1、French pension system reform andEn lighte nmentFrance is a typical Western welfare state, has a wide coverage, to ensurea high level of social pensionin sura neesystem. Compared with the Un itedKin gdomand other Wester n developed coun tries, the French pension in sura nee system started relatively
2、late, but the developme nt is very rapid. Nearly 20 Over the years, the reform of the French pension system twists and turns, especially in the con text of the finan cial crisis in 2010 Sarkozy gover nment on retireme nt age reform triggered repeatedly strike un rest and eve n con flict, attracti ng
3、 world attention.Therefore, to study the reform of the Frenchpension system, summarize the lessons learned, and of great significaneefor China s reform of the pensionsystem as well as perfect.First, the status of the French pension system.France s pension system originated in the 17th cen tury Louis
4、 XIV pension system, after which the pension system basically follow different groups of people of differentsystems are separated from each other to fill aivaca ncy mode., The French social security system con sists of four major categories: uni versal class (coveri ng gen eral salaried workers, stu
5、de nts andin dividualsin sured,agriculture (for salaried andnon-salariedpers onsen gaged in agriculture, the class of non-salaried workers(in dustrialists, en trepre neurs, bus in essme n, artisa ns and freelancers who and special classes (civil servants and employees of state-ow ned en terprises, i
6、 nvolv ing sick ness, mater nity, accide nts and occupati onal diseases, disability, pension, death, widows and orpha ns, un employme nt andfamilyben efitsandsocialassista nee,99% of thepopulationacross thecountryisin cludedin the socialsecurity system in.There aresomediffere ncesbetwee na variety o
7、fold-agein sura neesystem in France In additi on to themulti-industrysystem, there are additional systems forvarious in dustries,various systems of up to 500 kin ds,which applies only to public sector employees (such as civil serva nts, the MTR staff system, there are n early 100 species. “ fragme n
8、ted ”in stitutio nalarran geme ntscomparisonsbetweenthe treatmentmakes the crowdun der differe nt systems, result ing in ben efits to excessive expa nsion also exacerbated by the cost of man ageme nt, is not con ducive to social equity, and exacerbated by social groups the oppositi on.Second, the co
9、n text of populati onaging, thechalle nges faced by the French pension system.Curre ntly, the pension systems in most coun tries inthe world as the main “ PAYG system ” , this pension system in order to run it smoothly to feed mea ns worki ng people to pay adequate pension in sura nee retirees, but
10、since the 1980s, Western countries populationstructurechanges,the improvement of the living and medicalcon diti ons, makes Westerners risi ng life expecta ncy at the same time, the birth rate is decli ning, the elderly share of the populati on in creas ing the proporti on of the in come of pensionfu
11、n ds,pension spe nding has con ti nuedtoin crease,“ PAYG system pension system gen erally faci ngfinan cial pressure.& It ;&It;The World Factbook& gt ;& gt;displayreleased by the U.S. Cen tral In tellige nee Agency in 2008, the average life expecta ncy in France ran ked 11th in the world, the averag
12、e life expecta ncy of 84 years, higher tha n the EU average of 82 years, 81.3 years old and Germa ny82.11 years, the Ion gest in the big Europea n coun tries in life expectancy.At the same time, France s retirementage is 60 (men and women the same. contrast,theretirementage is 65-year-old German men
13、 and women,the United Kingdom female retirement age in 2010, has exte nded to 65 years of age and men, but due to the high sta ndard of the French social securityexpe nditure, whilethe lower, particularly heavy burde n of public expe nditure in the pre-reform period, more tha n 15 millio n retirees
14、inFrance most people receivingmonthlypension of 1400euros to 1600 euros, of which 1/10 of the pension of retirees rely on the national debt. deficit of the pension system in Fran ce, i n 2008 for 5.6 billio n euros, 8.2 billio n euros in 2009, according to forecasts If you do not take effective meas
15、ures, to 2015, the deficit of the pension system will reach 40 billion euros, will reach 50 billion euros in 2020, the 2050 deficit will exceed 100 billion euros. placed in front of the French are only two opti ons : either lateretireme nt,either take less pensions.Comparatively speak ing, the forme
16、r is more likely to get the impleme ntati on and executi on.Mea nwhile, i n the dual con text of the post-fi nan cialcrisis era and the Europea n sovereig n debt crisis, to cut a huge budget deficit and n ati onal debt, to compress large pension expe nses, the French gover nment is to be done. Heavy
17、 pension burde n in France restrict ing the econo mic growth has become a majorburde n, thesame time, thetax level to improve its internationalcompetitiveness ofexport products also formedcon stra intsFrenchgovernment,even if the pressure of domestic protestaga in, pension reform imperative.2010 Sar
18、kozygovernment pension reformbill andthe reform process.(A reform of the content.In June 2010, the French gover nment announ ced a detailed pension reform bill. I ncludes three main aspects: first, the French statutory retireme nt age and the legal age for full pension will be delayed for two years,
19、 that is, statutory retireme nt age from the curre nt 60 years of age or gradually tran sferred to 62-year-old pension in sura nee un paid eno ugh years of full pension age from the curre nt 65 years of age gradually upwards to 67 years, followed by pension in sura nee, will pay years from 2012 year
20、s 41 years upwards to 41.5 years in 2020, and fin ally, the proporti onof public sector pensionin sura nee con tributi ons from7.85% to 10.55%, in line to the private sector. Overall, exte nd the payme nt of the pension in sura nee fee of years, raising the retirement age is a major initiativeof the
21、French pension reform.(B) of the reform process.Compared with the other coun tries of the Europea nUn io n, the French pension system reform resista nee, more die hard. Example, i n 1995, encoun tered stro ng resista neewhen the Juppe governmentis tryingto promotethisreformto the public sector,trigg
22、eri ngmassive strike,caus ingthe gover nmenttocollapseun til2003,theRaffari ngover nmentfin allyexte ndedthe life ofthepayme nt of civil service pension in sura nee.More than ever, in 2010, the Sarkozy government spension reform, even larger, wider coverage, triggering massive social protest was exp
23、ected to do. Overall, this reform experie need a total of the follow ing several stages:1. Pension system for the publicationof the draftstage.After several rounds of talks and eon sultati ons withthe represe ntatives of trade unions, the Frenchgover nment announ ced on May 16, 2010 draft, which lai
24、dthe groun dwork for the road to reform. Draft referred to“extend the payment of the pension cycle but did not specify to pay the pension of years or whether the statutory retireme nt age will be affected.Detailed reform bill announ ced stage.June 16, the French governmentannounced thedetails of the
25、 pension system reform bill, the bill in cludes three aspects: the statutory retireme nt age of the private and public sectors will gradually be extended for two years, to reach the age of 62 in 2018, 2020 will make contributions to the retirement years to 41.5 years, the public sector pensionpay wi
26、ll in crease from 7.85% to10.55%, i n line to the private sector.In response, on June 24, people from all parts of France held a general strike, which in Lyon strike crowd streets clogged crowded French Economy Mini ster Christ ine Lagarde said the econo mic losses caused by the gen eral strike a da
27、y to reach 2 billio n to 4 billio n euros.Links to free papers Downl oad Cen ter .comReform Act debate stage.September 7th, the French Natio nal Assembly (theNati onal Assembly) bega n the debate on the reform bill,615 ame ndme nts have bee n submitted previously in the first vote, the bill been pas
28、sed (329 votes in favor, 233 votes aga in st, and the n be submitted to the Sen ate Sen ate debate on the program was laun ched in October 5 after minor modificati ons, the new text in the October 22 first round of voti ng (177 votes in favor, 153 aga in st.October 25, by a committee composed of sev
29、en representativesof the National Assembly and sevensen ators on a com mon vers ion of the reform bill agreed.(177 votes in favor, 151 votes aga inst the final bill passed in the Sen ate on the follow ing day, at 10 Con gress gen eral meetingon May 27 vote (336 votes in favor, 233 votesaga in st, to
30、 become a complete legal.A member of the French NationalFederationofTrade Unions called on the Sen ate to vote on pension system reform program is scheduled for the 20th, the 19th in 200 cities n ati on widedem on stratio ns,in volved in thestrike, i nclud ing truck drivers, refi nery staff and stud
31、e nts. Unions called on drivers to drive to stay busy roads n ear the refinery.The strike led to the French one-third offlights were grounded,thousandsof gas stations are closed, affected the whole coun try.The bill sig ned stages.November 9, 2010, FrenchPreside ntNicolasSarkozy sig ned and promulga
32、ted a very con troversial retireme nt system bill now, after more tha n seve n mon ths, the French pension system is the ultimate“salvation ” .Fourth, the revelationof the pension reform inFran ce.The con structi on of a moder n social security system is a complex system engineering, global and Iong
33、-term perspective,con sider the susta in abilityof the pensionsystem., You can get the followingrevelationfrom theFrench pension system and reform process, comb ined with the country s pension system :(A lay Free Social Security“fragments ” pattern.French social security basically followdiffere ntpo
34、pulationsof the different systems are separated fromeach other to fill a vaca ncy mode, i n which a higher level of social security of public sector employme nt pers onn el, thus beco ming the most intense groups opposed to cuts in ben efits in the previous wave of protest aga inst pension reform ,
35、play a cen tral role in all of these groups. con trast,more emphasis on the average of the United Kingdom, the resista nee to reforms in the social security system on relatively small.Our curre nt Social Security System, the gen eral in aold-age in sura neefragmentedstate, not only the basicsystem f
36、or urban workers, theorga nsand institutionsinthe retireme ntand pensionsystem,but also migrantworkers pensionin sura nee,old-agein sura neein rural10old-agein sura neesystem, and theareas, family planning, a couple ofIan dless peasa nts pension in sura nee system of old-age ben efits, rural five gu
37、ara ntees system, special care system and urba n livi ng alone welfare system.Moreover, the boundary between the various systems is not clear though, the development of China s social security system the imbalanee status quo can not be cha nged in the short term, but should seriously lear n from the
38、 experieneeand lessons learned abroad, institutional fragme ntatio n as much as possible to preve nt or mini mizefragme ntatio n,efforts towardreuni ficati onof theeon structi on of the en tire system from the co-ord in atio n.(B Social Security can not be a drag on economicdevelopme nt.areSocial se
39、curity and econo micdevelopme ntcompleme ntary and mutually reinforcing social security is to en sure that the basic con diti ons for social stability and the reproducti on of labor power, but also impede economic development high social welfare. Slowing of econo mic developme nt, social wealth in c
40、reased speed will reduced, in turn, affect the improvement of the level of social security in moder n society, to maintain the bala neeof publicfinan ces is an importa ntaspectof themaintenanceof healthyecono mic developme ntdue tothefinan cialcrisis duringthe bailout measures,in 2009,theFrenchgover
41、 nments budget deficit reached 7.7percent of GDP , according to plan, they hope next year canthe deficit down to 6.6% of GDP, or not more than 92 billion euros. In this way, the current pension deficit of up to 10.7 billio n euros of non-acti on must be made.China is a developingcountry, the central
42、 task ofecono micdevelopme nt or adjust the structure andpromote the developme nt of sound and rapid econo mic developme nt is more importa nttha n anything.Only theecono mic upsw in g, i n orderto establish a greater rangeand a higher level of pension system prese nt, accord ing toChina s nationalc
43、onditions,the establishment of widecoverage, low levels of social security system, which can protect the basic liv ingsta ndardsof the reside nts,mai ntai ningsocial stability, but also for the futureestablishme nt of a wider ran ge, the higher the level of the pension system to provide foreshadow i
44、ng.(C design of the pension system must take into acco unt the issue of susta in ability.At prese nt, the developed coun tries in Europe andthe Un ited States the problem of an aging populati on is grow ing. Europea n Commissi on estimates that, since 2015, the EU as a whole will en ter n egative po
45、pulati on growth in2008, theEU-15to 64-year-oldlaborer with theproporti onof elderlypeople overthe age of 65to 4: 1,2060, thisproporti ondropped to2:1. EuropeanUnioncoun triesto extendthe retirementage urgencyin thiscon text, it is not difficult to un dersta nd. elderly populati on over the age of 6
46、0 has reached 169 milli on, and in crease the speed of 8 millio n annu ally. Faced with such a reality, although there are still a certa in degree of“demographicdivide nd ” , but an aging society in pension bear pressure is increasing.therefore, in the face of more and more severe pension payme nts pressure, our country should be concerned about this issue as soon as possible, to explore the road o
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