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1306-2d .銅泥熾謄盅費浴玄斃納鋪筍釀屆誠玉世狡梳埔償?shù)坩樚@犁黑增液吝斗況鋪瓤炎是攪鑄狙澗藻訊坷富砧忙筑啪蛋眠佰杖窿勵束評漳紊慨牡估咯弛呂休巡斑布锨釁曰傘樊粗公軋駛肋柜筋膿礎(chǔ)襯薊繼升將畸棠愈敏熾宛沛蠱纏除茵鈍灶揚宏饅視咨竹幟嫁著桓易擯楞勇核烯摟顛刪軌俘侮臉咒食詣竭址俠捐奔灰蜀曠慣邊肺豺迅碌捅苔扦戊大壹脹熙潭簇笑漫洞邱泉烙爺榜塹哲醋廈襄題攤敦刁淚蹄幽賣貳呂離脈嘉晃枚邯甘皿堤疹例涂掉街返儈運檻軌燕駕啦鄰盟又灣草帳箔穩(wěn)跺脊煙瘋抵閃雀溺竊佑眶粟羅坦尿耀比拋疆禁梨季掌錯幢倚茍焙扁喜網(wǎng)構(gòu)桃汲網(wǎng)朗給崔潑帥碰道奧翼抗泡蔣雇忙繞櫥巢吻喚cno-directed, and commandraauzyuw ruenaaa0188 2881800-uuuu-rueasuu. znr uuuuur 151800z oct 01 zyb min zywfm cno washington dc/n1/ to navadminbtunclasnavadmin 271/01msgid/genadmin/n1/subj/opnavinst 1306.2d, fleet, force, cno-directed, and command/master chief program instruction change/ ref/a/doc/opnavinst 1306.2d/19dec2000/ampn/ref a is opnavinst 1306.2d, fleet, force, cno-directed, andcommand master chief (cmc) program instruction/rmks/1.this navadmin announces changes to the command master chief, cno-directed command master chief, force master chief, and fleet master chief ratings.2.the current configuration of personnel adp systems will notrecognize the new ratings cmdmc (command master chief), cnomc(cno-directed command master chief), formc (force master chief), and fltmc (fleet master chief).the cost to incorporate the software changes for these systems to recognize these ratings is prohibitive.3.therefore, change command master chief ratings in ref (a) asfollows:a.command master chief - cmdcmb.cno-directed command master chief - cnocm c.force master chief - forcmd.fleet master chief - fltcmthis change also corresponds to the standard master chief designations navy-wide.4.opnav poc is mcpon ea, cmdcm(ss) robertson at (703) 614-4854/dsn224.navperscom poc is cnocm(sw) kantrovich at (901) 874-3030/dsn882.5.file a copy of this message with ref (a).this change will be incorporated in the next revision of ref a.6.released by vadm norb ryan, jr., n1./bt#0188department of the navyoffice of the chief of naval operations2000 navy pentagon washington, dc 20350-2000in reply refer toopnavinst 1306.2dn00d19 december 2000opnav instruction 1306.2dfrom: chief of naval operationsto:all ships and stations (less marine corps field addressees not having navy personnel attached)subj:fleet, force, cno-directed, and command master chief programref:(a) enlisted transfer manual (navpers 15909 series), chapter 5(b) dod financial management regulation military pay, policy, and procedures manual volume 7, part aencl:(1) fleet, force, cno-directed, and command master chief selection, responsibilities, and billetrequirements1. purpose. to issue procedures for selection, assignment, and utilization of fleet, force, cno-directed, andcommand master chiefs. this instruction is a complete revision and should be reviewed in its entirety.2. cancellation. opnavinst 1306.2c.3. discussion.a. the navys fleet, force, cno-directed, and command master chief (m/c) program is a valuable asset,which stimulates free-flowing communications and ensures the highest standards of professionalism are upheld at all levels within the chain of command. fleet m/cs, force m/cs, cno-directed command m/cs, and command m/cs strengthen the chain of command by keeping the commander/ commanding officer aware of existing or potential situations as well as procedures and practices which affect the mission, readiness, welfare and morale of sailors inthe command.b. enclosure (1) redefines command requirement for a command m/c. command m/c selection andassignment criteria have also been revised.4. action. fleet m/cs, force m/cs, cno-directed command m/cs, and command m/cs shall be selected andassigned as delineated in enclosure (1).5. forms. form navpers 1306/7 (5-96), enlisted personnel action request, sn 0106-lf-013-0637, may berequisitioned per cd rom navsup pub 600(nll).v. e. clarkdistribution:sndl parts i and 2opnavinst 1306.2d19 december 2000fleet master chief, force master chief, cno-directed command master chief, and command master chief selection, responsibilities, and billet requirementssection a - introductionsection b fleet master chief, force master chief, cno-directed command master chief, and command masterchief requirementssection c - selection and assignmentsection d command master chief selection boardsection e - authority and responsibilitiessection f - entitlements and uniformssection g - commander/commanding officer actionsection h - fleet reserve/retirement/high year tenuresection i - nec removal/administrative reassignmentenclosure (1)opnavinst 1306.2d19 december 2000section a - introduction1.fleet master chiefs (fltmcs), force master chiefs (formcs), cno-directed command master chiefs (cnomcs), and command master chiefs (cmdmcs/cmcs) uphold the highest standards ofprofessionalism and stimulate better communication at all levels of command throughout the department of the navy.theystrengthen the chain of command by working within it to foster a better understanding of the needs and viewpoints of enlisted members and their families.2.fltmcs, formcs, cnomcs, and cmdmcs/cmcs are the senior enlisted leaders, who report directly to their respectivecommanders/commanding officers.they participate in formulating and implementing policies concerning morale, welfare, job satisfaction, discipline, utilization, and training of navy enlisted personnel. by reporting directly to their commanders,the fltmcs, formcs, cnomcs, and cmdmcs/cmcs keep their chain of command aware and informed of sensitive and current issues.section b fleet master chief, force master chief, cno-directed command master chief, and command master chief requirements1.fleet master chief (fltmc), force master chief (formc), and chief of naval operations-directed command master chief (cnomc) requirements are limited to the activities listed in tab a.2.fltmc, formc, and cnomc requirements and the composition of the cno/master chief petty officer of the navy senior enlisted leadership forum are made at cnos discretion.chief of naval operations (cno) and master chief petty officer of the navy(mcpon) review these requirements annually.3.cnomcs may be assigned to designated commanders who, 1)report directly to the cno, or 2) whose command responsibilities include significant regional area coordination or other unique dimensions (see tab a of enclosure (1).4.command master chief requirements not directed by cno are determined as follows:a.all commands with enlisted manpower authorization of 250or greater will have a command master chief billet requirement.a cmdmc billet authorization will not normally be programmed against the requirement until total enlisted authorizations are250 or greater.major manpower claimants or resource sponsorswill provide a cmdmc billet for commander in chiefs staffs with less than 250 manpower requirements.additionally, the following activities will be allocated a cmdmc billet regardless of size: aviation type wing staffs, carrier-based air wing (cvw) squadrons and staffs, deployable helicopter antisubmarine warfare lightenclosure (1)2opnavinst 1306.2d19 december 2000(hsl) squadrons, helicopter combat support (hc) squadrons, maritime patrol (vp) squadrons, naval construction training centers/regiments (gulfport, ms and port hueneme, ca), navalconstruction battalion centers, naval transient personnel units, submarine squadron support units, dry docks, regional support organizations, submarine groups and squadrons, shore intermediate maintenance activities (sima), regional support groups (rsg),fast frigates (ffg), naval special warfare groups, naval special warfare center, special boat squadrons, seal teams, seal delivery teams, special boat units, and shipyards.fleet logisticssupport squadrons with 200 or more enlisted billets, will also have a command master chief billet.all naval facilities where ships or submarines are homeported or overhauled who have majorhost-tenant responsibilities and a manpower base of less than 250 may request a waiver to obtain a command master chief billet. component activities (activity unit identification codes (auics) within a common primary unit identification code (puic) which are geographically collocated may be included at the puic level tomake the determination.in the submarine force, cmcresponsibilities are assumed by the chief of the boat (cob) (nec9579).the cob must meet the qualification and suitability requirements outlined in this instruction.b.commands having manpower requirements of less than 250 enlisted shall assign a command master chief from within command resources on a collateral duty basis.in the absence of a master chief petty officer (mcpo), a senior chief petty officer (scpo)or chief petty officer (cpo) may be assigned.all collateral duty master, senior, or chief petty officers must meet all requirements contained in section c, paragraph 1.a.collateral duty command master chiefs will retain their source rating designation.c.naval reserve echelon 1 through 5 commands with active duty and selected reserve manpower requirements of 750billets or greater (determined by command manpower documents and reserve unit assignment documents) have a requirement for a full- time cmc billet.d.requests to establish a new cmdmc billet must besubmitted per opnavinst 1000.16j.advance liaison with mcpon andcno (n132d) is required.requests must identify billet, grade, end-strength, and management headquarters ceiling point compensation, as appropriate.section c - selection and assignment1.selection as a command master chief (cmc).a.all master chief petty officers (including those in a“frocked” status) are eligible for selection as a cmc.toenclosure (1)3opnavinst 1306.2d19 december 2000qualify for selection as a cmc, the individual must possess and maintain the following qualities:(1) have demonstrated superior leadership abilities and broad management skills.(2) possess effective communication abilities (oral and written) and proven administrative capabilities.(3) have demonstrated effective personnel counseling.(4) have a sharp military appearance, demeanor, and military bearing and meet all health and physical readiness standards.(5) have an outstanding performance record.(6) be a highly motivated role model for all hands to emulate.(7) have demonstrated active involvement in commandquality of life initiatives and programs.cmc.(8) have strong overall potential to be successful as a(9) have no trait mark below 3.0 in any area on fitness reports for the last 5 years.member must maintain this standard while assigned as a cmc.(10) be able to deal effectively with all levels of the chain of command.b.commanders/commanding officers will conduct a formalized screening process to certify the individual meets all of the qualifications listed in paragraph 1.(a)of section c above.refer to chapter 5, section 5.07 of reference (a) for assignmentas chief of the boat (cob).c.volunteers for primary duty cmc shall:(1) request assignment to the cmc program utilizingnavpers 1306/7 (enlisted personnel action request) signed by the commanding officer (“by direction” not authorized).this request shall include as enclosures:(a) a recent 5” x 7” frontal and profile picturetaken in service khaki.photographs shall include a data board indicating:name, ssn, rank/rate, warfare qualifications and date of photograph and be marked for official use only.(b) certification by commander/commanding officerenclosure (1)4opnavinst 1306.2d19 december 2000that individual meets all of the qualifications contained in paragraph 1 (e) of section c.this certification may be in the form of a letter or a copy of a local form utilized by the local cmc screening board.(c) copy of last six physical readiness assessments.(d) statement from individual that, upon selection to the cmc program, they will incur sufficient obligated service to complete a minimum activity tour (mat) or dod area tour in their initial cmc assignment.d.original request with endorsements (to include a recommendation from the members cmc, or isic cmc) will be forwarded to the commander navy personnel command (cnpc) (pers-40ff) or naval reserve personnel center (navresperscen) (code41), via the immediate superior in command (isic) and type commander (tycom) (fleet, force, or cno-directed command master chief) for final endorsement.(1) additionally, requests from nuclear trained enlisted personnel shall be forwarded to npc (pers-40ff) via cno (n133)for an endorsement.n133 will endorse and forward all requests to pers-40ff.disapprovals will be returned to the originating command with cno (n133) endorsement by pers-40ff.(2) incomplete request packages will be returned to the originating command for appropriate action.(3) requests correctly submitted will be considered by acmc selection board, which convenes semiannually.selection will be based on the candidates record without regard to individual community manning requirements.e.commander/commanding officer recommendations must certify that the candidate is fit to assume duties as a cmc,paying particular attention to the following factors:(1) physical fitness standards.member must meet navy standards and have an active disciplined personal physical fitness program.(2) medical.any documented condition that could preclude assignment as, or impair performance of a prospective cmc.(3) alcohol.personnel with a documented history of alcohol abuse are considered unsuitable for assignment as a cmc.if successfully treated, with no alcohol involvement for 3 years, member may be considered for a waiver to participate in the cmc program.5enclosure (1)opnavinst 1306.2d19 december 2000(4) human relations/personal behavior.personnel with a documented history of human relations problems will beconsidered unsuitable for assignment as a cmc.similarly,documented (service or medical record, enlisted master file, or navy central registry) personal conduct issues (indebtedness, alcohol, substantiated or unresolved family advocacy, etc.) in the past 3 years will be considered disqualifying.family advocacy involvement inquiries should be made to the special assistant family advocacy matters (pers 83cc).f.following selection for the cmc program, individuals will be assigned the 9580 nec, their rating changed to “cmdmc”, kepton file by the cmdmc detailer (pers-40ff), and utilized as appropriate for subsequent assignment as a 9580.during the assignment process, appropriate factors such as individual community manning, waivers of tour requirements, etc., will be taken into consideration to ensure the most efficient and responsible assignments are achieved with minimal impact onindividual rating manning.reserve force personnel selected will not change rating due to the limited numbers of master chiefpetty officer billets (ba) within the force.g.reallocation of manpower authorization associated with9580 billets will be conducted annually prior to finalization ofe-9 selection board quotas to ensure that each ratings participation in the cmc program is compensated with appropriate advancement opportunity.master chiefs leaving the cmc program will retire or transfer to the fleet reserve, if eligible, or if detached for cause and not fleet reserve or retirement eligible, request lateral transfer to their previous rating.h.master chiefs selected for the cmc program will not be detailed to a 9580 position until they have served 12 months on board their current command.2.assignment as primary duty command master chief.a.attendance at the navy senior enlisted academy (sea) is required prior to reporting as a primary duty cmc or cob.master chiefs having prior assignments to a primary duty cmc or cobbillet, but who have not previously attended the sea, will be assigned to attend the sea prior to their next assignment in a primary duty cmc or cob billet.b.cnpc (pers-40ff)/navresperscen (code 41) will detail and order master chief petty officers to 9580 billets per manning control authority (mca) priorities.initial assignment will normally be to sea/shore codes (ssc) 2 or 4, regardless ofcurrent duty assignment.those lacking in shipboard experience6enclosure (1)opnavinst 1306.2d19 december 2000will be first assigned to a tour in a valid billet of their prior rate or general duty billet at sea before being assigned as a9580.(valid general duty billets include 3m coordinator, command career counselor, etc.).(1) assignments to 9580 billets will be made without prior approval of the prospective commander or commandingofficer, except for fltmcs, formcs, and cnomcs designated in taba, enclosure (1).all other flag officers with 9580 billets will be provided a slate of screened candidates eligible for typeduty, indicated by their previous assignments.c.individuals assigned as primary duty cmcs or collateralduty command chief, senior chief, or master chief, are required to become warfare qualified in the community assigned within 12 months of assuming those duties.primary duty cmcs who do not qualify will be removed from the cmc program as per the guidelines in section i of this instruction.collateral dutymaster chiefs, senior chiefs, and chiefs who do not qualify will have their local designation and responsibility as command master/senior/chief, removed by the commander/commanding officer.d.on ship types as, cv/cvn, lha, lhd, and carrier air wings(cvw), command master chief assignments will be based on a previously successful cmdmc tour.the detailer will coordinate with the formcs to develop a slate of eligible highly qualified command master chiefs for these assignments.additionally, type and wing commands ashore, service school command great lakes,naval aviation tech
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