1、海 盜 船 長 版 權(quán) 翻 印 必 究第一部分1_, as the chemical extinguisher agent, should be used for an electric fire.a. dry chemical or foam b. foam or soda acidc. carbon dioxide or foam d. carbon dioxide or dry chemical2_: a room on or near the bridge provided with the necessary fittings and furniture for the handli
2、ng and stowage of charts and where the chronometers are placed.a. captains cabin b. chief officers locker c. chartroom d. pilots cabin3_:the main center-line structural member, running fore and aft along the bottom of a ship, sometimes referred to as the backbone.a. frame b. deckbeam c. stringer d.
3、keel4_:the vertical distance measured on the vessels side amidships from the load water line to the upper side of the freeboard deck or a point corresponding to it.a. buoyancy b. freeboard c. draft d. displacement5_20 targets can be tracked at one time. when maximum tracking capacity is reached, no
4、further acquisitions are possible.a. as many as b. so many as c. as much as d. as more as6_amplify charted detail and contain information needed for safe navigation.a. admiralty sailing directions b. admiralty list of lightsc. admiralty list of signals d. admiralty notices to mariners7_are published
5、 for the correction of admiralty charts.a. admiralty sailing directions b. admiralty list of lightsc. mariners handbook d. admiralty notices to mariners8_are to be used for dunnage if you load rice.a. wooden planks b. rush mats c. steel bars d. wooden planks and rush mats9_at 53n3 127e4 moving ely 1
6、2kts with cold front from center passing 51n3 126e1 to 51n2 125e4 and warm front from 46n1 128e2 passing 40n2 125e2.a. low 1002hpa b. low 1045 hpa c. high 1002 hpa d. high 1045 hpa10_causing strong winds and rough sea north west bay of biscay.a. strong low pressure b. strong high pressure c. steep p
7、ressure gradient d. steep gradient pressure11_chart 3994, positions read from this chart should be shifted 0.03 minutes northward.a. to consider b. to check c. to examine d. to agree with12_is a full nautical record of a ships voyage, written up at the end of each watch by the officer of the watch.a
8、. sea protest b. deck log c. accident report d. seamans book13_is not a process of weathering of the oil spilled in the sea water.a. biodegradation b. dissolutionc. cleaning up by crew with skimmers d. oxidation including photooxidation14_is not a process of weathering of the oil spilled in the sea
9、water.a. emulsification b. sedimentation / sinkingc. oxidation including photooxidation d. burning organized by rcc15_ is not a process of weathering of the oil spilled in the sea water.a. evaporation b. dispersion c. emulsification d. drifting16_is not contained in the nm weekly.a. amendments to ad
10、miralty sailing directionsb. amendments to admiralty list of lights and fog signalsc. amendments to admiralty list of radio signalsd. supplement to guide to port entry17_is the most visible signal of distress from a lifeboat at sea in the daytime.a. smoke signal b. flash signal c. fire signal d. rad
11、io emergency transmission18_is the process by which the position of the vessel at any moment is found by applying the last well-determined position to the run that has been made since, using for this purpose the ships course and the distance being those indicated by log.a. dead reckoning b. dead wei
12、ght c. dead slow ahead d. dead slow astern19_ it rain tomorrow moring, the loading _.a. should / will be postponed b. if / shall be postponedc. should / would be postponed d. if / has to be postponed20_ means a unit in which goods are totally enclosed by sufficient strong boundaries such as a freigh
13、t container, a tank or a vehicle unit with fabric sides or tops.a. unit b. container c. vehicle d. closed type unit21_means the curve on the earths surface which cuts all the meridians at the same angle.a. great circle b. position line c. rhumb line d. true bearing22_ moving rather quickly east expe
14、cted 150 miles south of cape farewell 972 by 160000gmt.a. developed low b. developing low c. being developed low d. low to be developed23_objects are those which stand out clearly from the background or other objects and are easily identifiable from a few miles offshore in normal visibility.a. consp
15、icuous b. permanent c. preliminary d. temporary24_of the following conditions will cause a vessels bottom to be subjected to tension stresses.a. concentration of weight aft b. concentration of weight forwardc. concentration of weight amidships d. concentration of weight at both ends of the vessel25_
16、of the following is (are) required on your cargo vessel when it has a refrigerated cargo space? a gas mask using a suitable canister to protect against the refrigerant. a self-contained breathing apparatus.a. only b. either or c. only d. neither nor 26_should be used during the poor visibility if th
17、e raders screen shows heavy sea returns.a. gain control b. brilliant control c. anti-clutter sea control d. sweep intercept27_the incomplete nature of the survey, heavy draught vessels are warned not to navigate within the 10 fathom line.a. because b. owing to c. having been d. being28_the survivors
18、 know more of how to cope with cold water in the sinking of mv titanic in 1912 countless lives _.a. have / could have been saved b. have / could have savedc. had / could has saved d. had / could have been saved29_will be paid by shipowners after tallyman doing the tally work.a. cargo-handling expens
19、es b. tally money c. cargo-tallying dues d. tally fees30_20 targets can be tracked at one timewhen maximum tracking capacity is reached,no further acquisitions(捕獲) are possibleaas many as bso many as cas much as das more as31_amplify charted detail and contain information needed for safe navigationa
20、admiralty sailing directions badmiralty list of lightscadmiralty list of signals dadmiralty notices to mariners32_are published for the correction of admiralty chartsaadmiralty sailing directions badmiralty list of signalscmariners handbook dadmiralty notices to mariners33_cargoes chargeable at the
21、same rate,part of one ton shall be taken as one tonaat bfor con dabout34_chart 3994,positions read from this chart should be shifted 003 minutes northwardato consideer bto check cto examine dto agree with35同上36_day,pilot flag should be displayed from main mastafrom bby con dwith37_get your engine re
22、ady before six tomorrow morningayoud better byou would better cyou at least dyou at most38_is a device used to measure atmospheric pressureabarometer bthermometer cchronometer dspeedometer39_is a rounded projection at the forward end of a ship which reduces water resistance,thus allowing an increase
23、 in speed when the ships is in ballastabulbous bow bellipse bowccyclical projection dgnomonic projection40_is an angle at which a cargo settles in the hold of a ship,between the horizontal and the slope made by a bulk cargo such as grain or iron oreaangle of loll bangle of inclination cangle of repo
24、se dangle of list41_is not a process of weathering of the oil spilled in the sea wateraevaporation bdispersion cemulsification ddrifting42_is one of four uprights comprising a cell in a containership into which a container fitsexactlythese uprights hold the container in positionastanchion bshore cce
25、llular doublebottom dceil guide43_is the number of millimeters by which the mean draft changes when a ship passes from salt water to fresh water,or vice versa,whilst floating at the loaded draftatpc bthe fresh water allowance cparallel sinking of the ship dukc44_is the process by which the position
26、of the vessel at any moment is found by applying the last well determined position to the run that has been made since,using for this purpose the ships course and the distance being those indicated by logadead reckoning bdead weightcdead slow ahead ddead slow astern45_is the speed of a vessel allowi
27、ng time for effective action to be taken under prevailingcircumstances and conditions to avoid a collision and to be stopped within an appropriate distanceasafe speed beconomic speedcproper speed dnavigation speed46_is used for heaving up and slacking away the anchor and chainaa mooring winch ba win
28、dlassca deck crane da lifeboat engine47_means the curve on the earths surface which cuts all the meridians at the same angleagreat circle bposition line crhumb line dtrue bearing48_of a radar is governed by the horizontal beam width of the scanner which depends to agreat extent on its physical sizea
29、range discrimination bbearing discriminationcecho discrimination dtarget discrimination49_of the following conditions will cause a vessels bottom to be subjected to tensionstressesaconcentration of weight aftbconcentration of weight forwardcconcentration of weight amidshipsdconcentration of weight a
30、t both ends of the vessel50_of the following need not be entered in the official logbook?athe testing of the internal combustion engine driven emergency generators at least once each month the vessel is navigatedbthe testing of storage batteries for emergency lighting and power systems once each 6 m
31、onths the vessel is navigatedcthe actual draft when the vessel arrives in salt water after departing a portdthe testing of the linethrowing appliance once every 3 months51_port anchor,one shackle in waterathrow bheave in ccut off dlet go52_published in england amplify charted detail and contain info
32、rmation needed for safenavigationaadmiralty sailing directions badmiralty list of lightscadmiralty list of signals dadmiralty notices to mariners53_refers to the angle between true north and the heading line of the vesselatrue position btrue meridian ctrue course dtrue bearing54_the abstracts of dec
33、k logbook covering the said accidentaattached herewith are battached is herewithcattached are hereby dhereby are attached55_two degree on starboardawhat rudder bhow heading care you on your course dhow answer56_water is the water to keep the ships stabilityabilge bballast cslop dsanitary57_will redu
34、ce the visibilityadust bsea water cland sand dwind58_yokohama,well also call at some other japanese portsabeside bbesides cexcept dexcepting59“full speed ahead” and “full speed astern” are _ given by the officers or the pilots.a. sailing orders b. speed orders c. wheel orders d. telegraph orders60同上
35、6112hours gale warning valid from 1103990700 utc. from this phrase, the waring is expected to be valid from _.a. 0700 utc mar 11, 1999 b. 0700 utc nov 03, 1999c. 0700 utc, 1103 utc, 1999 d. nov mar 1999 0700 utc62同上63 a “figure eight”knot is used to _.a. be a stopper b. shorten a linec. join lines o
36、f equal size d. keep a line from passing through a sheave64 a “mediterranean moor”should be used when _.a. anchoring in the mediterranean b. docking stern to a berthc. docking bow to a berth d. anchoring in a strong current65a band or collar on top end of a boom to which the topping lift, midships g
37、uy, and outboard guys are secured, is called the _.a. collar band b. guy band c. pad eye collar d. spider band66 a barometer showing falling pressure indicates the approach of a _.a. high pressure system b. low pressure system c. high dew point d. low dew point67 a block and tackle is rove to advant
38、age. this means that the _.a. blocks have been overhauled b. hauling parts of two tackles are attachedc. hauling part leads through the movable block d. hauling part leads through the standing block68a block that can be opened at the hook or shackle end to receive a bight of the line is a _.a. bight
39、 block b. gin block c. heel block d. snatch block69同上70a bonding cable should be connected for cargo operations aboard a tank vessel as soon as the a. cargo has been loaded or discharged b. cargo hose is connectedc. cargo, pumps are started d. vessel is ready to handle cargo71 a boom vang _.a. holds
40、 the boom down and flattens the main sail b. draws the head of the sail to windwardc. tautens the standing rigging d. douses the gaff topsail72 a bowline is used to _.a. join lines of equal size b. form a temporary eye (loop) at the end of a linec. be a stopper d. keep a line from fraying73同上74a bri
41、dle for an ocean tow consists of _.a. two chains of equal lengthb. a single nylon pendant rove through a heavy ring free to move on the pendantc. two long legs of wire rope shackled to a fishplated. a single length of heavy chain with both ends secured on deck to welded pad eyes75 a buoy having red
42、and green horizontal bands would have a light characteristic of _.a. group occulting b. composite group flashingc. morse letter a d. quick flashing76同上77 a buoy marking a wreck will show a(an) _.a. white light fl (2) and a topmark of 2 black spheresb. occulting green light and may be letteredc. yell
43、ow light and will be numbered d. continuous quick white light and may be numbered78同上79 a cabinet or space containing the controls or valves for the fixed firefighting system must be a. posted with instructions on the operation of the systemb. ventilated and equipped with explosion-proof switchesc.
44、painted with red and black diagonal stripesd. equipped with a battery powered source of emergency lighting80 a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher should be recharged _.a. at least annually b. whenever it is below its required weightc. only if the extinguisher has been used d. before every safety inspe
45、ction81 a cardinal mark showing an uninterrupted quick-flashing white light indicates the deepest water in the area is on the _.a. north side of the mark b. west side of the mark c. east side of the mark d. south side of the mark82同上83 a cargo hose is marked with the _.a. maximum working pressure b.
46、 bursting pressurec. safety relief valve setting d. maximum temperature84 a cargo that has a stowage factor over 40 is know as a _.a. hygroscopic cargo b. measurement cargo c. stowage cargo d. weight cargo85 a carling is used aboard ship _.a. as a connecting strap between the butted ends of platingb
47、. to stiffen areas under points of great stress between beamsc. to prevent the anchor from fouling when the brake is releasedd. to provide an extra heavy fitting in a heavy lift cargo rig86 a celestial body will cross the prime vertical circle when the latitude is numerically _.a. greater than the d
48、eclination and both are of the same nameb. less than the declination and both are of the same namec. greater than the declination and both are of contrary named. less than the declination and both are of contrary name87 a certificated lifeboatman assigned to command the lifeboat must _.a. be the fir
49、st individual to board the craftb. drain the hydraulic pressure before lowering the craftc. have a list of the persons assigned to the liftboatd. all of the above88同上89 a chain bridle is used when towing astern because it _.a. is easy to connect b. provides an effective catenary and absorbs shock du
50、e to its weightc. makes rigging a swivel unnecessaryd. prevents the tow from yawing by the drag of the chains in a seaway90 a chain stripper is used to _.a. prevent chain from clinging to the wildcat b. clean the marine debris from the chainc. flake chain from a boats chain locker d. clean chain prior to an x-ray inspection91同上92a channel is started as having a controlling depth of 3
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