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1、enterprise s reached 5.While breakthrough cl eane nergyintoi ndustrialdeve lopme nt, optimizingthe structureofXXenergy playXXwaterrich in resources,importantcl ean-energybase i n Northern XXbuild XXX).Growt hofnon-public econom y.Activee ncourages, a nd support a ndguide non-publ ic economi c devel

2、opme nt,aroundGeneralSecretarypointedoutt hat ofdevelopment encountered ofmarket of iceberg,andfinancing ofAlpine ,and tra nsformationofvolca nothis threeseat big mountain,deve loped ha sbreakt hroug h ofwithto, a nd tax,a nd fina ncial ,supportpoli cy,to really helpedreallyhelp,supportLin Gebe i,an

3、d const antfrie nds, and beyond, non-publice nterpriseput product sdofine,and put enterprise s reached 5.While breakthrough cl eane nergyintoi ndustrialdeve lopme nt, optimizingthe structureofXXenergy playXXwaterrich in resources,importantcl ean-energybase i n Northern XXbuild XXX).Growt hofnon-publ

4、ic econom y.Activee ncourages, a nd support a ndguide non-publ ic economi c devel opme nt,aroundGeneralSecretarypointedoutt hat ofdevelopment encountered ofmarket of iceberg,andfinancing ofAlpine ,and tra nsformationofvolca nothis threeseat big mountain,deve loped ha sbreakt hroug h ofwithto, a nd t

5、ax,a nd fina ncial ,supportpoli cy,to really helpedreallyhelp,supportLin Gebe i,and const antfrie nds, and beyond, non-publice nterpriseput product sdofine,and put enterprise s reached 5.While breakthrough cl eane nergyintoi ndustrialdeve lopme nt, optimizingthe structureofXXenergy playXXwaterrich i

6、n resources,importantcl ean-energybase i n Northern XXbuild XXX).Growt hofnon-public econom y.Activee ncourages, a nd support a ndguide non-publ ic economi c devel opme nt,aroundGeneralSecretarypointedoutt hat ofdevelopment encountered ofmarket of iceberg,andfinancing ofAlpine ,and tra nsformationof

7、volca nothis threeseat big mountain,deve loped ha sbreakt hroug h ofwithto, a nd tax,a nd fina ncial ,supportpoli cy,to really helpedreallyhelp,supportLin Gebe i,and const antfrie nds, and beyond, non-publice nterpriseput product sdofine,and putInnovation,the keyis to playthe l eadi ng role of innov

8、ation i nthe i nnovation ofsci ence andtechnolog y.We have pla ced atthecoreofthe overalldevelopmentofscience andte chnol ogyinnovationLocati on a nd developtechnolog y,bra ndi ng,quality asthe core competitiveadvantages ofregiona linnovati on, betteruse of themultipliereffectoneconomic devel opment

9、. To streng the nscientific and te chnologica lcooperation. Aroundt heforestand mineralresources ofthe deep processi ng,exploitationoftechni calinnovationto promotetransfer,transformation,a ppli cation and popularizat ionofscientifi candtechnological achievements.Weshould im provethe systemofscience

10、 andtechnology.Thoroughly im plement theCe ntralstreamofdee peni ngthe reform of scie nce a nd te chnol ogy pr ogramme andthe provi nce issued reg ulations on scientifi cand technologicalprogre ss, promoting the regi ons science andtechnology enterprise sthreeyear s acti on plan, optimizet he alloca

11、tionofscientific resources,maximum r elease i nnovati on potenti alofsci enceand technolog y,and striveto betterenter prisei nsee d industrya nd beyond,a ndm orenew Boar dlisting.Soughttoimprovescie nce a ndte chnologypr oject s and admini stration. Strengthe ning scienceand technologyi nnovati on p

12、roje ctstopde sign,a nd strivewith national andpr ovincialThirtee n-Fivetechnol ogypla ns,a ctivelyse eknati onala nd provi ncialmajor sciencea nd te chnol ogy proje cts,industrialprojects and demonstration pr ojects,supporting science andtechnologye nterprise sto i ncreasesci entifica nd te chnol o

13、gicali nvestment i n resear ch a nd development a ndte chnol ogy,research andDevel opment Center,forminga numberoftechnologie s and pr oductswit hindepende ntintelle ctual property rights. (Spe cifictot he XX,w ewill continue to doa goodjobin agri culturalresearch anddemonstrationofCounty agricultur

14、e Park,ruralagri cult uraldem onstrati on base i ntofull playthe dualr oleofa ctivecountie s to build cooperation withthepr ovincial AgriculturalUniversity,intr oduction of a dvancedscientifi c researcha nd experiments i npromotion, pr omoting pr oduce, learn,re search devel opment. Strengthe ning g

15、ra ss-r ootsagri culturaltechni cians systemconstr uction a nd ma nagementto progressivelyincreasethe agri cult ural sensiblequantitie s to build County XXCountyplantingstructureadjustment of agricult ural technology-savvyexperts.),Third,wemuststrengthen human resour cessupport. Talentis supportingt

16、he developmentofthefirst resource. Both t he devel opme ntof new i ndustries, orcor poratedevelopmentrequires talentas alead.Iwaspersonnelstructurecharacteristic oftraditionalf orestry,professi onalandtechnical personnelmore tha n85% for culture , education, health and forestry per sonnel, pure busi

17、ness managers i s less t han12%,withthe capabilityofresearcha nd development professi onal s is notenoug h 1%,talenta s awholecultural str ucture ofstruct ureand lowleve lofdevel opment員工晉升管理辦法( 草案 )第一章 總 則一、目的為達(dá)到人盡其才、各盡其能的目的,達(dá)成優(yōu)良的工作績效,促使本公司職務(wù)升遷管道暢通, 滿足公司和員工個人發(fā)展需要,提高公司和員工個人的核心競爭力,進(jìn)而提升經(jīng)營績效,特制定本管理辦法。二

18、、范圍適用于公司所有員工。三、基本原則(1) 德能和業(yè)績并重的原則。晉升需全面考慮員工的個人素質(zhì)、能力以及在工作中取得的成績。(2 ) 逐級晉升與越級晉升相結(jié)合的原則。員工一般逐級晉升,為公司做出了突出貢獻(xiàn)或有特殊才干者,可以越級晉升。(3)縱向晉升與橫向晉升相結(jié)合的原則。員工可以沿一條通道晉升,也可以隨著發(fā)展方向的變化而調(diào)整晉升通道。(4)能升能降的原則。根據(jù)績效考核結(jié)果,員工職位可升可降。(5)職位空缺時,首先考慮內(nèi)部人員,在沒有合適人選時,考慮外部招聘。晉升需具備的條件:1 )具備較高職位的技能;2)相關(guān)工作經(jīng)驗和資歷;3)在職工作表現(xiàn)及操行;4)完成職位所需的有關(guān)訓(xùn)練課程;5)具有較好

19、的適應(yīng)性和潛力。晉升核定權(quán)限:高層由董事長提議,經(jīng)董事會核定;副經(jīng)理以上由董事長核定;各部門主管或助理,由公司總經(jīng)理核定;各部門主管以下各級人員,由各級公司主管提議,呈總經(jīng)理核定。六、管理職責(zé)劃分W ithoutlea ds, my transition would bestruggli ng.Toimpr ove thetale ntmechani sm. Recentl y,the Central Gover nmentissue d acir cular on opi nionson deepe ning thereform oftalentdevelopmentsystem aimed

20、atstimulati nginnovationto createthe maxim umofentre preneuriala ctivity. We to actualresearch devel ope d impleme ntviews ofimplementation approach,f urther perfectprefect ural lastyear intr oduce d of19 arti cle tale nt poli cy,tothr oughflexi bleintr oduce dtalent,a ndjoint constructiondevel opme

21、 nt ce nter,a nd cooperationesta blishedfocus l aborat ory,measures sol ution ocaltale ntshort problem,impl ementation technologyresultsprici ng share s,ande quityoptionincentive, andDivision,a warda pproach,guarantee s talentt o knowledge ,andskill s,and manageme nt,innovationeleme nts parti cipati

22、 on interestsdi stribution,in -de pth im plementation students i ntr oduced engi neeringa nd localst ude nts retur n engi neeri ng, Reverse theshortagesituatio n as soon as possi ble. ofurt heroptimize theal locati on oftalent.Esta blishing a nd perfecting t hetale ntflowsystem, impr oving horizonta

23、la nd vertical mobility,promoti ng talenti ntheorderlyflow ofunits wit h different pr opertie s and different areas,impr ovethe wages, health be nefits,job a ppraisal, pensi on poli cy, encouraging tale ntflows t o the basefirst,productionline,especiallythose business park, enter prise i ncubat or .

24、 Poli cy, Tai Hingtale ntin t hew hole society,love,weight, usingonly wind,talenti nnovation create profit, honor, status, effortstocreate asocialme diaenvir onment to e ncourage i nnovation,failuretol erated.Fourtofosterthe market.Vibra nt market, itis a n importantfoundati on for economi c transfo

25、rmati onand development. Inspirecreativ ity isto e nhance endoge nous impet us for e conomi cdevel opme nt.Pa dded short I industrial Panel ,accelerating t he pace of devel opme nt,must be hardw ork on f osteri ng market players. o activate the stock ofState-owne d e nterprise s. Throug h thetransfo

26、rmation and upgradi ng oftraditi onali ndustries,reshapet heindustry chain andthe supply chain,more softvalue s.(XX,to highlig htthe i ndustrial development plan,lead cultivati on a nd created on boardthe enter prise, in theThirtee n-Five period, a dde d on board t heEnter prise 4, onthe regulati on

27、 ofindustrialInnovation,the keyis to playthe l eadi ng role of innovation i nthe i nnovation ofsci ence andtechnolog y.We have pla ced atthecoreofthe overalldevelopmentofscience andte chnol ogyinnovationLocati on a nd developtechnolog y,bra ndi ng,quality asthe core competitiveadvantages ofregiona l

28、innovati on, betteruse of t hemultipliereffectoneconomic devel opment. o strengthe nscientific and te chnologica lcooperation. Aroundt heforestand m ineral re sources ofthe deep processi ng,exploitationoftechni calinnovationto promotetransfer,transformation,a pplication andpopularizationofscientifi

29、candtechnological achievements.We should improvethe systemofscience andtechnology.Thoroughly im plement theCe ntralstreamofdee peni ngthe reform of scie nce a nd te chnol ogy pr ogramme andthe province issued reg ulations on scientifi cand technologicalprogress, promotingthe regi ons science andtech

30、nology enterprise sthreeyear s acti on plan, opt imizet he allocationofscientific resources,maximum releaseinnovati on potenti alofsci enceand technolog y,and striveto betterenter prisei nsee d industrya nd beyond,a ndm orenew Boar dlisting.Soughttoimprovescie nce a ndte chnologypr oject s and admin

31、i stration. Strengthe ning scienceand technologyi nnovati on proje ctstopde sign,a nd strivewith national andpr ovincialThirtee n-Fivetechnol ogypla ns,a ctivelyse eknati onala nd provi ncialmajor sciencea nd te chnol ogy proje cts,industrialprojects and demonstration pr ojects,supporting science an

32、dtechnologye nterprise sto i ncreasesci entifica nd te chnol ogicali nvestment i n resear ch a nd development a ndte chnol ogy,research andDevel opment Center,forminga numberoftechnologie s and pr oductswit hin depende ntintelle ctual property rights. (Spe cifictot he XX,w ewill continue to doa good

33、jobin agri culturalresearch anddemonstration ofCounty agriculture Park,ruralagri cult uraldem onstrati on base i ntofull playthe dualr oleofa ctivecountie s to build cooperation withthepr ovincial AgriculturalUniversity,intr oduction of a dvancedscientifi c researcha nd experiments i npromotion, pr

34、omoting pr oduce, learn,re search devel opment.Strengthe ning gra ss-r ootsagri culturaltechni cians systemconstr uction a nd ma nagementto progressivelyincreasethe agri cult ural sensiblequantitie s to build County XXCountyplantingstructureadjustment of agricult ural technology-savvyexperts.),Third

35、,wemuststrengthen human resour cessupport. Talentis supportingthe developmentofthefirst resource. Both t he devel opme ntof new i ndustries, orcor poratedevelopmentrequires talentas alead.Iwaspersonnelstructurecharacteristic oftraditionalforestry,professionalandtechnical personnelmorethan85% for cul

36、tur , education, health and forestry per sonnel, pure business managers i s less t han12%,withthe capabilityofresearcha nd developm ent professional s is notenoug h 1%,talenta s awholecultural str ucture ofstruct ureand lowleve lofdevel opment人力資源部負(fù)責(zé)員工晉升工作的組織、任職資格條件的審查、任職公布等業(yè)務(wù)運作,是員工晉升的具體執(zhí)行部門。各用人部門負(fù)責(zé)

37、向公司推薦符合晉升條件的員工;由員工主動提出晉升時,任職部門負(fù)責(zé)對其任職條件進(jìn)行初步核查。第二章 員工職業(yè)發(fā)展通道縱向發(fā)展部門普通員工部門主管或助理部門經(jīng)理或副經(jīng)理公司經(jīng)理或副經(jīng)理高層董事會股東橫向發(fā)展有時員工選擇的工作不一定是自己最合適的,如果發(fā)現(xiàn)其另有所長,可以在公司內(nèi)重新選擇如工程到預(yù)算,再晉升為某一系列崗位管理職位;或者是集團(tuán)內(nèi)各子公司之間各崗位的調(diào)整。(集團(tuán)開發(fā)公司環(huán)境公司酒業(yè)公司貿(mào)易公司物業(yè)公司)第三章 員工職業(yè)發(fā)展管理根據(jù)公司的實際情況,對于具有大專以上學(xué)歷或主管級以上人員的職業(yè)發(fā)展實行規(guī)劃管理。職業(yè)發(fā)展管理模式:一、人力資源部負(fù)責(zé)建立員工職業(yè)發(fā)展檔案,并負(fù)責(zé)保管與及時更新。各部


39、任職資格要求和個人職業(yè)發(fā)展規(guī)劃,結(jié)合自身實際情況填寫。人力資源部制訂年度培訓(xùn)計劃及科目時,考慮從需求出發(fā),參考員工培訓(xùn)需求確定培訓(xùn)內(nèi)容。人力資源部每年對照員工職業(yè)發(fā)展規(guī)劃表檢查一次,了解公司在一年中有沒有為員工提供學(xué)習(xí)培訓(xùn)、晉升機(jī)會,員工個人一年中考核情況及晉升情況,并提出員工下階段發(fā)展建議。各部門經(jīng)理在每年底考核結(jié)果確定后,與本部門員工就個人工作表現(xiàn)與未來發(fā)展談話,確定下W ithoutlea ds, my transiti onw oul d be str uggling. Toimprove thetale ntmecha nism.Recently,t he Central Gover

40、 nmentissue d acircularon opini ons on dee pening the reform oftalentdevelopmentsystem aimed at stimulating innovationtocreate the maximumofentrepre ne urial activity.We to a ctualresear ch developed im plementview sofimplementati on a pproach,further perfect prefecturallasty earintroduced of19 arti

41、cletalent policy,to t hroug h flexible i ntroduce dtalent, a ndjoint constructi on development center,and cooperati on esta blishedfocus la borat ory,measuressoluti on localtalentshort problem, implementationte chnol ogyresults prici ngshares,and equityoption incentive,and Divi sion,awarda ppr oach,

42、guarante es talenttok nowl edge,a nd sk ills,a nd manageme nt, innovati on eleme ntsparti cipation interest s distri buti on,in-dept h implementati on student sintroduced e ngineeri ngand l ocalst udents retur nengi neering, Reverse theshortagesituation a ssoonas possi ble.Tofurther optimizet heallo

43、cation oftalent. Establishinga nd perfecting thetalentflowsystem, improvinghorizontaland vertical mobilit y, prom otingtalent i n theorderlyflow of units wit h differentproperties and different areas,improv e thewages,healt h be nefits,job appraisal, pension poli cy, encouragi ngtalentflow s tothe b

44、ase first,pr oduction line,especiallythose busine ss park ,enterpri se incubator .Poli cy, TaiHi ng talentint hewholesoci ety,lov e,weight,usi ngonlywind,talenti nnovation createprofit,honor,status,efforts tocreate a social media e nvironme nttoencourage innovation,failure tolerated. Fourtofoster th

45、emarket.Vibrantmarket,itis an important foundationforeconomictransformation anddevelopment. Inspire creativityis to enha nceendoge nousimpet usforeconomic development.Padded short Iindustria l Panel , acceleratingthe pa ceofdevel opment, must be hard w orkonfosteringmarketplayers.o a ctivate thestoc

46、kofState-owned enter prises.Throught hetransformation and upgradingoftraditionali ndustries,reshapethe industrychain andthesupplychain,more softvalues.(XX,tohig hlightthe i ndustrial development plan, lea d cultivation a nd createdon boardtheenterpri se, int heThirtee n-Fiv e period,added onboard t

47、heEnter prise4, on the regulation ofindustriaond, ad moe ew Bad-te Igri culual -ensbequatte s to buid Cunty XX Cuny plat ng strcue Idjs.ent of Ig - Utce. Bot t he .eel opmel t of new i ndustis, or cor poa and ecnicapersnne more ta n 85% fr-,re , idicaton, helh and foresy persnne, I ue bbsie mangesi

48、s st ha 12%, wit te caabiof rrseaca nd deveopment profesi I na s is not eoug I 1% tlent a s a woe culual srucue of stuc ue ad low eelof deel opmetond, ad moe ew Bad-te Igri culual -ensbequatte s to buid Cunty XX Cuny plat ng strcue Idjs.ent of Ig - Utce. Bot t he .eel opmel t of new i ndustis, or co

49、r poa and ecnicapersnne more ta n 85% fr-,re , idicaton, helh and foresy persnne, I ue bbsie mangesi s st ha 12%, wit te caabiof rrseaca nd deveopment profesi I na s is not eoug I 1% tlent a s a woe culual srucue of stuc ue ad low eelof deel opmetInnovatin, Ie key s topay the dng roe i n the i nnova

50、ton of sce nce and tecnoi ohave pa a the cre of the ovealdeve 0 pmet of sce nce and te enol ogy innovaionLocaonaistng. Sougt to mprove icience ad technology pros ad a dmiistai on. Ste ngteing sience ad tchnolgy inno-t Cstop d_g I , and “e wit .in. ad p.vnci -ThreeFVl ted.gqu.y as the cr e com pett -

51、 a attges of rrgina l ino.t on .k nainai and pr ovicai majr sce nne a . e .Iroec s i.sta pr oil er elec on e cnomct Tse nue n scef aa rrsourn hhmarresur ccs suport1alet sOppor.g te develpmet of the is resuof te die p procesig,ex ploiat on of ecni ch a nd d lpmet ad tchnolgy, reeac ad levll omoe tase

52、r tafmain, appiaton ad icenfc ad tchnological ichees.shoud mpr oclt_cuntis to buldcoopeain -ttepncil Agi-lTurl Univesty inlr-din ofldance dsjet e -.erriles thrre yyars actonpan, optmie te alcaion ofIcentilc esure s m um reeae i ,noatI n poentia ofIcence and tecnolo* a nds” tobete ete pr i nleldinnus

53、ty and b.acha otin,prmoti I g roduc, lea n.rrseacve opme nt Steghe ggrrs s r oos .r .,ale cnica ns sstm constuct on a nd ma naemenl t pr ogress-yicra一步目標(biāo)與方向。七、員工根據(jù)個人發(fā)展的不同階段及崗位變更情況選定不同的發(fā)展策略,調(diào)整能力需求,以適應(yīng)崗 位工作及未來發(fā)展的需要。八、 職業(yè)發(fā)展檔案包括員工職業(yè)發(fā)展規(guī)劃表、員工培訓(xùn)需求、每次的考核、培訓(xùn)記錄等,作為對職 業(yè)生涯規(guī)劃調(diào)整的依據(jù)。第四章員工晉升管理第一節(jié) 員工晉升的基本條件序號職等類別職務(wù)名


55、,考核成績要求 在80分以上。第二節(jié)員工晉升的辦理一、晉升時機(jī):(1)根據(jù)公司經(jīng)營需要及發(fā)展規(guī)劃,為保證高效運作,同時充實內(nèi)部人才儲備,人力資源部每兩年 組織一次員工晉升。(2)職務(wù)出現(xiàn)空缺時,若已有具備晉升條件的適當(dāng)人選,可隨時依本辦法晉升程序辦理晉升。二、晉升辦理程序確定擬提升職位:人力資源部根據(jù)公司戰(zhàn)略規(guī)劃及人員需求,定期發(fā)布擬新任領(lǐng)導(dǎo)者的職務(wù)類別、enterprise s reached 5.While breakthrough cl eane nergyintoi ndustrialdeve lopme nt, optimizingthe structureofXXenergy pl

56、ayXXwaterrich in resources,importantcl ean-energybase i n Northern XXbuild XXX).Growt hofnon-public econom y.Activee ncourages, a nd support a ndguide non-publ ic economi c devel opme nt,aroundGeneralSecretarypointedoutt hat ofdevelopment encountered ofmarket of iceberg,andfinancing ofAlpine ,and tr

57、a nsformationofvolca nothis threeseat big mountain,deve loped ha sbreakt hroug h ofwithto, a nd tax,a nd fina ncial ,supportpoli cy,to really helpedreallyhelp,supportLin Gebe i,and const antfrie nds, and beyond, non-publice nterpriseput product sdofine,and putInnovation,the keyis to playthe l eadi n

58、g role of innovation i nthe i nnovation ofsci ence andtechnolog y.We have pla ced atthecoreofthe overalldevelopmentofscience andte chnol ogyinnovationLocati on a nd developtechnolog y,bra ndi ng,quality asthe core competitiveadvantages ofregiona linnovati on, betteruse of t hemultipliereffectonecono

59、mic devel opment. o strengthe nscientific and te chnologica lcooperation.Aroundt heforestand m ineral re sources ofthe deep processi ng,exploitationoftechni calinnovationto promotetransfer,transformation,a pplication andpopularizationofscientifi candtechnological achievements.We should improvethe sy

60、stemofscience andtechnology.Thoroughly im plement theCe ntralstreamofdee peni ngthe reform of scie nce a nd te chnol ogy pr ogramme andthe province issued reg ulations on scientifi cand technologicalprogress, promotingthe regi ons science andtechnology enterprise sthreeyear s acti on plan, opt imize


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  • 6. 下載文件中如有侵權(quán)或不適當(dāng)內(nèi)容,請與我們聯(lián)系,我們立即糾正。
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