4施工、協(xié)議公證書翻譯稿03general conditions_第1頁
4施工、協(xié)議公證書翻譯稿03general conditions_第2頁
4施工、協(xié)議公證書翻譯稿03general conditions_第3頁
4施工、協(xié)議公證書翻譯稿03general conditions_第4頁
4施工、協(xié)議公證書翻譯稿03general conditions_第5頁
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1、SectioGeneral Conditions GC-1 Definitions andreionGC-1 釋義, the following words and express shall have the them unless the1、以下詞組和表達具有特定的意義,除非另有規(guī)定。appoed meanings beside each ofcontext requires otherwise.a- Employer (party)a-業(yè)主(甲方)Means ministry or administrative body which invites for bidding to carr

2、y out works and employs the contractor or指為、雇用承包商或者工程監(jiān)理的出資的部門或管理當局;any body entitled to the superviof works.b- Contractorb-承包商;Means the natural or abstract(s)whose bids are指投標并被業(yè)主接受的自然人或法人,包括其代表、繼承人和經的受讓人;accepted by the employer includingrepresenives,sucsors and the permitted assigns.c- Engineerc-

3、工Means the natural or abstractappoed anytime指由業(yè)命的對承包商合同履by the employer to supervise the contract performance.行進行監(jiān)督的自然人或法人;d- Engineer Represenived-工代表MeansanyresidentEngineerorworkcontroller指業(yè)主或工主或工任命的,并在業(yè)告知承包商的授appoed by the employer or Engineer from time to timeto perform obligations sed in artic

4、le 2 of these權范圍內,履行通用條款第 2 條conditions within authorities notified in contractor by the employer or Engineer.writingtothe規(guī)定的義務的駐場工管理人;或工程e- Workse-工程Means all works required to be implemented under contract.the指合同項下需要實施的全部工作;f- Temporary Worksf-臨時工程Means all whateverworks which have no continuation

5、指不必存在的,在工程實施capacity and can be removed, altered or cancelled during or after completion of works.過程中或之后,被拆除、修改或取消的任何施工;g- Construction Equipmentg-施工設備Means machinery, tools andall requirements for the指為實施工程或臨時工程所implemenion of permanent or temporary works. It使用的任何機械、工具,不包括does not mean material per

6、manent works.orthingsspecifiedaspartof將成為料和設備;工程一部分的任何材h- Drawingsh-圖紙Means layouts referredto in the contractor any指設計圖紙,參閱合同文件或者要求承包商實施的任何變更;modifications conducted to them which are assigned writing to the contractor from time to time.ini- Sitei-工地Means lands or locations on, in, under or across

7、which works are implemented and any other lands or locations指工程實施所在的土地或場所,或業(yè)主以合同履行目的提供的土地或場所,或合同規(guī)定的其他場所;provided by the employer for the pure of the contractas well as any other locations determinedhe contractas part of the site.j- Approvalj-批準Means the written consent including the subsequent writt

8、en confirmations to the previous verbal consents.指同意,包括事后對口頭同意的確認;Second, singulars and plurals2、單復數Singular words denote the plural and vice versa if the context requires the same.如內容需要,單數也表示復數,反之亦然;Third, headings and footings3、頁眉和頁腳Headings and footings he contract shall not constitute a part of

9、the contract and shall not be taken o consideration in re ion.頁眉和頁腳不是合同的一部分,在解釋時也不予以考慮;GC-2 EngineerGC-2 工Engineer Authorities工權限The engineer authorities shall be to observe, supervise and test works and any materials used in executing works, and the engineer has no authority to exempt the contracto

10、r from any of his obligations and he has no right to order contractor to execute any work whiay delay he work or finanl increment of the employer. Also,he shall not do any changehe work unless described he contract.工 進行查看、監(jiān)督,并對工程和任何用于工程的材料進行檢測,工 無權免除承包商的任何義務,也無權要求承包商從事任何可能造成工程延誤或者使業(yè)主增加支出的工作;同時,工 不能對

11、工程進行變更,除非合同另有規(guī)定;From time to time, the engineer may authorize his represen ive in writing to practice any of his ers or authorities and to submit a copy of such authorization letter to the contractor, and all approvals and orders i ed from represen ive shall be according to authorization letter and

12、to be consider as it is i ed from the engineer himself wi ttention of the following:任何時候,工 可以其代表履行工 的權利,該授權文件的復印件應交付承包商;工 代表發(fā)出的批準和指令應符合 文件的規(guī)定,這些批準和指令應視為工 本身發(fā)出的批準和指令,但:a- Negligence of the represen ive in accepting or refusing any work or materials does not affect on the engineer ers, who can later r

13、efuse the work and to cancel or demolish it.a- 工 代表由于疏忽而對工程或材料進行的接受或 ,并不影響工 進行 、撤銷的權利;b- If the contractor does not agree on the deci of the represen ive, has the right to submit this i e to the engineer who has the right to support it, cancel or amending it.b- 如承包商對工 代表的決定有異議,其可以將該事項提交工 ,工 可以對事項進行確

14、認、否定或更改;GC-3 Assignment to Third PartiesGC-3 轉讓The contractor shall have no right to assign the contract or part thereof, any arising or resulting profit or erest without the prior written consent from the employer. However, the contractor shall remain liable before the employer by consolidation wit

15、h the assign for未得到業(yè)主的 同意,承包商不能將合同或其中的一部分、利潤或利益,進行轉讓;轉讓后,承包商繼續(xù)向業(yè)主負責;implementing the contract.GC-4 SubcontractingGC-4 分包The contractor shall have no right to subcontract all works of the contract. Unless otherwise is stipulated in the contract, the contractor shall have no right to subcontract to im

16、plement a part of works without a prior written consent from the employer. However, this consent shall not re ve the contractor from the responsibility and obligations under the contract, but the contractor shall remain liable for any act, mistake or negligence or any subcontractor, its agents, staf

17、f or labors as such act, mistake or negligence comes from the contractor itself, its agents, staff or labors. For the pur e of this article, wage-based employment contracts made by the contractor shall not be deemed a subcontracting.承包商不能將所有的合同工程進行分包;除非合同另有規(guī)定,未經業(yè)主同意,承包商不能將合同的進行分包;業(yè)主的同意并不免除承包商在合同項下的責

18、任和義務;承包商的分包商、工、人力的任何行為、錯誤或疏忽視同為承包商的行為、錯誤或疏忽,對其負責;承包商基于工資而進行的雇傭不是本條所說的分包;GC-5 Work Scope of the ContractGC-5 工程范圍The contract shall include the following:合同包括:a- the implemenion, completion and maenance of works.a- 履行、實施并工程;b- proviof labors, material, construction equipment and temporary works unles

19、s otherwise sed.b- 提供人力、材料、施工設備和臨時工程,除非另有規(guī)定;c- anything else wheth ermanent or temporary and as long as its requirement is stipulated expressly or implicitly he contract.c- 合同中明示或暗示、或臨時的任何其他工作;GC-6 LanguageGC-6 語言a- Arabic language is the approved language in reting the contract. However, both parti

20、es may usea foreign language in writing the contract or a part thereof in addition to Arabic language. If there is a contradiction bet n the Arabic and foreign text, the Arabic text shall prevail and so will reliance in specifications and layouts on Arabic.1、是批準的合同解釋語言;除外,雙方或一方可以使用其他語言書寫合同;兩種文本有時,以文

21、本為準;技術規(guī)格書和圖紙也以為準;b- Corresponden related to this contract shall be in Arabic language. However, the contractor may use a foreign language with translating it o Arabic at its own expense. Arabic text will be applicable in case of difference.2、合同相關的信件往來應使用阿語;承包商可以使用其他語言,但應自擔費用將其翻譯成 ,以 為準; GC-7 Layouts

22、 MaainingGC-7 圖紙存放, the engineer shall remain copies of layouts and1、工保留圖紙和技術規(guī)格書specifications and shall provide the contractor with free-of-charge copies. The contractor shall then incur expenses on its own of making any additional copy ne sary for performing its work. The contractor shall return a

23、ll layouts submitted to it upon the contract completion.復件,并免費提供給承包商;承包商可以在施工中自擔費用要求;承包商在合同結束后應將交付給其的所有圖紙歸還;The contractor shall also notify in a timely manner the Engineer or Engineers represen ive of its need to additional copies of layouts or specifications ne sary for implementing works.施工中如需額外圖

24、紙和技術規(guī)格書的,承包商應及時告知工或工代表;Second, the Engineer shall retain at worksite a copy of the layouts submitted to it. This copy shall be made available at all times for inspection and use by Engineer, Engineers represen ive or any oth erson authorized in writing by the Engineer or employer.2、工應在工地留存圖紙復件,并提供工、

25、工代表、或者工、業(yè)主的其他人使用和查看;GC-8GC-8In consideration of the article 2, the Engineer shall have the absolute er and authority to provide the contractor from time to time during the contract wi ny other layouts or additional instructions to meet its obligations properly. The contractor shall implement and abi

26、de by such layouts and instructions. If such layouts and instructions contain an increase or decrease to the specifiedties or a change aterial and its type resulting in an increase or decrease in pri , the same shall be forwarded to the employer for approval if there a similar price in price list of

27、 the same shall be agreed on by the employer, Engineer and contractor.根據第 2 條的規(guī)定,工利在工程實施期間提供任何其他圖紙或額外的指令并要求承包商恰當履行;承包商應履行和遵守這些圖紙和指令;如這些圖紙和指令造成規(guī)定的工程量增加或減少,或者材料及類型的變化并導致價格的增加或減少,這些圖紙和指令應提交業(yè)主批準;如合同價目表中已有相似的價格,業(yè)主、工和分包商應就這些圖紙和指令采用這些相似的價格;GC-9 Performance GuaranteeGC-9 履約保函, the awarded contractor shall s

28、ubmit a final insurance not less n five percent (5%) of the value of contract within ten days of the date of awarding. This period may be extended to similar period and it he delay the primary insurance will not return back to him. If so, the employer will negotiate with the next bid as per regulati

29、ons.1、承包商在授標后 10 天內,應提 同總價的 5%的保函;承包商延誤的,可以續(xù)展 10 天;承包商依舊 的,投標保函將不予以歸還,且業(yè)主可以按照法律法規(guī)與第二標進行協(xié)商;Second, this guarantee letter shall be ied from any local bcertifiedhe Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. This guaranteeshallcompatiblewithconditionsof ernmental procurement and its executive regulationsi ed by decree of

30、 Finance Minister No. 17/67 dated 02/04/1408H amended by decree No. 144 dated 06/07/1411H.2、保函可以由任何在沙特 的當地 開出;保函還應符合財政部敕令第 17/67 號(回歷 1408年 2 月 4 號)及對其修改的敕令第 144 號(回歷 1411 年 6 月 7 號)的規(guī)定及執(zhí)行條例;GC-10 Site InspectionGC-10 現場勘驗10-1 Prior to submitting the bid, the contractor shall at its own expense insp

31、ect the site and the surrounding locations, make sure by itself of the site nature and soil by making the required probing and holes, review the work volume and nature, the ne sary material for completing works, transport means to the site and the required utilities and in general obtain all ne sary

32、 information and other factors whi ay affect its bid.1、投標前,承包商應自擔費用進行現場及周邊勘驗,通過勘察和鉆孔確認現場自然條件和土質,復核工程量和性質,完成工程所必需的材料及到現場的 方式和設施,和任何其他所需的信息及可以影響標價的 ;10-2 The contractor shall be responsible for reviewing in detail Engineering and technical designs and inform the employer and Engineer of any mistakes o

33、r defects found in layouts and drawings during the implemen ion.2、承包商應對技術和設計進行翔實的檢查,在實施中發(fā)現的設計和圖紙的 或缺陷應告知業(yè)主和工 ;GC-11 Bid AdequacyGC-11 投標充分性The contractor is suped to get complete information before bidding and make suret prigiven in bills of ties and price lists are adequate for covering all its obl

34、igations under the contract and other nesarymatters for completing and maaining works properly.承包商被視為已經在投標前取得了完全的信息, 工程量清單和價目表中給出的價格是充分的,能夠包含合同的所有衣物及適當完成和 工程的其他所需事項;In case the contractor encounters, during the work implemen ion, any material or extraordinary difficulties to the extent t no experien

35、ced contractor can not reasonably ipate, it shall promptly, with en days of the date of discovering these difficulties and obstacles, notify the Engineer or the Engineers represen ive of the same. The Engineer shall in such case submit a report on the matter to the employer including its opinion reg

36、arding the extra charges incurred by the contractor due to such difficulties and obstacles if it make re of them so t the employer may review it and make the appropriate decihis respect.如承包商在工程施工期間遇到任何實質的或特別的且作為有經驗的承包商也不能預見的 ,承包商應在 或 發(fā)現后 10天內迅速通知工 或工 代表;工 應就此事項向業(yè)主提交 , 包含工 就承包商因此 和 導致的額外費用的意見,以便業(yè)主可以審

37、核并作出恰當的決定;However, if the contractor does not give the Engineer notice of compensations, it shall waiver its right to claim.但是,如果承包商沒有提交工程師賠償通知,將被認為承包商放棄索賠權利;GC-12 Work ExecutionGC-12 工程實施12-1 The contractor shall implement, complete and ma ain works of the contract, abide by the written instruction

38、s of the Engineer on any matter related or connected with the contract whether mentioned in the contract or not and receive instructions from Engineer and Engineers represen ive within referred to in article 2 of such conditions.1、承包商應履行、完成和 合同規(guī)定的工程,遵守工 的任何合同有關事項的 指令,無論合同是否有提及,接受通用條款第 2 條規(guī)定的工 和工代表范圍

39、權限的指令;12-2 The contractor shall be obliged with the following:2、承包商應履行以下義務:a- buy national products and may not buy similar products imported from abroad for the pur e of the contract.a-為履行合同本國產品,不相似的進口產品;b- the used material whether local or imported to execute the contract shall comply with the st

40、andard specification approvedofSaudiSpecification&Measurement anization. With regards to material for which no Saudi standard specification is ied, it shall comply withernationally known specification as determinedby the supervisor of the implemenion.b-用于履行合同的材料,無論本國的或進口的,應符合沙特規(guī)范和計量組織批準的技術標準;如該種材料并無

41、相關批準的規(guī)范,其應符合履行監(jiān)督人確定的國際熟知的規(guī)范;c- consider laws, standards and regulations related to the environment protection in the Kingdom t are i ed from the competent authorities.c-遵守沙特相關頒行的關于環(huán)境保護的法律、;d- the foreign contractor shall assign 30% of the contracted works to a Saudi contractor. The related authority

42、 shall in collaboration with Ministry of National Finance and Economy, reve the foreign contractor from the whole or partial obligation with giving the Saudi contractor the mentioned percentage if it is proved t there are no works to be done by a Saudi contractoror less n 30% of work is available. I

43、t is conditioned to apply his exception t the related authority on preparing the project and prior to putting out for tender shall define the percentage of the whole or partial re f by its technical team in asso tion with the consultantt designs and put s specification of the project.d-外國承包商應將工程的 30

44、%分包給沙特分包商;如工程分包沒有適宜工程或者分包額度少于 30%的,相關 應按照國家財政和經濟部的規(guī)定提供合作,完全或者部分 承包商履行此義務;此項免除的申請以工程準備的相關 在招標之前由技術團隊和確定設計及技術規(guī)格書的 人就免除的比例進行規(guī)定為條件;e- buy the ne sary equipment and instruments for performing the contract from Saudi agents of such equipment and instruments he Kingdom and may not import directly from abro

45、ad except the importing of its used equipment.e-從沙特 人中 實施合同所必須的設備和儀器,而非直接從海 口,除非是進口承包商的已經使用過的設備;f-seekthefollowingservifromSaudilocal establishments:f-從沙特本國企業(yè)中獲得以下服務:1- goods and passenger transport serviinside the(i)沙特境內的貨物和的Kingdom if the contractor does not perform directly with服務,除非承包商使用自有設備并為其雇

46、員進行的;its own equipment and for it.s working directly with2- local insuranervice.(ii)保險服務;3- bservi(iii)服務;4- serviof leasing and buying lands and buildings(iv)土地和房屋和租賃服務;5- catering servi.(v)食宿服務;12-3 The contractor shall submit its letters, accounts and data to the administrative body in Arabic lan

47、guage and hold under its responsibility all local its records, accounts3、承包商向管理部門提交的信件、賬戶、數據應使用,將的、賬戶、文件存放在ands in Arabic languagepanied with a沙特,并附有沙特登記的會of a certified accountant in the Kingdom. In violating the same, the sed penalties shall be計師的證明;否則將按規(guī)定收取違約金;case ofappd.12-4supThe contractor sh

48、all transport everythingt is4、承包商計劃使用空運的,包括、材料及其他物品,應使用ed to be sent by air as per the contract includingpassengers, material and others via Saudi Airlines. In case of violation, it shall be subject to the s ed penalty. The contractor shall also transport everything t is沙航;否則將按規(guī)定收取違約金;承包商計劃使用海運的,包括履

49、行合同所必需的材料,應按照指令和規(guī)定使用沙特船運公司;suped to be sent by sea via Saudi ships as perinstructions and regulations including the ne material for executing the contract.sary12-5 The contractor at the time of signing of any contract5、承包商簽訂任何超過 500亞爾的合同,應提交業(yè)主一份保單,在合同初期履行和移交期間對工程和主要組成部分進行保worth moren five million ri

50、yals shall submit to theparty an insurance policy singt his insuranceon the project implemen ion project by theand its main components during of primary and even handover of Licensed National Company forthe the the險,保單應由經作保險公司簽發(fā);的性合Cooperative Insurance.GC-13 Action PlanGC-13 施工計劃The contractor shal

51、lprovide together with its bid a the work proceeding and the executing works and shall also承包商在投標時應提交施工計劃,規(guī)劃工程實施、擬采用的施工方法,并按照工程或者工scheduleanizingproed method forupon request provide the Engineer or Engineers represen ive with any written details regarding the arrangement for the work completion, con

52、struction代表的要求提交翔實的計劃,包括工程實施、施工設備、預計使用的臨時工程等;equipment and temporary worksended to be provided,used or constructed as the case may be. GC-14 ContractorperviGC-14 承包商,thecontractorshallprovidethenesary1、承包商在工程實施期間和這之superviduring and after the work implemenion as后,應按照工確認為有必要the Engineer deems nesary

53、for meeting the contractual的、恰當履行合同義務的方式進obligations properly. The contractor or its represen ive approved in writing of the Engineer shall reside permanently at the worksite and dedicate all time to supervise the work execution. In case the Engineer revokes the referred approval, the contractor sha

54、ll immedia y upon receiving a written notice of this revocation move its represen ive from the worksite as soon as sible, shall not employ it again at the worksite and shall appo a replacement approved of the Engineer. This represen ive shall receive on behalf of the contractor the instructions i ed

55、 from the Engineer or the Engineers represen ive within limits described in article 2 of these conditions.行;承包商或其經工書 面批準的承包商代表應長駐現場,以全力進行施工;如工撤銷對承包商代表的批準,承包商代表應在收到通知后立即離開現場,承包商不得重新任命該代表;承包商應指定新代表,并以工的批準為準;承包商代表可以代表承包商收領工或工代表按照第 2 條權限發(fā)出的指令;Second, if the represen ive of contractor is unable to talkin

56、g in Arabic frequently, he shall employ he site and at all time a translator.2、承包商代表不能流利使用的,應在現場長期配備翻譯;GC-15 Contractors StaffGC-15 承包商, the contractor shall employ the following at the site to execute and maain works:1、承包商在現場為實施和工雇傭:a- technical assistants with experience and skill; each in their f

57、ield as well as efficient assistants, foremen and supervisors to control the assigned works properly.a-有經驗和技能的技術;b- the adequate number of skillful, semi-skillful and ordinary labors to execute and maain labors properly.b-足夠的熟練或半熟練的普通勞力進行實施和工程;Second, the Engineer shall have the right to object and

58、demand the contractor to remove immedia y from the site anemployed to execute and ma ain works or any related matter if the Engineer find ch rson ill-mannered, inefficient, negligent in duties or undesirable for the Engineer. In such case, thismay not be re-employed without the written consent of th

59、e Engineer. The contractor shall replace any dismissed as mentioned above wisubstitute approved ofthe Engineer.2、如工認為承包商的工程實施和或其他相關事項的規(guī)范、效率低下、忽視責任或不適合,工 可以要求其立即離場;非經工 的書面同意,承包商不得重新雇用此人;承包商應提供替代的 并得到工 的批準;GC-16 Worksites DeterminationGC-16 現場確認The contractor shall be responsible for executing works p

60、roperty at sites, connecting them with original the po s, main lines, dimen s and levels provided by the Engineer or Engineers represen ive, supply all equipment, instruments and workforce ne sary in this respect, rectifying any error in this execution or po s, lines dimen s and levels on its own un


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