1、PMP考前培訓什么是工程?PMBOK 1.2 詳細目的:明確定義、現實可行的目的(clearly defined realistic objectives)。 暫時性或一次性Temporary:明確的開場與終了。 獨特性Unique:發(fā)明獨特的產品、效力或結果。 相關的活動并耗費資源(Interrelated activities and consume resources)。問題:工程的4個特征中最重要的2個是什么?工程與日常運營的共性與區(qū)別?工程有始有終(Temporary) 開場和終了獨特的(Unique) 產品或效力由人來實施受制于有限的資源需求方案、實施和控制運營反復的(repeti
2、ve)進展的(ongoing)工程與運營Operation的關系漸進細化Progressive Elaboration PMBOK 1.2.3 是暫時性與 獨特性的綜合。漸進:按步驟進展,穩(wěn)步添加細化:仔細地將內容的細節(jié)全面展開。問題:以下哪一個不能被漸進細化? A:范圍 B:風險 C:工程產品 D:工程效力質量(Quality, Objective, requirements )本錢 (Cost, Budget)時間 (Time, Schedule)牽一發(fā)而動全身范圍風險工程的三個約束條件工程管理的定義什么是工程管理經過運用知識、技藝、工具和方法來組織、方案、實施并監(jiān)控工程活動,使之滿足工程
3、需求。源:PMBOK2000工程管理的特點過程、管理系統、方法的集合;有效的方案和控制;是對工程、工程群、工程組合的管理;工程管理既是管文科學,也是管理藝術。子工程Subproject PMBOK 1.5 工程中某一部分,在一定程度上是獨立運作的時候,就稱之為“子工程??蓛龋篜roject team.可外:Subcontractor.以一個單獨階段或工程過程為根底。例如:根據過程分:實施人員技藝分:工種技術內容分:程序自動測試。大型工程/工程群program PMBOK 1.5一組相關工程。有Ongoing operations運維例如:飛機消費出版報刊雜志單一工程就是工程群的子工程。在很多情
4、況下可以互用。工程組合管理Portfolio Management 公司戰(zhàn)略與可用資源有機結合的一種投資管理戰(zhàn)略。(Investment Management Strategy coordinating organizations strategic and available resources)選擇和支持某些產品消費線工程或大型工程,經過這些工程把公司戰(zhàn)略與資源聯絡在一同。(Selection and support of specific product line projects and programs that link the organizations strategic pl
5、an, investments)工程管理辦公室PMO 擔任協調許多工程及不同產品交錯一同的大型工程??勺鳛榻M織的一個部門。設立規(guī)范并主要擔任以下事物:采購、風險、WBS Dictionary績效評價資源管理題外話:CAPMPMPAutoCAQSoftware DevelopmentPMP+3500Hr+75QuestionsPMO工程生命周期 概念Concept開發(fā)Development實施Implementation終了Termination問題:沖突在工程生命周期中最多的階段是?沖突在工程生命周期中次多的階段是?必需是4個階段嗎?時間人員風險&時機開場終了工程干系人對工程的影響隨著時間的推
6、移變得越來越微弱。勝利的概率隨著時間的推移越來越大每個 階段的終了以預先定義的可交付成果為標志風險最大影響時段工程生命周期的特性(I)本錢工程生命周期的需求留意其他的方面Phase end Review:又叫Phase exits, Stage gates, Kill points繼續(xù)嗎? Go/no go.Corrective ActionLessons learned.區(qū)別project life cycle和 product life cycle:工程經理溝通方向及關系工程經理資助人老板工程團隊同事其他PM顧客供應商職能部門經理媒體政府群眾強矩陣型平衡矩陣弱矩陣型全時全時部分時間部分時間
7、部分時間工程管理行政人員工程經理/方案經理工程經理/方案經理工程經理/工程主任PM協調員/工程主管PM協調員/工程主管工程經理的頭銜全時全時全時部分時間部分時間工程經理85-100%50-95%15-60%0-25%幾乎沒有工程全時人員%大到幾乎全權中等到大小到中等有限很少或沒有工程經理的權威工程型組織矩 陣 型 組 織職能型組織組織類型工程特點工程組織構造對工程的影響工程管理5個過程決議立項按照方案執(zhí)行執(zhí)行情況與方案比較調整執(zhí)行情況 方案提供控制基線根據變卦調整方案根本思緒貫穿在工程的每一個環(huán)節(jié)制約要素Constrains PMBOK Applicable restricti
8、on affect the performance of the project. limit teams option on scope, staffing, schedule. 問題: 我們能改動制約要素嗎? 我們能逃避制約要素嗎? 制約要素的幾個能夠的來源是什么?假設(Assumptions) PMBOK for planning purpose considered to be True, Real or Certain Project team frequently Identify, Document, and Validate assumptions as par
9、t of Planning Process.工程方案與工程績效基線 PMBOK 工程方案: Formal, approved document used to manage project execution. Change over time. Includes a lot: 工程績效基線: Scope Time Cost Changed upon the approved changes on scope of work/deliverable.方案實施的工具和技術 PMBOK 4.2.2 普通管理技術。 產品技藝和知識。resource planning and staf
10、f acquisition 任務授權體系Work authorization system 同意工程任務的一個正式程序,用來確保: 按照恰當的時間、順序完成任務。 形狀評審會 PMIS 組織程序方案實施-任務結果 Work Result PMBOK 定義:為完成工程所執(zhí)行活動的各種結果。Outcomes of activities performed to accomplish the project. 提供如下信息: Deliverables 哪個完成,哪個沒有 Quality standard 滿足程度如何 Cost incurred/Committed (源自績效報告)
11、Can be Tangible or Intangible, But always Measurable. 方案實施變卦懇求 Change Request PMBOK 通常在工程任務完成時被識別。 例如: 對范圍、本錢、進度的變卦懇求。 多種方式:oral/written, direct/indirect, externally/internally initiated, legal/optional 但是,必需是正式的Formal集成變卦控制 PMBOK 4.3 (Integrated Change Controls) 關懷的是: 對引起變卦的要素施加影響,以保證這些變卦是征
12、得贊同的。 確定變卦曾經發(fā)生。 當變卦實踐發(fā)生時進展管理。留意:以上3條適用于詳細變卦控制過程,如:Scope, cost, time 要做的是: 維護performance measurement baseline完好性 確保product scope的變卦在Project scope中反映 協調各知識領域的變卦。 經過: 回絕新的變卦。 同意變卦并修訂工程基線。變卦控制系統 PMBOK (Change Control System) 由以下內容組成: 正式、文檔化的程序。 包括正式工程文件變卦的步驟。 規(guī)定如何對工程績效進展監(jiān)視和評價。 包括:文書任務Paperwork跟蹤
13、制度和流程Tracking systems and processes授權變卦所需的同意級別Approval level necessary for authorizing changes控制小組CCB, ERB, TRB, TAB“自動同意變卦配置管理 PMBOK Configuration Management 任何文檔化的程序,用于對以下方面進展技術和行政的指揮與監(jiān)視:識別任務項或系統的物理特性和功能特征,并構成文檔??刂七@些特征的任何變卦。記錄并報告這些變卦及實施形狀。審計這些任務項和系統以證明其與需求一致。很多領域是變卦控制系統的子集。也能夠指對變卦進展的任何系統的管
14、理。不能“自動同意變卦產品描畫 Product Description PMBOK 把工程將要發(fā)明的產品或效力的特征編制成文檔。應將產品或效力與商業(yè)需求或其他導致工程產生緣由之間的關系編制成文檔??梢噪S工程的進展?jié)u進細化。在工程初期, be less detail/high level, 然后但是, 又要 detailed enough for project planning當Seller按照與Buyer訂立的Contract執(zhí)行時,最初的產品描畫普通由Buyer提供。工程選擇方法 PMBOK Project Selection Method 方法:效益丈量法
15、Benefit measurement methodsEconomic Model, scoring model,約束優(yōu)化法Constrained optimization methods)Mathematical Model,決策模型 Decision Model:General Techniques(decision trees, forced choice)Specific Techniques(Analytic Hierarchy Process, Logical Framework Analysis,)Apply complex project selection criteria
16、in a Sophisticated modeseparate project phase (Feasibility Study phase) Decision Model贏利才干的計算Profitability Calculation投資報酬率( ROI )=Operating income/Investment現值 (PV) = FV/ (1+r)n凈現值 (NPV)內部收益率 (IRR)使投資現值之和等于收入現值之和的折現率?;厥掌赑ayback period工程章程 Project Charter PMBOK 定義:A document that formally au
17、thorizes a project. 內容:Officially establishes the project.Assign the project manager and authorizes the use of organizations resources to accomplish project activities.Provides a general description of project objective and business reason for project.問題:以下哪個是銷售方seller的工程章程?Contract3. Statement of r
18、equirement Scope statement4. Statement of Objective工程經理的指派 PMBOK Project Managers Assignment 工程可行,越早越好。 最遲不得晚于Execution. Preferable早于工程方案編制完成前。 問題:以上哪個最好?One answering principle, only choose the best fit answer. 范圍闡明 Scope Statement PMBOK Provides a documented basis forMaking future
19、project decisionConfirming or developing common understanding of project scope among the stakeholders. Will be revised or refined to reflect approved scope changes.Includes or reference to:工程論證Project justification Business needs; a basis for tradeoffs.Projects product product description()Pr
20、oject deliverables a list of summary level Sub-products.Project objectives quantifiable criteria to measure successat least: Cost Schedule QualitySMART ObjectiveInvolves subdividing the major project deliverables or sub-deliverables smallermore manageable unitsUntil sufficient detailed defined deliv
21、erables toSupport developing Activity.分解 Decomposition PMBOK Step 1: 識別主要可交付成果 Identify major deliverablesStep 2: Decide if adequate cost and duration estimate can be developedStep 3: Identify constituent components(組成元素)Step 4: Verify the correctness 任務分解構造 WBS PMBOK 面向可交付成果而對工程元素的分
22、組,它組織并定義了整個工程范圍。Deliverable-oriented, Not activity oriented.Work not in WBS is outside scope of project.Unique identifier Code of accountWork package Lowest level item of WBS Can be decomposed in a Subproject WBS. some books: 80 hours.WBS dictionary: work component descriptions. typically include: w
23、ork package, schedule dates, Cost budget, staff assignment任務分解構造與其他構造的區(qū)別 PMBOK CWBS(Contractual WBS):合同任務分解構造定義賣方提供應買方報告的層次,不如WBS詳細。OBS(Organization breakdown structure):組織分解構造顯示任務被分配到組織單元。RBS (Resource breakdown structure):資源分解構造OBS的一種變異,將任務元素分配到個人。BOM (Bill of Material):資料清單制造產品所需零部件等的分級層次
24、。PBS (Project breakdown Structure) :工程分解構造即WBS,用于某些將BOM稱為WBS的領域。范圍核實 Scope Verification PMBOK 5.4 是工程干系人正式接受Formal Acceptance工程的過程。需求審查Deliverables和Work results,以確保正確圓滿完成。工程提早終止,那么應對工程完成程度建立文檔。留意區(qū)別:范圍核實與質量控制。范圍核實:關懷任務結果的“接受Acceptance質量控制:關懷任務結果的“正確性CorrectnessInspection= Review, product reviews, aud
25、its, walkthrough變卦懇求 Change Request PMBOK 多種方式:oral/written, direct/indirect, externally/internally initiated, legal/optional但是,必需是正式的Formal引起變卦懇求的緣由:外部事件定義Product scope 時的錯誤或脫漏error/omission定義Project scope 時的錯誤或脫漏error/omissionValue-adding change (尤其在Optional時)Riskcontingency plan or workar
26、ound plan.()Activity Definition 活動定義 PMBOK 6.1分解(Decomposition ):將任務包細分為:更小、更易于管理的活動Activity。與范圍定義中分解的區(qū)別:Output 不同:deliverable / activity.活動清單工程執(zhí)行的一切活動。WBS的延伸。每個活動要有描畫。WBS更新。又叫精細化 Refinement.Dependencies 依賴關系 PMBOK 6.2 Mandatory 強迫 Often involve physical or technological
27、 limitations (based on the nature of work being done)也叫硬邏輯,硬依賴關系。 Discretionary 恣意 Best practice 軟邏輯 Soft Logic: desirable and customary (based on experience) 優(yōu)先 Preferential: preferred or mandated by a customer (also, need of the project sponsor) External Project activity with nonproject activity.前
28、導圖法 PMBOK Precedence Diagramming MethodAON (Activity on Node): Node=activity, Arrow=dependencies One time estimateLead and LagFour relationships: Finish to StartFinish to FinishStart to StartStart to FinishTASK1TASK2TASK1TASK2TASK1TASK2TASK1TASK2ESEFLSLFESEFLSLF箭線圖法 PMBOK Arrow Diagr
29、amming MethodAOA (Activity on Arrow): 雙代號網絡圖,活動在箭線上。有虛擬活動Dummy Activity: 普通用虛線表示, 0 duration.No LagOne relationship: Finish to startS1234EABCDEFG方案評審技術 PERT PMBOK Three time estimate悲觀值 Pessimistic最能夠值 Most Likely樂觀值 OptimisticWeighted Average=(Optimistic + 4*Most likely + Pessimistic)/6Stand
30、ard deviation(規(guī)范差)=(Pessimistic - Optimistic)/6Beta DistributionMost LikelyPERT Weighted Average關鍵途徑法 CPM PMBOK One time estimate Most likelyCalculate forward pass & backward passFloat/Slack 時差Free float= Early Finish - Early start of successor activity(不影響任何緊隨活動的ES。)Total Float = Early finis
31、h Late finish (不影響工程完工日期。)Critical PathLongestShortestZero條件圖法 PMBOK Conditional Diagramming Method GERT:圖形評審技術允許回路LOOP,如:反復多次進展一項測試或條件分枝 Conditional branches,如:只需當檢測出錯誤時才進展設計更新的存在,這是PDM和ADM所不允許的。Conditional and probabilistic treatmentSystem Dynamics Models:系統動態(tài)模型工期=7Task AESEFLSLF工期=6Task C
32、ESEFLSLF工期=3Task GESEFLSLF工期=3Task BESEFLSLF工期=3Task DESEFLSLF工期=2Task FESEFLSLF工期=3Task EESEFLSLF工期=2Task HESEFLSLF開場終了計算子網絡 Sub Nets Fragnets PMBOK 網絡模板Network templates使制圖過程更便利??砂ㄕ麄€工程,也可是其中一部分。網絡的一部分稱為:子網絡。特別用于網絡中有重疊或類似內容時。例如:蓋樓的每一層、醫(yī)藥臨床等。趕工 Crashing: 本錢與進度的平衡/折衷。cost and schedule tradeof
33、f。確定如何用最小的本錢獲得最大的工期緊縮。通常本錢添加。快速跟進 Fast tracking: 將前后順序變?yōu)槠叫?change sequence to parallel。通常風險添加。工期緊縮 Duration Compression PMBOK Resource Leveling/Smoothing/Allocation:用在 resources constraint circumstances.將稀缺資源先分配到關鍵途徑上。 Allocate scare resources to the Critical Path Activities first.通常導致比最初進度更
34、長的工期。Often result the longer duration than preliminary schedule.資源重新分配 Resource Reallocation:用在 time constraint circumstances將資源從非關鍵途徑上重新分配到關鍵途徑上,以彌補曾經落今后的進度,或盡能夠接近原定工期。Resources reallocated from non-critical to critical activities to bring the schedule back, or as close as possible to its originall
35、y intended overall duration.Extend hours, weekends, multiple shifts.Increase productivity by using different technologies and machinery.啟發(fā)式資源平衡法 PMBOK Resource Leveling Heuristics啟發(fā)式資源平衡法 PMBOK Resource Leveling Heuristics資源逆向分配 Reverse resource allocation scheduling:有限或關鍵資源Finite an
36、d critical resource).從工程終了時間逆推進度Scheduled backwards from ending date關鍵途徑資源方案 Critical Chain resource Planning:A technique modifies the schedule to account for limited resources.Question:Add more people on a task can increase or decrease the productivity?進度更新 Schedule Updates PMBOK 更新 Update:M
37、odification to scheduleMay or May Not require to adjustments to other aspects of project Plan.修訂 Revision:Special category of Update.Change to the start and finish dates in approved project schedule.Generally in response to the scope changes or changes to estimate.重新確定基線 Rebaselining:While schedule
38、severe delay, the original performance measurement baseline not applicableBe careful, since the historical data will be lost.本錢管理Cost ManagementWhats cost management?Including:Initiate the projectEstimatingOrganizingControllingAnalyzingReportingForecastingTaking necessary corrective action when requ
39、ired.關于本錢管理的問題本錢管理的目的?確保在同意的預算內完成工程的各個過程。本錢管理的方法?資源方案、本錢的估算、預算、控制誰對本錢在不同時間有不同的需求?管理層實施結果,獎勵與識別,買方不同的合同類型下針對不同的管理需求,本錢有哪些類型?可控、不可控;固定、變動;直接、間接如何控制與管理變卦?糾正措施?S曲線?掙值?本錢估算技術Cost Estimating Techniques模擬(類比)估算 Analogous Estimating “top down; using actual costs from previous project as basis for estimate R
40、eliable when previous projects are similar and individuals have expertise form of expert judgment參數模型 Parametric Modeling uses project characteristics in mathematical models to predict costs (e.g.building houses)Reliable when historical information is accurate, parameters are quantifiable, and model
41、 is scalable2 types: Regression analysis, Learning Curve 從下至上的估算 Bottom Up Estimating rolling up individual activities into project total smaller work activities have more accuracy 計算機工具 Computerized tools spreadsheets, software 估算的準確性 (Accuracy of Estimates量級估算 Order of Magnitude Estimate: -25% to
42、75%; Without detailed data, Best guess, usually made during Initiation PhaseOther Names: guesstimates, Conceptual, Preliminary預算估算 Budget Estimate: -10% to 25%; More better data, usually made during the Planning phaseOther Names: Appropriation, Control, and Design確定估算 Definitive Estimate: -5% to 10%
43、; Well defined data, usually bottom up.Other Names: Check, Lump sum, Tender, Post contract changes.估算的準確性Cost Estimates:量級估算Order of Magnitude (ballpark estimate):During initial evaluation預算估算 Budget : Used to obtain funds and project approval.確定估算 Definitive: Proposals, bid evaluation, contract cha
44、nge etc.Order of MagnitudeDefinitiveEstimateBudget Estimate75%-25%25%-10%10%-5%生命周期本錢Life cycle costing開發(fā)本錢 Development cost消費本錢 Production cost運維本錢 Operating/ Maintenance cost處置本錢 Discard costDisposal cost while product passed its point of usefulness. (e.g. 電池,化學品 etc.)Time Value of MoneyPV = amoun
45、t of payment in N years divided by (1 + interest)n NPV=Sum of PV of inflow and outflowNPV0, goNPV=0, considerNPVAC,節(jié)約;EVBV,超前;EVBV,滯后。ETC指從今以后一段時間; EAC指任務終了那個點。Quality 質量 Quality: 實體中與它滿足明確需求和隱含需求的才干相關的一切特性的總和。Totality of characteristics of an entity that bear on its ability to satisfy stated or imp
46、lied needs.Five misunderstandings about quality:Quality means goodness or luxury.Quality is intangible and not measurable.Quality is Expensive.Quality problem is originated by workers.Quality originate in quality department.區(qū)別質量與等級:如酒店星級區(qū)別質量與鍍金Gold plating質量目的 Quality Goals質量的目的是: 適宜于運用Fitness for u
47、se. (產品或效力能否運用?Is the product or service capable of being used?) 適宜于目的Fitness for purpose. (產品或效力到達了設計目的?Does the product or service meet its intended purpose?) 顧客稱心 Customer satisfaction. (產品或效力滿足了顧客的期望?Does the product or service meet the customers expectations?) 符合需求 Conformance to the requiremen
48、ts. (產品或效力能否符合要求?Does the product or service conform to the requirements?) 質量責任 Responsibility for Quality 高層管理 Top management擔任組織的質量。Responsible for Quality of the Organization工程經理Project manager擔任工程的質量。 Responsible for Quality of the project Individual employee擔任其所做任務的質量。Responsible for the tasks
49、they performedQuality Planning 質量方案 PMBOK8.1.1 確定與工程有關的質量規(guī)范并確定到達規(guī)范的方法。質量政策Quality policy有組織的最高層正式發(fā)布的關于質量的總目的和總方向。假設組織沒有正式質量政策,工程團隊應該為工程指定質量政策。工程團隊有責任確保干系人全面獲知質量政策。范圍闡明Scope statement產品描畫Product description規(guī)范和規(guī)范Standard and regulation實驗設計 Design of Experiments PMBOK一種統計方法,協助識別哪些要素將影響某種變量。多用于工程
50、產品上。如:汽車設計中確定哪種懸置與車輪的搭配效果最好,并且價位合理。工程中的用途本錢與進度tradeoff:高級工程師的費用高但用時少,低級工程師那么相反。將高級和低級工程師進展多種組合,已確定最正確。Quality Cost 質量本錢 PMBOK質量本錢指為了到達產品/效力質量而進展的全部任務所發(fā)生的一切本錢。包括符合要求的本錢和不符合要求的本錢。(Cost of Conformance/ non-conformance)典型工程普通設定工程價值的 3-5%作為質量管理的本錢。質量本錢類型 Quality Cost Category:預防本錢Prevention Cost -
51、 cost to plan and execute a project so that it will be error-free 鑒定本錢Appraisal Cost - cost of evaluating the processes and the outputs of the processes to ensure the product is error-free 內部失敗缺點本錢 Internal Failure Cost - cost incurred to correct an identified defect before the customer receives the
52、 product 外部失敗缺點本錢 External Failure Cost - cost incurred due to errors detected by the customer. This includes warranty cost, field service personnel training cost, complaint handling, and future business losses. 丈量與檢測設備本錢Measurement and Test Equipment - capital cost of equipment used to perform prev
53、ention and appraisal activities. QA and QC Comparison 質量保證(QA): 在質量體系中實施的全部有方案、有系統的活動,以提供滿足工程相關規(guī)范的自信心。 質量控制(QC): 一個過程,用來監(jiān)控詳細工程結果,以決議他們能否符合相關的質量規(guī)范,并識別消除不稱心績效的成因。QAManagerial processOrganizeDesigns programs/processesSets objectivesProvide resourcesDevelops proceduresQCTechnical aspect of QualityExamin
54、esAnalyzesMonitors conformanceProvides reporting質量控制中要區(qū)分以下概念 PMBOK8.3預防(prevention)與檢查(inspection)特性抽樣(attribute sampling)與變量抽樣(variable sampling)特殊緣由(special cause)與隨機緣由(random cause)答應的誤差(Tolerance/Threshold)與控制限制(control limits)質量工具 Quality Tools 流程圖曲線圖帕累托圖Pareto Diagram-80/20定理因果圖魚骨圖/Ishikawa圖圖表
55、Graphs控制圖Control Charts核對表ChecksheetsSampling 確定樣本大小Before reject product, benchmark the number of defect(this is the management responsibility).MethodsAcceptanceAttributeSpecial AttributeContinuous samplingChainSkip-lot Variable sampling 不斷改良Continues Improvement Process PDCA (戴明 Deming):方案Plan 提高當
56、前的實際 improve the present practice 執(zhí)行 Do 方案的實施implement the plan檢查 Check 經過測試來察看能否得到了期望的結果。test to see if desired results are achieved行動 Act 實施糾正行動。Implement corrective Action戴明還論述說:85%的質量問題應由管理層擔任,另外15%由團隊成員擔任。Deming also stated that 85% of poor quality is attributable to the management, 15% to the
57、team members.Taguchis theoryQuality should be designed into the product, not inspected into it.Quality is best achieved by minimizing the deviation from a target. The product should be designed to be immune to uncontrollable environmental factors.The cost of quality should be measured as a function
58、of deviation from the standard and the losses should be measured system-wide.AAR接受ARA測試ACR設計ACR需求EDCBAR擔任A協助C審查責任分配矩陣可在各個等級實行責任分配矩陣PM Roles and Responsibilities Integrator 集成者是看到工程目的及工程如何融入組織整體方案的人。PM is the most likely person who can view both the project and the way it fits into the overall plan f
59、or the organization. 協調工程團隊的努力。Must coordinate the efforts of all the units of the project team. Communicator : 程度,垂直,內外,正式非正式等 Team Leader Decision Maker Climate Creator or Builder The PM should attempt to build a supportive atmosphere so that project team members work together and not against one
60、another. Seek to avoid unrest and negative forms of conflict by building supportive atmosphere early. 權益的類型 法定 Legitimate or Formal): 基于一個人在公司中的正式位置。Based on a persons formal position in the company. 獎賞 Reward: 提供好結果的才干。如:提升、漲工資等 Power to give positive consequences or outcomes. 強迫 Coercive (Penalty)
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