1、2017人教版高中英語必修五Unit 2The United KingdomWOrd課后練習(xí)Uilit 2 SeCtiOn I|躁”作業(yè) aaKE-SHI- ZUo-YEI、單詞拼寫錯誤!1、I am not to blame anyone, but to larif (澄淸) What happened, n he Said、2、China ,accomplished (實現(xiàn))the TWelVe FiVe-Year Plan smthly in SPite Of thefinancial crisis、3、A POliCe CarjOgged along On the ,rough( 的)
2、 Path to the ViIJage、4、HiS collection_(收集) Of PaintingS is the most impressive x5、TlIeir goal is to _ynic (團結(jié))the OPPOSitiOn PartieS and defeat the Presidents6、HC WaS 屮】WilIing_ (不樂意)to face the fact that he had IOStt and Ieft WithOlIt a word、7、The 7th China Garden EXPO has been held in Jinant the C
3、aPital City Of ShandOng P_ProVinCe_ 8、ThiS POIiCy has received _iIaIionWidg_(全國性的)SUPPOrt and Will be Carried OUt SOOnX9、Ana ,attractionis SOlnething that PCOPle Can go for interest Or enjoyment, for examplea famous building IOJf SOmething is done for your onvcnicnc it is done in a Way that is SUita
4、ble Or USefUl for you、II、選詞填空錯誤!COnSiSt Ot divide into, IeaVe out, break away from, to Ones Creelit, at ones convenience, makeup, refer to IOOk around, be joined to,separate、 from, in COnfIiCt With1、YOU Can_IeaVC_OUt_the details: just give US the main facts、2、TlIeSe meals Can be PrePared in advance,
5、 and ScrvccLguyoujconvcnicnc.、3、YOUr StatemCnt isJn,conflicLwiththe rest Of the evidence、4、ThCSmdCmSWcrc_Qividcamgthree groups、5、ThCyrok JBWa丫OrQ_the national UniOn and Set UP their OWn IOCal OrganiZatiOnX6、The United Kingdom-consiStS-Of_Great Britain and NOrthern Ireland.7、AIthOUgh She didnt Inenti
6、On any names everyone knew WhO She WaSJferringJO_ X8、JaSoIlS going to Start_OOking_迎Olmafor a new job、9、ThC islandJSJOinedJOthe mainland by a road bridge、10、WOmen OffiCerSUnake_UP_ 13 PerCent Of the POIiCe force11、SOnlehOWt in the rush to get OUt Of the buildings ICDara(Cdj_TrorQ_m mother、12x To_her
7、_Credit,she admitted She WaS WrOngXIIK根據(jù)漢語提示用本章節(jié)的短語填空每空一詞。|導(dǎo)學(xué)號491521391、您拾金不昧的行為就是非常值得表揚的。It is greatlyto _you _Credit_that you gave back the money you found.2、我們能做什么來幫助她們擺脫困境呢?What Can We do to help them to_brcak_ wa _from_the difficult POSition?3、一年有365天。One year,COnSiStS Of_365 days、4、這條河在這里被分成兩條
8、小溪.ThC river_is_ _divided _into_two StreamS at this point、5、抄寫這份文件時,要細心不要漏掉任何一字。In COPying this paper, be CarefUl not tojeaveOUt_any WOrd、6、我們的幸福就在于為社會做些有價值的事情.OUr happiness.ConSiStS_ _in_doing SOmething VaIUabIe for society、7、在制訂計劃時,她們到圖書館査閱了許多書籍。In CiraWing UP the plan.they Went to the Iibrary to,
9、refer _to_many books、8、您別惹我妹妹,不然我要告訴爸爸了。YOU JCaVe_InV SiSteraIOnC_Or ll tell my father9、她敲窗戶以引起我的注意。He knocked On the WindOW to_attract_ Jn丫_ _attention_10、一條大河把這個城市的北部與南部隔開了。A Iarge river,separates_the north Of the city,fromthe SOUth、IV、閱讀理解A錯誤!The WOrld,s first SlIbWay WaS built in LOndOn in 1863、
10、 At the time, the government WaS IOOking for a Way to reduce traffic PrOblemS in the City Of LOndOn、The POOr areas Of the City Were SO CrOWded With PeOPle that it WaS almost impossible for horsecarriages to getthrougl The City OffiCialS Were interested in trying tomake it POSSibIe for WOrkerS to IiV
11、e OUtSide Of LOndOn and travel easily to WOrk each day. If PeOPle had a CheaP and COnVenient Way that they COUlcl depend On to go to and from WOrkf they WOUld relocate their homes OUtSidC Of the city、ThiS WOUld help ease (減輕)the PreSSUre Of too many PeOPle IiVing in the POOr PartS Of LOndOn X FrOm t
12、hese PrOblemS.the idea Of the LOndOn UndergrOUnd, the first SUbWay system, WaS bornThe PlanS for building the UndergrOUnd met With SeVeral PrOblemS and delays, but the fast track WaS finally OPCned in JanUary 1863、 A Steam train PUlled the CarS along the fast UndergrOUnd track WhiCh WaS 6 kilometers
13、 (3 7 InileS) IOngX AbOUt 30,000 PeOPle got On the SUbWay the first day、RiderS Were treated to COmfOrtable SeatS (Standing UP While the train WaS moving WaS not allowed) and PleaSant decorations inside each Of the cars、HOWeVert the SmOke from the engine SOOn filled the air in the tunnels With ash an
14、d SOOt (煤灰),as WeIl as ChemiCal gases x FanS had to be PUt in the tunnels Iater to keep the air Clean enough for PeOPle to breathe EVen With its PrOblemS,riding in the UndergrOUnd did CatCh OnX It Carried 9 IniniOn riders in its first year、文章大意:為了減輕倫敦的交通壓力與減輕窮人們的負擔(dān),世界上的第一條地鐵在1863 年在倫敦開通。這一重大的發(fā)明給人類文明
15、逬步做出了巨大貢獻1、What Ied the BritiSh government to build the LOndOn Underground? _C_A、TraffiC jams and pollutionB、POPUIatiOn and POllUtion C、OVerCrOWding and traffic jams、D、The POVerty and SUbWay problems、解析:細節(jié)理解題第一段中提到了Vhc government WaS IOOking for a Way to reduce trafficPrOblemS in the City Of LOndOn,
16、 The POOr areas Of the City Were SO CrOWded With people 表示 正就是因為交通問題很嚴重城市非常擁擠導(dǎo)致倫敦政府修建地鐵。答案選C.2、HOW did the LOndOn UndergrOUnd SOIVe the SmOke PrOblem?_B_A、It Inade the tunnels IargerXB、It PUt fans in the tunnels C、It Cleaned the ChemiCal gases in IhC tunnelsD、It reduced the number Of PaSSengerS ridi
17、ng in the train、解析:細節(jié)理解題。最后一段提至U了Fans had to be PUt in the tunnels Iater to keep the airClean enough for PeOPle to breathe1可知為了去除煙霧,人們在隧道中安裝了風(fēng)扇答案選BO3、ThC UnderIined PhraSe catch on most PrObably means B A、be troublesomeB、become POPUlar and fashionableC、keep UP WithD、SeiZe解析:詞義猜測題。根據(jù)上下文上文提到“Even with
18、 its problems(盡管問題很多)”, 而下文又提到了F Carried 9 million riders in its first yearx 說明了 CatCh On應(yīng)該就是表示這種 交通工具還就是很受大眾歡迎的。答案選B。4、WhiCh Of the following is TRUE?A、TO IelOCatetheWOrkerS,homesoutsde London, the government built the subwayB、There Were SO Inany PrOblemS and delays in 18th CentUry When the first S
19、UbWay OPCned、CX The SUbWay greatly eased the PreSSUre Of trafficD、There Were not enough SeatS for the PaSSengerS the first day the SUbWay OPened、解析:細節(jié)理解題。A項并不就是政府修建地鐵的目的;B項中的SO many與文中第二段 第一句中的SeVeral不符:D項中的not enough SeatS與第二段描述不符。故選COB錯誤!Big BCn is the nickname for the great bell Of theclock in Lo
20、ndon The name WaS given in honor Of SirBenjamin HaII,who WaS in Charge Of the WOrk Whenthe bell WaS built in 1856、 It didnt Strike Until 3years IaterXThe ClOCk has become a Iandmark Of the UnitedKingdOm and London, PartiCUlarly in the ViSUal media(可視媒體)、When a televisionor film-maker WiSheStO quickl
21、y ShOW a nonUK audience a Certain IOCatiOnin BritaiILa POPUIar Way to do SO is to ShOW an inageof the ClOCk TOWerXThe ClOCk IoWer is a focus Of NeW Year CelebratiOnS in the United KingdOnL With radio and TVStatiOnS tuning to its ChimeS (報時鐘聲)to WelCOnle the Start Of the year、LOndOnerS WhO IiVe a PrO
22、Per distance from the ClOCk IOWer and Big Ben Cant by means Of IiStening to the ChinleS both IiVe and On the radio Or televisio hear the bell Strike thirteen times On New Year,s EVeX ThiS is POSSible because the SPCed Of SOUnd is a IOt SlOWer than Ihe SPeCd Of radio waves、Big Ben has appeared in man
23、y films In the 1978 VerSiOn Of The Thirty-Nine Steps, the hero attempted to halt the ClOCkS PrOgreSS to PreVent a IinkedbOInb blowing UP by hanging from the IninUte hand OfitS WeStern face It WaS also USCd in the filming OfShanfihai KnightS Starring JaCkie Chan and OWenWilson, Hndwasdescribcdasbeing
24、partiallydestroyed in the 2012 film DOCtor Who. An animatedversion (卡通版)Of the ClOCk WaS also USed as thesetting in the Walt DiSney film The Great MoiiseDetective, and WaS ShOWn being destroyed by a UFOin the film MarS AttaCkS !5、WhiCh Of the following is TRUE according to the PaSSage?_D_A、The nickn
25、ame Of the ClOCk WaS given by Benjamin、B、The ClOCk StrikeS 13 times to WelCOnle the NeWYearC、The radio and TV make a mistake about theclock,s ChimeS、D、Benjamin WaS responsible for the WOrk When thebell WaS built.解析:細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第一段的“、WhO WaS in Charge Of the WOrkX S、”可知.6、Big Ben has Senred PeOPle for ab
26、out _R_ycars、A、151B、148C、146D. 153解析:細節(jié)理解題。第一段提到Big BCn自1859年開始敲響到末段提到的2012年的 電影DOCtOr人可推算出時間至少為153年。7、ThC SeCOnd ParagraPh mainly WantS to ShOW USthat Big BCn is _A_XA、a SymbOl OfUK and LOndOnB、a most POPUlar SCene for film-makersCX a mustsee Sight for tourists to LOndOnD、a POPUlar PlaCe to have Pi
27、CtUreS taken解析:推理判斷題。根據(jù)第二段首句可知。8、In WhiCh Of the following InOVieS WaS the ClOCk destroyed? _D_A、The ThirtyNine StePS and Shanghai KnightSB、Shanghai KnightS and DOCtOr WIWC、The Great MOuSe DeteCtiVe and DOCtor WhO、D、Mws Attacks and DoCtOr Who、解析:細節(jié)理解題。在電影DOCtOr Who及MarSAttaCkS中都提到了對Big Ben的破壞.V、根據(jù)短文
28、內(nèi)容,從短文后的七個選項中選岀能填入空白處的最佳選項。選項中有兩 項為多余選項。錯誤!TnlSt has been COnSiderCd as the basis Of any relationship, including friendship NO relationship Can IaSt IOng With a IaCk Of trust、NOt many Of your friends WilI have real faith in you as you WOUId Iike to believeX _K_C_SOmetimes, it takes years, even a COm
29、Plete lifetime, to trust SOnleOneX HOWeVen how do We know if OUr friends have faith in us?_2x_F_With WhOm Will you Share things that YOU don,t Want everyone to know? It WOUld be With a ClOSe friend. WhOm you trust as much as you trust yourself、WhiIe a few Of your friends Inay be fiercely PrOteCtiVe
30、Of their PriVaCy and may not tell their SeCretS to anyone those WhO do, SUrely find you tstworthy and reliable WhOm do you IOOk UP to for advice When you need it the most? It has to be either your ParentS Or your friends X _3、B_ThiS is a Shining example OftrUSI、 YOU Only SeCk advice from PeOPle you hold in high regard and find dependable The friends WhO InlSt you Will never forget to include you in the important decisions Of their lifeArgIImentS and heated discussions are a Part Of every relationship, and this is also true for friendship _4、DWhilC SOme PCOPle find it difficu
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