



1、1. Do you thi nk China offersforeig nbus in ess people greatopport un ities to fulfill their dreams? Why?Yes, I argue that China gives those foreig n bus in ess people lots of opport un ities to fulfill their dreams.First of all, after China entered into WTO,more and more foreign busin essme n estab

2、lished their compa nies in chi na, the interaction between China and other countries becamemore closely and frequently. Secon dly, China is a big market, and Chin ese gover nment issued a series of policies to appeal to those foreig n bus in essme n. It is much easier to achieve the goal of bus in e

3、ss for those bus in essme n Whe n they take bus in ess activities in China. Fin ally, Based on the advan ced tech no logies and man ageme nt of the headquarters, Those foreign compa nies are more competitive tha n Chi nese enterprises.In con clusi on, I thi nk China offers foreig n bus in ess people

4、great opport un ities to fulfill their dreams.2. If offered an overseas assignment, would you like to work for your compa ny at a foreig n headquarters as long as required?For me, if I have an overseas assignmentI willsize the moment.There are some reasons why I prefer to work in other countries.Fir

5、st of all, I am a curious pers on. The world is so big, andI want to have a look. Whenl work in a foreig n coun try, I can con tactwith different people and things. Secondly, I argue that working in a foreig n country can develop my ability about how to deal with a new and more complicated problem .

6、In my opinion, the experie nee of working in a foreign country is ben efit for my career. Last but not the least, my En glish is n ot very good, but I am worki ng on it. Iaminterested in English, and I think that through a period of working in a foreig n coun try, there will be a big cha nge in my E

7、nglish.In conclusion,I will work for your company at a foreignheadquarters as long as required.3. What factors do you thi nk con tribute to fulfillme nt of overseasassig nmen ts?There are some factors which I think are very importa nt tofulfillme nt of overseas assig nmen ts.First of all, preparati

8、on. Before you go abroad, you shouldprepare well for your job. Which in elude the culture and custom ofthe dest in atio n.Secon dly, persiste nee.At the beg inning of worki ngin a foreig n coun try, it is possible that you will meet severalproblems, then you should search for the solutions to deal w

9、ith these problems, no matter how difficult the job is , the only thi ng youshould keep in mind is n ever give up. Moreover, you should reportto the headquarter about your process regularly. Last but not theleast, makefull use of your pers onal relati on ships,it can save youmuch time whe n you reso

10、lve the problems.4. What is the differenee between E-commerce and the traditionalbus in ess?E-commerce is the practice of buying and selling products andservices over the Intern et,utiliz ingtech no logies such as the Web,electron ic data in tercha nge, email, and smart cards and so on. Inbrief, it

11、is the on li ne excha nge or sale and purchase of goods and services.The differencesbetween E-commerce and traditionalcommerce asfollows:The first differe nee betwee n them is that traditi onal commerceoften bases on face-to-face interaction. The customer has a chanceto ask questions and the sales s

12、taff can work with them to ensurea satisfactorytransaction.Often this gives sales staff anopport unity for up selli ng , or en courage the clie nt to buy a moreexpensive item or related items, increasing the shop profits.Ano ther ben efit of traditi onal commerce is return Rate. I n atraditional sto

13、re, the customer will be able to touch and check the items, to make sure they are suitable, and eve n try them on, whichreduces the nu mber of returned items or complai nts.On the other hand, E-commerce also has some ben efits. Firstly,costs of E-commerce are lower tha n traditi onal commerce. Compa

14、redwith costs such as commercial space rent, ope ning an on li ne storecan save much, which can prove inv aluable ben efits for small bus in ess owners who don't have the startup capital to rent prime retail space to sell their goods. In addition, an online store has no capability limits, and yo

15、u can have as many clients as your stock can serve.5. What are the ben efits and limitati ons of E-commerce?Ben efits of E-commerce:For companies : All the advantages of E-commerce for businessen tities can be summed in one stateme nt: E-commerce can increase sales and decrease costs. By establishin

16、g virtual organizations, firms can com muni cate with each other more efficie ntly.Besides, theadvertis ing of E-commerce can offer much pote ntial customers in every country in the world.For buyers: Customer can get accurate information of commodities. E-commerce in creases con sumers' purchas

17、ing opport un itiesandprovides competitive bid in formati on .It gives customers a widerrange of choices. There is no doubt that Electronic payments is more faster.Disadva ntages of E-commerceFirst of all, there is the difficulty of integratingexistingdatabases into the software that enables E-comme

18、rce. On other hand, someconsumers are stillfearful of sending their credit card numberson the Intern et. Moreover, some con sumers are simple resista nt tochange and are uncomfortable viewing merchandise on a computer screen. Last but not the least, Internet laws are confusing andcon flict ing.6. Do

19、 you take it for granted that copyright should be protected bylaw?Yes, In myop inion, every copyright should be protected by law. There are some reas ons why I agree with this opin io n.First of all, as wek now, copyright is the recog niti on to the inven tor.People are motivated by the economic val

20、ue behind the copyright. The copyright represe nt one certa in pers on or compa ny. In the abse nee of copy protection,most of products are relatively easy to be copiedby other people. Besides, we protect the copyright by law to makesure that every one rewards what he or she should have, promoti ng

21、the development of tech no logies and culture. Last but not least, using law to protect the rights of inven tor is a basic policy of our coun try.Through this measure, we can en courage more and more people toinvoIve into innovating,and our conditions of lives will becomemoreand more better.7. Do yo

22、u think it is criminal to adapt other' s ideas in your ownway and share them with your frien ds?In my opinion, I am not against people to adapt other' s ideas intheir own way, but when you want to adapt sb' s ideas, and share them with your frien ds, you must get the permissi on of the i

23、nven tor about those ideas, and then note it on your paper. If you cited one' s ideas without permissi on, your behavior is equal to plagiarism. Newt on once said If I have seen a little further, it is by standing onthe shoulders of Giants . By adapting other ' s ideas can save much time for

24、 us, and we might get in spirati on from those ideas.8. What is corporate culture? How does culture affect the way we dobus in ess?Corporate culture is a broad term used to defi ne the uniqueperson ality of a particular compa ny or orga ni zati on, and ineludessuch elements as core values and belief

25、s, corporate ethics, and rules of behavior.Corporate culture can be expressed in the company' s missionstateme nt and other com muni cati ons. By what people wear to work, byhow people address each other.Whenwe con tact with other foreig n bus in ess part ners, we should consider about the diffe

26、renee of cultures. For example, you can shake hands with a En glish mercha nt at meeti ng, but remin der that do not give him/her a hug. Germa n bus in essme n prefer talk ing in Germa n to En glish, so whe n you cooperate with Germa n bus in essme n, you had better lear n some Germa n bus in essme

27、n Ian guage, or employee an in terpreter.In con clusi on, whe n we do bus in ess with differe ntculture people,weshould cultivate the cross-cultural awareness. Besides, we should master cross-cultural bus in ess skills. Last but not the least, stre ng the ningculturalexcha nges is a useful way to he

28、lp us reachi ngour bus in ess goals.9. What are the advantages and disadvantages of online-communication?Every day, millio ns of people are using QQ,MSN)r other In ternet service to chat.There's no denying that on li necom muni cati on has a lot ofadvantages. Firstly, it's easy, affordable,

29、and allows individuals to com muni cate with in dividuals all over the world. Before appeara nee of the Intern et, people usually chat via phon es. It was not convenient, because you cannot chat with several people at the identical time. After the invention of camera system, people can seeeach other

30、 while chatt ing, this makes the on li ne com muni catio n moreenjoyable. For instanee, a chief executive officer can sit in front of a computer in stead of calli ng all man agers to have a meeting.There are somedisadva ntages of on li ne com muni cati ons. Firstly, one maytell lies on the Internet

31、when they chatting with a stranger. The online frauds always cause a lot of problems. Online com muni cati on does have a variety of adva ntages, but it can be really dan gerous. So we should pay more atte nti on whe n we are chatt ing on li ne with stra ngers.lO.Which way of com muni catio n do you

32、 prefer talki ng face -to-face or chatt ing on line? Why?As we know, there are two mai n forms of com mun icatio n, the one is face-to-facecom muni cati on,and the other is com muni cati onthrough the Intern et. For me, I prefer to choose the former.There are some reasons why I argue that face-to-fa

33、ce com muni cati on is better tha n on li ne com muni cati on. Firstly of all, face-to-facecom muni cati onis more efficie ncytha n on li necommuni cati on, with inthe same period; talks can excha nge morein formatio n, so the effect is much batter. Secon dly, whe n peoplecommuni cate with each othe

34、r through face-to-face communication, they can un dersta nd the true mea ning of others behi nd the wordsthrough their expression. Last but not the least; we can improve ourin terpers onalrelati on shipthrough face-to-facecom muni cati ons.Whe n we talk to others, we make a deep impressi on on other

35、s. Thoseadva ntages are obvious tha n on li ne com muni cati on.From above, we can see that face-to-face com muni catio n is muchbetter tha n on li ne com muni catio ns. Whe n you com muni cate with oneperson through the Internet, you maymisunderstand his/her meaning.Whaf s more, he/she maynot give

36、response to you right now. So, there is no doubt that, face-to-face com muni catio n is better tha n on li necom muni cati on, specially,whe n you want to get a quick resp onse andshare your idea with each other.11. The factors requisite for success may differ from one professi on to ano ther, what

37、ki nd of eleme nts may con tribute to success in your opinion?In my opinion, no matter what kind of your professi on, hardworking is the most importa nt factor con tributes to success. The only passport to success is hard work. Mymajor is logisticsengineering,After I graduate, I might search a job a

38、bout logistics. Besides hard work, another major factor to achieve the goal is thinking andsummarizing. Logistics is a practicalprofession,while it doesn' tmean that without thinking. In contrast,itneeds to rethinkprofoun dly how to optimize the process after you finish your work.Last but not least, good in terpers onal skill is ano ther importa ntfactor for this profession.This profession is related to management,so howto get well along with other people becomevirtual. A succes


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