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Sadhana Vol. 31, Part 5, October 2006, pp. 543556. Printed in IndiaEffect of bulk modulus on performance of a hydrostatictransmission control systemALI VOLKAN AKKAYAYildiz Technical University, Mechanical Engineering Department, 34349,Besiktas, Istanbul, Turkeye-mail: .trMS received 9 September 2005; revised 20 February 2006Abstract. In this paper, we examine the performance of PID (proportionalintegral derivative) and fuzzy controllers on the angular velocity of a hydrostatictransmission system by means of Matlab-Simulink. A very novel aspect is that itincludes the analysis of the effect of bulk modulus on system control. Simulationresults demonstrates that bulk modulus should be considered as a variable parameterto obtain a more realistic model. Additionally, a PID controller is insufficient inpresence of variable bulk modulus, whereas a fuzzy controller provides robustangular velocity control.Keywords. Hydrostatic transmission; bulk modulus; PID (proportional integralderivative); fuzzy controller.1. IntroductionHydrostatic transmission (HST) systems are widely recognized as an excellent means ofpower transmission when variable output velocity is required in engineering applications,especially in field of manufacturing, automation and heavy duty vehicles. They offer fastresponse, maintain precise velocity under varying loads and allow improved energy efficiencyand power variability (Dasgupta 2000; Kugi et al 2000). A basic hydrostatic transmission isan entire hydraulic system. Generally, it contains a variable-displacement pump driven byan induction motor, a fixed or variable displacement motor, and all required controls in onesimple package. By regulating the displacement of the pump and/or motor, a continuouslyvariable velocity can be achieved (Wu et al 2004).Manufacturers and researchers continue to improve the performance and reduce the costof hydrostatic systems. Especially, modelling and control studies of hydrostatic transmissionsystems have attracted considerable attention in recent decades. Some studies on this topic canbe found in the literature (Huhtala 1996; Manring & Luecke 1998; Dasgupta 2000; Kugi et al2000; Dasgupta et al 2005). Various rotational velocity control algorithms for hydrostatic sys-tems are developed and applied by Lennevi & Palmberg (1995), Lee & Wu (1996), Piotrowska(2003). All these designs use the bulk modulus as a fixed value through a wide pressurerange. However, in practice, the bulk modulus is an essential part of dynamic behaviours of543544 Ali Volkan Akkayathe hydraulic systems (McCloy & Martin 1980; Watton 1989). Due to temperature variationsand air entrapment, the bulk modulus may vary during the operation of the hydraulic sys-tems (Eryilmaz & Wilson 2001). A little entrapped air is enough to reduce the bulk modulussignificantly (Merrit 1967; Tan & Sepehri 2002). Moreover, system pressure plays an impor-tant role on the bulk modulus value (Wu et al 2004). Some effects of instabilities induced bybulk modulus nonlinearities such as pressure oscillations in the form of pressure waves canbe detrimental to operation of hydraulic systems and may result in reduced component life,loss of performance, disturbance in control systems, reduced efficiency and increased acous-tic noise. In spite of these adverse effects, there are few studies about bulk modulus withinhydrostatic transmission systems. Yu et al (1994) developed an on-line parameter identifica-tion method, determining the effective oil bulk modulus within an actual hydraulic system bymeasuring the propagation of a pressure wave through a long pipe. Marning (1997) devel-oped a linear relation between oil bulk modulus and pressure for a HST system. However, todate, nothing has appeared in the literature that addresses the effect of bulk modulus dynam-ics incorporated into a hydrostatic transmission model on control design process of the HSTsystem. In fact, models of hydrostatic transmission systems with variable bulk modulus havemore complex dynamic behaviour than normal. Moreover, having servo control of the sys-tem, dynamics of bulk modulus becomes more important because the closed-loop systemitself raises the issue of stability.Bulk modulus cannot be determined directly and hence needs to be estimated. Based onthis estimation, corrective actions may be taken in control applications for HST systems. Thecomplex dynamic interactions between variable bulk modulus and the control action is inves-tigated using modelling and simulation analysis. Simulation tests are particularly beneficialwhen preparing a model of a real system is complicated and time-consuming. A servo hydro-static transmission control system is a good example for this issue. The determination of staticand dynamic behaviours using simulation tests is possible without expensive prototypes. Thesimulation also makes a shorter product-designing cycle possible.This study focuses on control performance of a typical HST system. A nonlinear modelof the system is studied by means of Matlab-Simulink software. The system model is acombination of each individual component model consisting of pump, valve, hydraulic hoseand hydraulic motor. In addition, the variable bulk modulus is presented to describe theeffects of this phenomenon on system dynamics and control algorithm. For this purpose, twodifferent hydraulic hose Simulink models are incorporated separately into the system model.In addition, the models are utilized in the control design process. The control of the angularvelocity of the hydraulic motor coupled with load is achieved by PID (proportional integralderivative) and fuzzy types of controller. In the first model, bulk modulus is assumed to havea fixed value and angular velocity control of the HST system is carried out with the classicalPID control algorithm. In the second model, bulk modulus is defined as a variable parameterdepending on entrapped air and system pressure. This new model is applied on velocity controlof the HST system under the same PID control parameters. In the following, fuzzy controlleris implemented in this new model in order to judge its capability against variable bulk modulusnonlinearity. The simulation results of two control approaches are then compared to analysethe differences in the performance of the HST system in terms of bulk modulus dynamics.2. Mathematical modelThe physical model of the HST system considered for this study is shown in figure 1. Thevariable displacement pump driven by an induction motor supplies hydraulic power to a fixedEffect of bulk modulus on performance of a transmission control system 545Figure 1. Hydrostatic transmission system.displacement hydraulic motor for driving load. To protect the system from excessive pressure,a pressure relief valve is used.From a research objective point of view, the descriptions of a system mathematical modelshould be as simple as possible. At the same time, it must include important characteristics ofthe real event. One way to understand the system is to separate the system into componentsfor the purpose of modelling. Using a fundamental knowledge of physics, for instance themoment equilibrium and continuity equation, a model that represents the dynamics behaviourof each component can be derived at the component levels. Having understood each individualcomponent, we can understand the overall system by interconnecting the components togetherto obtain an overall system model (Prasetiawan 2001). In this paper, the model of eachcomponent used for the HST system is developed using earlier methods (Jedrzykiewicz et al1997, 1998).2.1 Variable-displacement pumpIt is assumed that the angular velocity of the prime mover (induction motor) is constant.Therefore, angular velocity of the pump shaft is constant. Pump flow rate can be adjustedwith variable displacement via the swashplate displacement angle and can be given asQp= kpvp, (1)where, Qpis pump flow rate (m3/s), is displacement angle of swashplate (), kpis pumpcoefficient (m3/s), vpis pump volumetric efficiency () which is assumed not to depend onpump rotation angle.2.2 Pressure relief valveTo simplify, pressure relief valve dynamics is not taken into consideration. Therefore, twoequation as below are given for passing flow rate through pressure relief valve (m3/s) in thestate of opening and closing.Qv= kv(P Pv), if PPv, (2)Qv= 0, if P Pv, (3)546 Ali Volkan Akkayawhere, kvis slope coefficient of valve static characteristic (m5/Ns), P is system pressure (Pa)and Pvis valve opening pressure (Pa).2.3 Hydraulic hoseAs in traditional modelling, the pressurized hose that connects the pump to the motors ismodelled as volume with a fixed bulk modulus in this section. Variable bulk modulus arediscussed in the following subsection.The fluid compressibility relation can be given as in (4). Equation (5) provides the pressurevalue from a given flow rate. It is assumed that pressure drop in the hydraulic hose is negligible.Qc= (V/)(dP/dt), (4)(dP/dt) = (/V )Qc, (5)where, Qcis flow rate deal with fluid compressibility (m3/s), V is the fluid volume (m3)subjected to pressure effect, is fixed bulk modulus (Pa).2.3a Variable bulk modulus Fluid is an important element of hydrostatic systems and enablespower transmission, hence it can influence the dynamic behaviours of the system and thecontrol system. The bulk modulus of non-aerated hydraulic oil depends on temperature andpressure, for mineral oils with additives its value ranges from 1200 to 2000 MPa. Moreover,system pressure and entrapped air affect the bulk modulus value. If a hydraulic hose is usedrather than a steel pipe, the bulk modulus of this section may be considerably reduced. Owingto these reasons, the parameters influencing bulk modulus value must be included in the HSTmodel for more accurate system dynamics.The equation which gives the variable bulk modulus of fluid-air mixture in a flexiblecontainer is as follows (McCloy & Martin 1980):1v=1f+1h+VaVt1a, (6)where, the subcripts a, f and h refer to air, fluid, and hose respectively. It is assumed that theinitial total volume Vt= Vf+Va, and that fgreatermuch a. Thus bulk modulus will be less than anyf, h,orVt/Vaa. The bulk modulus of the fluid fis obtained from the manufacturersdata. The adiabatic bulk modulus used for air is (Cp/Cv)P = 14P . With these assumptions,(6) can be rewritten as in,1v=1f+1h+s14 P, (7)where, s is entrapped air percent in the total volume (s = Va/Vt).2.4 Hydraulic motor and loadFlow rate used in the hydraulic motor (m3/s) can be written as inQm= km/vm, (8)where, kmis hydraulic motor coefficient (m3), is angular velocity of hydraulic motor (1/s)and vmis volumetric efficiency of the motor (). It is assumed that hydraulic motor efficiencydoes not depend on its shaft rotation angle. Hydraulic motor torque (Nm) can be written as,Mm= kmtDelta1Pmm, (9)Effect of bulk modulus on performance of a transmission control system 547where, kmtis motor torque coefficient (m3), Delta1P is pressure drop in hydraulic motor (Pa)and mmis mechanical efficiency of hydraulic the motor (). The torque produced in thehydraulic motor (Nm) is equal to the sum of the moments from the motor loads and can begiven as,Mm= MI+ MB+ Mo, (10)where, MI, MBand Moare the moments resulting from load inertia, friction force and machineoperation respectively. These moments can be denoted asMm= Im(d/dt)+ B + Mo, (11)where, Imis the inertia of the hydraulic motor shaft (Nms2), B is viscous friction coefficientof motor and its shaft (Ns/m), and is angular velocity of motor shaft (1/s). Equation (11)can be used to determine the angular velocity of the hydraulic motor shaft. This equation isrearranged for angular velocity asd/dt = (Mm B Mo)/Im. (12)2.5 Hydrostatic transmission systemThe fundamental mathematical models of the system components and phenomena occurringin hydrostatic systems are conveniently combined to obtain the overall HST system model.Accordingly, a hydrostatic transmission is modelled as a lumped system. In the developmentof the dynamic model of the system, it is assumed that static and dynamic features of thetransmission do not depend upon the direction of hydraulic motor rotation and the transmissionis a state of thermal balance. Leakage flows in pump and motor are not taken into accountduring the modelling.The mathematical model of the HST system consists of two equations as below:equality of flow rate:Qp= Qm+ Qc+ Qv, (13)moment:Mm= MI+ MB+ Mo. (14)Using (5) and (12), the following are then obtained,dP/dt = (/V )(Qp Qm Qv), (15)d/dt = (Mm B Mo)/Im. (16)A commonly available general purpose simulation package Matlab/Simulink is used tosolve the nonlinear equations. The Simulink model based on the component mathematicalmodels of HST system is given in figure 2. The component models can be easily modifiedin accordance width specific constructions. Accordingly, when bulk modulus is rebuilt in thehydraulic hose component with regard to (7), the second model can be generated.548 Ali Volkan AkkayaFigure 2. Simulink model of hydrostatic transmission system.3. Control applicationsMost publications related to the HST control are related to the speed control of the hydraulicmotor connected to the load. In order to achieve this goal, different closed-loop control designstrategies can be used. However, Lee & Wu (1996) showed that using only pump displacementto regulate load speed is the most effective of all the methods they tested. In addition, Re et al(1996) concluded that the sole use of pump displacement actuation to control one load speedof a system with variable-displacement pump and motor is the most efficient, and should bealways preferred whenever possible. For this reason, in the HST systems being considered inthis study, the output angular velocity is controlled by the flow rate supplied to the hydraulicmotor, and this flowrate is adjusted by the swashplate angle of the variable-displacementpump. Swashplate dynamics are not taken into consideration in the control application inthis study for the sake of simplicity. In addition, the swashplate control system usually hasfaster dynamics than the rest of the system, and therefore neglecting its dynamics is justified(Watton 1989).To precisely control the angular velocity of the hydraulic motor in hydrostatic transmissioncontrol systems, an appropriate controller must be designed in advance. In industrial appli-cations, classical control methods such as PI, PID are being used for velocity control of HSTsystems. It is crucial to determine controller parameters accurately because PID control meth-ods have linear characteristics. They are sometimes insufficient to overcome nonlinearitieswhich exist in the nature of the HST systems for high precision applications (Tikkanen et al1995; Prasetiawan 2001). In particular, the bulk modulus ought to be regarded as a source ofsignificant nonlinearity for this type of controller. Thus, the controller has to be very robustto account for such wide variation. Use of knowledge-based systems in process control isincreasing, especially in the fields of fuzzy control (Tanaka 1996). Unlike classical controlmethods, the fuzzy controller is designed with linguistic terms to cope with the nonlineari-ties. Therefore, this control method is also applied to judge its capacity to reduce the adverseeffect of variable bulk modulus.3.1 PID controlThe structure of the PID control algorithm used for the angular velocity control of HSTsystem is given in (17) and (18) below. Ziegler-Nichols method is implemented for tuningcontrol parameters, such as proportional gain (Kp), derivative time constant (d) and integraltime constant (i) (Ogata 1990). After fine adjustments, the optimal control parameters areEffect of bulk modulus on performance of a transmission control system 549Figure 3. Simulink model of HST system for PID control.determined for the reference angular velocity. Figure 3 shows the Simulink model of thePID-controlled HST system.uv(t) = Kp e(t) + Kp dde(t)dt+Kpiintegraldisplaye(t) dt, (17)e(t) = r . (18)3.2 Fuzzy controlFuzzy logic has come a long way since it was first presented to technical society, whenZadeh (1965) first published his seminal work. Since then, the subject has been the focusof many independent research investigations. The attention currently being paid to fuzzylogic is most likely the result of present popular consumer products employing fuzzy logic.The advantages of this method are its applicability to nonlinear systems, simplicity, goodperformance and robust character. These days, this method is being applied to engineer-ing control systems such as robot control, flight control, motor control and power systemssuccessfully.In fuzzy control, linguistic descriptions of human expertise in controlling a process arerepresented as fuzzy rules or relations. This knowledge base is used by an inference mecha-nism, in conjunction with some knowledge of the states of the process in order to determinecontrol actions. Unlike the conventional controller, there are three procedures involved in theimplementation of a fuzzy controller: fuzzification of inputs, and fuzzy inference based onthe knowledge and the defuzzification of the rule-based control signal. The structure of thefuzzy controller is seen in figure 4.An applied fuzzy controller needs two input signals. These signals are error (e) and deriva-tive of error (de) respectively. The usual overlapped triangular fuzzy membership functionsare used for two input signals (e, de/dt) and the output signal (u). Figure 5 shows the struc-ture of the membership functions of input and output signals. Input signals are transformedat intervals of 1, 1 by scaling factors which are Ge and Gde.In the fuzzification process, all input signals are expressed as linguistic values which are:NB negative big, NM negative medium, NS-negative small, ZE
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