jié)果2.3.1借鑒的地方2.3.2存在問題一些作品設(shè)計的時候經(jīng)常會出現(xiàn)簡單模仿某一形象的問題, 這種做法背離了
5、建筑仿生的 意義,只是一種單純追求新奇噱頭的效果, 既無創(chuàng)新的價值,也不能與周圍生態(tài)環(huán)境取得協(xié) 調(diào)。3.空間形態(tài)仿生設(shè)計實踐3.1設(shè)計靈感來源3.2設(shè)計方案4.結(jié)論建筑仿生可以是多方面的,也可以是綜合性的,要應(yīng)用仿生原理創(chuàng)造出新穎和適應(yīng)環(huán)境生態(tài)的建筑形式。要有效的利用有限資源,使建筑更貼近大自然更適合人類居??;還應(yīng)從材料的選擇、結(jié)構(gòu)功能、制造過程、使用和等諸方面,全方位考慮資源利用和環(huán)境影響及解決 方法。在設(shè)計過程中把降低能耗、美觀實用、使材料和部件最大限度的發(fā)揮,把人性化設(shè)計列入的設(shè)計指標(biāo),使建筑向自然回歸。 建筑仿生學(xué)是新時代的一種潮流,今后也仍然會成為建筑創(chuàng)新的源泉和保證環(huán)境生態(tài)平衡的重
6、要手段。三、完成期限和主要措施第1周:進(jìn)行實地和書面調(diào)研,確定畢業(yè)設(shè)計和論文的題目。第2周:對資料進(jìn)行整理和再收集,在此基礎(chǔ)上進(jìn)行開題報告的撰寫。第3周:在草稿紙上繪制設(shè)計的草圖, 對小型辦公空間建筑的大體外型進(jìn)行整體把握并 考慮外型中存在的仿生問題。第4周:在外型設(shè)計完成的基礎(chǔ)上對空間劃分和布局在草稿紙上繪制草圖。第5周:開始繪制CAD的總平面和各層平面,尋找與論文相關(guān)的英文資料。第6周:Sketch UP創(chuàng)建小型建筑外部場景和辦公空間內(nèi)部建模,對畢業(yè)論文提綱進(jìn)行 詳細(xì)補(bǔ)充。第7 周:對查找的英文資料進(jìn)行英譯漢,SketchUP建模進(jìn)行部分渲染。第8 周:SketchUP建模完成3張,CAD
7、圖完成5張,畢業(yè)論文、英譯漢完成50%。第9 周:CAD圖進(jìn)行細(xì)部完善,繪制辦公空間室內(nèi)的立面和剖面。第10周:SketchUP建模進(jìn)行辦公空間室內(nèi)的建模和渲染。第11周:把畢業(yè)論文進(jìn)行完善,把CAD圖標(biāo)注尺寸和材料。第12周:對剩余的英文資料進(jìn)行完成,SketchUP效果圖進(jìn)行調(diào)整。第13周:完成5000字的論文,英譯漢 張、A3的設(shè)計報告書。5000英文字符。完成設(shè)計效果圖5 張、CAD10第14周:打印報告書、論文打印和裝訂,制作ppt。第15周:刻盤上交導(dǎo)師(效果圖5張、CAD10張、A3的設(shè)計報告書,ppt15)。第16周:布置畢業(yè)設(shè)計展第17周:畢業(yè)答辯四、預(yù)期達(dá)到的目標(biāo)完成500
8、0字的論文,參考文獻(xiàn)不少于10部,英譯漢不少于 5000英文字符。完成展板兩張和圖紙(設(shè)計效果圖5張、CAD10張、A3的設(shè)計報告書,ppt15頁)。通過畢業(yè)設(shè)計和對畢業(yè)論文的撰寫,希望對空間形態(tài)仿生這一課題有更深刻的理解,對中外的仿生建筑狀況有較全面的了解,在現(xiàn)有的研究成果的基礎(chǔ)上對我國仿生建筑問題做進(jìn)一步的研究和分析,通過自己的調(diào)研和老師的指導(dǎo)對我國現(xiàn)在的仿生建筑有一個全新的認(rèn) 識,在認(rèn)識問題的基礎(chǔ)上找到一種解決問題的合適方法。通過這次畢業(yè)設(shè)計和畢業(yè)論文能使自己的能力得到全面地提高, 培養(yǎng)邏輯思維與形象思維的融合滲透,以產(chǎn)生獨特的思考力和創(chuàng)造性,使自己的設(shè)計思維更加的成熟,為自己今后的設(shè)計
9、生涯做好充分的準(zhǔn)備。知識拓展【如何寫開題報告】、如何寫開題報告一如何選擇問題我一起縈繞于懷的,是在寫博士論文開題報告的一年多時間里,導(dǎo)師薛瀾教授反復(fù)追問的一個問題:“你的puzzle是什么?”多少次我不假思索地回答“我的問題就是,中國的半 導(dǎo)體產(chǎn)業(yè)為什么發(fā)展不起來?!毖蠋焼栴}以其特有的儲蓄,笑而不答。我在心中既惱火又 懊喪:這么簡單的道理,這么明顯的答案,到底哪兒不對了?!奧妙就在于提出問題的“層次”。不同于政策研究報告,學(xué)術(shù)文章聚集理論層面、解決理論問題。理論是由一系列前設(shè)和術(shù)語構(gòu)造的邏輯體系。特定領(lǐng)域的理論有其特定的概念、范疇和研究范式。只有在相同的概念、視角和范式下,理論才能夠?qū)υ?;?/p>
10、有通過對話,理論才能夠發(fā)展。極少有碩博論文是創(chuàng)造新理論的,能這樣當(dāng)然最好,但難度很大。我們多數(shù)是在既有理論的基礎(chǔ)上加以發(fā)展,因此,在提出問題時,要以“內(nèi)行”看得懂的術(shù)語和明確 的邏輯來表述。審視我最初提出的問題“中國半導(dǎo)體產(chǎn)業(yè)為什么發(fā)展不起來”,這僅僅是對現(xiàn)象的探詢,而非有待求證的理論命題。我的理論命題是:“中國產(chǎn)業(yè)政策過程是精英主導(dǎo)的共識過程嗎?”在這個命題中,“政策過程”、“精英政治”、“共識訴求”三個術(shù)語勾勒出研 究的理論大體范圍和視角。其次,選擇問題是一個“剝筍” 的過程。理論問題總是深深地隱藏在紛繁復(fù)雜的現(xiàn)實背 后,而發(fā)現(xiàn)理論問題,則需要運用理論思維的能力。理論思維的訓(xùn)練是一個長期積
11、累的過程。 不過初學(xué)者也不必望而卻步,大體上可以分“三步走”:第一步,先劃定一個“興趣范圍”如半導(dǎo)體產(chǎn)業(yè)、信息產(chǎn)業(yè)、農(nóng)村醫(yī)療、高等教育體制等,廣泛瀏覽相關(guān)的媒體報道、政府文 獻(xiàn)和學(xué)術(shù)文章,找到其中的“癥結(jié)”或“熱點”。第二步,總結(jié)以往的研究者大體從哪些理論視角來分析“癥結(jié)”或“熱點”、運用了哪些理論工具,如公共財政的視角、社會沖突范 式等。第三步,考察問題的可研究性,也就是我們自己的研究空間和研究的可行性。例如, 西方的理論是否無法解釋中國的問題? 或者同一個問題能否用不同的理論來解釋?或者理論本身的前提假設(shè)、邏輯推演是否存在缺陷 ?通過回答這些問題,我們找到自己研究的立足點。 不過還要注意我
12、們研究在規(guī)定的一到兩年時間內(nèi),是否可能完成?資料獲取是否可行?等等。 確界定,我們將目光集中在“政策過程” 、“精英”、“共識”幾個顯而易見的概念上,問題也 就水落石出了。同時,問題清楚了,我們在篩選信息和資料時也就有了明確的標(biāo)準(zhǔn),在這個 “信息冗余”的時代,能夠大大提高研究效率。最后,如何陳述問題?陳述問題實質(zhì)上就是凝練核心觀點的過程。觀點應(yīng)當(dāng)來自對現(xiàn)實 問題的思考和總結(jié),而不是為了套理論而“削足適履” 動態(tài)的、豐富的景象,如何才能用恰當(dāng)?shù)男g(shù)語、準(zhǔn)確的邏輯表述出來呢 往往提出宏偉的概念或框架,但我的建議是盡可能縮小研究范圍、對象的內(nèi)存邏輯,保證能在有限的時間內(nèi)完成規(guī)范的學(xué)術(shù)論文。 究”就是一
13、個非常含糊的陳述,我們可以從幾個方面來收縮話題:XX年;(2 )對象:政府的叛亂者和決策行為,而不是市場、企業(yè)、治理結(jié)構(gòu)等 治和政府理論中的精英研究 ;(4 )案例: 這是發(fā)生在1980 - XX年間半導(dǎo)體政策領(lǐng)域的兩個重大工程和兩個重要文件。908工程、。中國的政治、經(jīng)濟(jì)和社會發(fā)展充滿?雄心勃勃的初學(xué)者 明確研究對象,從而理清 如“中國半導(dǎo)體產(chǎn)業(yè)政策研(1 )時間:從 1980年到 ;(3 )視角:政909工程、13號文件和電子振興, 通過這樣的明Ring art p roject exa mples opening reportOne, the purpose of the selecte
14、d top ic, sig ni fica neeArchitectural bio nics has become a new trend of The Times, and is a new subject of architectural culture .In order to inspire reas on able con structi on inno vati on, urba n environment, and achieve the ecological bala nee and susta in able devel opment, architectural bio
15、nics is a ki nd of imp orta nt mea ns.From the relati onship betwee n huma n and n ature, architecture is the third layer of the skin of people (level 1 is a persons own skin, the second layer is the clothes), it is the intermediary between man and nature, how to make the laws of nature, architectur
16、e can adapt to the environment and can fit the need of human development, it is a new topic put forward by modern civilization. Because of this, the effective finding and using natural biological growth p atter n to ada pt to the n eeds of huma n social deve lopment on the buildi ng, this is the mai
17、n task of the architectural bioni cs.Bionic buildi ng in domestic con struct ion category is a bright spot in the deve lopment, also is the future construction of a good situation, will be more perfect, human and nature harmonious uni ficati on, is a mani festati on of the n atural regressi on of se
18、x. In resp ect of the structure of the buildi ng itself, the bionic architecture is lear ned the n ature adva ntage to better improve peop les living environment. Actually, human encountered many technical difficulties in the building, already had a similar an swer, i n the n ature in the p rocess o
19、f biological evoluti on in ten milli on, in order to ada pt to the laws of n ature to imp rove their own p erforma nee and orga ni zati on, it n eeds to achieve high efficiency low, strain, metabolism, compiete security system of the body, thus creatures to survive and rep roduce. Only in this way c
20、an the n atural world as a whole, in order to kee p the bala nee of the food cha in and con ti nu ati on. People, of course, is also a member of the nature, human beings for survival and development needs not only building, the building also n eed to ada pt to the laws of n ature, otherwise will not
21、 only destroy the n atural environment, but also will destroy ourselves.The tendency of bionic also has a growing in recent decades, it is very important to study for buildi ng the app licati on of an alogy method to draw insp irati on from n ature to inno vate, is also in order to in harm ony with
22、the n atural ecological environment, maintain the ecological bala nee. Is the best teacher in the huma n n ature, people ever- prese nt gain insp irati on from n ature and create a ben eficial. This topic is the imitati on of n atural dis po siti on is for office sp ace, office is brew ing culture p
23、ro cess and results of in cubatio n, hatchi ng the n atural phenomenon and p rovides insp irati on for the desig n. This topic will be small in cubator such as egg sha pe desig n, and comb ined with the principle of biological in cubati on study of con struct ion of ecological desig n. Bionics is no
24、t simply imitate the copy, it is to absorb the growth of ani mals, plan ts, texture and the law of n atural ecology, comb ined with the characteristics of con structi on and a creative method to ada pt to the new en vir onmen t, it is un doubtedly the most has the vitality, is also the guara ntee of
25、 susta in able devel opment.This selected topic from the perspective of architectural bionics comprehensive, around the principle of biological incubation, try to create a new form and adapt to the ecological en viro nment con struct ion, and to observe from absorb ing all useful factors as insp ira
26、tio n, study biological sciences at the same time the skin texture and combined with modern architectural tech no logy for inno vative services. Hope that through on tology and the future study of architectural bionics to create a good liv ing and work ing environment for peop le, for the bala nee o
27、f urba n environment to achieve the ecological and susta in able devel opment p rovides a new po ssibility.Second, the basic content of on tologyThe in troduct ion1. The concept1.1 defi niti on of bionic architecture1.2 bionic buildi ng forms and impi eme ntati on methods1.2.1 architecture form bio
28、nics1.2.2 the fun cti on of the bionic buildi ng1.3 bionic buildi ng existe nee2. The research an alysis of bionic architecture2.1 the domestic case an alysis2.2 foreig n exa mple an alysis2.3 the results of the an alysis2.3.1 for refere nee2.3.2 p roblemsSome works design often simpie imitation of
29、an image problem, this kind of practice deviated from the meaning of architectural bioni cs, is just a pure pu rsuit of novel stunt effect, n either the value of inno vati on, also cant get in coord in ati on with the surr ounding ecological environment.3. The sp ace form bionics desig n p ractice3.
30、1 desig n insp irati on3.2 desig n scheme4. Con clusi onArchitectural bionics is various, also can be in tegrated, to app licatio n of bionic principle to create novel and adapt to the environment ecological architectural form. To use limited resources effectively, make the buildi ng more close to n
31、 ature is more suitable for huma n habitati on; Also should be the choice of material, structure, fun cti on, manu facturi ng pro cess, from various asp ects, such as the use and comp rehe nsive resource utilizati on and en viro nmen tal in flue nee and the soluti on. To reduce the en ergy consump t
32、i on in the pro cess of desig n, beautiful and p ractical, and make the most material and componen ts, in clude the huma ni zed desig n in the desig n of the in dicators, make the buildi ng to retur n to n ature. Architectural bionics is a trend of the new era, and it will still be the source of bui
33、lding innovation and important means to assure the en viro nmen tal ecology bala nee.Three, deadli nes, and main measuresWeek 1: writte n and field in vestigatio n, to determ ine the topic of graduati on desig n and thesis.Week 2: to orga nize data and collect aga in, on the basis of the opening rep
34、ort writi ng.Week 3: on the draft paper draw sketch design, the gross appearanee of a small office space con struct ion overall un dersta nding and con sider bionic p roblems in app eara nee.Week 4: on the basis of the exterior desig n of space p artiti on and layout in the sketch of the draft draw
35、n on the paper.Week 5: began to draw the general layout of CAD and the layers of plane, looking for paper related in formati on in En glish.Week 6: SketchUP to create small buildi ng exter nal sce nario and internal model of office sp ace, supp leme nt the graduati on thesis outl ine in detail.Week
36、7: to find the English materials in english-chinese translation, SketchUP modeling partial ren deri ng.8 weeks: SketchUP model compiete 3, CAD drawings compieted five tickets, graduation thesis, en glish-ch in ese tran slati on done by 50%.Week 9: CAD draw ing for detail p erfect, draw the elevatio
37、n and sect ion office space in door.Week 10: SketchUP model for office space in door modeli ng and ren deri ng.Week 11: the graduati on thesis is p erfect, the CAD draw ing dime nsion and material.Week 12: to compi ete the rest of the in formati on in En glish, to adjust the SketchUP ren deri ng. 13
38、 weeks: finish the 5000 - word paper, english-chinese translation, 5000 English letters. Compi ete desig n cad draw ings five, ten, the desig n of the A3 rep ort.Week 14: print reports, paper printing and binding, and making PPT.15 weeks: a disc to men tor (five, 10 cad ren deri ng, the desig n of t
39、he A3 rep ort, pp t15).Week 16: graduati on desig n exhibiti onWeek of 17: graduatio n replyFour, is exp ected to achieve goalsFinish the 5000 - word paper, references not less than 10, english-chinese translation not less tha n 5000 characters in En glish.Compi ete two zha ng and panel draw ing (de
40、sig n cad draw ings five, 10 copies and A3 desig n rep ort, page pp t15).Through the graduati on desig n and graduati on thesis writ ing, hope to the space form bionic have a more profound understanding of the subject of the Chinese and foreign bionic building con diti on have more comp rehe nsive u
41、n dersta nding, on the basis of exist ing research results of bionic architecture in our country to do further research and an alysis, through their own research and teachers guida nee to our country of bionic architecture now have a new un dersta nding, on the basis of the un dersta nding questi on
42、 to find a suitable method to solve the p roblem. Through this graduation design and graduation thesis can comprehensively improve their abilities, and cultivate logical thinking with image thinking in the fusion pen etrati on, to p roduce a unique and creative thinking, make their own desig n thi n
43、king is more mature, to be prep ared for the future desig n career.kno wiedge expansionHow to write a dissertati on prop osalA, how to write the opening report, how to choose the p roblemWith me in the bosom, was writte n in the doctoral thesis opening report more tha n a year of time, tutor pro fes
44、sor xue rep eatedly asked a questi on: what is your pu zzle? How many times I an swer without thinking my questi on is, why Chin as semic on ductor in dustry. Xue teacher p roblem by its unique sav in gs, just laughed. My in the mind is angry and regret: such a simple truth, so obvious an swer, what
45、s wrong? !The secret lies in the questio n of level. Different from p olicy research report, academic articles to gather theory, solve the p roblem of theory. Before the theory is that con sists of a series of set and term structure of logic system. Sp ecific doma in theory has its sp ecific concept
46、, category and research p aradigm. Only un der the same concept, persp ectives and p aradigm theory to talk. Only through dialogue, theory to devel opment. Very few people paper is creat ing new theory, can do this, of course, the best, but very difficult. Most of us are on the basis of the existing
47、 theory devel opment, therefore, whe n ask ing questi ons, to un dersta nd the term ex pert and clear logic to exp ress. Look at my orig inal questio n why Chin as semic on ductor in dustry devel opment up,” this is just the explore of phenomenon, rather tha n a theoretical propo siti on n eeds to b
48、e clarified. My theory propo siti on is: Ch in as in dustrial p olicy pro cess is domin ated by the elite consen sus? In this thesis, the p olicy pro cess, elite p olitics, consen sus app eal three terms the outl ine of the theory of research range and persp ectives.Second, the select ion is a pro c
49、ess of p eeli ng bamboo shoots. Theoretical p roblem always dee ply hidden behind the complicated reality, and found the theory problem, requires the ability to apply the theoretical thinking. The training of the thinking theory is a Iong-term process of accumulatio n. But beg inners dont flin ch, g
50、en erally can be in three ste ps : the first ste p is to draw a in terest, the first such as the semic on ductor in dustry, in formati on in dustry, rural health, higher educatio n system, etc., widely browse related media reports, gover nment docume nts and academic articles, and find the p roblem
51、or hot spo ts. The sec ond ste p, summarizes p revious researchers gen erally from what theory An gle of view to an alyze the p roblem or hot spo ts, on the basis of the theory of what tools, such as the perspective of public finance, social conflict p aradigm. The third ste p, p roblem of research,
52、 but also is our own space and the feasibility of the study. For exa mple, whether western theory fails to exp lain Chin as p roblem? Or the same questio n could use differe nt theories to explain? Or the p remise of theory itself, logical deduct ion is flawed? By an sweri ng these questio ns, we find the sta ndpoint of their research. But also
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