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1、實(shí)用文檔100道代詞專項(xiàng)練習(xí)()1. This is my book.are over there.A. Your B. Yours C. You D. mi ne()2. Helpto some fish, Jenny.A. yourselves B.yourself C.himself D. herself()3.is wrong with my watch. It hasstopped.A.Something, working B. Something,toworkC. Any thi ng, work ingD.Any thi ng, towork()4.Whose radiois i

2、t? -ItsA.her B. hers C. she D.herself()5. The childre n heardonthe isla nd.A.someth ing stra nge B.anything stra ngeC. stra nge somethi ng D.stra ngeany thi ng()6. I have three pens. One is red,two are black.A.ano therB. other C. the other D. the others()7.There isin today s newspaper,is there?A.som

3、eth ing importa nt B. anything importa ntC. nothing importa nt D.importa nt nothing()8.I asked Jimand Bob to my house forameal,butof themi came.A.both B.nor C.none D. n either()9. The man hastwo sons.andofthem arestrong.One istallandis short.A.All,ano ther B.Neither,the otherC.Both,ano ther DLBoth,

4、theother()10.The mandow nstairsfoundvery difficultto gettosleep.A.thatB. them C. it D.its()11.He can speakFren ch,but notA.some,much B.any, muchC.much,many D.many, any()12. Mr.Smithis an oldfrie nd ofA.I B.me C. my D.mi ne()13. Tom is here and a friend ofis here, too.A.his father B.his father sC.hes

5、 father D. he father14.Granny is ill andshedoesn t feel likeA.toeat someth ing B. toeatanything()15.There isn tpaper inthe box. Will you gogetfor me?A.an y,some B. any,anyC.some,someD. some,any()16.He fell off theladder buthe didn t hurtA.herself B.hisC.him D. himself ()17.Lucyrunsfaster tha nin her

6、class.A.anyothergirls B.any of the other girlC.theothergirl D.any other girl()18.Theyare bothgood at En glish, butofgood atmaths.A.both B. eitherC.all D.n either()19.Have n tyou forgotte n?.Oh, I forgotmy bag.C.any thi ngthem isA. anything, Excuse me B. someth ing, Excusemeeati ngsomethi ng D.eat in

7、gandC. somethi ng, Pard on D.everythi ng,Pard on()20.Didshe go to school when she was young?No sheat home.A.hertaughtB. herself C. hers D. she21.Is thatcoatA.yourbrother,mine B. your? No, it brother s,meC. your brothers,mine D.your brother,me()22.IsNo, Li Leiheretoday?A.some one B.23.A.weisn t here.

8、somebody C. every one D.anyoneAmerica n take-away food is quite differe ntB. ours C. us D. ourfrom()A.24.A friend ofcame to seehis, his B.yesterday.he, him C. him, his D. his, him25. The boys and girls seemed to enjoyin the park.A. themselves B. them C. they D. their()26. My mother tolda very in ter

9、esti ng storyyesterday.A.me B. IC.our D. my()27.This apple is delicious.Givemeone, please.A.the other B.ano ther C.others D.other()28.likes maths, but both ofthem like misic.A.Neither ofhim B. Neither of themC.Both ofthem D. Both of the two()29.There arefifty stude ntsinourclass.Some are from the US

10、A, andare from Chi na.A.ano ther B.the otherC.others D.other()30. Putit away,Richard. You mustn t readletter.A.anyone selse sB. anyone s elseC.anyone elses D.anyone else()31. Mostofwant to do the workA.theirs,himself B.their,theirsC.them,themselves D.them,ourselves()32.Are thesestoriesin teresti ng?

11、-Yes,of them are in teresti ng.A.all B.both C.either D.n either()33.You can borrow my bike, butyou must ntlendittoA.others B. other C.the other D. theothers()34.We study Chin ese, En glish andsomesubjects.A.theother B. other C.ano ther D.others()35.Tom studies better thanoftheotherboysi inhis class.

12、A.someB. most C.any D. one()36.has take n my pen by mistake.I cant findA.Nobody B. Everybody C. Somebody D.Anyone()37.Tom mademistakesin his test.A.any Bone C. no D.ano ther()38.If you needa ruler,I lllend youA.oneB. some C. the one D.ano ther()39.He foundvery difficultto get to sleep.Sohe decided t

13、o read abook.A.this B.that C.its D.it()40. Mike lostnew watch while he wasplayingvolleyballat school.A.his B.he C.him D.himself()41.Kate hadlostkey,asksforhelpA.her,He, I B.his,He, meC.his,She, I D.her, She,me()42.The twofrien dswere so pleased tosee each other thattheforgotA. anythingelse B. someth

14、 ingelseC. nothing else D.everyth ingelse()43.Who teachesFren ch?A.weB. ourC. us D. ours()44.book is new andis new,too.A.Our,he B.Ours, his C.My, his D. My,her()45.Tha nkyou for hav ing us.We enjo yedvery muchA.ourselves B.us C. our D.ours()46.Couldyou helpwithmaths,please?A.I,my B. me, me C. me,my

15、D. my, I()47.In lear ninga lan guage, I findimporta nt to domore speaking.A.it B.us C.you D.every one()48. How hardis work ing at his En glish!A.we B.him C.he D.his()49. This room is ours, and that one is.A.they B. them C. theirs D.their()50. Whose books arethese? They re.A. my B. me C. mi ne D. our

16、()51. How muchdo the workers in that factoryproduce a day?A. bicycle B. cake C. bread D. mach ine()52 Who has a dicti on ary,childre n? I have.A. it B. this C. one D. so()53.of the shoes in the shop were the right sizefor meThey were eithertoo big or toosmall.A.Both B.Neither C. No ne D.Either()54.Y

17、ou re old eno ugh totake care ofA.you B.your C. yourself D.yours()55.Nobody taughtShe lear ntall byA. she, her B. her, herself C. her, her D. herself, herself()56.of the stude ntsin our classhas new booksA.All B.Each C.Both D. Every()57.Isthe new watch? Yes, it sA. you, me B. yours, mine C. your, my

18、 D. your, mine ()58. Mrs. White hasher heart.A. wrong someth ing with B.someth ingwrong inC. somethi ng wrongwithD. anything wrongwith()59.They gotaChristmastree andit wasours.A.sotall as B.sotaller as C.as tallas D. as talleras()60.The young1 man oftentravels fromChi natoEn gla ndA. himself B. by h

19、imself C. only him D. him()61. Lily asked Jim, Bob and Tom to her house fora meal, butof them came.A.both B. nor C. none D. n either()62. Could I borrow apan, please?has just broke n.A.My B. You C.Mi ne D. Your()63. My skirt isexpe nsive tha nA.much, her B.much, hers C. more, her D. more, hers()64.

20、Do you like Jane s new skirt? Yes, very much. I ll ask mum to buyfor me.A. one B. it C. the other D. a()65. She is always ready to help.A. other B. others C. the other D. the others()66. The colour of her skirt is differe ntfromof mine.A. one B. that C. it D. this()67.sang a song together at the par

21、ty.A. I, Mary and Anna B. Mary, Anna and meC. Mary, Ann and I D. Mary, Anna and myself()68. The weather inGuan gzhou is hotter tha nin Harbi n.()71. The farmersare very happy to haverice harvest.A.other B. the other C.ano ther D. others72. They were both very tired, butof them wouldliketo have arest

22、.A.both B. all C.n either D. n either73.wantto buyadictio nary.Couldyoushow meYes. This is themostpopular kind.A.other B.any thi ng C.it D.one74.My watch keeps good time. What aboutMine? Oh, two minu tes slow.A.you B. her C. hers D.yours75. Suddenly hecame in and said he had totelltheclassA.anything

23、 importa nt B.importa nt everyth ingC. somethi ng importa nt D.importa ntsometh ing()76.I madethe cakebyHelpA.that B.it C.this D. one()69. Boys, don t touch themach ine,or you may hurtA.myself B. yourself C.yourselves D.themselves()70.The old man hastwosons.Butofthem liveswith him.A.both B.none C.n

24、either D.allTom.Thanks.A. ourselves,yourself B. myself,yourselfC. myself, yourselves D. ourselves, yourselves77. Jane s an swerisdiffere nt frombut I reallyagree withA.his, her B.his, hers C. him, hers D. him,her78. There isleft in the fridge, is there?A.B.C.D.()79.There aretwe nty stude ntsintheroo

25、m. Ni neof them aregirls andA.theother B.the others C.other D.()80.like music.A.Bothof they B.Both of themC.The both girl D.Both them()81.Whichi would youlike toothersSan dwiches?oreat, breadare boys.A.A.A.is OK.All B. Both C. None D. Either82.Nobody B.83. Isdraws so well asSomebody C. Everybody D.t

26、herenew in todayTom.Anybodys newspaper?anythingC. somethi ng else D.else B. else anythingelse everythi ng()84. The populati on ofHarbin is smallertha nofShan ghai.A.it B.that C. this D. one()A.85.one B.To say is one other C. thething, to doother D.isano ther86.This blue shirtlooksbetter tha nthe gre

27、e nA./ B.one C. suits D.ones87.I ll givestude ntsminu testo finishtheA.compositi on.the other, other twoB. the other, two moreC.others,ano ther two D.other, two other88. All areleav ingfor Shan ghai today exceptA.him and me B.he and me C. I and he D. himand I()A.89. Here areevery B. any C.two pears.

28、 You may haveall D. eitherof them.90.likesplay ing football inourclass, aren they?A.Noone B. Some C.Every one D.NobodyWhats wrong works good B. It C. It doesn t work D.()A.91.Itwith your watch?s a nice oneI can t mend it()92.I sawplay ing basketball ontheplaygro und justnow.A.them B. they C. their D. theirs()93.The two littlegirls arecryingin thestreet. They cant findmother.A.she Bthem C. her D. their()94.Whoseshoes are those?They areA.me B.mi ne C. my D.myself()95. Can you do it all by,Jill?A.you Byourselves


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