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1、溫州大孥2011年碩士研究生招生入學(xué)考試試題 (A)科目代碼及名稱:815專業(yè)綜合適用專業(yè):050201英語(yǔ)語(yǔ)言文學(xué)(請(qǐng)考生在答題紙上答題,在此試題紙上答題無(wú)效)A卷第一大部分 英語(yǔ)語(yǔ)言學(xué)(共50分)I. Define the following terms. (10%)1. arbitrariness; 2. duality; 3. macrolinguistics; 4. diachronic linguisticsII. Judge whether each of the following statements is true仃)or false(F). (10%)1. Applied

2、 linguistics is the branch of the study on the application of concepts and findings of lin guistics to Ian guage acquisiti on.2. The speech sounds which are in complementary distribution are definitely allophones of the same phon eme.3. A stem is any morpheme or comb in ati ons of morphemes to which

3、 an in flect ional affix can be added.4. Variable words refer to those which do not have inflective changes.5. The word editor” derives from the word edit” plus the suffix -or”.6. Contrastive analysis of errors is a major strand of psycholinguistic research.7. Every speaker of a Ian gauge is, in a s

4、trict sen se, a speaker of a disti net idiolect.8. After comparing slowly the artist brought out a piece of paper and a brush ” with The artist brought out a piece of paper and brush slowly ” , you may find some differenee in meaning, and the differe nee can be in terpreted in terms of collocative m

5、eaning.9. Tulip ”,rose and violet ” are all in cluded in the no ti on of flower ”.Therefore, they are superord in ates of flower ”.10. For Leonard Bloomfied, linguistics is a branch of psychology, and specifically of the positivistic brand of psychology known as behaviorism.III. Discriminate the fol

6、lowing pairs of term. (10%)1. langue vs. parole; 2. pragmatics vs. semanticsIV. Do the analysis according to the requirements. (10%)1. An alyze the meanings of the followi ng words into sema ntic comp onen ts. (4%)(1) give; father; (3) woman2. Do the immediate con stitue nt an alysis of the followi

7、ng grammatical con structi ons using tree diagrams. (6%)第1頁(yè),共6頁(yè) He gla need at her in a suspicious manner.(2) Jane showed her baby pictures.V. Answer one of the following two questions. (10%)1. How do you comme nt on Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis?2. What do you th ink of the relati on ship betwee n psychol

8、i nguistics and cog nitive lin guistics? 第二部分英語(yǔ)文學(xué)(共50分)VI. Identify the following works and quotations with their authors, write your answers on the Answer Sheet. (10% )1. Troilus and Cressie2. Much Ado about Noth ing3. School for Scandal4. Pamela5. She walks in beauty, like the nightOf cloudless cl

9、imes and starry skies;And all thats best of dark and brightMeet i n her aspect and her eyes:Thus mellowd to that ten der lightWhich heave n to gaudy day deni es. ”6. The Joy Luck Club7. Dubli ners8. “ Lo, in yon brilliant window -nicheHow statue-like I see thee sta nd.The agate lamp with in thy hand

10、,Ah! Psyche, from the regi ons whichAre Holy Lan d! ”9. The Catcher in the Rye10. Harry Potter and the Philosophers StoneVII. Explain TWO of the following literary terms in about 50 wards for each (10%)Dramatic Mono loguePurita nismStream of con scious nessIceberg theoryReader-Resp onse CriticismFem

11、i nismVIII. Choose TWO from the following topics and then do according to the requirementin about 100 words for each (10%)1. Whatthe differe nee betwee n Old En glish literature and Middle En glish literature?2. To some exte nt, we can say, Sams on is Joh n Milto n, Why?3. What are the features of t

12、he American literature in the Romantic Period?4. What are Henry David Thoreaus views on n ature and in dividualism and how they are第2共頁(yè)6頁(yè)expressed in ThoreauSWalder?5. Choose one of the following authors and make a comment on any one of his/her literary works: Thomas Hardy, Henry James, Nathaniel Ha

13、wthorne, Mark Twain, F. Scott Fitzgerald.VIV. Comment on ONE of the following selected texts in about 100 wotd%1. My next care was for some ammunition and arms. There were two very good fowling-pieces in the great cab in, and two pistols. These I secured first, with some powder-hor ns and a small ba

14、g of shot, and two old rusty swords. I knew there were three barrels of powder in the ship, bu knew not where our gunner had stowed them; but with much search I found them, two of them dry and good, the third had take n water. Those two I got to my raft with the arms. And now I thought myself pretty

15、 well freighted, and bega n to think how I should get to shore with them, having neither sail, oar, nor rudder; and the least capful of wind would have overset all my n avigatio n.2. When a girl leaves her home at eightee n, she does one of two thi ngs. Either she falls into sav ing hands and become

16、s better, or she rapidly assumes the cosmopolitan standard of virtue and becomes worse. Of an in termediate bala nee, un der the circumsta nces, there is no possibility. The city has its cunning wiles, no lessthan the infinitely smaller and more human tempter. There are large forces which allure wit

17、h all the soulfulness of expressi on possible in the most cultured huma n. The gleam of a thousa nd lights is ofte n as effective as the persuasive light in a wooing and fascinating eye. Half the undoing of the unsophisticated and natural mind is accomplished by forces wholly superhuma n. A blare of

18、 sound, a roar of life, vast array of huma n hives, appeal to the ast oni shed sen ses in equivocal terms. Without a coun sellor at hand to whisper cautious in terpretati ons, what falsehoods may not these things breathe into the un guarded ear! Un recog ni sed for what they are, their beauty, like

19、music, too often relaxes, then weakens, then perverts the simpler human perceptions.X. Choose ONE poem from the list below, and make a comment on the theme of it in abo 100 words(Use at least three of the following elements develop and reinforce your analys diction, tone, image, figure of speech, sy

20、mbols, irony, syntax, rhythm and meter, rhyme.) 10%1A little black thing among the snow: Crying weep, weep, in no tes of woe! Where are thy father & mother! say! They are both gone up to the church to pray.第3頁(yè) 共6頁(yè)5Because I was happy upon the heath,And smild among the win ters snow:They clothed me i

21、n the clothes of death,And taught me to sing the no tes of woe.And because I am happy, & dance & sing.They think they have done me no injury:And are gone to praise God & his Priest & KingWho make up a heave n of our misery.2Traveli ng through the dark I found a deer dead on the edge of the Wils on R

22、iver road.It is usually best to roll them into the canyon:that road is n arrow; to swerve might make more dead.By glow of the tail-light I stumbled back of the carand stood by the heap, a doe, a rece nt killi ng;she had stiffe ned already, almost cold.I dragged her off; she was large in the belly.My

23、 fin gers touchi ng her side brought me the reasoher side was warm; her fawn lay there waiting, alive, still, n ever to be born.Beside that mountain road I hesitated.The car aimed ahead its lowered park ing lights;un der the hood purred the steady engine.I stood in the glare of the warm exhaust tur

24、ning red; around our group I could hear the wilder ness liste n.I thought hard for us all-my only swervi ng-,then pushed her over the edge into the river.第三部分英美文化(共50分)XI. Read the following unfinished statementsor questionscarefully. For each unfinished statement or question, four suggested answers

25、 marked A, B, C and D are given. Choose the one that you think best completes the statement or answers the question. Write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space on the answer sheet. (10%)1. The Con stituti on of the Un ited States was framed in Philadelphia in.A.1776 B.

26、 1783 C.1787 D.16202. I n the Un ited States, the Departme nt ofadvises the Preside nt on foreig n relati ons.A. Defense B. State C. Commerce D. Labor3. Represe ntatives in the Un ites States are elected.A. annu ally B. every two years C. every three years D. every four years4. The New Deal was star

27、ted by.A. Franklin D. Roosevelt B. J. F. Kenn edyC. George Wash ington D. Thomas Jeffers on5. Which of the following has the power to make federal laws and levy federal taxes?A. The executive B. The legislative C. The judicial D. The preside nt6. were the an cestors of the En glish and the foun ders

28、 of En gla nd.A. The An glo-Sax onsB. The Norma ns C. The Dan ish Viki ngs D. The Roma ns7. In Brita in, a vote of no con fide nc6 is decided by.A. the House of CommonsB. the House of LordsC. the two major partiesD. the Prime Min ister8. Through the exam in ati on called the 11 plus”,stude nts with

29、academic pote ntial go to.A. grammar schools B. comprehe nsive schoolsC. public schoolsD. tech ni cal schools9. Which of the following is not involved in making the foreign policy in Britain?A. The Quee n B. The Foreig n and Common wealth OfficeC. The Prime Mi nister and the Cabinet D. The Mi nistry

30、 of Defence and the Treasury10. All of the followi ng was inven ted in Brita in except.A. football B. tennis C. basketball D. cricketXII. Define TWO of the following terms. (10%)1. Bill of Rights in the Uni ted States2. Judicial review3. The House of Lords4. Con stituti onal mon archy in Brita in第5頁(yè)

31、共6頁(yè)7XIII. Answer THREE of the following questions briefly. (15%)1. What are the four basic requireme nts for sec on dary school stude nts who want to apply for a respected uni versity in the Un ited States?2. Describe briefly the three-tiered national court system of the U.S.3. It is said that British history has been a history of invasions. What are the major invasions?4. What were the major ideas in thQeclaratio n of In depe ndence?5. What factors play an importa nt role in the con temporary foreig n policy of UK?XIV. Make a comment on ONE of the following topics. (15%)1. Is America n Pres


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