1、習(xí)題及答案 Chapter 01 Human Resource Management: Gaining a Competitive Adva ntageA nswer Key True / False Questions 1. (p. 5) Compa nies have historically looked at HRM as a means to con tribute to profitability, quality, and other bus in ess goals through enhancing and support ing bus in ess operati ons
2、. FALSE 2. (p. 5) The huma n resource departme nt is most likely to collaborate with other compa ny functions on outplaceme nt, labor law complia nee, test ing, and un employme nt compe nsati on. FALSE 3. (p. 6)The three product lines of HR include a) administrative services and transactions, B) fin
3、ancial services, and c) strategic part ners. FALSE 4. (p. 9) The amount of time that the HRM function devotes to administrative tasks is decreasing, and its roles as a strategic bus in ess partner, cha nge age nt, and employee advocate are in creas ing. TRUE 5. (p. 9) Adva nces in tech no logy have
4、allowed HR services to be offered more on a self-service basis than in the past. TRUE 6. (p. 9) HR functions related to areas such as employee developme nt, performa nee man ageme nt, and orga ni zati onal developme nt are outsourced most freque ntly. FALSE 7. (p. 11) Evide nce-based HR provides man
5、 agers with data to make decisi on s, in stead of just relyi ng on in tuiti on. TRUE 8. (p. 14) Stakeholders of a compa ny are shareholders, the com muni ty, customers, employees, and all of the other parties that have an in terest in see ing that the compa ny succeeds. TRUE 9. (p. 19) Compa nies ar
6、e now more and more in terested in using intan gible assets and huma n capital as a way to gain an adva ntage over competitors. TRUE 10. (p. 22) A learning organization places the highest emphasis on completion of formal employment trai ning. FALSE 11. (p. 22)The psychological con tract describes wh
7、at an employee expects to con tribute and what the compa ny will provide to the employee in return for these con tributi ons. TRUE 35 12. (p. 25)The use of alter native work arran geme nts, which in elude in depe ndent con tractors, on-call workers, temporary workers, and con tract compa ny workers,
8、 is shri nking. FALSE 13. (p. 27)To be effective, balaneed scorecards must be customized by companies to fit different market situati ons, products, and competitive environmen ts. TRUE 14. (p. 27)The balaneed scorecard should not be used to link the companys human resource man ageme nt activities to
9、 the compa nys bus in ess strategy. FALSE 15. (p. 30) Corporate cultures withi n compa nies that successfully impleme nt TQM typically emphasize in dividualism, hierarchy, acco un tability, and profits. FALSE 16. (p. 31)ISO 9000 certificatio n is an in tegral comp onent of W. Edwards Demi ngs qualit
10、y control process. FALSE 17. (p. 34)The skills and motivation of a companys internal labor force determine the need for training and development practices and the effectiveness of the companys compensation and reward systems. TRUE 18. (p. 37)Because the workforce is predicted to become more uniform
11、in terms of age, eth nicity, and racial backgro un d, it is likely that one set of values will characterize all employees. FALSE 19. (p. 39)Cultural diversity can provide a compa ny competitive adva ntage regard ing problem-solv ing. TRUE 20. (p. 42)The Sarba nes-Oxley Act of 2002 sets strict rules
12、for corporate behavior and sets heavy fines and pris on terms for non complia nee. TRUE 21. (p. 43)Every bus in ess must be prepared to deal with the global economy. TRUE 22. (p. 48)One of the disadva ntages of tech no logy is that it does not allow older workers to postp one retireme nt. FALSE 23.
13、(p. 51)E-HRM is more applicable to practices associated with recruiting and training than those associated with an alysis and desig n work, select ion, and compe nsati on and ben efits. FALSE 24. (p. 54)An HR dashboard is a series of indicators that managers and employees have access to on the compa
14、 ny intranet or huma n resource in formatio n system. TRUE 25. (p. 58) Compe nsati ng huma n resources in volves measuri ng employees performa nee. FALSE Multiple Choice Questions 26. (p. 4)refers to a companys ability to maintain and gain market share in its industry. A. Outsourci ng B. Competitive
15、ness C. Self-service D. Empowerme nt27. (p. 4) refers to the policies, practices, and systems that in flue nee employees behavior, attitudes, and performa nee. A. Total quality man ageme nt B. Finan cial man ageme nt C. Huma n resource man ageme nt D. Producti on and operatio ns man ageme nt 28. (p.
16、 5)Strategic HR management includes all but one of the following. Name the exception. A. Financial planning B. Trai ning and developme nt C. Performa nee man ageme nt D. Recruit ing tale nt 29. (p. 6)Which of the following is NOT a responsibility of HR departments? A. Recruit ing B. Ben efits C. Com
17、mu nity relati ons D. Production and operations 30. (p. 6)Which of the followi ng is NOT a product line of huma n resources? A. Admi nistrative services and tran sacti ons B. Strategic part ner C. Huma n capital part ner D. Bus in ess part ner services 31. (p. 8)Which of the follow ing best describe
18、s a cultural steward? A. Shapes the orga ni zati on. B. Delivers results with in tegrity. C. Facilitates cha nge. D. Recog ni zes bus in ess trends and their impact on the bus in ess. 32. (p. 8)A strategic architect is one who: A. facilitates cha nge. B. recog ni zes bus in ess trends and their impa
19、ct on the bus in ess. C. impleme nts workplace policies con ducive to work environment. D. develops tale nt and desig ns reward systems. 33. (p. 9)Giving employees on li ne access to in formati on about HR issues such as training, ben efits, and compe nsati on is known as: A. outsourci ng. B. contin
20、u ous lear ning. C. self-service. D. strategic pla nning. 34. (p. 9) The practice of hav ing ano ther compa ny (a ven dor, third-party provider, con sulta nt) provide services traditi on ally associated with the admi nistrative role of HR is known as: A. e-commerce. B. empoweri ng. C. outsourci ng.
21、D. ben chmark ing. 35. (p. 10) Traditi on ally, the HRM departme nt was primarily a(n): A. proactive age ncy. B. finance expert. C. employer advocate. D. admi nistrative expert. 36. (p. 11) Which of the followi ng stateme nts about evide nce-based HR is FALSE? A. It helps show that the money in vest
22、ed in HR programs is justified and that HR is con tribut ing to the compa nys goals and objectives. B. It emphasizes that HR is being transformed from a broad corporate competency to a specialized, stand-alone function in which human resources and line managers build partnerships to gain competitive
23、 adva ntage. C. It requires collecting data on such metrics as productivity, turnover, accidents, employee attitudes and medical costs and show ing their relati on ship with HR practices. D. It refers to dem on strat ing that huma n resources practices have a positive in flue nee on the compa nys bo
24、ttom line or key stakeholders.37. (p. 12-13)Which one of the followi ng stateme nts about the HR professio n is FALSE? A. A college degree is required of HR specialists, but not of generalists. B. Generalists usually perform the full range of HRM activities, including recruiting, training, compe nsa
25、ti on, and employee relati ons. C. Professi onal certificati on in HRM is less com mon tha n membership in professi onal associatio ns. D. The primary professi onal orga ni zatio n for HRM is the Society for Huma n Resource Man ageme nt. 38. (p. 13) All of the followi ng competitive challe nges face
26、d by compa nies will in crease the importa nce of huma n resource man ageme nt EXCEPT: A. the global challe nge. B. the challe nge of susta in ability. C. the political challe nge. D. the tech no logy challe nge. 39. (p. 14)refers to the ability of a company to survive and succeed in a dynamic compe
27、titive en viro nment. A. Outsourci ng B. Empowerme nt C. Susta in ability D. Resource man ageme nt 40. (p. 14) Susta in ability in cludes all of the followi ng EXCEPT: A. expanding into foreign markets. B. the ability to deal with econo mic and social cha nges. C. en gag ing in resp on sible and eth
28、ical bus in ess practices. D. providing high-quality products and services.41. (p. 19) Which of the following statements about in ta ngible assets is FALSE? A. They in clude huma n capital. B. They are less valuable tha n physical assets. C. They are equally or even more valuable tha n finan cial as
29、sets. D. They are difficult to duplicate or imitate. 42. (p. 20) Tacit kno wledge is an example ofcapital. A. social B. customer C. huma n D. i ntellectual 43. (p. 21) Which of the following is NOT true of knowledge workers? A. They ofte n con tribute specialized kno wledge that their man agers may
30、not have, such as in formatio n about customers. B. They have many job opport un ities. C. They are in high dema nd because compa nies n eed their skills. D. They con tribute to the compa ny through man ual labor and in tellectual labor. 44. (p. 21) Empowering is defined as: A. the moveme nt of wome
31、 n and mino rities into man agerial positi ons. B. giving employees responsibility and authority to make decisions regarding all aspects of product developme nt or customer service. C. leading employees by the strength of ones charisma. D. the act of continu ally lear ning and improv ing on es skill
32、s and abilities. 45. (p. 22) A(n) con tract describes what an employee expects to con tribute and what the compa ny will provide to the employee for these con tributi ons. A. employer B. employee C. psychological D. job 46. (p. 25)All of the followi ng are examples of alter native work arran geme nt
33、s EXCEPT: A. in depe ndent con tractors. B. curre nt labor force. C. on-call workers. D. temporary workers.47. (p. 27)The balaneed scorecard: A. is similar to most measures of compa ny performa nee. B. uses in dicators importa nt to the compa nys strategy. C. is a sta ndardized in strume nt of compa
34、 ny performa nee. D. should not be applied to HR practices. 48. (p. 27)The bala need scorecard prese nts a view of compa ny performa nee from the perspective of: A. its customers only. B. its employees only. C. its employees and customers only. D. its employees, customers, and shareholders. 49. (p.
35、28)According to the financial perspective of the balaneed scorecard, which of the following questio ns should be an swered? A. How do customers see us? B. Can we continue to improve and create value? C. What must we excel at? D. How do we look to shareholders? 50. (p. 28)in creas in gly, compa nies
36、are trying to meet shareholder and gen eral public dema nds that they be more socially, ethically, and environmentally responsible. Thus, companies are recognizing the importa nee of: A. a bala need scorecard approach to bus in ess. B. diversity. C. total quality man ageme nt. D. social responsibili
37、ty. 51. (p. 30)TQM focuses on: A. desig ning processes to meet the n eeds of exter nal customers only. B. reducing variability in the product or service. C. preve nti ng errors rather tha n correct ing errors. D. tying pay to employees total output less rejects 52. (p. 31)How senior executives creat
38、e and sustain corporate citizenship, customer focus, clear values, and expectations, and promote quality and performanee excellenee is the definition for which Malcolm Baldrige Nati onal Quality Award criteri on? A. Strategic pla nning B. Workforce focus C. Customer and market focus D. Leadership Ma
39、lcolm Baldrige National Quality Award is an award established in 1987 to promote quality aware ness, to recog nize quality achieveme nts of U.S. compa ni es, and to publicize successful quality strategies. 53. (p. 33)Which one of the following is NOT true of the Six Sigma process? A. The objective o
40、f the process is to create a total bus in ess focus on servi ng the customer. B. Training is an importa nt comp onent of the process. C. The process is one of seve n categories evaluated with in the Malcolm Baldrige Quality Award. D. The process in volves measuri ng, an alyz in g, improvi ng, and co
41、n troll ing processes once they have bee n brought with in six quality sta ndards. 54. (p. 33) Which of following holds TRUE for lean thinking? A. It is a way to do more with less effort, time, equipment, and space. B. It is a way to compete for quality awards and certification. C. It includes offer
42、ing no-frills goods and services to customers. D. It is work ing for zero inven tories. 55. (p. 34)The skills and motivati on of a compa nyslabor force determ ine the n eed for trai ning and development practices and the effectiveness of the companys compensation and reward systems. A. projected B.
43、sec on dary C. exter nal D. internal 56. (p. 34-37) Which of the following statements about the composition of the U.S. labor force in the n ext decade is TRUE? A. Labor force growth is greater than at any other time in U.S. history. B. The largest proporti on of the labor force is expected to be in
44、 the 16-to-24-year age group. C. There will be fewer white males than minorities or women in the labor force. D. The nu mber of baby boom workers will in crease faster tha n any other age group. 57. (p. 35) Which of the follow ing stateme nts about older workers is FALSE? A. Worker performanee and l
45、earning are adversely affected by aging. B. The agi ng labor force means compa nies are likely to employ a grow ing share of older workers. C. An emerg ing trend is for qualified older workers to ask to work part-time or for only a few mon ths at a time as a means to transition to retirement. D. Old
46、er employees are willi ng and able to lear n new tech no logy. 58. (p. 37)Baby boomers: A. like the latest tech no logy, are ambitious and goal-orie nted, and seek meanin gful work. B. want to be no ticed, respected, and in volved. C. tend to be un comfortable challe nging the status quo and authori
47、ty. D. value un expected rewards for work accomplishme nts, opport un ities to lear n new thin gs, praise, recognition, and time with the manager. 59. (p. 38)Regardless of their backgro und, most employees value: A. the ability to challe nge the status quo. B. simplistic tasks requiri ng few skills.
48、 C. man agerial positi ons. D. work that leads to self-fulfillme nt. 60. (p. 38-39)To successfully man age a diverse workforce, man agers n eed to develop all of the followi ng skills EXCEPT: A. providing performanee feedback that is based on values rather than objective outcomes. B. com muni cat in
49、g effectively with employees from a wide variety of cultural backgro un ds. C. coach ing employees of differe nt ages, educati onal backgro un ds, eth ni city, physical ability, and race. D. recog nizing and resp onding to gen erati onal issues. 61. (p. 39)Man agi ng cultural diversity in volves: A.
50、 enforcing EEO rules. B. creat ing separate career tracks for employees with families. C. establishing a strong affirmative action policy. D. creating a workplace that makes it comfortable for employees of all backgrounds to be creative and inno vative. 62. (p. 39)How diversity issues are man aged i
51、n compa nies has implicatio ns for all the followi ng EXCEPT: A. knowing how to learn. B. creativity. C. reta ining good employees. D. problem solvi ng. 63. (p. 39)Managing cultural diversity can provide a competitive advantage by: A. decreasing the number of available women and minorities in the co
52、mpanys labor pool. B. helping women and minorities understand they must conform to organizational norms and expectati ons. C. help ing compa nies produce better decisi ons by in cludi ng all employees perspectives and an alysis. D. ide ntify ing product markets on which the compa ny should focus 64.
53、 (p. 39)In managing cultural diversity, which of the following would improve the level of creativity thereby providi ng competitive adva ntage to an orga ni zatio n? A. Diversity of perspectives and less emphasis on conformity to norms of the past. B. Those with the best reputations for managing div
54、ersity will win the competition for the best pers onn el. C. An implication of the multicultural model for managing diversity is that the system will become less determi nate, less sta ndardized, and therefore more fluid. D. Heteroge neity in decisi ons and problem-solvi ng groups pote ntially produ
55、ces better decisi ons. 65. (p. 39)Which of the following cultural diversity arguments states that companies with the best reputati ons for man agi ng diversity will win the competiti on for the best pers onn el? A. System flexibility argume nt B. Marketi ng argume nt C. Employee attract ion and rete
56、 nti on argume nt D. Problem-solvi ng argume nt 66. (p. 39)Diversity is important for tapping all of the following skills of employees EXCEPT: A. cultural skills. B. com muni cati on skills. C. creativity. D. homogeneous thinking. 67. (p. 40)What areas of the legal environment have in flue need HRM
57、practices over the past 25 years? A. Equal employme nt opport un ity, safety and health, pay and ben efits, privacy, and job security. B. Executive compe nsati on, pay and ben efits, workers compe nsati on, safety and health, and job security. C. Product liability, workers compe nsati on, equal empl
58、oyme nt opport uni ty, safety and health, and labor relatio ns. D. Equal employme nt opport un ity, pate nt infrin geme nt, workers compe nsati on, safety and health, and job security. 68. (p. 40-41)There will likely be continued discussion, debate, and possible legislation in all but one of the fol
59、low ing areas in compa ni es. Name the exceptio n. A. Gen etic testi ng B. Glass ceili ng C. Employme nt-at-will D. Design of physical work environment 69. (p. 41)Litigati on in volvi ng job security will have a major in flue nce on huma n resource man ageme nt practices because: A. work rules, recr
60、uitme nt practices, and performa nce evaluati on systems might falsely com muni cate lifetime employme nt agreeme nts that the compa ny does n ot i nte nd to honor duri ng layoffs. B. adjustme nts of test scores to meet affirmative action requireme nts are now illegal. C. employees now bear the burd
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