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1、-4下戟桌面7駅邁訪和的©S;| ft HimWin7 下安裝 ABAQUS : Abaqus6.14詳細圖文安裝過程本次采用的安裝文件為 ABAQUS 6.14.1(包括破解文件)。詳細如下1/T.【* 計算札如匡:】 soft卜玄0山仁陽AQUS戈*144仝&4 Win Linux ,S5Q卜詡nF黑輯lE)童看(V) IMG)幫羽CH)1嘗>八打開包含刮庫中新建交件畫_SolidSQLAJ_ 破解文件; 右 ASAQI. S A(;c<?ssoTiff5jsoE ASAQU S_6.14 *1_DC C .1 s5< 助文件(可以不裝 &AEA

2、QUS=e.l4-l X別 Win UnuxJsc裝 丸件DF8EJ12F83PE938Cl6436336>*UDDUAbLig9DgFHSE.torrcntT詳細安裝過程如下:、安裝許可證文件1、運行setup.exe文件,出現(xiàn)如下界面,0 License Notice IntodcicaonQ InslalLatiorr HBlp0 Inlallatiiorr W"0 License serverQ Dccumentaticn0 insiariationi uneuory0 Abaqus jvcirknq directorv0 Pre-installation summar

3、y 0 Installliing.R Product /chfication "ccutbf+| ln£talll.atiDrr complele丞 S/MULtnS Abaqus6A4 product In&ta'llerLicense noticePlease read before CDtitinuing:© Dassault SystemesThis software is arctectedby international copyright bv/s and treaties. You may install, use or copy

4、this so fl wire only if you do so under a license from DaeeauJl Syetmes or its eubiidiarv and only in accordance with the terms of such license. Do not instal or US& Uns software if you are not an authorized user under a license agreement between Dassault SyslfenCLes or its subsidary and lhe bus

5、iness, academic or govannental entty with which you arc usociatcd. Unautlioi'izod use, reproduction or djatributicii f ths software imy result in civil and/or erimiral penaltief.Abaqus, the 3D3 Io印,SIMULIA, and CAT IA a/e tralema/ks or registered trademarks of Dassault Systes or its sutsidiaries

6、 in11 tdll/. iyv/hrrfe bl Mdcnviiic iCancelPrsvious2、選擇Next3、提示安裝C+2005和2008,點擊OK,根據(jù)提示安裝Tnfornn ationInstalling Micrascin Visual C+* 2005 SP1 and lUlicrosiolt Visual C+ 2008 SP1 runtime librariesThe MiezrosoH Visual C+ 20C5 SP1 and Wicrosoit Vkuiall C+ 200 S3P1 32-bit runtime libraries art rgqied to

7、 run Abaqus.Click OKto install MioiosoH luntime lihrariai.Click'Oupf itt ftxitthe in?td1llafion.OKQuit4、彈出提示窗口,點擊 continueWPORT ANT*IM PORT ANT INFORMATION-*P(ejE& not that HbquM do&umsrtjtion sliould b電 ln?tjlled tQlore 言 pfodutts. If ydu hmv« ftot inslalied Ahaqui 0.12 dccurnenlal

8、iort, p lEjze do so before p roc 蟲 © di ng lAiith th« p ro<luct initallmtim Th# doeumertjtion is available fiDm the DW* libeled "Abdqus lo curnentatior."F dilure to inftll dccumentalion tfl-fore Ataqus products嘶II lequi低 y«u t:conligurdlion fikf ir /o*jr pf>dyet indlkt

9、ln mmdwenbed in section U左 of the At>aqu£ Insldlldticn and LiGensinm &IJ id e_Salvct'Canitiiniue' to p rpo«acl uxiith tht Ab d<qus li csns« pioduct inftjlljfion, orsskct'QuiF to »xit thti initallation |>raoedui« jnd in?tj| AbjqiiisS.12 dotumentjliori

10、.5、點擊nextS; Abaqus 6.14 Product InstallerIntroductionThis hstallatioQ GUI will guide you through the tnstallation of Abaqus.0 Licer&e NoticeIt ia strongly rscommtndwi ±at you qui all programs before continuing with this installation. Click Th? 'Xest' button to proceed co the next sc

11、reen If you want to chuige sotnethins on a prodoua screen, click ihe Trevbuy button. You mav cancel this insuUatioii ai- any time by chclcmg the 'Cancel' button.Q introduction-| Irtallatlo"-! Ketp 111 Installatior type pl LfLise server 3 Datximentation l IHEtanation diredori '二Mjoqu

12、s working directory Q P-e-instaDation summary y Installing.Q P'oduct feinca£ion Tsults Q Intdlldllur JU”Ip;怛ill 'I I ' |H - I'/ ''I-! H I |l INCancelFHi OUS jj Next 56、不用勾選,點擊nextR罠 Abaqus 6.14 Product InstallerInstallation help0 Licer&e Notice0 introduction0 Install

13、ation HelpQ Installatiort/peQ License serverQ DtximenlationQ Installatior director!0 Abgqus wo rising directoryQ P'e-instaNation surnmary Q Installirg.冋I P'oducx veil cation p suits Q Iribtdlldlluii嘩也ill 'I I I-''.". ' P ' . IV' ''t H 'I' |l l ICa

14、ncel7、默認選擇第一個,點擊Wojid you liketo view the Installation and Licensing Guide?This docuinenlation cortains detahed informatioim 3boutthe installation and licensing processes and their reciuirements.n View Installation and Licensing GuideQiecause the file is in HML format, a web browsermust be installed

15、 and configured properlyPrevious-VZnTTTuilIliuimBuimiuirfliyrJ Ned L0 License Notice0 introduction0 Installation HelpQ InstallatiortypeQ Lj&nsi stiver3 DocumentationQ InstallaHon director0 Abaqus wo rising director'0 P'e-installation summary 0 l.istalling.曰 P'oductvenRcaition 宅suits

16、Q lri:itdlldlluii uuriipSfls丄 Abaqus Productill 'll p-'" .ly 'I-! H -I' 11.111CancelJ Ned Lnext8、自動生成計算機名,記住自己的 Host name,點擊NextInstallation typePlease select the type ofinstallation you would like to perform.la EIMLIUA FLEXnei Lice ns e Seive rDassadllS/stemes License Server (D

17、SLS)A FLEKriet license installation installs tlie FLEXnetlicense w&tver utilities, and in some cases will start the license server auLomalicallyA DSLS Installation wilhnstah the DSLS licence uiiiities and launch th£| DSLS conflguration mariaeer. ADSLS installation can only be used with jJiJ

18、aaqus h.12 and Icter releases.A product installation installs all Abaqus products such as Standard,IIIA啊 SIMULIA LicensingHostname0 Hostname0 Installatrcn type gEIWULlAFLEXnetlltens&.Q hiwl 引 lation di re de ry0 I'hslailFirni*.Q fnstaJJEjjpn completeEnter the hostriame or IP address of this

19、c jmputer.HOSTNAME PC-20120331 RJTfTSIMULIAmib i|, III <1 n, Pl 11,' I'llCancelErexQusNcjd9、默認選擇第一個,這里要點選第二個,然后啊 SIMULIA LicensingInstallation type(3 Hostname0 Installation typeQEIWULlAFLEXnetlltens&.Q Inclination direcWryQ I'riiSlaiirOT.0 fnstaiffdjiiin completeChoose thetype of

20、license installation ycu would like to perform.Install the licensing utihlies and start the license server ta Just inelall tta licensing utilltea HChoose the liral option ifycu would lite IhE instailalion procedure to configure and start your license s&tver automatically.croose the second oufion

21、ifvo'uwisr to carfieure and start the license server manually.SIMULIAn M pj II,' I'l'CancelPreviousNgxInext10、選擇許可證安裝位置,默認 C:SIMULIA,這里改成你想要安裝的位置,本人安裝在D:SIMULIA,點擊next完成安裝啊 SIMULIA LicensingInstallation completeSiMULlA FLEXnet License Server has been successfully installed into:(3 Ho

22、stnameDASIMULIA0 Installation type0 SIMULIA FLEXneilltense.O In 5la nation di reclory(3 Irislalhno.0 Installation completeSIMULIAn, Pl ,1 I'llDonePrevious12、出現(xiàn)如下界面提示安裝products ,先不要點next ,先進行許可證文件的修Abaqus 6,14 Product Installer *Installation type0 License Notice0 introduction0 Installation Help0

23、Instanation type 0 L丄話30 DocumentationQ Installation diredori0 Abaqus working di&ctofy Q p-ennstaNation Eummarv 0 Installing.曰 p-oductvenRcation suits 0 IribLdllallur Luriip'tits 懇 SlMULifi|- '.jll 'll 'P' .1',' 'I-; H 十 III! IWould you like to installAbaqus produ

24、ctsT.« YesCancelPreioij&, iTi I忖已成n dowsSIMULIALice nse文件夾打開、修改許可證文件13、將E:softSIMULIA_ABAQUS_6.14-1_x64_Win_Li nux_SSQ_SolidSQUAD_Wi? '.'1'ABAQUEJlC"心,:;“tL;= J::' K /.ASAQU卻軸丄一!內(nèi)H ABAQUSLM.ese-1:(>< -:4工押t*1linni P - 1. _ _ Imrd.cKTV'L-i. !i,K fl :*V 1B Imtco

25、hje 腐;l-ii-'-iN'; : ri-1 '1匸和口 1tThj6E.cmC兀:二心亡.!. :壟爛廳1.6 Kel改成自己的計算機名,14、用記事本打開 ABAQUS.lic文件,將vhostnameID 一定不要修改,并且記下來,成敗關(guān)鍵。3ER VEN FEATU,| ABAQUS.lic - 16二rr>SL606 270nFEATUREFEATUREic ABAQU!?LM TO. 0 31-dec-20 L024 V5NDD_STRiri3=coLEerc 1 al HJETJD二ANY ISSUEKSHULIA ISSUED=Sl-dec-E

26、011 NOTICE="Supplisd By SSy ck=23& START=31-dec-2010 SIGNP3DFS0CA伽DO© AhAQUSLM 70,0 31-dec-3055 1D£4 VENXR_STKING=c;cmnierci sL H3STID-AKY ISSUEft-SIVULIA ISSUE3-31-fc-2011 NCTICE-'SupplLed By 跖y ck=222 START=Sl-dec=EOI0 SIGN=PAF4FEF43S2E adrqs ABAQUSLK 7(X0 Sl-dsc-SOES L024 V

27、ENDOR STRIHG=coxinercLal H0£TID=AKY ISSUEFi=SIMULIA IS£XJED=SI-<103-2011 HOTICE="Suppl Led p _ CLC* _irinrz gl h i>-po r i nci n gi nrii u口c口口c口尸 h n15、之后進行保存關(guān)閉16、將abaqus.log 打開并清空,本機是在 E:SIMULIALicense.17、打開 E:SIMULIALicense 中的 lmtool.exe,打開 Config Services,進行如圖設(shè)置,后點擊 Save Serv

28、ices 。LMTOOLS by Acresso Software Irtt.I File Edit Mode HdpI SsrtcaAJeent riJ« JOwning11 Mat |翊lop刊銜od | j«h« SlDiut | Senear Dioh :trnftiqiKiwuiii | OorowinftIKiirviij-卜 lujOin SvtviLvI!IlIPadh IO Inngrcf rvA 伽rirnWMiDrcwttPrith birhp dr-hut V-llMiaiAV iu-fi;d-VAKAJ UKlngHrmraa |f>

29、; 2topl E&werrtPwwlJp廳 Uta SarwcftEI彼世2.乩 仁5. & 7的>14狀i仃設(shè)好 艷便誠個認識的蚩了比如Abaqus ?jLic*nsf H Jic K)'fjlih£id-色xft /jLicense M 錄下的AEAQYS. lie'詳 4J. 3.ill収件)S_5 |i ;Si -iiL'-1、為L Xens H 錄卜的AEMUS log文n >5. TT機材別:>保存18、點擊 Start/Stop/Reread選項卡,點擊 Start Service,提示 Server Star

30、tSuccessful.如果提示失敗,需要重新操作直到成功,進行下一步。FLE>riet Icenteinstalled an this camcLleiSpi竹etv別Slop ServerFieHeadLcenseFileAdvartied £ etings廠 Fcrrp Sf=fV3r ShutdownNOTE: T his box mwst be checked to M down i Iceme server 砧p" ipnsps <ft b-irTUfjFrl19、添加系統(tǒng)環(huán)境變量:1sun的用戶賣as變sTMFfi煩IKrEOFILE鴛 lAppP

31、 譏泊 LgJ VTwnr偏輯CE)I 刪煤(P)變SCH2O13DIE 匚 ftdiSpef FP_ro_HCST_C. JUDJE值C :Frograjh Fil 4S &tS6) VLommcn F.,.C: Wifldawss7stsih32eni A. m也ITC£ 人卩T ffifTT幷» Fi 1 '=: f-afRRlF新建編輯刪腎口 Il確定 I a消 I統(tǒng)變量LW LICENSE FILEZ70l1idea-Pd瑕涓-新建,設(shè)置環(huán)境變量,變量值為 27011 idea-PC三、安裝 ABAQUS 6.14.20、點擊剛才的安裝窗口中的ye

32、s,然后nextInstallation type(3 Intro du Clio n0 Installation typeQ License seiec0 DutumeritalionQ ns鬥側(cè)ion Cl rectory0 Abuswor+iing ci rectory g P怡HrrBai船flors summary 0 (Infalling.Q Prod LI cl verrfc ation resjite0 Insteftation completeRbaqus >Would you like to install Abaqug products?NoCancelprevio

33、us | Nejd憫 Abaqus .12 Product Installe21、彈出提示窗口,提示安裝 HPC MPI,點擊Infornn ation101 Installing Microsoft HPC MPI Redistributable PackT he MitfOSQft HPC MPI R«distritutdl>le Pack im required 忖 run Abaqus/CFD and MPI-b ase d domairi- level p srallelizstior m A-baiqus/Expli cit. Multi- node exE&

34、;Li-tron 'for any Abaq us produ on Windovte rnjchmvs kquires M Microsoft HF"C Server2003.T hissaflvwarfi 粧qui恒rninimum S&rvke Paek2 injlkd nnWi n d OWE XPr2O0 3 miid Sarvrce Pack 1 or Wind owns: ViEa/2O0£ syftems.Click OKto install Microsoft UPC WPI FEedistiibutdble Faek. CIkk'

35、Quir訥tth« inftdildtion.OK91111OK22、在 License serverl 中輸入 27011 vhostname>Abaqus 6.14 Product InstallerLicense server0 License Notice0 introduction0 Installation Help0 Instanation typeQ License server g DocumentationQ iMStahatior diredorig wcrising director' 日 P'e-installation summary

36、 0 kiGtalling.Q P'oductvedfication suits Q Intdlldlluii LUnipStjlif 玄 S/AAUJLfP匸二Iwu Z'A 'll''I jy 'l-i. I .I-, lui'iCancelnextPlease enterthe ho3ln£me or IP address ofyoLir AiiaquE license server(s), Include the port if your serve ris on a nordefault 卩 ort,FLEXnet e

37、xainples: 27000iTiaraon.5b3CUS.coiTi DELE examiDtlE: crimEon:4035License server 1 (REQUIRED)2701 15suh-k|Rediiridanft license servers ( optional) Server?Server 3PreviousNed23、提示輸入在線幫助文檔,沒有可以不填,點擊next,彈出警告窗口,點擊Con ti nue堰 Abaqu 6.14 Product InstallerDocumentation0 Ltcerse Notice0 rrtroductron0 Instal

38、lation Help0 Instsllatiortype0 License server日 DocumentationQ ntsllatiar director0 Abaqus W'Orking diirectoryQ p-e-installation summairy Q iRstalIrng.Q P'-Qduct verification results Q Iribtdlldllun LUmpkts3、S/MULfflfifislalfAn'wriere by fi/latrLWlsiorjCancelPlease entsrthe URLfcr Abaqus

39、HTML docuiTientation ortfie base inwtallgition tlirectory for Eibaqus PDF docurnertation. Ifdocumentgitior has rot been installed 卩l(xiāng)&m&e leave this field blankSearchable HTIVIL Format:http :ffc 0 m p uter n a tne > :< po rt.num b e r> A/614Example: http/cassidy.sinniiliaxorn:2080(ve

40、j 4Non-searchable HTML format:fi Ir -fllf < i r fita I latin n_d ir>>D nc i J m pntati n n/ri ocs/vfi 1 i/nrlR/ htnilExa iTiple:fil 日:川 d ;閃 Io a q us/D ocu mentati n/d o cs/vG. 14fl n(3 ex. htrn IFEViOUS NedWarningI Lin defined documentation URLA.bjqu5 pfodudte dc蟲e空the Abaqusdacumntatlan

41、using a URL that L defined dt ths conclusion of the docuirieritaticn iinalLalicn. By making note of th is U RL andwu ppiyin 日 it h ere, the p>rc duct inftsHatifln procwdure tnfiurs Abaquswi-th tliis in-foririatip.比 b4w»av4r, you infijil A.t>jqu( produ«出皿th©utijpplyiin: "tht

42、sURL* you must manually oanfiure youir product insljlbtion jH«ryou install dicurnfeftiatflft. Fsf this 惶asan. il l5 trenely rstafTmsftdftd thJt AbaquE dccurnentation be installed before AbaquE products.It you Jlw3dy installed douumgntdtion pl«a?« entr the URL thst given to you dtihe c

43、onclusion of that installdlion The URL 低 iin'Cludtd in the file & Dcumenlation/i nslallalion_infoAC .12/info.lo gthe doGuirientatian in寸dlljtion”It yau haws n«t inEalMd d*e<jmeMation. itiretorrmeftddth5tyfiiui do so bwfcf色 pi«c電gdlng.Click "Prenriflu' to erit»ryiQu

44、r Abaqus d Qcurrientation URL. Click"Coritiiniue" to proceedlmiithoutspecifyine a URL CIkk'Quir t« 鐘 it th« initJlIlldtioriHBaitFreviousI Continue |24、選擇安裝目錄,默認是 C:SIMULIAAbaqus ,這里 D:SIMULIAAbaqus ,之后 next , 彈出創(chuàng)建窗口,點擊 yes'5 Abaqus 6.14 Product Installers廠 2SInstaliatron

45、directory0 License Notice ® introduction 0 Installation Help 0 Instanation type (3 License server 0 Dd Ct mentation Q Intallatiar director 日Iwerflng directory曰 P'SHnstadation summary 0 Irr-tallirg.01 P'OQudvenfication 宅suits Ql Irjtdlldlbli buriip«tsS/MULIPill 'll /嘰 ir .ly 

46、9;'I-!11 T |i.i ICancelPlease choose the Abaqus parent directoiy. This 也 the location where all Ataqus releases will be stonedC: '-SlRUnAVAbiqusRestore D&fajit Fol'tferI Choose.PEVjOUSNed25、設(shè)置工作目錄,默認 C:Temp,可以根據(jù)自己需要設(shè)置,這里設(shè)置成D:SIMULIATemp ,點擊next,同樣彈出創(chuàng)建窗口點擊啊 Abaqus S.12 Product Inrtall

47、eAbaqus working directory0 Intro du Clio n0 Installation type0 License server0 Docurrientalion0 Innation dlrecicrv0 Abaqus working direckry0 l-irrstaflllflo i surr n 旳 0 fqstalling.Q PfOdJu cl ve rrfc ati on resjite0 Installation completenbaqusCancelyes26、點擊安裝In stallr舞 Abaqus 6.14 Product Installer

48、0 Ltcer&e Notice(3 iriaroduction(3 Installation Help0 Installation ty pe0 License server(3 Documentation0 Installatior director!0 Ab'Squs W'Qrkino director' Q Prennstallation summary 0 Installing.Q Poductvenilcation results 0 In£tallatioriconnpi6t3了1丨 n F IF-, i" ' I., h d- lri ICancelPlease choose your defauH Atia(,us workirg directory. This is the directory that will contain your Abaqus job fles.DirectoryD SIHUUfcTenipRestore Deteull Folder | Choose.PreviousNcjdPre-installation summaryPlease review


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