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1、The Stage 1 Disinfectants/Disinfection Byproduct Rule鄭州微信營(yíng)銷 weikuaicheBackgroundPublic Health Protection For:Acute Microbial RisksChronic DBP RisksCross-Over ImpactsBackground (cont.)Public Health Protection for DBPs and DisinfectantsBalance RisksOptimization of Protection A Product of 6 Years of Co

2、llaborationRegNeg in 1992FACA in 1997ParticipantsWater Supply IndustryEnvironmental and Public Health GroupsLocal, State, and Federal GovernmentsBackground (cont.)Staged Process1996 Information Collection Rule On-Going ResearchFirst Set: Moderate Action to Balance RisksStage 1 DBPRIESWTRSpring/Summe

3、r2001Spring/Summer 2001Spring/Summer2001May2002May2002Background (cont.)Planned RulesFilter Backwash Recycling RuleLong Term 1 ESWTRGround Water RuleStage 2 DBPRLong Term ESWTRBackground (cont.)Large Population Potentially Exposed to DBPs Health Hazards of DBPs:Toxicology EvidenceEpidemiological Evi

4、denceBackground (cont.)Improve Protection Against Risks From:Known DBPsUnknown DBPsBalance Risks and Benefits Of:SWTRIESTWRLead and Copper RuleTotal Coliform RuleBackground (cont.)140 Million People Will Have Increased Protection From DBPs24 Percent Reduction in DBP Levels (National Average)Reductio

5、n in Exposure to:Haloacetic AcidsBromateChlorite Reduced Risks From:CancerReproductive EffectsDevelopmental EffectsRule StructureRule StructurePart 141 National Primary Drinking Water RegulationsSubpart A: 141.2 DefinitionsSubpart B: 141.12 MCLs for Organic ChemicalsSubpart C: 141.30 TTHM Sampling,

6、Analytical and Other RequirementsSubpart D: 141.32 Public NotificationSubpart F: 141.53 MCLGs and 141.54 MRDLGsSubpart G: 141.64 MCLs and MRDLs Subpart I: 141.89 Analytical RequirementsSubpart L:Disinfection Residuals, DBPs and DBPPsSubpart O: 141.154 Required Health InformationSubpart P:Enhanced Fi

7、ltration and DisinfectionRule StructurePart 142 National Primary Drinking Water Regulations Implementation142.14 Records Kept by States142.16 Special Primacy RequirementsProvisions of The Stage 1 Disinfectants and Disinfection Byproducts RuleSubpart A General141.2 DefinitionsEnhanced CoagulationEnha

8、nced SofteningGAC 10Haloacetic Acids (five) (HAA5)Maximum Residual Disinfectant Level (MRDL)Maximum Residual Disinfectant Level Goal (MRDLG)Subpart H SystemsSUVATotal Organic Carbon (TOC)Subpart BSubpart B Maximum Contaminant Levels141.12 MCLs for TTHMsPhases Out the Current MCLSubpart CSubpart C Mo

9、nitoring and Analytical Requirements141.30 TTHMs Sampling, Analytical, and Other RequirementsChanges to CitationsDesignates Effective DatesSubpart DSubpart D Reporting, Public Notification, and Recordkeeping 141.32 Public NotificationSubparts F and GSubparts F and G (cont.)Subparts F and G (cont.)Su

10、bparts F and G (cont.)Subparts F and G (cont.)Subpart L StructureSubpart L Disinfectant Residuals, Disinfection Byproducts, and Disinfection Byproduct Precursors141.130:General Requirements141.131: Analytical Requirements141.132: Monitoring Requirements141.133: Compliance141.134: Reporting and Recor

11、dkeeping141.: Treatment Techniques for Control of DBP Precursors 141.130 General Requirements 141.130 General RequirementsApplicabilityCWSs and NTNCWSs That Add Chemical DisinfectantsTNCWSs That Add Chlorine DioxideCompliance DatesSubpart H Serving 10,000 or More People3 Years January 1, 2002Possibl

12、e ExtensionsAll Other Systems5 YearsJanuary 1, 2004Qualified Personnel 141.131 Analytical Requirements 141.131 Analytical RequirementsSpecifies Analytical MethodsCertified Labs for:DBPs (chlorite exception)Parties Approved by the State for:DisinfectantsAlkalinityBromideTOC chloriteSUVADOCUV254pH 141

13、.132 Monitoring 141.132 Monitoring GeneralNormal Operating ConditionsMultiple Wells in Same Aquifer TTHM and HAA5Systems Must Monitor According to Plan 141.132 MonitoringDBPsRoutineTTHMs and HAA5Reduced 141.132 Monitoring DBPReduced Monitoring for TTHM and HAA5 As Long As:Quarterly MonitoringAnnual

14、Average of Samples Is No More Than 75 Percent of Either MCLLess Frequent MonitoringThe Result of the Sample (or Average) Is No More Than 75Percent of Either MCL 141.132 Monitoring DBPChloriteRoutineDaily At Entrance to DistributionMonthlyNear First CustomerAverage Residence TimeMaximum Residence Tim

15、eAdditional If Daily Sample MCL, Monitor the Following DayReduced One 3-Sample Set/Quarter If No Sample MCL for 1 YearRevert to Routine If Any Sample MCL 141.132 Monitoring DBP BromateRoutine1 Sample/Month/Plant at EntranceReducedIf Average Source Water Bromide Is MRDLWithout Booster Chlorination3 S

16、amples at 6 Hour Intervals as Close as Possible to First CustomerWith Booster ChlorinationFirst CustomerAverage RTMaximum RTReducedNo Reductions 141.132 Monitoring DBPPBromideOptional for Systems Using OzoneMonthly MeasurementsPurposeReduced Bromate Monitoring To:1 Sample/Quarter/Plant at EntranceIf

17、 Average Source Water Bromide Is 0.05 mg/L (Monthly for 1Year) 141.132 Monitoring DBPP“Paired Sampling Conventional Plants RoutineOne Paired Sample/MonthOne Source Water Alkalinity/MonthReducedOne Paired Sample/QuarterOne Source Water Alkalinity/Quarter If:Treated Water TOC 2.0 mg/L for 2 Years Or,T

18、reated Water TOC 3,300 Must Submit With First ReportPlan Must Include:Locations and SchedulesCompliance Calculation MethodologyEntire Distribution System 141.133 Compliance 141.133 Compliance GeneralFailure to Monitor Is Treated As a Violation for Entire 1Year Period:MCLsTTHM, HAA5, or BromateFailur

19、e to Monitor Is Treated As a Violation for Entire 1Year Period Which Makes It Impossible to Determine Compliance for:MRDLsChlorine or ChloramineAll Identified Compliance Samples Must Be Included in CalculationsIn First Year Out of Compliance When Average MCL 141.133 Compliance DBPTTHMs and HAA5Syste

20、ms Monitoring QuarterlyBased on Running Annual Arithmetic AverageComputed QuarterlyOf Quarterly Arithmetic AveragesSystems Monitoring Less FrequentlyIf Average is MCL, Increase Monitoring to QuarterlyCompliance Calculated After 1 Year of Quarterly MonitoringSystems on Reduced MonitoringWhen Annual A

21、verage Is MCLRevert to RoutineNo Violation 141.133 Compliance DBPBromateRunning Annual Arithmetic AverageComputed QuarterlyOf Monthly Samples (or Averages)ChloriteArithmetic Average of Each 3-Sample Set 141.133 Compliance Disinfectant ResidualsChlorine and ChloraminesRunning Annual Arithmetic Averag

22、eComputed Quarterly, of All SamplesIf a System Switches Disinfectants the Results of Both Must Be Used for Compliance CalculationsMRDLs Are Identical 141.133 Compliance Disinfectant ResidualsChlorine DioxideAcute ViolationsBased on Samples Collected on Consecutive DaysEntrance Sample MRDL and1 or Mo

23、re Distribution Sample(s) MRDLNonacute ViolationsBased on Consecutive Daily Samples at the Entrance2 Samples MRDL andAll Distribution Samples MRDL 141.133 Compliance DBP PrecursorsCompliance Determined As Specified by 141.(c)Discussed in DBPP Section ( 141.) 141.134 Reporting and Recordkeeping 141.1

24、34 Reporting and Recordkeeping GeneralReport to the StateMonitoring Quarterly or More FrequentlyWithin 10 Days of the QuarterMonitoring Less FrequentlyWithin 10 Days of the Monitoring Period 141.134 Reporting and Recordkeeping DBPTTHM and HAA5 Monitoring Quarterly or More Frequently:Number of Sample

25、s Last QuarterLocation, Date, and ResultArithmetic Average of Quarters SamplesAnnual Arithmetic Average of Quarterly AveragesWhether the MCL Was Exceeded 141.134 Reporting and Recordkeeping DBPTTHM and HAA5Monitoring at Least Annually:Number of Samples Last YearLocation, Date and ResultArithmetic Av

26、erage of All Samples Over YearWhether the MCL Was Exceeded 141.134 Reporting and Recordkeeping DBPTTHM and HAA5 Monitoring Less Frequently Than Annually:Location, Date, and Result of Last SampleWhether the MCL Was Exceeded 141.134 Reporting and Recordkeeping DBPChloriteNumber of Samples Taken Each M

27、onth for Last 3 MonthsLocation, Date, and Result of Last Quarters SamplesFor the Quarter, Each Months Arithmetic AverageWhether the MCL Was Exceeded and in Which Month 141.134 Reporting and Recordkeeping DBPBromateNumber of Samples in QuarterLocation, Date, and ResultAverage of Monthly Averages Over

28、 the Past YearWhether the MCL Was Exceeded 141.134 Reporting and Recordkeeping Disinfectant ResidualChlorine or ChloraminesNumber Each Month of the Last QuarterAverage of Each of the Past 12 MonthsAverage of Monthly Averages Over the Past YearWhether the MRDL Was Exceeded 141.134 Reporting and Recor

29、dkeeping Disinfectant ResidualChlorine DioxideDates, Results, and Locations During Last QuarterWhether the MRDL Was ExceededWhether the MRDL Was Exceeded in Any 2 Consecutive Daily Samples andWhether the Violation Was Acute or Nonacute 141.134 Reporting and RecordkeepingFor DBPP or Enhanced Coagulat

30、ion or Enhanced SofteningFor Subpart H Systems Using Conventional TreatmentSee Slides Following 141. 141. Treatment Technique For DBPP 141. Treatment Technique For DBPPDesignReduction of Known and Unknown DBPsApplicabilityConventional Subpart H SystemsRequirementsMeet One of the Alternative Complian

31、ce Criteria; orAchieve Required TOC Removals; orGet Waiver From State 141. Treatment Technique For DBPPConventional plants monitor forTOC (Raw and Finished)Alkalinity (Raw)SUVA(Raw and Finished)UV254DOCMagnesium(Raw and Finished)(Softening Systems Only) 141. Treatment Technique For DBPPTo Achieve Co

32、mpliance Systems Must Do One of the Following:Meet One or More Alternative Compliance CriteriaAchieve Step 1 TOC Removal RequirementsEstablish and Achieve Step 2 TOC Removal Requirements Obtain a State Waiver of the Requirements 141. Treatment Technique For DBPPAlternative Compliance Criteria 1. Sou

33、rce Water TOC 2.0 mg/L (Annual Average) 2. Treated Water TOC 2.0 mg/L (Annual Average)3. Source Water SUVA 2.0 L/mg-m (Annual Average)4. Treated Water SUVA 2.0 L/mg-m (Annual Average)5. Source Water TOC 60 mg/L andTTHM/HAA5 50 Percent of MCLs; Or,Clear and Irrevocable Financial Commitment to Technol

34、ogies That Limit TTHM/HAA5 to 50 Percent of MCLTechnologies Operational Within 6 1/2 Years6. TTHM/HAA5 50 Percent of MCLs and Using Only Chlorine 141. Treatment Technique For DBPPAdditional Alternative Compliance Criteria for Softening Systems 1. Treated Water Alkalinity 60-120 120 2.0 to 4.0 35% 25

35、% 15% 4.0 to 8.0 45% 35% 25% 8.0 50% 40% 30% 141. Treatment Technique For DBPPStep 2 Alternative Minimum TOC Removal RequirementsApplication Within 3 Months of FailureBench- or Pilot-scale Testing 10 mg/L Increments of Coagulant Step 2 Target pHStep 2 RemovalAn Incremental Dose Achieves 0.3 mg/L TOC

36、 RemovalPoint of Diminishing Return (PODR)States May Make Step 2 Retroactive 141. Treatment Technique For DBPPStep 2: Target pHAlkalinity (mg/L)Target pH 0-60 5.5 60-120 6.3 120-240 7.0 240 7.5 141. Treatment Technique For DBPPStep 2 (Cont.)When Alkalinity 4.0 to 8.0Bench Scale TestingDetermine Dose

37、 for 25 Percent RemovalBench Scale TestingEnhanced Coagulation and Enhanced SofteningStep 1: Required Removal of TOCSource Water Source Water Alkalinity TOC (mg/L) (mg/L as calcium carbonate) 0-60 60-120 120 2.0 to 4.0 35% 25% 15% 4.0 to 8.0 45% 35% 25% 8.0 50% 40% 30% 141. Treatment Technique For D

38、BPPStep 2: Target pHAlkalinity (mg/L)Target pH 0-60 5.5 60-120 6.3 120-240 7.0 240 7.5 Case Study 1 Results of pH Titration (alkalinity 120 - 240)Case Study 1 Jar Test ResultsThis utilitys goal is 25 percent TOC removalAlum Dose(mg/L)0102030405060708090100TOC(mg/L)5.455.505.505.004.784.523.603.243.0

39、02.782.53TOC Removal(%)00815223439444954Case Study 1 Estimating Dose0. Dose (mg/L)Settled Water TOC (mg/L)25% TOC Removal54 mg/LSettled Water TOC vs. Coagulant DoseBench Scale TestingCase Study 2:After 12 Months This System:Is Unable to

40、Meet Step 1 Does Not Meet an Alternative Compliance Criterion.Case Study 2 Jar Test Results50% Ferric Sulfate Solution Dose (mg/L)09.5192838475766768595TOC (mg/L) Removal (%)7233134404545505252TOC Removed (Per Dose)0.300.600.400.100.300. at 2

41、.80 mg/L TOCor 34% removal0.3/9.5 slope line1. Solution Ferric Sulfate Dose (mg/L)Settled Water TOC (mg/L)Settled Water TOC vs. Coagulant DoseCase Study 2 Determining Step 2 RemovalCase Study 2 Determining Step 2 Removal50% Solution Ferric Sulfate D

42、ose (mg/L)Settled Water TOC (mg/L)Settled Water TOC vs. Coagulant Dose3.0 mg/L or 28% Removal1. Liney = 2.56 exp (-0.0120 * x) + 1.71R2 = 0.99Bench Scale TestingCase Study 3A System With Alkalinity 0.3 mg/L TOC removalper dose 0.3 mg/LCase Stu

43、dy 5 PODR Never Reached Alum Dose(mg/L)05102030405060708090100TOC(mg/L)4.053.9543.853. Removal(%)31596111619212121TOC Removed(per dose)0.10- Study 5 PODR Is Never Reached1. Dose (mg/L)Settl

44、ed Water TOC (mg/L)0.3/10 slope lineCurve never reaches 0.03 slopeSettled Water TOC vs. Coagulant DoseWorkshopStep 2 Bench Scale Testing 141.133 ComplianceFor DBPP 141.133 Compliance DBP PrecursorsCompliance Determined As Specified by 141.(b)Alternative Compliance Criteria Additional Alternative Com

45、pliance Criteria for SofteningStep 1 TOC ReductionsStep 2 TOC ReductionsEarly Monitoring Recommended 141.133 Compliance DBP PrecursorsFor Each of 12 MonthsDetermine Actual TOC Percent Removal Determine Required TOC Percent Removal Divide Actual by Required Add 12 Results Together Divide by 12Result

46、Must Be 1.00 for ComplianceSystem May Assign Monthly Value of 1.0 for Any Month One of the Alternative Compliance Criteria Is Met 141.133 Compliance DBP PrecursorsCompliance CalculationsMonthJan.Feb.Mar.Apr.MayJun.Jul.Aug.Sep.Oct.Nov.Dec.ATreated TOC(mg/L) TOC(mg/L) remove

47、d(1-A/B) x 100443429DSource WaterAlkalinity (mg/L)707585ERequired TOCRemoval (%)403535FC/E1.100.941.031.070.981. average is 1.00, the PWS is in compliance (F) = 12.48 12.48/12= 1.04 141.134 Reporting and RecordkeepingFor DBPP and Enhanced Coagulation or Enhanced Softening

48、 141.134 Reporting and Recordkeeping DBPPA System Required to Meet Minimum TOC RemovalsNumber of Paired Samples Taken During Last QuarterLocation, Date, and Result of EachPaired Sample AlkalinityEach Months Average Percent TOC RemovalRequired TOC Percent RemovalCompliance Calculations Whether System

49、 Is in Compliance 141.134 Reporting and Recordkeeping DBPPSystems Monitoring for DBPP Monthly or Quarterly and Meeting Alternative Compliance CriteriaCriterion UsedNumber of Paired Samples in Last QuarterLocation, Date, and Result of EachPaired Sample AlkalinityFor Those Meeting TOC Criteria the Run

50、ning Annual Average Of:Source Water TOC orTreated Water TOCWhether the System Is in Compliance 141.134 Reporting and Recordkeeping DBPPSystems Monitoring for DBPP Monthly or Quarterly and Meeting Alternative Compliance CriteriaCriterion UsedNumber of Paired Samples in Last QuarterLocation, Date, and

51、 Result of EachPaired Sample AlkalinityFor Those Meeting SUVA Criteria the Running Annual Average Of:Source Water SUVA orTreated Water SUVAWhether the System Is in Compliance 141.134 Reporting and Recordkeeping DBPPSystems Monitoring for DBPP Monthly or Quarterly and Meeting Alternative Compliance C

52、riteriaCriterion UsedNumber of Paired Samples in Last QuarterLocation, Date, and Result of EachPaired Sample AlkalinityFor Those Meeting Source Water TOC, Alkalinity, and Distribution TTHM and HAA5 Criteria The Annual Average Source Water TOCThe Annual Average AlkalinityThe Annual Averages of TTHM a

53、nd HAA5Whether the System Is in Compliance 141.134 Reporting and Recordkeeping DBPPSystems Monitoring for DBPP Monthly or Quarterly and Meeting Alternative Compliance CriteriaCriterion UsedNumber of Paired Samples in Last QuarterLocation, Date, and Result of EachPaired Sample AlkalinityFor Those Sys

54、tems Using Only Chlorine and Whose TTHM and HAA5 Levels Are No More Than 50 Percent of the MCLsThe TTHM and HAA5 Running Annual AveragesWhether the System Is in Compliance 141.134 Reporting and Recordkeeping DBPPSoftening Systems Monitoring for DBPP Monthly or Quarterly and Meeting Alternative Compl

55、iance CriteriaCriterion UsedNumber of Paired Samples in Last QuarterLocation, Date, and Result of EachPaired Sample AlkalinityFor Softening Plants Lowering Alkalinity to 60 mg/LThe Running Annual Average Treated Water AlkalinityWhether the System Is in Compliance 141.134 Reporting and Recordkeeping

56、DBPPSoftening Systems Monitoring for DBPP Monthly or Quarterly and Meeting Alternative Compliance CriterionCriterion UsedNumber of Paired Samples of Last QuarterLocation, Date, and Result of EachPaired Sample AlkalinityFor Softening Systems Removing at Least 10 mg/L Mg HardnessThe Running Annual Ave

57、rage of Mg Hardness RemovalWhether the System Is in ComplianceCode of Federal RegulationsTitle 40Part 142NPDWR ImplementationSubpart BPrimary Enforcement Responsibility142.16 Special Primacy RequirementsEPAs Regulation of States for Purpose of Awarding PrimacyArrangement of GuidanceIESWTR Stage 1 DB

58、PRNote: Guidance Often Goes Beyond Minimum Requirements “Must“May or “ShouldStage 1 Disinfectants/ Disinfection Byproducts Rule Special Primacy Requirements 142.16Stage 1 DBPR 142.16 Special Primacy Requirements(h) Requirements for States to Adopt 40 CFR Part 141, Subpart L. In Addition to the Gener

59、al Primacy Requirements Elsewhere in This Part, Including the Requirement That State Regulations Be at Least As Stringent As Federal Requirements, an Application for Approval of a State Program Revision That Adopts Subpart L, Must Contain A Description of How the State Will Accomplish the Following

60、Program Requirements.Stage 1 DBPR 142.16 Special Primacy Requirements(h) A Description of How the State Will Accomplish the Following Program Requirements.(1) Interim Treatment(2) Qualification of Operators(3) DPD Test Kit Approval(4) Approval of Parties(5) Multiple Wells/Single Aquifer(6) Step 2 TO


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