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1、精選學習資料 - - - 歡迎下載中學英語語法各個擊 .破目錄一二名詞形容詞.()()三四.代詞數(shù)詞.()()五 冠詞.()六 動詞 動詞語 .態(tài)時態(tài).()動詞不定 .式.()七 副詞.()八 介詞.() .九 連詞 . ()十 比.較級和最高級 .(.)十一 定語從句 . ()精品學習資料精選學習資料 - - - 歡迎下載十二主謂一樣.()十三狀語.從句.() .十四十五虛擬語氣倒裝句.()()十六 獨立.主格.() .十七 其他重點語法.(.)初一英語語法專 .項練習一名詞1. 1 she.was very.happy. she .i n the mat.hs test. a. make.

2、s a few mi.stake b. m.ade a few.mistakes.c. mad.e few mist.akes d. ma .kes few mi.stake .2 we need.some more_._ . can y.ou go and.get some、.please. a. pota.t o b. pota.t os c. pot.atoes d. p.otatoe .3 ar .e for c.utting thi.ngs.a. knife/us.ed b. kniv.es/used c.knife/usi.ng d. kniv.es/using . 4 what.

3、big th.e tiger ha.s .a.t ooth b. t.eeth c. to.oths d. t.oothes .5 please.r emember t .o give the.horse som .e tree .a. le.afs b. lea.ves c. lea.f d. leave. 6 -ca.n we have.some .-yes.、 please.a. ba.nana b. or.anges c. a.pple d. pe.ar 7 o.n the tabl.e there ar.e five .a. t.omatos b.piece of t.omatoes

4、 c. .tomatoes.d. tomato.2 1 th.ey got muc.h from.those new .books. a. ideas.b. photos. c. inform.ation d. s.t ories . 2 he gav.e us o .n how to k.eep fit. a. some.advices b. some adv .i ce c. an.advice d.a advice . 3 when.we saw his.face、 we.k new wa.s bad.a. some n .ews b. a n.ews c. the.news p. n.

5、ews 4.what lo.vely weath.er it is.a. / b. the c. a.n d. a精品學習資料精選學習資料 - - - 歡迎下載3 . 1 -woul.d you like. tea. -no、 th.anks. i ha.v e drunk t.wo . a. any、.bottles o.f orange b. some、 bo.t tles of o.r ange. c. many、.bottles o.f oranges.d. few、 bo.t tle of or.anges .2 he is hu.ngry. give.him t.o eat.a.

6、two br.eads b. tw.o piece of.bread. c. two p.i eces of b.r ead d. tw.o pieces o.f breads . 3 it re.ally took.him: to.draw the.nice horse.a. s.ometimes b . hour c.l ong time.d. some ti.me 4 i.would lik.e to have_._.a.two glass.es of milk.b. two gl.ass of mil.k ic. two glas.s es of mil.k s d. two.glas

7、s of m.i lks 5.can you g .i ve me ._.a. .a tea b. s.ome cup of.tea c. a.c up tea d.a cup of.t ea 6.please gi.v e me .paper.a. .one b. a.piece c. a.d. a piec.e of 7.john boug .ht for h.i mself yes.t erday. a. two p.airs of sh.o es b. two.pair of s.hoe c. two.pair of s.hoes d. tw.o pairs sh.oes4 .1 -h

8、ow man .y hav.e you got.on your fa.r m.-i'.ve got fiv.e.a. s.heeps b. s.heep c. pi.g d. chick.en 2 s.ome ca .me to our.s chool for.a visit t.hat day. a. germ.ans b. ger.men c. ger.many d. ge .r manies . 3 in the.picture t.here are m.any an .d two. a. sheep.; foxes c. sheeps; f.oxes b. s.heeps; f

9、ox.d. sheep;.f oxs 4.a group o.f wi .l l visit t.he museum .t omorrow.a. hu.ngarian b.australia.n c. japan.esed. amer .i can5 .1 this ta.ble is mad.e of . a. many.glass b.glasses c.some glas .s es d. gla.s s 2 -.what would.you like.t o have fo.r lunch、 s.i r.-.i 'd like . . .a. chicke.n b. a chi

10、.c ken c. ch.i ckens d.t he chicke.n 3 ch.i ldren sho.uld make . for old.people in.a bus. a. room.b. a room.c. rooms d. the room.6 1 t.ables are.made of .a. w.ood b. som .e woods c. .wooden d. .woods .2 i wonde.r why . are so.i nterested.in action. 武打片 fil.ms.a.people b.peoples c . the peop.l e d. t

11、he.peoples . 3i have.r ead o .f the youn.g writer.a. wor.k s b. work.c. this w.orks d. th.e works 7. 1 let'.s meet at.7: 30 outs.i de the ga.t e of .a. the.people's.park b. th.e peoples'.park c. t.he people.park d. pe.ople's par.k 2 ._ chinese.people are. hard.working pe.ople.a. /; a

12、 b.we; the c . the; the.d. the; a. 3 how.many.were.t here in t.he street.when the a.c cident ha.ppened.精品學習資料精選學習資料 - - - 歡迎下載. a. poli.ceman b. p .olices c.police d.peoples 8. 1 if t.hese trous.ers are to.o big、 buy.a smaller._ .a. set b.one c. pie.c e d. pair. 2 las.t week i b.ought a tv._ .a. pai

13、r .b. set c.piece d. b.l ock 3.there is.a of wood.l eft on th.e ground.a. cup.b. piece.、 c. box d. pair 9 . 1 there.are sixty.- seven .i n our sch.ool.a. women's.t eacher b.women tea .chers c. w.oman teach .ers d. wom .en teacher. 2 the.r e are fiv.e in our.factory.a. wom.an driver.b、 women d .r

14、 iver c. w.oman drive.r s d. wome .n drivers. 3 thes.e wer.e sent to.t he villag.es to help.the farme.r s.a. women do .c tor b. wo.men doctor.s c. woman .doctors d. woman do .c tor精品學習資料精選學習資料 - - - 歡迎下載10. 1 they w.r ite most.of their ._ in engli.sh.精品學習資料精選學習資料 - - - 歡迎下載a.business.l etter b.busin

15、ess l.etters c.businesses.d. busine.sses lette.r s 2 w.e came to.a at l.ast .and w.ent in. a. watch.shop b. w.a tches sho.p 、'c. wat.ching shop.d. watchs.shop .3 this sho.p sells ap.ples、 bana.nas and th.i ngs like.t hese. it'.s a . a. food.s hop b. bo.o k shop c.fruit sho.p d. veget.able sh

16、op. 4 she.broke a .while she.was washin.g up.a. glass o.f wine b.glass for.wine c. gl.ass wine d. wine gla.ss 5 i.' ve forgot.t en both o.f the .a. ro.om numbers . b. room.s number c . rooms nu .mbers d. r.oom number.111. sep .t ember 10t .h is in.china.a. teache .r 's day b.teachers'.da

17、y c. tea.cher day d. teachers .day 2.-is the b.r oom under . desk . -no、 it'.s under ._.a. .t he teache.r 's; my b.teacher's.; mine c.t eacher's;.me d. the.teacher's.; mine .3 excuse.me、 where.i s the .a. me.n's room b. mens' ro.om c. men' .s rooms d.men rooms .12 1.t

18、he footba.l l under t.he bed is_._ .a. lily and.lucy b. l.i ly's and.lucy's c.lily's and.lucy d. l.i ly and lu.cy's 2.this is m.y dicti.onary.a. sister.mary b. s.i ster's c.sister、 m.ary's d. s.i ster's ma.r y's 3.he went t.o shop.to buy a.shirt.a. a tail.or b. the.t

19、ailor c.a tailors.d. the tai.l ors' .4 joan is_. .a. mary's.and jack s.i ster b. m.ary and ja.c k's siste.rc.mary and j.ack sister.d. mary's.and jack'.s sister 13. 1 in.a few .time、 tho.se mountai.ns will be.covered w .i th trees.a. y.ear b. yea.r s' c. yea.r 's d. yea.r

20、s 2 i.t 's about._ walk f.r om my hou .s e.a.ten minut.e b. ten m.i nutes' c.ten minut.e's d. ten.minutes . 3 the p.ost office.is a bit.f ar from h.ere. it's.about .a. t.hirty minu.t es's walk.b. thirty.minute's.walk精品學習資料精選學習資料 - - - 歡迎下載.c. thirty.minutes' w.alk d. thi.

21、r ty minute.s walk .4 half .telephone.calls are.made in e .nglish. a. the.world b. w.orld c. th.e world's.d. world's. 14 1._ face.t o the sou.t h.a.windows o .f the room.b. the wi.ndows of t.he room c.the room'.s windows.d. the win.dows in ro.om 2 p.l ease take.two . a. pict.ure of the.p

22、ark b. p.i ctures of.the park.c. the pic.t ures of a.park d. p.i cture of.a park .3 the wor .k ers are r.epairing . .a. .t he roof o.f the hous.e b. a roo.f of the h.ouse c. ro.of of the.house d. t.his roof o.f house 15. 1 mis.s smith is.a friend.of . a. mary'.s mother's. b. mary's.mothe

23、r c.mother's.of mary d.mary moth .ers 2.this is a.book of ._.精品學習資料精選學習資料 - - - 歡迎下載a. .tom b. tom .' s c. her.d. him .3 the pos .t card is.sent by . .精品學習資料精選學習資料 - - - 歡迎下載a.a friend.of my fath.er b. a fr.i end of my.father's.c. my fath.er friend.d. my fath.er friend'.s16 1.sydney

24、is.a city of._ .a. america.b. germany .c. austra.l ia d. jap.an 2 m.y father l.i kes buyin.g us .a. car.s b. flowe.r s c. peas.ants d. pr.esents .3 in engl.and、 the l.ast name i.s the .a. fu.l l name b.family na.me c. midd.l e name d. .given nam .e 4 mr.gao is a.t eacher. h.e works in.a new .a. s.ho

25、p b. sch.ool c. fac.t ory d. ho.spital17. 1 my f.ather is a._ . he w .orks in a.hospital.a. tea.c her b. do.c tor c. fa.r mer d. so.l dier .2 -which a.nimal live.s only in.china. -the ._.a. tiger b.monkey c. .panda d.e lephant . 3 ae befo .r e and a .f ter .a. mar.ch; may b.may; marc .h c. j

26、une.; may d. m .arch; febr.uary 4.which of.t he follow.i ng is rig.ht.a.china has .a large p.opulation.b. china.has much p .opulation.c. ch.i na has ma .ny populat.i ons. d. c.hina has a.great dea.l of popul.ation. .5 please.do like th.i s. fold t.he paper ._ and cut.along the.fold.a. into p.i eces

27、b. i.n half c.on halves.d. to half. 6 you.played th.e violin w.onderfully. will you.please pl.ay another._ .a. one b.game c. pr.ogramme d. .piece中學.英語語法專項練習二 .形容詞一 挑選正 .確的答案1. wh.i ch does j.i mmy like._ 、 c .hinese or.art.a. .wellb . bestc . better.d. much.2. the cha.ngjiang ri.v er is one.of .in t

28、he wo.r ld.a.the longe.st river b. the more .c. the lo.ngest rive.r s d. long.er river.3. .of the two.women is.mrs brown.精品學習資料精選學習資料 - - - 歡迎下載a. the.beautiful.b. the mo .r e beautif.ul c. more.beautiful.d. the mo .st beautif.ul4. my.mooncake i.s nicer . his.a. li.k eb. wit.hc. for.d. than.5. you a

29、re.fatter th.an .a. h.e b. his c. him d. h.e is tall.6. he jum.ps .of the th.r ee.a. farb.f utherc. .farthest.d. furthes.t7. my h.air is lon.ger than _._ . a. my si.ster b. ka.t e c. my b.r other s.d.lucys .8. there i.s p.aper here.please br.i ng some.a. lit.t le b. les.s c. fewer.d. a litt.l e9. th

30、 .e pen is _._ than .that one.a. mo.r e cheap b . cheapc . much che .aper d. qu.i te cheape.r10. tom .speaks ch .i nese ._ better.than jimm .y.a. .more b. ve.r y c. a lo.t d. much.11. ther.e are ._ girls.i n class 2.than in c.l ass 4. a. more.b. nicest.c. most d . best 12. its too. fo.r you to d.o t

31、hat. a. easy.b. more da.ngerous c.harder d.the easis.t13. who .has ._ apples n.ow、 jim、 l.i ly or luc.y.a. .much b. b .i ggest c.better d.t he most.14. you h.ave more r.ulers than.me. but _._ are.nicer than. .a. mi.ne、 yours.b. mine、 y.our c. my、.yours d.my、 your.15. tingti.ng is ._ than me .i mei ,

32、 but m .eimei is _._ than .tingting.a. t.all、 stron.ger b. tal.l er、 stron.gest c. ta.l lest、 str.ong d. tal.l er、 stron.ger16. m .other is _._ in.my family.a. b.usy b. bus.i er c. the.busiest d. more bus .y17. the .r e are ._ in th.e park on.sundays.a. mor.e children.b. a lot.of people.c. much me .

33、n and wome .n d. many.peoples 1.8. the dum .plings are. t .han the no.odles、 i t.hink.a. more n.i cer b. mu.ch delicio.us c. very.nice d. m.uch more d .elicious.19. she is. t.han me at.drawing.a. bet.t er b. bes.t c. good.d. harder.20. this.blue sweat.er is too.big for me. will you.please sh.ow me a

34、 ._ one.a. small.b. smalle.r c. the s.mallest d.smallest.二用所給詞的適當.形式填空精品學習資料精選學習資料 - - - 歡迎下載1. y .our classr.oom is ._ wide. and ._ brigh.t than ou.r s.精品學習資料精選學習資料 - - - 歡迎下載2. th .ere are ._ hour .s of sunli.ght a day.i n winter.t han in su.mmer. few.3. whic .h do you l.i ke ._、 maths o.r chemist

35、r.y.well.4. this is.the ._ film i h.ave ever s.een. good.5. afri.ca is the.s econd ._ conti.nent. lar.ge6. wh .at he said.made his.mother muc.h . angry 7. i m not.as .as he. c.areful8. weve go .t as ._ books a.s we need. many9. .they have .done ._ much .work with. l.i ttle mon.ey.10. p .r actice as.

36、 as .you can. much11. you re t.he .person iv .e ever see.n. kind.12. he is. tha.n his two.s isters. .y oung13. the ._ old i.get、 the._ st.r ong i se.em to feel.精品學習資料精選學習資料 - - - 歡迎下載14. the .weather i.s getting._ wa .r m and . warm . .15. yo .u are far. tha.n you were. polite.16. the.patient is.no

37、.than peop.l e. well.17. summ.er is ._ season.of the yea.r . hot.18. i can.do it well.with even. mo .ney. litt.l e三中考真 .題測試1. th .e air in b.eijing is.getting mu.ch .now than a.few years.ago. 200.5 年北京 精品學習資料精選學習資料 - - - 歡迎下載a.c leanb.cleanerc . cleanest. d. the c.l eanest2. my cousi.n has chan.ged

38、a lot.she used.t o be a. sh .ortb. th.i nc. pre.t tyd.he .avy._ but now.she is ta.l l.精品學習資料精選學習資料 - - - 歡迎下載3. mo .bile phone.s are very.popular n.ow and the.y are a. .cheap b.c heaper c.cheapest.d. the che.apest._ than be.f ore. 200.5 北京海淀 精品學習資料精選學習資料 - - - 歡迎下載4. . we spent .all our m.oney becau

39、 .se we stay.ed at the.most expen.s ive hotel.in town.why d.i dnt you.stay at . one.a. a chea.p b. a che.aper c. th.e cheap d.the cheap.er5. do.you like.western fo.od. .no. the fo.od of our.country is. th.at of west.ern countr.i es. 2005.年 廣州 a. .r ather goo.d than b.much bette.r than c.more bette.r

40、 than d.not so goo.d as6. .this is ._ that a.l l of us b.elieve it.s very imp.ortant. 2.005 年廣州 . a. such.useful inf.ormation b. so usefu.l an infor.mation.c. so usef.ul informa.t iond.s uch a use.f ul inform.ation7. . mum、 cou .l d i have.an mp3. certai.nly、 we ca.n buy ._ one、 but.as good a.s this

41、. 2.005 年沈陽 . a. a che.ap b. a ch.eapest c.a cheaper.d. the che.apest8. .the harder.we work、.t he .result we.will get.( 2005 年大連).a. fas.t er b. few.er c. bett.er d. the.c heapest.9. we shou .l d keep ou.r eyes . while.doing eye.exercises.( 2005 年吉林) .a. cl.ose b. clo.s ed c. ope.n d. opene.d10. lo

42、.ok at the.man in the.right pic.t ure. he i.s .(2005 年吉林).a. rig.ht-handed.b. left-ha.nded c. no.hand d. a.hand11. . tom is.good at dr.awing. how .about mik.e. m.i ke is ._ 、 i thi.nk. he has. got more.prizes tha.n tom. ( 200.5 年河南)精品學習資料精選學習資料 - - - 歡迎下載.a. well b.ok c. goo .d d. bette.r12. h.ave y

43、ou bo.ught that.digital ca.mera. no、 i c.ant affor.d it. the.price is a.bit a. .now b. hi.gh c. chea.p expensiv.e._.(2005 年河 .南 )精品學習資料精選學習資料 - - - 歡迎下載13. now .more and.more chine.s e people.are .enough to .buy cars.a. r.i ch b. wea.k c. poor.d. strong.14. kate.i s really. . sh .es never.angry with

44、.others.(.2005 年安徽).a. tal.l b. frien.dly c. luc.ky d. clev.er15. w.hich is ._ river.in china.(2005 年武漢) . the ch .angjiang r.i ver.a. longer.b. the lo.ngest c. l.ongest d.t he longer.參考答案;一. 1. c 2. c.3. a 4. d.5. c6. .c 三個人或三人以.上比較時,用形容詞最.高 級,表示 “最遠 ”用.f arthest、.而 further、.f urthest多表 .示抽象意思,“更進一

45、 .步”等7. c.8. alit.t le、 a lit.t le 修飾不行數(shù)名詞., little表示否 .定含義,意為 “沒多少 .”a little.表示確定含義,意為“.有精品學習資料精選學習資料 - - - 歡迎下載一點兒 ”9. .c 10. d.11-15aada.d 16-20 cb.dab二 1.wider、 bri.ghter 2. f.ewer 3. be.t ter 4. be.st 5. larg.est 6. ang.r ier 7. ca.r eful 8. m.any9. mor .e、 less 10. much 11.kindest 1.2. younge

46、r.13. older.、 stronger.14. warme .r 、 warmer.15. polit.er 16. bet.t er 17. th.e hottest.18. less.三 1-5 babb.b 6-10 acc .bb 11-15 d .babb中學英語 .語法專項練習三代 .詞單項填空 :人稱 .代詞.物主代詞.反身代詞.指示代詞 .和疑問代詞1. ._ is sh.e. she's a.nurse.a. .whob. wh .erec. whi .c hd. what .2. i.s tom like. oh、 he's.short.a. .whi

47、chb.whoc. wha.td. whom.3. ca.p is that.a. who's.b. whoc.whosed. w.here4. ._ is no u.s e telling.him about.that.a. .thisb. th .atc. thes .ed. it5. .the three.men、 bob、 .joe and _._ met at.the stati.on.a. ib. mec. he .rd. you 6. hav.e been to.paris.a.i 、 you and.heb. he、 .you and i. c. you、.he and

48、 i.d. you、 he.and me7. .my brothe .r is so yo.ung that h.e can't ta.ke care of. .a. .himb. he .r selfc. h .i mselfd.his8. the .young tea.cher teach.es po.l itics.a. .usb. our.c. oursd. ourself.9. our wor.k is not s.o good as. .a.himb. he.c. hisd.he's10. h .as jack go.t the mone .y . yes、 i.g

49、ave .yesterday.a .to him.themb. t.o him ifc. him them.d. it to.him11. ho .w hard ._ works.a. web .hi.mc. hed. .his12. w .on't you l.et he.l p you.a. .i and my.f riendb.my friend.and ic.my friend.and med. .my friend.and i to.13. he ask.ed the thr.ee men、 bo .b、 joe and. to b.e ready.a. ib. him .selfc. me .d. hersel.f14. all.my classma.t es are go.i ng to the.summer pa.l ace excep .t .a. he and i.b. he and.mec. him .and id.him and me .15. go . to .a. here、.us b. the.r e、 they.c. there、.t hemd. he .r e、 we16. .the moon .i s shining.brightly.t onight ._._ is lik.e a r


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  • 6. 下載文件中如有侵權(quán)或不適當內(nèi)容,請與我們聯(lián)系,我們立即糾正。
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