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翻譯部分英語原文Control and prevention of gas outbursts in coal mines,RiosaOlloniego coalfield, SpainMara B. Daz Aguado C. Gonzlez NiciezaAbstract Underground coal mines have always had to control the presence of different gases in the mining environment. Among these gases, methane is the most important one, since it is inherent to coal. Despite of the technical developments in recent decades, methane hazards have not yet been fully avoided. This is partly due to the increasing depths of modern mines, where methane emissions are higher, and also to other mining-related circumstances, such as the increase in production rates and its consequences: difficulties in controlling the increasing methane levels, increasing mechanization, the use of explosives and not paying close attention to methane control systems. The main purposes of this paper are to establish site measurements using some critical parameters that are not part of the standard mining-control methods for risk assessment and to analyze the gas behavior of subvertical coal seams in deep mines in order to prevent gas incidents from occurring. The ultimate goal is the improvement in mining conditions and therefore in safety conditions. For this purpose, two different mines were instrumented for mine control and monitoring. Both mines belong to the RiosaOlloniego coalfield, in the Asturias Central Basin, Spain and the areas instrumented are mined via subhorizontal sublevels at an actual depth of around 1000 m under the overburden of Mount Lusorio. During this research, a property favoring gas outbursts was site measured for the first time in an outburst-prone coal (8th Coalbed), gas pressure and its variations, which contributed to complete the data available from previous characterizations and to set some guidelines for assessing the potential outburst-prone areas. A gas-measurement-tube set has been designed for measuring gas pressure as well as its variation over time as a result of nearby workings and to calculate permeability. The paper establishes the effect of overlapping of works, but it also shows the efficacy of two preventive measures to be applied: high pressure water infusion and the exploitation of a protective coal seam (7th Coalbed), that must be mined preferably two complete sublevels before commencing the advance in the outburst-prone coalbed. Both measures constitute an improvement in the mining sequence and therefore in safety, and should be completed with a systematic measurement to control the risk: gas pressure in the 8th Coalbed in the area of influence of other workings, to establish the most suitable moment to renew the advance. Further researches could focus on ascertaining the permeability, not only in mined areas but also in areas of the mine that are still not affected by mining work and on tuning more finely the ranges of influence of overstress time and overlap distance of the workings of the 7th Coalbed in the 8th Coalbed. 1. Introduction Coalbed and coal mine methane research is thriving due to the fact that power generation from coal mine methane will continue to be a growing industry over the coming years in certain countries. For instance, China, where 790 Mm3 of CH4 were drained off in 1999 (Huang, 2000), has 30 Tm3 of estimated CBM potential in the developed mining areas (Zhu, 2000). The estimate by Tyler et al. (1992) of the in-place gas in the United States is about 19 Tm3, while Germanys total estimated coalbed methane resources are 3 Tm3, very similar to Polish or English resources (World Coal Institute, 1998). This increase in the CBM commerce has opened up new lines of research and has allowed the scientific community to increase its knowledge of some of the propertiesof coal and of methane gas, above all with respect to the properties that determine gas flow, which until now had not been sufficiently analyzed. Some of these parameters are the same ones that affect the occurrence of coal mining hazards, as methane has the potential to become a source of different fatal or non-fatal disastrous events. Since the famous mining catastrophe with over 1000 fatalities in Courrires, France, in March 1906, the list of dead and injured miners in modern mining has grown progressively, but growth in Western countries is at a decreasing rate. Fourteen miners died in the 8th Coalbed at San Nicols mine on 31 August 1995, the worst mining accident in recent years in Spain. Major concern was aroused in the region with respect to mining-related safety problems. The fatal accident in the 8th Coalbed at San Nicolsmine has led to different research studies (such as the“Research project of the 8th Coalbed in the 863 area”, 2003, between the University of Oviedo and Hunosa;“Research of Prevention of Gas Outbursts”, 2003, by the Department of Safety of Hunosa; “Research of the 8th Coalbed in San Nicols and Montsacro”, 2004, between the University of Oviedo and the Regional Industry, Commerce and Tourism Ministry of Asturias) for achieving a better knowledge of this coalbed and its behavior in order to improve safety conditions and thus to minimize future risks. As Flores (1998) suggested, there is a relationship between gas outbursts (mine safety) and production in underground mines (efficiency of mine operations and mine economics). Since the 8th Coalbed is economical, the management has not considered the option of ending mining operations in it. The 8th Coalbed is mined via two mines: the aforementioned San Nicols, in Ablaa (Mieres) and Montsacro, in Riosa. This research study has taken place in both mines and has an unquestionable importance in orderto fulfill some gaps: to quantify some unknown parameters of the 8th Coalbed very related to mining hazards(such as gas pressure), to improve the mining sequence in the sublevel method (a factor very related, after Thielemann et al., 2001, with the risk of sudden outbursts), to establish the accuracy of some of the prevention measurements applied or to delimit the hazardous areas.2. Description of the Asturian Central basin and ofthe 8th Coalbed The 8th Coalbed of the RiosaOlloniego unit, located in the Southwest of the Asturian Central Coal Basin (the largest coal basin in the Cantabrian Mountains, IGME, 1985), has CBM potential of about 4.81 Gm3. This is around 19.8% of the estimated resources of the Asturian Central Basin and 12.8 % of the total assessed CBM resources in Spain (Zapatero et al., 2004). 3.84 Gm3 of the CBM potential of the 8th Coalbed belongs to San Nicols and Montsacro: 1.08 Gm3 to San Nicols area and 2.76Gm3 to Riosa, down to the 800m level (IGME, 2002). The minable coalbeds of this unit are concentrated in Westphalian continental sediments (Surez-Ruiz and Jimnez, 2004). The RiosaOlloniego geological unit consists of three seams series: Esperanza, with a total thickness of 350 m, contains 36 coalbeds with a cumulative coal thickness of 3.5 to 6.5 m; Pudingas, which is 700 m thick, has 35 coalbeds with a thickness of 57m; whereas the Canales series, the most important one, I 800 m thick, with 812 coalbeds that sum up to 1215 m thick. This series, which contains the 8th Coalbed, the coalbed of interest in this study, has a total thickness of 10.26mat SanNicols and 15.13matMontsacro (Pends et al., 2004). Fig. 1 shows the geological map of the two coal mines, whereas Fig. 2represents a front view of both mines and the location of the instrumented areas. In this particular study, the 8th Coalbed is situated at a depth of between 993 and 1017 m, in an area of low seismi intensity. Instantaneous outbursts pose a hazard to safe, productive extraction of coal in both mines. The mechanisms of gas outbursts are still unresolved but include the effect of stress, gas content and properties of the coal. Other factors such as geological features, mining methods, bord and pillar workings or increase in rate of advance may combine to exacerbate the problem (Beamish and Crosdale, 1998). Some of the main properties of the 8th Coalbed favoring gas outbursts (Creedy and Garner, 2001; Daz Aguado, 2004) had been previously studied by the mining company, in their internal reportsM.B. Daz Aguado, C. Gonzlez Nicieza / International Journal of Coal Geology 69 (2007) 253266 255Fig. 1. Geological map.as well as in the different research studies cited in Section 1: the geological structure of the basin, the stress state of the coalbed and its surrounding wall rock and some properties of both coal-bearing strata and the coalbed itself. The next paragraphs summarize the state of the research when this project started.Many researchers have studied relationships between coal outbursts and geological factors. Cao et al. (2001), found that, in the four mining districts analyzed, outbursts occurred within tectonically altered zones surrounding reverse faults; this could help to delimit outburst-prone zones. In the 8th Coalbed, some minor outbursts in the past could be related to faults or changes in coal seam thickness. Hence, general geological inspections are carried out systematically, as well as daily monitoring of any possible anomalies. But, in any case, some other outbursts could be related neither to local nor general faults. Fig. 2. General location of the study area. M.B. Daz Aguado, C. Gonzlez Nicieza / International Journal of Coal Geology 69 (2007) 253266For some years now, the technical experts in charge of the mine have been studying the stress state of the coalbed by means of theoretical calculations of face end or residual rock mass projections that indicated potential risk areas, based on Russian standards (Safety Regulations for Coal and Oil Shale Miners, 1973).Assuming that there was an initial approach to the stress state, this parameter was therefore not included in the research study presented in this paper. In the Central Asturian Coal Basin, both the porosity and permeability of the coal-bearing strata are very low,the cleat structure is poorly developed and cleats are usually water-filled or even mineralized. Consequently, of 5.10 m3/t. In some countries, such as Australia (Beamish and Crosdale, 1998) or Germany, a gas outburst risk value has been established when methane concentration exceeds 9 m3/t (although close to areas of over-pressure, this risk value descends to 5.5 m3/t). As the average gas contents in the coalbed are comparable with those of the Ruhr Basin (which according to Freudenberg et al., 1996, vary from 0 to 15 m3/t), the values in the 8th Coalbed would be close to the risk values. Desorption rate was considered the most important parameter by Williams and Weissmann (1995), in conjunction with the gas pressure gradient ahead of the face. Gas desorption rate (V1) has been defined as the volume of methane, expressed in cm3, that is desorbed from a 10 g coal sample, with a grain size between 0.5 and 0.8 mm, during a period of time of 35 s (fromsecond 35 to 70 of the test). Desorption rates have been calculated from samples taken at 2 m, 3 m and 7 m, following the proceedings of the Technical Specification 0307-2-92 of the Spanish Ministry of Industry. The average values obtained during the research are: 0.3 cm3 / (10 g35 s) at 2 m depth, 0.5 cm3 / (10 g35 s) at 3 m and 1.6 cm3 / (10 g35 s) at the only paths for methane flow are open fractures. Coal gas content is one of the main parameters that had been previously analyzed. The methane concentration in the Central Asturian Basin varies between 4 and 14 m3/t of coal (Surez Fernndez, 1998). Particularly, in the RiosaOlloniego unit, the gas content varies from 3.79 to 9.89 m3/t of coal (Pends et al., 2004). During the research, the measured values in the area of study have varied between 4.95 and 8.10 m3/t, with an average value7m.Maximumvalues were of 1.7 cm3 / (10 g35 s) at 2m depth, 3.3 at 3 m and up to 4.3 cm3 / (10 g35 s) at 7 m.The initial critical safety value to avoid gas outbursts in the 8th Coalbed was 2 cm3 / (10 g35 s). Due to incidents detected during this research study, the limit value was reduced to 1.5 cm3 / (10 g35 s).But other properties, such as coal gas pressure, the structure of the coal itself and permeability, had beeninsufficiently characterized in the Riosa Olloniego unit before this research study. Two methods had been previously employed to determine the gas pressure in the mine: the Russian theoretical calculations for the analysis of the stress state and the indirect measurements of the gas pressure obtained by applying criteria developed for the coalbeds of the Ruhr Basin (Germany), Poland and the former Soviet Union. These indirect measurements were the Jahns or borehole fines test (Braner, 1994), which establishes a potential hazard when the fines exceed a limiting value. Although there are tabulated values for the coalbeds of the Ruhr Basin, it is not the case for the coals of the RiosaOlloniego unit. Therefore, in this paper an improvement to the gas pressure measurement technique is proposed by developing a method and a device capable of directly measuring in situ pressures. The 8th Coalbed is a friable bituminous coal, high in vitrinite content, locally transformed into foliated fabrics which, when subjected to abutment pressure, block methane migration into working faces (Alpern, 1970). With low-volatile content, it was formed during the later stages of coalification and, as stated by Flores (1998) this corresponds to a large amount of methane generated. Moreover, the coal is subject to sudden variations in thickness (that result in unpredictable mining conditions) and to bed-parallel shearing within the coalbed, that has been considered an influence on gas outbursts (Li, 2001). Its permeability had never been quantified before in this mining area. Thus, during research in the 8th Coalbed it was decided to perform in situ tests to measure pressure transients, to obtain site values that will allow future calculations of site permeability, in order to verify if it is less than 5 mD, limit value which, after Lama and Bodziony (1998), makes a coalbed liable to outbursts. Therefore, in this study we attempted to characterize gas pressure and pressure transients, for their importance in the occurrence of gas outbursts or events in which a violent coal outburst occurs due to the sudden release of energy, accompanied by the release of significant amount of gas (Gonzlez Nicieza et al.,2001), either in breaking or in development of the coalbed (Hardgraves, 1983). 3. Conclusions Coalbed is still a major hazard affecting safety andproductivity in some underground coal mines. This paper highlights the propensity of the 8th Coalbed to give rise to gas outbursts, due to fulfilling a series of risk factors, that have been quantified for 8th Coalbed for the first time and that are very related to mining hazards: gas pressure and its variation, with high valuesmeasured in the coalbed, obtaining lower registers at Montsacro than at San Nicols (where 480 kPa were reached in the gas pressure measurements at the greatest depth). These parameters, together with the systematic measurement of concentration and desorption rate that were already being carried out by the mine staff, require monitoring and control. A gas-measurement-tube set was designed, for measuring gas pressure and its variations as well as the influence of nearby workings to determine outburstprone areas. The efficacy of injection as a preventative measure was shown by means of these measurement tubes. Injection decreases the gas pressure in the coalbed, although the test must be conducted maximizing all the precautionary measures, because gas outbursts may occur during the process itself. The instrumentation results indicated the convenienceof mining the 7th Coalbed at least one sublevel ahead of the 8th Coalbed. This means having completed longwall caving of the corresponding sublevel both eastward and westward, and having allowed the necessary time to elapse for distention to take effect. This distention time was estimated between two and three months. The constructed instrumentation likewise allowed the effect of overlapping of workings to be measured: as the longwall caving of the coalbed situated to the roof of the instrumented coalbed approaches the area of advance of the 8th Coalbed, an increase in the pressure of the gas is produced in the 8th Coalbed. This may even triplicate the pressure of the gas and is more pronounced as the longwall caving approaches the position of the measuring equipment. A spatial range of the influence of longwall caving of some 5560 m was estimated and a time duration of 23 months. The main contribution of this article resides in theproposal of measures of control and risk of gas outbursts that complement the systematic measurements in the mine itself, with the aim of improving safety in mining work. This proposal, apart from certain practical improvements in mining work, above all regarding the exploitation sequence, would involve the installation of gas measurement tubes before initiating the advance or at the overlap of workings. It would consist intemporarily detaining the advance in the 8th Coalbed when an overlap of workings may occur or prior to the commencement of an advance in the 8th Coalbed, installing measurement tubes in the face. The values and the trend of the measured gas pressures, together with the values obtained from gas concentration tests, would enable control of the conditions of the coalbed and the establishing of what moment would be appropriate to renew the advance. The gas measurement tubes would hence be a reliable, economic control and evaluation measure of the risk of gas outbursts. Furthermore, this equipment would enable the openingof other lines of research, both for calibrating the time and range of influence of mining


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