



1、Unit 9 Con fessi ons of a Miseducated ManTeach ing Aims:Stude nts will be able to:1) Kn owledge and SkillsDevelop reading skills-understand the main idea structure of the text,and the skills ofreading for specific information-scanning; all but, not thatbut that, rise to, wipe out, instruct sb. in, a

2、ct on, resp ond to, etc.2) CultureLearn about relati on ship and globalizatio n and educatio n; tribalism, regi on alism, racism;cultural differe nces and similarities; com mon concerns and issues of huma n being3) Emoti onBe well aware of the similarities and differences in all kinds of cultures;Ha

3、ve a critical view of the ideas posed by the author towardsmis-educatec”Warming-up Questions: - Understanding of the title1. What is a confession?Ita formal statement that youve wongson .illegal;It s a private statement to a priest about the bad things youve done;2. Whats the differe nee betwee n be

4、ing Miseducated and Un educated?A miseducated pers on is one who has received formal educati on but is educated in awrong way. An un educated pers on is one who has received no formal school educatio n.3. How do you predict the topic of the essay?4. How would you relate the issue of this essay to th

5、at oAno ther School YeaWhat For?and The Gree n Banan?About the AuthorNorman Cousins (1915-1990)Some of his life history possibly related to the essay?Born in New Jersey, educated in and graduated from Columbia University TeachersCollege;Editor of Saturday Reviewfor 35 yrs;?_ifelo ng concerns in elud

6、e world peace, world gover nan ce, justice, huma n freedom,health, etc.; Proponent of world federalism and world government;What is world federalism?World Federalism means having democratically accountable political institutions to dealwith issues at the most appropriate level, accord ing to the pri

7、n ciple of subsidiary. In the book,Cousins expanded his arguments for world federalism and for a world no Ion ger based onthe supremacy of n ati on alism and other superficial differe nces as follows:“The new educati on must be less concerned with sophisticati on tha n compassionmust recog nize the

8、hazards of tribalism. It must teach man the most difficult less on of allto look at someone anywhere in the world and be able to see the image of himself- The oldemphasis upon superficial differe nces that separatepeoples must give way to education forcitize nship in the huma n com mun ity.”Cf. Para

9、. 7And he con ti nu ed,“With such an education and withuch self-understanding, it is possible that somenation or people may come forward with the vital inspiration that men need no less than food.Leadership on this higher level does not require mountains of gold or thundering propaga nda.It is conce

10、rned with huma n desti ny. Huma n desti ny is the issue. People will respond.”Cf.Para. 11He con cluded the book with:“Wais an invention of the human mind. The human mind can invent peace with justice.Backgro und in formatio n:1. Globalization and education全球化與教育)Gen erally speak ing, globalizati on

11、is the rapid in crease in cross-border econo mic,social, and tech no logical excha nge. It is also defi ned as a process lead ing to greater interdepe ndence and mutual aware ness among econo mic, political and social un its inthe world. Accord ing to Rose nau, globalizati on can be described as the

12、 emerge nee ofaltered global structures and driven by a skill revolution, an organization explosion, and acontinuous flow of ideas, money, goods, and people that is rendering Ion g-sta ndingterritorial boun daries in creas in gly obsolete and fosteri ng an exte nsive dece ntralization of authority.E

13、ducati on systems can also be see n as the core of the globalizati on process. Atpresent, governments are trying to compete on the global markets by placing the focus ofpolicy on education to produce the human capital” most appealing to global competiti on.Rinne(瑞尼)emphasized that educatio nal polic

14、y has become an ever more important partthan economic, trade, labor and social policy in western coun tries.Genre: Argume ntati onThe authorview:1) To prepare on eself for this new world, we must all be re-educated because so far theeducation wee received only tells us the differences among peoples,

15、 which are superficial,one-sided, and misleading. Educati on about differe nces may be useful for tourists, but it isuseless if we really want to understand other people.2) A proper education should tell us that there are more similarities than differences amongpeoples. The differe nces are in sig n

16、ifica nt whereas the similarities are essential andfundame ntal. These similarities mea n that we have the same n eeds, face the sameproblems and poses the same pote ntialities to solve these problems. We can be equalmembers of the international community and learn to live happily together with mutu

17、alrespect.3) Over-emphasisondifferencescaneasilyleadtoracism,colonialism,andimperialism-all tribalism in its varied forms.Critical View:Para 4 “that the principal significanee of such differences was that they were largelywithout sig ni fica nce”.-Proper understanding of the differences is extremely

18、 important too. Without this, mutualrespect is impossible. Differences dont divide us. It is the wrong attitude toward ourdifferences that turn us into bitter enemies.4) People can learn not only to accept, but also to treasure diversities. They can graduallyrealize that people can be different but

19、equal. They can learn from each other and benefitfrom these differences. Without these differences, there would be no point of internationalcommunication.Critical view: Mis-educated-Half-educatedStructure Analysis:Part I (paras.1-4) In what way was I miseducated?The education I received concentrated

20、 on differences and ignored similarities.Part II (paras.5-7) Why was this education inadequate?An education in differences cannot meet the needs of the age we are living in.Part III (paras.8-10) What kind of education do we need?We need an education with emphasis on the common needs of humanity.Part

21、 IV (para. 11) What will this new education possibly bring about?A nation may come forward to play a leading role in humanitys efforts to solve its problems.Text Analysis? What marks the differences between the world in 1850 and the world now? Why is“Asia and Africa”the best place to apply the test?

22、 What does the authors education teach him? Give examples.? Why does he say that his education“protected me against surprise”? What does the education fail to teach him? Do you agree with him?Part I (1-4) In what way was I miseducated?Para 2 Question:1) What kind of test does the author suggest?2) W

23、hy is“Asia and Africa”the best place to apply the test?Language Focus1. Distinguish between“enough, sufficient, adequate”.adequate表示足夠的程度比enough, sufficient低,表示“剛夠,剛好(only just enough)”。溫飽問題 (the problem of adequate food and clothin)g?He was not tall _ to carry a rifle. (enough)?We lacked_ funds to

24、finish the project. ( sufficient)?I dont think she is _ as the teleaamder. (adequate)Para. 31. Not that .-used before a sentence or phrase to express the opposite of what follows. e.g.Weve been happy together for half a centurynot that wenever quarreled.I stopped and picked you upnot that I was not

25、afraid.She did not buy the coatnot that she did not like it. She just felt that it was tooexpensive.2. Anthropology-the science that deals with the origins, physical and culturaldevelopment, biological characteristics, and social customs and beliefs of humankind.3. Paraphrasing:In short, my educatio

26、n protected me against surprise.In a word, the educati on I had had taught me eno ugh about the differe nces among people so that I wouldn t feel surprised at what I saw, no matter how different they might be.Para.41. Questi on: How do you un dersta nd the sentence1) But what my education failed to

27、do was to teach me that the principal significance of such differe nceswas that they were largely without sig nifica nce.- The education I had did not teach me to see the fact that the main meaning of recog nizing such differences was that they were not meanin gful in a great measure (if compared wi

28、th the meaning ofunderstanding the similarities).2) The differe nces were all but wiped out by the similarities.-The differe nces became so in sig nifica nt compared with the similarities that they were almostcompletely pushed aside and forgotte n.3) My educati on had by-passed the similarities.-The

29、 education I had had (did not teach me/)avoided dealing with the similarities among peoples.4) And the simplest reality of all was that:-Today the world is divided into n ati ons that force the world to become separate parts. But no si ngle n ation is more importa nt tha n the whole com muni ty, and

30、 differe nces in their religious faiths, political or n ation al loyalties, or their cultures should not be allowed to blind us to the basic things they all share.2. Parallelism- greater than”3. all butalmost completelye.g. Their screams all but drow ned out the music.I all but got attacked by the t

31、wo timber wolves when Maheegun came to my rescue. We all but lost thegame.4. wipe out : Half the populati on was wiped out by plague.e.g. The heat has wiped me rmal, to make sb. feel extremely tired/exhausted) Compare:e.g. The price will wipe the smile off his face.In a few years this specie

32、s could be wiped off the face of the earth.Part II Why was this educati on in adequate?Para. 51. How do you understand the sentence“but to stop there was like clearing the ground without any ideaof what was to be built on it”?but just respect ing the differe nces is not eno ugh; we must go further a

33、nd realize our com monconcerns.-clear the ground: to get the land ready for construction by removing irrelevant things from it.2. to act onto do sth. because ofe.g. the one making no distinctions of good and evil, acting on no principlesHe acted on his own initiative all the time.他凡事都憑自愿。She is acti

34、ng on the advice of her lawyers.Para 61. How do you un dersta nd the senten ce:It was the mark of a rounded man to be well traveled-Being widely traveled in foreign countries used to be regarded as the indication of a man with a fullydeveloped pers on ality.-rounded: well-rounded, (of a person) havi

35、ng a range of interests and skills and a variety of experie neeWell-traveled: much-traveled/widely traveled, hav ing visited a lot of eoun tries.Para. 7 Questi ons1. What is“the great compression”that“came overnight”?-Sudde nly, coun tries and n ati ons became closely conn ected as if the world had

36、become very small.2. Why does far-flung area become crowded together in a single arena?-Moder n tran sportati on and telecom mun icatio n had shorte ned dista nces. Therefore, no countrycould be cut off from outside in flue nee.3. What can we get to know about the evolution of tribalism in intercult

37、uralcom muni catio n in“tribalismhad persisted from earliest times, though it had take n refined forms”?What are thoserefined forms”?-Tribalism was outdated, even though it existed in new forms-regionalism, racism, and nationalism,which are equally harmful.4. Compared with the education mentioned in

38、 Para. 6, what can be expected from“areducatio n in self-recog nition”?5. How do you understand the sentence“The old emphasis upon superficial differences had to give wayto educati on for mutuality and for citize nship in the huma n com muni ty.-The traditional education with the emphasis on the sup

39、erficial differences between differe nt peoples,differe nt cultures, etc. should be replaced by a new type of educati on focus ing on mutual respect, mutualun dersta nding, equality in terdepe ndence and how to be a citize n in the whole huma n com muni ty.Para. 8 Questi ons1. What is the fact in“we

40、begi n with the fact that uni verse itself does not hold life cheaply”?So far we have ndetected any sig n of life in outer space. Some scie ntists say that we may well bealone in the uni verse. This tells us how precious life is. And this respect of life is the very basis on which wemust build the f

41、uture world community.2. What sort of faculty or gift is“a creative intelligenee”? What does it enable main the author view? Can you explain“toreflect and foresee, to take in pastexperie nee, and also to visualize future n eeds”?-Of all the faculties humans have, the most important is their creative

42、 intelligenee that makes it possiblefor them to think and foresee, to understand and remember past experie nee, and to prepare for future needs.3. to take in-to un dersta nd and remembere.g. I told Grandpa we were going away, but I don t think he took it in.It is hard for childre n to take in the fu

43、ll meaning of social resp on sibility.Para 9 Questions1. Summarize (1stsentence) what all peoples have in common.1) All humans are capable of thinking.2) They are all capable of spiritual belief.3) They are capable of creating print and communicating in print without the restriction of time andspace

44、.4) They are capable of enjoying music and art.2. respond to e.g Clive responded to my suggestion with a laugh.The US responded to the challenge by sending troops into Iraq.No one has yet responded to our complaints.Her cancer failed to respond to treatment. ( to improve as a result of a particular

45、kind of treatment)Para. 10 Questions1. How would you understand Nex“tin order would be instruction in the unity of human needs”?- The next important thing would be to get people to realize that all human needs are a unified whole. Theunity of human needs means“the delicate balance or interdependence

46、 of human needs.人(類需要的整體性。)2. Why does the author say“However friendly the universe may be, it has left the conditions of humanexistence precariously balanced”? What are“the conditions of human existence”?- Human conditions nowadays are very delicate. We must have water and oxygen for survival. Too

47、muchor too little of these things would cause a disaster. These things should be well balanced.3. How can we use“-suenldf erstanding in the cause of human welfare”?4. What are“the engines we have created that threaten to alter the precarious balance onwhich life depends”? Can you give some examples?

48、- “Engines”is used figuratively to stand for all the technological developments human beings haveachieved. Human beings have invented a great many things to give us more power and to make our lifeeasier. But these human creations are now threatening the balance of our environmental conditions.5. to

49、concern - If sth. concerns you, it affects/involves youe.g. The price of water will concern many people. (not in passive) to make sb. feel worried/upset;That Bess did not work to save for her old age really concerned Lottie.If a story/book/report concerns sb./sth., it is about them.This essay concer

50、ns (is about) how the author thinks of his education in the past years.Para. 11 Questions1. What does“some nation or people”possibly refer to in the text?2. What sort of“l(fā)eadership”is thaelkainugthaobr otut?The author is hoping that some nation may take up the responsibility to lead us in solving the presentproblems, a country which understands the vital human needs and can give the rest of the worldimportant inspiration. It is clear t


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