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1、(推薦)financialenglish7chapter 7 foreign exchange market& international balance of payment most countries of the world have their own currencies: the united states has its dollar, the united kingdom has its pound. trade among countries involves the mutual exchange of different currencies. the trad

2、ing of currency and bank deposits denominated in particular currencies takes place in the foreign exchange market. the volume of these transactions worldwide averages over $1 trillion daily. transactions conducted in the foreign exchange market determine the rates at which currencies are exchanged,

3、which in turn determine the cost of purchasing foreign goods and financial assts. 1988 exchange rate report from u.s. treasury 1989-1994 manipulator 2005.7.21 the beginning of rmb appreciation 2006.9.19 7.94-7.93-7.9188 2006.12.14-15 7.8197 2007.3.7-8 7.74 course structure what are foreign exchange

4、rates? why are exchange rates important? how is foreign exchange traded? exchange rates and the economy defining the balance of payments and its influence on the exchange rate the means and methods by which rights to wealth expressed in terms of the currency of one country are converted into rights

5、to wealth in terms of the currency of another country are known as “foreign exchange”. 外匯的最初含義和外匯的最初含義和動態(tài)動態(tài)含義是含義是國國際匯兌際匯兌,即通過特定的金融機構,即通過特定的金融機構(外匯銀行)將一國貨幣兌換為(外匯銀行)將一國貨幣兌換為另一種貨幣,并借助各種金融工另一種貨幣,并借助各種金融工具對國際間的債權債務關系進行具對國際間的債權債務關系進行非現(xiàn)金非現(xiàn)金結算的結算的行為行為。 靜態(tài)靜態(tài)的外匯從動態(tài)的國際匯兌行的外匯從動態(tài)的國際匯兌行為衍生而來,它是國際匯兌活動為衍生而來,它是國際匯兌活

6、動的支付手段和工具,是外匯的的支付手段和工具,是外匯的物物質(zhì)存在形態(tài)質(zhì)存在形態(tài)。 廣義靜態(tài)和狹義靜態(tài)的區(qū)別廣義靜態(tài)和狹義靜態(tài)的區(qū)別 國際貨幣基金組織和中國對外匯國際貨幣基金組織和中國對外匯的界定的界定 外匯是貨幣當局(中央銀行、貨幣管外匯是貨幣當局(中央銀行、貨幣管理機構、外匯平準基金組織即財政部理機構、外匯平準基金組織即財政部等)以銀行存款、國庫券、政府公債等)以銀行存款、國庫券、政府公債等形式保有的,在國際收支逆差時可等形式保有的,在國際收支逆差時可以使用的以使用的債權債權。它包括中央銀行及依。它包括中央銀行及依據(jù)政府間協(xié)議而發(fā)行的在市場上據(jù)政府間協(xié)議而發(fā)行的在市場上不流不流通的債權通的債

7、權,無論是以債務國貨幣還是,無論是以債務國貨幣還是債權國貨幣表示。債權國貨幣表示。 20082008年年8 8月月1 1日修訂的日修訂的中華人民共和中華人民共和國外匯管理條例國外匯管理條例第三條規(guī)定,外匯第三條規(guī)定,外匯是指以外幣表示的可以用做國際清償是指以外幣表示的可以用做國際清償?shù)闹Ц妒侄魏唾Y產(chǎn),它包括的支付手段和資產(chǎn),它包括(1 1)外幣)外幣現(xiàn)鈔(紙幣,鑄幣);(現(xiàn)鈔(紙幣,鑄幣);(2 2)外幣支付)外幣支付憑證或支付工具,包括票據(jù)、銀行存憑證或支付工具,包括票據(jù)、銀行存款憑證、銀行卡等;(款憑證、銀行卡等;(3 3)外幣有價證)外幣有價證券(股票、債券等);(券(股票、債券等);(

8、4 4)特別提款)特別提款權;(權;(5 5)其他外匯資產(chǎn)。)其他外匯資產(chǎn)。characteristics of foreign exchange it is a payment instrument represented by foreign currencies. it must be available for payment abroad. convertibility financial asset with profitability, risk, liquidity.defining exchange rate the exchange rate is the number o

9、f units of foreign currency that can be acquired with one unit of domestic currency. when a currency increases in value, it experiences appreciation; when it falls in value ,it undergoes depreciation. methods of quotationforeign exchange dealers quote two prices, one for selling, one for buying.defi

10、ning exchange rate direct quotationthe exchange rates are quoted in terms of a variable number of home currency per fixed foreign currency unit. indirect quotationthe exchange rates are quoted in terms of a variable number of foreign currency unit to the fixed unit of home currency continental europ

11、ean dealers normally quote via the direct method, including china. in london dealers use the indirect method. in usa, both quotation methods are used. when a bank is dealing with a customer within the u.s.,a direct quotation is given, but when dealing with other banks in europe(except the uk),the in

12、direct quotation is used. defining exchange rate bank a gives a quotation of eor/usd as 1.0820/40. david wants to sell 5 million usd to bank a for eor, how much eor david can obtain from bank a? a chinese company a wants to import a machine from a us company b. company b offered two prices. one is 3

13、45,000 us dollars, another one is 2.8 million hk dollars. at that time, foreign exchange rate is usd/cny 8.2740/50 and hkd/cny 1.0120/30. so which price should company a accept? basic rate and cross rate official rate and market rate bid rate(buying) and offered rate(selling) inter-bank rate and com

14、mercial rate t/t(telegraphic transfer rate) m/t(t/t(mail transfer rate) d/d(demand draft) spot rate and forward rate nominal rate and real ratewhy are exchange rate important? exchange rates are important because they affect the relative price of domestic and foreign goods. when a countrys currency

15、appreciates(rises in value relative to other currencies), the countrys goods abroad become more expensive and foreign goods in that country become cheaper(holding domestic prices constant in the two countries).how is foreign exchange traded? types of foreign exchange transactions spot transactiona f

16、oreign exchange transaction to be settled on the second following business day即期匯率也稱現(xiàn)匯率,是交易雙方達成外匯買賣即期匯率也稱現(xiàn)匯率,是交易雙方達成外匯買賣協(xié)議后,在兩個工作日以內(nèi)辦理交割的匯率。協(xié)議后,在兩個工作日以內(nèi)辦理交割的匯率。這一匯率一般就是現(xiàn)時外匯市場的匯率水平。即這一匯率一般就是現(xiàn)時外匯市場的匯率水平。即期匯率是由當場交貨時貨幣的供求關系情況決定期匯率是由當場交貨時貨幣的供求關系情況決定的。一般在外匯市場上掛牌的匯率,除特別標明的。一般在外匯市場上掛牌的匯率,除特別標明遠期匯率以外,一般指即期匯率

17、。遠期匯率以外,一般指即期匯率。 forward transactiona foreign exchange transaction agreed upon today but to be settled at some specified future date, often one, two or three months after the transaction date.又稱期匯交易,是指交易雙方在成交后并不又稱期匯交易,是指交易雙方在成交后并不立即辦理交割,而是事先約定幣種、金額、立即辦理交割,而是事先約定幣種、金額、匯率、交割時間等交易條件,到期才進行匯率、交割時間等交易條件,到

18、期才進行實際交割的外匯交易。實際交割的外匯交易。 匯交易交割期限一般有匯交易交割期限一般有1 1個月、個月、2 2個月、個月、3 3個月、個月、6 6個月、個月、1212個月。若期限再長則被稱為超遠個月。若期限再長則被稱為超遠期交易。遠期外匯交易的作用是避險保值。期交易。遠期外匯交易的作用是避險保值。 1 1 任何外匯交易都以即期交易為基礎,所任何外匯交易都以即期交易為基礎,所以遠期交割日是以即期加月數(shù)或星期數(shù)。以遠期交割日是以即期加月數(shù)或星期數(shù)。若遠期合約是以天數(shù)計算,其天數(shù)以即期若遠期合約是以天數(shù)計算,其天數(shù)以即期交割日后的日歷日的天數(shù)作為基準,而非交割日后的日歷日的天數(shù)作為基準,而非營業(yè)

19、日。營業(yè)日。 2 2 遠期交割日不是營業(yè)日,則順延至遠期交割日不是營業(yè)日,則順延至下一個營業(yè)日。順延后跨月份的則必須提下一個營業(yè)日。順延后跨月份的則必須提前到當月的最后一個營業(yè)日為交割日。前到當月的最后一個營業(yè)日為交割日。 3 3 雙底雙底慣例。假定即期交割日為慣例。假定即期交割日為當月的最后一個營業(yè)日,則遠期交割日也當月的最后一個營業(yè)日,則遠期交割日也是當月的最后一個營業(yè)日。是當月的最后一個營業(yè)日。 option forward transactionthe customers right to deliver or to take delivery of a specified sum i

20、n foreign currency at any time or times during an agreed period.外匯擇期交易是指由交易雙方約定于未來某外匯擇期交易是指由交易雙方約定于未來某一段時期,依交易當時所約定的幣別、匯一段時期,依交易當時所約定的幣別、匯率及金額可隨時進行交割的交易活動。率及金額可隨時進行交割的交易活動。 外匯擇期交易主要為一部分無法掌握確定的外匯擇期交易主要為一部分無法掌握確定的遠期交割日的進出口商提供遠期的匯率鎖遠期交割日的進出口商提供遠期的匯率鎖定服務,以幫助他們控制匯率風險。與遠定服務,以幫助他們控制匯率風險。與遠期外匯買賣相比,外匯擇期交易為客戶

21、提期外匯買賣相比,外匯擇期交易為客戶提供了較大的靈活度。供了較大的靈活度。 swap transactionin general, it is the simultaneous purchase and sale of foreign exchange or securities, with the purchase being effected at one and the sale back to the same party to be carried out at a price agreed upon today but to be completed at a specified

22、future date. 一家日本貿(mào)易公司向美國出口產(chǎn)品,收到一家日本貿(mào)易公司向美國出口產(chǎn)品,收到貨款貨款500500萬美元。該公司需將貨款兌換為日萬美元。該公司需將貨款兌換為日元用于國內(nèi)支出。同時公司需從美國進口元用于國內(nèi)支出。同時公司需從美國進口原材料,并將于原材料,并將于3 3個月后支付個月后支付500500萬美元的萬美元的貨款。此時,公司可以采取以下措施:敘貨款。此時,公司可以采取以下措施:敘做一筆做一筆3 3個月美元兌日元掉期外匯買賣:即個月美元兌日元掉期外匯買賣:即期賣出期賣出500500萬美元,買入相應的日元,萬美元,買入相應的日元,3 3個個月遠期買入月遠期買入500500萬美

23、元,賣出相應的日元。萬美元,賣出相應的日元。通過上述交易,公司可以軋平其中的資金通過上述交易,公司可以軋平其中的資金缺口,達到規(guī)避風險的目的。缺口,達到規(guī)避風險的目的。 how is foreign exchange traded? you cannot go to a centralized location to watch exchange rates being determined; currencies are not traded on exchanges such as the new york stock exchange. in stead, the foreign exc

24、hange market is organized as an over-the-counter market in which several hundred dealers stand ready to buy and sell deposits denominated in foreign currencies.exchange rates in the long run the starting point for understanding how exchange rates are determined is a simple idea called the law of one

25、 price. if two countries produce an identical good, the price of the good should be the same throughout the world no matter which country produces it. 一價定律認為在沒有運輸費用和官方貿(mào)易一價定律認為在沒有運輸費用和官方貿(mào)易壁壘的自由競爭市場上,一件相同商品在壁壘的自由競爭市場上,一件相同商品在不同國家出售,如果以同一種貨幣計價,不同國家出售,如果以同一種貨幣計價,其價格應是相等的。其價格應是相等的。 question recently, the

26、 yen price of japanese steel has increased by 10%(10,000 yen to 11,000 yen) relative to the dollar price of american steel (unchanged at 100 dollars). by what amount must be dollar increase or decrease in value for the law of one price to hold true?answer for the law of one price to hold, the exchan

27、ge rate must rise to 110 yen per dollar, which is a 10% appreciation of the dollar. the exchange rate rises to 110 yen so that the price of japanese steel in dollars remains unchanged at $100 (=11,000 yen/110 yen per dollar). in other words, the 10% depreciation of the yen just offsets the 10% incre

28、ase in the yen price of the japanese steel. 按照一價定律的理論,任何一種商品按照一價定律的理論,任何一種商品在各國間的價值是一致的。(通過匯在各國間的價值是一致的。(通過匯率折算之后的標價是一致的)若在各率折算之后的標價是一致的)若在各國間存在價格差異,則會發(fā)生商品國國間存在價格差異,則會發(fā)生商品國際貿(mào)易,直到價差被消除,貿(mào)易停止,際貿(mào)易,直到價差被消除,貿(mào)易停止,這時達到商品市場的均衡狀態(tài)。這時達到商品市場的均衡狀態(tài)。 第一次世界大戰(zhàn)之后,資本主義各國(美國除外)第一次世界大戰(zhàn)之后,資本主義各國(美國除外)相繼廢棄了金本位制,代之以不可兌現(xiàn)的紙幣流

29、相繼廢棄了金本位制,代之以不可兌現(xiàn)的紙幣流通制,由于戰(zhàn)時支出劇增,各國都靠擴大貨幣發(fā)通制,由于戰(zhàn)時支出劇增,各國都靠擴大貨幣發(fā)行量進行彌補,形成了世界范圍的通貨膨脹。戰(zhàn)行量進行彌補,形成了世界范圍的通貨膨脹。戰(zhàn)后,各國開始重新尋求貨幣匯率的穩(wěn)定,但由于后,各國開始重新尋求貨幣匯率的穩(wěn)定,但由于各國的通貨膨脹率不同,如何確定新的均衡匯率各國的通貨膨脹率不同,如何確定新的均衡匯率就成為恢復世界貨幣體系過程中的一大難題。就成為恢復世界貨幣體系過程中的一大難題。 正是在這種情況下,瑞典經(jīng)濟學家古斯塔夫正是在這種情況下,瑞典經(jīng)濟學家古斯塔夫. .卡卡塞爾提出,一國應以國內(nèi)外物價對比來作為決定塞爾提出,一

30、國應以國內(nèi)外物價對比來作為決定匯率的依據(jù),而新的均衡匯率則應在最初的均衡匯率的依據(jù),而新的均衡匯率則應在最初的均衡匯率的基礎上,再根據(jù)兩國相對通貨膨脹率作出匯率的基礎上,再根據(jù)兩國相對通貨膨脹率作出調(diào)整后得到。調(diào)整后得到。exchange rates in the long run one of the most prominent theories of how exchange rates are determined is the theory of purchasing power parity. it states that exchange rates between any tw

31、o countries will adjust to reflect changes in the price levels of the two countries. it suggests that if one countrys price level rises relative to anothers, its currency should depreciate.ps: the ppp cannot fully explain exchange rates.絕對購買力平價絕對購買力平價 一價定律是針對某一種商品,如果將單一商品推廣到所有商品,就可以推導出絕對購買力平價。 絕對購買力

32、平價認為兩種貨幣之間的匯率應該等于兩國貨幣在同樣的一籃子商品上具有的購買力,那么它可以簡寫成s=pd/pf,匯率應該等于兩國價格水平之比。其中pd表示本國的價格水平,pf表示外國價格水平。根據(jù)這個公式,當本國價格水平相對上升時,本幣購買力相對下降,則匯率s上升,本幣貶值。相對購買力平價相對購買力平價 根據(jù)絕對購買力平價,我們可以推出相對購買力平價。根據(jù)絕對購買力平價,我們可以推出相對購買力平價。推導的方法有兩種:推導的方法有兩種: (1 1)取對數(shù)后差分;()取對數(shù)后差分;(2 2)基期和現(xiàn)期()基期和現(xiàn)期(0 0和和t t) 相對購買力平價模型形式如下:相對購買力平價模型形式如下:s=(ss

33、=(st t-s-st-t-1 1)/s)/st-t-1 1=rd-=rd-rfrf rdrd和和rfrf表示本國和外國第表示本國和外國第t t期的通貨膨脹率。根據(jù)相對期的通貨膨脹率。根據(jù)相對購買力平價認為,匯率變化的百分比等于兩國通貨膨脹購買力平價認為,匯率變化的百分比等于兩國通貨膨脹率的差異。如果本國的通貨膨脹率比外國高,其貨幣應率的差異。如果本國的通貨膨脹率比外國高,其貨幣應該貶值,反之本幣應該升值。該貶值,反之本幣應該升值。*11tttssss*11tttssss*11tttssss三者區(qū)別 一價定律可以推導出絕對購買力平價,一價定律可以推導出絕對購買力平價,但是兩者具有明顯區(qū)別:(但

34、是兩者具有明顯區(qū)別:(1 1)分析對象)分析對象不同。購買力平價是以匯率為分析對象,不同。購買力平價是以匯率為分析對象,而一價定律主要是考察價格;(而一價定律主要是考察價格;(2 2)價格)價格不同。購買力平價涉及的是一攬子物價不同。購買力平價涉及的是一攬子物價水平,一價定律考慮的是一種商品的價水平,一價定律考慮的是一種商品的價格;(格;(3 3)適應條件不同。絕對購買力平)適應條件不同。絕對購買力平價的適應條件不如一價定律那么嚴格,價的適應條件不如一價定律那么嚴格,絕對購買力平價并不要求每一種商品價絕對購買力平價并不要求每一種商品價格相等,也不要求兩國完全取消貿(mào)易壁格相等,也不要求兩國完全取

35、消貿(mào)易壁壘,只要各國對進口和出口的限制程度壘,只要各國對進口和出口的限制程度相同,則仍然成立。相同,則仍然成立。三者區(qū)別 絕對購買力和相對購買力平價的區(qū)別是:絕對購買力和相對購買力平價的區(qū)別是:(1 1)絕對購買力平價將價格水平和匯率)絕對購買力平價將價格水平和匯率水平聯(lián)系起來,而相對購買力平價將價水平聯(lián)系起來,而相對購買力平價將價格變動與匯率變動聯(lián)系起來。所以,絕格變動與匯率變動聯(lián)系起來。所以,絕對購買力平價說明某一時點上匯率的決對購買力平價說明某一時點上匯率的決定,而相對購買力平價說明一段時間內(nèi)定,而相對購買力平價說明一段時間內(nèi)匯率的變動規(guī)律。匯率的變動規(guī)律。 (2 2)絕對購買力平價在計

36、算兩國物價水)絕對購買力平價在計算兩國物價水平時,要求所參照的商品籃子及其權重平時,要求所參照的商品籃子及其權重都相同,相對購買力平價沒有這個限制,都相同,相對購買力平價沒有這個限制,但是相對購買力平價要求基期存在絕對但是相對購買力平價要求基期存在絕對購買力平價,這種先決條件很難成立。購買力平價,這種先決條件很難成立。influence of foreign exchange rates balance of international payments inflation interest rate economy growth rate macroeconomic policy expec

37、tationinfluence of foreign exchange ratestrade balancenon-trade balancecapital flowexchange reservedomestic price levelincome and employmentthe balance of international payments an accounting record of all transactions made by a country over a certain time period, comparing the amount of foreign cur

38、rency taken in to the amount of domestic currency paid out. the balance of international payments the imf definition: the balance of payments is a statistical statement that summarizes transactions between residents and nonresidents during a period.the balance of payments comprises the current accou

39、nt, the capital account, and the financial account. together, these accounts balance in the sense the sum of the entries is conceptually zero.the balance of international payments differences between international payments and international credits residents and non-residents transactionsthe balance of international paymentsprinciples each transaction is recorded in accordance with the principles of double-entry bookkeeping, meaning that the amount involved is entered on each of the two sides of the balance-of-


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