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1、CATALLOGUUEThe GGeneerall Ovvervvieww onn Innterrnattionnal Bussineess NeggotiiatiionThe GGeneerall Prroceedurres of Intternnatiionaal BBusiinesss NNegootiaatioon Five Linnks of Intternnatiionaal BBusiinesss NNegootiaatioon Crosss-Cuultuurall Prrobllemss inn Innterrnattionnal Bussineess Neggotiiatii

2、on Basicc Quualiitiees ffor Neggotiiatoors Some Styyless inn Innterrnattionnal Bussineess Neggotiiatiion Tactiicall Exxpreessiionss inn Buusinnesss Neegottiattionn Prepaarattionn foor EExpoortiing Prepaarattionn foor NNegootiaatioon Businnesss Neegottiattionn IBusinnesss Neegottiattionn IIIBusinness

3、s Neegottiattionn IIIIBusinnesss Neegottiattionn IVV Afterr thhe NNegootiaatioon Chaptter Oneee GGTheenerral Oveerviiew on Intternnatiionaal BBusiinesss NNegootiaatioonAn Ovveraall Fraamewworkk off Innterrnattionnal Bussineess Neggotiiatiion Featuuress off Innterrnattionnal Bussineess Neggotiiatiion

4、 Basicc Ruuless off Innterrnattionnal Bussineess Neggotiiatiion Stockk Phhrasses Some Tipps ffor Traade Dellegaatioon What is Neggotiiatiion? The wwordd “nnegootiaatioon” derrivees ffromm thhe LLatiin IInfiinittivee “nnegootiaari”(做貿(mào)易或生意)which means “to trade or do business”. This word itself is fro

5、m another word, “negare”(拒絕), meaning “ to deny” and a noun, otium(休閑), meaning “l(fā)eisure”. Thus , the ancient Roman businessperson would “deny leisure” until the business has been settled. Negotiation is a common human activity as well as a process that people undertake everyday to manage their rela

6、tionships such a buyer and a seller, a husband and wife, children and parents. As the stakes in some of these negotiations are not very high, people need not have to get preparations for the process and the outcome. But in international business negotiations, the stakes are usually high, people cann

7、ot ignore this fact, they have to get preplans in a more careful way. Both parties in this kind of negotiation should contact each other so that they can get a better deal rather than simply accepting or rejecting what the other is offering. The whole process of negotiation is based upon the premise

8、 that both parties are interdependent, that is, one side cannot get what he/she wants without taking the other into consideration. In the process of negotiation, there are no rules, tradition, rational methods or higher authorities available to resolve their conflict once it crops up. Negotiation is

9、 a voluntary process of giving and taking where both parties amend their offers and modify their expectations so as to come closer to each other and they can quit, at any time. 2. Whhy ddo PPeopple Neggotiiatee? Negottiattionn iss att thhe hhearrt oof eeverry ttrannsacctioon aand, foor tthe mosst pp

10、artt, iit ccomees ddownn too thhe iinteeracctioon bbetwweenn twwo ssidees wwithh a commmonn gooal (prrofiits) buut ddiveergeent metthodds. Theese metthodds (thee deetaiils of thee coontrractt) mmustt bee neegottiatted to thee saatissfacctioon oof bbothh paartiies. Ass wee wiill seee laaterr thhat it

11、 cann bee a verry ttryiing proocesss tthatt iss fuull of connfroontaatioon aand conncesssioon. Wheetheer iit iis ttradde oor iinveestmmentt, oone parrty willl aalwaays arrrivee att thhe nnegootiaatioon ttablle iin aa poosittionn off grreatter powwer. Thhat powwer ( tthe pottenttiall foor tthe proofi

12、tts ) maay dderiive froom tthe exttentt off thhe ddemaand or froom tthe abiilitty tto ssuppply. Thhe ppurpposee off neegottiattionn iss too reedisstriibutte tthatt pootenntiaal. Theere is no succh tthinng aas “tto ttakee itt orr leeavee itt” iin iinteernaatioonall buusinnesss. IIn ffactt, eeverrythh

13、ingg iss neegottiabble. Itt alll ddepeendss onn thhe eexpeertiise of thee neegottiattorss. 3. Ann Ovveraall Fraamewworkk off IBBN IInteernaatioonall buusinnesss neegottiattionn (IIBN) iss a connsulltattivee prroceess bettweeen ggoveernmmentts, traade orgganiizattionns, mulltinnatiionaal eenteerprris

14、ees, priivatte bbusiinesss ffirmms aand buyyerss annd sselllerss inn reelattionn too innvesstmeent andd immporrt aand expportt off prroduuctss, mmachhineery andd eqquippmennts andd teechnnoloogy. Neegottiattionn iss onne oof tthe impporttantt sttepss taakenn toowarrds commpleetinng iimpoort andd exx

15、porrt ttradde aagreeemeentss. TTo rreacch tthe dessireed rresuultss, tthe neggotiiatoors musst sseriioussly carrry outt thhe rrelaativve ttradde ppoliiciees oof ttheiir oown couuntrriess. TTheyy shhoulld hhavee goood mannnerrs aand speeak fluuentt Enngliish. Thhey shoouldd haave a pproffounnd kknoww

16、leddge of proofesssioonall teechnnoloogy andd innterrnattionnal marrketts. Theey sshouuld knoow tthe speecifficaatioons, paackiing, feeatuuress annd aadvaantaagess off thhe pprodductts aand be ablle tto uuse idiiomaaticc annd pproffesssionnal terrms. Inn geenerral, ann ovveraall fraamewworkk off inn

17、terrnattionnal bussineess neggotiiatiion covver thee foolloowinng aaspeectss: bbackkgrooundd faactoors, thhe aatmoosphheree annd tthe proocesss.3.1 BBackkgrooundd faactoors reffer to objjecttivees, envviroonmeent, maarkeets possitiion, thhirdd paartiies andd neegottiattorss. TTheyy innfluuencce tthe

18、 proocesss oof nnegootiaatioon aand thee attmosspheere in a pposiitivve oor nnegaativve wway. Obbjecctivves meaan wwhatt eaach sidde ddesiiress too acchieeve in thee ennd. Theey aare commmonn, cconfflicctinng oor ccompplemmenttaryy innterrestts iin bbothh siidess wwanttingg a succcesssfuul ttrannsac

19、ctioon tto ttakee pllacee; ttheiir iinteeressts connfliict as proofitt too onne iis ccostt too thhe ootheer; andd coompllemeentaary inttereest briingss thhem toggethher. Coommoon aand commpleemenntarry oobjeectiivess leeavee diirecct aand possitiive efffectts wwhille cconfflicctinng oobjeectiivess h

20、aave neggatiive onees oon tthe neggotiiatiion proocesss. Envviroonmeent herre iis ddefiinedd ass thhe ppoliiticcal, soociaal aand strructturaal ffacttorss reelatted to botth pparttiess. IIt oofteen hhindderss thhe pproccesss inn innterrnattionnal neggotiiatiion. Poolitticaal aand socciall asspeccts

21、cann afffecct tthe proocesss wwherreass maarkeet sstruuctuure doees tthe atmmosppherre. Thee maarkeet pposiitioon oof tthe parrtiees iinvoolveed pplayys aa leeadiing rolle iin tthe neggotiiatiion proocesss. Thee thhirdd paartiies succh aas ggoveernmmentts, brookerrs, connsulltannts andd soo onn maay

22、 iinflluennce thee prroceess witth ttheiir oown objjecttivees. Neggotiiatoors afffectt thhe nnegootiaatinng pproccesss byy meeanss off thheirr owwn eexpeerieencee annd nnegootiaatinng sskillls. 3.2 TThe atmmosppherre iis oof ggreaat iimpoortaancee too thhe wwholle pproccesss off thhe iinteernaatioon

23、all buusinnesss neegottiattionn. TThe atmmosppherre aand thee prroceess infflueencee eaach othher at eacch sstagge. Atmmosppherre rrefeers to thee peerceeiveed “mmiliieu”(氛圍) arooundd thhe iinteeracctioon, howw eaach parrty reggardds tthe othhers bbehaavioor, andd thhe ppropperttiess off thhe pprocc

24、esss. IIt hhas to do witth ppeopples pperccepttionn off reealiity. Too bee moore exaact, inn neegottiattionn itt iss thhe pperccepttionn off reealiity thaat iis ffar morre iimpoortaant thaan tthe reaalitty iitseelf. Soome chaaraccterristticss off thhe aatmoosphheree arre ddomiinannt aat oone staage;

25、 ottherrs aat ootheer sstagge. Forr exxampple, cooopeerattionn iss doominnantt att thhe ppre-neggotiiatiion rattherr thhan connfliict, ass booth siddes loook ffor muttuall sooluttionns. Diffferrentt chharaacteerissticcs oof aatmoosphheree doominnatee frrom proocesss tto pproccesss. TThesse ccharract

26、teriistiics aree cllasssifiied as connfliict vs coooperratiion, poowerr vss deepenndennce andd exxpecctattionns. Thee exxisttencce oof cconfflicct aand coooperratiion is a ffunddameentaal ccharractteriistiic oof tthe neggotiiatiion proocesss. On onee haand, booth siddes havve ssomee coommoon iinteer

27、essts in finndinng aa sooluttionn too thhe pprobblemm thhat fitts tthemm booth. Onn thhe ootheer hhandd, aa coonfllictt off innterrestt maay aarisse, as cosst tto oone cann meean inccomee too thhe ootheer. Thee reelattionn beetweeen powwer andd deepenndennce is clooselly rrelaatedd too thhe aactuual

28、 powwer rellatiion, whhichh iss afffecctedd byy thhe vvaluue oof tthe rellatiionsshipp too thhe ssidees aand theeir avaailaablee allterrnattivees. As forr exxpecctattionns, theere aree twwo ttypees: lonng-ttermm exxpecctattionns wwithh reespeect to thee poossiibillitiies andd vaaluees oof ffutuure b

29、ussineess; shhortt-teerm exppecttatiionss reegarrdinng pprosspeccts forr thhe ppressentt deeal. Exxpecctattionns ddeveelopp annd cchannge in diffferrentt sttagees oof tthe proocesss.3.3 TThe proocesss oof iinteernaatioonall buusinnesss neegottiattionn iss maade up of thee thhreee diiffeerennt sstagg

30、es. A staage is deffineed aas aa sppeciificc paart of thee prroceess andd cooverrs aall acttionns aand commmunnicaatioons by eittherr siide perrtaiininng (rellevaant) too neegottiattionns mmadee duurinng tthatt paart. Eiitheer ssidee coommuuniccatees wwithh thhe ootheer tto eexchhangge iinfoormaatio

31、on wwithhin eacch sstagge. A sspeccifiic sstagge ccomees tto aan eend witth wwherre bbothh siidess deecidde tto pprocceedd onn too thhe nnextt sttagee orr deecidde tto aabanndonn thhe ccommmuniicattionn iff thhey seee noo poointt inn fuurthher neggotiiatiionss. TThe thrree diffferrentt sttagees aare

32、: prre-nnegootiaatioon, facce-tto ffacee-neegottiattionn annd ppostt-neegottiattionn.3.3.11 Thhe ppre-neggotiiatiion staage staartss frrom thee fiirstt coontaact bettweeen tthe twoo siidess whhosee innterrestt inn dooingg buusinnesss wiith eacch ootheer iis sshowwn. Froom tthiss sttagee onn, bbothh

33、siidess beeginn too unnderrstaand onee annothhers nneedds aand evaaluaate thee beeneffitss off ennterringg innto thee prroceess of neggotiiatiion. Thhis staage is morre uusuaallyy immporrtannt tthann thhe fformmal neggotiiatiionss inn thhe iinteernaatioonall buusinnesss reelattionnshiip. Socciall an

34、nd iinfoormaal rrelaatioonshhipss beetweeen neggotiiatoors, trrustt annd cconffideencee inn eaach othher aree off grreatt heelp. Booth siddes noww allso staart to forrm ttheiir sstraateggy ffor facce-tto-ffacee neegottiattionn ass weell as tryy too fooressee andd taake preecauutioons agaainsst pposs

35、siblle eevennts. 3.3.22 Att Faace-to-facce staage, booth siddes knoow tthatt thhey cann woork toggethher forr a sollutiion to a jjoinnt pprobblemm inn sppitee off thhat thee faact thaat eeachh siide mayy viiew thee siituaatioon iin iits ownn waay. Thiis iindiicattes thee immporrtannce of havvingg fa

36、ace-to-facce nnegootiaatioon iin aan oopenn-miindeed wway andd geettiing reaady sevveraal aalteernaativves. Itt iss tiime forr booth siddes to expplorre tthe diffferrencces in preeferrencces andd exxpecctattionns sso tthatt thhey cann coome clooserr too eaach othher. Geenerrallly, thee neegottiattio

37、nn prroceess is conntroolleed bby tthe sidde tthatt haas aarraangeed tthe ageendaa, ffor in thee prroceess, hee caan sstreess hiss owwn sstreengtths andd thhe ooppoonenntss weeaknnessses, thhus putttinng tthe othher sidde oon tthe deffenssivee. HHoweeverr, tthe ageendaa maay rreveeal thee prrepaarin

38、ng ssidees possitiion in advvancce aand hennce perrmitt thhe ootheer ssidee too prrepaare itss coounttermmeassurees. Somme ppeopple preeferr too sttartt neegottiattionns bby ddisccusssingg annd aagreeeinng oon bbroaad pprinncippless. AAnottherr waay tto eensuure succcesss aat tthiss sttagee iss ann

39、innitiial disscusssioon oon iitemms oof ccommmon inttereest, whhichh caan hhelpp crreatte aan aatmoosphheree off cooopeerattionn beetweeen botth ssidees. As forr thhe cchoiice of strrateegy, itt deepennds on 3.3.33 Alll tthe terrms andd coondiitioons at thiis(PPostt-Neegottiattionn ) staage havve bb

40、eenn aggreeed uuponn wiith thee coontrractt beeingg drrawnn upp too bee siigneed. Whaat iis wwortth nnotiicinng iis tthatt wrritiing thee coontaact andd thhe wworddingg inn itt iss a neggotiiatiion proocesss iin iitseelf, foor mmeanningg annd vvaluues mayy bee diiffeerennt bbetwweenn booth siddes. T

41、hhis staage mayy leead to a rreneewedd faace-to-facce nnegootiaatioon iif ttherre iis nnegaativve ffeeddbacck ffromm baackggrouund facctorrs aand atmmosppherre. Theerefforee, tthe terrms andd coondiitioons agrreedd uppon shoouldd bee reead to eacch ootheer aafteer cconccesssionns aare excchanngedd a

42、nnd ddisccusssionns bbe hheldd byy meeanss off miinuttes of meeetinngs, orr soometthinng uunplleassantt annd uunexxpecctedd maay aarisse llateer oon iin tthe couursee off thhe iimpllemeentaatioon oof tthe conntraact unllesss booth siddes makke ssuree thhat theey hhavee paaid enooughh atttenntioon tt

43、o eeverry ddetaail. Itt iss neecesssarry tthatt booth siddes shoouldd maake surre tthatt thhey unddersstannd eeverrythhingg thhey havve aagreeed on befforee thhey leaave thee neegottiattionn taablee.4. Thhreee Taargeets of Intternnatiionaal BBusiinesss NNegootiaatioon FFor a ssucccesssfull aggreeeme

44、nnt, parrticcipaantss neeed to knoow nnegootiaatioon pprinncippless annd ttactticss. TTherre aare twoo prrincciplles in intternnatiionaal bbusiinesss nnegootiaatioons. Fiirstt, aat tthe begginnningg off thhe nnegootiaatioon, thee neegottiattorss shhoulld kknoww weell theeir dessireed rresuultss annd

45、 nnot be willlfuullyy maanippulaatedd byy thheirr coountterppartts. Onlly wwithh a deffiniite purrposse wwilll thhe nnegootiaatorrs ggrassp tthe keyy too thhe nnegootiaatioon aand reaalizze ttheiir eexpeecteed ppurpposee. SSecoond, neegottiattorss neeed to putt foorwaard whaat ttheyy exxpecct, takke

46、 aa fiirm staand andd maake cleear theeir possitiion. Inn innterrnattionnal bussineess neggotiiatiionss, ppricce iis uusuaallyy thhe kkey poiint beccausse iit ddireectlly cconccernns tthe ecoonommic bennefiits to botth ssidees. Botth ssidees sseekk a dessireed rresuult. Too geet tthe exppectted ress

47、ultt orr acchieeve a ccerttainn puurpoose, thhe nnegootiaatorrs, shoouldd caalcuulatte ccareefullly andd deecidde tthreee ddifffereent tarrgetts: 1) thee beest tarrgett; 22) tthe inttermmediiatee taargeet; 3) thee acccepptabble tarrgett4.1 TThe besst ttargget iss too acchieeve alll deesirred ressult

48、ts. Youu shhoulld kknoww weell wheetheer yyourr fiirstt quuotaatioon iis hhighh orr loow iif iit iis ggeneerallly accceptted by youur ccounnterrparrt. Usuuallly bbothh siidess haave a ffew barrgaiins befforee acccepptannce. Inn thhe bbegiinniing, maake a hhighh offferr annd nnegootiaate forr thhe bb

49、estt taargeet. Genneraallyy sppeakkingg, pperssonss whho ffirmmly maiintaain thee deesirred objjecttivees tto tthe endd caan oobtaain thee beest deaal. 4.2 TThe inttermmediiatee taargeet iis ffairr foor bbothh siidess, aalthhouggh ssligghtlly lloweer tthann thhe bbestt taargeet. Donnt beggin neggoti

50、iatiing at tooo loow oof aa prricee. YYourr quuotaatioon iis tto bbe aa liittlle lloweer eeachh tiime. Doo itt sttep by steep. Eacch ttimee yoou rreduuce thee prricee, yyou shoouldd reemaiin sseriiouss abboutt thhe ddesiiredd reesullts. Unnderr thhis sittuattionn, yyourr coountterppartt maay wwelll

51、accceppt yyourr quuotaatioon aas tthe besst pposssiblle ppricce. It is likkelyy thhat youu maay rreacch aan aagreeemeent at thiis ppricce. Pleeasee keeep in minnd tthatt taakinng aa seerioous andd fiirm atttituude is thee keey tto aavoiidinng ffurttherr prricee reeducctioons andd unnneccesssaryy exx

52、pennsess. TThiss wiill ressultt inn inncreeaseed pproffitss. IIf yyou meeet wwithh neegottiattorss whho aalwaays barrgaiin uusinng hharssh llangguagge, do nott bee anngryy. TThiss inndiccatees tthatt thhey wannt tto bbuy youur pprodductts. Youu shhoulld bbe ppatiientt annd ffrieendlly, usiing sofft

53、wwordds aand modderaate speeakiing speeed andd toone, knnowiing welll wwhatt noot tto ssay, whhat to sayy annd wwhenn too saay. Wheen yyou feeel iin ddangger of goiing intto aa deeadllockked neggotiiatiion, itt iss suuggeesteed tto rrequuestt a breeak or resst. Theen rreaddjusst yyourr pllan andd co

54、ontiinuee thhe nnegootiaatioon. 4.3 TThe acccepttablle ttargget is thee miinimmum levvel botth ssidees ccan beaar. It shoouldd noot bbe eexpoosedd too yoour couunteerpaart at thee beeginnninng oof tthe neggotiiatiion. Yoour couunteerpaart mayy noot bbeliievee itt annd aalthhouggh tthe priice is thee

55、 loowesst, he mayy reejecct yyourr quuotaatioon. On thee ottherr haand, evven if thee aggreeemennt iis rreacchedd att thhe mminiimumm acccepptabble priice, yoour couunteerpaart mayy noot hhavee a sattisffacttoryy seensee off haavinng bbrouughtt yoour priice dowwnIn brrieff, tthe purrposse oof tthe n

56、eggotiiatiion is to arrrivee att ann aggreeemennt tto bbothh siidess aadvaantaage. Thhe ssucccesssfull reesullts of thee neegottiattionns ddepeend on thee deeterrminned objjecttivees, perrsevveraancee annd tthe lannguaage exppresssedd byy thhe nnegootiaatorrs. Theey sshouuld do theeir besst tto uuse

57、 sofft wwordds, speeak eupphemmistticaallyy, uuse lesss fflowweryy laanguuagee, hhavee a sennse of hummor andd crreatte aa haarmoonioous atmmosppherre.5. Baasicc Ruuless off Innterrnattionnal Bussineess Neggotiiatiion Interrdeppenddencce Conceealmmentt annd OOpennnesss Diffeerennt NNegootiaatinng SS

58、ituuatiionss Bargaainiing Mixx annd CCreaativvityy Propoosall Exxchaangee Winneer oor LLoseer 5.1 IInteerdeepenndennce“Onee paalm cannnott cllap”. Thhis is truue oof eeverrydaay llifee, aand is alsso nno eexceeptiion to connducctinng aa buusinnesss neegottiattionn, iin wwhicch bbothh siidess arre ll

59、ockked toggethher on acccounnt oof ttheiir ggoalls. A sselller cannnott exxistt unnlesss hhe hhas a bbuyeer,whiich dettermminees tthiss reelattionnshiip bbetwweenn thhem.5.2 CConcceallmennt aand opeenneessIn mmanyy buusinnesss neegottiattionns, botth pparttiess maay cconcceall thheirr reeal inttentt

60、ionns aand goaals to bettterr thheirr chhancces of besst ddeall poossiiblee. AAs tthiss iss ann oppen seccrett, ssmoooth commmunnicaatioon aand goood mmutuual unddersstanndinng wwilll too soome deggreee beecomme ddiffficuult, whhichh dooes eassilyy leead to missunddersstanndinng. To achhievve mmoree


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