1、To maake tthe pparammeterrs glloballly eeffecctivee in an SSAP SSysteem (ssysteem prrofille paarameeterss), sset tthem in tthe ddefauult ssysteem prrofille DEEFAULLT.PFFL. HHowevver, to mmake themm insstancce-sppeciffic, you mustt sett theem inn thee proofilees off eacch apppliccatioon seerverr in y
2、ourr SAPP Sysstem.To diisplaay thhe doocumeentattion for one of tthe pparammeterrs, cchoosse Toools CCMSS Conffigurratioon Proffile Mainntenaance (traansacctionn RZ110), speccify the paraameteer naame aand cchoosse Diisplaay. On the folllowinng sccreenn, chhoosee thee Doccumenntatiion ppushbbuttoon.
3、Passwword CheccksParammeterrDescrriptiionloginn/minn_passsworrd_lnngDefinnes tthe mminimmum llengtth off thee passsworrd. Defauult vvaluee: 3; perrmisssiblee vallues: 3 40Untill SAPP NettWeavver 66.40 (incclusiive), up to 88 chaaractters.loginn/minn_passsworrd_diigitssDefinnes tthe mminimmum nnumbee
4、r off diggits (0-99) inn passsworrds.Defauult vvaluee: 0; perrmisssiblee vallues: 0 40Availlablee as of SSAP WWeb AAS 6.10 (Untiil SAAP NeetWeaaver 6.400 (innclussive), upp to 8 chharaccterss.)loginn/minn_passsworrd_leetterrsDefinnes tthe mminimmum nnumbeer off lettterss (A-Z) iin paasswoords. Defau
5、ult vvaluee: 0; perrmisssiblee vallues: 0 40Availlablee as of SSAP WWeb AAS 6.10 (Untiil SAAP NeetWeaaver 6.400 (innclussive), upp to 8 chharaccterss.)loginn/minn_passsworrd_sppeciaalsDefinnes tthe mminimmum nnumbeer off speeciall chaaractters in tthe ppasswword Permmissiible speccial charracteers a
6、are, in ppartiiculaar, ! $%&/()=?*+#-_.,;:| and spacce Afterr SAPP NettWeavver 66.40, alll chaaractters thatt aree nott lettterss or digiits aare rregarrded as sspeciial ccharaacterrs.Defauult vvaluee: 0; perrmisssiblee vallues: 0 40Availlablee as of SSAP WWeb AAS 6.10 (Untiil SAAP NeetWeaaver 6.400
7、 (innclussive), upp to 8 chharaccterss.)loginn/passsworrd_chharseetThis paraameteer deefinees thhe chharaccterss of whicch a passswordd cann connsistt.Permiissibble vvaluees: 00 (reestriictivve): The passswordd cann onlly coonsisst off diggits, lettterss, annd thhe foollowwing (ASCCII) speccial char
8、racteers :! $%&/()=?*+#-_.,;:| andd spaace 11 (baackwaard ccompaatiblle, ddefauult vvaluee): TThe ppasswword can conssist of aany ccharaacterrs inncludding natiionall speeciall chaaractters (succh ass , , froom ISSO Laatin-1, 88859-1). Howeever, alll chaaractters thatt aree nott conntainned iin thhe
9、 seet abbove (forr vallue = 0) are mappped tto thhe saame sspeciial ccharaacterr, annd thhe syystemm theerefoore ddoes not diffferenntiatte beetweeen thhem. 22 (noot baackwaard ccompaatiblle): The passswordd cann connsistt of any charracteers. It iis coonverrted inteernallly iinto the Uniccode formm
10、at UUTF-88. Iff youur syystemm doees noot suupporrt Unnicodde, yyou mmay nnot bbe abble tto ennter all charracteers oon thhe loogon screeen. Thiss resstricctionn is limiited by tthe ccodeppage speccifieed byy thee sysstem langguagee.With logiin/paasswoord_ccharsset = 2, passswordds arre sttoredd in
11、a foormatt thaat syystemms wiith oolderr kerrnelss cannnot inteerpreet. YYou mmust therreforre onnly sset tthe pprofiile pparammeterr to the valuue 2 afteer yoou haave eensurred tthat all systtems invoolvedd suppportt thee neww passsworrd coodingg.Availlablee in the stanndardd sysstem as oof SAAP We
12、eb ASS 6.440.loginn/minn_passsworrd_diiffDefinnes tthe mminimmum nnumbeer off chaaractters thatt musst bee difffereent iin thhe neew paasswoord ccompaared to tthe oold ppasswword.Defauult vvaluee: 1; perrmisssiblee vallues: 1 40Availlablee as of SSAP WWeb AAS 6.10 (Untiil SAAP NeetWeaaver 6.400 (inn
13、clussive), upp to 8 chharaccterss.)loginn/passsworrd_exxpiraationn_timmeDefinnes tthe vvaliddity periiod oof paasswoords in ddays.Defauult vvaluee: 0; perrmisssiblee vallues: 0 -10000loginn/passsworrd_chhangee_forr_SSOOIf thhe usser llogs on wwith Singgle SSign-On, checcks wwhethher tthe uuser mustt
14、 chaange his or hher ppasswword.Availlablee as of SSAP WWeb AS 6.10, as oof SAAP Baasis 4.6 by SSuppoort PPackaageloginn/dissablee_passsworrd_loogonContrrols the deacctivaationn of passswordd-bassed llogonn This meanns thhat tthe uuser can no llongeer loog onn usiing aa passsworrd, bbut oonly withh
15、Sinngle Signn-On variiantss (X.509 certtificcate, loggon ttickeet). See HYPERLINK /erp2005_ehp_03/helpdata/EN/52/67119e439b11d1896f0000e8322d00/content.htm Logoon Daata TTab PPageAvaillablee as of SSAP WWeb AS 6.10, as oof SAAP Baasis 4.6 by SSuppoort PPackaageloginn/passsworrd_loogon_userrgrouupCon
16、trrols the deacctivaationn of passswordd-bassed llogonn forr useer grroupssAvaillablee as of SSAP WWeb AS 6.10, as oof SAAP Baasis 4.6 by SSuppoort PPackaageloginn/minn_passsworrd_loowerccaseSpeciifiess howw manny chharaccterss in loweer-caase lletteers aa passsworrd muust ccontaain. Permmissiible v
17、aluues: 0 40; defaault valuue 0Availlablee aftter SSAP NNetWeeaverr 6.440loginn/minn_passsworrd_uppperccaseSpeciifiess howw manny chharaccterss in uppeer-caase lletteers aa passsworrd muust ccontaain. Permmissiible valuues: 0 40; defaault valuue 0Availlablee aftter SSAP NNetWeeaverr 6.440loginn/pass
18、sworrd_hiistorry_siizeSpeciifiess thee nummber of ppasswwordss (chhosenn by the userr, noot thhe addminiistraator) thaat thhe syystemm stoores and thatt thee useer caannott usee agaain.Permiissibble vvaluees: 11 1100 (unitt: nuumberr of entrries); deefaullt vaalue 5Availlablee aftter SSAP NNetWeeave
19、rr 6.440loginn/passsworrd_doownwaards_comppatibbilittySpeciifiess thee deggree of bbackwward comppatibbilitty too be achiievedd. Thhe deefaullt vaalue is 11, whhere the valuues hhave the folllowinng meeaninng:0With logiin/paasswoord_ddownwwardss_commpatiibiliity = 0, paasswoords are storred iin a fo
20、rmmat tthat systtems withh oldder kkerneels ccannoot innterppret. Thee sysstem onlyy gennerattes nnew (backkwardd inccompaatiblle) ppasswword hashh vallues.1The ssysteem allso ggenerratess bacckwarrd coompattiblee passsworrd haash vvaluees innternnallyy, buut dooes nnot eevaluuate thesse foor paassw
21、oord-bbasedd loggons (to its own systtem). Thiis seettinng iss reqquireed, iif thhis ssysteem iss useed ass thee cenntrall sysstem of aa Cenntrall Useer Addminiistraationn thaat syystemms thhat oonly suppport backkwardd commpatiible passswordd hassh vaaluess aree alsso coonneccted to tthe ssysteem g
22、rroup.2The ssysteem allso ggenerratess bacckwarrd coompattiblee passsworrd haash vvaluees innternnallyy, whhich it eevaluuatess if a loogon withh thee neww, noon-baackwaard ccompaatiblle paasswoord ffaileed. IIn thhis wway, the systtem ccheckks whhetheer thhe loogon woulld haave bbeen acceeptedd wit
23、th thhe baackwaard ccompaatiblle paasswoord (trunncateed affter eighht chharaccterss, annd coonverrted to uupperr-casse). Thiss is recoordedd in the systtem llog. The logoon faails. Thiis seettinng iss to alloow thhe iddentiificaationn of backkwardd inccompaatibiilityy prooblemms.3As wiith 22, buut
24、thhe loogon is rregarrded as ssucceessfuul. TThis settting is tto alllow the avoiidancce off bacckwarrd inncomppatibbilitty prrobleems.4As wiith 33, buut noo enttry iis crreateed inn thee sysstem log.5Full backkwardd commpatiibiliity: the systtem oonly creaates backkwardd commpatiible passswordd has
25、sh vaaluess.Availlablee aftter SSAP NNetWeeaverr 6.440loginn/passsworrd_chhangee_waiittimmeSpeciifiess thee nummber of ddays thatt a uuser mustt waiit beeforee chaanginng thhe paasswoord aagainn.Permiissibble vvaluees: 11 11,0000 (unnit: dayss); ddefauult vvaluee 1Availlablee aftter SSAP NNetWeeaver
26、r 6.440loginn/passsworrd_coompliiancee_to_currrent_poliicyPermiissibble vvaluees: 00 nno chheck; 1 thee sysstem checcks ddurinng paasswoord llogonn wheetherr thee currrentt passsworrd coompliies wwith the currrent passswordd rulles aand fforcees a passswordd chaange if tthis is nnot tthe ccase.Defau
27、ult vvaluee: 0Availlablee aftter SSAP NNetWeeaverr 6.440loginn/passsworrd_maax_iddle_pproduuctivveSpeciifiess thee maxximumm perriod for whicch a prodductiive ppasswword (a ppasswword chossen bby thhe usser) remaains valiid iff it is nnot uused. Aftter tthis periiod hhas eexpirred, the passswordd ca
28、nn no longger bbe ussed ffor aautheenticcatioon. TThe uuser admiinisttratoor caan reeactiivatee passsworrd-baased logoon byy asssigniing aa neww iniitiall passsworrd.Permiissibble vvaluees: 00 224,0000 (uunit: dayys); Defaault valuue 0, thaat iss, thhe chheck is ddeacttivattedAvaillablee aftter SSAP
29、 NNetWeeaverr 6.440loginn/passsworrd_maax_iddle_iinitiialSpeciifiess thee maxximumm perriod for whicch ann iniitiall passsworrd (aa passsworrd chhosenn by the admiinisttratoor) rremaiins vvalidd if it iis noot ussed. Afteer thhis pperiood haas exxpireed, tthe ppasswword can no llongeer bee useed foo
30、r auuthennticaationn. Thhe usser aadminnistrratorr cann reaactivvate passswordd-bassed llogonn by assiigninng a new inittial passswordd.This paraameteer reeplacces tthe pprofiile pparammeterrs loogin/passswordd_maxx_neww_vallid aand lloginn/passsworrd_maax_reeset_valiid.Permiissibble vvaluees: 00 22
31、4,0000 (uunit: dayys); Defaault valuue 0, thaat iss, thhe chheck is ddeacttivattedAvaillablee aftter SSAP NNetWeeaverr 6.440loginn/passsworrd_maax_neew_vaalidDefinnes tthe vvaliddity periiod oof paasswoords for newlly crreateed ussers.Only avaiilablle inn SAPP Webb Appplicaationn Serrver 6.200 andd
32、6.440.loginn/passsworrd_maax_reeset_valiidDefinnes tthe vvaliddity periiod oof reeset passswordds.Only avaiilablle inn SAPP Webb Appplicaationn Serrver 6.200 andd 6.440.Multiiple LogoonParammeterr Descrriptiionloginn/dissablee_mullti_ggui_lloginnContrrols the deacctivaationn of multtiplee diaalog lo
33、goonsAvaillablee as of SSAP BBasiss 4.66loginn/mullti_lloginn_useersList of eexceppted userrs (mmultiiple logoon)Availlablee as of SSAP BBasiss 4.66Incorrrectt LoggonParammeterr Descrriptiionloginn/faiils_tto_seessioon_enndDefinnes tthe nnumbeer off unssucceessfuul loogon atteemptss beffore the syst
34、tem ddoes not alloow anny moore llogonn atttemptts. TThe pparammeterr is to bbe seet too a vvaluee lowwer tthan the valuue off parrametter lloginn/faiils_tto_usser_llock.Defauult vvaluee: 3; perrmisssiblee vallues: 1 -99loginn/faiils_tto_usser_llockDefinnes tthe nnumbeer off unssucceessfuul loogon a
35、tteemptss beffore the systtem llockss thee useer. BBy deefaullt, tthe llock appllies untiil miidnigght.Defauult vvaluee: 122; peermisssiblle vaaluess: 1 -99loginn/faiiled_userr_autto_unnlockkDefinnes wwhethher uuser lockks duue too unssucceessfuul loogon atteemptss shoould be aautommaticcallyy remmo
36、vedd at midnnightt.Defauult vvaluee: 1 (Locck apppliees onnly oon saame dday); perrmisssiblee vallues: 0, 1SSO LLogonn TiccketParammeterr Descrriptiionloginn/acccept_sso22_ticcketAllowws orr loccks tthe llogonn usiing SSSO ttickeet.Availlablee as of SSAP BBasiss 4.66D, aas off SAPP Bassis 44.0 bby Suupporrt Paackaggeloginn/creeate_sso22_ticcketAllowws thhe crreatiion oof SSSO tiicketts.Availlablee as of SSAP BBasiss 4.66Dloginn/ticcket_e
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