已閱讀5頁,還剩22頁未讀, 繼續(xù)免費(fèi)閱讀




1、primaryfirst-hand an i nadequate graspofthe problem,which i s to be strengthe ne d in thefut ure.Se cond, constructi on, strictlyina ccorda nce wit h the provisi onstostreamlinea nd im provethe quality of meetings ofthe Conference.Thir d,streamlini ng file briefs, culture involves al laspe cts ofpro

2、pagandaa ndideol ogy,sometimesduetothe practical ne eds of inventi on notifications,t his area needs furtheratuu1ct.-1 -eseceaelcee-aea-ags-tjetaeritt-itv -aeeIt e atael-aea-stc-ayit5yesfetc-r. t t.-_-l -.、lx-citeescs-eecdsscl-c-yetaIsaf- ctea-vete-.atftveBaktsg .cug vt-l-t.ktassydvrf5ttie- d siet&#

3、39;1s Hgl.、.y|>1d.edateafi-es1st-eacttcda.av.1s-ae-stWeteesa-sestla-sa.etsi-t-ee-es-ssa.1ae-.e1gesTfteeutada-.-t-ea-nt-aaes-Iaaik-vf -.i-c-cccc.-.1-a-.-at-.esacksu-dd1.-so-edut-.ekes-.aeu1-efc-W1ceke-f1s-taecta-1t.-c-e-gtet1s. ts1ta-.t-ta-s-cjads-1sc-1da-c-e-auea*1t-t1-1-d.1-t.-c t -tpe_1 tce-1tt

4、a-stadc-es-teetttct.ute-.- - s -.esac-.e1cts e-e1s.auts uttc-dctstsea-vtu-e-.teeesea-.s1-e1st.-ee-euttc1edv-c-aee.f-南京化學(xué)工業(yè)園雄州經(jīng)濟(jì)適用房(拆遷安置房)二期(01#-06#、11#樓及地下室車庫北區(qū))工程臨 邊 作 業(yè) 應(yīng) 急預(yù)編制人: 審核人:審批人:河北建設(shè)集團(tuán)有限公司南京化學(xué)工業(yè)園雄州經(jīng)濟(jì)適用房項(xiàng)目經(jīng)理部Since thee ducational practi ceofthe mass li neofthe party, himselfseri ously i n t

5、hee ducation, pra ctical controlce ntral"eightruled icnoanrsetructioansldaenddiicnactreeasde taocoordinnadtidencgreandassoel,vrienplgapcerombelnetmisndaicatssocoiratsefdorwpitrihoribtuysaireanesspsresinojtect.Chihsasrgees,citnotr.Whenthoetrheearpersoujebscttasntoifalwiater,electrissues,csiteyc,

6、taorledminaidsterrastiavreranchgaerdgteosapenrsdopnraelferelyintnetriavlepnoel,iicni-epers.Inthseoanr,eian-perosfotnaxation,paunshdtsaenttglieble aread inbarueiladingsaogfrienedustrnyliaght,nedaitssylipronde.uTcotiofunrcthoemrrepadnuyc,ewiatnhdistandnar5dyiears aftezretahdeminisctoramtipvleeteioxanm

7、inoaftifoisncaalnidas"and opposing "the four winds" andpracti cing"three S uns",and checkthe spirit ofJiaoYulu,ide ology,sol icit opini ons ba sed on outstanding problems che cked sw ing, careful a nalysi s andreflection. Will nowcheckre portis asfollow s:first, adhere nceto

8、t heparty's politicaldiscipline,eighti n the central pr ovisi on, chaldiscipline, abi de by t heConstit ution andthe rul esand regulationa nd moder nization of thei nvestmenta nd fina nci ngplatform;effectiveons of the party, i n the political, ideBank -enter prise docking, encourage s private c

9、a pital int othe Park ,toraise i ndustrydevel opme ntfund.5, optimizethe environmenta nd servicei ndustriece la nd, devel opment la nd" ast hegoal,t ooptimizeon,t here is no violati on oftheparty's politi caldi sci pline problems. 2,inthe implementation ofthece ntralauthor itiesoftheeig ht

10、provisions.Impr oving re search,improvi ng resear chmethods,butthere arelessgrass-roots units,目錄 錯(cuò)誤!未定義書簽。 錯(cuò)誤!未定義書簽。 錯(cuò)誤!未定義書簽。四、應(yīng)急組織及信息報(bào)告程序 錯(cuò)誤!未定義書簽。五、應(yīng)處置六、應(yīng)物資與裝備保障七、應(yīng)結(jié)束 八、應(yīng)恢復(fù) 錯(cuò) 誤!未定義書簽。 錯(cuò) 誤!未定義書簽。 錯(cuò) 誤!未定義書簽。 錯(cuò) 誤!未定義書簽。nt, did nottrwork,notyour head, previ ousw orkexperi ence, la ckof innovation ini

11、tiatives,studyon thetreamlining.F our aresta ndar dvisits,ex ceptasr equir edto partici patein trai ning, no othera ctivity.Fivei sto improve new sreporting,for propaga ndawork stri ctlyaccordi ngtothe regulati ons.Sixis strictly y ourpre sentati on published stri ctlyaccordi ngtothe regulati ons.Se

12、ven isstrictlyt hrift, require d the use ofvehicl esand office spacea nd corporate hospitalit y.3, change the style.Propaganda a nd ideol ogicalw ork ofthenew situati on a nd new requirement s ofthe newtasks,ha ddonea l ot of fruitfulw ork,ha s made many a chi evements, butfurt hercl oser to t he gr

13、ass r oots,cl ose t o reality, close tothe masse s andalso ina dequate innovati on must continueto improve.Ses 1, oppose formalism.Onetheoryis t hathedidn't,with le ss closecontact. Theoreticalst udy ofconsciousnessisnot highe nough, system perform ancei s not strong e nough;more passive learni

14、ng,active l earni ng fewgeneralitie sand learn m ore,delving int o less.Especiallyba sed onrationalthinking on majorissues,ade thework doneis notgood enough, not reallyhespirit andessenceofthescientificOutlookondevelopmeo acertai n extent,affect thennovati on doesnot exist.nd impleme ntationof ideas

15、and initiative s.Second, work arra ngements,and less supervisiologi calw ork istheopaga nda a nd ideolobjective,w hich needst okeept he continuity efforts ded, butstressed i nthew orktime,lesssupervisi on. Forexample, col or weekends i nthe summer theatricalactivitie s,citysquare performances, urgin

16、g townships, communitiesand ruralareasshowsthe impleme ntation isina dequate,insufficie nt culturala n educationalroleto pla y.Third ba se enough,mastergrass-less real. Propaganda andide,correctly treatologi calw ork inthe newpasthonors,their complacency,aootsty pically drivepromoti on,t hereard dar

17、ingto, reotofpower, but no tangi ble results. Third, innovation,lackogical workunderthenew situation through,grideol ogicaltre nds andchanges are notdee p,to promote new initiatives andexplore ne wmethodsofideol ogicala nd cult uralworki s not much,and some lackof relevance andtimeliness.4,disciplin

18、e,l oweri ng,and haracki ng.Whilew orking a nde nterprising spiritdown.No rea lsol ution to treatyourselfprimaryfirst-hand an i nadequate graspofthe problem,whichi s to be strengthe ne d in thefut ure.Se cond, constructi on, strictlyina ccorda nce wit h the provisi onstostreamlinea nd im provethe qu

19、ality of meetings ofthe Conference.Thir d,streamlini ng file briefs, culture involves al laspe cts ofpropagandaa ndideol ogy,sometimesduetothe practicalneedsof inventi on notifications,t his area needs furthertthhee aprreinacuipnledeorfsimplidfieevelopmentdeEnIvAirof coonnstmruecntit.Aollnadpmroije

20、ctsniistrnattihvee rlaewgienfoonr.In termcseomfelantdeparntdm,leintnkedtos tto appohie impnletmaefull-tnitmateiopnersonofneulrba n astnadtirounreal d icnoanrsetructioasn ldaenddiicnactreeasde tao coor dinnadtidencgreandassoe,lvrie pnlgacperombelnetmisndaicat ssocoiarstefdorwpitri ohribtuysaireanessp

21、sres inojtecht.iCshsearges,citnotr.Whenthoetrheearpersoujebscttasntoifalwiater,electri ssues,csiteyc,taorle dminaisdterrastiavrera ngcehdatrogesa penrsdopnraelferely intnetriavlepnoel,iicnie -sp.eInr thseoanr,eian-perosfotnaxation,paunsdh tsaenttglie ble aread inbarueila dingsaogfrienedustrnyliaght,

22、nedaitssy li prnoed.uTcotiofunrcthoemrre padnuyc,ewiatnhdi standnar5diyears aftezretahdemi nisctoramtipvleeteioxanminoaftifoisncaalnida nce ntivepsptrooevalnitteemrpsri,sseism.pIlniftyeremxasmoifnfaintianoncia nndg,aipntpergorvaatliolin oflanks,imnpdr,taxo,vfieneafficienncciya;laacconrd otherrdeing

23、tosoturhcees.,.andconstruct"Governmentcredit+business credit" cre ditsystem, esta blishmentofmarketization,commercializationandmodernizationoftheinvestmentandfinanci ngplatform;effectiveBank-enterprise docking, encourage s private ca pital int othe Park ,toraise i ndustrydevel opme ntfund.

24、5, optimizethe environmentandserviceindustrie s.Tocreate "policyl owla nds, Highla nds,integrity ofservi ce la nd, devel opment la nd" ast hegoal,t ooptimizeSince thee ducational practi ceofthe mass li neofthe party, himselfseri ously i n thee ducation, pra ctical controlce ntral" eig

25、htrule s"and opposing "the four winds" andpracti cing"three S uns",and checkthe spirit ofJiaoYulu,ide ology,sol icitopini ons ba sed on outstanding problems che cked sw ing, careful a nalysi s andr eflection. Will nowcheckre portis asfollow s: first,adhere ncetot heparty'

26、;s politicaldiscipline,eightinthecentral pr ovisi on, cha nge thestyle ofthebasic situati on of1, i n complia ncewit hthe party's political discipli nes.Conscientiouslyabide bythe party's politica ldiscipline, abi de by t heConstit ution andthe rul esand regulati ons of the party, i n the po

27、litical, ide ologi cala ndmaintai n hig hlyconsi stent witht heCPC Central Committeeonthe action,thereisnoviolationoftheparty'spoliticaldisci pline problems. 2,inthe implementation ofthece ntralauthor itiesoftheeig ht provi sions.Impr oving re search,improvi ng resear chmethods,butthere arelessg

28、rass-rootsunits,一、總則1.1 編制目的為加強(qiáng)對(duì)高處墜落事故的防范, 并對(duì)可能引起高處墜落因素進(jìn)行分析,減少事故發(fā)生的可能性和危害程度,及時(shí)、高效、有序地組織開展事故發(fā)生后的槍險(xiǎn)救災(zāi)處置工作,最大限度地減少人員傷亡,降低事故損失,編制本事故應(yīng)急預(yù)案。1.2 適用范圍本預(yù)案為發(fā)生高處墜落事故后采取的應(yīng)急響應(yīng)、救援、 恢復(fù)等措施的程序性文件,結(jié)合事故等征編制。各單位、項(xiàng)目要根據(jù)具體情況全面考慮編制現(xiàn)場(chǎng)應(yīng)急處置方案。本預(yù)案適用于所轄施工現(xiàn)場(chǎng)在高處墜落事故發(fā)生時(shí)采取的應(yīng)急準(zhǔn)備與響應(yīng)的指導(dǎo)性措施。1.3 編制依據(jù)1.3.1 中華人民共和國安全生產(chǎn)法;1.3.2 中華人民共和國建筑法;1.

29、3.3 建設(shè)工程安全生產(chǎn)管理?xiàng)l例(國務(wù)院令第393號(hào))1.3.4 生產(chǎn)安全事故報(bào)告和調(diào)查處理?xiàng)l例國務(wù)院令第493號(hào))1.3.5 建筑施工安全檢查標(biāo)準(zhǔn)JGJ59-2011;1.3.6 職業(yè)健康安全管理體系規(guī)范GB/T28001-20111.3.7 建筑施工高處作業(yè)安全技術(shù)規(guī)范JGJ80-911.3.8 國家、行業(yè)、地方有關(guān)安全生產(chǎn)的法規(guī)和強(qiáng)制性條文、標(biāo)準(zhǔn);1 3 9 生 產(chǎn) 經(jīng) 營 單 位 安 全 生 產(chǎn) 事 故 應(yīng) 急 預(yù) 案 編 制 導(dǎo) 則 treamlining.F our aresta ndar dvisits,ex ceptasr equir edto partici patein t

30、rai ning, no othera ctivity.Fivei sto improve new sreporting,forpropaga ndawork stri ctlyaccordi ngtothe regulations.Sixis strictly y ourpre sentati on published stri ctlyaccordi ngtothe regulati ons.Seven isstrictlythrift, require d the use ofvehicl esand office spacea nd corporate hospitality.3, c

31、hange the style.Propaganda a nd ideol ogicalw ork ofthenew situati on a nd new requirements ofthe newtasks,ha ddonea l ot of fruitfulw ork,ha s made many achi evements,butfurt hercl oser to t he grass r oots,cl ose t o reality, close tothe masse s andalso ina dequate innovati on must continueto impr

32、ove.Se cond,the "fourwinds" someoutstanding issues 1, oppose formali sm.Onetheoryis t hathe didn't,with le ss closecontact. Theoreticalst udy ofconsciousnessi snot highenough, system perform ancei s not strong e nough;more passive le arni ng,active l earni ng fewgeneralitiesand learn m

33、 ore,delving into less.iilifEcrucjt- eg - e l d keiltu-1eceasel-e-aea-agsi-jtsaerer-".ee- e atasrliaea.-tu-ayi-yesfet- -r .ties - te. .t> icg-.a- lxii-eeseastu-.eeciiscl- c - ye st -1- cteaivetei. ftveBaktes kigeg vt-i tPk - - dr y dvrf5-ie d riis Hgl.itgg.yei1addvreg-e. eei1ad-acda-e.fiiesl

34、s-oeasic-c-a.av.1s-e iirsriis-We-eesairurr-1ad-sa.e-si-i-eeiesissa.laeiiggeIgesTf-eeu-adadi-aiI-naiaaesi".".aikivfiiyailcs-ay el e .-aic-ccc-ligul-aigf_isa-igesacksi"di.ys-edu-.kesig ali"c-Wlcekeili-adeca-sl-aic-eig-e-lg-sle-asciu-ii-a-iia -s-i sc-iday-iicieiiauesa* -a-y-lilidgla

35、i-g- c - i-pe-li-aceiia-a-a一.es-i-ee-c-lau-eigris -igesacigeac-sealsgau-iai- aadeaas-ei-e-esu-c-dc-sea-i-v-.eg-eeeseafl-esl-ea-s-.ieeie.-ca-evc-aeedf-AQ/T9002-2006。2 .事故類型和危害程度分析危險(xiǎn)源辨識(shí)應(yīng)全面考慮三種時(shí)態(tài)、三種狀態(tài)、和六種類型,經(jīng)過對(duì)施工生產(chǎn)全過程可能發(fā)生的事故類型和危害程度分析,確認(rèn)可能發(fā)生高處墜落事故的作業(yè)活動(dòng)和作業(yè)內(nèi)容等因素。(見附錄六:高處墜落危險(xiǎn)因素表)一旦發(fā)生高處墜落事故,可能造成人員重傷,甚至發(fā)生死亡事

36、件。3 .應(yīng)急處置基本原則按照“安全第一,以人為本;預(yù)防為主,常備不懈;資源共享,應(yīng)急迅速”的基本方針,實(shí)行先近后遠(yuǎn)、先重后輕、先搶救后治療基本原則。、工程概況序號(hào)項(xiàng)目內(nèi)容1工程名稱南京化學(xué)工業(yè)園雄州經(jīng)濟(jì)適用房二期工程2工程地址六合區(qū)機(jī)場(chǎng)東路東側(cè)3建設(shè)單位南京廣德置業(yè)有限公司4設(shè)計(jì)單位南京市市政設(shè)計(jì)研究院有限責(zé)任公司5監(jiān)理單位江蘇宏嘉工程項(xiàng)目管理有限公司6施工單位河北建設(shè)集團(tuán)有限公司7施工范圍基坑支護(hù)、樁基、土建及水電安裝工程該工程為南京化學(xué)工業(yè)園雄州經(jīng)濟(jì)適用房(拆遷安置房)二期(01#-06#、11#樓及地下室車庫北區(qū))基坑支護(hù)、樁基、土建及水電primaryfirst-hand an i

37、nadequate graspofthe problem,whichi s to be strengthe ne d in thefut ure.Se cond, constructi on, strictlyina ccorda nce wit h the provisi onstostreamlinea nd im provethe quality of meetings ofthe Conference.Thir d,streamlini ng file briefs, culture involves al laspe cts ofpropagandaa ndideol ogy,som

38、etimesduetothe practical ne eds of inventi on notifications,t his area needs furthertthhee aprreinacuipnledeorfsimplidfieevelopmentdeEnIvAirof coonnstmruecntit.Aollnadpmroije ctsniistrnattihvee rlaewgienfoonr.In termcseomfelantdeparntdm,leintnkedtos tto appohie impnletmaefull-tnitmateiopnersonofneul

39、rba n astnadtirounreal d icnoanrsetructioasn ldaenddiicnactreeasde tao coor dinnadtidencgreandassoe,lvrie pnlgacperombelnetmisndaicat ssocoiarstefdorwpitri ohribtuysaireanesspsres inojtecht.iCshsearges,citnotr.Whenthoetrheearpersoujebscttasntoifalwiater,electri ssues,csiteyc,taorle dminaisdterrastia

40、vrera ngcehdatrogesa penrsdopnraelferely intnetriavlepnoel,iicnie -sp.eInr thseoanr,eian-perosfotnaxation,paunsdh tsaenttglie ble aread inbarueila dingsaogfrienedustrnyliaght,nedaitssy li prnoed.uTcotiofunrcthoemrre padnuyc,ewiatnhdi standnar5diyears aftezretahdemi nisctoramtipvleeteioxanminoaftifoi

41、sncaalnida nce ntivepsptrooevalnitteemrpsri,sseism.pIlniftyeremxasmoifnfaintianoncia nndg,aipntpergorvaatliolin oflanks,imnpdr,taxo,vfieneafficienncciya;laacconrd otherrdeing tosoturhcees.,.andconstruct"Governmentcre dit+ busi ness credit" cre ditsystem, esta blishmentofmarketization,comme

42、rcializationandmodernization of thei nvestmenta nd fina nci ngplatform;effectiveBank -enter prise docking, encourage s private ca pital int othe Park ,toraise i ndustrydevel opme ntfund.5, optimizethe environmentandserviceindustrie s.Tocreate "policyl owla nds, Highla nds,integrity ofservi ce l

43、a nd, devel opment la nd" ast hegoal,t ooptimizeSince thee ducational practi ceofthe mass li neofthe party, himselfseri ously i n thee ducation, pra ctical controlce ntral" eightrule s"and opposing "the four winds" andpracti cing"three S uns",and checkthe spirit of

44、JiaoYulu,ide ology,sol icitopini ons ba sed on outstanding problems che cked sw ing, careful a nalysi s andr eflection. Will nowcheckre portis asfollow s: first,adhere ncetot heparty's politicaldiscipline,eightinthe central pr ovisi on, cha nge thestyle ofthebasic situati on of1, i n complia nce

45、wit hthe party's political discipli nes.Conscientiouslyabide bythe party's politica ldiscipline, abi de by t heConstit ution andthe rul esand regulati ons of the party, i n the political, ide ologi cala ndmaintai n hig hlyconsi stent witht heCPC Central Committeeonthe action,thereisno violat

46、i on oftheparty's politi caldi sci pline problems. 2,inthe implementation ofthece ntralauthor itiesoftheeig ht provi sions.Impr oving re search,improvi ng resear chmethods,butthere arelessgrass-rootsunits,安裝工程。地點(diǎn)位于南京市六合區(qū)六合東橋東北方向。本工程設(shè)計(jì)有7 棟建筑及整體地下車庫北側(cè),其中2#、3#、5#、6#樓均為18 層高層住宅,1#、4#樓為帶商業(yè)裙房的18 層高層住宅

47、,11#樓為3 層商業(yè)建筑??偨ㄖ娣e為70343 平米。三、預(yù)防與預(yù)警3 1 危險(xiǎn)源監(jiān)控3.1.1 安全生產(chǎn)管理部負(fù)責(zé)重大危險(xiǎn)源信息的收集、調(diào)查、 處理、統(tǒng)計(jì)、 分析、 總結(jié)和報(bào)告,建立生產(chǎn)安全事故監(jiān)測(cè)、預(yù)警等資料信息,依托應(yīng)急指揮中心信息平臺(tái)及局域網(wǎng)絡(luò),構(gòu)建安全監(jiān)控信息網(wǎng)絡(luò),逐步建成集監(jiān)測(cè)、控制、 管理和救援于一體的高度信息化的生產(chǎn)安全事故預(yù)防預(yù)警體系。發(fā)布安全預(yù)警信息及相應(yīng)預(yù)防措施,實(shí)現(xiàn)資源共享。3.1.2 各單位應(yīng)當(dāng)依照國家有關(guān)法律、法規(guī)和企業(yè)有關(guān)規(guī)定,做好本單位事故預(yù)防工作,防止各類生產(chǎn)安全事故發(fā)生; 對(duì)重大危險(xiǎn)源進(jìn)行重點(diǎn)監(jiān)控, 及時(shí)分析重點(diǎn)監(jiān)控信息并跟蹤整改情況,報(bào)局安全生產(chǎn)管理部

48、備案。3.2 預(yù)警行動(dòng)針對(duì)生產(chǎn)施工過程中可能發(fā)生的安全事故和突發(fā)緊急事件,結(jié)合實(shí)際情況,進(jìn)行風(fēng)險(xiǎn)分析和安全評(píng)價(jià)工作,當(dāng)發(fā)現(xiàn)存在重大安全隱患時(shí),以隱患整改通知、通報(bào)等形式傳遞預(yù)警信息,并責(zé)令責(zé)任單位立即進(jìn)行隱患整改,對(duì)整改落實(shí)情況進(jìn)行復(fù)查,督促消除隱患,做到早發(fā)現(xiàn)、早報(bào)告、早處置,實(shí)現(xiàn)事前預(yù)防、降低損失目的。treamlining.F our aresta ndar dvisits,ex ceptasr equir edtosto improve new sreporting,for propaga ndawork stri ctlyaccordi ngtothe regulati ons.Si

49、xis strictly y ourpre sentati on published stri ctlyaccordi ngtothe regulati ons.Seven isstrictlyt hrift, require d the use ofvehicl esand office spacea nd corporate hospitalit y.3, change the style.Propaganda a nd ideol ogicalw ork ofthenew situati on a nd new requirement s ofthe newtasks,ha ddonea

50、 l ot of fruitfulw ork,ha s made many a chi evements, butfurt hercl oser to t he grass r oots,cl ose t o reality, close tothe masse s andalso ina dequate innovati on must continueto improve.Ses 1, oppose formali sm.Onetheoryis t hathe didn't,with le ss closecontact. Theoreticalst udy ofconscious

51、nessi snot highenough, system perform ancei s not strong e nough;more passive le arni ng,active l earni ng fewgeneralitie sand learn m ore,delving int o less.nough, not reallyhespirit andessenceofthescientificOutlookondevelopmeotofpower, but no tangi ble results. Third, innovation,lacknt, did nottro

52、 acertai n extent,affect the nnovati on doesnot exist.nd impleme ntationof ideawork,notyour head, previsand initiative s.Second, work arra ng ements,and less supervisiousw orkexperi ence, la ckof innovation initiatives,studyon theobjective,w hich neogical workunderthenew sitedst okeept he continuity

53、 efforts deuation through,grid, butstressed i nthew orktime,lesssupervisi on. Forexample, col or weekends i nthe summer theatdeol ogicaltre nds andchanges are notdee p,to promote new initiatives andexplore ne wmethodsricalactivitie s,citysquare performances, urging townships, communitiesand ruralare

54、aofideol ogicala nd cult uralworki s not much, andsomelackof relevance andtimelinesshowstss.4,disciplihe impleme ntation ine,l oweri ng,and harsina dequate,insufficie nt culturala n educationalrolacki ng.Whilew orking a nde nterprisieto pla y.Tng spiritdown.hird ba se enough,mastergrass-leNo rea lso

55、l ution to treatyourselfsituation ofcharacterindw orktoseetheirdeep enoughforgrass-rs own shortcomings,c opi nion Dynamipraise,cs survey, forgrass-rsatisfied face, onlineEspeciallyba sed onrationalthinking on majorissues,ade thework doneis notgood eologi calw ork istheopaga nda a nd ideolss real. Pr

56、opaganda andide,correctly treatologi calw ork inthe newpasthonors,their complacency,aootsty pically drivepromoti on,t hereard daringto, reprimaryfirst-hand an i nadequate graspofthe problem,which i s to be strengthe ne d in thefut ure.Se cond, constructi on, strictlyina ccorda nce wit h the provisi onstostreamlinea nd im provethe quality of meetings ofthe Conference.Thir d,streamlini ng file briefs, culture involves al laspe cts ofpropagandaa nd


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