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1、do quite a few in-depth research projects. She resisted the temptation to laugh.Text Bhigher education, undergraduate student, wealthystudents, educational performance, formaleducation, educational funding, educational benefitsnoun + verb An opportunity arose for meto work in China,so I went and spe

2、nt a year there. People feel educational standards slipped whenthe government cut finances.PART IIKEY TOEXERCISESnoun + noun James has been a team leader / member / player,and he is now able to enjoy the fruits of his hardwork. Their demanding work schedulemeans theyhave less time to devote to schoo

3、l assignments.adjective + noun And they reportedlower levelsof commitment toschool and more modest educational aspirations. This is not an empty threat; I will call the policeif this happens again!SECTION Averb + adverb She smiled proudlyas she looked at the photosof her new grandson. I dont like to

4、 travel with my brother because hedrives carelessly.11adverb + verb1) A teaching assistant in kindergarten or a tutor2) A cashier in a store I fully understandthat there will be seriousproblems when doing this project. You mayrespectfully listen totheir advice, butdont take it too seriously.3) A wai

5、ter in a restaurant4) A car cleaner2I would like to work as a teaching assistantin kindergarten. I really enjoy spending timewith small children and I am thinking ofworking as a teacher in kindergarten in thefuture. So working as a teaching assistantwould definitely be a great experience for me.I wo

6、uld like to work in a company, whetherbig or small, because in the future I plan toestablish my own business. Working part-time in a company would give mesome ideaof what it is like to work in a company, howa company is run, and what job a boss shoulddo.In this unit about working part-time while stu

7、dying,we have come across quite a few useful grammaticalcollocations, mainly in the patterns of “adjective +noun” and “noun + noun”.Please take a look at the following list ofcollocations in this unit:Text Astudent achievement, school performance, schoolengagement, heavy commitment, academicyear, sc

8、hool achievement, school commitment,educational aspirations, school careers, workingstudents, school assignments, non-working students210Third EditionCritical thinking22In my opinion, the most important advantages ofdoing part-time jobs are: gaining work experience,acquiring communicative skills, an

9、d buildingconnections for future In doing part-timejobs, especially those jobs which are related to myfield of study, I can build up my work experience andenrich my resume. Besides, in working, I may haveto communicate with different kinds of people, soit can help develop my communicative skills, wh

10、ichare essential to success. And in getting to know someimportant people in the workplace, I can build somecontacts for my future 1Yes, I think early employment can definitelybuild character because besides study,you have to fit yourself into the workingenvironment. You can learn interpersonalskills

11、, social responsibility and professionalethics in a working setting. Moreover, youhave to try hard to strike a balance betweenwork, study, and play. In this way, you willdevelop a strong sense of responsibility andboost your self-confidence.No,not necessarily. Though early employmentmay help student

12、s to gain some workexperience, it is not necessarily helpful inbuilding their character. Because they have tospend quite a lot of time working and maybecome less responsible or less committedto their study. Too much work may also leadto alcohol and drug abuse. So, in some cases,early employment unde

13、rmines character-building rather than help it.Understanding the text11 To measure the impact of employment onstudent achievement.2Yes, I agree. Students have so many academictasks to complete in college that they hardlyhave any extra time for work. If they work,they will certainly have to spend less

14、 time andenergy on study, which is likely to depresstheir school performance. I see many workingstudents around mesleep in class, skip class,or copy others assignments. If they cannotbe responsible students when they should be,how could they become responsible peopleafter graduation? So, I think stu

15、dents shouldtake study as their main task instead of doingpart-time jobs.2 According to the research, a heavy commitmentto part-time work undermines and significantlyinterferes with school achievement andcommitment.3 About 10 hours per week or less.4 Students become interested in study again.5 Stude

16、nts may take easier classes, copyothers assignments, cut class, or refuse todo assignments, and over time, studentscommitment to school is eroded bit by bit.6 Students may find school less rewarding andinteresting, and it is highly possible that thosewho have been working long hours will dropout of

17、school before graduation.No,I dont agree. College students shouldprepare themselves for future careers, so theyneed not only to perform well academicallybut also develop other skills because7 Because teenagers working long hours frequentlyhave more money to spend than their peers,and they often beco

18、me used to spending theirearnings on drugs and alcohol.surviving in society requires more than bookknowledge. Working part-time can exposestudents to the real world and help themacquire basic interpersonal skills. Besides, byearning money to pay for their study, collegestudents can learn how to mana

19、ge their8 Doing part-time jobs while studying isacceptable, but students should work nomore than 10 hours a week if they want to besuccessful in school.211UNIT 6 Earn as you learn?money and become less dependent on theirparents.or ignoring homework. Moreover, they mayspend more on entertainment and

20、luxurygoods as they have more spending money.Students who work long hours usually fail tomeet the academic requirements and have noclear plan for career development.3Yes, I agree with the author that workingwhile studying has many negative impactson students, such as not getting enough rest,decrease

21、d school performance, abuse of drugsand alcohol. As ones time and energy arelimited, working, even part-time, will affectones study. Therefore, students should takestudy seriously and it is critical not to worklong hours while studying at college.5 Part-time employment provides a goodopportunity for

22、 students to learn many otherthings other than book knowledge. It has manypositive influences:building a sense of responsibility as you haveto accomplish your tasks;No,I dont think there are so many negativeimpacts of working while studying asbuilding self-discipline as you have to manageyour time w

23、ell and rely on yourself;gaining social skills and work experienceas you interact with people outside theclassroom;mentioned by the author. I have manyclassmates who are working part-timeto cover their tuition. Most of them areresponsible students as they want to sharethe financial burden with their

24、 parents. Theyalso study very hard for scholarships. Atthesame time, they try to make full use of theirworking time. Some of them work with theirprofessors in the lab, so their work does notinterfere with their study. In fact, workingmay benefit their study because they canapply what is learned in c

25、lass in practice.Yes, I think part-time jobs may help builda sense of responsibility, which in turn mayenhance students school performance.Because if you take part-time jobs whilestudying, you have to follow the work ethics,observe the working schedule, work up toexpectations, contribute to teamwork

26、, andbalance work and study. All these will helpyou to multitask, to be more efficient, tocultivate a sense of responsibility, and toenhance your school performance.broadening your vision as you learn about theworkplace and society;having more employment opportunities asyou gain work experience in p

27、reparation foryour future career.4Words in use31 indicate3 assess2 conventional4 decrease5 alter6 has undermined8 controversial10 abandon7 compromise9 resolvedWord buildingNo,I dont think part-time jobs help to builda sense of responsibility, not to mentionenhancing students school performancebecaus

28、e students who take part-time work,especially those who work long hours, haveto strike a balance between work and study.To meet the demanding working schedule,more often than not, they have to cut corners,for example, by devoting less time to study4Words learned-ionNew words formedrepresentformrepre

29、sentationformationoccupyoccupationsolvesolution(To be )212Third EditionBanked cloze(Continued)persuadepersuasion6transmittransmission1 J2 C7 I3 H8 A4 D9 E5 M-ity6 G10 NproductiveproductivityoriginalityflexibleoriginalflexibilitysecureExpressions in use7securitysimplesimplicityprosperity1 cutting bac

30、k on3 take a toll on5 dropped out7 contribute to9 held on to2 interfere with4 at risk of6 in turnprosperous8 are accustomed to10 in other words51 solution2 transmission4 formation6 occupied3 prosperity5 flexible7 originality9 simplicity11 representation8 productivity10 persuasion12 securityStructure

31、 analysis8Topic sentence:Weuncovered numerous explanations for the undesirable effects of working onstudents engagement in school. (Para. 5)With more time onwork and less time onschool assignments,students cut cornersby taking easierclasses, copying othersassignments, cuttingclass, or refusing to do

32、assignments.Working students takedrugs and use alcoholmore often thannon-working students.Working students havemore money to spend.desire to earn and spend The longer hours theywork, the more drugs andalcohol they are likelyto use. This may lead toto cause students whohave been working longhours for

33、 a long time to disengagement from schooland depress their schoolperformance.(Para. 8)213UNIT 6 Earn as you learn?Structured writing9two different layers: One is the popularizationof the nine-year compulsory education; the otheris the realization of mass higher education. Thedevelopment of education

34、 has made significantcontributions to Chinas economic development andsocial progress. In recent years, to satisfy the needsof social and economic development, the Chinesegovernment has sped up the training of qualifiedpersonnel urgently needed in various fields.There are several reasons why people g

35、et fired fromtheir jobs. First, people may lose their jobs if theyhave some dishonest behaviors, such as cheating intheir job applications or telling lies in work. Second,employees may be fired due to poor attendance.No boss likes an employee who is often late for orabsent from work. Third, people h

36、aving difficultygetting along with their co-workers are also likelyto be fired because they may cause conflicts in theworkplace. Therefore, to be a good employee, it isimportant to be honest, punctual, and cooperative.Section B11 As the cost of attending university has soaredover the last two decade

37、s, a frank and vigorousdebate is emerging over who should pay for thecost of higher education. While in some countriesstudents have always been expected to absorbpart or even all of their tuition costs throughwork or borrowing, in other countries thetremendous cost of attending university has beenpr

38、ovided by the relevant education authority orby parents. I am proud to be in the small minorityof students who “earn as they learn” and absorbthe cost of their own university education in spiteof the many obstacles. (Para. 1)10間隔年指的是學(xué)生休假不去上學(xué)而去旅游或工作等的一段時(shí)間,但不一定是一年。間隔年通常選在高中畢業(yè)和進(jìn)入大學(xué)之前的一段時(shí)間。在這段時(shí)間里,學(xué)生可以旅游

39、、參加志愿者工作或者在國(guó)外邊打工邊度假。一種新潮流是參加集語(yǔ)言學(xué)習(xí)、住家、文化交流、社區(qū)服務(wù)和自主學(xué)習(xí)于一體的國(guó)際教育活動(dòng)。間隔年的做法于 20世紀(jì) 60 年代興起于英國(guó)。它在英國(guó)、澳大利亞、新西蘭和加拿大已經(jīng)變得非常流行。但是在美國(guó),間隔年的做法仍然只是個(gè)別現(xiàn)象。不過(guò)近年來(lái),間隔年對(duì)美國(guó)人來(lái)說(shuō)變得稍微普遍起來(lái)。2013 年有大約四萬(wàn)美國(guó)學(xué)生參加了間隔年活動(dòng),比 2006 年增加了近 20%。普林斯頓大學(xué)、哈佛大學(xué)、麻省理工學(xué)院等大學(xué)都有明文規(guī)定允許學(xué)生延遲入學(xué)。2 I am aware that my work and study choicesare not popular and tha

40、t many influentialstudies claim to illustrate that working whilegoing to school negatively impacts educationalperformance. They cite increased dropout rates,lower scores and reduced lifetime earnings.Besides, these studies also give evidence thatmany students exhaust much of their earningsnot on sch

41、ool, but on entertainment andpartying while attending school. The studiesalso show increased abuse of alcohol and drugs,which leads meto question these studentsresolve and commitment to the serious side oflife. (Para. 7)11Since its economic reform and opening-up to theworld, Chinas education has gon

42、e through rapiddevelopment and made remarkable achievements.The Chinese government gives top priority to thedevelopment of education, persists in revitalizingthe country by science and education, and fullyadvocates quality-oriented education. Meanwhile,it actively promotes equality in education togu

43、arantee everyone access to education. Chinasachievements in education can be reflected in214New Horizon College English Third Editionwork experience, that may not be helpfulfor their future careers because part-timework usually involves labor work rather thanprofessional work. They may feel regretfu

44、lafter graduation because only by then willthey know what they have missed as collegestudents.Understanding the text21 B5 B2 C6 C3 C7 B4 D8 C3Yes, working part-time definitely helpsstudents learn to prioritize and become moreefficient. To balance work and study, workingstudents often encounter time

45、conflicts andapproaching deadlines. So they have to knowwhich is the most urgent and importantunder different circumstances. They can befrustrated in the beginning. But once theylearn how to prioritize, they can work andstudy more efficiently than others becausethey can multitask.Critical thinking31

46、 It is no easy task for a working student tostrike a balance between work and study. Thefollowing tips may help:good time management: Plan your time wiselyand you can make the best out of it.modest working hours: Working too long canweaken your health and affect your schoolperformance.No,not necessa

47、rily. Working students oftenhave to give priority to their work when theirstudy conflicts with their work. If they fail togo to work as scheduled, they may lose theirjob and the income it brings about. Theysurely dont want that to happen. As a result,they may skip class or fail to turn in theirassig

48、nments. Moreover, since workingstudents have to study and work at the sametime, they are more likely to get tired and maythus become more stressful and less efficientin their study.efficiency in work and study: Learn to workand study more efficiently because higherefficiency saves your time and ener

49、gy.good health: Get good sleep and do someexercise. After all, you can neither work norstudy well if you are sick.2I admire the students who work to paytheir own tuition as long as they are stillperforming well academically because they areindependent, responsible, and self-motivated.They have to wo

50、rk harder on fewer hours ofsleep, but certainly they will find it rewardingas they have made full use of their time incollege. Whats more, the skills they learnfrom their part-time work will put them ina more advantageous position when seekingemployment after graduation. They also sharethe financial

51、 burden with their parents bypaying their own tuition. Therefore, I thinkwe should learn from them.4 No,not necessarily. Though paying tuition is asign of being independent, there are other waysto show our independence. For example:helping parents with housework to show thatwe contribute to the fami

52、ly;helping other students in need to show thatwe care for others;doing volunteer work and contributing tosociety to share social responsibility;being excellent in academic study to showthat we can prioritize and know what is mostimportant to us.I feel pity for the working students as theyare not abl

53、e to fully enjoy their college lifelike many other students. They have less timeto study or to do other fun activities. Theymay have fewer true friends as they are busymaking money. Though they can gain some5 The advantages of studying full-time withoutworking part-time are obvious. By studying full

54、-time, students will have more time to:focus on study and do well academically;215UNIT 6 Earn as you learn?rest and relax, thus leading a more colorfulcollege life;71 Given that you had very little help, I think youdid very well in the research.have fun and be more optimistic about life;stay with th

55、eir families and build a betterrelationship with their parents;visit with friends and build friendships, whichmay benefit them for lifetime; andsample widely and get prepared for futurecareers.2 Given that students had learned how to do theexperiment in class, the teacher allowed them todo it by the

56、mselves in the lab.3 Although the statistics show the number ofteenagers using tobacco has started to decline,experts say the number is still disturbinggiven that nearly 90% of adult smokers begansmoking at or before the age of 18.CollocationWords in use41 advanced2 tremendous5 relieve3 claim84 endu

57、re7 relevant10 soared6 ensure9 illustrate1 formal education2 working students8 convinced3 educational funding4 non-working students5 educational experience6 school engagement7 school commitment8 school performance9 commitmentExpressions in use51 In spite of2 catch / get / have a glimpse of3 are in t

58、he / a minority4 relieves of5 a matter of10 educational aspirations11 undergraduate students12 school careers6 As for7 is envious of8 look backUnit projectSentence structure6In this unit, students are asked to conduct a surveyon university students working part-time.1 Whereas my friend was dressed i

59、n a black hatand coat, I was dressed in jeans and sneakers.2 Whereas having meals at home can cost as littleas two or three dollars, eating out at a restaurantis always more expensive.Teaching stepsStep 1: Inform students that they are going toconduct a survey after class with the help of thequestio

60、nnaire. They may add a couple of morequestions to the questionnaire provided in theStudents Book, but theyd better keep the totalnumber of questions within 10.3 Whereas Asian people do not look into eachothers eyes as they talk, in the Western worldit is polite to maintain eye contact during aconver


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