1、/-Building engineering biddingAbstract: Nowadays in the engin eeri ng con struct ion in dustry, the market which is characteristic for project bidding, has formed. The construction companies,which want to create good ben efits, have to con trol their cost and improve man ageme nt to enhance the cap
2、acity of ada pti ng and comp eti ng in this market. This article focuses on how to decreasecost and in crease in come so as to con trol the con structi on cost effectively. bidding documents should be well formulated ,which is important to a successful bidd ing and direct in flue nee the success or
3、failure of the bidd ing work.Because the success or failure of the biddi ng for the survival and devel opment of enterp rise has a direct imp act, so we have a high quality, improve the bid docume nts of the un it, p reve nt inv alid and successful p ass mark app ear, become a research topic.key : b
4、idd ing drawbacks of un fair comp etiti on coun termeasuresBidding is a form of project transactions, project bidding process is to determine the successful bidder and the cost of the p rocess and the p rice of the p roject, p roject biddi ng work of a very imp orta nt link, do a good job bidd ing t
5、o determ ine the p rice, we can effectively con trol con struct ion costs, and create a fair and equitable market environment, create orderly competition mechanism. Bidding in construction activities, con structi on enterp rises in order to ten der in vi ncible works to be successful, And from the c
6、on tracted p rojects p rofitable, it n eeds to in tegrate various subjective and objective conditions, the tender research strategy determine tender. Tender biddi ng strategy, in clud ing pricing strategies and skills. All of the strategies and skills from the nu merous con tractors biddi ng on the
7、accumulated exp erie nee and objective un dersta nding of the law and of the actual situatio n un dersta nding, but also with the con tractor's decisi on-mak ing ability and courage are closely related.Bidd ing docume nts is the gen eral p rogramme and p lay book of the bidd ing activity through
8、 the process of bidding. The bidding documents will specify that How to con duct each biddi ng work, how to dis patch bidd ing docume nts, the requireme nts for ten derer,how to rate and decide biddi ng and the p rocedures of biddi ng. Therefore, the personnel who is responsible for prepare bidding
9、documents should first have a gen eral view of the biddi ng work, in clude all the requireme nts and arran geme nts into the bidding documents. If meet problems that have not been considered previously, then resolve them one by one during the preparation. The course of bidding docume nts prep arati
10、on is also the course of mak ing bidd ing scheme .In another respect, bidding documents is also the legal instruments. Besides releva nt law and rules, the biddi ng docume nts are the com mon game rules that bidder,bidd ing age nt and ten derer should subject to through the bidd ing. Bidd ing docume
11、 nts are the legal in strume nts that all the three biddi ng related p arties should subject to, have legal force, therefore, the bidding documents -making personnel required to have the aware ness and quality of legal in order to reflect the fair, just and legal requireme nt in the bidd ing docume
12、nts.In building engineering bidding law enforcement and the practice of project con struct ion sup ervisi on system on sta ndardiz ing Chi na's con structi on market, improve the con structi on quality and p layed an active role. But in the p rocess of impi eme nti ng exist some disadva ntages,
13、needs to p erfect, en rich and impro ve. This project bidding documents in accordanee with the bidding law of the PeopIe's Rep ublic of China for bidders, bidd ing regulati on, enterp rise strictly, put forward to bidders pro fessi onal requireme nts of p roject p rofile was illustrated.Nowadays
14、 in the engineering construction industry, the market which is characteristic for project bidding, has formed. The construction companies,which want to create good ben efits, have to con trol their cost and improve man ageme nt to enhance the cap acity of ada pti ng and comp eti ng in this market. T
15、his article focuses on how to decrease cost and in crease in come so as to con trol the con structi on cost effectively.In building engineering bidding law enforcement and the practice of project con struct ion sup ervisi on system on sta ndardiz ing Chi na's con structi on market, improve the c
16、on structi on quality and p layed an active role. But in the p rocess of impI eme nti ng exist some disadva ntages, needs to p erfect, en rich and impro ve. This project bidding documents in accordanee with the bidding law of the PeopIe's Rep ublic of China for bidders, bidd ing regulati on, ent
17、erp rise strictly, put forward to bidders pro fessi onal requireme nts of p roject p rofile was illustrated.The practice of project bidding purpose is to market competition of openness, fair ness and justice. However, due to the con struct ion market devel opment is not sta ndard, man ageme nt syste
18、m and the exp erie nee of in adequate, architectural engin eeri ng bidd ing in con crete op erati on exist in ACTS of un fair comp etitio n, and some drawbacks. This obviously violate the bidd ing, the bidd ing p rocess, and will lose its significanee for other bidder fails to bid is unjust, disturb
19、ed the bidding (p roject con tract ing market econo mic order, for activities), this ki nd of behavior must be p rohibited, only in this way can we make con structi on engin eeri ng comp etitive trading activity lawfully healthy. This subject will I learned and social practice, present situation and
20、 construction project bidding system is expounded, and the disadvantagesof bidding for construction project with ACTS of unfair competition phenomenon and an alysis of causes, and fin ally make corres ponding p reve ntive coun termeasures.Con struct ion cost man ageme nt system, both theoretical dis
21、cussi on, but also n eed to practice innovation. Under the conditions of market economy, project cost man ageme nt,co mp etitive and orderly market for con structi on man ageme nt services pl atform structures. In such a p remise, the orig inal scale and method of valuati on is inappropriate, and th
22、is needs to be reformed and improved. The spirit of "the gover nmen t's macro regulati on and con trol, enterp rise aut onomy offer, the market will p rice" principle, to imp leme nt the imp leme ntati on sp ecificati on bill of qua ntity. Inventory Valuation bidding activities are bas
23、ed on market economy mechanism, based on legal, scie ntific, fair, open and reas on able way to determ ine the winning bidder of an economic activity. Bidding is bidding activities constitute two basic aspects.The bidding activity is merely that by bidding to choose the one with the workCon structio
24、 n p rocess cap ability, moderate cost, quality is excelle nt, short durati on of con structi on enterp rises, and this is the ultimate goal ten der. I have p artic ip ated in intern shi ps over the course of the p roject bidd ing, and compi eted over part of the calculati on of qua ntities, comb in
25、ed with graduate exp erie nee in the desig n p rocess, a brief an alysis of the mode Quan tities Call for Ten derThe mea ning of risk and risk characteristics of the gen eral con struct ion, the lowest p rice sealed biddi ng con struct ion method p roduces several risks and incen tives, according to
26、 their characteristics discussed the feasibility of risk control and prevention. Comparison of engineering and engineering security risk management, in sura nee, similarities and differe nces betwee n the two p rojects and ben efits; con struct ion p roject biddi ng and ten deri ng p rocess characte
27、ristics of huma n behavior is analyzed to reveal the bidder's risk appetite and behavioral characteristics with cha nges in the exter nal en vir onment cha nge, whe n the default puni shme nt is light, the bidder p refere nee app etite for risk and default pen alties, with the in crease exceeds
28、a certa in value, the risk of bidders to show p refere nee for behavior cha nge to avoid the risk of pen alties, the greater the bidder biased in favor of a more risk-averse behavior, the results of the con trol and p reve nti on of risk behavior of bidders has an imp orta nt and p ractical sig nifi
29、ca neeConstruction Cost Management from the "quantity-one price" plan model to "p rice of sep arati on volume" model of the market, and gradually establish a market p rice-based p rice formati on mecha ni sm, the p rice of the decisi on in the hands of the p arties invo Ived in t
30、he market, and ultimately the allocati on of resources through the market in order to realize through the market mecha nism to decide on p roject cost. This will sta ndardize the con structi on market-co mp etitive behavior and the pro moti on of p roject bidd ing mecha ni sms p lay an imp orta nt r
31、ole in inno vati on .It can be said that the implementation of the project bill of quantities is a project cost management system in our country a big ste p forward, but also in Chin a's accessi on to the WTO, the global con struct ion in dustry a po werful tool for p eer comp etiti on.With the
32、con structi on of in-de pth devel opment of the market, the traditi onal fixed pricing model no Ion ger suited to market-orie nted econo mic devel opment n eeds. In order to ada pt to the curre nt p roject bidd ing by the market n eeds of a p roject cost, we must work on the existing valuation metho
33、ds and pricing model for reform, the impIementation of projects bill pricing. Engineering is a list of pricing model and ada pt to the market economy, allowi ng independent con tractor pricing through market comp etiti on determ ine p rices, with the intern ati onal p ractice of pricing model. With
34、the bill pricing model p rojects to pro mote, in accorda nee with intern ati onal bidd ing p ractices is imp erative. Therefore, "the lowest reas on able p rice of the successful bidder" My future is the most imp orta nt evaluatio n methods. At this stage due to the impi eme ntati on of p
35、rojects bill pricing model and the p roblems mainly aga inst China at this stage " in the minimum reas on able price of the principles of the successful bidder, most con tractors have not yet set up their own enterp rises of scale, companies un able to determ ine the reas on able Cost. This art
36、icle is a scie ntific and fast set "reas on able cost" to study the key. First, from the p roject cost of the basic concept, of the engin eeri ng bill pricing model un der the cost structure, to accurately p redict costs of the p roject p rovided the basis, con sideri ng the average cost o
37、f the social cost to in dividual enterp rises and the ten der stage of the cost estimates. Followed through on fuzzy math and tech no logy for smooth in-de pth an alysis, through "close-degree," the concept of reas on able fuzzy math and exponen tial smooth ing tech no logies, con struct i
38、on of the p roject cost vague p redictio n model, and in accorda nee with the releva nt in formatio n and statistics In formatio n and exp erie nee to establish a "framework structure," the comparison works Construction Cost Management from the "quantity-one price" plan model to
39、"price of separation volume" model of the market, and gradually establish a market p rice-based p rice formatio n mecha ni sm, the p rice of the decisi on in the hands of the p arties invo Ived in the market, and ultimately the allocati on of resources through the market in order to realiz
40、e through the market mechanism to decide on project cost. This will standardize the construction market-co mp etitive behavior and the p romoti on of p roject biddi ng mecha ni sms p lay an imp orta nt role in inno vati on. It can be said that the imp leme ntati on of the p roject bill of quantities
41、 is a project cost management system in our country a big step forward, but also in Chin a's accessi on to the WTO, the global con structi on in dustry a po werful tool for p eer comp etiti on.A healthy biddi ng system should be in accorda nee with the "open, fair and justice" and the
42、principle of good faith, and establish a un ified, open, comp etitive and orderly con struct ion market. I n view of the curre nt p roblems existi ng in the bidd ing p rocess, adopt regulatio ns, and formulate and p erfect the in stitutio n, stre ngthe ning p rocess sup ervisi on measures, they can
43、better regulate con struct ion market order, p reve nt corruption from its source, purify construction market, promote the construction market order p rogressively toward sta ndardizatio n, in stituti on alized, and con sta ntly improve the quality and level of the biddi ng work.建筑項目招投標摘要:目前在工程建設項目行
44、業(yè)中,以工程招投標為特征的建筑市場已經形成, 施工企業(yè)為創(chuàng)造良好經濟效益,必須嚴格控制成本,加強成本控制管理,才能提 高市場適應能力和競爭力。本文從降低成本、增加收入兩方面闡述對施工成本的 有效控制。投標文件的編制是投標工作的一個重要環(huán)節(jié),直接影響投標工作的成 敗,投標的成敗對企業(yè)的生存和發(fā)展有著直接的影響, 因此要編制出高質量的投 標文件,提高單位的中標率,防止無效標及廢標出現(xiàn)。關鍵詞:招投標不正當競爭防范對策招標投標是一種工程交易形式,工程招投標的過程就是確定中標人和工程 價格的過程,而工程價格的確定,是工程招投標工作中非常重要的一個環(huán)節(jié), 好招投標工程的價格確定工作,可以有效地控制工程造
45、價,創(chuàng)造公平、公正的市 場環(huán)境,營造有序競爭的機制。在建筑工程招標投標活動中,建筑施工企業(yè)要想 在投標中立于不敗之地,中標得到工程,然后又要從承包工程中贏利,就需要綜 合考慮各種主觀條件與客觀因素、研究投標策略,確定投標方法。投標策略包括投標策略和作價技巧。所有的策略和技巧來自承包商的無數(shù)次投標的經驗積累以及對客觀規(guī)律的認識和對實際情況的了解,同時也與承包商的決策能力和魄力息息相關。從招標進程上講,招標文件是招標活動的總綱和劇本。每項招標工作如何 開始,如何發(fā)出招標文件,對投標人有什么要求,如何評標,如何決標,招標程 序是什么,都在招標文件中做出規(guī)定,所以編制招標文件的人員首先要對本次招 標工
46、作有一個全局性的認識,把本次招標的要求和安排反映到招標文件當中, 在 編制當中也會遇到事先沒有想到的問題, 那就在編制當中逐一解決,編制招標文 件的過程也是制定招標方案的過程。從另一個意義上來講,招標文件也是法律文件,除了相關的法律法規(guī)外, 在招標的全過程中招標人,投標人,招標代理機構共同遵循的游戲規(guī)則就是招標 文件,這是參加招標工作三方人士必須遵循的法律文件,具有法律效力,所以編制招標文件的人員須有法律意識和素質,在招標文件中體現(xiàn)出公平、公正、合法 的要求。我國建筑工程招投標法實施以及工程施工監(jiān)理制度的實踐,對規(guī)范我國建筑市場、提高建筑工程施工質量,起到了積極的作用。但是在實施過程中存在不少
47、缺陷,需要完善、充實和提高。本工程招標文件根據(jù)中華人民共和國招投標 法規(guī)定,對投標人,投標企業(yè)進行嚴格把關,對競標者提出了專業(yè)性的要求, 對工程的概況進行了說明。目前在工程建設項目行業(yè)中,以工程招投標為特征的建筑市場已經形成, 施工企業(yè)為創(chuàng)造良好經濟效益,必須嚴格控制成本,加強成本控制管理,才能提 高市場適應能力和競爭力。本文從降低成本、增加收入兩方面闡述對施工成本的 有效控制。我國建筑工程招投標法實施以及工程施工監(jiān)理制度的實踐,對規(guī)范我國建 筑市場、提高建筑工程施工質量,起到了積極的作用。但是在實施過程中存在不 少缺陷,需要完善、充實和提高。本工程招標文件根據(jù)中華人民共和國招投標 法規(guī)定,對投標人,投標企業(yè)進行嚴格把關,對競標者提出了專業(yè)性的要求, 對工程的概況進行了說明。并針對最后做市場在這樣實行工程招投標的目的是為了市場競爭的公開、公平、公正。但是,由于 建筑市場發(fā)育尚不規(guī)范,管理體制的束縛以及經驗不足等原因, 建筑工程招標投 標在具體操作中還存在不正當競爭行為和一些弊端。這顯然違背了招投標的目 的,整個招標投標過程也就失去了意義,對其他未中標的投標人來講也是不公正 的,擾亂了招投標(工程承發(fā)包市場)經濟活動秩序,對于這類行為必須予以禁 止,只有這樣,才能使建設工程競爭性交易活動依法健康運行。 因此
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