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14. CNC MACHINES Computer Numerical Control machines use a computer to guide a process that might otherwise be done manually. 14.1 MACHINE AXES 14.2 NUMERICAL CONTROL (NC) The use of numerical data to drive a machine for processes such as, - milling - turning - drilling - grinding - shot peening - tube bending - flame cutting - automated knitting machines - automatic riveting - etc. Basic components of NC systems, - program - controller unit - machine tool Most suited to, - parts are pr ocessed frequently in small lot sizes - complex part geometry - close tolerances on workpart - many oper ations on part in processing - large amounts of metal to be removed - engineering design will possibly change - parts that are too expensive for mistakes The methods for developing NC programs include, - manual part programming - computer-assisted part programming - computer gener ated programs The manual and computer aided methods use various NC programming languages, - APT (Automatically Programmed Tools) - AUTOSPOT (Automatic System for Positioning Tools) - SPLIT (Sundstrand Processing Language Internally Translated) - COMPACT II - ADAPT (ADaptation of APT) - EXAPT (Extended Subset of APT) - UNIAPT These languages are used by a parts programmer to define the motion of the cutting tool. The languages may be preprocessed, and then used for a number of various control types, such as, - punched paper tape - Computer Numerical Control (CNC) - Direct Numerical Control (DNC) The automatic methods work with geometry created in a CAD program. 14.2.1 NC Tapes NC Progr ams are preprocessed on computers, and punched onto paper or mylar tapes. Simple NC machines can use a tape reader to direct the machine. Problems, - required storage, transportation, and manual loading of NC tapes - has to reread the tape for each new part - tapes tend to wear, and become dirty, thus causing misreadings - the mechanical parts in the readers reduced reliability - testing had to be done on the NC machine - no program editing abilities (increased lead time) The end of tapes was the result of two competing developments - DNC used remote computers to replace tape readers, these were displaced in most cases by CNC - CNC allowed the use of a local computer to overcome problems with tapes, and the problems with distant computers. While CNC was used to enhance tapes for a while, they eventually allowed the use of other storage media, and cur rently program transfer media are not required. 14.2.2 Computer Numerical Control (CNC) A computer controller is used to drive an NC machine directly. Characteristics are, - controls a single machine - located very close to machine tool - allows storage/retrieval/entry of NC programs without preprocessing of NC code Advantages of CNC, - progr am is only entered into memory once, so it is more reliable - the programs can be tested and altered at the machine - increased flexibility and control options on the local computer - easy to integrate into FMS systems The Background, - the problems with NC tapes were approached using DNC networks - the communication problems with DNC systems became obvious, and local computers were added to act as tape readers which would read tapes once, and play them back to the NC machine indefinitely - CNC controllers began using other storage media like magnetic tapes, and floppy disks - CNC now offers features like, - local programming, - communication over interfaces, - hard disk storage, - program simulation - etc. ASIDE: Direct Numerical Control is similar to CNC, except a remote computer is used to control a number of machines. This gives the advantage of more computer power. This approach is no longer popular, as the dropping cost of computers offsets any advantages. Some companies use proprietary NC Languages,such as the example of DYNA Mill NC code shown later These machines are often programmed by downloading NC code from a computer, or manually programming the controller computer. Future trends involve, - adaptive feed rates to increase speeds as the metal removal rate varies - tool wear detection 14.2.3 Direct/Distributed Numerical Control (DNC) Uses a few methods, - the oldest methods used modems, and a mainframe which emulated a tape reader, to control the NC machine (no storage) - a more recent advance used a local computer which acts as a storage buffer. Programs are downloaded from the main DNC computer, and then the local controller feeds instructions to the hardwired NC machine, as if they have been read from tape. - the newer methods use a central computer which communicates with local CNC computers (also called Direct Numerical Control) DNC controllers came before CNC machines, but as computer technology impr oved it became practical to place a computer beside the NC machine, and DNC changed in form. Characteristics of modern DNC systems are, - uses a server (with large storage capacity) to store a large number of part programs。 - the server will download part programs on demand to local machines - may have abilities to, - display and edit part programs - transmit operator instructions and other data needed at the machines - collect and process machine status information for management purposes Advantages are, - eliminates the need for NC tapes (the advantages are obvious) - design changes are immediate - NC programs may be edited quickly - can be used to support an FMS system - increase efficiency of individual machine tools - more shop up-time than with stand alone machines - simplifies implementation of group technology, computer aided process planning, and other CIM concepts -reduces peripheral costs with NC tapes A Brief History, Mid 60s - concept proved by Cincinnati Milacron and G.E. - telephone links used to send instructions from large computers to hard wired NC machines. Basically replaced a tape reader. 1970 - several commercial DNC systems announced. Mid 70s - Aerospace companies used DNC because of the large number of distributed -machines in their facilities. Initial resistance to DNC technology was (previously) based on, - high cost of computer hardware - the number of machines which could be controlled by one computer was limited - computer sof tware was limited for maintenance, scheduling, control, and data collection - a backup computer was usually required - was hard to justify on the basis of downloading parts programs when downloading programs there are two popular opinions, - a program should only be downloaded in part, this accommodates easy engineering changes in a real-time environment. - many programs should be downloaded to the local controller to provide protection against system failure, and eliminating the cost of real-time response in the DNC centr al computer. 14.3 EXAMPLES OF EQUIPMENT The number of NC machines available commercially will be well into the thousands. 14.3.1 EMCO PC Turn 50 This is a small desktop lathe capable of turning parts in metal. The basic physical specifications are, Cutting volume radial travel 48mm rad axial travel 228mm Max.holding volume radial 30-65mm axial 300mm 12mm by 12mm Max.tool size max 80mmm dia Chuck 130-3000rpm Spindle 0.001mm Resolution 0-750mm/min Feed =600N below 500mm/min Feed force 100/110/230VAC,0-6KVA Power 840 by 695 by 345 mm The basic sequence of operations for this machine are, 1. Unpack components. 2. Connect devices to power, air supply, and attach interface cables 3. Install RS-485 card in PC. 4. Install software. 5. Test basic system (Done initial setup here). 6. Start and initialize lathe and PC with software. 7. Setup tools for new job. Find zero positions/offsets, and enter values for turret. 8. Load NC code. 9. Simulate program. 10.Load stock and close automatic chuck. 11.Close door. 12.Run program on Lathe. 13.Open door and open chuck. 14.If cutting a similar part go to step 8, if doing a new setup go to step 7. 14.3.2 Light Machines Corp. proLIGHT Mill This is a small desktop lathe capable of turning parts in metal. The basic physical specifications are Cutting Volume Max. Holding Volume Max. Tool Size Spindle 200-5000rpm Resolution Feed 50ipm x,y and 40ipm z Feed Force Power Dimensions Weight Controller IBM compatible computer Control Interface IBM compatible computer Programming G-Codes and Dos softwar Spindle 1 H.P. The basic sequence of operations for this machine are, 1. Unpack components. 2. Connect devices to power, air supply, and attach interface cables. 3. Install software. 4. Test basic system (Done initial setup here). 5. Start and initialize mill and PC with software. 6. Setup tool for new job. Find zero position/offset. 7. Load NC code. 8. Simulate program. 9. Run pr ogram on Mill. 10. If cutting a similar part go to step 7, if doing a new setup go to step 14.4 PRACTICE PROBLEMS14.5 TUTORIAL - EMCO MAIER PCTURN 50 LATHE (OLD) The lathe is shipped with software that is meant to emulate shop floor interfaces. We donnot have the standard keyboard, so we need to use special key stroke sequences on the PC keyboard. Procedure: 1. Connect the air supply to the lathe and make sure that the regulator on the lathe is between 25 and 75 psi - 50 psi is good. Ensure that the lath is connected to the PC with the DNC cable. The computer card must also have a terminator on the second connector - this is an empty connector. Turn on the lathe, and the PC. 2. Once the PC is booted, run the emco control software. The screen may come up with warnings. If these warnings dont disappear when you hit ESC call the instructor. 3. First we must zero the lathe. To do this first hit F1 and then F7?-ZRN. A small label ZRN should appear near the bottom of the screen. Press 4 on the number pad of the keyboard - the lathe should move in the x dir ection. Next, press 8 on the keyboard, the lathe should move in the z direction. After all motion has stopped the lathe is calibrated, and it will be put in jog mode. 4. You can move the lathe with the keys on the number pad as well as perform other function. 4 - move carriage left 6 - move carriage right 2 - cross slide out 8 - move cross slide in 7 - turn spindle on 6 - turn spindle off 2 - turn on/off chip blower 1 - turn tool turret +/- - increase/decrease feed 5. You can now put the mill in MDI mode by pressing F1 then F6?-MDI. Push the door open and hold it for a second, it will then stay open. Clear the error on the screen with ESC and press the chuck should open and close. Mount a work piece and then close the door. 6. Put the computer in program mode - 14.6 TUTORIAL - PC TURN 50 LATHE DOCUMENTATION: (By Jonathan DeBoer) SETUP: The lathe is controlled by a computer through an RS485 port. RS485 is a serial data bus that can be chained from one device to another and must be terminated.The controlling computer must be running Windows 3.1 or 3.11 and must have the RS485 card installed. Windows 95 will not get along with the interface card, and the software refuses to use an RS232 port with an RS485 adapter. The machine should have as few peripherals as possible; if one device happens to use any of the IRQs/ DMAs/IO ports as the RS485 card, there will be problems. So remove sound cards, extra interface cards, etc. The RS485 card has two DB9F connectors on the back, plug the cable from the lathe in one and a terminator in the other.Install WinNC (the control software) under Windows 3.1. There are two disks; the installer and a machine data disk.The lathe needs to be plugged in to the computer, to a power outlet (of course), and to an air supply at 50-75 psi (less than 50 and there isnt enough pressure to open the door). A pressure gauge is on the left side of the machine, all plugs/etc are on the right. POWER ON/OFF: To Turn On: Turn on the computer and machine. To turn on the machine, turn the key on the right side. On the computer, launch Windows if neccisary. Once windows is running, launch WinNC. Make sure NumLock is on befo re launching WinNC. WinNC will then establish communication with the machine. To Turn Off: To just shut off the lathe but not the computer, just turn the key on the lathe. An error will co me up in WinNC indicating it lo st RS485 communication. Not to worry; when the lathe is turned back on later, hit ESC and the error will go away.To turn off both, exit WinNC by hitting Alt-F4 and then exit Windows. Then Simply switch off both the machine and the computer. OPERATION: Some notes: The EMCO software is distinguished by having the most counter-intuitive, unnatu-ral, information-withholding, and ornery interface known to man. Most technical references available are in German。 The software periodically pops up error messages for minor and major errors. Errors can be dismissed by pressing ESC. If they dont go away, there is a problem that needs to be looked into.At the bottom of the screen is a menu of options you can select with the F3-F7 keys. This is called the softkey list by the Emco documentation, and will henceforth be referred to as the menu. A note on coordinates: The X axis is into/out of the material. X = 0 should be the center of rotation. As long as X is a positive value, moving along X in the positive is moving the tool out of the material and away from center. Moving along X in the negative is moving into the material and toward center. The Z axis is along the length of the part (along the axis of rotation). Moving along Z in the negative direction is moving toward the spindle head (to the left, facing the machine). Moving along Z in the positive direction is moving away from the spindle head (to the right, facing the machine)。 Modes: The software is ruled by mo des. What mode the software is in determines what it can do and what it displays. I f something doesnt work or doesnt look right, check what mode the software is in. Remember operational modes are set independently of display modes. The operational mode can be EDIT but programs cannot be edited until the view mode is set to PRGRM, and vice versa. Hit F1 to get a menu of operational modes: ZRN mode is used for zeroing the tool position. This should be done the first thing afterthe machine is turned on. JOG is used for manual control of the lathe. MDI is used for changing tools, opening chuck, etc. (actually, you can do all this with JOG) EDIT is used for editing, loading, and exporting programs. AUTO is used for running programs. Hit F12 to get display modes: Note: when you switch view modes, the menu changes.The default is ALARM mode, which displays operator messages and alarms. Hit F3 to display alarms, F5 to display operator messages.POS mode displays positions.Hit F3 to display the current absolute position, F4 for the current relative position, and F5 for a variety of details. PRGRM mode displays the program. Hit F3 to display the program code, hit F4 for a list of all the programs available. If the operational mode is EDIT, you can also edit the code when you hit F3 。 OFFSET is used for displaying and changing offset values. Hit F3 for wear adjustment and F4 for geometry. These are both parameters for tools.Data for up to 16 tools can be stored at once. Hit F5 for work shift. This is how the working reference point is set. See below. PARAM is used for changing setup parameters and viewing system information. Hit F3 for setup see below for details. Hit F4 for diagnostics on the RJ485 po r t and the software version。 GRAPH is used to simulate output with a graph The fact that all these modes must share the menu can cause confusion.Remember that if you should be seeing a menu and you arent, the menu you are looking for may be behind the one you are seeing. For example, when you switch to a display mode, you should see the menu f or that display mode. If you hit F1, that menu is covered up by the menu to select an operational mode. Once you select something from that menu, you will see the view modes menu again. Keyboard control: Note on keyboard control: Many of the keys outlined in the manual are for German keyboards only and are mapped differently on US keyboards. Use this as reference, NOT the manual: Alt-F4 - Exit ESC - Dismiss error message F1 - mode menu F3 thru F7 - select item from current menu F11 - scroll through menus when they are too wide to fit on the screen (like the MORE key on a Ti-85 calculator) F12 - function key menu Ctrl- - open/close chuck (must not be in EDIT mode, door must be open) Ctrl- - open/close door (spindle must be off) Ctrl-1 - change tool (must not be in EDIT or ZRN mode, door must be closed) Ctrl-2 - Turn on/off blower Ctrl-6 - Turn off spindle (JOG mode) Ctrl-7 - Turn on spindle (JOG mode, door must be shut) arrows - move cursor in the editor on the numeric keypad: 4 - move -Z in JOG mode, or zero Z axis in ZRF mode 6 - move +Z in JOG mode, or zero Z axis in ZRF mode 2 - move -X in JOG mode, or zero X axis in ZRF mode 8 - move +X in JOG mode, or zero X axis in ZRF mode 5 - zero both axis in ZRF mode From: Integration and Automation of Manufacturing Systems by Hugh Jack 14.數(shù)控機(jī)床 計(jì)算機(jī)數(shù)控機(jī)床使用一臺(tái)計(jì)算機(jī)引導(dǎo)一個(gè)可能需要手工完成的過程 14.1機(jī)床坐標(biāo)軸 14.2 數(shù)字化控制 使用數(shù)字?jǐn)?shù)據(jù)驅(qū)動(dòng)機(jī)器進(jìn)行的加工過程如下 -銑削 -車削 -鉆削 -磨削 -噴丸加工 - 折彎 -火焰切割 -自動(dòng)化編制機(jī) -自動(dòng)鉚接 -等 數(shù)控系統(tǒng)的基本組成部分 -程序 -控制器單元 -機(jī)床設(shè)備 最適合于 -頻繁加工的小批量零件 -復(fù)雜的部分幾何體 -工件上的緊公差部分 -加工過程中操作量大的部分 -大量的金屬切削 -工程設(shè)計(jì)可能變化時(shí) -價(jià)值昂貴不允許報(bào)廢的零件 開發(fā)數(shù)控程序的方法包括 -手工零件編程 -計(jì)算機(jī)輔助編程 -計(jì)算機(jī)編程 手工和計(jì)算機(jī)輔助方法采用各種數(shù)控編程語(yǔ)言 -自動(dòng)編程工具 -用于工具定位的自動(dòng)化系統(tǒng) -桑斯川特內(nèi)部轉(zhuǎn)換處理語(yǔ)言 -緊湊型 2 - APT 改編語(yǔ)言 - APT 的擴(kuò)展子集 - UNIAPT 這些語(yǔ)言是通過一部分編程人員定義切削刀具的動(dòng)作來使用的 這些語(yǔ)言可以進(jìn)行預(yù)處理,然后為一系列不同的控制類型所使用,例如 -穿孔紙帶 -計(jì)算機(jī)數(shù)字控制( CNC) -直接數(shù)字控制( DNC) 自動(dòng)化方法與 CAD 程序中創(chuàng)建的幾何體一起工作 14.2.1 數(shù)控條帶 數(shù)控程序在計(jì)算機(jī)上進(jìn)行預(yù)處理,并在紙條或膠帶上打孔 簡(jiǎn)單的數(shù)控機(jī)床可以使用條帶帶閱讀器來指揮機(jī)器 相關(guān)問題 -數(shù)控條帶所必需的存儲(chǔ),傳輸,手動(dòng)裝載 -必須為每個(gè)新零件重讀條帶 -磁帶往往磨損,變臟,從而導(dǎo)致誤讀 -閱讀器很慢,并且可能在復(fù)雜零件上產(chǎn)生滯留標(biāo)記 -閱讀器里的機(jī)械零件降低了可靠性 -測(cè)試必須在數(shù)控機(jī)床上完成 -沒有程序編輯能力(增加了所需的時(shí)間) 條帶 的結(jié)束是兩種發(fā)展相互競(jìng)爭(zhēng)的結(jié)果 -分布式數(shù)控使用遠(yuǎn)程計(jì)算機(jī)來代替條帶閱讀器,但這些在大多數(shù)情況下被計(jì)算機(jī)數(shù)控所取代 -計(jì)算機(jī)數(shù)控還允許在本地計(jì)算機(jī)上使用以克服條帶和遠(yuǎn)程計(jì)算機(jī)的問題。雖然一段時(shí)間內(nèi)計(jì)算機(jī)數(shù)控被用來加強(qiáng)條帶性能,但計(jì)算機(jī)數(shù)控最終被允許使用其他存儲(chǔ)介質(zhì),并且目前不需要程序傳輸介質(zhì) 14.2.2 計(jì)算機(jī)數(shù)字控制 一個(gè)電腦控制器是用來直接驅(qū)動(dòng)數(shù)控機(jī)床的 特點(diǎn)是 -控制一臺(tái)機(jī)器 -位于非常接近機(jī)床的地方 -允許沒有預(yù)處理的數(shù)控代碼進(jìn)行數(shù)控程序存儲(chǔ) /輸入 /檢索 數(shù)控的優(yōu)勢(shì), - 程序只輸入到內(nèi)存中 一次,所以它更可靠 - 該程序可以在機(jī)器測(cè)試和修改 - 在本地計(jì)算機(jī)上增加了控制選項(xiàng)增強(qiáng)了靈活性 - 易于集成到柔性制造系統(tǒng) 相關(guān)背景 -使用 DNC 網(wǎng)絡(luò)處理與數(shù)控條帶有關(guān)的問題 -使用 DNC 系統(tǒng)的通訊問題變得顯著,并且本地計(jì)算機(jī)被添做能讀取條帶一次并可以讓數(shù)控機(jī)床無限回放的的條帶閱讀器 -數(shù)控控制器開始使用其他像磁帶,軟盤之類的存儲(chǔ)器 -數(shù)控現(xiàn)在提供的功能如下 -本地程序 -接口通信 -硬盤存儲(chǔ) -程序仿真 -等 旁白:除了一臺(tái)遠(yuǎn)程計(jì)算機(jī)用來控制許多機(jī)器之外,直接數(shù)控 與計(jì)算機(jī)數(shù)控很相似。這給出了更強(qiáng)大的計(jì)算機(jī)功能的優(yōu)勢(shì)。由于電腦成本下降抵消了任何優(yōu)勢(shì),這種方法不再流行。 有些公司使用專用的數(shù)控語(yǔ)言,例如最近展示的德納銑削數(shù)控代碼 這些機(jī)器經(jīng)常沖電腦上下載數(shù)控代碼編程,或手工對(duì)控制器電腦進(jìn)行編程。 未來走向涉及 - 根據(jù)不同的金屬切削速率自動(dòng)調(diào)整進(jìn)給速度以提高加工速度 - 刀具磨損檢測(cè) 14.2.3 直接 /分布式數(shù)控( DNC) 使用了以下幾種方法 -最古老的是使用調(diào)制解調(diào)器和一臺(tái)仿效條帶閱讀器的主機(jī)來控制數(shù)控機(jī)床(不能存儲(chǔ)) -一個(gè)新近的方法是使用一臺(tái)用作存儲(chǔ)緩 沖的本地電腦。從主計(jì)算機(jī)數(shù)控主機(jī)上下載程序,然后本地控制器像從紙帶上讀取程序一樣把程序提供給數(shù)控機(jī)床 -較新的方法是使用一臺(tái)能與本地?cái)?shù)控電腦交互的核心電腦(也稱作直接數(shù)字控制) DNC 控制器產(chǎn)生于 CNC 機(jī)床之前,但由于計(jì)算機(jī)技術(shù)的發(fā)展 DNC 變的比在數(shù)控機(jī)床旁放置計(jì)算機(jī)實(shí)用并且 DNC 在形式上產(chǎn)生了變革 現(xiàn)代的 DNC 系統(tǒng)的特點(diǎn)是 -使用服務(wù)器(有很大的存儲(chǔ)容量)來存儲(chǔ)大量的零件程序 -服務(wù)器將根據(jù)需要把零件程序下載到本地機(jī)床上 有能力 - 顯示和編輯零件程序 - 傳送機(jī)床上需要的操作指令和其他數(shù)據(jù) - 收集和處理用來操縱機(jī)床的狀態(tài)信息 優(yōu)點(diǎn) - 不再需要數(shù)控條帶(優(yōu)點(diǎn)是顯而易見的) - 即時(shí)的設(shè)計(jì)變更 - 數(shù)控程序編輯快速 - 可以用來支持 FMS 系統(tǒng) - 提高了單個(gè)機(jī)床的效率 - 比單個(gè)機(jī)床有更多的工廠運(yùn)行時(shí)間 - 簡(jiǎn)化成組技術(shù),計(jì)算機(jī)輔助工藝規(guī)劃和其他計(jì)算機(jī)集成制造內(nèi)容的實(shí)施 - 減少使用數(shù)控紙帶的額外花費(fèi) 歷史概述 , 60 年代中期 - 辛辛那提米拉克龍概念和 GE 證明 - 電話鏈接用來從大型計(jì)算機(jī)向硬件連接的數(shù)控機(jī)床發(fā)送指令,這從根本上取代了讀帶器 1970 - 幾個(gè)商業(yè)的 DNC 系統(tǒng) 公布 70 年代中期 - 航天公司因?yàn)樗麄児S里有大量的分布式機(jī)床而使用 DNC DNC 技術(shù)最初的阻礙是(以前)基于 -計(jì)算機(jī)硬件的高額成本 -一臺(tái)計(jì)算機(jī)能控制的機(jī)器數(shù)量是有限的 - 計(jì)算機(jī)軟件因?yàn)榫S護(hù)調(diào)度控制和數(shù)據(jù)收集而受限制 - 通常需要一臺(tái)備份計(jì)算機(jī) - 在下載部分程序的基礎(chǔ)上很難調(diào)整 下載程序時(shí),有兩種流行的觀點(diǎn) - 一個(gè)程序只能被部分下載 , 這在現(xiàn)實(shí)環(huán)境中很容易改變?cè)鹊墓こ淘O(shè)計(jì) - 許多程序被下載到本地控制器來提供保護(hù)以應(yīng)對(duì)系統(tǒng)故障 ,并消除在 DNC中心計(jì)算機(jī)實(shí)時(shí)響應(yīng)的成本 。 14.3 設(shè)備實(shí)例 可以商用的數(shù)控機(jī)床數(shù)目數(shù)以千計(jì) 14.3.1 EMCO PC Turn 50 這是一臺(tái)能車削金屬零件的小型臺(tái)式機(jī)床 基本物理技術(shù)規(guī)格是 , 切削用量 徑向進(jìn)給 48mm.軸向進(jìn)給 228mm 最大余量 徑向 30-65mm 軸向 300mm 每次 12mm 最大刀具尺寸 直徑最大 80mm 卡盤轉(zhuǎn)速 130-3000 r/min 主軸 0.001mm 切削速度 0-750 mm/min 進(jìn)給速度 600N 以下 500mm/min 進(jìn)給力 100/110/230VAC, 0-6KVA 時(shí)力為 840 , 695, 345/mm 這種機(jī)床的基本操作流程是 1. 解裝組件 . 2. 將設(shè)備連接到電源,氣源并附加接口電纜 . 3. 在 PC 機(jī)上安裝 RS-485 卡 4. 安裝軟件 5. 測(cè)試基礎(chǔ)系統(tǒng) (已經(jīng)安裝在上面 ). 6. 使用軟件啟動(dòng)并初始化機(jī)床和電腦 7. 設(shè)置新的工作工具,找到坐標(biāo)零點(diǎn) /偏移量,并輸入到控制中心 8. 裝載數(shù)控代碼 9. 程序仿真 10.裝載工件使卡盤自動(dòng)加緊 11.關(guān)閉機(jī)床車門 12.在機(jī)床 上運(yùn)行程序 13.打開車門并松開卡盤 . 14.如果切削相似的工件則轉(zhuǎn)到步驟 8,如果加工新的工件則轉(zhuǎn)到步驟 7 14.3.2 Light Machines Corp. proLIGHT Mill 這是一臺(tái)能車削金屬零件的小型臺(tái)式機(jī)床 基本物理技術(shù)規(guī)格是 切削用量 最大余量 最大刀具尺寸 主軸轉(zhuǎn)速 200-5000 r/m 切削速度 進(jìn)給速度 進(jìn)給力 功率 50ipm x,y and 40ipm z 尺寸規(guī)格 重量 控制器 IBM compatible computer 控制接口 IBM compatible computer 程序編制 G-Codes and Dos software 主軸 1 H.P. 這種機(jī)床的基本操作流程是 , 1. 解裝組件 . 2. 將設(shè)備連接到電源,氣源并附加接口電纜 3. 安裝軟件 4. 測(cè)試基礎(chǔ)系統(tǒng) (已經(jīng)安裝在上面 ). 5. 使用軟件啟動(dòng)并初始化機(jī)床和電腦 6. 設(shè)置新的工作工具,找到坐標(biāo)零點(diǎn) /偏移量 7. 裝載數(shù)控代碼 8. 程序仿真 9. 在機(jī)床上運(yùn)行程序 10. 如果切削相似的工件則轉(zhuǎn)到步驟 7,如果加工新的工件則轉(zhuǎn)到步驟 6. 14.4實(shí)踐中的問題 14.5 EMCO MAIER PCTURN 50 LATHE (OLD)使用指南 車床是與用來模擬制造現(xiàn)場(chǎng)界面的軟件一起發(fā)貨的。我們沒有標(biāo)準(zhǔn)鍵盤,所以我們需要使用計(jì)算機(jī)鍵盤上的特殊擊鍵順序。 步驟 : 1.把車床連接上氣源病確保車床上的校準(zhǔn)器在 25 到 75psi 之間 50psi最好。確保車床用 DNC 線纜連接到 PC 機(jī)上。計(jì)算機(jī)卡在第二個(gè)接口(這是一個(gè)空接口)上有一個(gè)終止器。打開電腦和車床。 2.一旦電腦被啟動(dòng),運(yùn)行 emco 控制軟件,屏幕上就可能出現(xiàn)警告。如果按ESC 鍵警告不消失 就叫教員。 3.首先我們必須將車床置零。這樣做先要按 F1然后 F7? -ZRN。一個(gè)小 ZRN標(biāo)志會(huì)出現(xiàn)在屏幕底部。按下鍵盤數(shù)字行的 4 車床在 X方向移動(dòng)。接著按下鍵盤上的 8,車床在 Z軸方向移動(dòng)。在所有動(dòng)作停止后車床被校正好,并被設(shè)置在手動(dòng)手動(dòng)進(jìn)給模式。 4.你可以像執(zhí)行其他功能一樣使用數(shù)字行的鍵操作車床。 4 向左移動(dòng)底座 6 向右移動(dòng)底座 2 移出刀架 8 移入刀架 7 主軸開 6 主軸關(guān) 2 打開 /關(guān)閉切屑清潔機(jī) 1 轉(zhuǎn)動(dòng)刀具轉(zhuǎn)臺(tái) +/- - 增大 /減小進(jìn)給量 5.你現(xiàn)在可以通過按 F1 然后按 F6-MDI 把機(jī)床置于 MDI 模式。推開車門并停留片刻,車門將保持打開狀態(tài)。使用 ESC 并按下 SFT 鍵清除屏幕上的錯(cuò)誤 卡盤會(huì)松開和夾緊。安裝工件然后關(guān)閉車門。 6. 把計(jì)算機(jī)置于編程模式 - 14.6 PC TURN 50 機(jī)床文件資料教程 : (Jonathan DeBoer 著 ) 設(shè)定 : 車床是由計(jì)算機(jī)通過 RS485 端口控制的。 RS485 是一些可以連接一個(gè)設(shè)備到另一個(gè)設(shè)備的悠閑的數(shù)據(jù)總線。控制用計(jì)算機(jī)必須運(yùn)行 Windows 3.1 或 3.11并且將 RS485 卡初始化。 Windows 95 與接口卡


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